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{{Eras|rdb|exd|nor|featured}}{{Quote|Tempered by Conflict, Driven by Duty.|the Motto of House Galeres}}{{Military Unit
|unit_name=House Galeres
|name=House Galeres
|dates=20 ABY - Present
|locality=[[Selen Military Installations#Fort Blindshot|Fort Blindshot]]
|leader=* Quaestor: {{GalQUA}}
* Aedile: {{GalAED}}
* Rollmaster: {{ArcRM}}
|region=[[Selen]], [[Dajorra]]
|headquarters= FOB ''[[Kurs'kranak]]''
|allegiance= [[Clan Arcona]]<br/>
|affiliation=* [[Clan Arcona]]
[[Serpentine Throne|The Serpentine Throne]]
* [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|type= Militant Force Order
|role= Protection of the Clan through military might
|size= 37 House members <br/> 842 military personnel
|nickname=The Shield of Arcona
|patron=Nighthawk (Founder)
|motto="Tempered by Conflict, Driven by Duty."
|battles= The [[Great Jedi War|Great Jedi Wars]], including:
* [[Ninth_Great_Jedi_War|9th Great Jedi War]]
* [[Tenth_Great_Jedi_War|10th Great Jedi War]]
* [[Eleventh Great Jedi War|11th Great Jedi War]]
* [[Twelfth Great Jedi War]]
* [[Thirteenth Great Jedi War]]
* Reinvestment of Eldar (38 ABY)
|commanders=* Quaestor: {{GalQUA}}
* Aedile: {{GalAED}}  
Former leaders:
* [[Timeros|Timeros Entar]]
* [[Zakath| Zakath Agrona]]
* [[Arcia Cortel]]
* [[Atyiru Caesus Entar]]  
* [[Uji| Uji Tameike]]
* [[Braecen Kaeth]]
* [[Kordath Bleu]]
* [[Jael Valsi Chi'ra]]
* [[Ood Bnar]]
{{Quote|Drive Out The Light, So That Darkness May Be Impervious|Motto of House Galeres}}

'''House Galeres''' is one of the two multi-Order [[House|Houses]] that make up [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]]. As a breed apart from the rest of the Clan, and indeed the rest of the Brotherhood, brethren of Galeres spend their time not on arcane matters of the Force or the finer aspects of the Dark Side, but on the "physical" side of what it means to be a Dark Jedi. Boasting the two Battleteams [[Soulfire Strike Team|SoulFire]] and [[Dark Forge]] and moving through the galaxy at large as [[Starscream Tactical Solutions|S.C.E.P.T.E.R]], a Private Military Company, the Galerians are the veritable "heavy hitters" of Clan Arcona as masters of blade and blaster, always at the fore of any engagement.
'''House Galeres''' is one of two active [[House|Houses]] of [[Clan Arcona]]. Created and maintained by a proud tradition of warriors, Galeres acts as the militant arm of the their [[Proconsul|Scion]]. Members of this hallowed House are often distinguished combatants - the "heavy hitters" of Clan Arcona. Their focus is not wrapped in the pursuit of arcane power, but instead that which can be acquired by the blade or a blaster.

==  Orders in Galeres  ==
===  Sith  ===
There was a time when the [[Sith]] in House Galeres would rather lose a limb than be separated from the cockpit of their snubfighters. That time has passed, and while they are still formidable pilots, the Sith of today have created a more profound and important role for themselves as strategists, tacticians, and ship commanders. While their skill with arms, particularly the lightsaber, is considerable, members of the Order much prefer to lean over a holo-grid and plan out the destruction of an enemy installation rather than lead a force and destroy it themselves. However, not all Sith are tacticians and some have reverted to the roots of the first Sith-Imperial Empire, finding satisfaction in the armored suits of the Sith Warriors of old.

===  Obelisk  ===
==The Culture of Galeres==
[[Obelisk|Obelisks]] play as crucial a role in the very structure of Galeres as both of the other orders. Whether serving within one of the elite Galerian Battleteams, or choosing to stay as a standard member, their tactical prowess and skill with a blade is second only to the most famous blademasters of Dark Side lore. Particularly, the Galerian Obelisks pride themselves on their strenuous physical training regimen, which is designed not only to improve fitness, but enhance hand-eye coordination, hand-to-hand combat, as well as magnify their skills with both melee and ranged weapons of various styles. While most serve as the military might of Galeres, some Obelisks have enhanced their minds enough to participate in [[House]] and [[Clan]] politics, proving that they are more than just the muscle-bound brutes that stereotype portrays them as.

