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| {{Quote|So it's happened then?"<br>"Yes, Mirado. It has.|[[Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart]] and [[Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow]] discussing [[Naga Sadow]]'s restoration to [[Clan]] status}} | | {{Quote|So it's happened then?"<br>"Yes, Mirado. It has.|[[Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart]] and [[Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow]] discussing [[Naga Sadow]]'s restoration to [[Clan]] status}} |
| The time following the founding of the Alliance between Sadow and Taldryan was a relatively quiet one, Mirado's team getting more information about the slavers while losing their trail. While this set-back was frustrating for the [[Disciples of Sadow]], they had more pressing matters as the anniversary of the [[Exodus]] approached and the [[House]] was summoned to [[Antei]] to participate in the [[Independence Games#Independence Games IV|Independence Games]]. Prior to the Opening Ceremonies, [[Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow]] and [[Sashar Arconae|Sashar Erinos Arconae]] being summoned before the [[Grand Master]] to be informed of their unit's restoration to [[Clan]] status within the [[Dark Brotherhood|Brotherhood]]. | | The time following the founding of the Alliance between Sadow and Taldryan was a relatively quiet one, Mirado's team getting more information about the slavers while losing their trail. While this set-back was frustrating for the [[Disciples of Sadow]], they had more pressing matters as the anniversary of the [[Exodus]] approached and the [[House]] was summoned to [[Antei]] to participate in the [[Independence Games#Independence Games IV|Independence Games]]. Prior to the Opening Ceremonies, [[Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow]] and [[Sashar Arconae|Sashar Erinos Arconae]] being summoned before the [[Grand Master]] to be informed of their unit's restoration to [[Clan]] status within the [[Dark Brotherhood|Brotherhood]]. |
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| | ==== Reconnaissance and Return ==== |
| | {{Quote|This Quote is currently being decoded, please wait.|Unknown Origin}} |
| | [[File:Methyas.png|thumb|150px|Methyas as Consul of Naga Sadow]] |
| | The information that lead to Methyas' capture and eventual return have been redacted by order of the Dark Council; this information will be uploaded to this database as soon as it becomes available. |
| | {{Clear}} |
Where... where did it go?
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Complete Article: Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart
Transcluded Pages: History One - History Two
Entering Equite
Lain to Rest
- "You have changed Jeedai...no longer as aggressive, more calculating and precise. You rely more on the call of this "Force" than strength."
"I have changed. You've changed me, war's changed me and I've changed for the better..."
- ―Nin Amor and Methyas bantering in combat upon the Unknown Planet
The months that followed Fremoc's exile from the Orian System were quiet for the Sadowans and after a couple of months to recover further from his injuries sustained from the Voice of Justice incident on Aeotheran and the subsequent Ekind uprising on his "home" planet Tarthos, Methyas had to leave to finish business of his own. Placing his wife Naomi in the care of his Housemates Kano and Teu, Methyas left the sanctuary of Mucenic for the Unknown Regions of the Galaxy. The name of the planet the Shaper Nal Yin had gave him was unfamiliar but the co-ordinates, after some excessively deep digging, turned out to be uncharted and which most software believed didn't exist. Leaving Orian behind and taking a massive leap of faith, Methyas called upon the Force to aid him in traversing the massive distances of space between home and the co-ordinates given, his Instinctive Astrogation allowing him to plot hyperspace routes he never thought possible.
The Unknown PlanetArriving in an unknown system with a single brilliant star and several planets, Methyas was drawn to the third planet of the system as though something had upon it had been calling to him. Upon entering the planet's atmosphere, Methyas spotted and landed upon a mammoth technological marvel; a massive floating fortress bearing such unfamiliar and alien architecture that Methyas was daunted by its majesty at first. The city itself spanned several kilometers both in height and width and seemed to almost exude the Force, acting as a massive Force nexus. It was the city itself that had drawn the Miraluka to it, and incidentally the alien arcitecture that had drawn Nin Amor to it. Upon first meeting within the city, the Vong Commander immediately withdrew his Amphistaff to do battle with the Jedi yet Methyas held his ground without drawing his saber. The brilliance of the nexus allowed the Jedi to see his adversary without need for his "sonar" unit, but he wanted answers first.
