The following took place between the years of 30 ABY to 39 ABY.
30 ABY
31 ABY
- The Dark Crusade continues. In the third phase of planetary conquest, Arcona forces seize Bhargebba, while Plagueis forces prove instrumental in the occupation of Ch'hodos. In the fourth phase of planetary conquest, Arcona forces take over Svolten, Plagueis forces seize Athiss, and Taldryan forces are instrumental in the occupation of Ashas Ree.
- In the fourth phase of the Dark Crusade, the clans and houses of the Brotherhood conquer Korriz, Kalsunor, and Jaguada.
- In the final phase of the Dark Crusade, both planets Ziost and Dromund Kaas fall into the hands of the Brotherhood. The One Sith are dispatched, but Esoteric remains a threat.
- The Fall of New Tython takes place, with Cy Thuron proclaimed King of the planet and Alek Mirr made General of the new Thuron Monarchy.
- House Odan-Urr covertly engages Brotherhood-backed rebels on Talus, seeking to prevent the outbreak of a new war.
- Taldryan and Plagueis become Clans once more.
32 ABY
33 ABY
34 ABY
35 ABY
36 ABY
37 ABY
30 ABY
Zoraan's death within the Dark Hall during Horizons.
31 ABY
32 ABY
34 ABY
35 ABY
36 ABY
37 ABY
38 ABY
Wrathus on Tenixir.