===  Krath  ===
Over the years, House Galeres has undergone multiple shifts in its composition and operational direction, to a point where it seems there ‘’’is’’’ no direction, and the only unifying point is their connection(s) to Arcona’s military.  This is due in part to the varied paths and natures of the House’s denizens.  The ‘’Dark Jedi’’, sometimes Gray Jedi and sometimes [[Sith]], wield the Force in manners that fit their personal dispositions and desires. Over time, they have proven to be some of the most selfless and individually powerful forces, especially when paired with the [| Dajorran military]. After the [[Dark Crusade]], a groundswell of these military personnel were proven able and willing enough to be taken into the Clan’s confidence, forming what are now semi-formally known as ‘’Loyalists’’.  These educated military men and women form a very fine bridge between the Shadow Clan and its Dajorran populations, leading the AEF and DDF formations against Arcona’s enemies.  The ‘’Mercenary’’ element fills in the gaps, providing unique skills that can often be left unpracticed amongst the other two groups.  Despite the often misplaced notions of where their loyalties lie, they have proven to be just as long-standing and stalwart members of the House.  
A mixture of study and practical application defines the [[Krath]] of House Galeres, many of which serve as spies and assassins. No matter the specialization, their methods are held to the highest standard and it is not uncommon for them to be seen pioneering new techniques and tactics for the House, both in theory and in the field. Particularly, Galerian Krath are masters of disguise and manipulation, while also often representing their House in more “delicate” matters, such as political dealings with other Brotherhood units. Finally, it deserves to be mentioned that many of the more experienced Krath can be found taking part in Clan Arcona’s Master/Student Program, individually tutoring Journeymen in the early stages of their Dark Path.

== History  ==
====House Galeres====
Galeres was originally the Obelisk House of [[Arcona]], and has always served as the Warrior House of the Clan. Consuls have foolishly closed the House in times of low activity, resulting in a drastic plummet of morale but in actuality, House Galeres has long been the sustaining heart of Arcona, producing many a skilled warrior and successful leader.
Stationed at Fort Blindshot, on an island near [[Estle City]], House Galeres proudly serves in defense of the Shadow Clan. Integrated at the highest levels of the Dajorra Defense Forces and [[Dajorra Intelligence Agency]], the members of Galeres influence military decisions, carry out operations on the Summit’s behalf, and safeguard the members of the Clan from outside threats. In times of war, the proud warriors of House Galeres rally to the defense of the Dajorra System and, when on the offense, with the Arcona Expeditionary Force.

In the days before the Exodus, Galeres was housed on Coronada with the rest of the Clan, and were almost strictly Obelisk in nature. After the Exodus and the discovery of the [[Dajorra]] system, a base was quickly established on Sukhur, the harshest of the worlds.  But on a planet of sifting glass seas and blistering heat, the dangers of the base soon outweighed the practicality of it. So they found the lush planet of [[Eldar]]. However, spies from the Clan's now-closed third House, [[Oriens Obscurum]], relayed information back to the HOO Summit and when House Galeres left Sukhur to colonize Eldar, they found the Dark Jedi of Oriens Obscurum waiting for them. In Dark Jedi Tradition, then-Consul, Halcyon Rokir Arconae declared a House Feud, placing Eldar as the prize for the winner.
[[File:BTNighthawk-Logo.jpg|thumb|220px|right|INSERT MOTTO HERE]]
The ‘Nighthawk’, crew and ship, is in direct service to the Dajorra’s Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as such, the ‘Nighthawk’ acts as the forward operating base of the Intelligence Agency's Analysis Branch. It is responsible for the maintenance of Arcona’s spy network, informants and intelligence gathering. Reporting to the Director and Deputy of Dajorra’s Intelligence Agency, the Captain of the Nighthawk has developed a reputation for knowing far more than many of the Dark Jedi within the Brotherhood.   While [[Nighthawk|Battleteam Nighthawk]] has since been deactivated, the ship remains as something of a retainer asset to the militarist House.  As such, wherever Arcona and Galeres go, the Nighthawk is usually part of the accompaniment by default.

After fierce fighting, Galeres proved stronger, taking the planet as their new home base.  The first Galerian base was disguised as a mining operation and it quickly hit pay day with the discovery of Garconian spice, found by Voranyen and Gavin d'Tana.  After some experimenting on Gavin's behalf, it was found that the spice was extremely potent on Humans and near Human species.  Further testing showed it had effects of euphoria and bliss on the Hutt species.  With the Dajorra's system location near Hutt Space, it became a simple effort of learning to mine and refine the abundant spice. As of now, the creation of the raw spice is unknown, and it is not yet been determined if it is natural or a product of some form of animal like the glitterstim mines on Kessel.

===9th Great Jedi War===
==Allies and Enemies==
A great threat formed for Galeres in the form of a false Jedi Master [[Omancor Crask]]; uniting all of the Clans under the banner of the Brotherhood to fight this threat. Known to this date as the Ninth Great Jedi War, this war was brutal and members were lost as allies were gained. Though one sure thing came out of this conflict, and that was the dominance that was gained by the assistance of Galeres for the Shadow Clan. Proving their dominance in this, the future looked promising for the Clan and House.
====[[House Qel-Droma]]====

===10th Great Jedi War===
Both Houses adhere to a one-Clan mentality and Galeres respects the manner in which House Qel-Droma operates. While Galeres is found embedded into the military structure, their sister house practices a more shadowy, indirect approach to dealings in the criminal underworld and politics within Dajorra and the Brotherhood. When might is not right, Galeres turns to the members of Qel-Droma for a swift response that will not tie the Serpentine Throne to the crime.
Once more a new threat arose from the ashes of time, coming forth was [[Michael Halcyon]] and House [[Odan-Urr]]. Galeres once more marched to war, this time assisting in the conflict by arriving at [[New Tython]] and aiding the Brotherhood fleet, upon doing so, the House was deployed planetside. Aiding in capturing key structures as well as engaging the Mandalorian forces on the battlefield. Throughout the conflict brutal fights were held, but the end result was to show that the Shadow Clan still dominated the Brotherhood with the help of Galeres.
====[[Dajorra Intelligence Agency]]====

