Idris Adenn
![]() | |
Idris Adenn | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: | |
Date of Birth: |
8 ABY (age 35) |
Physical Description | |
Species: | |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
6'2" / 1.83 m |
Weight: |
193 lbs / 87.5 kg |
Hair: |
Black |
Eyes: |
Brown |
Personal Information | |
Mother: |
Melora Adenn |
Father: |
Valinor Adenn † |
Siblings: |
Erathan Adenn |
Known Children: |
Sirdi Tyma |
Allies: |
Crew of The Viper Fang |
Enemies: |
The Children of Mortis |
Lightsaber Color(s): |
Purple with Black Core |
Lightsaber Form(s): | |
Weapon(s): |
Haar Maan Miit (WESTAR-35) |
Fighting Style(s): | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Bounty Hunter |
Position: | |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: |
Clan Adenn of Mandalore |
Personal Ship: |
Haar Kyr'yc Karanov Raider-II class Corvette |
Dossier: | |
Character Sheet: | |
[ Source ] |
- "’Tis a big and beautiful galaxy. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don’t want to be most of us."
- ―Idris Adenn
Lord Idris Adenn — also known as Haar Dreki’ormr be’Manda'yaim (The Dragonsnake of Mandalore) or more commonly in Basic The Viper — is a cocky, headstrong, and dangerous Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, Information Broker, and Mercenary.
Idris was born on Batuu in a secret Mandalorian covert near Black Spire Outpost. His father, Valinor, and mother, Melora, were the heads of Clan Adenn and helped maintain the covert. Their fourth son, Idris was only the second to live into adolescence. He was trained to honor the traditional ways of his Mandalorian ancestors and continues to take great pride in his heritage, warrior ways, and people.
Idris mainly lived aboard his ship, a VCX-100 light freighter called The Viper Fang, with his crew who he considers his family. This changed following the Fang's destruction. His daughter, Elia, is named after his murdered sister and typically stays on Batuu with his mother, Melora.
Full of swagger and a love for the pleasures of the galaxy, Idris has traveled from one end to the other fighting and partying to a notorious level. He has been a Mandalorian Pop (M-Pop) star since his teenage years. He currently serves on the Council as the Voice of the Brotherhood, as well as the Brotherhood’s Combat Master. He also has served as Praetor to the Herald, and was one of the founding members of Clan Vizsla.
Character History
Early Life (8 ABY - 18 ABY)

- "Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule."
- ―Canon of Honor Excerpt
Life on Batuu was not the life Idris’ parents had hoped to provide for their children, but it was a life at the very least. Surviving the Great Purge of Mandalore Clan Adenn had spent several years adrift before settling on Batuu. The loss of Mandalore was a looming shadow over all of Idris’ early life.
Birth (8 ABY)
Idris Adenn was born in 8 ABY in his family’s hidden covert near Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. While the Galactic Civil War had formally ended three years prior, the destructive measure of the Galactic Empire’s purge against the Mandalorians had left Clan Adenn holed away, a choice echoed by many of the surviving Mandalorians. Both Valinor and Melora had been active combatants in the Rebel Alliance, and had returned to live full time at the covert on Batuu following the Empire’s defeat at the Battle of Jakku.
Valinor Adenn, Idris’ father and the head of Clan Adenn, was a battle-worn veteran by the time Idris was born. He was a hard man, with strict discipline and adherence to the traditions of the Mandalorians. With the defeat of the Empire, he was able to turn his attention back to protecting and expanding the covert on Batuu.
Melora Adenn, Idris’ mother, was more than a perfect match for Valinor’s firm personality. A skilled warrior in her own right, she was playful and wise beyond her years. However the death of the Adenns’ second child Avand in 7 ABY had softened her thirst for combat. However, they did have two other living children at this time, Erathan, age seven, and Okarro, age three.
The covert itself was primarily comprised of landed ships and cargo crates amid the great petrified trees and rocks that littered the landscape around Black Spire Outpost. Covered with rocks, dirt, and shrubbery, along with the remote location of Batuu helped keep the covert hidden. Over time additional ships and crates were added, and at the time of Idris’ birth, it was home to dozens of Mandalorians from various clans.
Growing Mandalorian (8 ABY - 18 ABY)

Despite being forced to the outskirts of the galaxy, Idris’ first few years of life were surprisingly typical of a Mandalorian child. He learned hard and played hard.
Among the other members of the covert was the Kyls, a Twi’lek family who had functioned as part of Clan Adenn. The first had been freed by Idris’ grandfather in 53 BBY. Since that time they had gone from foundlings to having their own clan name. Among these was one of Idris’ closest friends, Ashara Kyl, who was about half a year older than him.
Also, a part of the covert was Clan Nezsa. Melora’s sister had married into Clan Nezsa and had children of her own. Evio Nezsa, seven years Idris’ senior, was far more the older brother to Idris than his own brothers were. The two spent much of their free time together exploring and getting into trouble around the covert and Black Spire Outpost.
In 10 ABY, Idris’ sister Elia was born. The happy family was hit by tragedy when in 11 ABY, Idris’ older brother Okarro died from ongoing health issues. Both Valinor and Melora took the death of their second child hard, but they kept a calm face in front of their children. One of Idris’ earliest memories is the funeral service for his brother.
By the age of three, he was already being trained and schooled in the ways of the Mandalorian. Far more healthy than Okarro ever had been, Valinor wanted to insure that Idris would have the strength and capabilities to survive. Erathan was already deep into his training and resented every second of it. However, Idris took to it like a fish to water.
Rise of Haar Dreki’ormr (18 ABY - 28 ABY)

- "Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead."
- ―Canon of Honor Excerpt
As he grew into his adolescent years, Idris’ training amplified. Where his brother favored empathy and diplomacy, Idris fell heavy into the Mandalorian ideals. With a strong disregard for authority that exists for authority’s sake, Idris clashed frequently with his father. While a difficult relationship it would help shape Idris into the man he became, especially the tragedy that came for the Adenns.
Kill The Boy (18 ABY - 24 ABY)
By the time Idris was ten, his Mandalorian training was in full swing. His abilities were pushed to the absolute limits for a developing boy, with Valinor being increasingly driven that at least one of his children learn to respect the Mandalorian traditions and bring honor as a capable warrior. Erathan, now sixteen, had already come to reject many of the warrior customs of the Mandalorians and instead idolized the peaceful pacifist movements seen in years past.
With Erathan set in his ways, and as Valinor’s only other living son, the hopes of both Valinor and Clan Adenn were placed upon Idris. Valinor knew as the eldest, Erathan would likely one day be the head of the Clan, but its reputation and standing would depend on if Idris could be the skilled warrior he needed to be.
This of course meant Idris would fight with his father constantly. Enjoyment of life’s luxuries, coupled with a deep need to shirk authority, Idris’ sarcastic and contrary nature was always at odds with Valinor’s more serious and focused nature. In 20 ABY, at the age of twelve, Idris was left abandoned on the streets of Coruscant's undercity, and was forced to show he could survive and make his way back to Batuu on his own.
This was of course in preparation for when he turned thirteen and underwent the Verd'goten, a rite of passage his elder brother never took. Dumped in the wilderness of Ryloth, forcing him to deal with the deadly Gutkurrs, Lyleks, and Doashims. When he made it back to Batuu, he was drenched in blood and mud and carried the severed head of a Doashim.
Upon completion of his Verd’goten, Valinor taught Idris of Shadowfang, an ancient jetii’kad (lightsaber) that had a deep purple glow and a black core. Shadowfang had been a clan heirloom for centuries. Typically given to the eldest child to train with. As Erathan had vehemently opposed his own Verd’goten, this honor of beginning to train with the jetii'kad. Despite the very tense, harsh, and confrontational nature of their relationship, it was moments like this that showed Idris just how much Valinor cared for him.
Enter the Wookiee (24 ABY)

