- "Taldryan: A brotherhood within a brotherhood"
- ―Sharad Taldrya Hett
Taldryan is one of the five Houses of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, currently led by Quaestor Rian Aslar and Aedile Shaz'air Taldrya Rathden. Formerly one of the seven Clans, Taldryan has an immense legacy based on the glorious victories of its past. For over a decade, Taldryan remained undefeated in the Great Jedi Wars, and had amassed a fleet that, at one time, rivaled that of the Dark Council's. Many of its former leaders became prestigious members of the Council in roles ranging from Tribunes to the seat of Grand Master, helping to guide the entire Brotherhood to greatness.
The Clan was originally formed from the Krath of Independent House Ektrosis, combining their mastery of the dark arts, with the marshal prowess of the Obelisk of House Dinaari, and the cunning leadership of the Sith of House Archanis. Throughout the long and bloody history of the Dark Brotherhood, Taldryan was a pivotal military force with claim to dozens of victories until their inevitable fall from grace after the Yuuzhan Vong Incursion.
After the devastating losses suffered during the Battle of Antei, Taldryan's power within the Brotherhood, like most of the Clans, began to wane. This problem escalated during the War of Unification, as the Brotherhood's forces diminished, until the Dark Council was forced to reorganize the Clans as Independent Houses once more. Today, House Taldryan continues to uphold its tradition of excellence and maintain the bonds of brotherhood upon which it was founded.
For a complete summary of the House, refer to the Taldryan Prospectus.
History of Taldryan
The Clanning of Taldryan (14-15 ABY)
Independent House Ektrosis
- "The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."
- ―Darth Sidious
The origins of Ektrosis date back to before the Battle of Yavin, back when the Emperor was at the height of his power. On his secret home world of Byss, Darth Sidious had a secret sect of Force-sensitive scientists working to unlock the ancient mysteries of the Sith. These Dark Adepts utilized the Dark Side of the Force in their experiments to create creatures out of the Force or twist the nature of living beings.
Eventually, their strength grew to the point where the Dark Lord decided they were a threat to his power. The scientists were destroyed by the Emperor's own hand, but some managed to escape his wrath and, using their ill-gained knowledge, remain hidden from the assassins of the Empire. With the Empires true death in 11 ABY, the Dark Adepts were finally free and able to band together once more.
In 14 ABY that Jac Cotelin became Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood, an organization for Force-sensitives that followed the dark path, but managed to avoid the reach of the Empire. With Lord Cotelin's rule came new order to the Brotherhood with the introduction of Clans and Houses. These new units would bind together like-minded Dark Jedi and allow them to govern and train themselves, a step necessary for the administration of the rapidly growing Dark Brotherhood.
It was during this time that the Dark Adepts resurfaced and found their way to the Dark Brotherhood. They were eagerly welcomed by the Grand Master, who was keen to learn more about their research, the Dark Adepts were invited to swear their loyalty to the Iron Throne and became full fledged members of the Brotherhood. Already possessing a unique bond with one another, they decided to form their own Independent House, taking back their original name of Ektrosis, under the leadership of Quaestor Shaitan.
The Last Independent House
- "Let's prove to them that we can be as good as any of their Clans, without needing to join them."
- ―Quaestor Jarla Astoris Valyorm
As the House grew, so did the Brotherhood, and leadership of both changed hands. The Dark Lord, Justinian Khyron, having retaken the Iron Throne from his Apprentice, was forced to deal with the defection of the Clan Ar'kell. The Clan's insurrection created strife throughout the Brotherhood and Lord Khryron feared a worse insurrection. Believing the Houses and Clans needed more direct lines of command, he decided to create a new system. Houses would become united under the banner of a single Clan, with the leaders of the Clan Summit being a direct link between the Jedi and the Dark Council.
Orders were passed down for all Independent Houses to Clan, but some refused to accept this change. However, one-by-one, they all succumbed to the demands of the Iron Throne until but one House remainded. The last House to stand against the Great Clanning was Ektrosis, who felt that being Independent in no way diminished their ability to stand against the Clans. As fate would have it, before the leaders could be disciplined or the House disbanded, a new conflict arose between the Brotherhood and a group of pirates who had stolen an ancient artifact being sent to Eos for study.