=== Modern Day ===
With the Nighthawk spearheading the relationship between the House and the DIA, Galeres looks favorably upon the assistance and requests of the DIA’s Director, Timeros Entar Arconae. Often assigned to DIA Agents, House Galeres provides entry and exit on military missions while also providing funding and assets from the DDF for high level surveillance and asset conversion. The DIA holds an unparalleled level of access within the military hierarchy, but Galeres knows that at its head sits an [[Elder]] that would never willingly place the House in a situation that compromises its loyalty.
As the Galactic community has evolved and adapted in the face of new threats, like the Yuuzhan Vong, so to has House Galeres in light of a new age for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Under the reigns of Summits such as [[Celahir Erinos]] and [[Talos Erinos]], and presently [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar]] and [[Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae|Cethgus Entar Arconae]], the Warrior House has begun to change its identity from that of being a "backroom/underworld organization", giving that title to its sister Qel-Droma, to more of a "combative" organization, going back to its roots. While House Galeres obviously cannot reveal their Force-Sensitivity to the galaxy at large, the House embraces its warrior origins through close integration with the Arcona Army Corps, particularly the Special Operations Command, and the running of S.C.E.P.T.E.R, a PMC founded in 35 ABY that serves as the main cover for Galerians.
====[[Dajorra Defense Force]]====

With extensive expansion efforts underway, House Galeres has used its continuing success in the private sector to fund an expansion of the house’s military assets. With the reformation of the [[Soulfire Strike Team|Soulfire Strike team]] under the command of [[Nadrin Erinos Arconae|Nadrin Erinos Arconae]] and [[Dark Forge]] turning to [[Lexiconus|Lexiconus]] for leadership the House now boasts a military capable of exceeding any other house in the brotherhood.
With Loyalists indoctrinated into the Clan’s power hierarchy, the relationship between Clan Arcona’s military forces and the House are at an all-time high. Force Users, much like mercenaries and DIA Agents, are assigned to lead units of varying size for specific mission profiles. While some still harbor fear of the mysticism and unknown power of The Force, the soldiers are often relieved to have a Force User assigned to their detail for missions; knowing their chances for success – and returning home – are much more favorable.

Galeres has also had incredible success with the recruitment and training of talented young Jedi. These young recruits have already moved through the ranks quickly and will soon rise into Dark Jedi Knight positions. Further strengthening House Galeres as a House to be reckoned with.

== Economy  ==
== Past History==
''For more information, see [[Starscream Tactical Solutions|S.C.E.P.T.E.R]]''
{{Main|House Galeres History}}
Once upon a time, House Galeres thrived on the mining, refining, and selling of "Garconian Spice" but with the destruction of the Faspere Base due to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, that age is no more. Now, House Galeres marshals her forces in a much more "front-line" role by pairing the Dark Jedi of Galeres alongside the capable Operatives of S.C.E.P.T.E.R, handling contracts as large as planetary wars, to VIP protection throughout the Galaxy; Galeres manages the increasing funds by reinvesting into the house’s assets.

