Clan Arcona history

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"Light is limited;

Darkness is infinite."

Arcona Motto

"First to wake, last to die

Do or Do Not; there is not try Domination of every foe Arconan shadows take control"


Clan Arcona is one of two remaining Dark Jedi Clans within the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi. It currently has two constituent Houses: House Qel-Droma and Galeres. A third house House Oriens Obscurum, has also been active in Arcona's past. For a brief time in 34ABY, the clan was reorganised into a house, before reforming into a clan towards the start of 35ABY.

For a summary of the clan, see the Arcona Prospectus.


The history of Arcona can best be heard through The Hymn of Arcona as written by Vassan Rokir:

From time in memorium, a battle we wage

Between Clans of Swordsmen, Pilot and Sage.

In knowledge and blood our successes gauged.

And victory upon victory, like a fine wine we age.

First there was Nighthawk, our founder on high

He whose vision of glory none could deny:

"A legacy of power!" to the stars he did cry

And born was Arcona, here her history I scry.

Thus, like a child, a noble House were we;

Noble in mind, noble in arm, noble in philosophy.

Whence then came a tumult, within CSP,

Our House doors were opened, host of sanctuary.

Dark Jedi of Palatinae, disillusioned by conflicts internal

Parted thus, but found life as "rogue" to edge on the infernal.

Wise Quaestor Nighthawk, plotting a legacy eternal

Made bastion of our lands, and unto the rogues were we paternal.

New allies made we, of the Palatinae Jedi;

So strong was their bond that they did decide:

"Our allegiance to Scholae be damned and defied;

True brothers have we in Arcona; our faith be undenied!"

And with speed our Father House, noble and strong,

Grew in size and power, making richer a rich history already long.

And soon, with volume and zeal was struck the gong:

"A House we stand, but united a Clan!" came the glorious song.

But among the loyal revelers, a rotting faction brewed:

Rogue Jedi of Scholae Palatinae, in jealousy they stewed.

Presently, a defection back to their origins ensued,

And Clan Scholae Palatinae was to be hollowly renewed.

With tails between legs, the Scholae Jedi fled,

But not all escaped without first being struck dead.

Six conflicts I speak now, sure to be read;

Noble Arcona robbed six Palatinae of their treacherous heads:

Obelisk Blazer and Obelisk Morth cornered a pair.

With a leap and a slash, Morth's saber did flare

And cleft one in twain, as then did Blazer dare

To slice the other's belly, a cut no thicker than a hair.

To their ships ran another two, eager to escape their fate.

Into orbit they flew, but followed by Sith hunger, needing sate.

Shotgun and Shark, in their TIEs with the enemy did their sights mate

And with flicks of trigger, explosive retribution did they create.

And of the last two I speak, were felled by the powers of Krath.

Sensing two that remained, Nighthawk and Voranyen released their wrath.

Using the Force, the kind that comes from the Dark path,

They did crush two throats, leaving six bodies, as says the math.

And so the battle was done, many traitors had paid;

Their lives for their "freedom" was their futile trade.

And through conflict's heat the stronger were we made

That the dark flame of Arcona would never fade.

So here the tale of Arcona we begin;

Clan forged in darkness, fire, and the wages of sin.

From House to Clan


In 14 ABY, under the first reign of Grand Master Khyron, the Brotherhood had four Clans; Scholae Palatinae, Satal Keto, Aquillas and Tarentum. The Independent House Naga Sadow also vied for dominance within the Aurora galaxy. It was during those days that the Empire Reborn was crushed, and the fall of the Disciples of Ragnos, a rival Sith cult, came about.

A Sith Warrior by name of Donitz sought to forge a new Independent House, and after gathering enough support, House Arcona was forged.


Shortly before winning the Orthanc from Satal Keto, Quaestor Nighthawk was granted permission to convert the Independent House into a Clan.

Our militant House, Galeres was created to hold the front-line fighters. With legendary battleteams such as the Dark Orb Phyle and Soulfire Brigade, the House spelt out dominance and rulership from their barracks on Garrida. It later became aligned with the Obelisk Order following the benediction of Grand Master Khyron.

House Qel-Droma was created to provide mystical strength to our arsenal, offering guidance and education to all who sought it. From the moon of Mar Sala, the House bided its time, safeguarding Arcona's temple. It was the perfect choice for future alignment with the Krath.

