Kharon Daragon
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Kharon Daragon | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: | |
Date of Birth: |
44 BBY |
Date of Death: |
N/A |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
6' 1" |
Weight: |
225 lbs |
Personal Information | |
Allies: |
Lightsaber Color(s): |
Red |
Lightsaber Form(s): | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: | |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Kharon Daragon has served the Dark Jedi Brotherhood for over a decade. He has gone through many life-altering changes in his time and continues to learn each and every day of his existence. He is a Sith Warlord of House Naga Sadow and Son of Sadow.
The Early Days
44 BBY- 15 BBY
Rowan Daragon, a member of the True Mandalorians, knowing that the end was near, sent his wife and unborn son into hiding. He was killed along with the extermination of the True Mandalorians by the Jedi during the Battle of Galidraan. His son Robert never met his father.
Robert grew up on the streets of Narg, pretty much living a non-existent life. Doing odd jobs and learning the skills that one needs to survive in this galaxy. He assisted many bounty hunters, assassins, and mercenaries and learned lots and lots about ground warfare. But his dream was always to fly.
Joining the Empire
15 BBY- 4 ABY
When the Old Republic disbanded and became the Empire, Daragon knew that was the life for him. So he quickly applied for the Imperial Academy and after passing all the requirements he was accepted. After many missions and accomplishments Daragon was lucky enough to be assigned to the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera. After showing his capabilities, he was offered an assignment in Special Ops. It turned out they were putting together a special squadron named Pathfinder Squadron. Pathfinder's main mission was to deal with the Rebel's Rogue Squadron. They issued the squadron newly invented Tie Defenders. But on their first mission, which was supposed to be the end of Rogue Squadron along with the rebel fleet, tragedy struck. That battle later became known as the battle of Endor. After the loss of his squadron along with the Death Star, the Executor, Darth Vader, and the Emperor himself, Captain Pellaeon of the SD Chimaera gave the order to retreat. Robert Daragon reluctantly hyperspaced back to Coruscant.
The Wandering Years
4 ABY- 14 ABY

After returning to Coruscant Daragon realized the Empire was dying, without the Emperor or Lord Vader there really weren't any strong leaders. Issard had taken over the Imperial City and most of the Admirals had declared themselves warlords and separated from the Empire. Daragon left the Empire and for the next ten years took numerous jobs, made a few friends and even more enemies. It was during this time that he met his Mentor, Vladimir Harkonnen. Baron Harkonnen ran a spice exploitation operation on the planet Arrakis. Daragon took a position in the operation and Harkonnen took a liking to the young pilot. The two soon become inseparable as the Baron treated him like a son and began to show him all the skills that he possesses today.
After helping the Baron run his operation for several years, a coup d’état was staged by a rival family, which ended in a great battle between warlords which Harkonnen lost. The Baron was dead after the outcome of the battle, in which he was killed by a mystical religious fanatic’s poisoned needle.
With the outcome of the defeat on Arrakis, Daragon needed to move on. He had heard about a special group when he was in Special Ops called the Emperor's Hammer and after using some connections and passing the requirements, Robert Daragon joined the Dark Brotherhood.
The Dark Brotherhood
14 ABY
In 14 ABY Daragon became a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He originally joined House Borealis of Clan Aquillas as a member of the Sith, but a new House that was just founded quickly caught his eye. So after only nine days in Aquillas he moved to House Naga Sadow.

Unfortunately, after only two months from the founding of House Naga Sadow, Quaestor Astronicus Aurelius Sadow was called away on a critical mission to Byss and was forced to step down as Quaestor. His Aedile, Krath Priest Taage, was named the next Quaestor. Quaestor Taage, needing a new Aedile, Robert Daragon was chosen. So after only being in the Dark Brotherhood for a mere month and a half, Daragon was a Dark Jedi Knight and the Aedile of House Naga Sadow (talk about being in the right place at the right time). Krath Priest Taage's term was short, as he stepped down and left the Dark Brotherhood entirely for a bounty hunting career. But upon his departure, Tron Sadow returned and took his rightful place as Quaestor. Keeping Daragon as his Aedile the two would lead House Naga Sadow through some interesting times.
