Rite of Supremacy: Meridian
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Rite of Supremacy: Meridian | |||||||||||||||||
Information | |||||||||||||||||
Date: 36 ABY | |||||||||||||||||
Location: Kessel sector | |||||||||||||||||
Outcome: Collective tactical and strategic loss. Meridian Prime space station occupied by Brotherhood forces, Daggo Mouk killed in action. | |||||||||||||||||
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[ Source ] |
The Rite of Supremacy: Meridian, also known as ‘’RoS: Meridian’’, was a 5 week Brotherhood event that ran from October 13th, 2018 to November 18th, 2018.
"In its aim to fight Force users on every front, the Collective has spread throughout Brotherhood space and no Clan has remained unharmed. Rath Oligard's massive propaganda machine continues to spread and 'illuminate' the masses of non-Force users on many Brotherhood planets and beyond. The Technocratic Guild, ever improving their fleets of warships and spy network capabilities, continue to be the bane of the Inquisitorius and Clans alike, while the Capital Enterprises board consolidates even more corporate holdings to keep the effort alive.
But a crack has formed in the Collective's nearly impenetrable veil of secrecy. An Inquisitorius Listener ship carrying important data on enemy movements was destroyed beyond the borders of Wild Space. A missing agent and an artifact of unknown power, last seen in the Kessel sector, drew the attention of the Dark Council and, through them, the Clans. With divided goals but a unified purpose, the Clans and the Dark Council face off against their mutual enemy once again.
A buildup of enemy forces in the Kessel sector looks to be a formation of a new front in the war for survival."
Plot Summary
[The Collective] Chapter 1: Counterpoints
- "Spies come to blows and the enemy takes the first kill..."
- ―Headmaster, 36ABY
[The Collective] Chapter 2: Executive Action
- "'Dissent from within threatens Brotherhood interests..."
- ―Headmaster, 36ABY
[The Collective] Chapter 3: The Hunt
- "'A mission failed, an opportunity gained..."
- ―Headmaster, 36ABY
PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates
- "Information parsed by clan affiliation. Ready for display."
- ―PulseFeed Holo-net News Aggregator , 36ABY
Main Storyline
[RoS] Prologue: The Search for Meridian
- "It all leads into the Wild..."
- ―Headmaster, 36ABY
[RoS] Chapter 1: Edges of Wild Space
- "A prison break, my how intriguing..."
- ―Headmaster, 36ABY
[RoS] Chapter 2: Decisive Blow
- "A glimpse at the potential might of united front from the Brotherhood ..."
- ―Headmaster, 36ABY
[RoS] Epilogue: Pillar Broken
- "Dispense with the pleasantries, Director, there is work to do."
- ―Telaris, 36ABY
- The Collective - Wiki Article
- The Collective Faction Page
- The Collective Possessions
- Fiction Center - The Prelude to Rite of Supremacy: Meridian
News Posts
The following news posts were made by the Dark Council to spread information for Rite of Supremacy: Meridian.
- The Collective - Chapter 1: Counterpoints
- Fist Supplemental #23.1
- PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates
- The Collective - Chapter 2: Executive Action
- Voice Report #17: Road to the RoS
- Fist Supplemental #23.2: The One Before The Rite
- The Collective - Chapter 3: The Hunt
- Rite of Supremacy - 1 day delay
Phase I
- Rite of Supremacy: Meridian
- RoS Objective-Based Team Fiction Reminder
- RoS Clan Credits
- Fist RoS Clarification: HotS Bracket
- [RoS: Meridian Updates for Phase I and Beyond]
- Fist RoS Note: Extensions for Opening Round Bracket Matches
Phase III
Clans earn points when members participate in competition types/bins or when members place in a competition. In accordance with the directives governing Vendetta Events in the Brotherhood, the Clan with the most points at the conclusion of Rites of Supremacy: Meridian will be declared the winner.
