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{{Organization infobox
|name=Clan Arcona
|image=[[Image:Carc-logo.jpg‎ |250px|Clan Arcona logo]]
|founder=Donitz (House), Nighthawk (Clan)
|founder=Donitz (House), Nighthawk (Clan)
|leader=*[[Consul]]: [[Sashar Kodiak Erinos]]
|leader=* Consul: {{ArcCON}}
*[[Proconsul]]: [[Vorion]]
* Proconsul: {{ArcPCON}}
|members=* '''Nighthawk'''
*[[Mejas Doto|Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae]]
* [[James Lucius Entar Arconae|James Lucius '''Entar''' Arconae]]
*[[James Lucius Entar Arconae]]
* [[Mejas Doto|Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae]]
*[[Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae|Voranyen d'Tana]]
* [[Strategos Thanatos Entar|Strategos Thanatos '''Entar''' Arconae]]
*Denath Ciarus
* [[Timeros|Timeros Caesus '''Entar''' Arconae]]
*[[Strategos Thanatos Entar|Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae]]
* [[Marick Arconae]]
|headquarters=Arcona Citadel, Selen
* [[Wuntila Arconae]]
|locations=Last Stand<br>Temple Ruins<br>Arcona Citadel<br>Oriens Obscurum Temple<br>Galeres Headquarters<br>Mining Facility<br>Monument of Eldar<br>Qel-Droma Temple
* [[Nadrin Erinos Arconae]]
* [[Teroch Erinos|Teroch Erinos Arconae]]
|headquarters=[[Arcona Citadel]], [[Estle City]], [[Selen]]
|formed=Independent House Arcona
|formed=Independent House Arcona
|founded=[[11 ABY to 19 ABY | 14 ABY]]
|founded=[[11 ABY to 19 ABY|14 ABY]]
|reorganized=[[26 ABY to Present|27 ABY]]
|reorganized=[[26 ABY to Present|27 ABY]]
|dissolved=[[30 ABY to 39 ABY|33 ABY]] {{C|Returned to House status}}
|restored=[[30 ABY to 39 ABY|35 ABY]] {{C|Returned to Clan Status}}
|affiliation=[[Dark Brotherhood]]
|affiliation=[[Dark Brotherhood]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]

{{quote|Light is limited;<br>Darkness is infinite.|'''Arcona Clan Motto'''}}  
{{Quote|Light is limited<nowiki>;</nowiki><br>Darkness is infinite.|'''Arcona Motto'''}}

{{quote|First to wake, last to die<br>Do or Do Not; there is not try<br>Domination of every foe<br>Arconan shadows take control|'''Dalthid'''}}  
'''Clan Arcona''' is the First Clan of the [[Dark Brotherhood|Brotherhood of Dark Jedi]]. It currently has two constituent [[House|Houses]]: [[House Qel-Droma]] and [[House Galeres]]. A third house, [[House Oriens Obscurum]], has also been active in Arcona's past. For a brief time in 34 ABY, the Clan was reorganized into a House with the rest of the Brotherhood, before being the first to reform into a Clan towards the start of 35 ABY. Arcona is currently lead by {{ArcCON}} and {{ArcPCON}}, and has won the past three Great Jedi Wars (IX-XI).

'''Clan Arcona''' is one of six remaining Dark Jedi [[Clan|Clans]] within the [[Dark Brotherhood|Brotherhood of Dark Jedi]]. It currently has two constituent [[House|Houses]]:  [[House Qel-Droma]] and [[House Galeres|Galeres]].
For a more detailed summary of the Clan and its assets, please see the [[Arcona Prospectus]]. A full account of its military structure can be found on the [[Arconan Armed Forces Portal]].

For a summary of the clan, see the [[Clan Arcona Prospectus]].   
==  The Hymn of Arcona  ==
The history of Arcona can best be heard through '''The Hymn of Arcona''' as written by [[Vassan Rokir]]:
''From time in memorium, a battle we wage <br />
''Between Clans of Swordsmen, Pilot and Sage. <br />
''In knowledge and blood our successes gauged. <br />
''And victory upon victory, like a fine wine we age. <br />
''First there was Nighthawk, our founder on high<br />
''He whose vision of glory none could deny:<br />
''"A legacy of power!" to the stars he did cry<br />
''And born was Arcona, here her history I scry.<br />
''Thus, like a child, a noble House were we;<br />
''Noble in mind, noble in arm, noble in philosophy.<br />
''Whence then came a tumult, within CSP,<br />
''Our House doors were opened, host of sanctuary.<br />
''Dark Jedi of Palatinae, disillusioned by conflicts internal<br />
''Parted thus, but found life as "rogue" to edge on the infernal.<br />
''Wise Quaestor Nighthawk, plotting a legacy eternal<br />
''Made bastion of our lands, and unto the rogues were we paternal.<br />
''New allies made we, of the Palatinae Jedi;<br />
''So strong was their bond that they did decide:<br />
''"Our allegiance to Scholae be damned and defied;<br />
''True brothers have we in Arcona; our faith be undenied!"<br />
''And with speed our Father House, noble and strong, <br />
''Grew in size and power, making richer a rich history already long.<br />
''And soon, with volume and zeal was struck the gong:<br />
''"A House we stand, but united a Clan!" came the glorious song.<br />
''But among the loyal revelers, a rotting faction brewed:<br />
''Rogue Jedi of [[Scholae Palatinae]], in jealousy they stewed.<br />
''Presently, a defection back to their origins ensued,<br />
''And Clan Scholae Palatinae was to be hollowly renewed.<br />
''With tails between legs, the Scholae Jedi fled,<br />
''But not all escaped without first being struck dead.<br />
''Six conflicts I speak now, sure to be read;<br />
''Noble Arcona robbed six Palatinae of their treacherous heads:<br />
''Obelisk Blazer and Obelisk Morth cornered a pair.<br />
''With a leap and a slash, Morth's saber did flare<br />
''And cleft one in twain, as then did Blazer dare<br />
''To slice the other's belly, a cut no thicker than a hair.<br />
''To their ships ran another two, eager to escape their fate.<br />
''Into orbit they flew, but followed by Sith hunger, needing sate.<br />
''Shotgun and Shark, in their TIEs with the enemy did their sights mate<br />
''And with flicks of trigger, explosive retribution did they create.<br />
''And of the last two I speak, were felled by the powers of Krath.<br />
''Sensing two that remained, Nighthawk and [[Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae|Voranyen]] released their wrath.<br />
''Using the Force, the kind that comes from the Dark path,<br />
''They did crush two throats, leaving six bodies, as says the math.<br />
''And so the battle was done, many traitors had paid;<br />
''Their lives for their "freedom" was their futile trade.<br />
''And through conflict's heat the stronger were we made<br />
''That the dark flame of Arcona would never fade.<br />
''So here the tale of Arcona we begin;<br />
''Clan forged in darkness, fire, and the wages of sin.<br />
==  History I: Origins (14 ABY - 16 ABY) ==
{{Quote|First to wake, last to die<br>Do or Do Not; there is not try<br>Domination of every foe<br>Arconan shadows take control|'''Dalthid'''}}
===  Inception (14 ABY)  ===
In 14 ABY, under the first reign of Grand Master [[Khyron]], the Brotherhood had four Clans: [[Scholae Palatinae]], [[Satal Keto]], [[Aquillas]], and [[Tarentum]]. The Independent House [[Naga Sadow]] also vied for dominance within the Aurora galaxy. It was during those days that the Empire Reborn was crushed, and the fall of the Disciples of Ragnos, a rival Sith cult, came about.
A Sith Warrior by name of Donitz sought to forge a new Independent House, and after gathering enough support, House Arcona was forged. Donitz served as its first Quaestor, with Dev as his Aedile, but was soon replaced by Gilkane. Another Quaestor, Lioness, led the growing House for a time, until [[Nighthawk]] took over.
=== Expansion (15 ABY - 16 ABY) ===
Shortly before winning the [[M/INT Orthanc|M/INT ''Orthanc'']] from Satal Keto, Quaestor Nighthawk was granted permission to convert the Independent House into a Clan. This was a tremendous victory for Arcona, and it elevated them to the same plane as the other Clans of the Brotherhood.
Arcona's militant House, Galeres, was created to hold the front-line fighters. With legendary battleteams such as [[Dark Orb|Dark Orb Phyle]] and [[Soulfire Strike Team]], the House proclaimed its dominance from its barracks on Garrida. It later became aligned with the Obelisk Order following the benediction of Grand Master Khyron.
House Qel-Droma was created to provide mystical strength to Arcona's arsenal, offering guidance and education to all who sought it. From the moon of Mar Sala, the House bided its time, safeguarding Arcona's temple. It was the perfect choice for future alignment with the Krath.
== History II: Emergence (16 ABY - 19 ABY) ==
===  Scholae Palatinae's Loss; Arcona's Gain (16 ABY - 17 ABY) ===
A major tragedy befell Clan Scholae Palatinae, and the Clan was destroyed at the hands of the [[Star Chamber]]. Many of the survivors were offered salvation in Arcona, which for a short time took in Houses [[Acclivis Draco]] and [[Dorimad Sol]]. These two Houses were later merged to forge the third permanent House of Arcona: [[Oriens Obscurum]], the rising darkness. Oriens was later chosen to oversee Arcona's naval fleet, defending Coronada space from their base on Joharta.
===  First to Wake (17 ABY - 18 ABY) ===
Arcona’s first brush with Clan [[Taldryan]], widely regarded as the greatest vendetta Clan in the Brotherhood, did not end well. Their recently won prize from Clan Satal Keto, the ''Orthanc'', was pried from their hands. Smarting a bit, Clan Arcona built up its assets and strengthened, biding its time.
The [[Second Great Jedi War]] was the first major vendetta Arcona was involved in, and they did well, placing second behind House [[Ektrosis]]. Arcona’s military was one of the leading forces against the pirates that fought the Brotherhood, and as such Grand Master Khyron saw fit to award them a Carrack cruiser, the [[CRCK Nighthawk|CRCK ''Nighthawk'']]. 
By the time the [[Third Great Jedi War]] came around, the Clans had already begun to attack each other, and the conflicts evolved into a full-scale clash for supremacy in the Brotherhood. Arcona held its own, and rode a wave of success and growth into their next major engagement, in the next war.
Then the [[Fourth Great Jedi War]] took place, and Arcona was sent out on a hunt for a precious item. They did well, but slipped to fourth place, behind their new rivals, Clan Scholae Palatinae. A bit disappointed, the Consul led his members back to their home system so they could nurse their wounds from the quest and continue to grow internally.
The [[Fifth Great Jedi War]], in 18 ABY, found Clan Arcona in a time of desperation. The Clan was weakened by an attack on its assets at the outset of the war, as its military and ships were decimated after bearing the full force of the Brotherhood’s enemies. [[Vassan Rokir]] was made Consul in the middle of the war, and was tasked with bringing the Clan back up to par.
===  The Exodus (19 ABY) ===
In 19 ABY, the Exodus, one of the most difficult times for the Brotherhood, hit Clan Arcona hard as well. Most of the events of the Exodus in Arcona are lost to the ages, but historians have worked tirelessly to try and puzzle out the facts and fictions about what happened all those years ago.
Nearly all of both Houses chose to go with the Brotherhood, and hastily packed everything they could carry with them. However, many treasured items were left behind because they could not be carried by those fleeing the Coronada system. The Exodus hit House Qel-Droma the hardest of the Arconan Houses. Being primarily a Krath House, and having to determine between irreplaceable and expendable items like databases, records, and artifacts in a short time, it was particularly painful and difficult during the split.
Uncertainties abounded about whether or not Arcona would even get a new home, and shadowed whispers plagued the Clan for some time. However, [[starwars:Ulic Qel-Droma|Ulic Qel-Droma’s]] ''Book of Shadows'' served to guide the Summit to a new system, [[Dajorra System|Dajorra]]. Those members that remained loyal to the Consul packed up their belongings and headed for the new system. Upon arrival, a makeshift base was thrown up on the planet [[Sukhur]], one of the harshest planets in the system.
Houses Galeres and Oriens Obscurum both planned to construct their headquarters on [[Eldar]], but only one was permitted. So, Consul Vassan declared a Feud between the two Houses over the planet, and vicious combat began immediately. After the feud had concluded, Galeres was shown to be top dog, and was given Eldar.
== History III: Rise of Dajorra (20 ABY - 27 ABY) ==
===  Arconan Shadows Take Control (20 ABY - 22 ABY) ===
Shortly after the Exodus, Consul [[Mejas Doto]] became leader of the Clan, and immediately began to strengthen the group. They defeated their rival Clan, [[Scholae Palatinae]], in a Feud. The victory served as an enormous confidence booster, and propelled the Clan into the first Independence Games in 2003. In those Games, Arcona had another strong showing, taking second place and claiming their due glories. Consul Mejas watched his Clan grow more powerful by the day, as they shifted to prepare for their next challenge under his watchful eye. 
In 21 ABY, under Consul JaM3z Lucius '''Entar''', former Proconsul under Mejas, the Clan continued to thrive. They were the driving force in the [[Invasion of Antares]], coming in a strong second place to Clan [[Tarentum]] in the “Third Sith War”. In those days, Clan Arcona was one of the hardest-hitting Clans in the Brotherhood, and the Arconans were eager to prove it again and again. That same year, the War of the Star Chamber took place. Chaos seized the Brotherhood, and horrible warfare tore at the very fibers of the Dark Jedi. When the conflict was finally ended by Lord [[Firefox]], the Grand Master decreed that [[Taldryan|Clan Taldryan]] had narrowly edged [[Tarentum|Clan Tarentum]], with Arcona showing up in a strong third. 
Towards the end of James Lucius' tenure as Consul, the [[K'hamar'an Crisis]] took place as a result of mystery swirling around in the Shadow Academy. Unforunately, Clan Arcona struggled during the invasion, losing many military personnel and equipment. Limping back to Dajorra, Arcona was declared fifth, and left alone to rebuild under new Consul [[Vassan Rokir|Vassan]] and Proconsul a`Lan Mandragoran. It was late in 22 ABY at the time, with [[Jac Cotelin]] as Grand Master, when [[Antei]] was invaded and brought under full government control. Even as the Brotherhood thrived, Arcona slowly weakened.
=== Shadows Deepen (23 ABY - 27 ABY) ===
The [[Invasion of Coratua]] called the warriors of Clan Arcona sooner than Consul Vassan would have hoped, as they were sent off to Coratua in 23 ABY. Arcona's faithful fought hard against the pirates, but still struggled in comparison to their past glories. A fifth place finish sent the Clan reeling once more, and a`Lan Mandragoran was given control of the rebuilding efforts. He did the best he could, and the Clan stabilized as things seemed to be looking up. However, the treachery of Clan Taldryan nearly led to all-out war between the two Clans.
[[Halcyon Rokir]] was the new Consul of Arcona, and during his reign the [[Selen Incident]] took place. Taldryan agents infiltrated Clan Arcona's home system, and both Dark Jedi were captured and held on Selen. Taldryan sent a large fleet to surround the Arconan headquarters, and Halcyon and Duga, Consul of Taldryan, verbally derided each other's actions. The situation was diffused, however, and any disagreements were put behind the Clan as they entered the [[Seventh Great Jedi War]]. Turning around its recent struggles, Arcona took a proud third place in the war, defeating their rivals, Clan Scholae Palatinae.
Strategos Thanatos Entar was the next Consul of Arcona, and he helped keep the Clan on its toes. He led them through the [[Second Darkness]], finishing in a close fourth place. His tenure as Consul lasted two full years, but he relinquished leadership to [[Timeros]] during the [[Eighth Great Jedi War]]. During the Incursion, an unknown alien race smashed the Brotherhood defenses, and Arcona was effected more severely than most of the other Clans, having their home system of Dajorra torn from them. Homeless, they were left to fend for themselves aboard their fleet.
== History IV: Shadows and Glory (28 ABY - 33 ABY) ==
===  Last to Die (28 ABY - 29 ABY) ===
Mejas Doto returned as Consul in 28 ABY to take charge of the rebuilding efforts. He led the Clan very well, and they bounced back as best as possible from the horrifying defeat at the hands of the aliens. The Zabrak Master pulled Arcona into the 2008 [[Independence Games]], where they placed a notable third, gaining a bit more muscle back. Mejas served as Consul for over a year, before stepping down for [[Sashar Arconae]] to take over.
=== The Ninth Great Jedi War: Unification (30 ABY) ===
:''Main Article: [[Ninth Great Jedi War]]''
The Ninth Great Jedi War took place in 30 ABY, and was a pivotal event in not just the history of Arcona, but the history of the entire Brotherhood. Led by Grand Master [[Sarin]], the Brotherhood’s fleet returned to [[Antei]] for the first time since their demoralizing defeat at the hands of the alien invaders in the [[Eighth Great Jedi War]], anticipating another fight with the aliens. Instead, they found that their enemy had been wiped out by a plague, and had been replaced by a sect led by Jedi Master Omancor Crask. Crask had defeated the occupying forces with a biological weapon and had conquered the planet with an army of droids, which he then turned against the Brotherhood.
Clan Arcona’s forces were led by Consul [[Sashar]], who commanded the Arconan Expeditionary Force. With Sashar at the helm, they successfully navigated through the Shroud, and deployed a number of foxtrot outfits of Dark Jedi planetside to help lead the fight against the Jedi and the droids. Despite being rocked with infighting, resulting in a number of high-level defections that included Proconsul Vorion and the Quaestors of both Qel-Droma and Galeres, Arcona remained strong.
[[Malidir Trepidus Erinos]] emerged as one of Arcona’s greatest warriors during the conflict on Antei, and at the end of the war, was recognized by the Iron Throne for his service and declared the First Hero of the war. Following the death of Crask at the hands of his subordinate, and the death of Grand Master Sarin as well, Arcona and the combined forces of the Brotherhood secured their victory over the planet.
When the dust settled, Consul Sashar and his closest lieutenants, Proconsul [[Strategos Thanatos Entar|Strategos]] and Quaestors [[Legorii]] and [[Timeros]], watched as the newly minted Grand Master, [[Muz Ashen]], commended Clan Arcona for their distinguished efforts and named them the victors of the conflict. In triumph, the Arconan Expeditionary Force returned to Dajorra with a new vessel, the [[NSD Invicta|NSD ''Invicta'']], and immediately set about the task of rebuilding their system.
=== Rite of Supremacy: Spoils of War (32 ABY - 33 ABY) ===
:''Main Article: [[Spoils of War]]''
In 32 ABY, just two years after the events of the Unification, Grand Master [[Muz]] summoned the forces of the Brotherhood to invade [[starwars:Salas V|Salas V]], promising the planet to whichever unit provided itself deserving.
Arcona, still under the leadership of Consul Sashar, was caught somewhat off-guard by the summons, and had stretched its resources across the Dajorra System in its rebuilding efforts. Sashar led the Arconan Expeditionary Fleet into action once more, but got off to a slow start on Salas V as their ground forces found themselves unprepared for the [[starwars:Killik|Killik]] hives that they were sent in to exterminate.
Surprisingly, it was the youngest House, [[Revan]], that was most equipped to handle the challenges that Salas V presented, and took advantage of the bitter rivalries between the Clans to claim the planet as their own while the larger units tore one another apart. Arcona survived the conflict, and did not incur the heavy losses that many other Clans were faced with, but Consul Sashar led his defeated forces back to Dajorra with much still to prove.
== History V: Turmoil and Transformation (34 ABY - 35 ABY) ==

