Talk:Clan Taldryan history
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Historical Information
Great Jedi Wars
- First Great Jedi War (1998) - Taldryan not yet established.
- Second Great Jedi War (1999) - First place by Taldryan, rewarded with a Modified Invincible-class Dreadnaught
- Third Great Jedi War (2000) - First place by Taldryan, rewarded with a Victory-class Star Destroyer
- Fourth Great Jedi War (2001) - First place by Taldryan
- Fifth Great Jedi War (2003) - Deputy Grand Master fled with results, lost to history
- Sixth Great Jedi War (2004) - First place by Taldryan
- Seventh Great Jedi War (2006) - First place by Taldryan
- Eighth Great Jedi War (2007) - First place by Taldryan
- Ninth Great Jedi War (2009) - Second place by Taldryan
- Tenth Great Jedi War (2011) - Second place by Taldryan
Rites of Supremacy
- Obelisk "Feel the Force" (2002) - First Place by House Dinaari
- Sith War 1 (2002) - First Place by Taldryan, rewarded with custom Hyperion-class Starfighters
- Sith War 2 (2003) - Third Place by Taldryan
- Obelisk "Bloodrites" (2004) - First Place by House Dinaari, rewarded with the Rite of the Firmament
- Sith "Invasion of Antares" (2004) - Third Place by Taldryan
- Krath "K'hamar'an Crisis" (2005) - First place by Taldryan, rewarded with the First & Second Sword of Shadows
- Obelisk "Invasion of Coratua" (2005) - First place by Taldryan, rewarded with the Obtene Crystal Sword
- Second Darkness (2007) - First place by Taldryan, rewarded with the Rybanloth System
- Spoils of War (2010) - Second place by Taldryan
Clan and House Feuds
- Taldryan vs. Clan Arcona (1999) - Taldryan was victorious, M/INT Orthanc taken from Arcona
- Taldryan vs. Clan Scholae Palatinae vs. Clan Tarentum (2002) - The Dark Jedi Games, Taldryan placed second, award lost to time
- House Dinaari vs. House Kirleta (2002) - House Dinaari was victorious
- House Dinaari vs. House Kirleta (2003) - House Dinaari was victorious
- Taldryan vs. Clan Arcona (2006) - The Selen Incident, Taldryan victorious, awarded the M/FRG Suppressor