One of House Naga Sadow's greatest victory involved the pirate Uhrias. Quaestor Tron Sadow led the house in defeating the pirate and claiming his Nebulan-B frigate, the Foresight, as Naga Sadow property. During this operation Daragon lost his right hand and forearm due to a thermal detonator.
As his power grew, Daragon began to explore the various apsects of the force which lead him to the ways of the Krath. Without any Krath leadership in the house he took upon the role and assisted the Krath members in Operation Deep Strike. House Naga Sadow played a very important role in this Dark Brotherhood operation, lead by Quaestor Tron Sadow.
A Clan is Born
15 ABY
For a year Tron Sadow and Robert Daragon brought House Naga Sadow through many tough times. Until the fourth month of 15 ABY when Tron's dream came true and Grand Master Justinian Khyron approved "Clan" Naga Sadow. Daragon was named as Tron's Proconsul and was moved up to the rank of Krath Archpriest. Thus a new era had begun.
After being a clan for two weeks, Naga Sadow lost the Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos. As a Quaestor was a position Daragon sought, he stepped down as Proconsul to take the Quaestor position. But within a month Consul Tron Sadow was once again forced to step down. So with the encouragement of many members Daragon hesitantly took the position of Consul. This would be the beginning of the troubles for him.
After a short tenure of unresolved dealings with the Dark Council (GM Stryker's office), which included a Great Jedi War, Daragon stepped down from all positions and joined House Marka Ragnos. Realizing he was going down a road that not only put himself at risk but his families as well, Daragon quietly moved his wife and children out of harm’s way. Replacing his actual family with some hired help in his known home, he moved those dear to him to a remote hidden location that he told the whereabouts to no one.
After numerous disagreements with the Dark Council Daragon was charged by the newly formed Chamber of Justice of Treason. He was placed under arrest and brought before the Inquisitors. The Krath went peacefully as he believed himself innocent, but quickly learned he had made a very huge mistake. Daragon was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death, however due to his dedication of service the punishment was reduced. Instead of death, he was subjected to months and months of torture. He was brutally disfigured until he was unrecognizable. His wife and son were brought before him and executed while he watched. And finally he was stripped of his ability to use the force. Soon he was released, forbidden to ever return to the Dark Brotherhood he disappeared for a time.
The Return
16 ABY- 17ABY
After a short time Robert Daragon once again joined the Dark Brotherhood, being so disfigured he was not recognized. Under an alias of Rob Rowan, he joined the Krath order once again in House Marka Ragnos. Starting all over again as an Apprentice of the Dark side he began retraining. In just over a month he had once again re-graduated the Shadow Academy and held the rank of Guardian. Looking for new ways to challenge himself he offered his services as Clan Librarian, and created the Clan Archives; The Sadow Files.
But seeking something new out of his "second chance" in the Dark Brotherhood, Daragon decided to return to the ways of the Sith. So he transferred to House Ludo Kressh, where he helped out in Operation Darkfall and a Great Jedi War. In his time in Ludo Kressh, Daragon moved up to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and in 17 ABY was named the Commander of Sapphire Squadron.
After a short time leading, or corrupting as some people accused him of, Sapphire squadron; Daragon once again returned to House Marka Ragnos to take the position of Aedile. As time passed and leaders shuffled, Daragon went where he was needed such as Quaestor of House Primus Goluud.
Rebuilding House Primus Goluud with the help of Battlemasters Raistlin Majerus Sadow and CrimsonAngel, the house took part in a Clan Feud. While ultimately being defeated the young house held its own. After six months it was once again time for Robert to take his rightful place as commander of the best damn squadron in the Dark Brotherhood, Sapphire Squadron.
After a short time Quaestor Scithe decided to step down after a long term as leader of House Ludo Kressh. Daragon replaced him as the house’s fifth Quaestor. Everything was going great in the house, it was truly one of the most active times. Then a great debate took place between the Dark Council and the Emperor’s Hammer Fleet Commander. When the decision was given from Consul Darth Vexatus to leave the Phare System Daragon was forced with a very difficult decision. House Ludo Kressh being the Sith of the clan, had quite a few members who were also ranking members of the Emperor’s Hammer Tie Corps. Thus most were not leaving. Unlike the revolt that happened in House Primus Goluud, the separation in Ludo Kressh was handled peacefully. Aedile Malik Sadow decided to choose with the so-called separatists. All members who chose to go with him were allowed to collect their belongings and leave with him. Daragon decided to stay behind and assist a large portion of the house that had decided to stay.
