Naga Sadow Timeline: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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==  32 ABY (November 2009)  ==
==  32 ABY (November 2009)  ==
# When the true state of the Aeotheran Resettlement Center becomes known by [[Ven Dastari]], the Seng Karash businessman founds the C.A.R.E. campaign for fair treatment of all Orian citizens. Motivated by public support for C.A.R.E's campaign, civil unrest grows after the refugee known as [[Deliverance]] founds the terrorist paramilitary group Voice of Justice and launches a pacifist campaign against the Dlarit Corporation.
# When the true state of the Aeotheran Resettlement Center becomes known by Ven Dastari, the Seng Karash businessman founds the C.A.R.E. campaign for fair treatment of all Orian citizens. Motivated by public support for C.A.R.E's campaign, civil unrest grows after the refugee known as [[Deliverance]] founds the terrorist paramilitary group Voice of Justice and launches a pacifist campaign against the Dlarit Corporation.
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Revision as of 01:46, 3 August 2013

This page houses the timeline for major events pertaining to Clan Naga Sadow. This page is an ongoing work in progress and its nature means it will never be "finished". Please feel free to add important information or improve accuracy in cases where approximations may have been made. Members are encouraged to create individual pages for major events that are currently without links (major events are listed in bold).

13 ABY (January 1997)

  1. Astronicus Dlarit becomes Governor of the planet Sif in the Phare system.
  2. The Other Uprising.

14 ABY (January 1998)

    1. Astronicus Dlarit begins recruiting followers.
    2. The House is formed.
  1. First Brotherhood Civil War.

15 ABY (January 1999)

  1. The Cordona Pirate Crisis.
    1. The Clan is formed.
    2. The Governor’s Mansion becomes Sadow Palace.
    3. Astronicus Dlarit becomes Consul.
    4. Astronicus Dlarit learns he is the heir of Naga Sadow.
    5. The Sword of Sadow is recovered from Yavin IV.
  2. Kharon Daragon becomes Consul.
  3. Eagleye becomes Consul.
  4. Astronicus Sadow becomes Consul.
  5. -
  6. The Urias Xhaxin Incident.

16 ABY (January 2000)

  1. John Striker becomes Consul.
  2. Mordann becomes Consul.
  3. Mission to Antar IV.
  4. Ace becomes Consul.
  5. Trevarus Caerick becomes Consul.
    1. Second Brotherhood Civil War.
    2. Trevarus Caerick discovers the Orian system.
    1. Mission to Antei.
    2. Trevarus Caerick discovers the Antei system.
  6. The Chronicle of Dark Souls is completed.

17 ABY (January 2001)

  1. The Zoraan Uprising.
  2. Kale Lobacz becomes Consul.
  3. The Orbs of Power are discovered.
    1. Hunt for the Skin of Fire.
    2. Shan Long is manifested.
  4. Voranyen becomes Consul.

18 ABY (January 2002)

  1. Alex d’Tana becomes Consul.
  2. Keldorn becomes Consul.
  3. "Deception Feud".
  4. Xanos Zorrixor becomes Consul.
  5. Preparations for the Clan’s relocation begin.
  6. The Black Guard is formed.

19 ABY (January 2003)

End of the Galactic Civil War

  1. The Aurora Crisis.
    1. Mission to Klind’arith.
    2. The Exodus.
    3. Battle of Phare.
  2. A new defense fleet is ordered through Kaldex Transport Inc.
  3. The Temple of Sorrow is designated New Sadow Palace.
  4. Phase One of Kar Alabrek is completed.

20 ABY (November 2003)

    1. Jonuss Rai becomes Consul.
    2. Xanos Zorrixor becomes Sith High Warrior.
    3. Trevarus Caerick becomes Oracle.
    4. Raistlin Majerus and Manesh become the first Sons of Sadow.
  1. The Antei Campaign begins.
  2. Trevarus Caerick and Xanos Zorrixor become Sons of Sadow.

21 ABY (April 2004)

  1. Malik becomes Consul.
    1. Invasion of Antares.
    2. The Antei Campaign ends.
  2. Okemi Crisis begins.
    1. Okemi Crisis ends.
    2. Trevarus Caerick is lost to Shan Long.
    3. Xanos Zorrixor goes into exile.
    4. House Primus Goluud falls in battle.
  3. The Keibatsu are formed.