Scholae Palatinae's Loss; Arcona's Gain

A major tragedy befell Clan Scholae Palatinae, and the Clan was destroyed at the hands of the Star Chamber. Many of the survivors are offered salvation in Arcona, which for a short time takes in Houses Acclivis Draco and Dorimad Sol. These two Houses are later merged to forge the third permanent House of Arcona: Oriens Obscurum, the rising darkness. Oriens is later chosen to oversee our naval fleet, defending Coronada space from their base on Joharta.

First to Wake

Arcona’s first brush with Clan Taldryan, widely regarded as the greatest vendetta Clan in the Brotherhood, did not end well. Their recently won prize from Clan Satal Keto, the M/INT Orthanc, was pried from their hands. Smarting a bit, Clan Arcona built up its assets and strengthened, biding its time.

The Second Great Jedi War was the first major vendetta Arcona was involved in, and they did well, placing second behind House Ektrosis. Arcona’s military was one of the leading forces against the pirates that fought the Brotherhod, and as such Grandmaster Khyron saw fit to award them a Carrack cruiser, the Nighthawk.

By the time the Third Great Jedi War came around, the Clans had already begun to attack each other, and the conflicts evolved into a full scale clash for supremacy in the Brotherhood. Arcona held its own, and rode a wave of success and growth into their next major engagement, in the next GJW.

In 17 ABY the Fourth Great Jedi War took place, and Arcona was sent out on a hunt for a precious item. They did well, but slipped to fourth place, behind their new rivals, Clan Scholae Palatinae. A bit disappointed, the Consul led his members back to their home system so they could nurse their wounds from the quest and continue to grow internally.

The Fifth Great Jedi War, in 18 ABY, found Clan Arcona in a time of desperation. The Clan was weakened by an attack on its assets at the outset of the war, as its military and ships were decimated after bearing the full force of the Brotherhood’s enemies. Vassan Rokir was made Consul in the middle of the war, and was tasked with bringing the Clan back up to par.

The Exodus

In 19 ABY, the Exodus, one of the most difficult times for the Brotherhood, hit Clan Arcona hard as well. Most of the events of the Exodus in Arcona are lost to the ages, but historians have worked tirelessly to try and puzzle out the facts and fictions about what happened all those years ago.

Nearly all of both Houses chose to go with the Brotherhood, and hastily packed everything they could carry with them. However, many treasured items were left behind because they could not be carried by those fleeing the Coronada system. The Exodus hit House Qel-Droma the hardest of the Arconan Houses. Being primarily a Krath House, and having to determine between irreplaceable and expendable items like databases, records, and artifacts in a short time, it was particularly painful and difficult during the split.

Uncertainties abounded about whether or not Arcona would even get a new home, and shadowed whispers plagued the Clan for some time. However, Ulic Qel-Droma’s Book of Shadows served to guide the Summit to a new system, Dajorra. Those members that remained loyal to the Consul packed up their belongings and headed for the new system. Upon arrival, a makeshift base was thrown up on the planet Sukhur, one of the harshest planets in the system.

Houses Galeres and Oriens Obscurum both planned to construct their headquarters on Eldar, but only one was permitted. So, Vassan Rokir, Consul at the time declared a Feud between the two Houses over the planet, and vicious combat began immediately. After the feud had concluded, Galeres was shown to be top dog, and was given Eldar.

Arconan Shadows Take Control

Shortly after the Exodus, Consul Mejas Doto became leader of the Clan, and immediately began to strengthen the group. They defeated their rival Clan, Scholae Palatinae, in a Feud. The victory served as an enormous confidence booster, and propelled the Clan into the first Independence Games in 2003. In those Games, Arcona had another strong showing, taking second place and claiming their due glories. Consul Mejas watched his Clan grow more powerful by the day, as they shifted to prepare for their next challenge under his watchful eye.

In 21 ABY, under Consul JaM3z Lucius Entar, former Proconsul under Mejas, the Clan continued to thrive. They were the driving force in the Invasion of Antares, coming in a strong second place to Clan Tarenum in the “Third Sith War”. In these days, Clan Arcona was one of the biggest hitting Clans in the Brotherhood, and the Arconans were eager to prove it again and again. That same year, the War of the Star Chamber took place. Chaos seized the Brotherhood, and horrible warfare tore at the very fibers of the Dark Jedi. When the conflict was finally ended by Lord Firefox, the Grand Master decreed the Clan Taldryan had narrowly edged Clan Tarentum, with Arcona showing up in a strong third.

