Selen Training Corps

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Selen Training Corps
General information

Zuza Lottson



Historical information
Formed from:

40 ABY

Other information
Notable members:

Clan Arcona


New Order era

[ Source ]

The Selen Training Corps are a Battleteam within Clan Arcona. Affiliated with only the Clan itself, the Battleteam operates to train the newest members. Upon reaching Journeyman 4, their knighting, recruits are graduated into one of Arcona's Houses, Qel-Droma or Galeres.

They are no longer active but the infrastructure has been placed for a quick reinstatement to ensure Arcona's recruits have the space they need when the day comes.


Formed in 41ABY, the Selen Training Corps was an iniative headed by Zuza Lottson to create a training program for new recruits to Clan Arcona. Instead of being funneled into either of the Houses, recruits would instead spend their early days until their knighting at the Citadel in Estle City.


Primarily focussed on the initiation, socialisation and combat training of new recruits, the STC uses their position on Selen in the heart of Arcona's systems operate. Missions are a mixture of mercantile hits and military style engagements, although due to the nature of the members these are often cherry picked to be low risk situations to ensure survival.

Training days are more common place than missions however, recruits being introduced to a full variety of circumstances, styles and weapons to use. The aim is not only to ensure recruits have the oppurtunity to progress on their already existing skills, but to have the chance to explore other skills as well, ensuring the recruits are well rounded when they graduate.

Selen Training Corp Leadership
Battleteam Leader Service Dates MM/YY
Zuza Lottson Jan 2023 - Jan 2024
Kordath Bleu Jan 2024 - Oct 2024
Luka Zarkot Oct 2024 - Jan 2025