Quentin Shadows

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Quentin Shadows
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

3 BBY (age 46)

Physical Description







185 lbs





Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Armory Saber

Lightsaber Form(s):

Form III (Soresu)

Chronology & Political Information

Krath Historian



Known masters:

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Known apprentices:




[ Source ]

Quentin Shadows is a hunter in Clan Naga Sadow, a Krath historian, and scholar that hopes to one day see the Krath Order restored. Until then, he tries to preserve their teachings and way of life, chasing after knowledge, for "knowledge is power".

Character History

Earliest Memories

The earliest memories Quentin Shadows has is training in House Dominatus in the Aurora Sector. One day, his master came, having gathered things for a trip. After a few days, he arrived in an unknown world. His master had led him down the ramp of the ship to the beach where the heat of the world had felt like an oven compared to the ship's environment settings.

“This will be your home for a time,” she had said as she handed him a pack with supplies to survive the world. Then she handed him a small satchel of Krath scrolls. “Stay hidden, protect the scrolls, and keep the Krath order alive.”

Then she had rushed back onto the ship, leaving him alone on the beach as she returned to the Aurora Sector. After some time, he learned from the locals the world he was on was called Rishii. Here, he rescued a Force-sensitive Twi’lek girl called Eliana from pirates, and they quickly became friends.

A New Calling

One day, Quentin started having dreams of a system he had not known, believing it was his master calling to him, he journeyed to a nearby starport, where he stole a ship and traveled to Antei System, where he encountered an Imperial Star Destroyer. Being in a stolen ship, he decided to make a run for the closest planet that was Geles. His ship receiving critical damage from the Imperial Star Destroyer, he used an escape pod to reach the surface.

Injured from the escape pod’s landing, he traveled for a few hours before taking shelter in a cave behind a waterfall. In this cave is where he met Grand Master Muz Ashen Keibatsu. Muz Ashen led him to his shuttle, where his injuries were tended. Soon after, he sent him to the Shadow Academy to return the Krath scrolls to their rightful home. It is here where he met the Headmistress of the Shadow Academy, who soon became his master.

Shadow Academy

Quentin had known with his master being the Headmistress of the Shadow Academy that he should work to imitate her academic achievements by excelling in the academy. Spending most of his time in archives and libraries studying any information he could, since he had always been taught that knowledge is power. He had worked hard to gain the rank of Scribe within the Shadow Academy Society, giving him access to the holocron storage which would provide him with even more knowledge and power.

Physical Description

Quentin Shadows is a middle-aged male that stands about 5'5 and at 185 lbs has a muscled build and a pale complexion, His blue eyes shine like topaz under his long peppered grey hair. His robes are kept as clean as possible with purple accents to show his origin. His academy saber hangs polished from his belt.