Towards the end of James Lucius' tenure as Consul, the K'hamar'an Crisis took place as a result of mystery swirling around in the Shadow Academy. Unforunately, Clan Arcona struggled during the invasion, losing many military personnel and equipment. Limping back to Dajorra, Arcona was declared fifth, and left alone to rebuild under new Consul Vassan and Proconsul a`Lan Mandragoran. It was late in 22 ABY at the time, with Jac Cotelin as Grand Master, when Antei was invaded and brought under full government control. Even as the Brotherhood thrived, Arcona slowly weakened.

The Invasion of Coratua called the warriors of Clan Arcona sooner than Consul Vassan would have hoped, as they were sent off to Coratua in 23 ABY. Arcona's faithful fought hard against the pirates, but still struggled in comparison to their past glories. A fifth place finish sent the Clan reeling once more, and a`Lan Mandragoran was given control of the rebuilding efforts. He did the best he could, and the Clan stabilized as things seemed to be looking up. However, the treachery of Clan Taldryan nearly led to all-out war between the two Clans.

Halcyon Rokir was the new Consul of Arcona, and during his reign the Selen Incident took place. Taldryan agents infiltrated Clan Arcona's home system, and both Dark Jedi were captured and held on Selen. Taldryan sent a large fleet to surround the Arconan headquarters, and Halcyon and Duga, Consul of Taldryan, verbally derided each other's actions. The situation was diffused, however, and any disagreements were put behind the Clan as they entered the Seventh Great Jedi War. Turning around its recent struggles, Arcona took a proud third place in the GJW, defeating their rivals, Clan Scholae Palatinae.

Strategos Thanatos Entar was the next Consul of Arcona, and he helped keep the Clan on its toes before the inevitable invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong forces. He led them through the Second Darkness, finishing in a close fourth place. His tenure as Consul lasted two full years, but he relinquished leadership to Timeros during the Eighth Great Jedi War. During the Incursion, the Yuuzhan Vong smashed the Brotherhood defenses, and Arcona was effected more severely than most of the other Clans, having their home system of Dajorra torn from them. Homeless, they were left to fend for themselves aboard their fleet.

Last to Die

Mejas Doto returned as Consul in 28 ABY to take charge of the rebuilding efforts. He led the Clan very well, and they bounced back as best as possible from the horrifying defeat at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. The Zabrak Master pulled Arcona into the 2008 Independence Games, where they placed a notable third, gaining a bit more muscle back. Mejas served as Consul for over a year, before stepping down for Sashar Arconae to take over.

Houses of Arcona

House Galeres

Main article: House Galeres

House Galeres is a breed apart from the rest of Arcona and even the rest of the Brotherhood. Instead of focusing their energies into matters of the force and the mastery of lightsaber combat, members of Galeres usually face two other tasks. Galeres is heavily involved with the underworld of the galaxy. This includes black marketeering, smuggling, bounty hunting and occasionally slaving. Galeres is always heavily involved in the seedier side of the galactic machine and is well-versed in underhanded dealings and criminal activities. It even goes so far as to rent out its services to various criminal syndicates…as long as the price is right.

House Qel-Droma

Main article: House Qel-Droma

House Qel-Droma usually aims to focus on the more stereotypical Krath events that are around in the Brotherhood. Despite the multi-order nature of the house, Qel-Droma aims to focus energies on matters of the Force. In the past, Qel-Droma has been closed for short times, but has always come back stronger than ever.

House Oriens Obscurum (Closed)

Main article: House Oriens Obscurum

House Oriens Obscurum, a multi-order House that is now closed, was formed when Houses Acclivis Draco and Dorimad Sol were merged. Both Houses are now part of Clan Scholae Palatinae. One of the defining points of “HOO” is the success of its first Quaestor, Firefox, who would go on to be the Grand Master that led the Brotherhood through the Exodus.

