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| <tr><td colspan="2" style="-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; text-align: center; color: #ffffff; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:larger; background-color: #1B2A55; text-align:center;"> '''House Naga Sadow'''
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| <td style="background: #131E3D; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:center" width="150px"> '''Units'''
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| <td style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:left"> [[Naga Sadow|House Naga Sadow]] • [[The Regulators]]
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| Societies ([[Disciples of Sadow]] | [[Disciples of Ragnos]] | [[Disciples of Kressh]])
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| <td style="background: #131E3D; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:center" width="150px"> '''Leadership'''
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| <td style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:left"> Quaestor [[Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow|Tsainetomo '''Keibatsu''' Sadow]]
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| Aedile [[Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart]]
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| Rollmaster [[Teu Pepoi]]
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| Battle Team Leader [[Venator|Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart]]
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| <td style="background: #131E3D; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:center" width="150px"> '''Possessions'''
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| <td style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:left"> [[Orian System|Dominion]] • [[Dlarit Corporation]] • [[Dlarit Security Force]] • [[Dlarit Special Operations Group]] • [[Dlarit Navy]] • [[Dlarit Police]] • [[Prefect (Dlarit Corporation)|Dlarit Prefect]]
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| <td style="background: #131E3D; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:center" width="150px"> '''Misc'''
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| <td style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:left"> [[Naga Sadow Prospectus|Overview]] • [[Sadow dynasty]] • [[Sons of Sadow]] • [[Naga Sadow Conclave|Inner Circle]] ([[Order of the Black Guard|Black Guard]] | [[Inner Order (Clan Naga Sadow)|Inner Order]]) • [[Naga Sadow Master Student Program|Master-Student Program]] • [[Naga Sadow Powers|Sadow sorcery]]
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| <tr><td bgcolor="#000000;" colspan="3" align="center" style="-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; text-align: center; background-color: #1B2A55; color: #ffffff;"> ''We are the heirs to the empire.''
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| [[Category:Naga Sadow Locations]] | | [[Category:Naga Sadow Locations]] |
Kar Alabrek was formerly the capital of Tarthos following Exodus. After a series of crippling bombardments and seiges upon the garrison city, Kar Alabrek was abandoned for Markosian City. A site of some attention during the Ekind Uprising in early 33 ABY, it was discovered that the previously lethal doses of airborne radiation had severely dropped to livable levels besides the over abundance of Vong spores. In early 34 ABY a reconstruction effort for Kar Alabrek had been commissioned by Governor Tiberius Ma' Nacohh at the request of Prefect Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart. The city's projected completion has been slated for approximately 44 ABY.
Located along the northern coast of Lugar Da Forca as the former principal settlement on Tarthos, Kar Alabrek was abandoned in 31 ABY following a devastating orbital bombardment which warped and disturbed the landscape. The ruined city was a home to many different Vongspawned creatures and the Dlarit Special Operations Group until it was discovered that a remnant of the Ekind had access to the city in early 33 ABY. Following the suppression of the Ekind Uprising, the city's reconstruction was commissioned in an effort for expansion and revitalization upon the planet.
While incomplete titled the city's progress mildly, the concept was to support Markosian's stalled expansion by giving the over-inflated population another location to settle into while supporting the burden of the Dlarit military. With the city focusing much more heavily upon a military stance than that of Markosian, the city appears much more industrial away from the civilian sectors than its peaceful sister with its wedge-like military sector. Conceptual imagery, blueprints and saw Kar Alabrek becoming more of the crown jewel of Tarthos over Markosian upon its completion due to a more detailed planning phase in addition to the much larger acreage consumed for the project itself. In addition to the spaceport for transportation between the two major cities, a high-speed rail system was planned to allow easier access for civilians and to allow swifter transportation of military assets should it be required.
Initial groundbreaking for Kar Alabrek was done in 19 ABY with the Hub centered around the ancient Alabrek Castle, the follow decade were amongst the most prosperous years in the city's history. Kar Alabrek operated as a garrison city and the principle settlement on Tarthos, providing a home for the Dlarit Security Force and the members of House Marka Ragnos. Like the city of Seng Karash on Aeotheran, Kar Alabrek was a large walled settlement with outlying districts formed around a central hub. Unlike Seng Karash the principle feature of Kar Alabrek was military not commercial or industrial and though it did not have a floating defense like the Marakith Skyhook a large number of concealed surface to air silos, ion cannons and turbolasers had been deployed at strategic points around the city. In addition heavy fighter cover patrolled the sky over the city and the space station Onyx provided orbital support. 27 ABY saw a majority of the city destroyed in a seige against the True Brotherhood; designed by former Governor Malisane de Ath at the request of Governor-General Trevarus Caerick, assistance from the newly formed Special Operations Group saw the city reconstructed by mid-28 ABY. With a focus placed on the improvement of their military, Dlarit ensured that the city had an abundance of new facilities built for the Dlarit Security Force during the city's reconstruction. Peace was not to last as the Imperials stormed the Orian System in 29 ABY resulting in bombardment of the city's eastern sectors including some damages to the east wing of Alabrek Castle. A decision to welcome refugees with open arms saw Kar Alabrek left as it was with the Castle itself repaired and reopened for members of the Dlarit Special Operations Group.