== History ==
=== The Humbling of Arcona (34 ABY) ===

The history of Arcona can best be heard through '''The Hymn of Arcona''' as written by [[Vassan Rokir]]:
[[Celahir Erinos]] took over the Serpentine Throne from Sashar, following a brief placeholder reign by former Consul [[Strategos Thanatos Entar|Strategos]]. Celahir, a long-time Quaestor of Qel-Droma who had succeeded Legorii Kryotek following the Ninth Great Jedi War, took over a Clan in decline. The entire Brotherhood, in fact, was beset by troubles of many types, and Grand Master Muz knew he needed to do something radical.
Thus, just months into the reign of Consul Celahir in 34 ABY, each of the Brotherhood’s six Clans were stripped of their subordinate Houses and made independent Houses in their own right. Celahir became Quaestor of House Arcona, with [[Driftan Housan]] as his Aedile. Celahir’s reign gave way to Zandro Erinos stepping up and eventually assuming the role of Quaestor.
In a move that some questioned, the Arconae took a chance on an upcoming and powerful member by the name of [[Wuntila]]. Together, along with Rollmaster Timeros Entar and the rest of the Arconae, the Quaestor and Aedile combo would pave the way for Arcona’s climb back to the top of the Brotherhood. Countless sleepless nights were spent drafting and planning, and even after being turned down once, the Arconan Summit remained vigilant and pushed forward.
==== Operation Ad Infinitum ====
The planning of the rescue mission began in difficult circumstances, with time limit and other restrictions which were in place causing tempers to flare and very few feasible ideas to come to the fore. However, when a breakthrough came, it was thanks to the former Consul, Sashar Arconae, whose devious scheme was accepted by the majority as being their best shot at success. The plan finalised and the execution getting ever closer, it was time for the rescue mission to begin.
A group comprising both Arconan and [[Tarentum]] members began their mission by first establishing a cordon around the building within which [[Zandro Savric Erinos|Zandro]] was being held captive. Slowly and meticulously, the group moved forward while thinning out, fanning around the building to surround it fully as they crept closer to their target. When the time to breach came, it was the group on the East side of the building which distinguished themselves, [[Celevon Edraven]] and [[Talos Erinos]] opening fire with deadly precision and killing half of the enemy troops before the rest of the combined "Tarcona" force could begin their own breaches. All bar one of the enemy troops were cut down without mercy, with this lone survivor being spirited away for a rigorous questioning from members of the [[Dajorra Intelligence Agency]], while at the same time the rescued Consul was evacuated and spirited away to the Eye of the Abyss, where he underwent medical examinations and began his recovery.
In honor of their instrumental actions during his rescue, Zandro proclaimed that Celevon and Talos would now be known as his personal rescue team, should the not-so-unlikely event of his capture occur once more. A badge of honor indeed.

From time in memorium, a battle we wage<br>
=== Rebirth and Resurgence (35 ABY) ===
Between Clans of Swordsmen, Pilot and Sage.<br>
In knowledge and blood our successes gaged.<br>
And victory upon victory, like a fine wine we age.<br>

Arcona was not held back for long, and regained its Clan status alongside [[Naga Sadow]] in 35 ABY. Under the leadership of ascended Consul Zandro Erinos and Proconsul Wuntila, House Qel-Droma and House Galeres were reformed under the Clan name. To lead House Qel-Droma, the Zandro selected the up-and-coming Battleteam leader of Oblivion Brigade, [[Marick]]. To lead Galeres, former Consul Celahir was chosen.

First there was [[Nighthawk]], our founder on high<br>
For all their efforts in returning their Clan Status, the Arconan Summit still faced an uphill battle. War loomed on the horizon and there was a lot of work still to be done. The Summit faced its share of up and downs. To help aide the Summit, Zandro appointed another rising star, Talos Erinos, as Galeres Aedile while Marick was paired with a new transfer named [[Invictus]].  
He whose vision of glory none could deny:<br>
"A legacy of power!" to the stars he did cry<br>
And born was Arcona, here her history I scry.<br>

It was the dawn of a new era for the reformed Clan Arcona, and the growing unit set about strengthening both Houses and tightening their grip on the Dajorra System, in order to better prepare for conflicts that were brewing on the horizon.

Thus, like a child, a noble House were we;<br>
Marick and Invictus set to rebuilding House Qel-Droma’s headquarters on the shadowport known as [[Port Ol%27val]]. They established a foothold in the haven for smugglers and underworld contacts, keeping the identities of the Dark Jedi house a secret to better become one with the economy of the shadowport.
Noble in mind, noble in arm, noble in philosophy.<br>
Whence then came a tumult, within CSP,<br>
Our House doors were opened, host of sanctuary.<br>

Celahir and Talos focused on Arcona’s military, strengthening Arcona’s defenses for the event of the Clans might being called elsewhere to wage War.

Dark Jedi of Palatinae, disillusioned by conflicts internal<br>
== History VI: First Clan of the Brotherhood (35 ABY - 36 ABY) ==
Parted thus, but found life as "rogue" to edge on the infernal.<br>
Wise Quaestor Nighthawk, plotting a legacy eternal<br>
Made bastion of our lands, and unto the rogues were we paternal.<br>

=== Tenth Great Jedi War: The Invasion of New Tython (35 ABY) ===
:''Main Article: [[Tenth Great Jedi War]]''

New allies made we, of the Palatinae Jedi;<br>
[[File:ArconaSummitFull.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Arconan Summit]]
So strong was their bond that they did decide:<br>
"Our allegiance to Scholae be damned and defied;<br>
True brothers have we in Arcona; our faith be undenied!"<br>

In 35 ABY, the Brotherhood’s forces were again rallied by the Iron Throne, and the Clans and Houses were sent to the planet of New Tython to defeat the Jedi of [[Odan-Urr]] and their mercenary forces. Consul [[Zandro Savric Erinos|Zandro]] commanded the Arconan fleet from the bridge of the [[NSD Invicta|NSD ''Invicta'']], and ordered the two Houses to commence a ground invasion. Their rendezvous point was set as the city of [[Menat Ombo]].

And with speed our Father House, noble and strong,<br>
The landing was mostly successful, with only a few Dark Jedi teams being shot down and stranded in the jungles of [[New Tython]], and each House set up field bases under the supervision of their Quaestors. Dozens of Dark Jedi teams were sent out from these bases, pursuing parallel objectives with personalized missions. These teams were highly effective, and successfully gashed the Odan-Urr Jedi and the Ge’tal Gaan Mandalorians.
Grew in size and power, making richer a rich history already long.<br>
And soon, with volume and zeal was struck the gong:<br>
"A House we stand, but united a Clan!" came the glorious song.<br>

[[File:Gjwxsashar%26zandro.png|thumb|200px|left|Sashar and Zandro]]

But among the loyal revelers, a rotting faction brewed:<br>
Proconsul Wuntila and Galeres Quaestor [[Celahir]] were left in charge of the Arconan Forward Operating Base, while Consul Zandro and Soulfire Sergeant and former Consul [[Sashar]] took the field together. The pair were devastating to their Jedi foes, and worked in tandem with the other field teams to push their enemies from the land surrounding Menat Ombo. However, they were captured by Mandalorians, and Wuntila was forced to lead a daring rescue with the help of [[Soulfire Strike Team]].
Rogue Jedi of [[Scholae Palatinae]], in jealousy they stewed.<br>
Presently, a defection back to their origins ensued,<br>
And Clan Scholae Palatinae was to be hollowly renewed.<br>

The Arconan forces regrouped outside Menat Ombo, as Wuntila gathered all of their elements and prepared for a final assault on the city. They systematically cleared it of Jedi, and were poised to secure the entire city when they were confronted by rival Houses. A bloody battle ensued in the Visulu Market, but the Arconans successfully held off their enemies. They then received word that the [[starwars:Ge’tal Gaan|Ge'tal Gaan]] Mandalorians were overrunning the Soulfire position in the north, and that reinforcements were needed.

With tails between legs, the Scholae Jedi fled,<br>
Quickly, Zandro and Wuntila realized that the Arconan reinforcements would not be enough, and that the Mandalorians would eventually overrun their army. The Mandalorians were sweeping through the city, retaking positions that had been seized by the Arconans, and a full evacuation seemed necessary. But in order for the Arconans to pull out in time, an orbital bombardment of the city would be necessary.
But not all escaped without first being struck dead.<br>
Six conflicts I speak now, sure to be read;<br>
Noble Arcona robbed six Palatinae of their treacherous heads:<br>

Communications with the fleet were jammed, and the only transceiver that could establish a connection with the Eye of the Abyss was located in [[Ooroo Abbey]] in the heart of the city. In his last act as Consul, Zandro relinquished his throne to Wuntila, and went with his brother, Sashar, on a suicide mission to Ooroo in order to complete the communication for the orbital bombardment.