Successful completion of his verd’goten meant even more adventures away from Batuu. Valinor took Idris across the galaxy, working as bounty hunters, mercenaries, security, and whatever else would earn some credits. At the age of sixteen, one such job took them deep into the Outer Rim, to work as extra security for a dangerous warlord, Yr’drav Dolov.
Dolov, by most standards, was a ruthless and vile man, one who never shied away from slave labor. With many Wookiees on his estate, Idris’ moral compass was going wild. He had no issues with killing or capturing a bounty, but slave-owning was a deplorable and despicable act. With Valinor as the one who primarily interacted with Dolov, Idris was able to spend time around the slaves, getting to know them. During their time with Dolov, Idris became particularly close with one of the Wookiees who called himself Rayjax.
Idris used this time to begin to form a plan to free the slaves, without implicating himself or his father. In his biggest act of defiance to date, once they left Dolov behind, he went and stole a light freighter packed full of trade goods. In the dead of night, Idris landed outside Dolov’s compound and snuck all the Wookiees out, removing their collars and chains with a carefully practiced precision.
He took the Wookiees back to their homeworld of Kashyyyk. There Rayjax learned that his own family had been killed in a slaver raid, and his tribe was on the brink of collapse. Idris quickly offloaded all the goods from the freighter, hoping it would help the Wookiees rebuild.
Then Valinor arrived. Bearing a mix of rage and pride for his son’s actions, his punishment was dealt out in the center of Rayjax’s village. Five strong lashes to the back, which Idris took without complaint. He already knew he would be working to pay off the cost of the trade goods he had stolen. Once the lashings were done, Valinor helped tend to the wounds on Idris’ back, as well unload the supplies he had brought to aid the Wookiees. Valinor could not help but be proud of his son, as his own father had taken similar action to free the Kyls years ago. For his actions, Idris was recognized as a member of the tribe.
With his own family dead, Rayjax did not wish to remain on Kashyyyk. The constant reminder of their loss made staying unbearable. Before he could attempt to swear a life debt to Idris for freeing him, Idris offered to take Rayjax back to Batuu, promising a home, and a family that would care for him as one of their own.
Rayjax accepted the offer and accompanied the Adenns back to Batuu. While Warlord Dolov was never able to prove it was Idris who had freed the slaves, he made the obvious assumption that it was, vowing to one day get his revenge.
Viper’s Venom (25 ABY)

At the age of seventeen, Idris had become well versed in the pleasures of the galaxy. From sneaking out to Oga’s Cantina while home on Batuu or enjoying the unique opportunities that came from every new job off-planet, Idris always found time to mix in some play with his work. While this had led to some less than pleasant troubling encounters, it only finally reached a critical point in 25 ABY.
While working with his father on Coruscant, a diplomat, Sedanol Berr, found Idris in bed with his wife. During the short tussle, Idris managed to get his hands on his dagger. While security broke up the fight, Sedanol did suffer a small minor cut on his forearm.
Valinor quickly sent Idris back to Batuu, while he finished up the job alone and tried to patch things up with Sedanol. Regrettably, Sedanol died several days later. While there was no proof Idris had poisoned the man with his dagger, the nature of the death was suspicious. Coupled with Clan Adenn’s signet of the dragonsnake, Idris’ moniker in Basic of being a Viper was born.
That New Fang (25 ABY)

The events on Coruscant led to Valinor being much more reluctant to take Idris with him on jobs. This didn’t deter Idris, with Rayjax having his back and a knack for mechanics, and Ashara Kyl’s love of medicine, the trio were able to make their own adventure on Batuu and its neighboring systems.
Together they found themselves on a largely abandoned moon, which happened to house a base for the Black Sun Crime Syndicate. Base is a bit generous for what they found, it was much more a chop shop for stolen ships.
It was love at first sight for the trio. A VCX-100 light freighter that had been partially stripped down with its accompanying auxiliary starfighter. Rayjax and Ashara got to work getting it flyable while Idris blasted through a handful of security droids. A short hyperspace jump later they were back on Batuu, not a moment too soon as all but the life support and one of the secondary engines failed upon landing.
The newly minted The Viper Fang became their free time project, turning it into a functional mobile home base of their dreams.
Crash of the Epsilon Shade (26 ABY)
In early 26 ABY, Valinor began to slowly trust Idris enough to take him out on bigger jobs in the field. Idris was torn between being taken away from Rayjax, Ashara, working on The Viper Fang, and the mischief they would get up to, and being grateful for once again being in the good graces of his father. Despite their rough relationship, nearly everything Idris knew and was capable of came due to his father.
The Epsilon Shade changed everything for Idris and Clan Adenn.
The job was simple enough. Valinor and Idris had been hired as extra protection on the large freighter. The cargo was a simple load of weaponry, nothing particularly fancy or expensive. But still, weapons in any form are useful, making the ship a prime target. The pair had been hired by a fellow set of Mandalorians, Clan Larjoc. Aradas Larjoc was an anomaly of a Mandalorian, a shrewd businessman, but not a capable warrior. His company had created advances to Mandalorian weaponry, and he needed muscle to ensure it made it to the handoff.
The exact cause of the initial explosion was never discovered. Sabotage, a faulty regulator, bad coaxium, all were viable explanations. In an instant, several of the cargo holds were blown clean open. Forward momentum plus a weakened frame cause more of the ship to buckle, and several smaller explosions followed due to the weaponry in the jettisoned cargo.
Valinor and Idris were just outside the main bridge of the freighter when the explosion happened. They had been talking to the captain about the approach to the planet before them. All three suffered head injuries and were unconscious for some time. Idris was the first to come back to consciousness, awaking to blood rolling down his face from a gash on his forehead. His attempts to get Valinor and the captain to wake up were unsuccessful. From what he could tell the rest of the crew was either already dead, or had managed to jettison in escape pods. The warning flashing on the terminals in the bridge presented a horrible decision for Idris.
The ship's engines were in a critical state, and could not be shut down. They were locked at a full sub-light speed. With a huge amount of coaxium left for fuel and a massive amount of explosives still present in the surviving cargo bays, it was clear the ship was destined to end with a bang. The bigger issue was their trajectory had their impact on the planet right in the middle of a well-populated city and the autopilot to try to steer the ship away was nonfunctional.
Idris could drag his father and the captain to the one remaining escape pod, jettison with them and let the ship continue on crashing into the city killing hundreds to thousands of people. Or he could jettison them to safety and remain on the ship, manually holding the steering away from the city to crash in the wilderness.
He chose the second option.
With his father and the captain safe away from the ship, he strapped himself into the pilot’s seat and held down the steering to keep the direction thrust away from the populated areas of the planet. He aimed for a long slow descent into the atmosphere, unable to adjust into a proper orbit, in the hopes that the ship would break apart enough that the major explosive issues would be handled in the upper atmosphere and not the planet’s surface.
As the ship descended, the structural damage of the original explosion caused the ship to break in half as it fell into the atmosphere. With no more engines or any form of thrusters, Idris held tight and tried to find ways to slow the remains of the front of the ship.
The debris trail was hundred of kilometers long. As he had hoped the explosives did detonate/vaporize in the upper atmosphere, and the population was largely safe from falling debris. The front half of the ship held together surprisingly well as it finally crashed into the planet’s surface. Idris was unsure how long it took before they recovered his severely injured body from the wreckage, it would be months before he finally awoke from his coma.
He awoke, in pain and in need of months more of therapy to restore his ability to walk and move, but also the news that his name and courageous actions aboard the ship had spread. The legends of the Viper were beginning to stick.
Let the Man be Born (27 ABY)