The Exodus

19 ABY- 23 ABY
The next few weeks were very difficult times. Daragon fought and fought with the Dark Council to stop the closing of Clan Naga Sadow. But he was continually turned down. The clan was to be closed and the loyal members were to be merged into an existing clan. Daragon assisted with this procedure than retired from the Emperor’s Hammer forever.
After a short time Daragon arrived at the Orian system and rejoined House Ludo Kressh. Upon returning he found his beloved Sapphire Squadron abandoned and closed down. By being very persistent with his Quaestor, he was allowed to re-open the squadron. Soon numerous veterans of Clan Naga Sadow began to return and join Sapphire. The squadron was once again alive and than another opportunity arose. House Primus Goluud was in need of experience and a new leader, so Daragon took the position of Quaestor of Primus Goluud.
Robert had his hands full as the Dark Brotherhood was still regrouping from the Exodus and having trouble getting new members. The house slowly began to grow but it soon became obvious for the Clan to continue to prosper it would have to down size. So the members of Primus Goluud were transferred to the other two houses and House Primus Goluud was no more.
Returning to Ludo Kressh he once again found himself in charge of Sapphire Squadron and when Quaestor J’Rai Sadow stepped down, Daragon regained his position as Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh.
Son of Sadow
During his second term as Quaestor, some of the best new recruits for some time joined the Clan. Daragon was also serving as the Clan Envoy at this time and got to see first hand the talent that graced Clan Naga Sadow. Most of these new members quickly moved up the ranks and have kept the tradition that Clan Naga Sadow is today.
For his hard work and long time dedication of Naga Sadow, Daragon was awarded with the prestigious title of Son of Sadow.
Prodigal Son
26 ABY
After over a year, Daragon rejoined the Brotherhood from the Rogues. He once again took over as Commander of Sapphire Squadron but soon found something lacking. During this time, he brutally abused and destroyed the Alcoholocron at a notorious Clan party. It was time for Robert Daragon to leave Clan Naga Sadow. He received the position of the Quaestor of House Satal Keto in Clan Plagueis and began a new chapter in his life.
Upon leaving Clan Naga Sadow, Daragon was called before the Clan Summit. Consul Manesh Sadow stripped the title of Son of Sadow from the long time member. While initially hurt, Daragon quickly realized that it was just a title and no matter what he would always be a Son of Sadow.
The welcome in Clan Plagueis was not a warm one. The Sith quickly realized his leadership skills would need to be adjusted as within his first week he was turned in to the Chamber of Justice. Already going down that path once, Daragon learned to adjust and give the members what they desired in a leader.
House Satal Keto slowly grew in strength and when the position of Proconsul became vacant, Daragon's work was noticed and he was promoted. However, after only a short time he was forced to step down due to a strange illness.
The illness took a serious toll on the Sith and he was forced to go into seclusion and joined the rogues.
Lost Family
28 ABY
Fully recovered from his illness, Robert Daragon returned once again to the Clan that he would always consider this his home. After a short time Daragon was once again appointed the Commander of Sapphire Squadron.

With the loss of his father before he was even born, Robert Daragon grew up always looking for a new father figure never really paying much attention to his mother. So much so, that at a young age Robert had gone his own way and abandoned his mother all together. After Robert left, his mother had settled down beginning a new family that resulted in a son, Jerreth Atema.
Like his half-brother, Jerreth had the capabilities of the force, but chose a different path than Robert Daragon and they never crossed paths.
It would take decades before Robert would know of his brother, as fate had brought his nephews, Ylith Atema and Tyren Atema, to his home in Clan Naga Sadow. As Daragon grew older he began to realize the void he had created with his lack of family. Wishing to fill that void he embraced the Atema’s as his true family. To redeem his past mistakes the Sith is very protective of his nephews as well as their families.
Betrayal on Thor
On a routine mission to the planet Thor in the Phare system, Robert Daragon’s life was shook upside down. The members of House Ludo Kressh had walked into a trap that had been set in motion for years. Fred the seal had revealed himself as a traitor to Naga Sadow working for the remnants of the Phare system.
