Hafalia Seprosin Chunasca
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Hafalia Seprosin Chunasca | |
Biographical Information | |
Date of Death: |
c. 5100 BBY |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Near-Human (Ombi; later Ekind) |
Gender: |
Female |
Personal Information | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
[ Source ] |
This page is currently being rewritten as part of a Clan Naga Sadow drive to expand and update all its lore related pages.
Hafalia Seprosin Chunasca, also known as Hafa Chun, was an Ombi Princess and later the self-styled Dark Lady of the Ekind. Born into the Ombi royal family, she saw her father killed and her people subjugated after the coming of the Sith Lord Urias Orian to the Sepros system. Orian kept her as a personal slave, transformed into a twisted Ekind mutant by Sith alchemy. Later, she was forced to witness her entire race be sacrificed in the creation of the Star of Ombus.
Lady Hafa ultimately had her revenge on the Sith Lord when she interrupted a ritual, causing Orian’s spirit to be destroyed. She scattered the remnants of her people trapped in the Star of Ombus to stop others using her people’s spirits for their own dark purposes ever again. Hafa later joined up with Okemi’s rebellion against the Sith Lords, but was slain during the conflict.
Early life and slavery
Princess Hafalia was the youngest child of the king of the Ombi of Sepros. Her people lived in relative peace until the arrival of the Sith Lord Urias Orian. At first, the Ombi revered Orian as a god, for he brought with him previously unseen magics and sorcery. But it was not long before Orian came to be seen for what he was: a conqueror. He slew the king and his princes, sparing only the beautiful Hafa to serve as his private servant. Orian tutored Hafa as a master might an apprentice, taking her as his mistress and teaching her the Sith arts of the dark side. Orian hoped she might one day join him as a pure-blooded lord of the Sith, uncontaminated by what he saw as the filth of Sith crossbreeding.

As time passed, the Ombi grew more and more fearful of the Sith Lord. Orian began experimenting on Ombi with Sith sorcery developed by the alchemist Bo Vanda, turning them into Sithspawn mutants, who subsequently renamed their people "the Ekind", meaning "the cursed" in their native Ombian tongue. When Hafa protested, Orian did the same to her, robbing her of her beauty, and forcing her to forevermore wear a mask to hide her now hideously deformed features.
Orian’s profanity reached its peak when he underwent a ritual that stole the souls of all the surviving Ombi, trapping them forever in an orb of dark energy which he named the Star of Ombus. Only those transformed into the hideous Ekind survived; Lady Hafa was among them, forced to bear witness to the death of her entire race. No longer the royal princess of the Ombi, she instead took to calling herself the Dark Lady in mourning for her lost people, and vowing that one day they would be avenged.
Lady Hafa had her revenge when Orian attempted to consume the life force of the trapped Ombi in order to grant him immortality. As the Sith Lord initiated the ritual, Hafa pulled Orian’s arcane sword from its pedestal, breaking the channelling circle and causing the ritual to backfire. Instead of consuming the spirits of the Ombi, Orian’s own spirit was torn from his body and obliterated.
With Orian dead, Hafa rounded up the fragments of the Star of Ombus that he had used to empower his various artifacts and fled Sepros—or ‘Orian’ as it was now known—to scatter them across space, where they could never again be reunited so that her people’s spirits could rest in peace. Orian’s scepter, which doubled as a ‘key’ to the Star Map on Sepros that had led the Sith Lord to Lehon, she hid away on Kangaras, hoping for it never to be found.
Having laid her people’s ‘remains’ to rest as best she could, Princess Hafa traveled back to the Sith Empire, seeking to take revenge on the other despotic Sith Lords who ruled it; many Ekind joined her when she returned to Sepros to take command of Orian’s abandoned ships and artifacts, including the ancient sword he had discovered on his quest to Lehon. Hafa’s uprising coincided simultaneously with a rebellion being led by Okemi, a Massassi lord who also sought to rise up against the shackles of the half-breed Jedi and Kissai priesthood who ruled the Sith Empire.
Hafa allied her rebels with Okemi’s forces and joined in the battle against the rule of the Dark Lord Marka Ragnos. Around this time, Hafa met Matih Jadoku, a Massassi serving in Okemi’s army. The two briefly became lovers, Jadoku teaching Hafa more about Sith alchemy and sorcery.
However, despite a worthy attempt, Hafa and Okemi were both defeated. Okemi was exiled to the planet Antei, to live out his final days in isolation; but Hafa was slain in battle, Orian’s sword being prised from her still warm fingers by the Sith Lord who had killed her, such that the fate of the sword that had been the bane of the Ombi people would be lost forever. Hafa’s body was recovered by her troops and taken to Kangaras where she was entombed in the temple where she’d housed Orian’s scepter.