==  Notable Positions  ==
In the time of archaic Brotherhood tradition, the Dark Jedi segregated themselves not only into Clans but Orders: ''[[Obelisk]]'', ''[[Krath]]'', and ''[[Sith]]''. At its inception, House Galeres was meant to serve as the barracks for the Obelisk of the Clan. What Galeres now houses is the hearts and minds of Clan [[Arcona|Arcona's]] brightest and most prominent warriors. With a deep tradition, the House has created many skilled fighters and successful leaders to see Clan Arcona through difficult campaigns.
<table width="550" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="fancy fancy-green">
<tr><td colspan="3" class="head"> '''Quaestors and Aediles'''
<td class="sub-head" width="33%"> '''Quaestor'''
<td class="sub-head" width="33%"> '''Aedile'''
<td class="sub-head" width="33%"> '''Service Dates'''
<td width="33%"> Gavron
<td width="33%"> [[Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae|Voranyen d'Tana]]
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Blazer
<td class="alt" width="33%"> ShadowXX
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> ShadowXX
<td width="33%"> Kelric
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Toujas
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Wraith
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Toujas
<td width="33%"> [[Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana|Koskian d'Tana]]
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Koskian dTana
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Gavin Dahl
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Magus Lionheart
<td width="33%"> Gavin Dahl
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Gavin Dahl
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Enahropes Entar
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Gavin Dahl
<td width="33%"> Morth
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Morth
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Gavin Dahl
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Morth
<td width="33%"> Jacen Aylen
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Jacen Aylen
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Ryell
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Jacen Aylen
<td width="33%"> Sontrax Longsword
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Enahropes Entar
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Sontrax Longsword
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Mage
<td width="33%"> Sontrax Longsword
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Mage
<td class="alt" width="33%"> JeDI. ReDNecK
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> [[Raistlin Majerus Sadow|Raistlin Majere]]
<td width="33%"> Dagger
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Shadow Warrior
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Dagger
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Dagger
<td width="33%"> Kelric
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Gavin Dahl
<td class="alt" width="33%"> N/A
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Mage
<td width="33%"> N/A
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Syn Kaek]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Locust
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Voranyen d'Tana
<td width="33%"> Mage
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Koskian d`Tana
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Locust
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> [[Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler|Arcturus Xyler]]
<td width="33%"> Locust
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Magus Lionheart
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Syn Kaek
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Magus Lionheart
<td width="33%"> [[Tarax Eosphoros Kor|Tarax Kor]]
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Quejo Drakai Xyler|Quejo Drakai]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Kuddam Wrath
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Quejo Drakai
<td width="33%"> Gavin Dahl
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Quejo Drakai
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Archean Erinos Tarentae|Archean Erinos]]
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Quejo Drakai
<td width="33%"> [[Sashar Arconae|Sashar Erinos]]
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Quejo Drakai
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Devani Maharet
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Koskian d`Tana
<td width="33%"> Devani Maharet
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Selene d`Tana
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Lucius d`Tana
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> [[Malidir Trepidus Erinos|Malidir Erinos]]
<td width="33%"> [[Timeros|Timeros Entar]]
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Sashar Erinos
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Etah d'Tana]]
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Sashar Kodiak Erinos
<td width="33%"> [[Zandro Savric Erinos|Zandro Erinos]]
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Zandro Erinos
<td class="alt" width="33%"> N/A
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Zandro Erinos
<td width="33%"> [[Rho Ozrei d'Tana|Rho d'Tana]]
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Rho d'Tana
<td class="alt" width="33%"> N/A
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Rho d'Tana
<td width="33%"> [[Vorion]]
<td width="33%">
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Rho d'Tana
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Talos d'Tana
<td class="alt" width="33%">
<td width="33%"> Malidir Erinos
<td width="33%"> [[Tirano Yamayura]]
<td width="33%"> 29 ABY
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Xander Drax]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> Tirano Yamayura
<td class="alt" width="33%"> 29 ABY
<td width="33%"> [[Xathia]]
<td width="33%"> [[Orv Dessrx]]
<td width="33%"> 30 ABY
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Timeros|Timeros Entar]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Etah d'Tana]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> 31 ABY
<td width="33%"> [[Etah d'Tana]]
<td width="33%"> [[Zakath]]
<td width="33%"> 31 ABY
<td class="alt"  width="33%"> [[Zakath]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Juda Kodiak Erinos|Juda Erinos]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> 31 ABY
<td width="33%"> [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar]]
<td width="33%"> [[Juda Kodiak Erinos|Juda Erinos]]
<td width="33%"> 32 ABY
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Cethgus Kuga]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> 32 ABY
<td width="33%"> [[Cethgus Kuga|Cethgus Entar]]
<td width="33%"> [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar]]
<td width="33%"> 33 ABY
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Cethgus Kuga|Cethgus Entar]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Wuntila]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> 33 ABY
<td width="33%"> [[Celahir|Celahir Erinos]]
<td width="33%"> [[Talos Erinos]]
<td width="33%"> 35 ABY
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Celahir|Celahir Erinos]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius Tsucrya Entar]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> 35 ABY
<td width="33%"> [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius Tsucrya Entar]]
<td width="33%"> [[Balthier mied Demen d'Tana]]
<td width="33%"> 36 ABY
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius Tsucrya Entar]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Legorii Kryotek Entar]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> 36 ABY
<td width="33%"> [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius Tsucrya Entar]]
<td width="33%"> [[Cethgus Kuga|Cethgus Entar]]
<td width="33%"> 36 ABY
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae|Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> [[Atyiru Caesus Entar|Atyiru Caesus Entar]]
<td class="alt" width="33%"> 38 ABY
<td width="33%"> [[Arcia Cortel]]
<td width="33%"> [[Mako Henymory]]
<td width="33%"> '''Incumbent'''
<tr><td colspan="3" class="foot">

[[File:Galeres_Explorers_on_Eldar.jpg|thumb|300px|right|Galerian scouts exploring the planet Eldar]]
===The Beginning===

===  Rollmasters of Galeres  ===
<p align="justify">In the days before the [[Exodus]], Galeres was located on the planet of Coronada with the entirety of the Clan. After the Exodus and the discovery of the [[Dajorra System]], a base was quickly established on [[Sukhur]], the harshest of worlds in the system. While the Clan desired a foothold on each planet, the practicality of maintaining a base of operations on a planet of sifting glass seas and blistering heat was soon questioned. In an attempt to secure a new foothold on Dajorra and perpetuate their advance as a House of Arcona, they came upon the lush world of [[Eldar]]. Spies from the Clan's now-closed third House — [[Oriens Obscurum]] — relayed this information back to their Summit. When House Galeres left Sukhur to colonize Eldar, they found the Dark Jedi of Oriens Obscurum waiting for them. According to those archaic traditions, [[Consul]] [[Halcyon Rokir]] declared a House Feud with Eldar as the prize for the winner. After a campaign of fierce fighting, Galeres proved stronger and took the planet as their new home base. The first Galerian base was disguised as a mining operation. It quickly hit pay dirt with the discovery of Garconian spice found by [[Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae|Voranyen]] and Gavin d'Tana. After some experimenting on Gavin's behalf, it was found that the spice was extremely potent on Humans and near Human species. Further testing showed it had effects of euphoria and bliss on the [[starwars:Hutt|Hutt]] species. With the Dajorra System located near Hutt space, it became a simple effort of learning to mine and refine the abundant spice.</p>
* [[Rho|Rho d'Tana]] (Knight Envoy)
* [[Malidir|Malidir Erinos]] (Clan Rollmaster)
== Recent History ==
* Coursca
===[[Rite of Supremacy: Meridian|Rites]] and the [[Thirteenth Great Jedi War]]===
* [[Etah d'Tana]]
* [[Timeros|Timeros Entar]] (Clan Rollmaster)
* [[Xathia|Xathia Tugrina]]
* [[Andrelious J. Inahj]] (Clan Rollmaster)
*[[Sight Nortorshin]] (Clan Rollmaster)

