Jeric Cyrin
[[0 BBY to 9 ABY#7 ABY|Template:Birthyear and Age (ABY)]]
1.82 meters
76.6 Kilograms
Sith Mask, EVE
- Privateer
- Sith Inquisitor
- Scepter of Ragnos
- Clan Naga Sadow
A Disciple of Sadow, Jeric Cyrin is a former Noble of the Tapani Sector. Upon joining the Brotherhood Jeric advanced thru the ranks of the Obelisk Order. He is a former Quaestor, Praetor, and Hand of Justice. In 35 ABY Jeric lost everything form his former life. Feeling lost he let the dark side fully consume him. Switching to the Sith Order, he currently holds the rank of Battlelord. During the last Great Jedi War, Jeric sustain injuries that caused him to be partially blind. Jeric now wears a special Sith Mask that allows him to see and also hides his scars. Currently he serves on the Battleteam Scepter of Ragnos as Shadow Three's Team Leader.
Character History
Early Years
The Cyrin Family Estate In the early months of 7 ABY, Jeric Cyrin was born. Raised on the planet Canti, Jeric had a very disciplined, yet luxurious, childhood. Being one of the Ruling Families, the Cyrin Family was able to capitalized on the discovery of Madilon by House Reena. Jeric’s father, Lord Mikel Cyrin, helped established a profitable mining operation on Nyriaan where the valuable metal was found.
Jeric’s father was a long standing member of the Reena Privy Council while his mother was a retired representative of the Tapani Grand Council.
Around age six Jeric’s mother and various caretakers began to educate him. Nobles of Tapani Society where know to be well educated. Jeric learned everything from astronomy to ethics and philosophy. Even as a young boy Jeric would visit his father who taught him how to one day take his seat on the Council. He also taught Jeric the code of conduct that Tapani Lords were expected to follow. By age thirteen Jeric joined a subclass of noble youth know as the Saber Rakes. He became an expert duelist by the time he was only fifteen.
Upon reaching his sixteenth birthday a ceremony was held bestowing the aristocratic rank of Lord to Jeric. A specially made Lightfoil was presented to Jeric, by his father, as a coronation gift.
In 24 ABY, Jeric was drafted into the Reena Military. According to house tradition, Nobles of the Reena Province were recruited to become officers in either the Army or Navy, upon reaching their seventeenth birthday. Two years of active service was all they were required to do. Jeric was placed into the Navy’s Officers Indoctrination Program. OIP was a twelve month long program designed to prepare the nobles of House Reena for military service.
After attending the program for only five months Jeric was already at the top of his class. He excelled at his academics receiving honors multiple times. He had been victorious in numerous battle simulations. Jeric seemed to have an uncanny ability to lead. In the eyes of his instructors it seemed Jeric had amazing foresight, and was able to plan and execute things in a split second. Though he was not aware of this at the time this was all due to a rather high midi-chlorian count.
Naval HQ on House Reena's Throneworld
Seven months later, OIP Class 24-5 graduated. Now eighteen years of age, the newly commissioned Lieutenant Jeric Cyrin was offered a bridge position on one of the Reena Navy’s four Marauder-class Corvette. Jeric accepted the offer and was transferred to the Marauder-class Corvette Horizon as one of the many junior bridge officers. Five months into 25 ABY, the Horizon and a few light escort vessels were scouting for asteroid fields, rich in mineral deposits. After a few hours of searching the outskirts of the Caloria System, the Horizon & its escorts where ambushed by a small pirate force.
The attack dealt significant damage to the Horizon’s light escorts. Lieutenant Cyrin took over a tactical station and was doing his best to update the Commanding Officer on the ship’s shield strength & weapons status. He began coordinating with the escorts to form a battle plan. Suddenly Jeric envisioned a tactical maneuver that would give the three vessels an edge over the pirate force. Without hesitation Lieutenant Cyrin told the CO to execute the maneuver he transmitted to the view screen. Just as he envisioned, the three Reena vessels positioned themselves and opened fire on the pirate forces severely damaging their main frigate and destroying one of the light vessels. The damaged frigate and its remaining escort retreated into hyperspace.
Returning to the capital, Jeric received an advanced promotion to Lt. Commander and numerous commendations for his actions. He was appointed to the newly created position of Tactical Coordinator. As the Reena Navy’s TacCoordinator Jeric was solely responsible for planing Naval exercises and battle plans. He was even given his own office inside Naval HQ.
The Choice
Early into 26 ABY, Jeric was sent out on a mission with three of Reena’s capital ship. The mission was to quell a group of mercenaries that had been terrorizing the Tavitz System. After completing the mission, Jeric took a shuttle and a two fighter escort back to Reena ahead of the three Corvettes. About half way a Modified version of an CR90 Corvette dropped out of hyperspace, disabling Jeric’s shuttle and destroying it’s two escorts. It was still unclear what happen but Jeric was presumed killed or missing by House Reena.
The Halls of the Shadow AcademyUnknown to Jeric, the M/CRV Sirona sailed quietly through spaced heading towards the Antei System. The last thing Jeric remember was the sight of a CR90 Corvette dropping out of hyperspace, then everything went black. Where Jeric was and how long he had been there he didn’t know. Concentrating he could faintly here the sound of ion-turbine engines and assumed he was still on the corvette. The door of his dimly lit room hissed open breaking Jeric’s concentration. Jeric opened his eyes to see a cloaked figure standing in the doorway. The figure stepped in and the door closed. No sooner than the door closed Jeric began questioning the shadowy figure that stood in front of him. Instead of answering it waved its hand in a manner that told Jeric to shut up.
"We are the brotherhood, we offer you guidance, a path to unlock your hidden power. Learn the ways of the force, of the Dark Side. It is your choice, join us or die."
The Figure threw a set of robes and a datapad at Jeric. The figure walked out before Jeric could open his mouth again. Jeric had briefly learned about the force when he was a young kid, but was never entirely sure if that explained his so called powers. The datapad informed him that he was heading to Lyspair to begin his initiation at the Shadow Academy, ETA was seven more hours. Overwhelmed Jeric decided to lay down to clear his head.