22 ABY (November 2004)

  1. Janos Silverwulf and Tissaya Argat become Son and Daughter of Sadow.
  2. K'hamar'an Crisis
  3. Xanos Zorrixor returns from exile and becomes Consul.

23 ABY (April 2005)

  1. Orian Crisis.
  2. Major fortification of Orian system begins.
  3. Invasion of Coratua begins.
  4. Invasion of Coratua ends.
  5. Xanos Zorrixor becomes a Master.
  6. -

24 ABY (November 2005)

  1. Mission to Kangaras.
  2. Muz Keibatsu becomes a Son of Sadow.
    1. "The Return of Trevarus Caerick"
    2. Shan Long is handed over to the Clan.
    3. Trevarus Caerick is restored.
    4. Kiln Tobasa is killed.
  3. Conquest of Kyataru begins.
  4. Conquest of Kyataru ends.
  5. Sildrin Rys-Hastur becomes a Daughter of Sadow.
    1. Korras becomes Consul.
    2. Xanos Zorrixor becomes the Shadow Hand.

25 ABY (April 2006)

1st year of the Yuuzhan Vong War

  1. Mission to Malachor.
  2. -
    1. Mission to Mustafar.
    2. Construction of Marakith Skyhook begins.
  3. Selen and Aranna Incidents.
    1. Third Brotherhood Civil War begins.
    2. Manesh becomes Consul.
  4. Antei is sealed off by Jaac Cotelin.
    1. Battle of Antei.
    2. Third Brotherhood Civil War ends.
    3. Xanos Zorrixor becomes a Sith Lord.
    4. Siege of Antei begins.
    1. Siege of Antei ends.
    2. Xanos Zorrixor denounces the Star Chamber.

26 ABY (November 2006)

2nd year of the Yuuzhan Vong War

    1. Mission to Phare.
    2. Xanos Zorrixor is captured by the Yuuzhan Vong.
  1. Baradium deposits are discovered underneath New Sadow Palace.
  2. Construction of Marakith Skyhook is completed.
  3. Construction of the Dystopia nightclub begins.
  4. Xanos Zorrixor becomes Darth Vexatus.
    1. Mission to Jaginos.
    2. DAC project begins.
  5. Mission to Kyataru.
    1. Operation: Second Darkness
    2. Macron Goura becomes Consul.
    3. Darth Vexatus returns from exile.
    4. Muz Keibatsu becomes the Shadow Hand.

27 ABY (April 2007)

3rd year of the Yuuzhan Vong War

    1. Fall of Antei.
    2. Invasion of Orian.
    3. DAC project is abandoned.
    4. Macron Goura and Shin’ichi Keibatsu become Sons of Sadow.
    5. Muz Keibatsu becomes a Sith Lord.
  1. First and only batch of DAC troopers are birthed.

28 ABY (November 2007)

4th year of the Yuuzhan Vong War

    1. Dlarit Special Operations Group established.
    2. Construction of the Dystopia nightclub is completed.
    1. Mission to Kangaras.
    2. Trevarus Caerick becomes Consul.
  1. Mission to Thule.
  2. Reconstruction of Kar Alabrek is completed.
  3. Construction of the new Dlarit Navy is completed.
    1. Battle of Telos.
    2. Rebuilding of the Temple of the Void begins.
    1. Battle of Dajorra.
    2. Clan Arcona take refuge in the Orian system.

29 ABY (April 2008)

End of the Yuuzhan Vong War

    1. Battle of Lehon.
    2. Darth Vexatus and Trevarus Caerick denounce the Brotherhood.
    3. Darth Vexatus is killed; Trevarus Caerick dies and is consumed by Shan Long.
    4. Ashia Kagan Keibatsu becomes Consul.
    1. Orian Uprising.
    2. Clan Arcona leave the Orian system.
  1. Lor Zatean Crisis.
  2. -
  3. The growing refugee problem leads Derev Niroth to initiate construction of Markosian City on Tarthos.
  4. Battle of Inos.
  5. Robert Daragon becomes Consul.
  6. Tsainetomo Keibatsu and Ashia Keibatsu become Son and Daughter of Sadow.

30 ABY (November 2008)

    1. A mysterious group bomb key Dlarit Corporation buildings.
    2. A group of Journeymen and Equites explore the Tombs of Urias Orian.
    3. Astronicus Sadow learns his mistress is pregnant with his child.
  1. Jaspen Kraitus joins forces with other Jedi stranded in Orian to investigate the dark cloud covering the system.
  2. Remulus Sadow is born on Sepros.
  3. Liberation of Antei begins.
    1. Liberation of Antei ends.
    2. Ashura Isradia, Jade Atema, Manji Keibatsu and Malisane de Ath become Sons and Daughter of Sadow.
    3. Muz Keibatsu becomes the Dark Lord of the Sith.

