Exodus era
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

The Exodus era takes place from 13 ABY (The Exodus) until 33 ABY (The purge of the undesirables and expansion of the Brotherhood).
Rise of the Brotherhood era | Exodus era 13 ABY - 33 ABY |
New Order era |
Exodus era
- 13 ABY (2003) - Exodus era
- The Exodus; the Dark Brotherhood secedes from the Imperial Remnant.
- 14 ABY (Nov 2003)
- The Dark Council establishes a secretive presence on the Dark Side of Antei. The Clans spread out into their own territories.
- Bloodrites; the seven Obelisk houses battle for supremacy and the right to wield a powerful Blood Rite. (Obelisk Rite of Supremacy)
- 15 ABY (Apr 2004)
- Luke Skywalker begins training a new generation of Jedi on Ossus.
- Independence Games; the Brotherhood celebrates the anniversary of the Exodus.
- Invasion of Antares; the Dark Brotherhood conquers the Antares System. (Sith Rite of Supremacy)
- War of the Star Chamber; a mind controlling plague spreads through the Dark Brotherhood, eventually its source, the ancient Sith Lord Okemi, is defeated by Firefox. (Sixth Great Jedi War)
- 16 ABY (Nov 2004)
- Jac Cotelin becomes Grand Master for a second time.
- K'hamar'an Crisis; the mysterious K'hamar'an cult infiltrate the Dark Brotherhood to steal back several artefacts. The Dark Brotherhood invades the K'hamar'a homeworld. (Krath Rite of Supremacy)
- Jac Cotelin orders a full invasion of Antei, bringing the planet fully under control of the Dark Council
- 17 ABY (Apr 2005)
- Independence Games II; the Brotherhood celebrates the anniversary of the Exodus.
- Invasion of Coratua; the Dark Council decide to invade the nearby Coratua System, fearing the growing pirate presence there may draw unwanted attention from the New Republic. (Obelisk Rite of Supremacy)
- 18 ABY (Nov 2005)
- 19 ABY (Apr 2006)
- Third Brotherhood Civil War; after it emerges Jac Cotelin has been using a clone of himself, Jaac Cotelin, the Dark Brotherhood descends into chaos, with both Grand Masters claiming to be the true Dark Lord of the Sith. Eventually Jac Cotelin destroys the clone. (Seventh Great Jedi War)
- Xanos Zorrixor becomes a Sith Lord, taking the name Darth Vexatus.
- 20 ABY (Nov 2006)
- Aristan Dantes becomes Dark Lord of the Sith, taking the name Darth Sarin.
- Second Darkness; near the end of the year the Grand Master summons the Clans to Antei to test their ability to stand against an approaching alien threat. (Rite of Supremacy)
- Halcyon Rokir becomes a Sith Lord.
- 21 ABY (Apr 2007)
- Incursion; a hostile race of Force-devoid aliens invade Antei as the Second Darkness operation is winding down and seize control of the planet, the Dark Council is forced into exile and the Clans' navies are decimated. (Eighth Great Jedi War)
- Muz Ashen Keibatsu becomes a Sith Lord, taking the name Darth Ashen.
- 22 ABY (Nov 2007)
- The Dark Brotherhood works to recover its losses from the massacre at Antei and the Clans slowly rebuild their lost militaries.
- 23 ABY (Apr 2008)
- Independence Games III; the Brotherhood celebrates the anniversary of the Exodus.
- 24 ABY (Nov 2008)
- Liberation of Antei; the Brotherhood returns to Antei only to find the alien invaders have died from a plague and the planet now laid claim to by Omancor Crask and his rogue Jedi sect. Crask and his followers are killed and the planet reclaimed, but not before the loss of Lord Sarin himself. (Ninth Great Jedi War)
- Muz Ashen becomes Dark Lord of the Sith.
- 25 ABY (Apr 2009)
- House Revan is formed.
- 26 ABY (Nov 2009)
- Taking Salas V; Each Clan and House in the Brotherhood is pitted against one another to see who would claim the world of Salas V as their prize and eradicate a native population of insectoids. House Revan is awarded the planet
- 27 ABY (April 2010)
- The Clans of the Brotherhood are reduced to the status of Independent Houses
- Retaking the Temple of Boyna; In a bid to retake the Temple of Boyna, the three Orders clash. (Rite of Supremacy)
- 28 ABY (November 2010)
- House Odan-Urr is annexed by the Brotherhood. It is the first Light side house in the history of the Brotherhood.
- Leia Organa resigns from the Galactic Senate after Carise Sindian reveals her true father was Darth Vader. Kylo Ren destroys Skywalker’s temple and slaughters his other students.
- 29 ABY (April 2011)
- Several worlds secede from the New Republic to form the First Order; the First Order had, in fact, been operating from the Unknown Regions for decades.
- Independence Games IV; the Brotherhood celebrates the anniversary of the Exodus.
- Houses Naga Sadow and Arcona are re-clanned on the anniversary of the Exodus
- Invasion of New Tython; Darth Ashen orders the Brotherhood to attack New Tython, base of operations for Odan-Urr, a sect of Light Jedi that infiltrated the Dark Brotherhood. (Tenth Great Jedi War)
- House Revan falls.
- 30 ABY (April 2012)
- The Horizons Plague devastates the Dark Brotherhood and former Grand Master Zoraan fails to reclaim the Iron Throne.
- Clan Plagueis is forced from the Jusadih system during the Horizons Crisis and retreats to the Anchorage.
- The Dark Crusade begins and ushers in a period of persistent warfare within the Dark Brotherhood. A campaign against the Sith faction loyal to Zoraan, it reaches across many world and lasts well over a year.
- Raken becomes a Sith Lord.
- 31 ABY (April 2013)
- Independence Games 2013 V; the Brotherhood celebrates the anniversary of the Exodus for a final time.
- Korras becomes a Sith Lord and takes the name Darth Aeternus.
- Houses Taldryan and Plagueis are re-clanned.
- The Brotherhood continues the Dark Crusade as part of the Fading Light Campaign, attempting to dissolve Zoraan’s Sith faction.
- 32 ABY (April 2014)
- Fourth Brotherhood Civil War; the climax of the Crusade against Zoraan’s remaining Sith fragments the Brotherhood into three factions. Arcona, Naga Sadow, and Taretum side with Muz Ashen. Taldryan, Scholae Palatinae, and Odan-Urr side with Jac Cotelin. Plagueis sides with the Sith outsiders lead by Esoteric. (Eleventh Great Jedi War)
- Darth Pravus succeeds Muz Ashen as Grandmaster.
- All Independent Houses returned to Clan status.