Dark Neophyte
Jeric had been at the Shadow Academy for more than a week now. In his first five days there Jeric endured many tests to determined his physical strength and comprehension of the force. During the initiation Jeric learn about the star chamber, basic philosophy of the Dark Side and how to develop his powers. He spent days studying the many ancient scrolls the Brotherhood had in its possession. After spending roughly a month at the academy Jeric completed his initial dark side trials and was given the test of lore. Jeric easily passed the test and was asked to finally choose one of three dark side orders. Naturally being a military officer and a duelist, Jeric’s choice was easy. He was promptly assigned to the brotherhood’s most prestigious clan, Clan Taldryan. It wasn’t long before a shuttle arrive to take Jeric to Altur, home planet of Taldryan’s Obelisk House, Dinaari.
Jeric settled into his new home on Altur fairly quickly. It didn’t take long before he started catching the attention of his new masters. He would spend hours a day inside the training rooms and then even more hours studying ancient texts. Jeric was granted the level of Acolyte faster than most. Towards the end of 26 ABY the brotherhood learned of an extra-galactic species, called the Yuuzhan Vong, that had invaded the galaxy. The Grand Master of the Brotherhood summoned the great clans to prepare for a possible attack. Not long after Taldryan’s forces arrived at Antei, Jeric began to have nightmares that his home world had been invaded as well. Jeric refused to stay with the Brotherhood and left for Reena.
Ruined Homecoming
It had been thirty-four hours since Jeric betrayed the brotherhood. He left the Antei System after commandeering a TIE Defender from the hanger of the Dark Prophet II. Jeric questioned whether he did the right thing or not. Was his visions of past or future, returning home was the only way to find out. After a few layovers the throneworld of House Reena loomed in front of Jeric’s stolen fighter. He immediately transmitted his landing codes to Naval HQ. After landing, Jeric quickly changed out of the robes he had been wearing and into his uniform. He then head directly for the Command Center and once inside he warned the Admiral that the sector was in danger of attack. Surprise overcame everyone inside the room, Jeric was alive. Jeric’s intuition was trusted and news of invasion in other parts of the galaxy was all over the HoloNet.
A chain of events exploded, the Admiral informed Reena’s High Lord, Jeric’s Father, who immediately contacted Tapani’s Prime Minister. It didn’t take much to persuade the Prime Minister to ready each house’s navies for invasion. Not even a day passed when the first attacks began in the Cadriaan Province. Jeric elected to coordinate the battle from the Horizon and was granted a promotion to Commander. It wasn’t long before the Vong spread throughout the rest of Tapani space. The invaders overpowered the Reena Navy and did significant damage to the fleet. Luckily, before they could do any major damage to the system, Republic forces arrived and began pushing the invaders out of the sector.
In the aftermath of the battle, the damage was perfectly clear. The Reena Navy lost roughly eight ships, the Horizon lost it’s Captain and a number of crew. Jeric himself was injured, receiving a large gash on the left side of his face. A few days later Jeric went to meet with his father, who was now High Lord of House Reena. Mikel didn’t even bother questioning where his son had been, he just requested that Jeric would stick around to become Captain of the Horizon.
For almost a year now Jeric had successful served as the Horizon’s Commanding Officer. A couple of months ago the Reena Navy had to fend off another small attack from the Vong but the Reserve Battlegroup the Republic left behind assisted in defeating them. Other than that Jeric’s time as Captain wasn’t much; a few escort missions, one or two skirmishes against pirates, and a lot of patrolling. It wasn’t long before Jeric began to think about returning to the brotherhood. His lust to develop his power and further knowledge of the dark side still burned away at him. In the last months of 27 ABY, the temptation of the dark side became to much for Jeric. He visited his father on Reena, to personally submit his letter of resignation. Jeric told his father that he needed to leave and unfortunately couldn’t explain why. Mikel wished him good luck and told him to take the families personal shuttle, a Theta-Class T-2c, called Aurora. Waiting for Jeric on the landing platform was the shuttle’s pilot, a beautiful naval Lieutenant named Vikaa.
Second Coming
Jeric returned to the Kr’Tal System less than two years after leaving, only to learn that much had changed. The Vong attacked the heart of the Brotherhood, Antei, just as the Gand Master foresaw. They managed to overpower the Clans’ navies and forced the Dark Council to evacuate the planet. When Jeric arrived back on Altur he was greeted by the new Quaestor of Dinaari, Vladet Xavier. Jeric showed great potential to his new Quaestor in a short amount of time. After weeks of intense studying and training, Jeric had distinguished himself and was chosen to be the next Dominus Sicarius: the Consul’s personal protector and master assassin. He found it a great honor, but also realized just how good of an assassin he could be. It wasn’t long before Jeric was elevated to Guardian of the Dark Path.
Jeric Cyrin in his usual attire, Circa 28 ABY
In early 28 ABY, Jeric was assigned to the Dark Prophet II, the same ship he had stole a TIE Defender from. Jeric’s Quaestor had found his military record and deiced he would better serve the House on one of its capital starships. A few months into the new year, news came that a pirate force had invaded the Rybanloth System. Taldyran’s Consul sent Battlegroup Vanguard to swiftly take out the invading pirates. Jeric saw no action during that conflict, his battlegroup had been task with protecting the Kr’Tal System, in case of a counterattack. Three months had passed when an opportunity presented itself.
Jeric was approached by the Headmaster, who asked him to become an instructor at the Shadow Academy. Jeric had proved to be more than knowledgable in galactic history which was the instructor slot the Headmaster wished to fill. Jeric’s summit began to noticed how quickly he had developed, growing in every way possible. They sensed that Jeric had the potential to be a great leader and so they threw him into the position of Rollmaster temporarily. Jeric impressed his masters, handling the duties of House Envoy with ease. After only a month, the summit advance Jeric to the next level, Jedi Hunter. bringing him one step closer to being a true Dark Jedi.
In mid 28 ABY, when he saw that the Emissary of the Dark Council was looking for assistants, he quickly applied and shortly after was accepted for the role. As a noble of the Tapani society his diplomatic skills where more developed compared to most. About five months into Jeric’s first term as Magistrate to the Herald he was sent on his first diplomatic mission. He was going to be negotiating use of the Citadel Station for whenever the brotherhood traveled along the Hydian Way. Within minutes after arriving on Telos, Jeric immediately felt a strong pull from the Dark Side. Jeric shook it off so he could completed his mission. Once negotiations were done however, the young dark jedi went in search for the power he sensed. Even after all his achievements and growth since returning, this power made Jeric feel that the brotherhood was holding him back.