Obelisk Blazer and Obelisk Morth cornered a pair.<br>
There, heroically fending off a mass of Mandalorian mercenaries, they were obliterated in an orbital bombardment by the Arconan fleet. From the plains a safe distance from the city, the beleaguered Arconans watched two of their greatest leaders fall in a horrific show of destruction, unable to tear themselves away from the tragic sight.  
With a leap and a slash, Morth's saber did flare<br>
And cleft one in twain, as then did Blazer dare<br>
To slice the other's belly, a cut no thicker than a hair.<br>

=== The Price of Victory (35 ABY) ===

To their ships ran another two, eager to escape their fate.<br>
Arcona was victorious, but the death of two Arconae and former Consuls left an empty void in the hearts of the entire Clan. Wuntila suddenly found himself as Consul, and quickly appointed [[Marick]] as his Proconsul for his valor in battle. Together, the two set about recouping their losses and replenishing their depleted ranks in the relative peace that followed the war.  
Into orbit they flew, but followed by Sith hunger, needing sate.<br>
Shotgun and Shark, in their TIEs with the enemy did their sights mate<br>
And with flicks of trigger, explosive retribution did they create.<br>

[[Timeros]] took the loss of his two oldest comrades hardest and resigned from Rollmaster. In his wake, Wuntila and Marick appointed [[Xathia]] and [[Fet%27ai%27narun]] as Rollmasters of Galeres and Qel-Droma respectively. [[Invictus]] took up the mantle of Qel-Droma Quaestor and was joined by [[Socorra Erinos]] as Aedile, while [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius]] succeeded [[Celahir]] as Quaestor of Galeres.

And of the last two I speak, were felled by the powers of Krath.<br>
[[Teroch Erinos]], son of Sashar, inherited Soulfire Strike Team, and handled the passing of his father in his own way.
Sensing two that remained, Nighthawk and [[Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae |Voranyen]] released their wrath.<br>
Using the Force, the kind that comes from the Dark path,<br>
They did crush two throats, leaving six bodies, as says the math.<br>

[[File:Arcoldsummit.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Summit of the First Clan]]

And so the battle was done, many traitors had paid<br>
As with each time of peace before it, it was not to last.  
Their lives for their "freedom" was their futile trade.<br>
And through conflict's heat the stronger were we made<br>
That the dark flame of Arcona would never fade.<br>

=== The War of Three Families (35 ABY) ===

So here the tale of Arcona we begin;<br>
Clan forged in darkness, fire, and the wages of sin.<br>  

==From House to Clan==
=== Operation Rolling Thunder (36 ABY) ===

Consul Wuntila had turned his sights toward [[Judecca]] and the [[starwars:Treskov System|Treskov System]], and meant to send the Arconan Expeditionary Force there to expand Arcona influence in the sector. However, probes detected a [[starwars:Chiss|Chiss]] forward operating base on the moon [[starwars:Ebaq Nine|Ebaq Nine]], and its forces were sizable enough to give the Arconans trouble. Wuntila assembled his Summit and crafted a plan to take the base and open a path through Treskov.

In 14 ABY, under the first reign of Grand Master Khyron, the Brotherhood had four Clans; Scholae Palatinae, Satal Keto, Aquillas and Tarentum. The Independant House Naga Sadow also vied for dominance within the Aurora galaxy. It was during those days that the Empire Reborn was crushed, and the fall of the Disciples of Ragnos, a rival Sith cult, came about.  
The Summit planned a daring assault, utilizing a Thrawn pincer that was pioneered by the Chiss’ greatest tactician, and made an infiltration mission by [[Soulfire Strike Team]] the centerpiece of their strategy. The team, led by [[Teroch Erinos]], was joined by Consul Wuntila, cut through the Chiss station and eliminated a number of important defense systems and targets. Meanwhile, another team, [[Shadow Gate]], was led by [[Zakath]] and [[Legorii]], and accompanied by Aedile [[Socorra]], and successfully rigged explosives at the base’s power center.

A Sith Warrior by name of Donitz sought to forge a new Independant House, and after gathering enough support, House Arcona was forged.
While Soulfire turned the base’s guns against the Chiss armada, and [[Spectre Cell]] infiltrated a Chiss destroyed and turned it against the rest of the flotilla. The modified Thrawn pincer was executed to perfection by Proconsul Marick and other Arconan Elders, and the entire Chiss station was destroyed and massive damage was dealt to the retreating Chiss fleet.

=== Trials of Loyalty (36 ABY) ===
:''Main Article: [[Trials of Loyalty]]''

Shortly before winning the Orthanc from Satal Keto, Quaestor Nighthawk was granted permission to convert the Independent House into a Clan.  
Col’rah, Leader of [[Oblivion Brigade]], which served as [[Arcona]]’s Black Ops team, was on duty at Bulkhead Maximum Security prison below the mines of [[Port Ol'val]]. He notices intruders and starts to take action. He trusts in his partner, Shinn Ragga, to help him with the invaders, but is betrayed with a stun-bolt to the back of the head. Oblivion Brigade were the most loyal members of Clan Arcona, trained to hunt down and kill traitors and threats. Shinn was dangerous and set a nefarious plan into motion.

Our militant House, Galeres was created to hold the front-line fighters. With legendary battleteams such as the Dark Orb Phyle and Soulfire Brigade, the House spelt out dominance and rulership from their barracks on Garrida. It later became aligned with the Obelisk Order following the benediction of Grand Master Khyron.  
Port Ol'val was then sieged by the forces of the [[starwars:Hutts|Hutts]], the Mal Company Mercenaries, and Fly On The Wall – the collection code named The “Trimunitives". Shinn breached Bulkhead facility with a strike-team and lets many of Arcona’s prisoners out onto the districts of Port Ol’val. This causes enough chaos that the Trimunitives are able to take over many of the Clan’s safehouses. This of course get the attention of Arcona, and the Summit set a message out to all Clan members to meet up at the Headquarters of [[House Qel-Droma]] for assignments and targets. At perhaps the worst possible moment, [[Saiketsu|Tsainetomo]] had decided to join Arcona from [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. Many of the Arcona Summit did not trust the former rival and [[Son of Sadow]], some even thinking he was the cause of the attack on Port Ol’val.

House Qel-Droma was created to provide mystical strength to our arsenal, offering guidance and education to all who sought it. From the moon of Mar Sala, the House bided its time, safeguarding Arcona's temple. It was the perfect choice for future alignment with the Krath.  
As luck would have it this was also the first day of [[Socorra]]’s leadership of House Qel-Droma as [[Quaestor]]. Her first assignment was to gather the Clan and brief them on the attack. This included setting up multiple teams for a multi pronged assault on the combined forces of the Trimunitives.

===Scholae Palatinae's Loss; Arcona's Gain===
During the time the teams were forming up and getting brief, a group led by “Jedi Master” Waylen Black, (secretly [[Darth Pravus]]) attacked one of the Casinos in the Besadii district, causing the casino to completely crush down on most of its inhabitants. He was aided by an upcoming [[Valhavoc]]. In the space right outside the Port, the third member of that team, [[Raken]], stood ready to lead his troops to attack the Shadow Port as well. It was unknown if the team had any connection to the traitor Shinn Ragga.

A major tragedy befell Clan Scholae Palatinae, and the Clan was destroyed at the hands of the [[Star Chamber]]. Many of the survivors are offered salvation in Arcona, which for a short time takes in Houses Acclivis Draco and Dorimad Sol. These two Houses are later merged to forge the third permanent House of Arcona: Oriens Obscurum, the rising darkness. Oriens is later chosen to oversee our naval fleet, defending Coronada space from their base on Joharta.
== History VII: Victory Beyond the Horizons (36 - 38 ABY) ==

===First to Wake===  
=== Horizons (36 ABY) ===
:''Main Article: [[Horizons]]''

Arcona’s first brush with Clan Taldryan, widely regarded as the greatest vendetta Clan in the Brotherhood, did not end well. Their recently won prize from Clan Satal Keto, the [[M/INT Orthanc]], was pried from their hands. Smarting a bit, Clan Arcona built up its assets and strengthened, biding its time.  
Another bloody Brotherhood conflict, and another victory for Clan Arcona. When the Horizons plague began to sweep through Brotherhood space in 36 ABY, Consul [[Wuntila]] had his unit as prepared as it could be to confront the challenges that awaited. The plague was, in fact, a bioweapon developed by [[starwars:Lysu Thren|Lysu Thren]] that fell into the hands of former Grand Master [[Zoraan]], who deployed it as part of his campaign to usurp the Iron Throne from [[Muz Ashen]].

The Second Great Jedi War was the first major vendetta Arcona was involved in, and they did well, placing second behind House Ektrosis. Arcona’s military was one of the leading forces against the pirates that fought the Brotherhod, and as such Grandmaster Khyron saw fit to award them a Carrack cruiser, the [[CRCK Nighthawk|Nighthawk]].
The civilian death toll alone for the conflict was over 30 million, and many more Force-sensitives, particularly Journeymen, were claimed by the war. The plague spread from the Shadow Academy, temporarily strengthening Dark Jedi in the Force before stripping them of it altogether. After the plague had taken root in all of the Clans and Houses, Zoraan led his fleet into Brotherhood space, where the Clans were called to defend Antei and their own systems.

By the time the Third Great Jedi War came around, the Clans had already begun to attack each other, and the conflicts evolved into a full scale clash for supremacy in the Brotherhood. Arcona held its own, and rode a wave of success and growth into their next major engagement, in the next GJW.  
Wuntila led the [[Arcona Expeditionary Force|Arconan Expeditionary Force]] into the battle, where they immediately helped to turn the tide of war. However, more and more Arconans were infected by the plague, and the Houses were soon confronted with tides of infected Journeymen on their own planets of [[Selen]] and [[Eldar]].

In 17 ABY the Fourth Great Jedi War took place, and Arcona was sent out on a hunt for a precious item. They did well, but slipped to fourth place, behind their new rivals, Clan Scholae Palatinae. A bit disappointed, the Consul led his members back to their home system so they could nurse their wounds from the quest and continue to grow internally.  
Ultimately, it was the cure developed by [[Macron Sadow]] that saved the Brotherhood, and enabled the fleets to rally and beat back Zoraan’s invading armada. After Zoraan’s death at the hands of Grand Master Muz, Wuntila and the Arconans successfully chased the remnants of his fleet from the [[Dajorra System]], and then aided the Iron Throne is pushing them from Anteian space. Other Clans and Houses continued to deal with the effects of those invading fleets for months to come.

The Fifth Great Jedi War, in 18 ABY, found Clan Arcona in a time of desperation. The Clan was weakened by an attack on its assets at the outset of the war, as its military and ships were decimated after bearing the full force of the Brotherhood’s enemies. [[Vassan Rokir]] was made Consul in the middle of the war, and was tasked with bringing the Clan back up to par.  
Arcona was again given great praise and glory for their leadership in the conflict, as the First Clan again led its peers. In particular, three Arconans -- [[Raken]], [[Darth Pravus]], and [[Legorii]] -- were honored by the Iron Throne as three of the top warriors in the Brotherhood for their deeds on the battlefield.

=== The Exodus ===  
=== The Capture of the ''Avenger II'' (36 ABY) ===
:''Main Article: [[Avenger II - Arcona]]''

In 19 ABY, the Exodus, one of the most difficult times for the Brotherhood, hit Clan Arcona hard as well. Most of the events of the Exodus in Arcona are lost to the ages, but historians have worked tirelessly to try and puzzle out the facts and fictions about what happened all those years ago.  
Just after the death of [[Zoraan]], Grand Master Muz again contacted the leaders of each Clan and House to inform them of a new objective. Each was to send its best teams to seize and capture a [[starwars:Super Star Destroyer|Super Star Destroyer]], the ''Avenger II'', the former flagship of the would-be usurper. Clan Arcona sent six of their own teams to the vessel.

Nearly all of both Houses chose to go with the Brotherhood, and hastily packed everything they could carry with them. However, many treasured items were left behind because they could not be carried by those fleeing the Coronada system. The Exodus hit House Qel-Droma the hardest of the Arconan Houses. Being primarily a Krath House, and having to determine between irreplaceable and expendable items like databases, records, and artifacts in a short time, it was particularly painful and difficult during the split.  
Team Alpha, led by Consul Wuntila, tamed one mutant terentatek and slew another, but did not reach the bridge of the ''Avenger II'' in time to capture it. Team Bravo, led by [[Valhavoc]], secured Hangar 10 in a support capacity, and then unexpectedly became a main element and breached the control room of the vessel. They also neutralized bridge security, and their efforts were instrumental in the Brotherhood victory.

Uncertainties abounded about whether or not Arcona would even get a new home, and shadowed whispers plagued the Clan for some time. However, Ulic Qel-Droma’s Book of Shadows served to guide the Summit to a new system, Dajorra. Those members that remained loyal to the Consul packed up their belongings and headed for the new system. Upon arrival, a makeshift base was thrown up on the planet Sukhur, one of the harshest planets in the system.  
Team Charlie, led by rivals Andrelious and [[Zakath]], was among the first to arrive, and held off the enemy forces until the other Arconan teams could secure footholds. Team Delta, commanded by [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius]], assaulted a contingent of [[starwars:One Sith|One Sith]] enemies in a side hangar, providing a distraction that enabled the other teams to board the Avenger II.

Houses Galeres and Oriens Obscurum both planned to construct their headquarters on Eldar, but only one was permitted. So, Vassan Rokir, Consul at the time declared a Feud between the two Houses over the planet, and vicious combat began immediately. After the feud had concluded, Galeres was shown to be top dog, and was given Eldar.  
Team Echo, led by [[Cethgus Entar]], was plagued by infighting and mistakes by Journeymen team members, and found themselves pinned down in an auxiliary hangar for most of the fighting. Arcona’s final team, Foxtrot, was led by [[Etah|Etah d’Tana]], and succeeded in breaching the engine room, but were not credited in the Brotherhood’s ultimate success.

===Arconan Shadows Take Control===
The operation was deemed a success for Clan Arcona, with all six teams performing admirably in the situation, and the Brotherhood captured the vessel.

Shortly after the Exodus, Consul [[Mejas Doto]] became leader of the Clan, and immediately began to strengthen the group. They defeated their rival Clan, Scholae Palatinae, in a Feud. The victory served as an enormous confidence booster, and propelled the Clan into the first Independence Games in 2003. In those Games, Arcona had another strong showing, taking second place and claiming their due glories. Consul Mejas watched his Clan grow more powerful by the day, as they shifted to prepare for their next challenge under his watchful eye. 
=== The Dark Crusade (37 ABY) ===
:''Main Article: [[Dark Crusade - Arcona]]''

In 21 ABY, under Consul JaM3z Lucius Entar, former Proconsul under Mejas, the Clan continued to thrive. They were the driving force in the Invasion of Antares, coming in a strong second place to Clan Tarenum in the “Third Sith War”. In these days, Clan Arcona was one of the biggest hitting Clans in the Brotherhood, and the Arconans were eager to prove it again and again. That same year, the War of the Star Chamber took place. Chaos seized the Brotherhood, and horrible warfare tore at the very fibers of the Dark Jedi. When the conflict was finally ended by Lord Firefox, the Grand Master decreed the [[Clan Taldryan]] had narrowly edged [[Clan Tarentum]], with Arcona showing up in a strong third.
In 37 ABY, one of the most extensive Brotherhood campaigns in the organization’s history began, as the Clans and Houses set out to conquer the [[starwars:Sith Worlds|Star Wars]]. Consul Wuntila again rallied the Clan to his banner, and Arcona set out on what would be called the [[Dark Crusade]].