Along with Walord Kwanda Rosman, the leaders of the Phare system wanted their revenge on Clan Naga Sadow for their abandonment. Equipped with the deadly Sadow Virus, Fred flew the Sapphire Star towards Sepros planning to release the virus during the clan conclave. The members of Ludo Kressh on Thor had already been infected with the virus, including Robert Daragon.
After finally getting the upper hand on Warlord Rosman, Robert took the former Imperial Admiral’s life and contacted his former friend trying to stop him from his mission. Fred laughed at his former master’s request, telling him this was his destiny. The seal than revealed that it had been him that had ended the life of Sith Warrior CrimsonAngel a betrayal that Robert could never forgive Fred for. So Robert than entered in the override code for the Sapphire Star and set a course for Orian Minor. And that was the end of Fred the seal as the former flagship of Sapphire squadron crashed into the second sun of the Orain system.
Life Change
After the betrayal of his best friend and the exhausting encounter near Telos, Robert Daragon decided to change his ways. No longer would he rely on the primitive tools he had come accustomed to, the Sith Battlelord decided to push his training in the Dark Side beyond the limits he had experienced since being stripped of his powers so long ago. Robert would no longer substitute his blasters for his saber and he would no longer hide his ugliness beneath his white attire. Instead he would embrace his past failure and use this as strength to fuel his power thus making him more powerful than he had ever been. The training began and Robert Daragon soon becomes more and more powerful.
Training became a focus of the Sith so he utilized the skills available to him among his Clan. Learning the ways of Sith Alchemy under the tutelage of Macron Goura Sadow and honing his skills of the sword through his longtime friend Raistlin Majerus Sadow, Daragon became more and more of a true member of the Sith Order. Some time at the Shadow Academy and Daragon was ready to move forward with his destiny.
He exhibited his new found skills during the annual Independence Games where he was named Champion of Clan Naga Sadow. For his excellence Daragon was appointed Aedile of House Ludo Kressh where he would be forced into an inner struggle of leadership among the Clan.
The Battle of Inos
In 29 ABY the Clan Summit went missing and the two leaders of Ludo Kressh and Marka Ragnos began a war among the Houses which became known as The Battle of Inos. Both leaders believed the other was trying to take advantage of the situation and seize control. The Aediles were left in control of the forces and Daragon led the Disciples of Kressh into battle. In the end it was discovered the battle had been a hoax perpetrated by the Clan Overlord however with the distraction the False Brotherhood felt they had an advantage and moved to attack. The Clan united and ultimately defeated the False Brotherhood but the Dark Council was not pleased with the leadership in the Clan.
Grand Master Sarin called forth the Clan Summit, Overlord, and both Quaestors. He announced his displeasure in the recent proceedings and notified them of a change. The Clan was to receive new leadership and that would be Consul Robert Sadow.
The new Consul could not have been given a more difficult time to assume leadership as the hatred between the Houses was at its highest. No one trusted one another, much less were willing to work together. Along with this the current leaders took offense to being “skipped” over in the progression of advancement by Robert Sadow who was slowly being consumed by a darkness. All of this combined made the future of Naga Sadow an uncertain one. As fate would have it however, the Grand Master made an announcement that placed all of the Clan’s inner struggles behind them.
After two years from being chased from Antei by the Yuuzhan Vong, the Brotherhood would return to regain their home and fitting enough for Naga Sadow it was to be called Unification. As both the Disciples of Kressh and Ragnos had lost considerably during the Incursion, both Houses set aside their differences in one common goal. The new Consul took full advantage of the situation that presented itself and Clan Naga Sadow was once again a united force.
As the Clan prepared for war an assassination attempt was made on the Consul while at a visit to the Dystopia nightclub in Seng Karash. Upon investigation, Daragon discovered the man responsible and had his Black Guardsmen arrest the individual and brought before him. Upon interrogating the man known as Cyrus Raze, the Consul realized they both suffered from the same condition. Daragon believed these blackouts were the work of the influence of Trevarus Caerick and made a deal with Cyrus. In exchange for Consul’s leniency, Cyrus would lead a team through the Vong lines at Antei and search Kalekka Tower for answers to the nightmares.