By late 27 ABY, Idris had returned to full health and to helping his father out in the field. Job requests even specifically came in because of Idris as well. Amidst the jobs they worked, came another one from Aradas Larjoc.
Aradas, to his credit, had funded the entirety of the medical expenses Idris required and donated heavily to see The Viper Fang fully restored. In this job, he wanted some backing security during a business deal with a particularly powerful individual known as Tysus Lanna’kor. Lanna’kor was renowned for being ruthless and cunning, cutting out large swatches of the weaponry industry. Aradas was hoping to secure a good sale of plans to Tysus but wanted the muscle there as a show of strength. Idris’ sister, Elia, begged to come along too, as she was enamored with Aradas’ son, Rhang. Together the three of them ventured to the Larjoc Headquarters.
The deal went off without a hitch. While cleanly handled, negotiations and signing took a long time. Idris, bored out of his mind while this was going on, spent most of the meeting making eyes with several of the servants who were working at the facility. The one part of the deal he did find interesting was the bodyguard that Tysus Lanna’kor brought with him. The only word Idris could think of when he first laid eyes on the man was mountainous. Bjorn Clegathas was a hulking beast of pure muscle, towering at over seven feet tall. When the deal finally concluded, Tysus and Aradas suggested celebratory drinks for a well-struck arrangement. Idris took this as his opening to slip out with the servants he had been not so subtly flirting with.
Later that night, Idris returned to the facility and found it had an air of deathly silence and absolute stillness. Then came a scream from deep within the facility, one that sounded like his father.
He found the body of Aradas Larjoc first, laying face down in a pool of his own blood. It looked like he had tried to run before being savagely cut down from behind. He found the body of his sister, Elia, next. She was naked, restrained by ropes. Her head was a smashed pool of mush. He was only able to know for certain it was her by the bracelet she still had around her wrist.
As Idris stood helpless over his sister, Rhang Larjoc stepped out of the shadows, a twisted grin on his face. He mocked about how much fun he and Bjorn had with Elia before Bjorn crushed her head in. Rhang explained he did this to correct the course of Clan Larjoc after the failures of his father. So he made a deal with Tysus Lanna’kor in secret. While Rhang foolishly gloated and monologued, Idris pulled his dagger out of his boot and lunged, stabbing Rhang through his throat and up into his skull.
Rhang fell to the ground gurgling as he gulped his last breaths. Idris was already tearing down the hall to find his father. Valinor was alive, but barely. Idris dragged his father’s broken body out of the facility trying to find medical aid, but it was of no use. Valinor Adenn was dead.
The Adenn’s, and the rest of the covert, grieved for the loss of the great Clan leader. Idris’ elder brother Erathan became the new head and fact of Clan Adenn. Erathan, still largely idolizing the failed New Mandalorian Movement, did not put up a fight when Idris laid claim to take Valinor’s armor. Erathan didn’t wish to be a warrior, he wanted to be a beloved politician. Armor was beneath his goals.
Idris took the armor and had it reforged to his specifications. With a Black bodysuit, bright red plating, and golden accents, he made sure his enemies would always know who was coming for them. He would honor the generations of Clan Adenn who had worn, fought, bled, and died in this armor. He also laid claim to Shadowfang, having trained extensively with it.
With The Viper Fang completely restored Idris, Rayjax, and Ashara took to the stars looking for work and hoping for an opportunity for revenge against Tysus Lanna’kor and Bjorn Clegathas. Rayjax handled piloting the ship well enough, and oversaw mechanical stuff, while Ashara brought her medical knowledge, having long studied science and medicine intending to become a full-fledged doctor.
Haar Dreki’ormr be’Manda'yaim (28 ABY - 37 ABY)

- "Loyalty is life, for without one’s clan one has no purpose."
- ―Canon of Honor Excerpt
Fully armed and armored, and with a thirst for vengeance, Idris and his crew aboard The Viper Fang left Batuu behind to explore the galaxy. Determined to protect his family, both on the Fang and on Batuu, Idris worked hard to carve out a name and reputation for himself. Haar Dreki’ormr be’Manda'yaim — The Dragonsnake of Mandalore — would not be stopped. It would be a long road, hard, but the Viper was determined to leave his mark on the galaxy.
Bounty: The Shistavanen Seven (28 ABY)
Early in 28 ABY. a group that was known as The Shistavanen Seven popped up as an open bounty. Four of the seven had previously been apprehended and were each serving multiple life sentences in a supermax prison. The remaining three free ones successfully broke their compatriots out of the prison and went on the run. Considered extremely dangerous, and responsible for a massive pile of bodies, this bounty came in as a rarely seen Wanted Dead missive.
For three months dozens of bounty hunters tried and failed to take out the Seven, only a handful escaping with their lives. Across the Outer Rim the gang moved planet to planet leaving nothing but death and destruction in their wake. Idris had considered going after them himself but was talked out of it by Rayjax and Ashara, who wished to focus on more manageable bounties. It was by pure luck, or the will of the Force, that their paths crossed on the desert world of Tatooine.
Mos Espa was no stranger to violence. The sands of the city were often stained with blood, as the different criminal organizations vied for control. Unnoticed by the Seven, he tracked them through several streets, alleys, and buildings, racing along the rooftops of the city. He came at them from above, blasters drawn and firing. Two dropped immediately, and the third managed to knock one of Idris’ blasters from his hand before taking a blaster bolt to the chest from the other.
Idris was lucky in that his armor was pure beskar, as several shots from the remaining four bounced off his armor, one ricocheting to kill another. Down to three members, the Shistavanen fled down an alleyway. Idris managed to fire off another shot, hitting the fuel tank of a parked speeder, killing a fifth.
The remaining two hijacked a speeder bike and took off through the streets. Idris commandeered one himself and took off in pursuit. Rayjax and Ashara were already on the move to handle the bodies of the slain.
The chase was fast, frantic, and frenzied leaving behind a wake of destruction before the two Shistavanen crashed into the wall of one of the many cantinas of the city. Limping they fled inside the cantina, with Idris close on their heels.
Midday, the cantina was sparsely populated, and the few patrons there immediately hunkered down in the booths, while the Shistavanen hid behind the bar. Willing to deal with some property damage, Idris didn’t aim for the two targets, but instead at the glassware and alcohol bottles, causing them to shatter glass upon his bounties. In a single instant, the alcohol went up in flames, burning the two behind the bar top. One died of the burns, but the other survived. While the bounty was specifically cited dead, Idris kept the one alive to bring in alongside the corpses of his compatriots. For months later the people of Mos Espa talked about the rapid assault The Viper took to successfully take out the notorious Shistavanen Seven.
Bounty: The Corellian Crusher (28 ABY)