With the Great Clanning put on hold, Khyron ordered his Dark Jedi to assault the pirate base on the XQ5 Platform Cordona. The leaders of Ektrosis, a young Krath by the name of Jarla Astoris Valyorm, believed that if Ektrosis could prove itself during the war the Grand Master would rescind his order to force the House to clan.
The members of Ektrosis took up this challenge and fought with a ferocity that proved to all that they were not cowed by the might of the greater Clans. The pirates were utterly defeated by the Dark Jedi and Ektrosis was recognized for its valor during the battle. However, Lord Khyron would not be swayed from what he saw as the Brotherhoods only path. Ektrosis, the last of the Independent Houses, would become a Clan.
The Great Clanning
- "I have the seen the conflict that arose under my Apprentice's reign. I will end it here and now."
- ―Justinian Khyron on the restructuring of the Brotherhood.
By decree of Justinian Khyron, Dark Lord of the Sith, Ektrosis began the arduous task of Clanning. Jarla, the former Quaestor of Ektrosis was named the new Consul of the Clan. Despite her misgivings, the Archpriestess quickly set about her new duties. With the assitance of her fledgling Summit she created the Houses Dinaari and Archanis and split the former members of Ektrosis up by their Orders. Though underpopulated, the new Houses quickly filled with new recruits from the Shadow Academy and with the more experienced remnants of the former House, Aquillas. Now, fully staffed and outfitted, Taldryan became a true Clan of the Brotherhood.
As part of the decree, the new Clans were each relocated to their own Star Systems, sharing control with the planetary governors of the Emperor's Hammer. Clan Taldryan found its new home in the Karana system. The System was far from civilization, located east of the Minos Cluster in Wild Space. It was the perfect place to hide from the growing New Republic and train young Dark Jedi without fear.
Another boon for the Clan came when Lord Khyron awarded them two new starships for their efforts in defeating the pirates of Cordona. The Assassin-class Modified Corvette Darkstorm and the Invincible-Class Modified Dreadnaught Dark Seraphim. Though a paltry fleet by current standards, Taldryan was one of the few Clans at the time with two starships.
True Rivals
- "The Orthanc is ours!"
- ―Members of Taldryan, celebrating their first victory as a Clan.
With the Clan in order, their System secure, and their fleet ready and waiting, Consul Jarla decided it was time to test the full might of her Clan. Though Ektrosis had received the greatest praise during the assault on the Cordona, they shared the spotlight with another Clan--Arcona. Believing Arcona to be a worthy target for their first assault, Jarla led Taldryan into battle.
Though not expecting the attack, the Arconans reacted quickly as eager for the battle as the members of Taldryan. The skirmish proved to be long and brutal and became the birth of a rivalry that would last decades. Utilizing her new fleet, Jarla ordered her forces to perform a series of tactical strikes that weakened the enemy's defenses and left their Modified Immobilizer 418 Interdictor Cruiser Orthanc vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Jarla ordered the Obelisk of House Dinaari to board and capture the enemy vessel, while the Sith of Archanis kept Arcona's starfighters at bay.
Though small in numbers, the members of House Dinaari were fierce in their attack and soon took control of the bridge. The loss of one of their starships was a devestating blow to the enemy Clan and helped to quickly turn the tide of battle. The loss, combined might of Ektrosis' Battle Meditation and the Archanis' ace starfighters, forced Arcona to withdraw from the fight, effectively ending the battle in Taldryan's favor. Their first true victory as a single unit saw the size of the Taldryan Fleet increase and garnered more prestige for the Clan.
Trials and Destiny (16 - 18 ABY)
First great victory for Taldryan and the first time the Clan pits itself against the leaders of the Brotherhood.
Reigns passed from Jarla to Telaris Cantor. Khyron retires, passing the title of GM to Thedek.
- Thedek instituted progressive changes to the Brotherhood, founding the Chamber of Justice and DSC, but infighting amongst the Council caused him to abandon the Brotherhood. The Star Chamber "crumbles" around this time too... dunno why.
- Taldryan is still growing more powerful, and the other Clans begin to see them as a threat.
Shadow of Civil War
- (July 16, 00) with the Iron Throne empty and the Star Chamber dissolved, Zoraan used the confusion to turn the Clans against one another.
- as the CON of Tarentum, Zoraan used his resources to cause discord between the Clans, leading them to confrontation which quickly escalated
- what became known as the Second Brotherhood Civil War was all a bid to claim the position of Grand Master
(sept 23, 00)
- as GM, Zoraan ordered his Shadow Hand, Pyrolius Torquemada to put an end to the fighting after the Clans had weakened themselves
- none were now believed strong enough to stand against the GM, divided as they were
Balancing Power and Corruption
- "I regret what I have to do now."