With Unification in full effect, Daragon arrived at Antei aboard the command ship the Final Way. Struggling to regain control of his mind, he allowed his senior members to lead the ground assault while he commanded from the ship trying his best to keep his secret from the Clan. As the war raged on Cyrus Raze’s shuttle returned to the Final Way apparently empty. Soon it was revealed however that the traitor Shan Long was aboard and was immediately arrested by the Clan Overlord. Going against his Master and better judgment, Daragon needed the Dragon and took personal responsibility for the prisoner. Shan Long recognized Robert’s current state and was intrigued.
With the forces of Naga Sadow were battling those of Scholae Palatinae, Shan Long had convinced Daragon that he wasn't the enemy and that Raze was the true threat. The Consul conceded that they would need the sorcerer’s help in the battle to come. Against Lord Sadow’s orders, Daragon headed to the surface with the prisoner; in the back of his mind, the maddening darkness pounded ever heavier as he touched down on Antei.
As the forces of Naga Sadow headed towards the Hall of Immortals and secure it before the Jedi could turn it into rubble it was discovered to the Clan that the Betrayer, Darth Vexatus, still lived. With things escalating out of control, Daragon and Shan Long rendezvoused with the rest of the Clan at the Hall of Immortals for the final battle.
A great battle erupted on the steps of the Hall of Immortals in the Valley of the Lost between the Disciples of Sadow and the Jedi. While approaching the ongoing battlefield Daragon began to finally succumb to the darkness that was corrupting his mind. Desperate and out of solutions, the Sith finally accepted Shan Long’s offer to receive the Mark. As Shan Long had promised, the new force bond between them shielded the physic attacks from what remained of Lord Vexatus. Robert Sadow was now one of the Marked of the Wanderer.
With his new found release from the “illness” that had control over him for so long, Daragon was able to assist his fellow Disciples as they defeating the invading Jedi Masters and secured the Hall of Immortals. However, the Clan’s victory was short lived as the Vexatus-consumed body of Cyrus Raze descended on the valley. As Raze tore open a black hole above the Hall, the Clan combined their strength and overpowered their adversary. Losing control of the storm, Raze’s body was tore apart as he was swallowed by the rift.
While most believed the Betrayer’s spirit to be destroyed forever, Shan Long and his new apprentice believed otherwise. Together, with the assistance of the Clan’s alchemist Macron Goura, they looked to arm themselves for the final battle that would one day come and began to forge the weapons that could slay their enemy.
Fractured Mirror
During one of Sadow’s own mad alchemist’s experiments, a critical error was made causing the Orian’s system sun to cause a rift in space and time revealing to the Disciples an alternative reality. While Macron was able to close this fractured mirror before the Orian system was destroyed, the alternative system was not spared. However, before the rift was closed a few of the alternate Disciples of Sadow managed to jump realities. One of these was bounty hunter Robert Daragon. The whereabouts of these alternative Disciples is still a mystery.
Invasion of Orian
The Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Orian came without warning in the middle of the night. With the aid of the former apprentice of the Betrayer’s shutting down Orian’s defense network, Daragon’s personal Adjutant, Delta-1, was allowed to finally follow through on his own betrayal. With the aid of a few bounty hunters lead by Xarask, they were able to capture Daragon hauling away the Consul on Xaraks’ ship the Razorback.
During the Sacking of Sadow Palace, Kal Septka had managed to plant a tracking device on the Ghtroc Class 580 light freighter onto which Daragon had last been seen being carried onto by an unknown Trandoshan. As the rest of the Clan headed off in pursuit of Izvoshra's straggling forces, a lone Clansmen was spared to head off in search of where the consul had been taken. The Razorback's trail led the lone Dark Jedi operative to an empty region of deep space just off the Hydian Way, where the trail promptly went dead. As the operative feared he had reached a dead end, an immense space station emerged from hyperspace, the fabled mobile criminal space city of Refuge. The Dark Jedi managed to get on board and infiltrate the city as it jumped back into hyperspace again. Following the bounty hunter who had taken the consul, the operative discovered he had arrive too late, and that Robert had already been moved to another location; however, he encountered the true extent of the betrayal: Delta-1, Aurek, the very first of the thirty-four Delta-class Advanced Commandos—and the man who was meant to protect Robert Daragon at all times. After beating the information out of the treacherous commando, the Dark Jedi secured the coordinates for where the consul was to be taken and headed off in pursuit on a journey that would take him to the other side of the galaxy.