Dark Wisdom
Jeric only had a few days left before he needed to report back to the Herald. After a few hours of surveying the planet Lieutenant Vikka found what look like an abandon temple in the northern polar region. This had to be the source of the energy, the pull of the dark side was strongest there. Lieutenant Vikaa landed the shuttle near a few of the structures and the two venture out into the snow. The entrance was a bit hard to find but Jeric eventually uncovered the large blast doors. The two searched thru the temple learning it was completely self-sufficient and was still running off an ancient form of power. Vikaa located a hanger that could house the shuttle during their stay and left Jeric to explore on his own. Jeric went thru many rooms finding food, supplies, and many Jedi & Sith related artifacts. Unfortunately, none of them emanated the power he still sensed.
Finally he came to an opening that lead down into the underbelly of the temple. After venturing down the stairs Jeric came to a large door that looked different from the rest. Strange marks and symbols covered the door. With some effort Jeric pushed the door open. He was amazed to what he found, a Sith Holocron unlike anything he had ever seen. It didn’t resemble the conventional pyramidal or cubical models like Jeric was used to seeing in the many holobooks the Shadow Academy had to offer. Jeric took the holocron and made his way to a meditation chamber he found earlier, locking the doors behind him. Lieutenant Vikaa had a feeling they where going to be here way longer than a few days so she began unpacking the shuttle. As the days came and went she began to make the temple more of a permeant residence. Jeric had not come out of that chamber since he locked himself in. He would need to eat, drink, even sleep eventually Vikaa thought. Still the weeks went by and no sign of life came from the chamber. She knew he was still in there and knew he was still alive, she could see him sitting, eyes glued to the glowing holograms emitted by the thing he found.
What seemed like only a few days had been months spent inside the chamber. So many Dark Lords had contributed their teachings of the dark side or gave testimonials of the history and plight of the Sith. It was no surprise Jeric become lost inside the repository of lore and wisdom. When Jeric’s eyes open, as the last gatekeeper faded away, he was amazed to be alive still. His connection to the force and meditative state acted as a form of hibernation he assumed. He might have survived not eating, but his body was weakened tremendously. He could hardly lift himself up, let only stand. When Vikaa noticed Jeric moving she ran over to help. It took a few days but she finally nursed Jeric back to health. It had been seven months away from the Brotherhood, it was time for Jeric to return.
A Rogue Returns
Jeric returned from his “exile” towards the end of 29 ABY only to find his former masters in Clan Taldyran not pleased with his disloyal ways. Just as Jeric expected he was consider a rogue and was stripped of all positions he held. This didn’t bother him, with his new knowledge it wouldn’t be long before he would regain everything he lost. Months past and the new year came however Jeric sense the summit of Taldyran despised him and so he deserted the clan. When an acquaintance, Taigikori Aybara, of Jeric’s heard he had left Taldyran, he offered him refuge in the Shadow Clan. Jeric was pleased to have a friend and joined Clan Arcona under Taigikori’s leadership. Jeric didn’t get much time to adjust or settle in, the Brotherhood was on the verge of liberating Antei. As the forces of the Dark Brotherhood grew closer to returning home, training became faster paced and tougher than anything Jeric had experienced. He show himself to be an outstanding duelist and practitioner of the force. Jeric was even asked to return to his former position as Magistrate. Taigikori decided Jeric was more than ready to begin his dark side trails. Jeric proved Taigikori right, successfully completing the trials in less time than expected. The Tapani Noble was knighted as a true Dark Jedi of the Brotherhood, only days before going to war.
Unified by their thirst for vengeance and desire to take back their home world the Great Clans returned to Antei under the leadership of Darth Sarin. However they weren’t prepared to fight a different enemy. Killed off by a plague, the alien invaders were devastated and in their place an army of driods led by a jedi crusader had taken their place. This wasn’t going to stop the Brotherhood from taking back their Antei. Brutal fighting erupted the moment the armies of the brotherhood landed. Dark Jedi were being captured left and right, by the jedi now know as Omancor Crask. He was testing their faith in the dark side, drawing more to his cause. Jeric finally got his first taste of battle when he was called to accompany a detachment with the Army of the Iron Throne. Almost a hundred battle droids pounded the dark jedi and his detachment of 16 shock troopers. Thankfully a platoon of Arcona soldier showed up minutes later to back up Jeric. As the last of the battle droids where being destroyed Jeric was blind sided by a fellow clan member who had been turned. Finally a real chance for Jeric to test his new skills as a knight. The traitor must have been a fellow Journeyman, low-level one, for Jeric killed him with ease.
The battle ensued for days but finally ended in a struggle that sent shockwaves across all the brotherhood. Crask had been surrendered and was brought before Grand Master Sarin. The old man deceived the Dark Lord, ripping a lightsaber from his captured apprentice’s body. A raging duel took place above the skies of Antei and ended in a fiery crash on the surface. The bodies of both Crask and Darth Sairn where found among the smoking ruins of the BAC Exodus. Dark Prophet Muz Ashen was named Sairn’s successor and became the new Grand Master of the Brotherhood.
The forces of Arcona returned to Dajorra after being victorious on the battlefields of Antei. The victory was short lived though as trouble stirred in the darkness. Arcona had taken advantage of the deals made with the Hutt Cartels and it was coming back to hunt them. Jeric didn’t stick around long enough to see the effects this would have on the Shadow Clan. In the beginning of 31 ABY he was offered to serve as Aedile of Dorimad Sol along side a fellow Magistrate to the Herald, Robin Hawk.
Spoils of War
Jeric had finally felt as if he had found his true home within the Brotherhood. Scholae Palatinae, the Royal Clan, was known for its direct ties with the Emperor’s Guards and its long imperial history. Apart from that, Dorimad Sol, the house in which Jeric now proudly served as De-facto Head of State, was consider the military might of the Royal Clan. As Aedile Jeric had the distinct privilege of being immediately responsible for the Caina Defense Force. Being both a Head of State and Military Leader was something Jeric knew all to well and it would eventually paid off.
