Soul Ripper

- "III: The steel of thine blade shall bring the damned before the Lord of Justice. "
- ―Commandment of the Way of the Seven Souls
The Soul Ripper is a bladed melee weapon that uses ultrasonic vibrations to increase cutting effectiveness. The weapon's hilt contains a compact ultrasonic generator, causing the blade to vibrate at an incredible speed, making even the slightest glancing blow become a gaping wound. Due to it being a longer, heavier version of the standard vibroblade, it is generally wielded with two hands, although this is not an issue with a Force User as they are strong enough to wield it with one.
The sword consists of an alchemically altered blade attached to an ordinary vibrosword hilt. This alteration allows the sword to parry the blow of lightsabers while preventing them from cleaving the blade in two at the point of contact. The blade is immersed in the power of the Dark Side throughout the creation process.
During Robert Sadow’s reign as Consul he began to experiment in various aspects of the powers that were made available to him. Becoming an Apprentice to Dark Jedi Master Shan Long, as well as receiving the Mark, led him to continue the obsession with the Heart of the Force. In a secluded portion of Sadow Palace, the Sith Warlord created a sacrificial chamber. Here, under the guidance of the recluse Shan Long, he carried out mass ritual executions ripping souls apart and sealing them forever within a blade of dark side energy. For his victims of these rituals he used the Yuuzhan Vong and Peace Brigade prisoners from the last Sadow/Vong War.

Each blade was forged with a tiny slither of the Star of Ombus that Master Shan Long had collected over the years. Much the same way the Amulet of Orian was forged, Shan Long masterly crafted each blade himself. Unlike the Amulet that was a ward to protect Sith Lord Urias Orian, these blades would devour one’s enemies.
The blades consisting of a wound in the force were then carefully constructed into a complete sword under the watchful eye of Naga Sadow’s chief alchemist. Sith Warlord Macron Sadow assisted his fellow Marked of the Wanderer in the final construction using his vast knowledge of Sith Alchemy and rare crystals to complete the creation process.
It was discovered later that when this sword was used to take a life, the victim’s soul was also ripped apart and sealed with the other souls within the sword as it continued to try to fill the hole in the force within it. For this it received the name of Soul Ripper. Only seven Soul Rippers were created to follow the Way of the Seven Souls. Dark Jedi Master Shan Long wished Clan Naga Sadow be prepared after the events of Unification and thus well armed should that threat return. They are exclusively used by the active members of the Order of the Black Guard and upon completion of Guardsmen’s term they return the sword to the Captain of the Guard whom distributes it to the next appointed Guardsmen.
The sword has a vibration cell which is the part of a vibroweapon that caused it to vibrate. It is the essential part of any vibroweapon, because the damage they dealt was significantly less if there was no vibrocell. Essentially a modified energy cell, the vibration cell is used to augment and stabilize the vibrosword by increasing the depth to which the blade can penetrate. The sword is a modified Mark III version in turn allowing for a considerable increase in the potential for debilitating damage. Also containing a level three vibration cell, the blade can vibrate so hard that it will slice limbs just by touching them, without the wielder having to chop or slice through the limb.
The edge of the blade is upgraded to increase its lethality. It is fitted with an improved edge to the tip of the weapon, the sharpest point. This Devaronion edge increases the damage dealt by the weapon improving the hacking power thus helping deliver critical hits more easily.
The sword is used just as a lightsaber, only it requires less use of the Force to use due to the weight of the blade (And thus not needing the Force to sense the blade position in relation to the user's body). However, a wielder uses the Force to augment the speed of his blade, which normally would be slower than a lightsaber due to its mass. With the use of emotions, the sword can be augmented to travel through the air just as fast, if not faster, than a lightsaber beam. The blade also focuses the Force-energy of the user, giving the edge an unnatural sharpness. As the wielder grows more proficient in the power of the dark side, the blade becomes more deadly.