While the Special Operations fleet headed into the Tingel Arm, the operative tracking the Consul journeyed to the other end of the Hydian Way to the Phare system in the Minos Cluster—the original home of the Disciples of Sadow until the Exodus some years before. The Dark Jedi found a ruin of what the system had once been. Without the firm leadership of then-governor Astronicus Dlarit or the resources of the Dlarit Corporation, the system had fallen into disarray, taken over by the criminal underworld. The Imperial Remnant had long since imploded, its fleet lost to warlordism and infighting. Traveling to the system's capital, Sif, he made his way to the capital city of Juraas-Kur, the lone operative came across a familiar name: Vega Incorporated, overseen by Vice President Jinkil Moksuna, twin to the very same Jingi Moksuna who had been slain in the True Brotherhood attack four years prior, and whose criminal and corporate power had made him into Sif's de facto governor. The rot ran deep, the Clan's enemies having united and marshaled against it together to bring down Orian, Vega Incorporated having become an arms manufacturer for the Peace Brigade fleets of Yashais dei Izvoshra that now served Varesh Shai. The lone operative fought his way inside Vega Incorporated's headquarters, battling through the ranks of mercenaries to where the consul was being held before taking up arms against Moksuna himself and rescuing Robert Daragon.
While being held captive by Moksuna on Sif, Robert was forced to deal with the torturous ways of one of Niiriit Phaath’s Shaper Adepts. Like they had done with various other Force-users, the goal was to submit the Son of Sadow thus turning him into one of Shai’s Slayers. While locked in the Embrace of Pain for almost a month, the Shaper Adepts became very curious of Robert’s Mark. Believing that an extra eye would not be approved by Yun-Ne’Shel, the Adepts removed the Sith’s left eye. In its place they replaced it with the Plaeryin bol creature. Upon returning to Sepros, Robert Daragon was no longer physically able to hold the position of Consul and stepped down.
Disciple of Ragnos
While recovering from his unplanned leave of absence, Robert relocated to Tarthos and began to focus his studies on the Dark Doctrine of Marka Ragnos. After a short time the Sith Warlord began to heal and went on a cleanup mission. Anyone who had anything to do with his detainment during the Invasion of Orian slowly began to disappear including the likes of Delta 1 and Xarask. Upon returning to Tarthos Robert Daragon was appointed the Anguis of the Discples of Ragnos.
A young Dark Jedi Knight named Fremoc Pepoi was Robert’s second in command and a mentorship began with the Sith Warlord preparing the Obelisk to one day follow in his footsteps. The two leaders of the Disciples of Ragnos began to relocate much of the Disciples’ training and studies to an ancient monastery in Mucenic. The city quickly grew with the additions of the Immortal Tomb and the discovery of the Catacombs, while Robert also began to gather large stockpiles of weapons and artifacts for the Disciples to use as they grew in power. By request of Battlelord Malisane De Ath, Robert traveled to Aeotheran for the reveal of his discovery. There Malisane made everyone aware of a black temple deep in the jungle known as the Bastion. Robert was already aware of its existence as he was one of the Sons who helped seal it shut after the fall of the Clan’s Third House. Despite the warning from Robert, Malisane began to reveal the existence of The Bastion to a select few Disciples of Kressh believing the secrets locked away held the power to strengthen the Clan against further threats.
Captain of the Guard
With the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War finally over, it brought the return of a long forgotten member; Ylith Atema. Along with him he brought the confirmation of what a few believed to be true already, Vexatus had survived. Believing his successor was now ready, Robert stepped aside as Anguis of the Disciples in favor of Fremoc Pepoi. Robert traveled to the Temple of Blood on Sepros and took to training the seven warriors of the Order of the Black Guard in the use of the Soul Ripper.
Salas V
In 32 ABY, the Star Chamber sought the planet Salas V which was currently infested by an unknown insectoid race. A Vendetta was declared and the Disciples of Sadow quickly answered the call. Upon arriving to Salas V, Robert had “intercepted” transmissions of the Dark Council. Robert, and his newest Apprentice a Trandoshan named Deckard Hicks, uses the information to travel to a nearby location of one of the hives of the mysterious insects. As the two Sith discovered a large amount of Membrosia in the hive they decided to liberate some in the name of the Disciples of Sadow. The insects moved to defend their home and belongings and the two Disciples were forced to engage. Severely outnumbered the Warlord and his apprentice made their way to the entrance; however the young Trandoshan did not make it and was pulled deep into the hive. Believing his latest Apprentice had failed, Robert returned to the main forces of Naga Sadow.