- First Place: Odan-Urr – 1586.8 Points.
- Second Place: Arcona – 1491.1 Points.
- Third Place: Scholae Palatinae – 1111.0 Points.
- Fourth Place: Plagueis – 876.8 Points.
- Fifth Place: Taldryan – 775.9 Points.
- Sixth Place: Naga Sadow – 743.5 Points.
- Seventh Place: Rogue – 113.9 Points.
These individuals earned the most placement points in The Rite of Supremacy: Meridian.
- First Hero: Qyreia Arronen – 118.1 points.
- Second Hero: Alaris Jinn – 111.7 points.
- Third Hero: Bale Andros – 84.6 points.
Rite of Supremacy: Meridian is made up of four total phases. Phase I takes place over the first week of the Rite, Phase II takes place over the third week, while Phase III takes place during the fifth week. The Event Long phase runs the duration of the Rite.
Competitions in each Phase are divided into competition types, or 'bins'. The first time a member participates in a competition within a Phase's bin, that member is awarded the participation points associated with that bin. In addition, members earn bonus participation points by participating in at least one competition in each bin. Individual competitions still award seals and credits, and members that place will earn placement points and Novae if placing in the top three.
Event Long
Participating in at least one competition in each bin will earn a member five (5) additional participation points.
Participating in at least one competition in this bin is worth four (4) points.
- Team Writing - Objective-Based Team Fiction - This competition is worth 15% of placement points in this Phase
- Team Writing - Faction Creation - This competition is worth 15% of placement points in this Phase
Participating in at least one competition in this bin is worth two (2) points.
- Jedi Academy Bracket - This competition is worth 8% of placement points in this Phase
- Heroes of the Storm Bracket - This competition is worth 8% of placement points in this Phase
- PvP Battles Ladder - This competition is worth 8% of placement points in this Phase
- Diablo 3 Solo Seasonal Greater Rift - This competition is worth 5% of placement points in this Phase
Graphics and Multimedia
Participating in at least one competition in this bin is worth five (5) points.
- Multimedia Propaganda - This competition is worth 13% of placement points in this Phase
- Comic - This competition is worth 13% of placement points in this Phase
- Propaganda - This competition is worth 8% of placement points in this Phase
- Cantina Quiz - This competition is worth 8% of placement points in this Phase
Phase I
Participating in at least one competition in each bin will earn a member three (3) additional participation points.
Participating in at least one competition in this bin is worth four (4) points.
- Fiction I - This competition is worth 30% of placement points in this Phase.
- Graphics - Item of Intelligence - This competition is worth 25% of placement points in this Phase.
Participating in at least one competition in this bin is worth two (2) points.
- Galaga Wars - This competition is worth 11% of placement points in this Phase.
- Overwatch Zomnic Kills - This competition is worth 15% of placement points in this Phase.
Participating in at least one competition in this bin is worth two (2) points.
- Puzzle: RoS Edition - This competition is worth 8% of placement points in this Phase.
- Knowledge is Power I - This competition is worth 12% of placement points in this Phase.
Phase II
Participating in at least one competition in each bin will earn a member three (3) additional participation points.
Participating in at least one competition in this bin is worth four (4) points.
- Fiction II - This competition is worth 30% of placement points in this Phase.
- Graphics - The Lay of the Land - This competition is worth 25% of placement points in this Phase.
Participating in at least one competition in this bin is worth two (2) points.
- X-Wing Fighter Flash Game - This competition is worth 11% of placement points in this Phase.
- Destiny 2 Crucible Efficiency - This competition is worth 15% of placement points in this Phase.
Participating in at least one competition in this bin is worth two (2) points.
- The Hero/The Foil - This competition is worth 8% of placement points in this Phase.
- Hunt the Collective - This competition is worth 12% of placement points in this Phase.
Twelfth Great Jedi War | Major Brotherhood Conflicts 36 ABY |
Thirteenth Great Jedi War |