- ―Jac Cotelin, accepting the role of Consul after Telaris Cantor's dismissal
(Jan 10, 01)
- Though finally in power, Zoraan's hold on the Brotherhood was tenuous
- It was unknown whether the powers of GM were too much for him, or if the fear of his position be usurped eventually drove him mad, but Zoraan's insanity grew quickly
- Taldryan, was one of the first to be targeted by this paranoia.
(Jan 11, 01)
- Mav, Consul of Taldryan, was stripped of his position and privlidges for openly opposing the GMs ideas
- Jac, a former GM, had to persuade Zoraan to allow him to take over the Clan rather than seeing it disbanded
- Tal was not the only enemy Zoraan was making, as Naga Sadow was also targeted.
- United in purpose, (bitter rivals during the civial war) the two Clans sought the aide of the Emperor's Hammer in replacing Zoraan once and for all.
- Unfortunately, the Dark Lord became aware of this threat and reacted by unleashing a Force Storm that devastated the Dark Hall on Eos, where he was presumably killed by his own uncontrolled power.
The Brotherhood's victory over the Dark Lord Zoraan came at a great cost. The destruction of the Dark Hall resulted in the loss of much of the Brotherhood's records and artifacts. Worse yet, having seen the instability of the Sith, the Emperor's Hammer decided to take a more direct control in choosing the leaders of the Brotherhood.
Taldryan, now under the guidance of Jac Cotelin, began to prosper like never before. No longer under the yoke of Zoraan, Taldryan flourished.
But this was not meant to last. As it was before, the Clan came into conflict with the leadership of the Brotherhood. The Hammer-appointed Grand Master, Chi-Long, knew of Taldryan's role in the insurrection against Zoraan and pre-emptively struck at the Clan to keep them firmly under his thumb. This process began when Cotelin was threatened to be divested of his positions as Emissary and Consul of Taldryan. To ensure the protection of his Clan, Cotelin abdicated the position of Emissary, severing his ties with potential allies on the Council and was allowed to retain the position of Consul.
- For their part in the earlier insurrection against Zoraan, Tal earned its place on the shitlest of the HCI (huuuuuuuuge douchebags) of which the new GM was a former member/leader. Taldryan was besieged by the Inquisitors and was forced to fight a new kind of battle.
Changing of the Guard
Starting with (I think) Sharad's departure from QUA of Dinaari to become OHC, Taldryan's leadership began to rapidly transition as various members were inducted into the Dark Council.
- Chi-Long disappears, EH replaced him with SHW FF in a rather drama-less turn of events... makes what happens later funnier.
Exodus (19 - 20 ABY)
Golden age, winning comps, everyone becoming DC, revitalizing of the Brotherhood because of JO and movies and whatnot.
The Battle of Karana
Bad EH, we leave. I think there's actually fiction stuff for this somewhere... pretty sure about how we're forced to abandon the Sahare (?) System in the middle of an EH attack. Re-locate our shit to Kr'Tal...
A Place to Call Home
Fleet living for a while until the Brotherhood begins to search for new systems. Finding of Kr'Tal, etc...
Subjugation (21 - 25 ABY)
With the Brotherhood and the Clans safely out of reach of the Remnant, they begin the task of subjugating Antei and neighboring systems. Also, exploration of Antei unearths a powerful force that corrupts many of the Brotherhood in a GJW that just keeps going and going and going...
Taldryan Divided
- Main article: [[Sixth Great Jedi War|Sixth Great Jedi War]]
Plague/Trev war.
Bastion of Order
Jac is GM, some smaller, more focused battles (Khamaran and Cortua) with a focus on Order-directed wars.
Selen Incident
- Main article: [[Selen Incident|Selen Incident]]
Enemy Within?
- Main article: [[Seventh Great Jedi War|Seventh Great Jedi War]]
Might be the GJW RO or not... need more investigations
The Yuuzhan Vong War (26 - 27 ABY)
The harrowing encounter with the stupid Vong as they blow our shit up and we run away.
http://forums.darkjedibrotherhood.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=4478 GJW RO
The Pride Before the Fall
- Main article: [[Second Darkness|Second Darkness]]
Tensions increase between Clans leading to minor conflicts, followed by a random training exercise that ends when the Yuuzhan Vong penetrate (yay) the Shroud and attack the Brotherhood at Antei.