Jeric was given ascension to the first level of Equites in mid 31 ABY by the Herald for his outstanding service to the office and his loyalty to the brotherhood during the Liberation of Antei over a year ago. Not long after that Jeric was also awarded the brotherhood’s highest award for merit, the Grand Cross of the Dark Side, for his outstanding advances with the Caina Defense Force. Jeric was definitely not letting his superiors down, he was proving that his status as a Lord in the Tapani Society was very useful to the Brotherhood.
A few months into 32 ABY, the Grand Master called for a Rite of Supremacy. Clan Scholae Palatinae suffered a major defeat by Taldryan. Overall the clan’s military had been weaken and moral was down. Jeric did his best to keep the forces of Caina strong, but with the rest of the clan’s military failing, the Caina Defense Force stood no chance against Taldryan. In the months following the Rite Supremacy, the Clan’s forces returned to the Cocytus System in the hopes of rebuilding. Towards the end of the year, the Herald’s direct second in command, a Krath by the name of Raven, disappeared into the unknown regions. Jeric was privately approached by Shikyo Keibatsu who offer him the position of Praetor. It was no surprise the Herald came to him. Jeric accepted the duties of the Emissary’s deputy.
The Herald’s Deputy
Jeric Cyrin in his Ceremonial Armor, Circa 32 ABYWith Jeric’s appointed as Praetor to the Herald, tension began to rise between Jeric and his Quaestor. Many began to believe she had become corrupted and had become power hungry. Jeric didn’t want to get involved and have his career dragged down with hers. He sent in his letter of resignation to the Clan Summit and left for Antei. He made his new home in the underground levels of the Dark Hall, making it easier to focus on his new duties as Praetor.
Towards the end of 32 ABY, Shikyo Keibatsu was task by the Grand Master himself to head into the unknown regions. Whatever the mission was, it caused the Herald to disappear abruptly leaving Jeric in charge of all Herald duties. Shikyo must have known that his new Praetor was more than capable of being the public face of the Brotherhood. Jeric took on the monumental task of running that Herald’s Office with easy. During the Herald’s absence Jeric continued to make deals with outside parties to preserve and protect the secrecy of the brotherhood. Almost three months after the Dark Council’s Emissary left, Jeric was out on business as liaison between the clans. He over heard rumors of treachery against the Iron Throne and feared some of the clans would rise up to over throw the Council.
Without hesitation Jeric presented the evidence and the details surrounding the rumors to the Grand Master. The Dark Lord told Jeric that hints of treason had been flying around the Dark Hall for weeks now and that the Chamber of Justice was already conducting an investigation. Jeric was thanked for the new details and order to return to his ambassadorial duties. Not even a week later Jeric’s shuttle was attacked while on the way back from the Jusadih System. Luckily Vikka was able to maneuver and escape the attack. This just proved that by Jeric struck a nerve with these rogues. The Dark Council’s chief military officer order a starfighter escort for Jeric’s shuttle and a protective squad from the Army of the Iron Throne to be issued. However, that didn’t stop the attacks. A couple of days later Jeric went to his office to find it vandalized.
Enough was enough, Jeric requested to leave the brotherhood temporally to let the situation dissolve. With Shikyo returning in less than a month, Jeric assured the Grand Master that the current staff could manage for the next few weeks. Darth Ashen, agreed to let Jeric leave and assured him the problem would be fixed when he returned. Jeric left for the one place he knew Vikaa and himself would be safe, the Tapani Sector.
Cyrin Dynasty
Lord Jeric Cyrin return to his home on Canti a couple of months after the new year. His mother was surprised to see her son after almost five years and his father was pleased to have his only son home. The first thing Jeric did after coming home was marry his pilot and companion over the past five years, Lieutenant Vikka. The Ceremony was small and as High Lord, Jeric’s father had the power to wed the two. A couple of weeks later over dinner Mikel explained that the family’s mining operation on Nyriaan had began to show signs of corruption. He asked if Jeric could go and personally oversee the operation. Jeric did so and in only a few days time was able to weed out those on the management staff that had become corrupted. It had three months since leaving the Brotherhood, Jeric received news that the Master at Arms initiated a purge wiping out those suspected of treason. More than four hundred dark jedi involved disappeared abruptly. This was good news, it meant Jeric could return to the Brotherhood. Unfortunately things took a turn for the worst. While on his back from Nyriaan, Jeric got word that the High Lord of Reena, his father, had just been assassinated.
Jeric was devastated by the news but initiated a full scale investigation. The Privy Council denied Jeric use of House Assets to conduct his investigation. They began to look for a new High Lord even though his father’s term wasn’t up. Obviously there where some families that didn’t like the Cyrin Family and there was no doubt in Jeric’s mind that members of the Privy Council were corrupted. Jeric had enough, it was time that he brought order back to House Reena. As a former naval Captain and thru use of the force Jeric persuaded the military to rally behind him. He then took the Reena Province by force, killing off those Lords he suspected of being corrupt. Making himself Head of State wasn’t enough though, Jeric needed to ensure complete control over the House. Forcing martial law across the province, Jeric crowned himself Lord High Admiral.
The Tapani Grand Council immediately questioned Jeric’s actions, but as a former representative his mother presented evidence to support what Jeric was doing. The Council agree to let it continued as long as it didn’t turn into an oppression and things stayed civil. For little more than a year Lord Cyrin made sure order returned to his House. A few conflicts arose between the other noble families and attacks happen on various mining industries. Nothing the military couldn’t handle though. In mid 34 ABY Jeric felt as if his rule over the province was successful. Jeric retracted martial law and left the Privy Council in charge of electing a new High Lord. For a third time Jeric made preparations to return to the Brotherhood.
The Apprentice
File:Creon.jpgJeric's new apprenticeOn his way back to Antei Jeric thought about the attacks on his life and how they could endanger his new wife. Jeric wanted someone that could mold and train to act as his personal bodyguard. Someone that could be a valuable asset not only to him but to the brotherhood. A warrior, someone strong, someone who was not afraid to kill. Jeric began to search through a database looking at former military personal, convicts, and known mercenaries.
Jeric eventually found one potential candidate, a former alliance heavy trooper. It didn’t take long for Jeric to hack to holonet and access his full profile. The heavy trooper, a Zabrak Warrior, named Creon Khamier, who had been drafted into the Alliance Army. After serving a few short years he went mad and tried to return home, killing many troopers in his way. He was apprehend and is now serving life in the Alliance Judiciary Detention Center. Jeric checked his medical file and found his midi-chlorian count was just around 8,000, more than enough to be trained.