Clan Summit Chronology

Independent House Arcona
Quaestor Aedile Service Dates
Donitz Dev
Gilkane Dreadnaught
Lioness Shark
Nighthawk Shark
Clan Arcona
Consul Proconsul Service Dates MM/YY
Nighthawk Ciarus Sabrel Kun
Nighthawk Ciarus Cardiac
Nighthawk Ciarus Depriest
Elliad Gavron Tuojas D'Eraii
Tuojas D'Eraii Priyum Patel
Priyum Patel Kelric
Kelric Magus Lionheart
Arion Sunrider Duo Chronos Sterling
Chronos Sterling E. Tarkin ???? - 02/02
E. Tarkin Khobai Wrathraven 02/02 - 04/03
Mage N/A 04/03 - 04/03
Mav "Telaris" Cantor N/A 04/03 - 04/03
Mejas Doto Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae 04/03 - 09/03
Mejas Doto James Lucius Entar 09/03 - 05/04
James Lucius Entar Strategos Thanatos Entar 05/04 - 07/04
James Lucius Entar Cyris Oscura 07/04 - 08/04
James Lucius Entar Vassan Rokir 08/04 - 09/04
Vassan Rokir a`Lan Mandragoran 09/04 - 01/05
a`Lan Mandragoran Halcyon Rokir 01/05 - 04/05
Halcyon Rokir Syn Kaek 04/05 - 07/05
Halcyon Rokir Dalthid 07/05 - 09/05
Denath Ciarus Khobai Wrathraven 08/05 - 10/05
Denath Ciarus Strategos Thanatos Entar 10/05 - 01/06
Halcyon Rokir Strategos Thanatos Entar 02/06 - 08/06
Strategos Thanatos Entar Quejo Rak'ul Drakai 08/06 - 11/06
Strategos Thanatos Entar Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana 11/06 - 03/07
Strategos Thanatos Entar Timeros Caesus Entar 03/07 - 06/07
Timeros Caesus Entar Strategos Thanatos Entar 06/07 - 10/07
Mejas Doto Sashar Arconae 10/07 - 09/08
Sashar Arconae Vorion 09/08 - 03/09
Sashar Arconae Strategos Thanatos Entar 03/09 - 08/09
Strategos Thanatos Entar Braecen Kaeth 09/09 - 10/09
Sashar Arconae Braecen Kaeth 10/09 - 05/10
Sashar Arconae Celahir Erinos 05/10 - 07/10
Celahir Erinos N/A 07/10
House Arcona
Quaestor Aedile Service Dates MM/YY
Celahir Erinos Driftan Housan 07/10 - 10/10
Zandro Savric Erinos Wuntila Zratian Entar 10/10 - 04/11
Clan Arcona
Consul Proconsul Service Dates MM/YY
Zandro Savric Erinos Wuntila Zratian Entar 04/11 - Current

di Tenebrous Arconae

The highest honor an Arconan can receive to be named "di Tenebrous Arconae", signifying both their dedication to the Clan and their past efforts in helping shape Arcona. Members who have received this honor are allowed to use "Arconae" in their name. The Arconae derive their powers from the Abyssal Tome, each one a guardian of the secrets contained within. To become Arconae is a long and arduous process, the final selection chosen by the Consul of Arcona in consultation with the other Arconae.

Bearers of "di Tenebrous Arconae"

Former Bearers of "di Tenebrous Arconae"

Vendetta History

Great Jedi Wars

Rites of Supremacy

Other Vendettas/Feuds

  • Satal Keto Feud Arcona vs. Satal Keto (1999) – First Place
  • Taldryan Feud Arcona vs. Taldryan (1999) – Second Place
  • Vengeance Arcona vs. Scholae Palatinae (2002/2003) – First Place
  • Independence Games 2003 – Second Place
  • Independence Games 2005 – Seventh Place
  • Selen Incident Arcona vs. Taldryan (2006) – Second Place
  • Vengeance Arcona vs. Scholae Palatinae (2007) – First Place
  • Independence Games 2008 – Third Place
  • Uneasy Alliances Arcona vs. Plagueis vs. Scholae Palatinae (2008) – Third Place

Logo Symbology

Clan Arcona logo
  1. The logo as a whole is a stylized letter A (in the Star Wars droid font)...A for Arcona.
  2. The 3 sections of the logo represent the 3 orders within the brotherhood.
  3. The spikes along the top represent Arcona's aggressive stance and readiness for combat (mental and physical). In the multicolor version, these sections are red and blue, representing the two Orders that are more combat oriented.
  4. The eclipsing of the circle at the base of the logo and on the two arms is representative of the shadow encompassing the light (our specialized power).
  5. The circle itself is purple, representing the order that is less combat oriented and more inward thinking (note the two inward facing points at the base).
  6. Additionally, there are 3 eclipses, one over each logo section rather than just on the base due to the heavy presence of darkness and shadow amongst all three orders.

External Links

Arcona's homepage

Clan Arcona
Units Clan: Clan ArconaHouses: House Galeres & House Qel-DromaBattleteams: Dajorran Marshals & Voidbreaker

Clan Summit:

Galeres Summit:

Qel-Droma Summit:

Possessions Dajorra SystemArconan Armed ForcesDajorra Defence ForceArcona Expeditionary ForceDajorra Intelligence AgencyPort Ol'ValKurs'kranak
Misc Di Tenebrous ArconaeCythraulStarscream Tactical Solutions
Light is limited; Darkness is infinite.