Humouring the young Templar, Nin Amor proceeded to explain how the planet had apparently once been a final bastion of the Celestials and how he had come to find a way to use the technology they had left behind to help his people conquer the Galaxy. The subsequent battle between the two was grander, more elaborate, time consuming and far more destructive than either had anticipated. Methyas taking a more aggressive stance as a sort of "spellcaster" due to his experiences against Nal Yin had caused Nin Amor to be uncomfortably on the defensive and unsure of how to handle the almost radical change in his opponent. In the final moments of the battle, the Vong Commander sought to escape with his vessel only to see it vanish in a ball of flame, carefully placed explosives set by the prepared Jedi detonating to cut off the Vong's escape; the Commander was not to escape this time and fought valiantly before being slain by the young Templar. Finally at peace, Methyas disposed of his prey's body as far away from the floating city as possible before returning it, Methyas spent the several following weeks exploring the strange city, consuming any knowledge he could glean from the ancients and training himself within the calm of the Nexus. As the Force spoke to the young Miraluka, he grew more skilled with his talents while beginning to understand the intricacies and way the Force flowed through everything. While becoming closer to that of a member of the Krath order in his studies in the city, his need to perfect himself kept him dedicated to his order; his mind, soul and body screamed for the knowledge to become the man the Force and his allies needed him to be: his strength would flow from that which bound them all, as would his knowledge of his enemies.
As time progressed, Methyas finally felt the call of the Brotherhood and a bitter darkness rising in the void of space. Through the Force however, the darkness penetrated him and its very proximity to him chilled him to his very bone, the thought of something so terrible making him uncomfortable alone and choosing to head home. Leaving the Unknown Planet, Methyas tripped a sensor which caused the mammoth city to sink beneath the seas of the planet as he returned to the Orian System and his home of Tarthos, keeping his knowledge of the Unknown Planet only to himself as he arrived at Mucenic to help care for his pregnant wife while assisting in the reconstruction of Markosian City. His experience as "Governor" carried much weight in the city and the reconstruction effort moved at a brisk pace with many of the undamaged regions still offering refuge for those who had been displaced. It was in this time that Methyas started to reorganize the remaining members of the Disciples of Ragnos for the coming darkness that grew like a plague on his heart; his special operations training moulding the Ragnosians into a Special Reconnaissance team for the House and to build off of his successes with the Night Raptors. Utilizing many former elements and resources from the Night Raptors, it was not uncommon for members of the Governor's Security Force to see Methyas within their headquarters to run training excercises, reclaim some weapons and armour or even utilize the war room for his secretive planning. During this time Methyas also took Venator on as an impromtu apprentice in the ways of Soresu, a reciprocal arrangement as the other Miraluka had noticed Methyas' different applications of his sight and taught the Templar how to control the flow of his "leaky" Force signature and to "read" impressed or embossed scripts off of surfaces. The two applications were something Methyas took a liking to as it allowed him to truly disappear amongst Force sensitives if he wished and many of his former learners or subordinates had taken to writing notes to avoid trouble from him. His next task would be to learn how to understand "sign language".
- "Hey, you know what this feels like?"
"Don't say it..."
"The blind leading the blind."
"You had to go there, didn't you?"
- ―Venator and Methyas during an infiltration of the Triumvirate Library
His secretive training and worry of the impending darkness had kept the Disciples of Ragnos ready for anything when the Dark Council nearly collapsed upon themselves in late 33 ABY; an Order War pitting many friends, family and allies against one another on the planet Antei for control of high-profile points of interest and the secrets that lay within them. As much as Methyas detested the situation, his honour led him to fight alongside many of his Obelisk brethren to secure the safety of the Brotherhood. During this time Methyas learned that suspiscions he held following the Ekind Uprising were true, he was related to Araxis, Fremoc and Kano as a cousin and decendant of the Pepoi family. Assuming his rightful family name by laying his foster Family's name to rest, Methyas retained the L'eonheart family name and fought alongside the rest of his family thanks to their commitment to the Obelisk order. While his presense was rarely seen, felt or apparent for the duration of the short engagement, Methyas took a large stance by assiting in the organization and implimentation of a small strike team of Sadowan warriors in infiltrating the Krath stronghold, the Triumvirate Library. While the team's success in their mission has been highly classified, the end of the War by former Grand Master Jac Cotelin ensured their survival and safe return to their homes as heroes in their own right with the Obelisk order being honoured for their many successes during the conflict.
A House Divided
- "A Jedi?! We see the light within you, carefully enthralled by darkness. It offends us, this light..."
- ―The Unknown Entity, Nifokalija Mountains
Returning home had seen little relaxation for the members of Sadow, Methyas agreeing with his House Summit in the dissolution of a formal Ragnosian Battleteam to consolidate their power under a new team commanded by his Cousin, Kano. While the moment had offered the young Miraluka a slight repreive, he was given the title of Prefect of Tarthos and recruited into the new Regulators Battleteam. Methyas also took the chance to find himself an apprentice in a smooth Jazz singing Zeltron by the name of Masika Oshairana. While the woman had been on the defensive like a wounded animal, the light-hearted nature of the Templar had allowed him to win her over, her training beginning swiftly in the mastery of the Force. The interlude between acts in the grand scheme of things was broken swiftly when the Regulators were called into action to kill the escaped Curwen Sunei for the death of Ashura Isradia Sadow. With his last known location identified as the Nifokalija Mountains on Aeotheran, the team departed Camp Havok on Sepros aboard the M-CRV Reaper's Call to prepare for their assault. En route, their mission orders were countermanded by Fremoc Pepoi, now Fist of the Brotherhood, to capture the Dark Adept for questioning by the Dark Council.