31 ABY (April 2009)

  1. An unexplained anomaly in Orian Major results in a large solar flare, causing a mass blackout by everyone throughout Orian.
  2. -
    1. Orian system is raided by remnants of the fallen Yuuzhan Vong Empire led by Warmaster Varesh Shai. Kar Alabrek is rendered uninhabitable. The Vong remnants and their worldship are destroyed after the use of the Violator Gas Bomb is authorised.
    2. Dlarit Security Force is evacuated from Kar Alabrek and rehoused into the unfinished Markosian refugee city.
    3. Simus Institute is devastated, many of the clan's youngling initiates are killed by Yuuzhan Vong strike teams.
    4. Remulus Sadow's existence is revealed to the clan at large.
    5. Malisane de Ath rediscovers the abandoned Bastion in the Aeotheran wilderness.
    6. House Marka Ragnos is relocated from Ragnos Cathedral in Kar Alabrek to the Temple of Ragnos in the rural monastery Mucenic.
    7. Nekura Manji Keibatsu becomes Consul.
    1. With the Yuuzhan Vong War finally over, trade relations are renewed with the Corporate Sector and wartime rationing is phased out. However the colonies remain devastated from the Yuuzhan Vong attack and it will be many years before things are returned to normal.
    2. Ylith Atema confirms Darth Vexatus's survival. Kharon Daragon, Shan Long and Macron Goura forge the seven Soul Rippers using fragments of the Star of Ombus. The Soul Rippers are given to the Order of the Black Guard to learn to wield in preparation with the final battle with the Betrayer.
    1. With Markosian reassigned for use by Dlarit Security, the refugees camped outside Seng Karash and transferred to a remote resettlement center elsewhere on the planet. The forced removal is sold to the public as an effort to assist in repatriating the refugees to their respective homeworlds; in actuality, the Corporation provides the refugees with little to no aid. A few are offered places in Dlarit Mining and the Dlarit Security Force to replace the people killed in the Vong attacks on Seng Karash and Kar Alabrek.
    2. The Dlarit Special Operations Group moves into the ruins of Ragnos Cathedral and starts work on cleaning up the biological waste contaminating Kar Alabrek.
  3. -

32 ABY (November 2009)

  1. When the true state of the Aeotheran Resettlement Center becomes known by Ven Dastari, the Seng Karash businessman founds the C.A.R.E. campaign for fair treatment of all Orian citizens. Motivated by public support for C.A.R.E's campaign, civil unrest grows after the refugee known as Deliverance founds the terrorist paramilitary group Voice of Justice and launches a pacifist campaign against the Dlarit Corporation.
  2. -
  3. The spread of illegal narcotics across the colonies leads the Clan to infiltrate the drugs cartel on the mobile criminal space station Refuge where the leader of the group peddling the body-enhancing narcotics is killed.
  4. After the discovery of Salas V, the Dark Council puts out a call to all Clans to help cleans the Killik infestation of the planet.
  5. Construction of Markosian City is finished. Alterations for its new use as a military garrison remain ongoing. DSOG's clean-up of Kar Alabrek remains ongoing after running into problems with the remaining Vongform infestation.
  6. -
  7. House Marka Ragnos exterminates the fellow Ragnos-worshipping cult called the Divine Reborn after they attack Mucenic.
  8. -
  9. -
  10. The civil unrest peaks following a misguided effort to get rid of the Voice of Justice by force results in mass civilian causalities, fanning the flames of Ven Dastari's campaign for equal treatment. The Clan opts instead to infiltrate the VOJ and bring them down from the inside. After the Clan's operatives stage a train derailment and blow up the planet's second power generator, which supports the monorail network, the VOJ leader, Deliverance, attempts to blow up the island resort of Lor Zatean.