Corellia, the wet gray dreary shipyards of the planet were responsible for some of the most important vessels in the galaxy. While the First Order had yet to be publicly revealed, their tendrils were already present on the planet.
Idris and the rest of The Viper Fang crew were ignorant of this fact. They were there for one reason only, Tagsa’ak The Crusher Menoron. The shipyard worker was notorious for smuggling illicit substances in the ships he helped build and had left a long line of bodies that had been crushed into concealed compartments alongside the drugs. Most of Corellia didn’t care, crime was all too common, and as long as the ships got built the corporations didn’t care.
The family of one of his victims however disagreed and placed a large bounty on bringing him in alive to face punishment for his crimes. Idris was lucky, having training in the arts of the Rising Phoenix, he was able to jetpack through the shipyards looking for his target. A maze of durasteel, and half-constructed vessels, it was all too easy to see why some people never found their way out.
Tagsa’ak walked through the shipyard like he owned it. Yet the instant he noticed Idris hovering in the air, he took off running. He didn’t get far before Idris used his vambraces to shoot a rope restraining the man. Tagsa’ak fell face-first into a muddy puddle. A fast capture turned into a slow return, as Idris was forced to walk out of the shipyard with his bounty. Eventually making it out, Tagsa’ak was delivered and payment was received.
Bounty: Nexicorp Espionage (29 ABY)
Idris had worked as private security before. Idris had worked as a property escort before. He had hunted, tracked, killed, and captured all around the galaxy. In 29 ABY he was hired for the first time as a rescuer.
Major companies waged a typically bloodless war against each other, silent chess moves in the dark to outearn each other. But now and again a pawn would get caught. Helio Industries was losing badly to its corporate rival, Nexicorp. Helio had sent a spy, undercover as an employee within Nexicorp. For ten long years, they siphoned intel out, finally escalating to the complete set of building specs and plans Nexicorp had ever created.
Then they were discovered. Lod Hapfan had slipped up right at the goal line. And now Nexicorp was attempting to track down Lod to recover what had been stolen. It was a race between Idris and Nexicorp to locate and extract Lod with his intel. Both sides realized Lod was holed up near the top of a hundred-story tall highrise.
For one hundred stories Idris and the forces of Nexicorp battled it out, trying to stop the other, without actually killing each other. Outgunned, and exhausted, Idris managed to get to Lod first but had no possible exit down the high rise as the Nexicorp forces closed in. He called for The Viper Fang to fly up next to the high rise. Not giving Lod any warning he threw his bounty out of a window, before jumping out himself. They landed hard on The Viper Fang hull but managed to get in and away before they could be shot down.
In addition to the payment for getting the intel, and the bonus for getting Lod out alive, Helio Industries and Lod both acknowledge a continued debt to Idris and his crew.
Child of Surprise (30 ABY)
In 30 ABY, Idris received a surprising communication, one he should have expected to happen sooner or later. One of his many “for pleasure” ventures had resulted in a child. With zero hesitation Idris redirected The Viper Fang to Naboo, where he met his newborn daughter.
The girl’s mother, Ira, was just a servant, and in a panic about how to provide for the girl. Idris assured Ira that the girl would be well taken care of. They decided to name her Elia, in memory of Idris’ murdered sister. Elia would spend her time bouncing between living with Idris out on the move, or on Batuu, under the watchful eye of ba'buir (nana) Melora.
Great Hunt: Krayt Pearls (30 ABY)
With a growing reputation, Idris found himself invited to assist in a great hunt by a wealthy patron, Erik Maroca. The target was a Greater Krayt dragon that had been located on Tatooine. Following a night of free drinks and celebration at his return to Mos Espa, Idris met up with Erik and the arsenal of additional warriors he had hired out for the task.
This venture promised to be rewarded, each guaranteed a take of the elusive pearls that grew inside of the beasts, but of course, they could only be harvested if the dragon itself was killed.
Erik Maroca was old school. He desired honor in his kill, something that had to be fought for, and the risk of death always was on the table. He easily could have paid to glass the fearsome beast, but instead led the charge of over a dozen men, each with a sordid history of violence. Erik organized and planned so that they could get on with the killing.
The plan was simple, draw the beast out with bait, and aim for weak points such as the eyes, and inside of the mouth. Keep it out and engaged without letting off the assault. Once weak points were established, get explosives into them and under the protective armor of its skin.
Plans rarely go the way you expect them to. The beast was twice the size as they had been told, ancient, and more than capable of killing. They managed to expose several pairs of the beast's powerful legs before crippling it. While it was unable to swim through the sandy dunes, it was still more than capable of crushing everyone.
By sheer luck, the beast was slain, enough wounds had finally caused it to bleed out. Of the fifteen men, six remained alive, two of whom were critically injured. It was then Erik Maroca pulled out his blaster and told the group to walk away. Most too tired from dealing with the dragon backed away slowly. Idris did not. Erik fired, but Idris’ beskar’gam took the blow with ease.
For his betrayal, Idris took Erik’s main hand and his manhood. He and the others stripped the Krayt Dragon for the reward they were promised (and then some) and left Erik a bloody mess in the middle of the dune sea with naught but a rotting corpse for company.
The Starbound Songbird (32 ABY)

Idris once again found himself on a job that would drastically change his life. A king, Isaidar Kilvaari, from the planet Aeria in the Outer Rim contacted Idris about a job that would likely last several months. Rebelling tribal groups on the planet were kicking up violent encounters in protest of the Kilvaari Monarchy’s rule.
To help restore peace, King Kilvaari was hiring dozens of mercenaries and military contractors with no ties to the planet. While conflicted about fighting those who were rebelling for freedom, the payout was just too much to ignore. So for several months, The Viper Fang set up shop in Isaidar’s palace hangar.
This is where Idris, Rayjax, and Ashara met the princess, Madeline Jisella Kilvaari. Eighteen, beautiful, and a sharp quick mind, Idris was smitten with her at first sight. Despite dozens of attempts to woo her, Idris for the first time in his life experienced true rejection. She was already promised to be married off to a lord on Aeria. A traditional marriage for allegiance.
Just three weeks into the job on Aeria, the trio spent a night off attending a very illegal street swoop bike race. The winner of the race was a woman who kept her face completely concealed, even at the over-the-top after-party. The three found it suspicious but stayed at the party until it was broken up by the local police force.
In the early hours of the morning, while returning to the palace, Idris spotted the racewinner sneaking back into the palace. He realized it was none other than Madeline.
This knowledge led to a very frequent set of secret communications between Idris and Madeline, who asked him to call her MJ. They talked about everything, Idris’ history, the adventures he, Rayjax, and Ashara went on, and how much of a colossal asshole MJ’s father was. It was more than evident however that what MJ wanted more than anything was to leave the planet of Aeria behind and to see the stars. She certainly had no interest in being used as a political prop in a pre-arranged marriage. Through all of this Idris still failed to seduce her, a fact that both drove him crazy and desire her all the more.
As the job on Aeria concluded, the rebelling tribes pacified, Idris and crew planned with MJ to help her escape to live the life she always wanted.
Songbird’s Escape (32 ABY)
It took several months before the plan was set, and enough time since the job on Aeria to not shed suspicion on The Viper Fang being connected. Idris even very publicly took a job in the core worlds to establish an alibi.
Ashara and Rayjax secretly made their way back to Aeria, and commandeered some tribal transport ships (along with providing the tribes security access codes and security maps for the major cities on the planet). They used the ship to “crash” another transport ship that MJ was taking to cross the planet. They smuggled themselves off-planet in a container that was left floating in deep space, where Idris picked them up with The Viper Fang.
MJ’s father King Isaidar was frantic, and eventually even contacted Idris himself to request help in locating his missing daughter. Idris promised he would let the king know if he came across any information regarding MJ. Idris offered to drop MJ off at any planet she wanted, and after a very prolonged series of “one more job” claims on her end, it was evident she was happy staying aboard the ship as one of the crew, taking over the role of the primary pilot from Rayjax, who was much happier focusing purely on mechanics.
Great Hunt: The Terentatek (33 ABY)
Idris had done a lot of stupid stuff in his life. Accepting a hunt request to corral a Terentatek was certainly up there on the list. A rich game collector, Divad Ston’iving, had owned it as part of his private menagerie. His attempts to recapture the beast failed, as did the first four bounty hunters he hired to help. Idris was completely unaware of the prior four hunters when he accepted the job.
This bounty was very specifically wanted “alive”. Divad had spent too much money to get it in the first place, and on its living quarters to let it die. This fact was a likely contributing factor to the first four bounty hunters failing.
Idris learned several things in quick order about the Terentatek. It was bipedal. It was fast. It was definitely poisonous. And it was dumber than his brother was.
The damage to the menagerie was extensive. Idris lost count of how many exotic animals were either collateral damage or also escaped during the conflict, never mind the cost of repairing the facility itself. Armor severely damaged, most of his ribs broken, and a taint of poison from a minor scratch flowing through his veins, Idris realized it was a kill-or-be-killed situation.
Idris chose the first option, to the wrath of Divad Ston’iving, who refused to pay Idris for his efforts. In serious need of medical attention, he severed the head of the Terentatek and dragged it back with him to the ship to have it mounted as a trophy. Before Ashara could knock him out and get him in a bacta tank he also made sure the ship fired on the main gates of the menagerie ensuring what creatures were still alive in there could escape.
That Ewok Wok (33 ABY)

