DarkHawk Sadow

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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DarkHawk Sadow
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

03 ABY (age 40)

Physical Description





1.955 M (6'5")


113.4 Kg (250 lb)





Personal Information




  • Firith'rar J. Versea-Stormwind
  • Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind
  • Muz Ashen Keibatsu
  • Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae
  • Battlemaster Etah Bloodfyre-Tarentae
Lightsaber Color(s):

2x Blue-bladed Long-Hilted Lightsabers

Lightsaber Form(s):
  • 2 Quarterstaff “Fighting sticks,/Escrima Sticks”, (approx. 200 cm long x 3.8 cm in diameter and engineered to interlock and connect in the middle allowing it to come in half)
  • 2 Gauntlet/glove blades (3 razor sharp triangular fins can be jettisoned from the sides by built in gas cylinders, 5 retractable blades (talons) from each gauntlet/glove approx. 10 cm long x 4.5cm wide)
  • 1 Nightsister’s Energy Bow (Collapsible for carrying on back)
  • 2 Sith Lightsabers. (long handled, 71 cm in length)
  • 1 Repulsor throwing razor (approximately 8 cm in size)
  • 15 Throwing knives (approx. 35cm in length)
  • 3 Bolos (approx. 5cm in diameter)
  • 10 Smoke bombs (approx. 3cm in diameter)
  • 5 Concussion grenade (approx 10 cm in diam)
  • 5 Sonic grenade (approx 10 cm in diam)
  • 15 Shurikens (approximately 18 cm in diameter)
  • 1 Whipcord Thrower
  • 1 Cutting Torch
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
  • Assassin
  • Inquisitor

Proconsul Clan Naga Sadow


Dark Brotherhood Era

Personal Ship:


Known masters:

Sanguinius Tsucyra

Known apprentices:




[ Source ]

DarkHawk Sadow is currently the Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow.

Character History

DarkHawk is a tragic figure. A genetically engineered Assassin. He is fascinated by the history of the Sith, and is constantly learning from it. He believes Markos Ragnas and Exar Kun are the true Siths and follow their mythology and teachings. He's the typical brooding loner type, as well as the wise cracking, foul mouth, leader/team member . He can appear cold and aloof towards others who wish to get closer. To him he'd rather play it alone because if he cares for someone, puts his heart out on the line, he'll eventually get hurt when he loses them. Still that cold and sometimes arrogant/prideful side is what most people (who don't know him well) see instead of the kind and compassionate person he truly is underneath it all. And as said before he is the loner type. He likes to take on his missions on his own agenda and doesn't much appreciate anyone trying to help in his quests. Regardless of his loner style he has many allies.

DarkHawk is a dedicated Sith Assassin, and will follow the orders from his masters. Though he may take means into his own hands to complete the mission, the mission is always completed. So his views on the galaxy is based upon what is best for his brotherhood. He completely understands that without the Jedi, there are no Sith. He can embrace that balance, but will not think twice about tipping the scales in favor for his Clan, House and Brotherhood.

DarkHawk, can merge into a crowd without being scene. Continually trying to master his Ghosting and Faceless abilities, DarkHawk can merge into most places undetected. He is constantly vigilante when in crowded areas. He will scan the populous until he finds what he is looking for. He can be a mere pheasant, or a diplomat when needed.

DarkHawk has dedicated his life to combat. DarkHawk has a thirst for knowledge, not just towards Combat Tactics, but always improving himself. He studied multiple martial arts and learning their histories and philosophies. He studied the art of stealth reconnaissance under many notable masters and military advisers. He has studied traditional and non-traditional healing disciplines under monks throughout the universe. He will assess his surroundings and mission parameters to set a course on to which tactic(s) is best for mission completion. If the mission calls for a stealth approach, DarkHawk can vanish within the shadows and strike. If he needs to make a ranged shot his ability with a bow is uncanny. More practically, DarkHawk does prefer up close and personal, his abilities at hand to hand combat is above reproach. He has dedicated his life to it, whether it be solely unarmed combat or if there is a weapon in his hands. DarkHawk enjoys not only learning different weapons, but mastering them. More so he enjoys besting his opponent, almost toying with them. He is constantly trying to increase his skill, he has met formidable opponents that have bested him, and he takes it as a personal insult. Equally to rival his close quarter combat skills is his ability with the saber. He takes on a much older persona with that ability. He carries two long handed sabers that he wields with precision. Or her carries a modified singular double bladed saber staff. He has studied multiple saber styles and uses each one in battle to throw off his opponent.