Towards the end of James Lucius' tenure as Consul, the K'hamar'an Crisis took place as a result of mystery swirling around in the Shadow Academy. Unforunately, Clan Arcona struggled during the invasion, losing many military personnel and equipment. Limping back to Dajorra, Arcona was declared fifth, and left alone to rebuild under new Consul Vassan and Proconsul a`Lan Mandragoran. It was late in 22 ABY at the time, with [[Jac Cotelin]] as Grand Master, when Antei was invaded and brought under full government control. Even as the Brotherhood thrived, Arcona slowly weakened.
'''Krayiss II'''

The Invasion of Coratua called the warriors of Clan Arcona sooner than Consul Vassan would have hoped, as they were sent off to Coratua in 23 ABY. Arcona's faithful fought hard against the pirates, but still struggled in comparison to their past glories. A fifth place finish sent the Clan reeling once more, and a`Lan Mandragoran was given control of the rebuilding efforts. He did the best he could, and the Clan stabilized as things seemed to be looking up. However, the treachery of Clan Taldryan nearly led to all-out war between the two Clans.  
It seemed like the perfect opportunity. [[Krayiss II]] was ripe for the picking, and only [[Taldryan]] stood between the Shadow Clan and victory. Arcona had overcome such odds before. The once-glorious giant of the Brotherhood was a pale simulacrum of its former glorious self -- or so Arcona had believed. When the Clan came into contact with Taldryan, they found a fierce adversary, and in that, they also found their match. Arrogant from their recent victories, they under-estimated just how loud the veterans that filled the House could shout, and subsequently, the Shadow Clan was drowned out...though not by much.  

[[Halcyon Rokir]] was the new Consul of Arcona, and during his reign the [[Selen Incident]] took place. Taldryan agents infiltrated Clan Arcona's home system, and both Dark Jedi were captured and held on Selen. Taldryan sent a large fleet to surround the Arconan headquarters, and Halcyon and Duga, Consul of Taldryan, verbally derided each other's actions. The situation was diffused, however, and any disagreements were put behind the Clan as they entered the Seventh Great Jedi War. Turning around its recent struggles, Arcona took a proud third place in the GJW, defeating their rivals, Clan Scholae Palatinae.  
Despite the loss, out of the bitter taste of defeat a new paragon of Arcona was born: [[Cethgus Entar]]. For his skill in battle and unquestioning loyalty to Arcona, he was given the mark of the di Tenebrous - made Arconae.

Strategos Thanatos Entar was the next Consul of Arcona, and he helped keep the Clan on its toes before the inevitable invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong forces. He led them through the [[Second Darkness]], finishing in a close fourth place. His tenure as Consul lasted two full years, but he relinquished leadership to [[Timeros]] during the [[Eighth Great Jedi War]]. During the Incursion, the Yuuzhan Vong smashed the Brotherhood defenses, and Arcona was effected more severely than most of the other Clans, having their home system of Dajorra torn from them. Homeless, they were left to fend for themselves aboard their fleet.

===Last to Die===
With the pain of being outperformed by House Taldryan still fresh in their minds, the Arconan forces descended on [[starwars:Rhelg|Rhelg]] with an almost unprecedented fury. This time however, Arcona was able to emerge triumphant as they secured the planet for the Brotherhood, beating Taldryan to the punch on enough occasions to be able to later claim the planet as their own. The Arconan fleet, commanded by the [[Wuntila Arconae|Consul]] himself, was able to destroy one of the One Sith capital ships and force them into full retreat, while ground forces cleverly utilized hit-and-run tactics to dupe the rival Houses into conflict.

Mejas Doto returned as Consul in 28 ABY to take charge of the rebuilding efforts. He led the Clan very well, and they bounced back as best as possible from the horrifying defeat at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. The Zabrak Master pulled Arcona into the 2008 [[Independence Games]], where they placed a notable third, gaining a bit more muscle back. Mejas served as Consul for over a year, before stepping down for [[Sashar Arconae]] to take over.  
The defeat of Taldryan improved Arconan morale, and sent the rival Dark Jedi back to their own vessels, where Arconans knew that they were plotting their own vengeance. Despite the victory, none could shake the feeling that even greater challenges awaited them.

== Houses of Arcona ==
'''Bhargebba and Svolten'''

=== House Galeres ===
Arcona descended on [[starwars:Bhargebba|Bhargebba]] with fury, ready to unleash their might upon the One Sith that waited for them. They knew that their past victory was meaningless to their new target and once more divided into battleteams and squadrons to pursue the nigh-impossible tasks assigned them by Summit and [[Dark Council]] alike. The scope of the conflict was unlike anything they had faced on the preceding worlds, and each individual was tested in ways he could not have foreseen.

Facing new rivals and old, as well as the hated One Sith, Arconan warriors fought and bled on the battlefield and in the vacuum. They were again victorious, and captured the planet from under the noses of their rival Houses, Scholae Palatinae and Odan-Urr. Using their momentum from the consecutive conquests, Arcona descended upon [[starwars:Svolten|Svolten]], where they handily defeated Odan-Urr and the One Sith to claim the planet as their own.

{{main|[[House Galeres]]}}
After the victory on Svolten, Arcona underwent a leadership change at the time, with [[Marick Arconae]] ascending to the Serpentine Throne and Wuntila shifting into a subordinate role as his Proconsul. The arrangement was short-lived, but allowed Marick to ease into the enormous responsibility of leading the Shadow Clan.

House Galeres is a breed apart from the rest of Arcona and even the rest of the Brotherhood. Instead of focusing their energies into matters of the force and the mastery of lightsaber combat, members of Galeres usually face two other tasks. Galeres is heavily involved with the underworld of the galaxy. This includes black marketeering, smuggling, bounty hunting and occasionally slaving. Galeres is always heavily involved in the seedier side of the galactic machine and is well-versed in underhanded dealings and criminal activities. It even goes so far as to rent out its services to various criminal syndicates…as long as the price is right.

=== House Qel-Droma ===
Their next showdown, on [[starwars:Kalsunor|Kalsunor]], was with their most bitter rivals and competitors over the course of the Crusade, House Plagueis. The House, led by former Arconans, had already conquered most of the planets in their path, and posed a serious threat to Arcona. Consul Marick did not back down, however. With a pair of deft tactical maneuvers, Marick was able to isolate Plageuis with allied House Tarentum, combining forces to tackle the challenge. The Consul motivated his forces to oppose the Plagueians, and despite being intercepted by the One Sith en route to the planet, Arconans secured a hard-fought victory on Kalsunor.


{{main|[[House Qel-Droma]]}}
Finally, the Brotherhood reached the final two planets of their year-long Crusade: [[starwars:Ziost|Ziost]] and [[starwars:Dromund Kaas|Dromund Kaas]]. Arcona, Plagueis, and Naga Sadow each set out to conquer Ziost in their final act of the Dark Crusade, with Plagueis and Arcona vying for the ultimate victory. The Arconans stumbled, however, and were unable to secure the victory.

House Qel-Droma usually aims to focus on the more stereotypical Krath events that are around in the Brotherhood, despite the multi-order nature of the house, Qel-Droma aims to focus energies on matters of the Force. In the past, Qel-Droma has been closed for short times, but has always come back stronger than ever.  
By the end of the Crusade, the Arconans were weary and worn, and Consul [[Marick]] had been forced to reshuffle his Summit in order to meet the demands of the campaign. He and his Proconsul, [[Legorii]], along with Quaestors [[Cethgus]] and [[Ernordeth]], led the Dark Jedi back to their home system of Dajorra to rest and rebuild the strength of Clan Arcona.

=== House Oriens Obscurum (Closed) ===
=== Operation: Sojourn (37 ABY) ===
:''Main Article: [[Operation: Sojourn]]''
Not long returned to their home system for a brief respite after nearly a year away crusading with and against the other clans, Arconans found themselves nursing wounds and turning a measure of attention back to the system that had begun to languish in their absence. Amidst this, some of the Clan's prized and iconic animal compainions, the [[cythraul]], fell sick. After signs of poisoning were discovered and a possible security threat revealed, Consul [[Marick Arconae]] mobilized the Clan's forces to the [[starwars:Hapes Cluster|Hapes Cluster]], from which the attack was suspected. Their goal was twofold: to find a cure for that would save the cythraul and to eliminate the risk Marick's heritage had posed to Arcona.

{{main|[[House Oriens Obscurum]]}}
While the majority of both [[Qel-Droma]] and [[Galeres|Galeres']] forces would follow the Consul to Hapan, some, like [[Shadow Phyle]] and other attaches, stayed behind on [[Selen]] to ferret out the Hapan agents in their home city and quell any other rising dissent that had grown overeager while the Clan's Jedi were away. [[Shadow Gate]] infilitrated some of the pirate groups roaming the Hapes sector, allowing the Arconans an extraction strategy, while the bulk of the Battleteam and House forces, including [[Dark Forge]] and [[Arete]] along with Marick and his select team of delegates went on to Hapes in the guise of a delegation to one of her high nobles, Marick's own mother, Lady Del'Abbot. Meanwhile, [[Nighthawk]], guarded by [[Soulfire|Soulfire's]] forces, conducted a stealth mission further into the jealously-guarded and insulated system in search of the cythraul's cure.

House Oriens Obscurum, a multi-order House that is now closed, was formed when Houses [[House Acclivis Draco|Acclivis Draco]] and [[House Dorimad Sol|Dorimad Sol]] were merged. Both Houses are now part of Clan Scholae Palatinae. One of the defining points of “HOO” is the success of its first Quaestor, Firefox, who would go on to be the Grand Master that led the Brotherhood through the Exodus.
While Arconan's forces secured the cure they sought and secured their hold on their home city, Marick and his company met with the delegates of the Hapes Consortium. The meeting turned out to be another trap, the Del'Abbots bringing ysalmiri to weaken their Force-using guests, hoping to trap them as slaves and use the Clan's considerable resources for their own. Fighting broke out across the compound between Arcona's forces and the household's, and several Arconans were wounded, including [[Socorra]]. In the end, however, the Arconans were victorious as ever, and, after imprisoning his mother and handing over control of the household to his younger sister in an uneasy alliance, Marick directed their troops to withdraw. They returned to Dajorra with the long-sought remedy in hand, and found their home once again under their control, if only for the moment - although the entire ordeal was later revealed to be one of the first of Marick's many tests for his brethren, that their triumphant ability might be assured.

==Clan Summit Chronology==
=== The Crusade Resumes (37 ABY - 38 ABY) ===
{|table width="550" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="fancy fancy-green"
|td colspan="3" class="head" | '''Independent House Arcona'''
| class="sub-head" width="33%" | '''Quaestor'''
| class="sub-head" width="33%" | '''Aedile'''
| class="sub-head" width="33%" | '''Service Dates'''
| width="33%" | Donitz
| width="33%" | Dev
| width="33%" |
| class="alt" width="33%" | Gilkane
| class="alt" width="33%" | Dreadnaught
| class="alt" width="33%" |
| width="33%" | Lioness
| width="33%" | Shark
| width="33%" |
| class="alt" width="33%" | Nighthawk
| class="alt" width="33%" | Shark
| class="alt" width="33%" |
| class="foot" colspan="3" | <br>

{|table width="550" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="fancy fancy-green"
|td colspan="3" class="head" | '''Clan Arcona'''
| class="sub-head" width="33%" | '''Consul'''
| class="sub-head" width="33%" | '''Proconsul'''
| class="sub-head" width="33%" | '''Service Dates'''
| width="33%" | Nighthawk
| width="33%" | Sabrel Kun
| width="33%" |
| class="alt" width="33%" | Nighthawk
| class="alt" width="33%" | Cardiac
| class="alt" width="33%" |
| width="33%" | Nighthawk
| width="33%" | Depriest
| width="33%" |
| class="alt" width="33%" | Gavron
| class="alt" width="33%" | Toujas
| class="alt" width="33%" |
| width="33%" | Toujas
| width="33%" | Priyum Patel
| width="33%" |
| class="alt" width="33%" | Priyum Patel
| class="alt" width="33%" | Kelric
| class="alt" width="33%" |
| width="33%" | Kelric
| width="33%" | Magus Lionheart
| width="33%" |
| class="alt" width="33%" | [[Arion Sunrider]]
| class="alt" width="33%" | Chronos Sterling
| class="alt" width="33%" |
| width="33%" | Chronos Sterling
| width="33%" | Tarkin
| width="33%" | ? - Feb 2002
| class="alt" width="33%" | Tarkin
| class="alt" width="33%" | [[Khobai Wrathraven]]
| class="alt" width="33%" | Feb 2002 - Apr 2003
| width="33%" | Mage
| width="33%" | N/A
| width="33%" | Apr 2003
| class="alt" width="33%" | Mav "Telaris" Cantor
| class="alt" width="33%" | N/A
| class="alt" width="33%" | Apr 2003
| width="33%" | [[Mejas Doto]]
| width="33%" | [[Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae]]
| width="33%" | Apr 2003 - Sep 2003
| class="alt" width="33%" | Mejas Doto
| class="alt" width="33%" | JaM3z Lucius Entar
| class="alt" width="33%" | Sep 2003 - May 2004
| width="33%" | JaM3z Lucius Entar
| width="33%" | [[Strategos Thanatos Entar]]
| width="33%" | May 2004 - July 2004
| class="alt" width="33%" | JaM3z Lucius Entar
| class="alt" width="33%" | [[Cyris Oscura]]
| class="alt" width="33%" | July 2004 - Aug 2004
| width="33%" | JaM3z Lucius Entar
| width="33%" | [[Vassan Rokir]]
| width="33%" | Aug 2004 - Sep 2004
| class="alt" width="33%" | Vassan Rokir
| class="alt" width="33%" | a`Lan Mandragon
| class="alt" width="33%" | Sep 2004 - Jan 2005
| width="33%" | a`Lan Mandragon
| width="33%" | [[Halcyon Rokir]]
| width="33%" | Jan 2005 - Apr 2005 2004
| class="alt" width="33%" | Halcyon Rokir
| class="alt" width="33%" | [[Syn Kaek]]
| class="alt" width="33%" | Apr 2005 - Jul 2005
| width="33%" | Halcyon Rokir
| width="33%" | [[Dalthid]]
| width="33%" | Jul 2005 - Aug 2005
| class="alt" width="33%" | Denath Ciarus
| class="alt" width="33%" | [[Khobai Wrathraven]]
| class="alt" width="33%" | Aug 2005 - Oct 2005
| width="33%" | Denath Ciarus
| width="33%" | Strategos Thanatos Entar
| width="33%" | Oct 2005 - Jan 2006
| class="alt" width="33%" | Halcyon Rokir
| class="alt" width="33%" | Strategos Thanatos Entar
| class="alt" width="33%" | Feb 2006 - Aug 2006
| width="33%" | Strategos Thanatos Entar
| width="33%" | [[Quejo Rak'ul Drakai]]
| width="33%" | Aug 2006 - Nov 2006
| class="alt" width="33%" | Strategos Thanatos Entar
| class="alt" width="33%" | Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana
| class="alt" width="33%" | Nov 2006 - Mar 2007
| width="33%" | Strategos Thanatos Entar
| width="33%" | [[Timeros|Timeros Caesus Entar]]
| width="33%" | Mar 2007 - Jun 2007
| class="alt" width="33%" | [[Timeros|Timeros Caesus Entar]]
| class="alt" width="33%" | Strategos Thanatos Entar
| class="alt" width="33%" | Jun 2007 - Oct 2007
| width="33%" | Mejas Doto
| width="33%" | [[Sashar Kodiak Erinos]]
| width="33%" | Oct 2007 - Sep 2008
| class="alt" width="33%" | [[Sashar Arconae]]
| class="alt" width="33%" | [[Vorion]]
| class="alt" width="33%" | Sep 2008 - PRESENT
| colspan="3" class="foot" | <br>