33 ABY (April 2010)

  1. -
    1. Ekind Uprising. Mucenic and Markosian City besieged by the Lost Tribe of Tarthos while they try to resurrect Hafalia Chunasca in the ruined city of Kar Alabrek. During the uprising, some Clansmen are forced to go to Antei to respond to an urgent request for aid at the Shadow Academy, allowing the Ekind barbarians to secure a foothold. Lady Hafalia is slain when the Grand Master himself arrives, finally destroying the ancient Ombi's spirit while the Disciples of Sadow deal with the rest of the Ekind leaders.
    2. The Reformation. The Overlord returns from Antei and reforms the Clan into House Naga Sadow to put an end to the rivalries that nearly led to the Ekind's victory.
    3. Thousands of lives are lost at Markosian when Fremoc Pepoi orders an orbital bombardment in an attempt to cleanse the city and kill the traitor, Shan Long. However, following the Grand Master's intervention, Shan Long is unbelievably allowed to live and instead Fremoc is exiled from Orian for his actions.
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  10. -
    1. Rite of Supremacy: Disorder
    2. Ashura Isradia Sadow presumed slain by his apprentice at Curwen Sunei's urging

34 ABY (November 2010)

  1. Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow appointed Quaestor, Fremoc Pepoi appointed Aedile
  2. Reconstruction of Kar Alabrek on Tarthos initiated at the behest of Military Governor Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart
  3. Fremoc Pepoi ascends to the Dark Council as Fist of the Brotherhood
    1. Kano Tor Pepoi presumed slain by Fremoc Pepoi aboard the M/CRV Reaper's Call
    2. Curwen Sunei slain by Macron Goura Sadow with the help of fellow Disciples of Sadow
    3. Xanos Zorrixor revived on the world of Runculo by Trevarus Caerick
    1. Burden, Distrust and Loathing: The Disciples of Sadow co-operate with Taldryan and Tarentum forces to cleanse a Rakghoul plague.
    2. Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart appointed Aedile
  4. Fremoc Pepoi named a Son of Sadow
  5. -
    1. Ashura Isradia Sadow is discovered in the hold of The Organisation by Ashia Kagan Keibatsu and Sanjuro Sledge Keibatsu, traitors to the House are subsequently eliminated
    2. The Clone of Ashura Isradia Sadow and Aisha Qifaxa are slain by Macron Goura Sadow for their alliegence to The Organisation
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. The Disciples of Sadow form an alliance with House Taldryan

35 ABY (April 2011)

    1. Independence Games Held
    2. Naga Sadow restored to Clan Status
    3. House Marka Ragnos restored, House Shar Dakhan created
  1. Construction on Kel Rasha and the Gilded Archipelago begins at the behest of Executive Director Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart
    1. Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart appointed Consul
    2. Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart captured by Michael Halcyon during a mission for the Voice of the Brotherhood
    3. Thomas Pepoi killed during an attempt on Fremoc Pepoi Sadow's life
  2. -
  3. Closing Pandora's Box: An attack on San Korinar, Disciples of Sadow sent to eliminate operatives of The Organisation
    1. Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart rescued by members of the Pepoi family, returns to active duty
    2. Robert Sadow appointed Proconsul
    3. Reconstruction of San Korinar begins at the behest of the Board of Directors
    4. The Tenth Great Jedi War, The Fields of New Tython, occurs
  4. -
  5. Macron Goura Sadow appointed Consul, Locke Sonjie appointed Proconsul
  6. An unknown group of Terrorists begin assaulting locales in the Orian system
  7. -
  8. -
    1. Coup d'etat: Lead by Locke Sonjie, Macron Goura Sadow is overthrown with an intervention by Grand Master Muz Ashen; Sonjie is appointed Consul, Teu Pepoi is appointed Proconsul and Kalia Phoenyx is appointed Rollmaster.
    2. Atra Ventus is appointed Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan
    3. The Organisation begins a new subversive campaign against Dlarit, a clone of Malisane Sadow is discovered and slain within the Great Sadow Library.

36 ABY (April 2012)

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Clan Naga Sadow
Units Clan Naga Sadow • Houses Marka Ragnos & Shar Dakhan • Battleteams Night Hawks & Disciples of Dakhan
Leadership Consul DarkHawk Sadow • Proconsul TBA
Marka Ragnos • Quaestor Locke Sonjie • Aedile Sanguinius • Battleteam Leader Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Shar Dakhan • Quaestor Quentin Shadows • Aedile TBA • Battleteam Leader Malik Sadow
Possessions DominionOrian AssemblyOrder of the Black GuardWarhost of Naga Sadow
Misc OverviewDisciples of SadowSons & Daughters of SadowInner CircleMaster-Student Program
Conquest is our destiny, we shall not fail.