== Galeres Troika ==
This refocused military would soon be tested, and in Arcona’s own back yard. The [[Meridian Prime space station]], located on the opposite side of the Maw as the Dajorra system, was located by the now-publicly-recognized Inquisitorius and found to be a hotbed of Collective activity.  Once again, the Brotherhood converged, pointedly spearheaded by Arcona and Galeres. Fighting through the expansive station proved a difficult fight.  However, the Brotherhood ended the engagement with yet another victory, including the Galeres-led capture of [[The Collective: Technocratic Guild#Kendra Icasta|Kendra Icasta]], a high-ranking officer of the Collective.
=== The First Blade ===
==== Symbol of Office: Garrida Shard ====

=== The Prodigy ===
Riding the waves of yet another victory, the House Summit sought some glories of its own.  Working in-depth with the DDF, the Quaestor began planning the initial stages of the reconquest of Eldar, Galeres’ former home. Due to family issues, however, she was forced to depart her post, handing the reins over to [[Aldaric]], a former member of the House recently returned from Aedileship in [[House Archanis]] of [[Clan Taldryan]].
==== Symbol of Office: Armored Mantle ====

=== The Adjunct of Galeres  ===
It would be this Summit that led the House in the next phase of the ongoing conflict with the Collective. The [[Severian Principate]], an Imperial splinter group, had made a home near Hutt space, and its wealth quickly became a diplomatic and military target for both the Collective and the Brotherhood alike.  Satsi, having joined Galeres upon her descent from the Serpentine Throne, carried a great deal of weight going into the fray, along with the newly-appointed Quaestor, resulting in the destruction of a kyber crystal mining facility over the course of the battle; one which nearly killed the Shadow Lord through a clandestine act of betrayal on the part of Grot.
==== Symbol of Office: Signet Ring ====

It was a convenient thing, then, that the Trandoshan was soon quietly replaced by Scarlett Kelrune as the Battleteam leader of Spectre Cell.  Kordath, upon revealing himself alive but not necessarily well, simply sought a little peace and quiet in semi-retirement, though not without finalizing some plans first.

== Meritus Service Awards==
===The Reinvestment of Eldar===
House Galeres has always prided itself on its individuality, its unwillingness to follow but rather its nature to lead. It was the first Obelisk House of the Brotherhood, and as such was something of a trend-setter in the times before the Exodus. In an effort to continue the House's individuality, the Summit implemented their own merit award system for their members when they felt that some action warranted something a bit more personal than the standardized and austere reward system of the Brotherhood.

=== House Award: Pauldrons of Command  ===
As the fires of conflict with the Collective dwindled yet again, Galeres saw its opening. Cashing in on Arronen’s plans and preparations left to Aldaric, and with fresh intelligence on a potent slaving operation on [[Eldar]]’s surface, the Galeres Summit enacted [| Operation Homecoming].  Rather than the more prolonged operation planned by the former Quaestor, Homecoming was meant to be a lightning strike, ridding them of the slaver nuisance and securing the planet in a single fell swoop.
*Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
*Etah d'Tana
*Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae
*Kieran Kodiak Erinos
*Rho Ozrei d'Tana (deceased/KIA)
*Celahir Erinos
*Sashar Erinos Arconae (decease/KIA)
*Talos Erinos
*Celevon Edraven
*Teroch Erinos

Unlike their many battles with the Collective, their opponent had little in the way of a presence in space; helpful in keeping their activities discreet, but doing little for their ability to prevent the landing of Galeres’ forces.  Lacking the full might of Arcona, the use of the House’s discretionary troops amounted to the whole of the expedition, and thus required they hit fast and hard wherever they found enemy activity.

===  Soulfire Strike Team Awards ===
After dozens of skirmishes in the Eldarian forests, the culminating battle came at the Keadean capital of Shihon. After noting how many of their satellite operations were going silent, or outright reporting hostile activity, the leader — a Zygerrian named Atai — rallied what was left of his forces to delay the Galerian assault and buy time for him to load up the transports with the slaves.  The attempt proved to be in vain.  Between artillery fire, constant strafing runs from Darkwing Squadron, and attacks on the ground from infantry and tanks alike, the slavers were quickly and brutally overrun. The slaves were freed and, gradually, reintroduced back into what little was left of the population.
==== Kama of Proficiency ====
A protective garment worn around the back of the waist to protect the wearer’s legs from shrapnel – it is more ceremonial in nature than anything else, and was historically worn by the Thyrsus Sun Guard some Clone Commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic. This dark grey garment is worn around the back of the waist to protect the wearer’s upper legs and knees from shrapnel, debris, and other battlefield hazards.

*Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
This proved to be a greater challenge than the battle itself.  A massive percentage of Eldar’s population was eradicated by the plague that the Arconans had cured on Selen and its other holdings.  The reduced numbers thus had to form a smaller number of communities, focused almost entirely on the provision of basic necessities like food.  The operation also only accounted for the Keadean-controlled continent of Tairiku, leaving the Sardinian continent of Aifreann to its own devices for the time being.
*Kieran Kodiak Erinos
*Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae
*Etah d'Tana
*Juda Kodiak Erinos
*Celahir Erinos
*Wolvie (deceased/KIA)
*Sashar Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
*Celevon Edraven

==== Jaig Eyes ====
Originally a Mandalorian award for bravery, the Jaig Eyes are a pair of stylized jai’galaar eyes that are painted onto the helmet of a Mandalorian warriors’ armor. Soulfire mirrored this tradition and currently awards the Jaig Eyes out to those commandos who have displayed particular acts of bravery and shows of skill and loyalty. While the standard color of the Jaig Eyes is red or blue, it is ultimately up to each commando who receives the award.

*Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
==Important Figures==
*Sashar Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
''Main Article: [[Galeres Summit|List of Galeres Summit]]''
*Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae
*Celahir Erinos
===Influential Leaders===
These individuals have led House Galeres or aspects of House Galeres with the highest level of honor and commitment, forever impacting the workings of the Warrior House.
* [[Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana]]
* '''Mage'''
* [[Quejo Drakai Xyler]]
* [[Malidir Trepidus Erinos]]
* [[Sashar Arconae | Sashar Erinos Arconae]]
* [[Zandro Savric Erinos]]
* [[Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae]]
* [[Wuntila|Wuntila Arconae]]
* [[Zakath|Zakath Agrona]]
* [[Sanguinius Tsucyra|Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar]]
* [[Cethgus Entar]]
* [[Arcia Cortel]]
* [[Atyiru Caesus Entar]]
* [[Uji|Uji Tameike]]

=== Dark Forge Team Awards ===
===Individuals with Impact===
These individuals have been involved with House Galeres, helping change it for the better. Their names should not be forgotten for the great work and example they provided for House Galeres.
[To Be Edited]
* '''Dagger'''
* [[Syn Kaek]]
=== Former Meritus Service Awards ===
* [[Etah d'Tana]]
==== Flight Wings (Blue Mist Squadron) ====
* [[Rho d'Tana]]
A piece of alumnabronze/duranium wings crafted in the shape of avian wings, the Blue Mist Flight Wings were awarded to only the best pilots in the formerly Elite Battleteam. Prior to the reabsorption of Blue Mist into the [[Arcona Starfighter Corps]], the Wings had been pinned to four such pilots:
*Jafits Skruum (revoked due to defection)
*LCDR Tirano Yamayura
*Dathka Zhar-Khon
*CPT Talos Erinos
==== Canderous Hammer (Black Hammer Brigade) ====
Essentially a bludgeoning weapon fitted with a small gravity generator, the Canderous Hammer was awarded to members of the Black Hammer Brigade who had excelled in combat and proven their worth as an indispensable asset of Arcona's Heavy Assault Team. Before the Brigade was decommissioned, the Canderous Hammer had been awarded to the following troopers:
*MAJ Juda Kodiak Erinos
*CPT Talos Erinos
*Jafits Skruum (revoked due to defection)
=== Revenance Virtuom Award ===
==== Mask of Violence ====
A helmet that is normally awarded to those brave enough and worthy of such a decoration. This helmet, unlike most, covers the user’s head completely, encasing them into a mask  of pure horror. The face it beholds is that of a mutilated unnatural figure, one that causes fear into most sentient beings. Being given the honour of this mask proves you are truly one of Revenance Virtuom’s best warriors.  It has been awarded to one member so far:
*Cethgus Entar
===  Logo Symbology  ===
[[File:Galeres.jpg|thumb|100px|left|Galeres Logo]]
* It's a "G" for Galeres
* The curves and points, which bring violence to mind.  Smooth arcs give a more peaceful feeling that doesn't really work for such an aggressive force.  The curves used evoke blades, fire, danger in a glance.
* Space: At the time, Galeres was heavy in Sith, and the impression of space combat was needed somewhat...this is where the 'black hole' feel comes in on the right side.
* Identity marking.  A house logo has to be able to fit within the medallions of a war banner, as well as look good on a webpage, and at any resolution....therefore, going with a more simple and elegant design is favorable to going overly complex, where the subtleties would be lost, and the logo not immediately identifiable...which would negate the purpose.

''Logo created by [[Muz|Muz Ashen]]''
==  Trivia  ==

==  External Links  ==
* [ House Website]
* [ Message Board]


[[Category:Clans &amp; Houses|Gal]] [[Category:DJBWiki Featured Articles]]
[[Category:Houses|Galeres]] [[Category:Arcona]]

Latest revision as of 01:11, 22 August 2024

Rise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.DJB Wiki featured article.

"Tempered by Conflict, Driven by Duty."
―the Motto of House Galeres
House Galeres
Unit Information

20 ABY - Present


Fort Blindshot


Selen, Dajorra


Clan Arcona
The Serpentine Throne


Militant Force Order


Protection of the Clan through military might


37 House members
842 military personnel


The Shield of Arcona


Nighthawk (Founder)


"Tempered by Conflict, Driven by Duty."