While making a layover in Coruscant, Jeric paid a visit to the Zabrak convict. He offered Creon a chance at revenge, he only asked that Zabrak pledge total allegiance to him. Leaving Creon to make his decision and to escape the prison himself, Jeric return to his shuttle in the hopes his potential apprentice would accept the offer. Creon did and arrive at his new master’s shuttle only moments before it left for the Brotherhood.
Disciple of Sadow
Jeric return to the brotherhood only to find each of the great clans reduced to that of an independent house. Jeric figure it was probably due to the purge that happen over a year ago. The Herald was glad to see his prodigy return and as a gift for his dedicated loyalty to the office, Shikyo elevated Jeric to the second level of Equites. In the weeks following his return Jeric and his new apprentice found a home in the Heirs to the Empire. They were pleased that Jeric brought fresh blood to them along with himself. It didn’t take long for Jeric to settle into Naga Sadow, the same could not be said for his apprentice though. It seem as if Creon was lost or maybe overwhelm by all the Dark Jedi that now surrounded him. Jeric had noticed that over the course of a few weeks his apprentice’s performance in training battles began to get sloppy. Jeric tasked out his apprentice to go on mission with the Regulator’s to see if that would get his motivation up.
A month or so later, Naga Sadow’s Aedile, Fremoc Pepoi was appointed as the Grand Master’s Enforcer and subsequently Commander of the Royal Guard. It didn’t take him long to approach Jeric and recommend he be initiated into the Royal Guard. Trusting his friend’s wisdom Jeric did so and became one of few Elite Dark Jedi that have the privilege of protecting members of the Dark Council. Even more opportunities presented themselves in the coming weeks, allowing Jeric to quickly establish his name in Naga Sadow. A few weeks had passed and Jeric’s first real taste of combat since returning presented itself. House Tarentum had requested help in dealing with a rakghoul plague that had infested their system. Naga Sadow acknowledged their need and saw itself working along side a ghost from Jeric’s past, House Taldyran. This really got Jeric involved and he made sure to do what he could to show how far he had come since being in Taldyran.
Burden of Aiding
Senior Commander Cyrin, Circa 34 ABYA few days into the joint operation, Jeric and his apprentice were asked to deal with the plague on Yridia IV by providing medical supply to local villages. As a Senior Commander within D-SOG Jeric was assigned a small detachment of Commandos for his mission. After arriving at the Messina Estate and meeting with it’s owner, a former Headmaster, the two Dark Jedi and their detachment of commandos made their way down to the villages in the valley below. After providing aid to a number of people, Creon suggested that he take a few commandos and being helping the village on the other side of the river. Jeric was hesitant, his apprentice still being so new to the dark side. Even with three commandos at his side a handful of the rakghoul mutants would pose a threat. Jeric eventually let his apprentice do as he wished. It didn’t take long before Jeric sensed Creon was in danger. Leaving his commandos to provide aid to the rest of the village, Jeric went to the other side of the river. Backed into a corner Jeric found his apprentice with only one commando living, taking cover behind some rubble. Almost a dozen rakghoul where clawing at the two. Catching the rakghoul’s attention Jeric concentrated a powerful blast of force and released it just as the first one tried to jump him. Crushing their bones and sending them flying into the surrounding rubble Jeric wiped them all out in less than a second.
The two Dark Jedi and their commandos finished up their mission and returned to the VIN Immolator that was in orbit around Yridia IV. Days later before Jeric could even see his second mission of this joint operation it was finished. Either all the rakghoul were killed or they all disappeared, Jeric was unsure what truly happen. Naga Sadow’s forces return to the Orian System and began to retrofit for their next battle. Jeric continued to spar with his apprentice but saw a drop in his motivation again. Having to be saved must have put a damper on his strong Zabrak ego. A few weeks later Jeric was called back to Antei by the Emissary of the Dark Council. The Herald was leaving on a diplomatic trip and Jeric would yet again need to return to the underground levels of the Dark Hall. He left a long list of assignments for Creon to completed in his absences and asked Teu Pepoi, Naga Sadow’s Rollmaster, to watch over him.
Lost Cause
A few months had past since Jeric returned to Antei, the new year was right around the corner. The Herald came and went just as he always did leaving his Praetor to deal with the daily bureaucracy of the office. Jeric was lucky enough to see the construction of a new colosseum for the independence games. He could only hope that the Dark Council’s Emissary would return from his latest mission in time for Jeric to take part. In the final month of 34 ABY Jeric’s Magistrate, Ekeia Iclo, was briefing the Assistant Emissary on the past months diplomatic endeavors between the Dark Houses and any outside parties. Apparently an alliance between Naga Sadow and Jeric’s original home, Taldryan, was in the works. Ekeia suggested that the Herald’s office keep a close eye on the possible alliance. No sooner did the conversation between his magistrate end did a call from Sepros get patched thru to Jeric’s office. According to Naga Sadow’s Rollmaster Jeric’s apprentice, Creon, had gone missing. Disturbing was this information, Jeric left Antei bound for Sepros. After arriving on the throne world of Naga Sadow Jeric attended a quick meeting of the Royal Guard before speaking with Teu regarding his apprentice. According to her his apprentice stopped showing up to training like he regular did. A D-SOG Solider claimed to have last saw Creon almost two weeks ago. Jeric immediately departed for Tarthos to investigate. On his way there he was contacted by Regulator’s Sergeant, Mirado L’eonheart, who told him about this criminal gang who had been kidnapping people with ties to the Dlarit Corporation. After arriving on Tarthos and visiting his apprentice’s quarters in the Black Sector of Markosian City, Jeric determined that it was this criminal gang, the Lazarus Stars, who took Creon. After talking with Sergeant L’eonheart the two realized that if they took Creon for interrogation they would kill him wether or not they get anything out of him. Jeric gave up on Creon, he was now a lost cause, and returned to Antei less than a week before the opening ceremonies of the independence games.