Divine Reborn
The reclusive monastery home of the Disciples of Ragnos, Mucenic, was assaulted by a faction calling themselves the Divine Reborn midway through 32 ABY. Responding to a distress call, Robert joined the Night Hawks and headed toward the Immortal Tomb in Mucenic. Engaging in battle, eliminating the Divine Three, Robert safely rescued Thomas and Darra Pepoi to the Final Way.
A New Master
While doing some research at the Shadow Academy, Daragon received a strange message. After some deciphering he realized it could have come from only one individual, his new Master. Following the instructions in the message, Daragon headed to Antei where his location of Kalekka Tower was located. Upon arriving Daragon learned Dark Jedi Master Shan Long had once again taken up residence in his old home. The dragon had decided it was time for his apprentice to begin his training and the Sith Warlord was not about to disagree with his new master.
The first step in his apprenticeship was perhaps the most difficult for Daragon. To have a clear body and mind to absorb all he could learn, Daragon needed to abstain from the poisons that had controlled him for so long. This suffering of withdrawals would be used in his training and help him become more as one with the ways of the Marked.
Finally free from the toxins that had controlled his mind for so long, Daragon began a strong thirst of knowledge. Memorizing the works of his Master along with the Dark Doctrine, the Sith began his never ending search for knowledge. It was during his lessons of harnessing the Third Sight that he received his first image and learned his fate.
Overlord of Kressh

For too long the Disciples of Kressh had gone without a Taral’ari. Since the Betrayer had tarnished the title many believed it to be cursed. Many Sons of Sadow had refused or ignored their place as the champion of Kressh shunning it because of the danger. Daragon would follow the path of his Master’s former student and take his place as a true champion of the Jentaraii. Emerging from Kalekka Tower was no longer the weak and unworthy Robert Sadow. The man once known as simply Bob ceased to exist. Taking his Sith name Kharon, the Overlord of Kressh headed back to his home of Naga Sadow to serve his Master’s wishes and protect the Disciples of Sadow.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Preceded by:
Taage |
14 ABY |
Succeeded by:
None |
Preceded by:
None |
15 ABY |
Succeeded by:
Eagleye |
Preceded by: |
Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos 15 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by: |
15 ABY |
Succeeded by:
Eagleye |
Preceded by:
Scithe |
Commander of Sapphire Squadron (first term) 17 ABY |
Succeeded by:
CrimsonAngel |
Preceded by:
Kahran Ramsus |
Aedile of House Marka Ragnos (first term) 17 ABY |
Succeeded by:
Neo |
Preceded by:
Closed |
17 ABY to 18 ABY |
Succeeded by:
DujHod |
Preceded by:
Mairin Astoris |
Aedile of House Marka Ragnos (second term) 18 ABY |
Succeeded by:
Tomass Banys |
Preceded by:
Thrawn Kratas |
Quaestor of House Primus Goluud (first term) 18 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by: |
Commander of Sapphire Squadron (second term) 18 ABY to 19 ABY |
Succeeded by:
Carl Lost |
Preceded by:
Scithe |
Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh (first term) 19 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by:
Closed |
Commander of Sapphire Squadron (third term) 21 ABY |
Succeeded by:
Konus Sadou |
Preceded by:
Ric Gravin |
Quaestor of House Primus Goluud (second term) 22 ABY |
Succeeded by:
Closed |
Preceded by:
Konus Sadou |
Commander of Sapphire Squadron (fourth term) 23 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by: |
Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh (second term) 23 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by:
Draken-Korin 'Ylith' Elariël Atema |
Commander of Sapphire Squadron (fifth term) 27 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by: |
27 ABY |
Succeeded by:
Acheron d'Tana |
Preceded by: |
27 ABY |
Succeeded by:
Ethran Sayre Isradia |
Preceded by:
Starlion |
Commander of Sapphire Squadron (sixth term) 28 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by: |
29 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by: |
29 ABY - 31 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by: |
Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos 31 ABY - 32 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by: |
32 ABY - 33 ABY |
Succeeded by: |
Preceded by: |
Commander of Disciples of Kressh 33 ABY - Present |
Succeeded by:
None |