It was several days before anyone on The Viper Fang realized they had a stow-away on board. Everyone was focused on Idris healing, and what next job to take. Only as more food went missing did they realize one of the creatures held by Divad Ston’iving had snuck aboard the ship.
A young Ewok named Takkoo, who after smelling some of the food being stored on The Viper Fang snuck on board.
It took some work, but Idris picked up enough of Ewokese to understand Takkoo, who in turn picked up enough Basic to know he should stop stealing their food, they would gladly feed him. When Takkoo came in contact with Rayjax, he seemed to believe the Wookiee was in fact a giant Ewok, and constantly stuck by Rayjax’s side.
They tried several times to free Takkoo, including taking him back to the Forest Moon of Endor. Takkoo refused to leave. Curious, and smart, he seemed to enjoy life on the ship and took up studying about all the strange new food he would encounter on their travels. He eventually became a very capable cook.
Bounty: Deep Fried Mon Calamari (34 ABY)
The Ocean Dunes of Karnac are a sight to behold. But its majestic beauty was a bonus for The Viper Fang’s visit to the planet. A popular retreat for the Mon Calamari, it also happened to be the last known location of Qelmaax Rohb, a particularly dangerous and sociopathic environmental terrorist, wanted dead or alive.
Qelmaax was responsible for the bombings of over two dozen corporate offices, each responsible for their own fair share of pollution and eco-damage through the core systems. Logging, ship manufacturing, chemical processing. There was no real rhyme or reason to the companies he went after, only that they contributed to damage to the planets they operated on.
Idris had always admired the Mon Calamari. Their contributions to the Rebellion during the war could never be understated, and their ability to convert ships to war vessels was impressive no matter what side of the war you sat on. In fact, Qelmaax was the first instance of a truly dangerous and mental Mon Calamari that Idris had ever heard of.
Lucky for Idris, Qelmaax wasn’t in a location to expose a lot of collateral damage, a small dingy of a lifeboat on the dunes. Unfortunately, the whole thing was rigged with enough booby traps, weapons, and explosives to wage war on a small planet. Only Qelmaax seemed to know the vessel well enough to move about it without being skewered, sliced, diced, impaled, or detonated.
Idris’ primary strategy was always to attempt to bring in a bounty warm if it was possible. But as he scanned the ship he realized that was less and less an option. Thankfully the bounty was open on the status of the Mon Calamari to get paid. Idris never even stepped foot on the ship, He waited for Qelmaax to appear, then roasted him while hovering in the air with the flamethrower on his vambraces. The toasted corpse of Qelmaax did give Idris a hankering for some seafood, something Takkoo was more than happy to supply back on the ship.
Brotherhood in Shadows (36 ABY)

Idris found himself on the nightclub and research station of Danktooine, located in the Caperion System. He was totally unaware of the station's affiliation with the Brotherhood, Scholae Palatinae’s status as an Imperial remnant, or who the owner of the station, Xen’Mordin, was. It was just a stopping point following a long day in the field.
As fate would have it, this night also saw Xen’Mordin leave his private office and visit the nightclub as well. He was looking to witness the next test in a series of chemical developments to increase suggestibility in sentient beings. As always the nightclub remained an incredible testing site for Vismorsus Industries to exploit.
However, the tests didn’t go as planned, as in several of the unwitting test subjects the chemical drastically increased aggression. A step back for Xen’Mordin but something he would have filed away for use should it be needed. But first, there was the issue of the full-on brawl taking place.
Idris was always down for a good bar fight, having experienced more than a few himself. He jumped in to subdue the aggressive test subjects/club patrons. In the middle of the fight, he tackled Xen’Mordin to the ground, saving him from a spray of blaster fire. Xen’Mordin, a bit annoyed at being manhandled when he was perfectly capable of handling the blaster fire himself, did feel slightly grateful for Idris’ quick action to protect him, a stranger, from danger.
While the club cleaned up from the fight, Xen’Mordin bought Idris a round, while quickly running a background check on the Mandalorian. Upon learning that Idris was an accomplished bounty hunter, Xen’Mordin offered him a substantial amount of money to take on some less-than-savory jobs he needed to be taken care of.
Bounty: Exciting Excidium Exposure (37 ABY)
An agent of House Excidium went rogue, in the worst possible way. Ull Domar had taken secrets from the house, and of Clan Scholae Palatinae, and run. The House, clan, and all of the Brotherhood’s dealings within the Caperion System had to remain a secret. Should the wrong people learn of it, the system would be at risk, and Scholae Palatinae might find themselves on the run once again.
Knowing there would be many from the clan looking for the rogue agent, he decided to intervene by hiring a professional.
Idris gladly took the job, shocked at how many credits were on the table for what he could tell was nothing more than a routine snatch and grab. Domar didn’t even seem particularly dangerous, a timid sort of man more interested in reading than fighting. Utilizing his own contacts, Idris was able to quickly trace Domar to the smuggler’s moon, Nar Shaddaa.
All data pointed to Domar trying to sell info to the Hutts, who had been less than pleased that Scholae Palatinae had been operating for decades in their territory when they occupied the Cocytus System.
Upon reaching the moon, Idris realized the warehouse Ull Domar was hiding in was very well-defended. The Hutts took maintaining their domain seriously, and infractions on their turf would come with deadly consequences. Rather than shoot his way through to get to Domar, Idris faked it. He claimed to work for the same Hutt that owned the warehouse, telling the guards he was there to escort Domar to “The Boss”.
Remarkably it worked, and Idris returned Ull Domar to the Caperion System without having to fire a single shot.
Coin Bound in Blood (37 ABY)
Idris’ name and the deeds he had done for Xen’Mordin traveled around the Brotherhood. Another Mandalorian, talented and deadly, but not directly affiliated with the Brotherhood was a rare sight. His name eventually found its way to the ears of another such Mandalorian, Declan Roark.
Contact between the two was established by Atra Ventrus delivering a challenge coin. Declan was looking to form a group of like-minded individuals to open a new clan within the Brotherhood, one that would provide a reliable way to make a lot of credits.
Idris jumped at the opportunity and was among those who helped plan and open the Brotherhood’s newest clan, Clan Vizsla, named after the legendary Mandalorian clan. During this time, his underworld contacts also brought him into the fold of the Shroud Syndicate, the Brotherhood’s own underworld operating out of the Godless Matron. He quickly found himself under the direct employee of one of the Council, the Herald Selika Roh, as her Praetor.
Bounty: The Protector of Ullr (37 ABY)
In 37 ABY, shortly after the formation of Clan Vizsla a woman was murdered and defiled outside the Saga drinking hall on the Clan’s homeworld of Zsoldos. Idris and the crew of The Viper Fang were among some of the Vizsla members that accepted the contract on the murderer and rapist, Nnelg Noswil.
Nnelg was a crafty loner, who lived deep in the forest surrounding the town of Ullr, and only returned to town for supplies when he needed them. No one was certain of his exact location in the forest, but what the people of Ullr did know was that none of the people who had ventured to bring him in had returned.
While Idris was questioning people in town, Nnelg reappeared and in the attempts by the locals to stop him, resulting in several other civilian deaths and injuries. Idris eventually learned some Vizsla initiates had attempted and failed to kill Nnelg, and using the still-active transponders in their suits, tracked down Nnelg’s location in the forest. Following a brief battle, Nnelg was killed and Idris turned in the body as proof.
For his actions in stopping Nnelg, Idris became known as The Protector of Ullr amongst the locals.
Discord (37 ABY)
Clan Vizsla was called to action shortly after forming. One of the Brotherhood’s greatest enemies, The Collective had faked a Brotherhood attack on a group of potential new allies, |The Severian Principate. With the Collective falsely attributing these attacks to the Brotherhood and holding several important Brotherhood individuals, including the Deputy Grand Master Evant Taelyan, Clan Vizsla jumped into action.
By this time, not only had Idris become a full-fledged member of the Brotherhood, and founding member of Clan Vizsla, but he was also now in charge of a small team within Clan Vizsla, Battleteam Saxon. Idris and his crew found themselves in heavy combat within Lyra Colony, the main settlement for the mining operations within the Lyra-3K-a system. Alongside the rest of Clan Vizsla, Idris helped push back the Collective forces from the colony and save the civilians who called it home. This bolstered the Brotherhood’s relationship with the Principate while furthering the continuing war against the Collective.
Do U Kno Da Wae (37 ABY)
Aiding Clan Vizsla put Idris in contact with more Mandalorians than he thought possible. Following the great purge, he had grown up believing them to be a mostly extinct order, that he was one of the last few holding on. Relieved to see so many other brothers and sisters, he came to enjoy his time in the Brotherhood, leading Team Saxon and working deep within the Shroud Syndicate.
It was while on The Godless Matron that Idris first came across Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya, a fellow Mandalorian, and strict adherent to The Way of Mandalore. Idris’ had only heard of the ultra-orthodox cult of Mandalore and worried that his own approach to what it meant to be one would clash hard with Zxyl. Luckily that did not become the case, as both men respected each other’s views, and appreciated just having another Mandalorian around. This was exceedingly good luck as both men would find their way to serve on the Council before too long.
Haar Jorad - The Voice (37 ABY - Present)