New Horizon
Jeric's Hilt of Marque With the Celebration of the Exodus came the rebirth of Naga Sadow as a great clan of the brotherhood. Jeric distinguished himself during the games earning five seals and making Naga Sadow’s leadership proud. After the games ended Jeric returned to the Orian System. A former Disciple of Ragnos, Jeric thought his choice of house would be easy. However once Jeric arrive within system he received a transmission from former Obelisk Sergeant and now Executive Director Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart. The transmission was urgent so Jeric headed straight for Aeotheran. Dropping out of hyperspace Jeric docked with the Marakith Skyhook and proceeded to find the Knight that had summon him. Mirado explained to his Obelisk Senior that the Dlarit Corporation needed to grow and it’s economy needed to improve. House Shar Dakhan was created for the purpose of finding new sources of revenue and acquire supplies for the Corporation. As an Executive Director, Mirado was given control over certain assets and subsidiaries of the Corporation. After explaining all this to Jeric, Mirado set a small wooden box on his desk, and slid it forward. A small plaque was forged into the lid, the letters plated in electrum, spelling out the Prelate’s name. When Jeric opened it, three objects rested within the velvet lining: a scroll, a ring, and a lightsaber hilt. Jeric was told that before him was a letter of marque and the items that show his authority as a privateer for the Dlarit Corporation. After explaining the authority and limits of his new position Mirado wasted little time, giving Jeric orders for his first mission.
One of the Corporation’s plans was to secretly cut off supply to nearby star systems. In turn they would look to the Corporation for aid, thus growing Naga Sadow’s domain. Mirado’s first mission for Jeric was to intercept and raid a supply convoy from the “Organization” causing the neighboring Stereghat System to seek support from Naga Sadow instead of its current enemy. Intel had been received from an undisclosed source that one of these Supply Convoys would run right along the border of the Orian and Stereghat Systems. Preparing a crew Jeric set out on the VAC Despot with Macron Sadow and Jade Sadow beside him and the support of another Privateer, Masika Oshairana, aboard the VAC Turmoil. Thing took a turn for the worst during he trip. Jeric received a highly encoded transmission from his former aide on Reena, Niko Sipes. It was this transmission that would change the course of Jeric’s future in the Brotherhood.
Conspiracy Above
- "My Lord, I regret to inform you that Civil War has broken out within the Reena Province, your homeworld and a few other worlds have already been lost to the rebels. Your estate was destroyed, I am sorry but your wife and mother where unable to make it out in time. The Great Council of Tapani finally stepped in and made the decision to abolish House Reena and release it from the Expanse. The Ruling Families of Reena are all but commoners now, all assets of royalty gone. I am sorry."
- ―Transmission from Niko to Jeric
The Message Jeric ReceivedJeric had just lost everything; his nobility, the last of his family, and his loving wife all because of a civil war. There was nothing left for him in his former life. Filled with hatred, Jeric opened himself to the dark side and let it consume him. He would make himself rich again even if he had to abuse his letter of marque. Stealing what he wanted, when he wanted, from anyone not an ally to the Corporation. Jeric’s original orders were to raid the convoy for retail and food supplies. Now in Jeric’s mind that wasn’t enough to satisfy his rage. He told the three other dark jedi who had accompanied him that plans had changed and their orders were to now take everything and destroy the convoy so the attack couldn’t be traced back to the Corporation. Everyone was shocked, but the change made sense in their minds. However when they arrive to the coordinates they saw nothing, no convoy. Jeric assumed they were early until two Majestic-Class heavy cruisers dropped out of hyperspace and locked weapons. A message from one Captain Larin informed Jeric that his ships were suspected of piracy by the Galactic Alliance and were to be boarded.
The Sith Battlemaster knew something was up. The Galactic Alliance and Corporation share a partnership. Both the Despot and Turmoil bear the markings of the Corporation and why would the Alliance enter the Orian System without notification. Also how the hell did they know two vessels from the Corporation with Dark Jedi aboard would be in this exact location at this time. Without hesitation Jeric gave the order to disable the two cruisers and lunch the boarding parties. If it was piracy he was suspected of, it was piracy he would commit and he wouldn’t miss out on the raid.
After the attack, Jeric was confronted by the new Chief Personnel Officer, Lynyrd Pepoi, demanding a reason as to why he attacked an ally to the Corporation. Jeric tried to explain the situation but was called to the Turmoil to meet up with Executive Director Teu Pepoi. Jeric along with Macron and Jade, left Lynyrd on the bridge of the Alliance ship to clean up the mess Jeric had apparently made.
Jeric met up with Teu on the bridge of the VAC Turmoil, she didn’t look please and demanded that they speak in private. The Executive Director led Jeric into the ship’s planning chamber and order that he take a seat. She began interrogating Jeric about what happen and finally reveled that Doctor L’eonheart, wife and proxy to the Corporation’s President, was listening in. Doctor L’eonheart began to explain that everything that transpired was a set-up on the Organizations behalf and any existence of this mission would be destroyed. Jeric was order to return to Tarthos with Teu, and with Doctor L’eonheart’s closing statement assigned Jeric as Teu’s Senior Director.
Business, Justice and War
With only a few weeks under his belt, Jeric was already completely emerged in the daily operations of the Corporation and did a lot to aid Executive Director Pepoi in her duties. Jeric decided to relieved himself as Assistant Emissary to the Dark Council, allowing for his Magistrate, Ekeia Iclo, to take her spot next to the Herald. Not even a month after he stepped down from Assistant Emissary, Jeric was approach by the Dark Prophet of Justice, Kir Katarn. At first Jeric thought he was being brought before the Chamber for reason unknown to him. In reality the Justicar was there to ask Jeric to serve as his Right Hand.
The Corporation’s hold over Tarthos, under Teu and Jeric’s command, had expanded greatly in the early months of 35 ABY making it possible for the small representative government to turn into a planet wide government. Asserting authority over the smaller settlements, commerce and trade were now strictly regulated and taxes had to be paid among other things. Even a new Governor was elected by Executive Director Pepoi. However an internal power struggle forced Teu Pepoi to return to her former position as the Corporation's Chief Personal Officer, leaving the position of Executive Director to Jeric.
Markosian City before the RiotsUnder his rule new military installations were created and new mining operations opened across the planet. Jeric wanted to speed up the reconstruction efforts in Kar Alabrek. Starting with rebuilding and modernizing the Castle then moving on to the Northern Coastline which was nearly finished. The goal was to push the city's completion from 44 ABY to the end of the decade. The planet's capital city was nearly finished, all major projects were completed and every sector was fully operational.