Battle of Antei
They bend us over a table, Crix and many ships die. So sad. There's an RO about this (it was good... I think).
Restoration of Faith (28 - 31 ABY)
Title of a sweet Dresden short story, plus we all work at becoming re-awesome. We have a sweetass montage to get awesome again, then we show up to the fight when they're all gone?we have a sweetass montage to get awesome again, then we show up to the fight when they're all gone?
Swift Justice
29 ABY - http://forums.darkjedibrotherhood.com/viewtopic.php?f=142&t=5319 (ask the Halc)
pre-GJW Tal event. 30 ABY
Liberation of Antei
Climax of this amazing little story with the Vo-...wait, they're gone and we're fighting random Jedi on Antei instead! I think we have a story about Tal and some library or something. Oh and Tal's first second place GJW. It's all downhill from here.
Extinguishing the Light (32 - 35 ABY)
Random Stuff
We fight Killicks, Kir becomes a DP (duh), and whatever. I'm sure Tal actually did something.
Icky Jedi stuff, indy house again, moar fighting stuff to current happenings.
End of an Era
We become a House... again. In the wake of Orderless Indy Houses... we have an ORDER war. Yay?
Blinded by the Light
Infiltrated by Light Jedi? How could that possibly ever happen? Shadow's codpiece breaks Mike Halcyon's hand... awesome. Also, we fight them on New Tython... it's the planet named after the Old Republic starting planet Tython (original, no?)
New Horizons (36 ABY - Present)
Stuff that happened recently... I kind spaced on this, though I made a kickass graphic for a Seal. I... I think Zorro and Faethor came back from reality dead to become fictionally dead. Hurray! This is probably a bigger deal to Tal fictionally because both former GMs were enemies of the Clan.
Battle Teams of Taldryan
The Old Folks' Home
- "Sexing bitches is our name, collateral damage is our game"
- ―Shadow Taldrya
Artist rendition of the OFH
- Main article: [[Old Folks' Home|Old Folks' Home]] - (Seriously, go read it!)
What happens when you take the most powerful members of Taldryan, a vast almost unending supply of alcohol, an insatiable manwhore, and the incredibly negligent leadership of Benevolent Taldrya Whiner? You get, The Old Folks' Home!
The Home is a very unique Battle Team within the Dark Brotherhood. It serves as the House's retirement facility for many of the older members of Taldryan. Every member is either an Elder or a two-time Grand Master, except for Chaosrain Taldrya--the failure required by the universe to balance the awesomeness of the Old Folks' Home. Entry is very selective and if you're not already in it, you're probably too young or too sane.
In 26 ABY, the Home was founded to separate the cantankerous old folk from the rest of the members of Taldryan. However, this plan to peacefully put the Elders to pasture backfired when they randomly decided to become soldiers of fortune after watching hours of old action shows on the Holonet. Now, their drunken antics take them across the Galaxy as they take on the jobs no one else can or should be doing.
Historical Information
This section is devoted to historical facts about Taldryan before it was reorganized as an Independent House.
House Ektrosis
- Main article: [[House Ektrosis|House Ektrosis]]
House Ektrosis Logo
Before becoming a part of Taldryan, Ektrosis was an Independent Krath House founded upon experiments conducted during the reign of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious.
- indy ekky created by Shaitan, first QUA
- last QUA = Jarla, formed Taldryan
- Sancruary of Darkness - wins by Jarla, Aragorn, and Werdna (ekky victory)
- Operation Darkfall - Ekky wins
Just a few notes on the more prominent phyles... gotta ask a krathface.
Horsemen of the Apocalypse
House Dinaari
- Main article: [[House Dinaari|House Dinaari]]
House Dinaari Logo
At its conception, House Dinaari was aligned to the Obelisk Order and served as a home for Clan Taldryan's finest warriors. Formed under the leadership of D'Artagnan, Dinaari quickly rose to prominence as the most powerful of the Obelisk Houses. However, it wasn't until former Quaestor, Sharad Hett rose from the House to become Obelisk High Commander that Dinaari truly began to show the Brotherhood its potential.