==di Tenebrous Arconae==
=== Great Jedi War XI: Revelations (38 ABY) ===

The highest honour an Arconan can receive to be named "di Tenebrous Arconae", signifying both their dedication to the Clan and their past efforts in helping shape Arcona. Members who have received this honour are allowed to use "Arconae" in their name. The Arconae derive their powers from the [[Abyssal Tome]], each one a guardian of the secrets contained within. To become Arconae is a long and ardurous process, the final selection chosen by the Consul of Arcona in consultation with the other Arconae.

'''Bearers of "di Tenebrous Arconae"'''
=== Tides of Change (33 ABY) ===

*[[Mejas Doto]], di Tenebrous Arconae

*[[James Lucius Entar Arconae|James Lucius Arconae]]
=== Rise and Fall of Perdition (34 ABY) ===

*[[Strategos Thanatos Entar|Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae]]
==== Fall of SCEPTER ====

*[[Sashar Arconae]]
==== Fall of Perdition ====

*[[Malidir Trepidus Erinos|Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae]]
==  Houses of Arcona  ==

'''Former Bearers of "di Tenebrous Arconae"'''
===  House Galeres  ===
[[File:Galeres.jpg|thumb|100px|right|Galeres logo]]
:''Main article: [[House Galeres]]

*Denath Ciarus
House Galeres is a breed apart from the rest of Arcona and even the rest of the Brotherhood. Instead of focusing their energies into matters of the force and the mastery of lightsaber combat, members of Galeres usually face two other tasks. Galeres is heavily involved with the underworld of the galaxy. This includes black marketeering, smuggling, bounty hunting and occasionally slaving. Galeres is always heavily involved in the seedier side of the galactic machine and is well-versed in underhanded dealings and criminal activities. It even goes so far as to rent out its services to various criminal syndicates…as long as the price is right.

*[[Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae]]
===  House Qel-Droma  ===
[[File:Hqd.jpg|thumb|100px|right|Qel-Droma logo]]
:''Main article: [[House Qel-Droma]]

*[[Khobai Wrathraven|Khobai Arconae Wrathraven]]
House Qel-Droma usually aims to focus on the more stereotypical Krath events that are around in the Brotherhood. Despite the multi-order nature of the house, Qel-Droma aims to focus energies on matters of the Force. In the past, Qel-Droma has been closed for short times, but has always come back stronger than ever.

*Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Arconae
===  House Oriens Obscurum (Closed)  ===
:''Main article: [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
House Oriens Obscurum, a multi-order House that is now closed, was formed when Houses [[Acclivis Draco]] and [[Dorimad Sol]] were merged. Both Houses are now part of Clan Scholae Palatinae. One of the defining points of “HOO” is the success of its first Quaestor, Firefox, who would go on to be the Grand Master that led the Brotherhood through the Exodus.

*[[Alex d'Tana|Alex d'Tana Arconae]]
== Battle Teams of Arcona ==

*[[Halcyon Rokir|Halcyon Rokir Arconae]]
[[Battleteam|Battleteams]] are the basic organization unit within the Brotherhood and fall under the command of a Battleteam Leader. These teams are grouped within a particular House or Clan and can either be aligned to the same Order or consist of members from multiple Orders. Upon completing training in the [[Shadow Academy]], new members can be assigned to a Battleteam by their House Summit. Further ranks and awards can be gained by active participation in the team.

=== House Qel-Droma ===

== Vendetta History ==
'''[[Shadow Gate|Shadow Gate Battleteam]]'''

=== Great Jedi Wars ===
Known as “Gatekeepers”, Shadow Gate functions as an extension of the DIA and Arcona’s covert operations division. Shadow Gate agents make their home on Port Ol’val where their underworld contacts and Deep Cover Alias’ make them invaluable as infiltrators and agents for espionage. In times of War, Shadow Gate is often inserted into enemy bases or rotations to gather intel and sabotage from within. In times of peace, they are making deals, coordinating with Arconan allies and contacts.

* '''[[Third Great Jedi War]]''' - Third Place
=== House Galeres ===

* '''[[Fourth Great Jedi War]]''' - Fourth Place
'''[[Soulfire Strike Team]]'''

* '''[[Fifth Great Jedi War]]''' - Third Place
Soulfire Strike Team embodies Arcona’s manta of “first to wake and last to die”. One of Arcona’s oldest Battleteams, Soulfire are the best of the best in terms of special operations; the metaphoric hammer of the Shadow Clan.  They are multi tasked and skilled for any mission that requires their completion. They can be deployed in stealth or in the thick of combat and are adaptable to any battlefield. They have seen countless wars during their time, and little phases the grizzled veterans.

* '''[[Sixth Great Jedi War]]''' - Third Place

* '''[[Seventh Great Jedi War]]''' - Third Place
A new initiative from the DIA, the Nighthawk acts as the Shadow Lord’s eyes and ears, co-ordinating the far-flung spies, informants and agents of the Dajorra Intelligence Agency. Members of Arcona are chosen because of their unique skill sets and loyalty to form the basis of a team that reaches far into the depths of space. The Nighthawk and her crew have an intelligence bent, but not exclusively so. They pride themselves on their adaptability, fraternity, and never losing sight of the end goal.

* '''[[Eighth Great Jedi War]]''' - Fifth Place
==  Clan Summit Chronology  ==
{{Arcona Leaders}}

=== Rites of Supremacy ===
== di Tenebrous Arconae  ==
The highest honor an Arconan can receive to be named '''di Tenebrous Arconae''', signifying both their dedication to the Clan and their past efforts in helping shape Arcona. Members who have received this honor are allowed to use "Arconae" in their name. The Arconae derive their powers from the [[Abyssal Tome]], each one a guardian of the secrets contained within. To become Arconae is a long and arduous process, the final selection chosen by the Consul of Arcona in consultation with the other Arconae.

*'''[[Invasion of Antares]]''' - Second Place
=====Bearers of ''di Tenebrous Arconae''=====

*'''[[K'hamar'an Crisis]]''' - Fifth Place
* [[Mejas Doto]]
* [[James Lucius Entar Arconae|James Lucius Entar Arconae]]
* [[Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae|Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae]]
* [[Malidir Trepidus Erinos|Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae]]
* [[Timeros Caesus Entar|Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae]]
* [[Wuntila Arconae]]
* [[Nadrin Erinos Arconae]]
* [[Teroch Erinos|Teroch Erinos Arconae]]
* [[Marick Arconae]]

*'''[[Invasion of Coratua]]''' - Fifth Place
=====Deceased Bearers of ''di Tenebrous Arconae''=====

*'''[[Second Darkness]]''' - Fourth Place
* [[Sashar Kodiak Erinos|Sashar Kodiak Erinos Arconae]]
* [[Zandro Savric Erinos|Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae]]
* [[Orv Dessrx|Orv Dessrx d'Tana Arconae]]

=== Other Vendettas/Feuds ===
== Vendetta History  ==

===  Great Jedi Wars  ===
* '''[[Second Great Jedi War]]''' (1999) - Second Place
* '''[[Third Great Jedi War]]''' (2000) - Third Place
* '''[[Fourth Great Jedi War]]''' (2001) - Fourth Place
* '''[[Fifth Great Jedi War]]''' (2002) - Event unfinished
* '''[[Sixth Great Jedi War]]''' (2004) - Third Place
* '''[[Seventh Great Jedi War]]''' (2006) - Third Place
* '''[[Eighth Great Jedi War]]''' (2007) - Fifth Place
* '''[[Ninth Great Jedi War]]''' (2008) - First Place
* '''[[Tenth Great Jedi War]]''' (2011) - First Place
* '''[[Eleventh Great Jedi War]]''' (2015) - First Place
===  Rites of Supremacy  ===
* '''[[Invasion of Antares]]''' (2004) - Second Place
* '''[[K'hamar'an Crisis]]''' (2004) - Fifth Place
* '''[[Invasion of Coratua]]''' (2005) - Fifth Place
* '''[[Second Darkness]]''' (2006) - Fourth Place
* '''[[Spoils of War]]''' (2009) - Fourth Place
===  Other Vendettas/Feuds  ===
* '''Satal Keto Feud''' Arcona vs. Satal Keto (1999) – First Place
* '''Satal Keto Feud''' Arcona vs. Satal Keto (1999) – First Place
* '''Taldryan Feud''' Arcona vs. Taldryan (1999) – Second Place
* '''Taldryan Feud''' Arcona vs. Taldryan (1999) – Second Place
* '''Vengeance''' Arcona vs. Scholae Palatinae (2002/2003) – First Place
* '''Vengeance''' Arcona vs. Scholae Palatinae (2002/2003) – First Place
* '''Independence Games 2003''' – Second Place
* '''Independence Games 2003''' – Second Place
* '''Independence Games 2005''' – Seventh Place
* '''Independence Games 2005''' – Seventh Place
* '''Selen Incident''' Arcona vs. Taldryan (2006) – Second Place
* '''Selen Incident''' Arcona vs. Taldryan (2006) – Second Place
* '''Vengeance''' Arcona vs. Scholae Palatinae (2007) – First Place
* '''Independence Games 2008''' – Third Place
* '''Independence Games 2008''' – Third Place
* '''Uneasy Alliances''' Arcona vs. Plagueis vs. Scholae Palatinae (2008) – Third Place
* '''[[Horizons]]''' (2012) - First Place
* '''[[Dark Crusade]]''' (2013) - Second Place
* '''[[Fading Light]]''' (2014) - Second Place

* '''Uneasy Alliances''' Arcona vs. Plagueis vs. Scholae Palatinae (2008) – Third Place
== Logo Symbology ==
[[File:Arcona_logo_multicolor.gif|thumb|200px|right|Clan Arcona logo]]
==Logo Symbology==
[[Image:Arcona logo multicolor.gif‎|thumb|left|200px|Clan Arcona logo]]
# The logo as a whole is a stylized letter A (in the Star Wars droid font)...A for Arcona.
# The logo as a whole is a stylized letter A (in the Star Wars droid font)...A for Arcona.
# The 3 sections of the logo represent the 3 orders within the brotherhood.
# The 3 sections of the logo represent the 3 orders within the brotherhood.
# The spikes along the top represent Arcona's aggressive stance and readiness for combat (mental and physical).  In the multicolor version, these sections are red and blue, representing the two Orders that are more combat oriented.
# The spikes along the top represent Arcona's aggressive stance and readiness for combat (mental and physical).  In the multicolor version, these sections are red and blue, representing the two Orders that are more combat oriented.
# The eclipsing of the circle at the base of the logo and on the two arms is representative of the shadow encompassing the light (our Clan power).
# The eclipsing of the circle at the base of the logo and on the two arms is representative of the shadow encompassing the light (our specialized power).
# The circle itself is purple, representing the order that is less combat oriented and more inward thinking (note the two inward facing points at the base).
# The circle itself is purple, representing the order that is less combat oriented and more inward thinking (note the two inward facing points at the base).
# Additionally, there are 3 eclipses, one over each logo section rather than just on the base due to the heavy presence of darkness and shadow amongst all three orders.
# Additionally, there are 3 eclipses, one over each logo section rather than just on the base due to the heavy presence of darkness and shadow amongst all three orders.
==External Links==

[ Clan Arcona's homepage]

[[Category: Clans & Houses]][[Category:Clan Arcona| Clan Arcona]]

Latest revision as of 19:11, 22 October 2021

General information

Donitz (House), Nighthawk (Clan)


Arcona Citadel, Estle City, Selen

Historical information
Formed from:

Independent House Arcona


14 ABY


27 ABY


33 ABY (Returned to House status)


35 ABY (Returned to Clan Status)

Other information
Notable members:

Dark Brotherhood


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

"Light is limited;
Darkness is infinite.
Arcona Motto

Clan Arcona is the First Clan of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi. It currently has two constituent Houses: House Qel-Droma and House Galeres. A third house, House Oriens Obscurum, has also been active in Arcona's past. For a brief time in 34 ABY, the Clan was reorganized into a House with the rest of the Brotherhood, before being the first to reform into a Clan towards the start of 35 ABY. Arcona is currently lead by Diyrian "Diy" Grivna and TBC, and has won the past three Great Jedi Wars (IX-XI).

For a more detailed summary of the Clan and its assets, please see the Arcona Prospectus. A full account of its military structure can be found on the Arconan Armed Forces Portal.

The Hymn of Arcona

The history of Arcona can best be heard through The Hymn of Arcona as written by Vassan Rokir:

From time in memorium, a battle we wage
Between Clans of Swordsmen, Pilot and Sage.
In knowledge and blood our successes gauged.
And victory upon victory, like a fine wine we age.

First there was Nighthawk, our founder on high
He whose vision of glory none could deny:
"A legacy of power!" to the stars he did cry
And born was Arcona, here her history I scry.