In 31 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the Orian System and subsequently began another orbital bombardment for the city. Civilians were swiftly evacuated to completed regions of Markosian City and surrounding settlements with the bulk of the DSF evacuating with them. The bombardment had dealt a heavier blow than expected as it was soon discovered that high levels of radiation and mutagens had consumed the city. Kar Alabrek was designated as a quarentine zone with the Special Operations Group assigned to Castle Alabrek in order to begin efforts to cleanse the region of its contaminants by order of Robert Sadow and Fremoc Pepoi. Early in 33 ABY, it was discovered that remnants of the Ekind had infiltrated the catacombs beneath the city and the castle itself. With all stationed members of the Special Operations Group either slain or mutated into hideous Vongspawn, the members of Naga Sadow returned to find radiation had nearly vanished although the city was still in disrepair with many Vong spores still in abundance. Following the qwelling of the Ekind Uprising, the city was left in the hands of the Special Operations Group once more. Late in the year, an emphasis was placed on reconstruction and expansion across Tarthos by Governor Tiberius Ma' Nacohh and Prefect Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart with a projected revitalization effort to be started in early to mid-34 ABY following completion of the repairs on Markosian City.
Historical Details
Kar Alabrek as it stood in early 20 ABY
Where Seng Karash serves as the jewel of the Dlarit Corporation's commercial, financial, and mining interests; Kar Alabrek served as the military bastion of the Orian system, housing headquarters for the Dlarit Security Force: including the Dlarit Navy, the Dlarit Army, the Dlarit Military Academy, Dlarit Intelligence, Dlarit Military Police, and a recruitment ground for the Dlarit Special Operations Group, while the Special Operations Group was formally based on Sepros. Kar Alabrek was a full military city, providing accommodation not only for the men and women of the Security Force, but also their families.
Where Seng Karash already provided comfortable living conditions, Kar Alabrek had been purposefully designed to maintain high standards of living and bolster morale in order to ensure a loyal military force. The city was protected by a starship grade shield generator to defend it from orbital attacks, while also shielding it from much of the harsh Tarthosian climate outside the city walls. Though nowhere near as big as Seng Karash, there were a number of training facilities located outside the city walls accessible either by shuttle or direct rail link.
The history of Kar Alabrek actually stretches back to the Dlarit Corporation's arrival in the Orian system a decade earlier when Tarthos was designated to be the home of the corporation's military interests. The former security headquarters were constructed on the site of what is now Kar Alabrek under the guidance of then Lieutenant Governor Trevarus Caerick. However, although Seng Karash had been completed in time for the Exodus in 19 ABY, with the sudden onset of the Exodus construction of the original Kar Alabrek was rushed to completion in 20 ABY, leading to the gaps in security that were exploited during the Invasion of Orian. While parts of the city remained similar to before, the main infrastructure had been completely overhauled to close any security holes.
As with Seng Karash, Kar Alabrek had a large hydroponic facilty for food growth and water processing underneath the city, both allowing it to be self sufficient in basic resources and to supply food for the Dlarit fleet. Similarily to Seng Karash, the buildings were prefabricated allowing for the city to have been rapidly constructed following the original settlement being razed during the invasion in 27 ABY. Additionally this would allow, in theory, the city to be relocated should the Orian system ever fall permanently or suffer a major natural disaster.
Much like Markosian, Kar Alabrek's rebirth was a planned and phased reconstruction effort. Below are the conceptual descriptions for the various regions of the city as taken from the designers based off of their commissions.
Central Hub
A careful blend of its bordering sectors, the Central hub was the jewel of Kar Alabrek with Alabrek Castle and the encompassing grounds at its heart. This sector was nestled amongst several hills that kept the city's other two sectors divided and is comprised of most of the former real estate Kar Alabrek controlled before it was abandoned, these massive nearly mountainous surroundings formed from the bombardments of its past.
[Projected completion: Late 34 ABY-35 ABY]
- Heart of the city nestled amongst large hilltops and mountains formed from bombardment
- Home to Alabrek Castle and the Ragnos Memorial
- Home to a large starport with rapid access to either sector for supplies
- Home to the projected magnetic-rail system connecting to Markosian City
Northern Coast
A view of the Northern Coast at sunrise
A peaceful and serene view was available to most of the residents of the Northern coast, the city's civilian sector focused on the benefits of living on a Dlarit controlled world by offering incredible scenery along with a number of ammenities within this sector.
[Projected completion: 36 ABY – 42 ABY]
- Primarily a residential sector containing:
- Large swaths of Entertainment
- Large retail chains and outlets
- Education and Health services independant from the Military
Southern Plains
Industrious and organized are words used to describe the Southern plains, the city's militant sector saw a dedicated focus to all aspects of the Dlarit military. From large dedicated foundries for the ever vigilant war machine to training facilities, the Southern plains were out of sight and mind of the civilians to its north.
[Projected completion: 38 ABY – 44 ABY]
- A Large Military Bastion featuring:
- Multiple Military Headquarters. (Security Force, Special Operations, Police, Navy)
- Training Facilities for the above mentioned organizations
- Foundries for the various military organizations
Located several meters beneath the surface of the city, these former catacombs used for Hydroponic facilities and by the remnants of the Ekind have been heavily converted into a working and fully functional auxiliary for the city with a remarkable size matching nearly the same acreage as the city itself.
[Projected completion: 36-38 ABY]
- A working Auxiliary to support People of Interest during city emergencies
- Home of a large Hydroponic facility for organic supplies
- Home to the city's large thermodynamic generator
- Several secure chambers, and classified sectors due to military importance
- Operates as central hub to underground maglev rail system between military installations upon the planet [Projected completion: 44 ABY or beyond]
- Revitalization of the City of Kar Alabrek was pursued to offer further locations for role playing and story plots for members of Naga Sadow
- Kar Alabrek's original ground laying and history was completed by Xanos,Trevarus Caerick and Malisane de Ath
- Since conception, Kar Alabrek has served as a home to members of Naga Sadow and the Disciples of Ragnos until it was abandoned