The Great Jedi Wars, including:

Notable commanders:

Former leaders:

[ Source ]

House Galeres is one of two active Houses of Clan Arcona. Created and maintained by a proud tradition of warriors, Galeres acts as the militant arm of the their Scion. Members of this hallowed House are often distinguished combatants - the "heavy hitters" of Clan Arcona. Their focus is not wrapped in the pursuit of arcane power, but instead that which can be acquired by the blade or a blaster.

The Culture of Galeres

Over the years, House Galeres has undergone multiple shifts in its composition and operational direction, to a point where it seems there ‘’’is’’’ no direction, and the only unifying point is their connection(s) to Arcona’s military. This is due in part to the varied paths and natures of the House’s denizens. The ‘’Dark Jedi’’, sometimes Gray Jedi and sometimes Sith, wield the Force in manners that fit their personal dispositions and desires. Over time, they have proven to be some of the most selfless and individually powerful forces, especially when paired with the Dajorran military. After the Dark Crusade, a groundswell of these military personnel were proven able and willing enough to be taken into the Clan’s confidence, forming what are now semi-formally known as ‘’Loyalists’’. These educated military men and women form a very fine bridge between the Shadow Clan and its Dajorran populations, leading the AEF and DDF formations against Arcona’s enemies. The ‘’Mercenary’’ element fills in the gaps, providing unique skills that can often be left unpracticed amongst the other two groups. Despite the often misplaced notions of where their loyalties lie, they have proven to be just as long-standing and stalwart members of the House.

House Galeres

Stationed at Fort Blindshot, on an island near Estle City, House Galeres proudly serves in defense of the Shadow Clan. Integrated at the highest levels of the Dajorra Defense Forces and Dajorra Intelligence Agency, the members of Galeres influence military decisions, carry out operations on the Summit’s behalf, and safeguard the members of the Clan from outside threats. In times of war, the proud warriors of House Galeres rally to the defense of the Dajorra System and, when on the offense, with the Arcona Expeditionary Force.



The ‘Nighthawk’, crew and ship, is in direct service to the Dajorra’s Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as such, the ‘Nighthawk’ acts as the forward operating base of the Intelligence Agency's Analysis Branch. It is responsible for the maintenance of Arcona’s spy network, informants and intelligence gathering. Reporting to the Director and Deputy of Dajorra’s Intelligence Agency, the Captain of the Nighthawk has developed a reputation for knowing far more than many of the Dark Jedi within the Brotherhood. While Battleteam Nighthawk has since been deactivated, the ship remains as something of a retainer asset to the militarist House. As such, wherever Arcona and Galeres go, the Nighthawk is usually part of the accompaniment by default.

Allies and Enemies


House Qel-Droma

Both Houses adhere to a one-Clan mentality and Galeres respects the manner in which House Qel-Droma operates. While Galeres is found embedded into the military structure, their sister house practices a more shadowy, indirect approach to dealings in the criminal underworld and politics within Dajorra and the Brotherhood. When might is not right, Galeres turns to the members of Qel-Droma for a swift response that will not tie the Serpentine Throne to the crime.

Dajorra Intelligence Agency

With the Nighthawk spearheading the relationship between the House and the DIA, Galeres looks favorably upon the assistance and requests of the DIA’s Director, Timeros Entar Arconae. Often assigned to DIA Agents, House Galeres provides entry and exit on military missions while also providing funding and assets from the DDF for high level surveillance and asset conversion. The DIA holds an unparalleled level of access within the military hierarchy, but Galeres knows that at its head sits an Elder that would never willingly place the House in a situation that compromises its loyalty.

Dajorra Defense Force

With Loyalists indoctrinated into the Clan’s power hierarchy, the relationship between Clan Arcona’s military forces and the House are at an all-time high. Force Users, much like mercenaries and DIA Agents, are assigned to lead units of varying size for specific mission profiles. While some still harbor fear of the mysticism and unknown power of The Force, the soldiers are often relieved to have a Force User assigned to their detail for missions; knowing their chances for success – and returning home – are much more favorable.

Past History

Main article: House Galeres History

In the time of archaic Brotherhood tradition, the Dark Jedi segregated themselves not only into Clans but Orders: Obelisk, Krath, and Sith. At its inception, House Galeres was meant to serve as the barracks for the Obelisk of the Clan. What Galeres now houses is the hearts and minds of Clan Arcona's brightest and most prominent warriors. With a deep tradition, the House has created many skilled fighters and successful leaders to see Clan Arcona through difficult campaigns.