Thus, like a child, a noble House were we;
Noble in mind, noble in arm, noble in philosophy.
Whence then came a tumult, within CSP,
Our House doors were opened, host of sanctuary.

Dark Jedi of Palatinae, disillusioned by conflicts internal
Parted thus, but found life as "rogue" to edge on the infernal.
Wise Quaestor Nighthawk, plotting a legacy eternal
Made bastion of our lands, and unto the rogues were we paternal.

New allies made we, of the Palatinae Jedi;
So strong was their bond that they did decide:
"Our allegiance to Scholae be damned and defied;
True brothers have we in Arcona; our faith be undenied!"

And with speed our Father House, noble and strong,
Grew in size and power, making richer a rich history already long.
And soon, with volume and zeal was struck the gong:
"A House we stand, but united a Clan!" came the glorious song.

But among the loyal revelers, a rotting faction brewed:
Rogue Jedi of Scholae Palatinae, in jealousy they stewed.
Presently, a defection back to their origins ensued,
And Clan Scholae Palatinae was to be hollowly renewed.

With tails between legs, the Scholae Jedi fled,
But not all escaped without first being struck dead.
Six conflicts I speak now, sure to be read;
Noble Arcona robbed six Palatinae of their treacherous heads:

Obelisk Blazer and Obelisk Morth cornered a pair.
With a leap and a slash, Morth's saber did flare
And cleft one in twain, as then did Blazer dare
To slice the other's belly, a cut no thicker than a hair.

To their ships ran another two, eager to escape their fate.
Into orbit they flew, but followed by Sith hunger, needing sate.
Shotgun and Shark, in their TIEs with the enemy did their sights mate
And with flicks of trigger, explosive retribution did they create.

And of the last two I speak, were felled by the powers of Krath.
Sensing two that remained, Nighthawk and Voranyen released their wrath.
Using the Force, the kind that comes from the Dark path,
They did crush two throats, leaving six bodies, as says the math.

And so the battle was done, many traitors had paid;
Their lives for their "freedom" was their futile trade.
And through conflict's heat the stronger were we made
That the dark flame of Arcona would never fade.

So here the tale of Arcona we begin;
Clan forged in darkness, fire, and the wages of sin.

History I: Origins (14 ABY - 16 ABY)

"First to wake, last to die
Do or Do Not; there is not try
Domination of every foe
Arconan shadows take control

Inception (14 ABY)

In 14 ABY, under the first reign of Grand Master Khyron, the Brotherhood had four Clans: Scholae Palatinae, Satal Keto, Aquillas, and Tarentum. The Independent House Naga Sadow also vied for dominance within the Aurora galaxy. It was during those days that the Empire Reborn was crushed, and the fall of the Disciples of Ragnos, a rival Sith cult, came about.

A Sith Warrior by name of Donitz sought to forge a new Independent House, and after gathering enough support, House Arcona was forged. Donitz served as its first Quaestor, with Dev as his Aedile, but was soon replaced by Gilkane. Another Quaestor, Lioness, led the growing House for a time, until Nighthawk took over.

Expansion (15 ABY - 16 ABY)

Shortly before winning the M/INT Orthanc from Satal Keto, Quaestor Nighthawk was granted permission to convert the Independent House into a Clan. This was a tremendous victory for Arcona, and it elevated them to the same plane as the other Clans of the Brotherhood.

Arcona's militant House, Galeres, was created to hold the front-line fighters. With legendary battleteams such as Dark Orb Phyle and Soulfire Strike Team, the House proclaimed its dominance from its barracks on Garrida. It later became aligned with the Obelisk Order following the benediction of Grand Master Khyron.

House Qel-Droma was created to provide mystical strength to Arcona's arsenal, offering guidance and education to all who sought it. From the moon of Mar Sala, the House bided its time, safeguarding Arcona's temple. It was the perfect choice for future alignment with the Krath.

History II: Emergence (16 ABY - 19 ABY)

Scholae Palatinae's Loss; Arcona's Gain (16 ABY - 17 ABY)

A major tragedy befell Clan Scholae Palatinae, and the Clan was destroyed at the hands of the Star Chamber. Many of the survivors were offered salvation in Arcona, which for a short time took in Houses Acclivis Draco and Dorimad Sol. These two Houses were later merged to forge the third permanent House of Arcona: Oriens Obscurum, the rising darkness. Oriens was later chosen to oversee Arcona's naval fleet, defending Coronada space from their base on Joharta.

First to Wake (17 ABY - 18 ABY)

Arcona’s first brush with Clan Taldryan, widely regarded as the greatest vendetta Clan in the Brotherhood, did not end well. Their recently won prize from Clan Satal Keto, the Orthanc, was pried from their hands. Smarting a bit, Clan Arcona built up its assets and strengthened, biding its time.

The Second Great Jedi War was the first major vendetta Arcona was involved in, and they did well, placing second behind House Ektrosis. Arcona’s military was one of the leading forces against the pirates that fought the Brotherhood, and as such Grand Master Khyron saw fit to award them a Carrack cruiser, the CRCK Nighthawk.

By the time the Third Great Jedi War came around, the Clans had already begun to attack each other, and the conflicts evolved into a full-scale clash for supremacy in the Brotherhood. Arcona held its own, and rode a wave of success and growth into their next major engagement, in the next war.

Then the Fourth Great Jedi War took place, and Arcona was sent out on a hunt for a precious item. They did well, but slipped to fourth place, behind their new rivals, Clan Scholae Palatinae. A bit disappointed, the Consul led his members back to their home system so they could nurse their wounds from the quest and continue to grow internally.

The Fifth Great Jedi War, in 18 ABY, found Clan Arcona in a time of desperation. The Clan was weakened by an attack on its assets at the outset of the war, as its military and ships were decimated after bearing the full force of the Brotherhood’s enemies. Vassan Rokir was made Consul in the middle of the war, and was tasked with bringing the Clan back up to par.

The Exodus (19 ABY)

In 19 ABY, the Exodus, one of the most difficult times for the Brotherhood, hit Clan Arcona hard as well. Most of the events of the Exodus in Arcona are lost to the ages, but historians have worked tirelessly to try and puzzle out the facts and fictions about what happened all those years ago.

Nearly all of both Houses chose to go with the Brotherhood, and hastily packed everything they could carry with them. However, many treasured items were left behind because they could not be carried by those fleeing the Coronada system. The Exodus hit House Qel-Droma the hardest of the Arconan Houses. Being primarily a Krath House, and having to determine between irreplaceable and expendable items like databases, records, and artifacts in a short time, it was particularly painful and difficult during the split.

Uncertainties abounded about whether or not Arcona would even get a new home, and shadowed whispers plagued the Clan for some time. However, Ulic Qel-Droma’s Book of Shadows served to guide the Summit to a new system, Dajorra. Those members that remained loyal to the Consul packed up their belongings and headed for the new system. Upon arrival, a makeshift base was thrown up on the planet Sukhur, one of the harshest planets in the system.

Houses Galeres and Oriens Obscurum both planned to construct their headquarters on Eldar, but only one was permitted. So, Consul Vassan declared a Feud between the two Houses over the planet, and vicious combat began immediately. After the feud had concluded, Galeres was shown to be top dog, and was given Eldar.

History III: Rise of Dajorra (20 ABY - 27 ABY)

Arconan Shadows Take Control (20 ABY - 22 ABY)

Shortly after the Exodus, Consul Mejas Doto became leader of the Clan, and immediately began to strengthen the group. They defeated their rival Clan, Scholae Palatinae, in a Feud. The victory served as an enormous confidence booster, and propelled the Clan into the first Independence Games in 2003. In those Games, Arcona had another strong showing, taking second place and claiming their due glories. Consul Mejas watched his Clan grow more powerful by the day, as they shifted to prepare for their next challenge under his watchful eye.

In 21 ABY, under Consul JaM3z Lucius Entar, former Proconsul under Mejas, the Clan continued to thrive. They were the driving force in the Invasion of Antares, coming in a strong second place to Clan Tarentum in the “Third Sith War”. In those days, Clan Arcona was one of the hardest-hitting Clans in the Brotherhood, and the Arconans were eager to prove it again and again. That same year, the War of the Star Chamber took place. Chaos seized the Brotherhood, and horrible warfare tore at the very fibers of the Dark Jedi. When the conflict was finally ended by Lord Firefox, the Grand Master decreed that Clan Taldryan had narrowly edged Clan Tarentum, with Arcona showing up in a strong third.

Towards the end of James Lucius' tenure as Consul, the K'hamar'an Crisis took place as a result of mystery swirling around in the Shadow Academy. Unforunately, Clan Arcona struggled during the invasion, losing many military personnel and equipment. Limping back to Dajorra, Arcona was declared fifth, and left alone to rebuild under new Consul Vassan and Proconsul a`Lan Mandragoran. It was late in 22 ABY at the time, with Jac Cotelin as Grand Master, when Antei was invaded and brought under full government control. Even as the Brotherhood thrived, Arcona slowly weakened.

Shadows Deepen (23 ABY - 27 ABY)

The Invasion of Coratua called the warriors of Clan Arcona sooner than Consul Vassan would have hoped, as they were sent off to Coratua in 23 ABY. Arcona's faithful fought hard against the pirates, but still struggled in comparison to their past glories. A fifth place finish sent the Clan reeling once more, and a`Lan Mandragoran was given control of the rebuilding efforts. He did the best he could, and the Clan stabilized as things seemed to be looking up. However, the treachery of Clan Taldryan nearly led to all-out war between the two Clans.

Halcyon Rokir was the new Consul of Arcona, and during his reign the Selen Incident took place. Taldryan agents infiltrated Clan Arcona's home system, and both Dark Jedi were captured and held on Selen. Taldryan sent a large fleet to surround the Arconan headquarters, and Halcyon and Duga, Consul of Taldryan, verbally derided each other's actions. The situation was diffused, however, and any disagreements were put behind the Clan as they entered the Seventh Great Jedi War. Turning around its recent struggles, Arcona took a proud third place in the war, defeating their rivals, Clan Scholae Palatinae.

Strategos Thanatos Entar was the next Consul of Arcona, and he helped keep the Clan on its toes. He led them through the Second Darkness, finishing in a close fourth place. His tenure as Consul lasted two full years, but he relinquished leadership to Timeros during the Eighth Great Jedi War. During the Incursion, an unknown alien race smashed the Brotherhood defenses, and Arcona was effected more severely than most of the other Clans, having their home system of Dajorra torn from them. Homeless, they were left to fend for themselves aboard their fleet.

History IV: Shadows and Glory (28 ABY - 33 ABY)

Last to Die (28 ABY - 29 ABY)

Mejas Doto returned as Consul in 28 ABY to take charge of the rebuilding efforts. He led the Clan very well, and they bounced back as best as possible from the horrifying defeat at the hands of the aliens. The Zabrak Master pulled Arcona into the 2008 Independence Games, where they placed a notable third, gaining a bit more muscle back. Mejas served as Consul for over a year, before stepping down for Sashar Arconae to take over.

The Ninth Great Jedi War: Unification (30 ABY)

Main Article: Ninth Great Jedi War

The Ninth Great Jedi War took place in 30 ABY, and was a pivotal event in not just the history of Arcona, but the history of the entire Brotherhood. Led by Grand Master Sarin, the Brotherhood’s fleet returned to Antei for the first time since their demoralizing defeat at the hands of the alien invaders in the Eighth Great Jedi War, anticipating another fight with the aliens. Instead, they found that their enemy had been wiped out by a plague, and had been replaced by a sect led by Jedi Master Omancor Crask. Crask had defeated the occupying forces with a biological weapon and had conquered the planet with an army of droids, which he then turned against the Brotherhood.

Clan Arcona’s forces were led by Consul Sashar, who commanded the Arconan Expeditionary Force. With Sashar at the helm, they successfully navigated through the Shroud, and deployed a number of foxtrot outfits of Dark Jedi planetside to help lead the fight against the Jedi and the droids. Despite being rocked with infighting, resulting in a number of high-level defections that included Proconsul Vorion and the Quaestors of both Qel-Droma and Galeres, Arcona remained strong.

Malidir Trepidus Erinos emerged as one of Arcona’s greatest warriors during the conflict on Antei, and at the end of the war, was recognized by the Iron Throne for his service and declared the First Hero of the war. Following the death of Crask at the hands of his subordinate, and the death of Grand Master Sarin as well, Arcona and the combined forces of the Brotherhood secured their victory over the planet.

When the dust settled, Consul Sashar and his closest lieutenants, Proconsul Strategos and Quaestors Legorii and Timeros, watched as the newly minted Grand Master, Muz Ashen, commended Clan Arcona for their distinguished efforts and named them the victors of the conflict. In triumph, the Arconan Expeditionary Force returned to Dajorra with a new vessel, the NSD Invicta, and immediately set about the task of rebuilding their system.

Rite of Supremacy: Spoils of War (32 ABY - 33 ABY)

Main Article: Spoils of War

In 32 ABY, just two years after the events of the Unification, Grand Master Muz summoned the forces of the Brotherhood to invade Salas V, promising the planet to whichever unit provided itself deserving.

Arcona, still under the leadership of Consul Sashar, was caught somewhat off-guard by the summons, and had stretched its resources across the Dajorra System in its rebuilding efforts. Sashar led the Arconan Expeditionary Fleet into action once more, but got off to a slow start on Salas V as their ground forces found themselves unprepared for the Killik hives that they were sent in to exterminate.

Surprisingly, it was the youngest House, Revan, that was most equipped to handle the challenges that Salas V presented, and took advantage of the bitter rivalries between the Clans to claim the planet as their own while the larger units tore one another apart. Arcona survived the conflict, and did not incur the heavy losses that many other Clans were faced with, but Consul Sashar led his defeated forces back to Dajorra with much still to prove.

History V: Turmoil and Transformation (34 ABY - 35 ABY)

The Humbling of Arcona (34 ABY)

Celahir Erinos took over the Serpentine Throne from Sashar, following a brief placeholder reign by former Consul Strategos. Celahir, a long-time Quaestor of Qel-Droma who had succeeded Legorii Kryotek following the Ninth Great Jedi War, took over a Clan in decline. The entire Brotherhood, in fact, was beset by troubles of many types, and Grand Master Muz knew he needed to do something radical.

Thus, just months into the reign of Consul Celahir in 34 ABY, each of the Brotherhood’s six Clans were stripped of their subordinate Houses and made independent Houses in their own right. Celahir became Quaestor of House Arcona, with Driftan Housan as his Aedile. Celahir’s reign gave way to Zandro Erinos stepping up and eventually assuming the role of Quaestor.