- "You must learn to exercise discretion in the future. This job requires a deft hand."
- ―Ness’arin
Destiny waits for no one, and Idris' was busting down the door. Despite a lifetime of wandering and self-reliance, Idris found himself tasked by the Brotherhood to oversee the Inquistorius. A position of honor, and a lot more desk time than he had the patience to handle. His reputation secure, Idris was able to forge lasting alliances and friendships all while working the Brotherhood's information network to his advantage, often sneaking out to handle things personally in the field. The Voice of the Brotherhood would be heard.
Bounty: The Viper Becomes The Voice (37 ABY)
Following the events in the Kyra-3K-a system, the Voice of the Brotherhood, Marick Tyris retired from the position, returning back to his home in Clan Arcona. The immediate power vacuum in the leadership of the Inquisitorius network. Many were vying to gain the upper hand and take the mantle of Voice. Ascending to serve on the Council was seen as a great honor, one that came with great rewards and great risks.
Idris’ own abilities, history, and expansive network had put him on the list presented to the Grand Master Telaris Cantor. But Idris had little patience for political scheming. If he was to be Voice, he would not play the game to get it. There were multiple attempts by Inquisitorius agents to contact Idris.
Instead, he went and did his job, hunting. Tracking a collection of Collective agents to the planet of Corellia, Idris assaulted their base single-handedly. Such was his refusal to play games, that the Inquisitorius Director Ness'arin Ohnaka herself had to make a rare appearance in the field to tell him he had the job.
In the space of a year, he had gone from freelance to sitting on the Council of the Brotherhood.
Tenixir Supermax Prison (38 ABY)
While the Brotherhood coped with a missing Deputy Grand Master, and the diplomats that were abducted during the events in Lyra-3K-a, Idris spent a great deal of time attempting to locate the prisoners’ location. All the while, they were being tortured by the Collective, who in turn was looking to free their own captive forces.
The Severian Principate had taken as many prisoners as they could from the Collective as retribution for their betrayal. They housed these Collective forces in the same supermax prison they kept all of their criminals, on Tenixir. A planet with intense gravity, the prison was contained with gravity well to make it habitable. When the Collective attempted to rescue their people, The Brotherhood honored their alliance with the Principate and helped repel the Collective Forces.
At the same time, Idris had located the location of Evant Taelyan, and the diplomats, and sent forces to recover them. Regrettably, only the Deputy Grand Master and two of the diplomats were recovered. Evant was a tortured broken man, yet the Grand Master seemed to care not.
With Evant safely recovered, Idris left to make peace with the now-freed captives from the Tenixir Prison. Calling themselves The Tenixir Revenants, Idris helped supply an initial set of ships and weapons so that they might leave Principate Space.
Homefront (38 ABY)
The conflict with the Collective came to its climax on the planet of Arx itself, the seat of the Brotherhood. Rath Oligard, believing he had broken Evant enough to use him, launched a full-scale assault on the planet. This of course was all to the Grand Master’s plans, seeking to destroy the Collective once and for all.
The assault was violent, bloody, and led to heavy casualties on both sides. It was the first time Idris had to find a way to balance his need to be in the thick of combat and his ability to lead others. A difficult lesson for a man with a massive ego.
In the end, the combined efforts of the clans, the Council Forces, and the Principate were able to repel the Collective. Evant was seemingly killed, although he was merely severely injured and smuggled off-planet, a fact Idris did not share with the rest of the Council.
Darth Nehalem (39 ABY)
Evant took months to recover. Eventually, both body and soul were ready to return to work. He had one goal, to take the Iron Throne. To accomplish this he enlisted the help of the Regent, Atra Ventrus, the Justicar, Dacien Victae, and Idris to ensure as peaceful of a transition as possible. A lofty goal given so many who claimed the Iron Throne did so on the backs of thousands of corpses to obtain it. Dacien was to use the laws of the Brotherhood to maintain order, while Atra bribed the clans with assets from ACE. Idris was simply to blackmail clan leaders or provide them valuable information they desired.
In the end, it became a non-event, with only one casualty, and Telaris Cantor vanished before the eyes of the Council and Consuls. Evant ascended to take the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and named himself Darth Nehalem.
Escalation (39 ABY)
A full-blown war between the Principate and the Revenants was all but inevitable. This was escalated due to both parties, along with the Brotherhood, and the Collective, having collected rare crystals. These crystals were able to influence the desires of those around them, turning them hyper-violent and aggressive.
On the Hutt-controlled planet of Dandoran, war finally broke out, though not simply along faction lines of Principate and Revenant. Both factions split in half, each with their own goals. Some vying for peace, others for the annihilation of their enemies. And the prize to seal the deal was a massive collection of crystals, being set up for auction by a Hutt collector.
Idris himself had a limited presence during this conflict. While he was in fact within the Dandoran system, he never managed to set foot on the planet itself and was too busy attending a massive party being thrown by Py’zah the Hutt on his yacht at the far end of the system.
The end of the conflict however spelled a massive amount of work landing on Idris’ plate. A new enemy appeared in the form of a woman who called herself The Seer. She had used the crystals to create monstrous abominations that were incredibly difficult to kill. It was apparent a powerful group had taken notice of the Brotherhood.
Shadows Unveiled (40 ABY)