Galerian scouts exploring the planet Eldar

The Beginning

In the days before the Exodus, Galeres was located on the planet of Coronada with the entirety of the Clan. After the Exodus and the discovery of the Dajorra System, a base was quickly established on Sukhur, the harshest of worlds in the system. While the Clan desired a foothold on each planet, the practicality of maintaining a base of operations on a planet of sifting glass seas and blistering heat was soon questioned. In an attempt to secure a new foothold on Dajorra and perpetuate their advance as a House of Arcona, they came upon the lush world of Eldar. Spies from the Clan's now-closed third House — Oriens Obscurum — relayed this information back to their Summit. When House Galeres left Sukhur to colonize Eldar, they found the Dark Jedi of Oriens Obscurum waiting for them. According to those archaic traditions, Consul Halcyon Rokir declared a House Feud with Eldar as the prize for the winner. After a campaign of fierce fighting, Galeres proved stronger and took the planet as their new home base. The first Galerian base was disguised as a mining operation. It quickly hit pay dirt with the discovery of Garconian spice found by Voranyen and Gavin d'Tana. After some experimenting on Gavin's behalf, it was found that the spice was extremely potent on Humans and near Human species. Further testing showed it had effects of euphoria and bliss on the Hutt species. With the Dajorra System located near Hutt space, it became a simple effort of learning to mine and refine the abundant spice.

Recent History

Rites and the Thirteenth Great Jedi War

This refocused military would soon be tested, and in Arcona’s own back yard. The Meridian Prime space station, located on the opposite side of the Maw as the Dajorra system, was located by the now-publicly-recognized Inquisitorius and found to be a hotbed of Collective activity. Once again, the Brotherhood converged, pointedly spearheaded by Arcona and Galeres. Fighting through the expansive station proved a difficult fight. However, the Brotherhood ended the engagement with yet another victory, including the Galeres-led capture of Kendra Icasta, a high-ranking officer of the Collective.

Riding the waves of yet another victory, the House Summit sought some glories of its own. Working in-depth with the DDF, the Quaestor began planning the initial stages of the reconquest of Eldar, Galeres’ former home. Due to family issues, however, she was forced to depart her post, handing the reins over to Aldaric, a former member of the House recently returned from Aedileship in House Archanis of Clan Taldryan.

It would be this Summit that led the House in the next phase of the ongoing conflict with the Collective. The Severian Principate, an Imperial splinter group, had made a home near Hutt space, and its wealth quickly became a diplomatic and military target for both the Collective and the Brotherhood alike. Satsi, having joined Galeres upon her descent from the Serpentine Throne, carried a great deal of weight going into the fray, along with the newly-appointed Quaestor, resulting in the destruction of a kyber crystal mining facility over the course of the battle; one which nearly killed the Shadow Lord through a clandestine act of betrayal on the part of Grot.

It was a convenient thing, then, that the Trandoshan was soon quietly replaced by Scarlett Kelrune as the Battleteam leader of Spectre Cell. Kordath, upon revealing himself alive but not necessarily well, simply sought a little peace and quiet in semi-retirement, though not without finalizing some plans first.

The Reinvestment of Eldar

As the fires of conflict with the Collective dwindled yet again, Galeres saw its opening. Cashing in on Arronen’s plans and preparations left to Aldaric, and with fresh intelligence on a potent slaving operation on Eldar’s surface, the Galeres Summit enacted Operation Homecoming. Rather than the more prolonged operation planned by the former Quaestor, Homecoming was meant to be a lightning strike, ridding them of the slaver nuisance and securing the planet in a single fell swoop.

Unlike their many battles with the Collective, their opponent had little in the way of a presence in space; helpful in keeping their activities discreet, but doing little for their ability to prevent the landing of Galeres’ forces. Lacking the full might of Arcona, the use of the House’s discretionary troops amounted to the whole of the expedition, and thus required they hit fast and hard wherever they found enemy activity.

After dozens of skirmishes in the Eldarian forests, the culminating battle came at the Keadean capital of Shihon. After noting how many of their satellite operations were going silent, or outright reporting hostile activity, the leader — a Zygerrian named Atai — rallied what was left of his forces to delay the Galerian assault and buy time for him to load up the transports with the slaves. The attempt proved to be in vain. Between artillery fire, constant strafing runs from Darkwing Squadron, and attacks on the ground from infantry and tanks alike, the slavers were quickly and brutally overrun. The slaves were freed and, gradually, reintroduced back into what little was left of the population.

This proved to be a greater challenge than the battle itself. A massive percentage of Eldar’s population was eradicated by the plague that the Arconans had cured on Selen and its other holdings. The reduced numbers thus had to form a smaller number of communities, focused almost entirely on the provision of basic necessities like food. The operation also only accounted for the Keadean-controlled continent of Tairiku, leaving the Sardinian continent of Aifreann to its own devices for the time being.

Important Figures

Main Article: List of Galeres Summit

House Galeres
Quaestor Aedile Battleteam Leader
Sivall Zoria Meero Bril Teg Arga

Influential Leaders

These individuals have led House Galeres or aspects of House Galeres with the highest level of honor and commitment, forever impacting the workings of the Warrior House.

Individuals with Impact

These individuals have been involved with House Galeres, helping change it for the better. Their names should not be forgotten for the great work and example they provided for House Galeres.

Clan Arcona
Units Clan: Clan ArconaHouses: House Galeres & House Qel-DromaBattleteams: Dajorran Marshals, Voidbreaker & Selen Training Corps

Clan Summit:

Galeres Summit:

Qel-Droma Summit:

Possessions Dajorra SystemArconan Armed ForcesDajorra Defence ForceArcona Expeditionary ForceDajorra Intelligence AgencyPort Ol'ValKurs'kranak
Misc Di Tenebrous ArconaeCythraulStarscream Tactical Solutions
Light is limited; Darkness is infinite.