Between the new regulations and the longer hours laboring, the immigrates that were once thankful to be taken in were now becoming rebellious. Towards the end of 35 ABY protests broke out in the capital, Markosian City. For days the protesters stood outside the gates of the Governor's Mansion. A handful traveled to Kar Alabrek and dared to protest outside the walls of Alabrek Castle. The protestors went to far though when they stole the Executive Director's private shuttle and crashed it into the Governor’s Mansion. Luckily the Governor survived, though badly injured, thanks to the quick actions of his Security Force. Shortly after the protests turned into riots. The Governor's mansion was completely burned down and other than Orian Memorial Hospital the Blue Sector was lost.
The Green Sector was looted then burned while the Yellow Sector was in complete chaos. Crime in the Red Sector had gone thru the roof. The Black Sector remind on lockdown with an entire Battalion of DSF Solider waiting to take back the city. Executive Director Cyrin had no choice and finally gave the order to isolate the city and enact martial law. Using one of the planetary shield generators, the city was sealed off from the rest of the world. Jeric Cyrin then order the seat of power be returned to Kar Alabrek and until order was restored the Executive Director would have immediate control over the government.
It was around this time when the Brotherhood learned that War was right on the horizon. New Tython was to be invaded and the Jedi scum wiped out by the years end. Aside from everything else it was now up to Jeric to lead the Dark Jedi and Soldiers of the Dlarit Security Force in the fast approaching War against the Jedi of Odan-Urr.
Invasion of New Tython
As the days drew closer to war, preparation became more intense. The headquarters of the Dlarit Security Force were busy mobilizing their garrison troops and the fleet. The dark jedi of Marka Ragnos were training harder than Jeric had ever seen since coming into the house almost three years ago. This war was unlike the others, the Jedi posed the biggest threat to the Brotherhood in years. If Jeric hadn’t been positioned as leader of Marka Ragnos he would have never of known the true extend of the preparation his house needed.
Just hours aways from war the forces of Naga Sadow converged on Sepros. The disciples gathered inside Sadow Palace waiting to hear from the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. As the last dark jedi trickled into the war room the hologram of Lord Ashen appeared. Speaking more as a Son of Sadow rather than the Dark Lord, the words motivated the crowd. Even Astronicus, who stood at the front of his clan was moved by the Grand Master’s words.
Following a briefing from Consul Tsainetomo Sadow the warriors of Naga Sadow scattered finding their shuttle assignments. Inside Sadow Palace, Jeric stood at the base of Lord Ragnos’s statue handing out assignments to the numerous Disciples that came seeking orders from their Quaestor. When the word finally came, Jeric himself was on one of the many shuttles departing for the fleet. He was attached to one of the D-SOG Detachments heading for the Republic-class Star Destroyer Final Way. While en-route to the Brotherhood’s Rendezvous Point the leaders of Naga Sadow were given an updated briefing. Jeric learned that Trevarus Caerick, Overlord of Marka Ragnos, would be on the battlefield. It seemed there were some who felt threatened or worried about Caerick joining them on New Tython. Sith are greedy, they like to take all the glory, they want to spill as much blood as they can. But in a time of war against a threat like the Jedi they forgot about individual glory or pride and work as brothers.
Finally arriving at the Rendezvous Point the entire might of the Brotherhood entered hyperspace for a mere minute. In a flash New Tython was in front of the fleet. Within minutes dropships began to pour out of the battle-cruisers heading for their designated landing zones. Jeric and fellow Executive Director Mirado L’eonheart boarded their dropship. Minutes later the side doors opened and D-SOG Commandos jumped out followed by Jeric and Mirado. The two immediately surveyed the landing zone. Jeric noticed Tsainetomo and Marcon exiting a dropship shadowing the Clan Overlord. The other sons and daughters of Sadow scattered out into the open field heading towards the nearby Harakoan Tribes. From the woodline an element of the native army emerged and opened fire on the Sadowans.
Deflecting a few blaster bolts Jeric moved towards the three powerful dark jedis. He suggested that a forward operating base be establish. Consul Macron agreed and Astronicus gave the order for a prefabricated base to be delivered. Jeric noticed that the Jedi had finally arrived weaving in and out of the natives that were advancing on their position. Like a hailstorm the Disciples of Lord Naga Sadow crashed into the army of natives and jedi. Flashes of blue, green, red, silver and yellow danced across the field. Bodies began to fall, most were natives, some where jedi, and even fewer were dark jedi.
A few natives and two jedi broke out of the battle and dashed straight towards Astronicus and the six dark jedi that stood with him. A wave of telekinetic energy from Macron took out the natives, Jeric leapt into the air as the body's of the natives hit the floor. The Sith’s crimson blade met the blue blade of one of the Jedi. He must have been a padawan cause it didn’t take much effort from Jeric to strike him down. The other Jedi fell with a few quick strikes from Tsainetomo’s blades. Methyas watched the onslaught from just behind the Overlord. Now more than ever the thirst for blood and the hunger for war could be felt by all of Sadow.
After the initial enemy wave the forces of Naga Sadow began to establish a defense line. A few minutes later the prefabricated based arrived. Quickly the inside of the makeshift Command Center became a chaotic flow of communication. Jeric and Mirado were arguing over strategy and it was over heard by Consul Macron. The Consul order the two out into the field to lead their forces. The two charged out of the Command Center. Mirado broke left and headed towards is forces on the East flank. Jeric worked his way towards the forward defense lines were many Journeymen from Marka Ragnos and hundreds of soldiers were holding the enemy at bay. Deflecting hundreds of blaster bolts, Jeric final made it to Outpost Marka Ragnos. The D-SOG Commander in charge informed Director Cyrin of the situation. Mandalorians were on the battlefield and that they were fighting for the Jedi. There were a few casualties but there was still at least a battalion of soldiers and a handful of journeymen. Jeric asked is his Senior Commanders Farron and Pepoi where on the ground yet. The D-SOG Commander said he had yet to see Senior Commander Farron but Pepoi was last seen on the rear lines with the Regulators.
A Quaestor Disfigured
The battlefield was chaos, but among it he saw the twin silver blades of Manji dancing about. From the wood line he could see at least a dozen jedi and many more Mandalorians advancing on his forces. Jeric order his Commander to for Araxi and Kano, he was gonna need all the help he could get to hold this point. After giving a few more orders to the D-SOG Commander, Jeric activated his saber and leapt over the barricades. The Sith danced among the chaos deflecting blaster bolts and striking down any natives that came within range. Fighting side by side with two younger journeymen was right were Jeric wanted to be, leading by example. Seconds later an explosion thru Jeric to his back. He looked over and saw the two journeymen lifeless on the ground.