Seeking to test the strength of his Order, Hett held a grand tournament for the seven Obelisk Houses, pitting them against one another to determine who was superior. After a month of combat, Dinaari emerged victorious gaining its first Brotherhood-wide victory. This event sparked a tradition of excellence that continued until the office of Obelisk High Commander was retired in 24 ABY and the focus on Obelisk vendettas dissolved.
When Taldryan began struggling to rebuild, it was decided that Dinaari would become multi-ordered and became a haven for the displaced Sith of Archanis. As a show of unity and strength, the new Dinaari helped the Brotherhood complete its domination of the Antei System ending with the bloody Invasion of Antares. This battle proved that the Sith of Dinaari were still a powerful force to be reckoned with.
Unfortunately, after the brutal losses suffered by the Clan after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, House Dinaari was forced to close as the Brotherhood reintroduced the concept of Independent Houses.
Dark Fire
The oldest brigade of Dinaari, Dark Fire was the first and only brigade to win the "Brigade Wars", run by High Commander Dreadnaught in 15 ABY. Since then, Dark Fire has served the House in many ways. Often, Dark Fire would be re-activated to aid the House and Clan in vendettas and other Brotherhood conflicts. In times of peace, it was used in the training of future House leaders and as a place to hone the martial talents of new recruits. Dark Fire was both the first and last Brigade of House Dinaari.
Dark Avatar
Dinaari's second oldest brigade. Dark Avatar was often over-shadowed by Dark Fire and was only utilized by the House on rare occasions when a campaign required multiple directed assaults.
Dark Infantry
Created under the reign of Benevolent Taldrya Whiner, Dark Infantry was put into service to harness the powers of some of Dinaari's more ambitious Equites. Led by Shadow Taldrya, Dark Infantry played a pivotal role in some minor skirmishes and vendettas, but was disbanded when many of its members advanced to higher positions within the Clan.
House Archanis
- "Too hot for hell, too cool for heaven."
- ―House Archanis Motto
Main article: [[House Archanis|House Archanis]]
House Archanis Logo
House Archanis was founded by Taldryan Consul Jarla as part of the Great Clanning, from the mostly Krath Ektrosis. The House, formed out of necessity rather than desire, was slow to attract high profile Sith pilots until Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor took the reigns as Quaestor in 16 ABY. Under his guidance, and with an influx of ace pilots from the former House Aquillas, Archanis began to dominate Sith events in both Great Jedi Wars and House Feuds.
Due to their skill in dogfighting, rival Clans instructed their members to actively avoid engagements with Archanis pilots because their leaders feared overwhelming defeat. This was proven during the first Sith Squadron League, run by Keirdagh Cantor upon his ascendance to the position of Sith High Warrior. For their efforts, Hyperion Squadron, the elite unit of Archanis, was rewarded with the unique and powerful Hyperion-class Modified Starfighters.
Unfortunately, the House fell to obscurity when the Brotherhood merged the Orders. This loss of identity struck a crippling blow to the House leading to its eventual closure under the Quaestorship of Crix Madine. The displaced members were absorbed by House Dinaari where the two formed a tenuous union. As their Orders were long-time rivals, Dinaari was only united in purpose during major Brotherhood events.
Eventually, Crix Madine made an attempt to re-open Archanis, but this effort was doomed to failure as the Brotherhood was soon decimated by a surprise attack from the Yuuzhan Vong. This attack resulted in the death of Crix and the loss of House Archanis for good.
Hyperion Flight
Hyperion Flight was the elite Squadron of House Archanis, specializing in dogfighting. The name was resurrected from a unit of House Aquillas, where many of Archanis' founding members originally came from. Their prowess as Ace Pilots was defined early, during the First Sith War, which resulted in the creation of the legendary Hyperion Starfighter.
Generally considered the secondary squadron of Archanis, Shadowmorph was less focused on combat and instead served the Clan as an escort/support squadron. Though less famous than their Hyperion brethren, Shadowmorph played an important role in the Clan during times of war, protecting the Taldryan Fleet and providing crucial support for the Clan and House Summits.
Crimson Vanguard
Whatever its original purpose may have been is unknown, but Crimson Vanguard became a proving ground for the younger Sith of Archanis. It was here that they were trained in the art of piloting. Upon completion of various trials, members would then be designated as future pilots of Hyperion or Shadowmorph depending on their skills.
Old Crap
Just leaving this crap here temporarily for info.