In late 39 ABY, Idris himself entered the field to get any information he could about The Seer, and her organization. For weeks he went from planet to planet-hunting down whatever he could. In the end, it paid off. While the effort to extract a member of the mysterious organization severely damaged his armor and left him severely injured, Idris was able to extract a single person, Acolyte Saikar who referred to himself as a Fateweaver.
Saikar explained that he was a member of The Children of Mortis, an ancient organization that was devoted to one cause. Setting the Force free. With new information on the table, Idris began to utilize the inquisitorius’ artificial intelligence, E.D.I. (Entire Database of the Inquistorius) to pour over anything they had on the Children. The game was on.
Ascension (40 ABY)
Using the information gathered from Saikar, Idris tasked the Inquistorius to focus all of their efforts on preparing to fight the Children of Mortis. However, Idris was not able to devote his full attention to this pressing matter as he was also helping each clan secretly research the crystals the Children had been using. The Inquistorius' best source of information came from planting one of their own as a recruit for the Children's Lightbringers, Qru Avajor. Regrettably, Qru was found out, and killed shortly before the Children of Mortis unleashed a horrible attack against the Brotherhood. Idris felt responsible for this, having not opted to pull Qru out sooner.
Idris was not able to wallow in his guilt for long, as the Children finally showed their cards, releasing massive crystalline asteroids against the home worlds of each of the clans. While the Council had expected an attack on Arx, this sudden attack against the clans made their defensive plans useless. Unable to immediately help the Clans, Idris worked with his fellow Councilors to consolidate the research each clan had made to create a counteragent to the conversion gas that was pouring out across the homeworlds. The Clans stood firm and held their ground before the counteragent was released and the Children shockingly repelled. The Children retreated through Force portals, a new occurrence that the Inquistorius needed to research.
Transcendence (41 ABY)
The Grand Master, Darth Nehalem, personally tasked Idris with a matter of great importance, hunting down the former Grand Master Telaris Cantor. Nehalem had become obsessed with his predecessor who had been taunting his mind. At this time, the Grand Master also named Idris, alongside the Justicar Thane "Atra" Skotos, as lords. A great honor and a powerful vanity title, the two newly minted lords had also been working together in secret for years. Together they decided to feed false information to the Grand Master to appease his growing obsession while continuing to focus their efforts on their own plans.
Their efforts of course were hindered partially by the plan to go on the offensive against the Children of Mortis. Over the following months a great portal was constructed to lead the Brotherhood, and its clans into the Ethereal Realm. With the Council leading the charge, Idris was among the first through the portal and into the hell that was the assault against the Children of Mortis.
The leader of the Children of Mortis, the Father, had once been known as Matthias Westland many thousands of years ago. Over that time he had repeatedly attempted to "break the chain" and combine his soul with the Force to build a new reality with him as the ultimate power. This assault against the Children quickly became a race against the clock as the Father began yet another attempt. Luckily the Brotherhood's forces made it to the Father's ritual site and stopped it before it could happen.
Dacien Victae, the Deputy Grand Master, had quickly been elevated as the primary leader of the conflict, as Darth Nehalem had abandoned the Brotherhood to finally face his own nemesis, Telaris Cantor, who was present in the Ethereal Realm. As Dacien and the rest of the Council fled back to the portal, they remained at the furthest edge of the Brotherhood's forces, the ones constantly in combat with the Children. Giving the Clans time to retreat, this heavy combat came at a great loss of life. Dacien was a major target for the Children, and Idris jumped between the Deputy Grand Master and a crystalline spear at the last moment, saving Dacien's life. Speared through the abdomen, Idris fell and was pulled out by a fellow Mandalorian, the Regent Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya.
Rebirth (42 ABY)
Idris spent many months in a coma straddling the line between life and death. His armor was left in ruin from the fight, unusable should he manage to recover. Luckily Zxyl was also an incredibly skilled beskar armor and labored hard over this time to repair Idris' armor. He left the armor in Idris' office for the day that the Voice woke up.
Eventually, Idris did make a full recovery, and then some. Between his time in the Ethereal Realm, the crystalline spear that nearly ended his life, and his meditative reflection while healing, Idris found a way to tap into the Force, able to wield the slightest portion of its power.
This very near-death experience changed the Mandalorian in other ways too. While still cocky and headstrong, Idris found himself more mature from the experience and more deeply attached to the ways of his Mandalorian ancestors. It also made him incredibly more caring about those he considered his family and friends. This fact was further punctuated with the destruction of The Viper Fang by agents of the Children of Mortis. Luckily the crew was not on board, but Idris' beloved BB-Unit Droid, Marbles, was destroyed in the explosion.

Idris Adenn has an easy but commanding presence. His tall, lean, and lithe body is toned and muscular without being bulging, covered by bronzed skin. He is graceful and confident in his movement, calm but like his moniker, he is always coiled ready to strike. Idris has a very focused physical regiment, and while it helps keep him strong, his focus is speed and agility, not brute strength.
Considered by many to be attractive, Idris has a square face with clear cheekbones and jawline. His jawline is further defined by his extended goatee, and the rest of his face is full of scruffy beard growth from only shaving periodically. His hair is a luscious black, having grown longer, it is typically swept back, and goes down to his shoulders. He has dark brown eyes, mischievous and cunning, that are set under a sharp browline.
His face is extremely expressive, typically displayed as youthful, vigorous, full of life and lust. However, Idris is capable of being serious, and his face can often be found reflecting his more calm, respectful, and insightful side. With a quick temper, his expression can change in a snap. However often found in the bouts of combat, his expression typically reflects a fierce rage mixed with deep enjoyment of combat.
His body is littered with various scars, none serious, but all clearly reflect his combative lifestyle.

Like many Mandalorians, Idris’ identity is closely tied to his armor. While not his family’s oldest child, he was the one to inherit the Adenn’s primary armor from his father, Vaeden. Constructed of the incredible Mandalorian alloy beskar, it is one of Idris’ most prized possessions. The exact date of the original forging of the armor is unknown, but it is at least 600 years old and has been passed down the Adenn line that entire time. According to Clan lore, it contains fragments of Beskar worn by several great Manda’lors and other Mandalorian heroes from ages long past.
It is of a unique construction for Mandalorian armor, with the chest piece broken into several pieces, allowing for better movement, but also making it more susceptible for damaging blows. Upon receiving it from his father, Idris had reforged, restoring its worn-down appearance to a pristine condition, and painted it a metallic blood red with bright orange highlights. It was subsequently nearly damaged beyond repair in 40 ABY. When it was reforged, Idris had it repainted, a rich black color with shiny silver accents, accompanied by a deep crimson body glove.
Also typical of the Mandalorians, Idris utilizes a jetpack for increased mobility. He frequently has a dark brown flame-resistant cape wrapped around him. His primary weapons of choice are two Westar-35 Blaster Pistols constructed of red and black metals that fire uniquely colored violet with black core bolts. His main-hand blaster is known as Haar Maan Miit, The First Word. Its twin is Darasuum Uur, Eternal Silence. He is nearly always equipped with his traditional Mandalorian Vambraces, styled to match the rest of his armor and also of high quality beskar material. He also owns several other beskar crafted weapons including a Kal Dagger, Beskad, and Spear.
Unlike many Mandalorians, Idris does take time away from his armor. These ventures have become less and less common the older he has gotten. Not out of disrespect of the ancient Mandalorian code, something Idris takes seriously, but out of comfort and convenience. It's much easier to get out of casual clothing than his armor, something he is quite fond of on his nights off. He has also found it is frequently easier to go home with someone when not taken as a pure Mandalorian brute.
His casual wear is simple but clearly, reflects a refined taste. A blood-red undershirt with a deep cut for his neckline, black trousers, sturdy but tasteful boots. This is typically placed within a knee-length black jacket featuring a stiff upright collar and red accent colors.
Personality and Beliefs