Recovering, the Sith noticed two Mandalorians and a Jedi. One of the mandos was missing his jetpack’s missile. The other was shooting the bodies of the two journeymen as if spiting them. The Jedi noticed Jeric and rushed towards him. But Jeric did not intend to play games. With a quick motion Jeric unleashed a blast of force energy right at the charging Jedi. The blast picked the Jedi off his feet and threw him back towards the two mandalorians. One of the mandalorians was caught by the blast and thrown off his feet the other launched himself into the air and began firing at Jeric. The Sith easily blocked and deflected each bolt then noticed the Jedi was again charging him. Jeric timed it perfectly deflecting one of the mandalorians bolts right into the ground making a cloud of dust. From up in the air the mandalorians couldn’t see, but inside red and green danced as Jeric and the Jedi clashed. The Mandalorian landed next to his partner and the two began moving towards the dust cloud. As it began to settle the two could only see one blade, a crimson blade. They opened fire, Jeric twirled and twisted his blade blocking the shots. One made it thru and struck Jeric in the leg but he paid it no mind. Again one of the mando’s leapt into the air, the one on the ground lit his flamethrower causing Jeric to roll backwards. As the Sith came back to his feet the jetpack missile from the airborne mando exploded in the air no less than two meters from his face. The sounds of the battlefield faded, everything was suddenly dark, and Jeric laid motionless in the mud.
The silence slowly turned into ringing and ringing slowly brought the sounds of the battlefield back. Jeric could hear the distance screams and blaster shots slowly getting louder and louder. After a few minutes he could hear the Pro-Consul calling for a situations report over the comlink. Jeric tried to open his eyes, it felt like there were hundred pounds on each eyelid. As his eyelids opened he felt noting but pain, tremendous pain. Above all else, he still saw nothing but darkness. Jeric had been blinded by that Mandalorian, he could only assume his face was torn up by the blast. The Sith slowly sat up and felt around for his comlink. Jeric gave his report and informed the Pro-Consul of his injuries. Jeric was told to return to the FOB for medical attention but refused. The comlink closed after that. The Pro-Consul was either pissed Jeric refused to obey his order to return or pleased that he would rather stay on the battlefield and show his troops that an injury wasn’t going to stop him.
Macron found Jeric on the battlefield and administered some medicine that the Sith Madman had created years ago. The pain for his injuries slowly subsided and although he still couldn't see he could at least concentrate better. The Sith found Roxas on the West Flank and almost decapitated him as Jeric twirled it around his back blocking a blaster bolt not even seconds after he cut a native clean in half. The two Sadowans fought back to back striking down anything that broke thru the wall of blaster fire being created by the Regulators. The enemy lines were beginning to get overwhelmed by the dark jedi forces. The pincer maneuver that Senior Director Sonjie suggested was working and the forces of Odan-Urr were slowly thinning.
Jeric reached out with the force and sensed a Jedi charging him, the Sith raised his lightsaber to meet the sky colored blade of the Jedi. The Jedi immediately opened into a barrage of high speed attacks. Jeric could sense it was a female and was more than just a mere padawan. A Knight maybe, she was clearly well trained in ataru and if it weren’t Jeric’s mastery of soresu he would have been easily overwhelmed. The female Jedi knight didn’t last long against the blinded sith, tiring herself out her rapid attacks slowed allowing Jeric to unleash a brutal combination. The Jedi’s body fell limp in the mud with a burning hole in her chest and missing an arm. Jeric raised his head to the sky as it continued to pour down on the battlefield as if crying for the countless deaths. Hours later the battle was ended. Brotherhood forces successfully broke thru and captured the Jedi Temple. Jeric was transported back to the Final Way to receive treatment for his extensive injuries.
It had been a month since the battle of New Tython, Jeric was rarely seen by the member of his house. Locked inside his private chamber at the Temple of Ragnos Jeric refused to show is scared face. Whenever someone enter to discuss House matters the light were always dimmed and Jeric was also turned around in his chair. The summit began to notice Jeric’s lost ways and a few months into 36 ABY agree to relieve Jeric as Quaestor. Kalia Pepoi, who had replaced Teu as Clan Rollmaster, was charged with delivering the message to the misplaced Quaestor. Upon arriving on Mucenic, Kalia was told that no one had seen Jeric in at least two weeks now. She went up to the Honor Chambers to find it empty. Jeric was gone. The summit had no choice but to remove Jeric with out his knowledge and appoint Kalia as the new Quaestor of Marka Ragnos.
To be continued....
Character Information
Jeric with EVE Mask, Circa 36 AB
Standing almost two meters tall and weighing roughly 77 kilograms, Jeric is a fairly muscular yet lightweight for an individual of his stature. Jeric walks tall with his shoulders back and his head held high. Jeric has medium length brown hair and had eerie silver eyes. Jeric can be found wearing a more menacing and exotic type armor in place of his normal Uniform. During the invasion of New Tython, Jeric’s face was disfigured and the injuries blinded him. Due to this, Jeric is almost never seen without a modified Sith Mask he found on Korriz. Using the crystal matrix from a destroyed holocron to make the lens, circuitry was constructed from Ruusan copper to ensure their strength, as well as speed of the signal being sent and the mask itself was re-enforced with cortosis. Jeric named it an EVE Mask or Electronic Vision Enhancer Mask.
Intelligent, cunning and collected use to describe Jeric. These days he is more ruthless than collected, intelligence has been replace with pure rage in some cases. He still tends to be reserved, always hiding in the shadows, but when he is forced out into the light to do the bidding of the Corporation, Jeric's true side shows. Jeric is always alert and on his guard, but composed. Jeric always solves his problems logically and cautiously. Jeric is known for his cunning methods and graceful actions in battle. Jeric has lost all sense of manner and politeness not being royalty anymore. He tends to be very rude and blunt about things down. Two things Jeric has not lost is his determination and persistence.
- The name Jeric was inspired by Jerec from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.
- Cyrin would be pronounced the same a Siren.
- More on RL Person behind Jeric go HERE