He has traveled the universe acquiring the skills needed to aid in his crusade. DarkHawk has trained extensively in various martial arts, continually trying to master different types, making him one formidable hand-to-hand fighter. He is a adept at stealth and escapology, which allows him to appear and disappear at will and to break free of nearly inescapable deathtraps with little to no harm. DarkHawk is an self proclaimed "expert" in interrogation techniques, often usong extreme methods to extract information from suspects. His intimidating and frightening appearance alone plays to his advantage and is often all that is needed in getting information from suspects.

Early Life

DarkHawk was created from a human mother and a Shaevalian father. His parents were both engineers and scientists, dedicating their service and commissions throughtout the galaxy. DarkHawk’s parents were brilliant in their works within the scientific fields of Genetics and Bio Engineering. Their work within the galaxy was unparalleled, making their name rise within the ranks and notoriety of many institutions. They lived a very lavish life style on Shaevalis Prime, their research lab could not be any more explicit or equipped. Edgare, however had plans for the future and had several labs only known to him so that he could practice without being disturbed. DarkHawk’s father had a thirst for knowledge that could not be satisfied. He was obsessed with the ways of the Force, especially the Dark Side. As a notable Shaevalian he himself did not possess many Midi-Chlorians, but his ancestors very much did. Elaine's bloodline is documented back to the Nightsisters and the Dathomirian Zabrak Shelish. Although born with the inability to conceive children due to genetics, she spent a lifetime engrossed into both her and her husband's to rectify her infertility.

Desperate to fill that void in his wife's life, his research in genetics led him and his wife down a dark and dangerous path. Utilizing the resources at their disposal a plan was devised to create a child by In vitro fertilization. But not just any child, Edgare figured he would kill two birds with one stone. With his obsession of the Dark Side Force, he recklessly sought out Master's of the Dark Side Force, endangering his own life and the life of his wife. After meeting with notable practitioners of the dark arts, a deal was brokered to engineer the ultimate assassin for service to the Empire. Along with the assistance from the cloners of Kamino, the experiment was put in place. As a result of the advanced capabilities of the Kaminoans, the experiment was successful and an infant son was born.

With a high concentrate of Midi-Chlorians, DarkHawk was exposed to a tumultuous regiment of training prior to becoming a Padawan. DarkHawk spent almost every waking hour after creation in that lab, being studied, training, being educated by professor's throughout the galaxy. But all good things must come to an end.

Emperor's Hammer/TIE Corps

Dark Jedi Brotherhood


"Thus began a break of undetermined length and meaning."
―Jacob Slichter

The Return

"Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."
―Thomas Carlyle

The Tãron

The Tãron, (meaning talon in Thyrsian) is the ship utilized by DarkHawk and his crew. This particular VT-49 Decimator was originally owned by Grand Master Muz Ashen Keibatsu. Knowing the young assassin and newly appointed Quaestor was in need of a ship of his own. The Grand Master gifted the ship to DarkHawk for providing lucrative intel regarding the One Sith.

DarkHawk along with the ship’s pilot Tytus O'Baieron went directly to work on redesigning the ship to accommodate its operational requirements henceforth. The ship underwent extensive maintenance modifications, interior redesign and system upgrades. The Dentavii Prime repair facility was commissioned to facilitate the extensive modifications. An all black paint scheme was selected for the ship with the only piece of color being the blood red symbol of the Shaevalian Sun God Gyssh'tyn above the command bridge.