Idris Adenn is a forceful, lusty man with a quick wit and barbed tongue. He likes to fight, often spurred on by his quick temper. But he also demonstrates a keen intellect and intense carnality. Personable and what many take as an easy-going personality, many miss the serious man beneath. Most either find themselves enchanted or repulsed, with very few ever feeling truly apathetic about the Mandalorian.
Idris has ended his fair share of lives and feels life must be enjoyed to the fullest while one can. Many would say his lifestyle is excessive, but Idris is a man who knows what he likes; be it men, women, food, drink, or a good old-fashioned fight. If it is obtainable and he wants it, he will take it and enjoy it in abundance.
Arrogant is one of the most common words thrown around when people mention Idris. There is no doubt that he thinks very highly of himself. Idris never merely walks around like he owns the place, he *swaggers*. Coupled with his quick temper and flair for dramatic moments, this leads to many forms of conflict.
That isn’t to say Idris is so self-centered he doesn’t care about other people. Above all else, Idris is a passionate man, and that passion extends to those he is loyal to. Most close to the members of his crew on The Viper Fang, and his surviving family members, he will protect them above all else.
Idris is also a hardline traditional Mandalorian. He takes his Mandalorian heritage seriously, be it his honor or adherence to the Mandalorian Code. He does not buy into the newer pacifist movement of the last several decades and maintains the old Mandalorian ways were the best. He seeks to remind the galaxy that the Mandalorians are still alive and ready for the good fight.
Known Associates

Idris is well-traveled and has connections in most parts of the galaxy. The most frequent ones, however, are listed below. They can be considered Idris’ family and hiring him means their involvement as well, though typically far away from the line of fire. They all worked and lived on a VCX-100, The Viper Fang, prior to its destruction in 42 ABY. They remain a tight-knit group, save for Sirdi, onboard Idris' new ship Haar Kyr'yc Karanov', a military-level Raider II-class Corvette.
Sirdi Tyma
Species: Dathomirian Nightsister
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: Ritually aged/experienced an additional 5 years of life - 27 ABY (age 16)
Sirdi Tyma is a Nightsister born from the combination of Idris' DNA recovered at the crash site of the Epsilon Shade and her mother's remains were recovered from a Nightsister casket on board the ship. She was part of a brutal Nightsister ritual that caused her to experience a total of an additional 5 years of life than she would have otherwise, being raised by her coven and the spirit of her beloved Night Mother. She is a wild card, torn between learning more of her father, and the pull of her cultural upbringing.
Madeline Jisella “MJ” Kilvaari
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 14 ABY (age 29)
Madeline Jisella “MJ” Kilvaari is the vivacious pilot of the Viper Fang. A young and naturally skilled pilot, she keeps a safe eye both on the ship and its crew. Her skills as a pilot are augmented by the fact she is force-sensitive. She understands the rough and morally ambiguous lifestyle that comes with being a bounty hunter and mercenary but still attempts to keep Idris and the rest of the crew on the light end of the spectrum. She continues to reject Idris’ romantic advances, but that doesn’t stop him from trying, especially given her continued playful flirting with him.
Species: Wookiee
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 137 BBY (age 180)
“Rayjax” is the Viper Fang’s co-pilot and primary mechanic. He is incredibly protective of the crew on the Fang, especially Idris and Elia. Rayjax’s full Wookiee name is much longer and too difficult for Basic speakers to pronounce. He had shorted it to Rayjax decades before meeting Idris. He is a constant tinkerer and is never without his tools and some sort of gadget he is working on.
Ashara Kyl
Species: Twi’lek
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 7 ABY (age 36)
Ashara Kyl is a deeply spiritual and scholarly Twi’lek. She believes in the sanctity of life and has dedicated her life to the arts of healing and preservation of knowledge. She grew up alongside Idris, with her family having been freed by Idris’ grandfather. She is very OCD about her medical supplies, living quarters, and personal health. She frequently provides unsolicited health advice to anyone who attempts to talk to her.
Species: Ewok
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 15 ABY (age 28)
Takkoo is an Ewok who snuck aboard The Viper Fang, seeking the food he smelled onboard. Since then he has become an avid foodie and functions as the cook for the crew. He still frequently attempts to trap people in rudimentary snares. Most of the crew of the Viper Fang subconsciously notice and avoid them.

Elia Adenn
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 30 ABY (age 13)
Elia is Idris’ daughter, named after his murdered sister. She is typically found on Batuu with Melora, Idris’ mother. She is learning the ways of the Mandalorians to be like her father.
BB-89 “Marble" II
BB-89 aka "Marble" II is a BB Series Astromech. The original "Marble" was destroyed alongside the VCX-100 Viper Fang in 42 ABY by Children of Mortis Forces. His data core was recovered and eventually issued to a new body. It has a masculine programming personality. Marble helps keep track of the workings on helped keep track of the workings on the Haar Kyr'yc Karanov, working along side the Wookiee, Rayjax. Originally painted a matte black base with metallic red accents, he has various “Elia Adenn Originals” painted on his spherical body.
E.D.I. (Entire Database of the Inquistorius) is an advanced artificial intelligence with many quantum nodes found throughout the galaxy. She was linked to the Brotherhood's databases upon Idris' taking the position of Voice. She is has a direct line to Idris' helmet, a node location on his ship, Haar Kyr'yc Karanov, and various droid bodies to use. Most frequently she maintains a presence within a captured Ascendant Drone, accompanying Idris in the field.
Positions Held
Positions Held | ||
Before | Position | After |
Marick Tyris Arconae | Voice of the Brotherhood 37 ABY - Present |
Incumbant |
Turel Sorenn | Combat Master 39 ABY - 42 ABY |
Zenod'ande'rson |
Position Created | Battleteam Leader of Saxon 37 ABY |
Raiju Kang |
Behind the Scenes
Idris went through multiple versions before being finalized as a Mandalorian Human. With the addition of the NPC and Non-Force User options to the club, the man behind Xen’Mordin began formulating an alternative character to utilize. Originally, Idris was to be a Lasat mercenary with a sadistic streak. Idris sat completely unused at this time.
Eventually, bored with utilizing Xen’Mordin as his main character, Idris became the primary focus of development. LucasArts announced a new streaming TV series The Mandalorian. At the time, there were no confirmed castings for the show and Xen’Mordin had the idea of Oberyn Martell from Game of Thrones as a Mandalorian bounty hunter, which he found too exciting to let be, and the mercenary became Idris Adenn, Mandalorian Bounty Hunter. Due to this, Idris’ appearance and personality are largely based on Oberyn Martell. Idris, in this state, predates the announcement that Pedro Pascal would be playing the titular character in the show.
Further development of Idris resulted in utilizing the old legends Mandalorian language, Mando’a, for both Idris’ CS aspect names and his last name, Adenn, coming from the word for ‘merciless’.
His clan's signet is that of a Dragonsnake, a dangerous beast, and part of how he got his “Viper” moniker. His Mandalorian title of Haar Dreki’ormr be’Manda'yaim translates to “The Dragonsnake of Mandalore”. Neither current nor old EU Mando’a had a word for the Dragonsnake species, or just dragon or snake. As such Old Norse was used as a substitute, as Mandalorians are largely inspired by the Viking culture.
Idris became a M-Pop (Mandalorian Pop) star thanks to a dancing gif of Boba Fett at Disneyland, and the ACC Championship Singularity where several members wrote Idris dancing and singing as part of the battle intros.