In a move that some questioned, the Arconae took a chance on an upcoming and powerful member by the name of Wuntila. Together, along with Rollmaster Timeros Entar and the rest of the Arconae, the Quaestor and Aedile combo would pave the way for Arcona’s climb back to the top of the Brotherhood. Countless sleepless nights were spent drafting and planning, and even after being turned down once, the Arconan Summit remained vigilant and pushed forward.

Operation Ad Infinitum

The planning of the rescue mission began in difficult circumstances, with time limit and other restrictions which were in place causing tempers to flare and very few feasible ideas to come to the fore. However, when a breakthrough came, it was thanks to the former Consul, Sashar Arconae, whose devious scheme was accepted by the majority as being their best shot at success. The plan finalised and the execution getting ever closer, it was time for the rescue mission to begin.

A group comprising both Arconan and Tarentum members began their mission by first establishing a cordon around the building within which Zandro was being held captive. Slowly and meticulously, the group moved forward while thinning out, fanning around the building to surround it fully as they crept closer to their target. When the time to breach came, it was the group on the East side of the building which distinguished themselves, Celevon Edraven and Talos Erinos opening fire with deadly precision and killing half of the enemy troops before the rest of the combined "Tarcona" force could begin their own breaches. All bar one of the enemy troops were cut down without mercy, with this lone survivor being spirited away for a rigorous questioning from members of the Dajorra Intelligence Agency, while at the same time the rescued Consul was evacuated and spirited away to the Eye of the Abyss, where he underwent medical examinations and began his recovery.

In honor of their instrumental actions during his rescue, Zandro proclaimed that Celevon and Talos would now be known as his personal rescue team, should the not-so-unlikely event of his capture occur once more. A badge of honor indeed.

Rebirth and Resurgence (35 ABY)

Arcona was not held back for long, and regained its Clan status alongside Naga Sadow in 35 ABY. Under the leadership of ascended Consul Zandro Erinos and Proconsul Wuntila, House Qel-Droma and House Galeres were reformed under the Clan name. To lead House Qel-Droma, the Zandro selected the up-and-coming Battleteam leader of Oblivion Brigade, Marick. To lead Galeres, former Consul Celahir was chosen.

For all their efforts in returning their Clan Status, the Arconan Summit still faced an uphill battle. War loomed on the horizon and there was a lot of work still to be done. The Summit faced its share of up and downs. To help aide the Summit, Zandro appointed another rising star, Talos Erinos, as Galeres Aedile while Marick was paired with a new transfer named Invictus.

It was the dawn of a new era for the reformed Clan Arcona, and the growing unit set about strengthening both Houses and tightening their grip on the Dajorra System, in order to better prepare for conflicts that were brewing on the horizon.

Marick and Invictus set to rebuilding House Qel-Droma’s headquarters on the shadowport known as Port Ol'val. They established a foothold in the haven for smugglers and underworld contacts, keeping the identities of the Dark Jedi house a secret to better become one with the economy of the shadowport.

Celahir and Talos focused on Arcona’s military, strengthening Arcona’s defenses for the event of the Clans might being called elsewhere to wage War.

History VI: First Clan of the Brotherhood (35 ABY - 36 ABY)

Tenth Great Jedi War: The Invasion of New Tython (35 ABY)

Main Article: Tenth Great Jedi War
Arconan Summit

In 35 ABY, the Brotherhood’s forces were again rallied by the Iron Throne, and the Clans and Houses were sent to the planet of New Tython to defeat the Jedi of Odan-Urr and their mercenary forces. Consul Zandro commanded the Arconan fleet from the bridge of the NSD Invicta, and ordered the two Houses to commence a ground invasion. Their rendezvous point was set as the city of Menat Ombo.

The landing was mostly successful, with only a few Dark Jedi teams being shot down and stranded in the jungles of New Tython, and each House set up field bases under the supervision of their Quaestors. Dozens of Dark Jedi teams were sent out from these bases, pursuing parallel objectives with personalized missions. These teams were highly effective, and successfully gashed the Odan-Urr Jedi and the Ge’tal Gaan Mandalorians.

Sashar and Zandro

Proconsul Wuntila and Galeres Quaestor Celahir were left in charge of the Arconan Forward Operating Base, while Consul Zandro and Soulfire Sergeant and former Consul Sashar took the field together. The pair were devastating to their Jedi foes, and worked in tandem with the other field teams to push their enemies from the land surrounding Menat Ombo. However, they were captured by Mandalorians, and Wuntila was forced to lead a daring rescue with the help of Soulfire Strike Team.

The Arconan forces regrouped outside Menat Ombo, as Wuntila gathered all of their elements and prepared for a final assault on the city. They systematically cleared it of Jedi, and were poised to secure the entire city when they were confronted by rival Houses. A bloody battle ensued in the Visulu Market, but the Arconans successfully held off their enemies. They then received word that the Ge'tal Gaan Mandalorians were overrunning the Soulfire position in the north, and that reinforcements were needed.

Quickly, Zandro and Wuntila realized that the Arconan reinforcements would not be enough, and that the Mandalorians would eventually overrun their army. The Mandalorians were sweeping through the city, retaking positions that had been seized by the Arconans, and a full evacuation seemed necessary. But in order for the Arconans to pull out in time, an orbital bombardment of the city would be necessary.

Communications with the fleet were jammed, and the only transceiver that could establish a connection with the Eye of the Abyss was located in Ooroo Abbey in the heart of the city. In his last act as Consul, Zandro relinquished his throne to Wuntila, and went with his brother, Sashar, on a suicide mission to Ooroo in order to complete the communication for the orbital bombardment.

There, heroically fending off a mass of Mandalorian mercenaries, they were obliterated in an orbital bombardment by the Arconan fleet. From the plains a safe distance from the city, the beleaguered Arconans watched two of their greatest leaders fall in a horrific show of destruction, unable to tear themselves away from the tragic sight.

The Price of Victory (35 ABY)

Arcona was victorious, but the death of two Arconae and former Consuls left an empty void in the hearts of the entire Clan. Wuntila suddenly found himself as Consul, and quickly appointed Marick as his Proconsul for his valor in battle. Together, the two set about recouping their losses and replenishing their depleted ranks in the relative peace that followed the war.

Timeros took the loss of his two oldest comrades hardest and resigned from Rollmaster. In his wake, Wuntila and Marick appointed Xathia and Fet'ai'narun as Rollmasters of Galeres and Qel-Droma respectively. Invictus took up the mantle of Qel-Droma Quaestor and was joined by Socorra Erinos as Aedile, while Sanguinius succeeded Celahir as Quaestor of Galeres.

Teroch Erinos, son of Sashar, inherited Soulfire Strike Team, and handled the passing of his father in his own way.

Summit of the First Clan

As with each time of peace before it, it was not to last.

The War of Three Families (35 ABY)


Operation Rolling Thunder (36 ABY)

Consul Wuntila had turned his sights toward Judecca and the Treskov System, and meant to send the Arconan Expeditionary Force there to expand Arcona influence in the sector. However, probes detected a Chiss forward operating base on the moon Ebaq Nine, and its forces were sizable enough to give the Arconans trouble. Wuntila assembled his Summit and crafted a plan to take the base and open a path through Treskov.

The Summit planned a daring assault, utilizing a Thrawn pincer that was pioneered by the Chiss’ greatest tactician, and made an infiltration mission by Soulfire Strike Team the centerpiece of their strategy. The team, led by Teroch Erinos, was joined by Consul Wuntila, cut through the Chiss station and eliminated a number of important defense systems and targets. Meanwhile, another team, Shadow Gate, was led by Zakath and Legorii, and accompanied by Aedile Socorra, and successfully rigged explosives at the base’s power center.

While Soulfire turned the base’s guns against the Chiss armada, and Spectre Cell infiltrated a Chiss destroyed and turned it against the rest of the flotilla. The modified Thrawn pincer was executed to perfection by Proconsul Marick and other Arconan Elders, and the entire Chiss station was destroyed and massive damage was dealt to the retreating Chiss fleet.

Trials of Loyalty (36 ABY)

Main Article: Trials of Loyalty

Col’rah, Leader of Oblivion Brigade, which served as Arcona’s Black Ops team, was on duty at Bulkhead Maximum Security prison below the mines of Port Ol'val. He notices intruders and starts to take action. He trusts in his partner, Shinn Ragga, to help him with the invaders, but is betrayed with a stun-bolt to the back of the head. Oblivion Brigade were the most loyal members of Clan Arcona, trained to hunt down and kill traitors and threats. Shinn was dangerous and set a nefarious plan into motion.

Port Ol'val was then sieged by the forces of the Hutts, the Mal Company Mercenaries, and Fly On The Wall – the collection code named The “Trimunitives". Shinn breached Bulkhead facility with a strike-team and lets many of Arcona’s prisoners out onto the districts of Port Ol’val. This causes enough chaos that the Trimunitives are able to take over many of the Clan’s safehouses. This of course get the attention of Arcona, and the Summit set a message out to all Clan members to meet up at the Headquarters of House Qel-Droma for assignments and targets. At perhaps the worst possible moment, Tsainetomo had decided to join Arcona from Clan Naga Sadow. Many of the Arcona Summit did not trust the former rival and Son of Sadow, some even thinking he was the cause of the attack on Port Ol’val.

As luck would have it this was also the first day of Socorra’s leadership of House Qel-Droma as Quaestor. Her first assignment was to gather the Clan and brief them on the attack. This included setting up multiple teams for a multi pronged assault on the combined forces of the Trimunitives.

During the time the teams were forming up and getting brief, a group led by “Jedi Master” Waylen Black, (secretly Darth Pravus) attacked one of the Casinos in the Besadii district, causing the casino to completely crush down on most of its inhabitants. He was aided by an upcoming Valhavoc. In the space right outside the Port, the third member of that team, Raken, stood ready to lead his troops to attack the Shadow Port as well. It was unknown if the team had any connection to the traitor Shinn Ragga.

History VII: Victory Beyond the Horizons (36 - 38 ABY)

Horizons (36 ABY)

Main Article: Horizons

Another bloody Brotherhood conflict, and another victory for Clan Arcona. When the Horizons plague began to sweep through Brotherhood space in 36 ABY, Consul Wuntila had his unit as prepared as it could be to confront the challenges that awaited. The plague was, in fact, a bioweapon developed by Lysu Thren that fell into the hands of former Grand Master Zoraan, who deployed it as part of his campaign to usurp the Iron Throne from Muz Ashen.

The civilian death toll alone for the conflict was over 30 million, and many more Force-sensitives, particularly Journeymen, were claimed by the war. The plague spread from the Shadow Academy, temporarily strengthening Dark Jedi in the Force before stripping them of it altogether. After the plague had taken root in all of the Clans and Houses, Zoraan led his fleet into Brotherhood space, where the Clans were called to defend Antei and their own systems.

Wuntila led the Arconan Expeditionary Force into the battle, where they immediately helped to turn the tide of war. However, more and more Arconans were infected by the plague, and the Houses were soon confronted with tides of infected Journeymen on their own planets of Selen and Eldar.

Ultimately, it was the cure developed by Macron Sadow that saved the Brotherhood, and enabled the fleets to rally and beat back Zoraan’s invading armada. After Zoraan’s death at the hands of Grand Master Muz, Wuntila and the Arconans successfully chased the remnants of his fleet from the Dajorra System, and then aided the Iron Throne is pushing them from Anteian space. Other Clans and Houses continued to deal with the effects of those invading fleets for months to come.

Arcona was again given great praise and glory for their leadership in the conflict, as the First Clan again led its peers. In particular, three Arconans -- Raken, Darth Pravus, and Legorii -- were honored by the Iron Throne as three of the top warriors in the Brotherhood for their deeds on the battlefield.

The Capture of the Avenger II (36 ABY)

Main Article: Avenger II - Arcona

Just after the death of Zoraan, Grand Master Muz again contacted the leaders of each Clan and House to inform them of a new objective. Each was to send its best teams to seize and capture a Super Star Destroyer, the Avenger II, the former flagship of the would-be usurper. Clan Arcona sent six of their own teams to the vessel.

Team Alpha, led by Consul Wuntila, tamed one mutant terentatek and slew another, but did not reach the bridge of the Avenger II in time to capture it. Team Bravo, led by Valhavoc, secured Hangar 10 in a support capacity, and then unexpectedly became a main element and breached the control room of the vessel. They also neutralized bridge security, and their efforts were instrumental in the Brotherhood victory.

Team Charlie, led by rivals Andrelious and Zakath, was among the first to arrive, and held off the enemy forces until the other Arconan teams could secure footholds. Team Delta, commanded by Sanguinius, assaulted a contingent of One Sith enemies in a side hangar, providing a distraction that enabled the other teams to board the Avenger II.

Team Echo, led by Cethgus Entar, was plagued by infighting and mistakes by Journeymen team members, and found themselves pinned down in an auxiliary hangar for most of the fighting. Arcona’s final team, Foxtrot, was led by Etah d’Tana, and succeeded in breaching the engine room, but were not credited in the Brotherhood’s ultimate success.

The operation was deemed a success for Clan Arcona, with all six teams performing admirably in the situation, and the Brotherhood captured the vessel.

The Dark Crusade (37 ABY)

Main Article: Dark Crusade - Arcona

In 37 ABY, one of the most extensive Brotherhood campaigns in the organization’s history began, as the Clans and Houses set out to conquer the Star Wars. Consul Wuntila again rallied the Clan to his banner, and Arcona set out on what would be called the Dark Crusade.

Krayiss II

It seemed like the perfect opportunity. Krayiss II was ripe for the picking, and only Taldryan stood between the Shadow Clan and victory. Arcona had overcome such odds before. The once-glorious giant of the Brotherhood was a pale simulacrum of its former glorious self -- or so Arcona had believed. When the Clan came into contact with Taldryan, they found a fierce adversary, and in that, they also found their match. Arrogant from their recent victories, they under-estimated just how loud the veterans that filled the House could shout, and subsequently, the Shadow Clan was drowned out...though not by much.

Despite the loss, out of the bitter taste of defeat a new paragon of Arcona was born: Cethgus Entar. For his skill in battle and unquestioning loyalty to Arcona, he was given the mark of the di Tenebrous - made Arconae.