The cargo ramp has been reinforced and widened to accommodate a Buirk'alor-class airspeeder now stowed aboard the ship. The added modifications called for the Decimator's power plant to be upgraded. The ship's engines have been replaced with advanced ION engines increasing acceleration/deceleration along with an increase to the ship’s top speed.

Reinforced shields for added protection have been installed to the ships defensive systems Tactical jammers have also been installed making it harder for an enemy to get a lock on the ship. Offensively a heavy rotary cannon replaces the stock Kuat Drive Yards ventral quad cannon. Proton torpedoes have been added giving the Tã’ron an additional firepower option.

Within the Command Bridge the ship was outfitted with all new system electronics and tactical displays. Assisting Tytus in the ship's duties, a new custom pilot droid Ellee serves as Tytus’s copilot. In addition to Ellee, Bones a 2-1B medical droid is assigned to the ship. One of the additional mods requested by DarkHawk was that a small triage room with Bacta tank be fitted within the floorplan.

The former Captain’s office, now serves as Tytus' private living quarters. Adjacent to those private quarters is the Situation Room. There the crew can evaluate and plan mission operations and parameters. The weapons bay has been modified with a auto/manual rail system to load the proton torpedoes into both the port and starboard torpedo tubes. There is also a small work area outfitted to assist Ty crafting new gadgets or repairing broken equipment. The ship’s mess is still situated on the starboard side of the Decimator.

The two aft sleeping quarters have been converted into executive living suites for VIP’s and the ship proprietor.

Physical Description

DarkHawk is of large muscular build. He stands 6’5 and weights 250lbs. Wide shoulders and a narrow waist makes him stand apart from most. Quick footed with fast hands, makes him a formable hand to hand master. Because of his Shaevalian bloodline his body is thick bone density is quite stronger. He has shoulder length auburn hair and deep brown eyes with red tints, an auburn goatee and tribal tattoos on forearms, chest and back.

Battle Uniform DarkHawk is outfitted with one of his parents own inventions. A fully integrated combat suit, that he has retrofitted more than once. He is dressed in black full Sith garbs with blue/red trim and stitching. The suit is enlaced with Kevlar and Nomex, giving him added protection from blaster fire, bladed weapons and fire. His base tunic has the emblem of Naga Sadow embroidered in red. The robe has outlines of tribal stiches from his Shaevalian race, his tabard, inner and outer wrap are long and come to points that accent his cape being shaped as wings that are functional and telekinetically controlled for flight. The wings are housed in a customized wing pack that he can control via psychic link implant and is worn as part of his combat uniform. The wing pack allows DarkHawk to glide from elevated heights.


When not on missions DarkHawk removes his cowl, which hides his identity outside of his clan. Mainly the cowl conceals DarkHawk’s features and contributes to his imposing appearance. The cowl has special visions, like infrared vision (heat sensors), night vision, and ultraviolet vision. The cowl's visor is also a digital camera for obtaining evidence. Also, installed is the use of a sonar concept. This technology is utilized by using echolocation to triangulate objects via multiple communications arrays. In addition, one of the cowl's wings carries a high-gain antenna for an internal comm-link on the left side of the cowl, allowing to stay in contact with his allies and GPS. The front of the skull and the sides of the temples also have small armor inserts to increase the effectiveness of skull strikes and protect from concussive blows.


Forearm gauntlets/bracers with onboard CPU and diagnostics aiding in combat and investigation. Each gauntlet/bracer has three razor sharp triangular fins which also aids in combat for blocking edged weapons or slashing. In addition, when in a tight situation can be deployed by gas charged cylinders within the construction.


Built within the gloves to aide in hand to hand combat DarkHawk has five retractable blades (Talons) which aide in hand to hand combat and also adds to his overall imposing appearance.

Utility Belt

DarkHawk's utility belt houses most of his weapons and tools. He can access them at any time when needed.