Great Jedi Wars
Rites of Supremacy
Clan and House Feuds
- Taldryan vs. Clan Arcona (1999) - Taldryan was victorious, M/INT Orthanc taken from Arcona
- Taldryan vs. Clan Scholae Palatinae vs. Clan Tarentum (2002) - The Dark Jedi Games, Taldryan placed second, award lost to time
- House Dinaari vs. House Kirleta (2002) - House Dinaari was victorious
- House Dinaari vs. House Kirleta (2003) - House Dinaari was victorious
- Taldryan vs. Clan Arcona (2006) - The Selen Incident, Taldryan victorious, awarded the M/FRG Suppressor
Legacies of Taldryan
The history of the Dark Brotherhood is rife with conflict, perhaps to be expected of an organization of Dark Jedi. Clan Taldryan, since its conception, has always been at the forefront of Brotherhood vendettas whether they be Great Jedi Wars, Rites of Supremacy, or simple Feuds. But it wasn't mere participation that made vendettas a legacy of Taldryan. Starting with the Second Great Jedi War, Taldryan established a legacy of victory that continued for over a decade until their final first-place victory in the Eighth Great Jedi War.
Prior to the unification of the three Orders, Taldryan's Houses also excelled in the art of vendetta. The Obelisk of House Dinaari remained an undefeated force in both Rites of Supremacy and House Feuds, besting the other Houses again and again in the years since Sharad Hett's first Obelisk War. House Archanis, before its demise, also proved a worthy competitor in the early Sith Wars, winning the highly coveted Hyperion Starfighters for their victories. The Krath of Ektrosis were also adept in mystical arts as well, helping to solve events such as the K'hamar'an Crisis and various murder mysteries that had stumped the investigators of the Dark Council.
The Clans record for holding the position of First Clan stands as a testament to prominence of Taldryan within the Brotherhood. Though the times have changed, Taldryan continues to strive towards regaining its place as the most powerful unit in the Brotherhood.
Sons and Daughters of Taldryan
- Main article: [[Sons & Daughters of Taldryan|Sons & Daughters of Taldryan]]
The Clan title is a coveted and prestigious reward bestowed upon only the most loyal and distinguished members of Taldryan. Until the right to reward Clan Titles was lost, Taldryan recognized a number of its members as deserving of the honor to wield the Clan's own name as part of their own. The honorary surname of "Taldrya" was adopted by the Sons and Daughters to display their loyalty for all to see. Now, the Sons and Daughters of Taldryan offer their wisdom and guidance to the House and its Summits, forever maintaining their loyalty and ties to Taldryan.
Taldryan Times
- Further information: Taldryan Times
The original Taldryan Times served as a way to collect and publish the fictional efforts of members of the Clan and present them in a format that the entire Brotherhood could read. Unfortunately, the Times was plagued by the strains of the various vendettas and eventually interest waned and publication was ceased.
Years later, during a period when the Brotherhood's Clans and Houses were beset by much drama and stupidity, a new group of Taldryan members revived the Times for a new purpose. Deciding to fight back the overwhelming idiocy, the members decided to report on the scandals of other Clans. The Times became a satirical newsletter created by members of Taldryan that mocked anything and everything. It was both awesome and hilarious.
The Bryar Bowl
- Main article: [[Bryar Bowl|Bryar Bowl]]
What began as a unique past time for the members of House Dinaari quickly expanded into a Brotherhood-wide competition sponsored by Taldryan. The Bryar Bowl pitted the best sharpshooters each Clan/House had to offer in a single elimination-style tournament with special, rare rewards up for grabs for the winners and nothing but shame for the losers.
However, after four grand Bryar Bowls, interest in the sport died off. Many of the original participants moved on to new forms of entertainment, while the old legends gradually retired one-by-one. The Bryar Bowl still has its place within House Taldryan and will, one day, make its return to the Brotherhood.
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
- Main article: [[Yacks|Yacks]]
The original Grand High Imperial Pimp (GHIP), former Taldryan Proconsul, Sith High Warrior, and Justicar. Keirdagh is a legacy unto himself in the hallowed halls of Taldryan where he now resides as a member of the Old Folks' Home.
- Before the Fleet Reset, Taldryan was in possession of the first place award for every Great Jedi War that was completed.
- Taldryan had gone undefeated in Brotherhood Vendettas for nearly four years until the Ninth Great Jedi War.
External Links
Taldryan's homepage