With the pain of being outperformed by House Taldryan still fresh in their minds, the Arconan forces descended on Rhelg with an almost unprecedented fury. This time however, Arcona was able to emerge triumphant as they secured the planet for the Brotherhood, beating Taldryan to the punch on enough occasions to be able to later claim the planet as their own. The Arconan fleet, commanded by the Consul himself, was able to destroy one of the One Sith capital ships and force them into full retreat, while ground forces cleverly utilized hit-and-run tactics to dupe the rival Houses into conflict.

The defeat of Taldryan improved Arconan morale, and sent the rival Dark Jedi back to their own vessels, where Arconans knew that they were plotting their own vengeance. Despite the victory, none could shake the feeling that even greater challenges awaited them.

Bhargebba and Svolten

Arcona descended on Bhargebba with fury, ready to unleash their might upon the One Sith that waited for them. They knew that their past victory was meaningless to their new target and once more divided into battleteams and squadrons to pursue the nigh-impossible tasks assigned them by Summit and Dark Council alike. The scope of the conflict was unlike anything they had faced on the preceding worlds, and each individual was tested in ways he could not have foreseen.

Facing new rivals and old, as well as the hated One Sith, Arconan warriors fought and bled on the battlefield and in the vacuum. They were again victorious, and captured the planet from under the noses of their rival Houses, Scholae Palatinae and Odan-Urr. Using their momentum from the consecutive conquests, Arcona descended upon Svolten, where they handily defeated Odan-Urr and the One Sith to claim the planet as their own.

After the victory on Svolten, Arcona underwent a leadership change at the time, with Marick Arconae ascending to the Serpentine Throne and Wuntila shifting into a subordinate role as his Proconsul. The arrangement was short-lived, but allowed Marick to ease into the enormous responsibility of leading the Shadow Clan.


Their next showdown, on Kalsunor, was with their most bitter rivals and competitors over the course of the Crusade, House Plagueis. The House, led by former Arconans, had already conquered most of the planets in their path, and posed a serious threat to Arcona. Consul Marick did not back down, however. With a pair of deft tactical maneuvers, Marick was able to isolate Plageuis with allied House Tarentum, combining forces to tackle the challenge. The Consul motivated his forces to oppose the Plagueians, and despite being intercepted by the One Sith en route to the planet, Arconans secured a hard-fought victory on Kalsunor.


Finally, the Brotherhood reached the final two planets of their year-long Crusade: Ziost and Dromund Kaas. Arcona, Plagueis, and Naga Sadow each set out to conquer Ziost in their final act of the Dark Crusade, with Plagueis and Arcona vying for the ultimate victory. The Arconans stumbled, however, and were unable to secure the victory.

By the end of the Crusade, the Arconans were weary and worn, and Consul Marick had been forced to reshuffle his Summit in order to meet the demands of the campaign. He and his Proconsul, Legorii, along with Quaestors Cethgus and Ernordeth, led the Dark Jedi back to their home system of Dajorra to rest and rebuild the strength of Clan Arcona.

Operation: Sojourn (37 ABY)

Main Article: Operation: Sojourn

Not long returned to their home system for a brief respite after nearly a year away crusading with and against the other clans, Arconans found themselves nursing wounds and turning a measure of attention back to the system that had begun to languish in their absence. Amidst this, some of the Clan's prized and iconic animal compainions, the cythraul, fell sick. After signs of poisoning were discovered and a possible security threat revealed, Consul Marick Arconae mobilized the Clan's forces to the Hapes Cluster, from which the attack was suspected. Their goal was twofold: to find a cure for that would save the cythraul and to eliminate the risk Marick's heritage had posed to Arcona.

While the majority of both Qel-Droma and Galeres' forces would follow the Consul to Hapan, some, like Shadow Phyle and other attaches, stayed behind on Selen to ferret out the Hapan agents in their home city and quell any other rising dissent that had grown overeager while the Clan's Jedi were away. Shadow Gate infilitrated some of the pirate groups roaming the Hapes sector, allowing the Arconans an extraction strategy, while the bulk of the Battleteam and House forces, including Dark Forge and Arete along with Marick and his select team of delegates went on to Hapes in the guise of a delegation to one of her high nobles, Marick's own mother, Lady Del'Abbot. Meanwhile, Nighthawk, guarded by Soulfire's forces, conducted a stealth mission further into the jealously-guarded and insulated system in search of the cythraul's cure.

While Arconan's forces secured the cure they sought and secured their hold on their home city, Marick and his company met with the delegates of the Hapes Consortium. The meeting turned out to be another trap, the Del'Abbots bringing ysalmiri to weaken their Force-using guests, hoping to trap them as slaves and use the Clan's considerable resources for their own. Fighting broke out across the compound between Arcona's forces and the household's, and several Arconans were wounded, including Socorra. In the end, however, the Arconans were victorious as ever, and, after imprisoning his mother and handing over control of the household to his younger sister in an uneasy alliance, Marick directed their troops to withdraw. They returned to Dajorra with the long-sought remedy in hand, and found their home once again under their control, if only for the moment - although the entire ordeal was later revealed to be one of the first of Marick's many tests for his brethren, that their triumphant ability might be assured.

The Crusade Resumes (37 ABY - 38 ABY)


Great Jedi War XI: Revelations (38 ABY)


Tides of Change (33 ABY)


Rise and Fall of Perdition (34 ABY)



Fall of Perdition


Houses of Arcona

House Galeres

Galeres logo
Main article: House Galeres

House Galeres is a breed apart from the rest of Arcona and even the rest of the Brotherhood. Instead of focusing their energies into matters of the force and the mastery of lightsaber combat, members of Galeres usually face two other tasks. Galeres is heavily involved with the underworld of the galaxy. This includes black marketeering, smuggling, bounty hunting and occasionally slaving. Galeres is always heavily involved in the seedier side of the galactic machine and is well-versed in underhanded dealings and criminal activities. It even goes so far as to rent out its services to various criminal syndicates…as long as the price is right.

House Qel-Droma

Qel-Droma logo
Main article: House Qel-Droma

House Qel-Droma usually aims to focus on the more stereotypical Krath events that are around in the Brotherhood. Despite the multi-order nature of the house, Qel-Droma aims to focus energies on matters of the Force. In the past, Qel-Droma has been closed for short times, but has always come back stronger than ever.

House Oriens Obscurum (Closed)

Main article: House Oriens Obscurum

House Oriens Obscurum, a multi-order House that is now closed, was formed when Houses Acclivis Draco and Dorimad Sol were merged. Both Houses are now part of Clan Scholae Palatinae. One of the defining points of “HOO” is the success of its first Quaestor, Firefox, who would go on to be the Grand Master that led the Brotherhood through the Exodus.

Battle Teams of Arcona

Battleteams are the basic organization unit within the Brotherhood and fall under the command of a Battleteam Leader. These teams are grouped within a particular House or Clan and can either be aligned to the same Order or consist of members from multiple Orders. Upon completing training in the Shadow Academy, new members can be assigned to a Battleteam by their House Summit. Further ranks and awards can be gained by active participation in the team.

House Qel-Droma

Shadow Gate Battleteam

Known as “Gatekeepers”, Shadow Gate functions as an extension of the DIA and Arcona’s covert operations division. Shadow Gate agents make their home on Port Ol’val where their underworld contacts and Deep Cover Alias’ make them invaluable as infiltrators and agents for espionage. In times of War, Shadow Gate is often inserted into enemy bases or rotations to gather intel and sabotage from within. In times of peace, they are making deals, coordinating with Arconan allies and contacts.

House Galeres

Soulfire Strike Team

Soulfire Strike Team embodies Arcona’s manta of “first to wake and last to die”. One of Arcona’s oldest Battleteams, Soulfire are the best of the best in terms of special operations; the metaphoric hammer of the Shadow Clan. They are multi tasked and skilled for any mission that requires their completion. They can be deployed in stealth or in the thick of combat and are adaptable to any battlefield. They have seen countless wars during their time, and little phases the grizzled veterans.


A new initiative from the DIA, the Nighthawk acts as the Shadow Lord’s eyes and ears, co-ordinating the far-flung spies, informants and agents of the Dajorra Intelligence Agency. Members of Arcona are chosen because of their unique skill sets and loyalty to form the basis of a team that reaches far into the depths of space. The Nighthawk and her crew have an intelligence bent, but not exclusively so. They pride themselves on their adaptability, fraternity, and never losing sight of the end goal.

Clan Summit Chronology

Independent House Arcona
Quaestor Aedile Service Dates (MM/YY)
Donitz Dev
Gilkane Dreadnaught
Lioness Shark
Nighthawk Shark

Clan Arcona
Consul Proconsul Service Dates (MM/YY)
Nighthawk Ciarus Sabrel Kun
Nighthawk Ciarus Cardiac
Nighthawk Ciarus Depriest
Elliad Gavron Tuojas D'Eraii
Tuojas D'Eraii Priyum Patel
Priyum Patel Kelric
Kelric Magus Lionheart
Arion Sunrider Duo Chronos Sterling
Chronos Sterling E. Tarkin ???? - 02/02
E. Tarkin Khobai Wrathraven 02/02 - 04/03
Mage N/A 04/03 - 04/03
Mav "Telaris" Cantor N/A 04/03 - 04/03
Mejas Doto Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae 04/03 - 09/03
Mejas Doto James Lucius Entar 09/03 - 05/04
James Lucius Entar Strategos Thanatos Entar 05/04 - 07/04
James Lucius Entar Cyris Oscura 07/04 - 08/04
James Lucius Entar Vassan Rokir 08/04 - 09/04
Vassan Rokir a`Lan Mandragoran 09/04 - 01/05
a`Lan Mandragoran Halcyon Rokir 01/05 - 04/05
Halcyon Rokir Syn Kaek 04/05 - 07/05
Halcyon Rokir Dalthid 07/05 - 09/05
Denath Ciarus Khobai Wrathraven 08/05 - 10/05
Denath Ciarus Strategos Thanatos Entar 10/05 - 01/06
Halcyon Rokir Strategos Thanatos Entar 02/06 - 08/06
Strategos Thanatos Entar Quejo Rak'ul Drakai 08/06 - 11/06
Strategos Thanatos Entar Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana 11/06 - 03/07
Strategos Thanatos Entar Timeros Caesus Entar 03/07 - 06/07
Timeros Caesus Entar Strategos Thanatos Entar 06/07 - 10/07
Mejas Doto Sashar Arconae 10/07 - 09/08
Sashar Arconae Vorion 09/08 - 03/09
Sashar Arconae Strategos Thanatos Entar 03/09 - 08/09
Strategos Thanatos Entar Braecen Kaeth 09/09 - 10/09
Sashar Arconae Braecen Kaeth 10/09 - 05/10
Sashar Arconae Celahir Erinos 05/10 - 07/10
Celahir Erinos N/A 07/10

House Arcona
Quaestor Aedile Service Dates (MM/YY)
Celahir Erinos Driftan Housan 07/10 - 10/10
Zandro Savric Erinos Wuntila Arconae 10/10 - 04/11

Clan Arcona
Consul Proconsul Service Dates (MM/YY)
Zandro Savric Erinos Wuntila Arconae 04/11 - 11/11
Wuntila Arconae Marick Arconae 11/11 - 07/13
Marick Arconae Wuntila Arconae 07/13 - 09/13
Marick Arconae Legorii 09/13 - 02/15
Atyiru Legorii 02/15 - 06/15
Atyiru Arcia Cortel 06/15 - 02/16
Atyiru Uji Tameike 02/16 - present

di Tenebrous Arconae

The highest honor an Arconan can receive to be named di Tenebrous Arconae, signifying both their dedication to the Clan and their past efforts in helping shape Arcona. Members who have received this honor are allowed to use "Arconae" in their name. The Arconae derive their powers from the Abyssal Tome, each one a guardian of the secrets contained within. To become Arconae is a long and arduous process, the final selection chosen by the Consul of Arcona in consultation with the other Arconae.

Bearers of di Tenebrous Arconae
Deceased Bearers of di Tenebrous Arconae

Vendetta History

Great Jedi Wars

Rites of Supremacy

Other Vendettas/Feuds

  • Satal Keto Feud Arcona vs. Satal Keto (1999) – First Place
  • Taldryan Feud Arcona vs. Taldryan (1999) – Second Place
  • Vengeance Arcona vs. Scholae Palatinae (2002/2003) – First Place
  • Independence Games 2003 – Second Place
  • Independence Games 2005 – Seventh Place
  • Selen Incident Arcona vs. Taldryan (2006) – Second Place
  • Vengeance Arcona vs. Scholae Palatinae (2007) – First Place
  • Independence Games 2008 – Third Place
  • Uneasy Alliances Arcona vs. Plagueis vs. Scholae Palatinae (2008) – Third Place
  • Horizons (2012) - First Place
  • Dark Crusade (2013) - Second Place
  • Fading Light (2014) - Second Place

Logo Symbology

Clan Arcona logo
  1. The logo as a whole is a stylized letter A (in the Star Wars droid font)...A for Arcona.
  2. The 3 sections of the logo represent the 3 orders within the brotherhood.
  3. The spikes along the top represent Arcona's aggressive stance and readiness for combat (mental and physical). In the multicolor version, these sections are red and blue, representing the two Orders that are more combat oriented.
  4. The eclipsing of the circle at the base of the logo and on the two arms is representative of the shadow encompassing the light (our specialized power).
  5. The circle itself is purple, representing the order that is less combat oriented and more inward thinking (note the two inward facing points at the base).
  6. Additionally, there are 3 eclipses, one over each logo section rather than just on the base due to the heavy presence of darkness and shadow amongst all three orders.

Arcona Fleet
Dajorra Defence Force
ISDII Eye of the Abyss IIMJHC LictorMJHC Last LightW/GSP Broken BladeW/GSP Dark ArtisanW/GSP Light's LamentAGV Nighthawk
Commander: Emilie Lauraugina
Arcona Expeditionary Force
NSD InvictaNSD EncanisBAC Darkest NightBAC ShadowACC ShadehammerAGV Valour's Fall
Commander: Krox Noctem
Light is Limited; Darkness is Infinite.

Clan Arcona
Units Clan: Clan ArconaHouses: House Galeres & House Qel-DromaBattleteams: Dajorran Marshals & Voidbreaker

Clan Summit:

Galeres Summit:

Qel-Droma Summit:

Possessions Dajorra SystemArconan Armed ForcesDajorra Defence ForceArcona Expeditionary ForceDajorra Intelligence AgencyPort Ol'ValKurs'kranak
Misc Di Tenebrous ArconaeCythraulStarscream Tactical Solutions
Light is limited; Darkness is infinite.