Princess Hafalia’s life was a tragedy spawned of the oppression of Urias Orian. Her brief tryst with Jadoku had ended in both their deaths, and she served as but a minor player in the doomed rebellion led by Okemi. Her death saw the death of the Ombi royal household, with only a fraction of her people still alive on Sepros—all the survivors having been turned into Ekind. But her story did not end with her death; for her spirit lingered on, unable to embrace rest while the rest of the Ombi forever remained trapped in the scattered shards of the Star of Ombus; guardian of the scepter of Urias Orian, seeking to stop others from ever using the device to repeat her former overlord’s crimes.
In 28 ABY, the Tomb of Hafa Chun was happened upon by chance by Trevarus Caerick and the disciples of the Lord Sadow, Astronicus Aurelius Sadow, while on Kangaras to pursue sightings of True Brotherhood members Severina and Anaxela. The tomb had been hidden behind a dead spot in the Force, undetectable by all technological and metaphysical techniques alike. Caerick and the others discovered the resting place of the scepter in the heart of the temple, guarded by ancient protosaber wielding battle droids. Recognizing the fragment of the Star of Ombus imbedded in the scepter, Caerick claimed the device from its stand, disabling the shroud it had covered the tomb in. However, without the scepter the tomb began to fall apart, and Caerick and the others only just escaped before the entire structure collapsed.
With its theft—or, perhaps, the ‘recovery’, seeing as Caerick already wielded the Amulet of Orian—Hafa Chun bound herself to the scepter, hitching a ride with the Brotherhood grave robbers, and unexpectedly returning home to Sepros. Her spirit was secretly privy to what Caerick and his apprentice, Darth Vexatus, were planning, and learned how they sought to sacrifice the surviving Ekind to imbue the rebuilt Temple of the Void with the dark side again, in order to reactivate the Star Map matrix to lead them to Lehon. Hafa was powerless to prevent the ritual, but she did what she could to block Caerick’s Force summons, managing to shield a small number of Ekind from the call to assemble at the temple.
For the second time in her existence, Lady Hafa was forced to watch as her people were slaughtered, this time by the insane heir to Urias Orian’s legacy. Nearly the entire Ekind race died in a mass sacrifice, as Orian himself had done millennia ago to the Ombi. The ghost of Hafalia Seprosin Chunasca vowed revenge again, but this time her vengeance would wait, until the time for her second uprising was at hand...
- Hafa Chun was originally created by Macron Goura as part of a project run by Sith Bloodfyre in 2004 when he was Sith High Warrior to flesh out the Dark Lords of the first Sith Empire.
- Though the original backstory had to be dropped when the Dark Lords started to be detailed in the Expanded Universe, the character was reused for a Clan Naga Sadow run-on in December 2007, which saw the recovery of the ‘Scepter of Hafa Chun’ from the planet Kangaras.
- The story was adapted in April 2008 when the ‘Scepter of Hafa Chun’ was retconned to be the Scepter of Urias Orian. Instead, the scepter would simply have been possessed by the spirit of Hafa Chun.
- Hafa Chun’s backstory was finally established in January 2009 when the full history of Urias Orian was written, with the idea originating for Hafa Chun to fill the role of the Ekind Prince(ss) who had betrayed Orian, finally addressing the implied relationship between Orian and Okemi by the previously unexplained presence of Ekind on Antei in the Sixth Great Jedi War.
- Though Hafa Chun was originally intended to be a Sith Lord, she was retconned to be the ‘Dark Lady of the Ekind’ to fit the relationship with Urias Orian. However, she may still be considered a ‘Sith’ in the sense that Ekind are ‘Sithspawn Humans’; or as a Sith Lord in the sense of a Human overlord, as was Orian's hopes for her.
- Chun, Orian, Okemi and Ragnos represent a diverse cross section: Orian, among the last of the Human lords of the Sith; Okemi, among the few actual native Sith Sith Lords; Ragnos, one of the many half-breed Human/Sith; and Chun, an unwilling Human/Sith cross. Okemi and Chun share a common trait in that both hail from slave races, but from opposite ends of society.
- Hafa Chun’s full name (Hafalia Seprosin Chunasca) was a play on the full name of the character Ashe (Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca) from Final Fantasy 12 and was intended to provide the character with a more ‘regal’ sounding full name. Given the unintentional similarity in the two characters’ stories, the choice of name was doubly ironic.
- It is planned for Hafa Chun's character to possibly be revisited again in the future as part of an ‘Ekind Urpising’ story to see the final extinction of the Ekind and the death of her ghost.