Spliting into two teams, Raptor and Reaper Squad, Methyas was assigned as the senior member of Raptor squad whom were designated as advanced recon to clear a landing zone in the Mountainous deadzone. After disembarking for a HALO Jump, the remainder of the Regulators learned of Tsainetomo's deception, informing Macron Goura Sadow to continue with his original orders against the bulk of the Regulators. As Raptor squad made landfall, Methyas and Venator were overwhelmed by the Nexus within the mountains, the high levels of saturation preventing them from seeing things properly through their Force Sight as they were forced to try and locate Sunei before the rest of the team; shortly after their own landfall, the remaining Regulators performed their own LOLO jump from the Reaper's Call itself performing a low altitude entry near the Mountain's peak. After regrouping, the team closed in on Sunei in a peaktop cave; within Sunei's channeling of an Unknown Entity through the Force interacted with the local Nexus, allowing the entity to find its way into Methyas as well through his bizzare Force signature. The Entity pounded upon Methyas for the light within him, his light-sided nature protecting him in the end as the entity threatened to consume him. While the scene had alarmed his team, they completed their task and arrested Sunei, taking him aboard the Reaper's Call for holding and transportation back to Sepros.
The mission would've ended on a high-note, had Sunei not allowed himself to be captured for a far more insidious purpose. Utilizing his skills in the Force, the Adept weaved a spell across the Corvette causing the vessel to shunt to emergency power while lulling all the beings aboard to sleep. Due to a previous mistake with a Voodoo spell, Kano had been unable to be lulled to sleep but had been floored from the strength of the spell. Rising and rousing the remainder of his team from the Force-induced slumber, the Regulators decided to regain control of the vessel before dealing with Sunei. The Adept had prepared himself though, turning the crew of the vessel into an almost walking-dead to keep him safe; something the Regulators hadn't counted on. Nor had they counted on Methyas' mental barriers falling and allowing his possession by the Unknown Entity. In mere moments, the Templar had attacked two of his own before Venator retaliated with an incomplete Teras Kisai Death Weave to shake the other Miraluka from his possession. While the assault had succeeded, both Methyas and Venator had been a liability to their team without assistance moving due to the telekinetic assault the former had lain upon the latter, and the physical assault that had been retaliation.
Dedicated to moving through the vessel and slaying the dangerous Adept, the group moved swiftly with fear of possession an ever constant threat looming overhead. As reinforcements arrived to the drifting vessel, Fremoc Pepoi interfered with Kano's possessed attempt to slay his team, leaving the remainder to seal off their leader and the Fist of the Brotherhood before rapidly moving towards the Bridge to slay Sunei before the two Pepoi brothers could slay one another. As they approached the Bridge, Methyas offered to sync the team via a Force Meld to enhance their own strengths while they all worked in their own ways to keep the Adept distracted. The ensuing battle was sheer chaos, with not only the Regulators taking part but Macron with his team including Kalei Basai and Jade Sadow leaping into the brawl and taking advantage of the Meld. In a moment of blind luck, the arrival of Shin'ichi Keibatsu helped throw Sunei off balance enough for the Disciples of Sadow to pound through and slay the man where he stood. Macron utilizing the Sith Sword of Shar Dakhan allowed the Son of Sadow to once and for all eliminate the insane Adept, but nearly at the cost of his life if not for the Disciples present utilizing a sort of Healing meld to recover the mad Alchemist.
As the battle ended, it was a sombre moment as they had been too slow to free Kano from Sunei's grasp, the Voodoo Priest slain at the hands of his Brother. A small service was held outside of Mucenic at the Pepoi Homestead, remembering and honouring the fallen Disciple before Venator took the reins of the Regulators. A few weeks following these events, Naomi L'eonheart gave birth to their first son, Arcturus L'eonheart.
Burden, Distrust and Loathing
- "We both thought that we had been attacked by the other, but it turns out that the beasts originate here. The Throne has entrusted you and yours with this power, and we are here to make sure that an accurate accounting has been made."
- ―Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow within Castle Tarentum
The rise of strange and incredibly violent creatures within the Orian system had began to cause some alarm for the Summit of Naga Sadow, enough of an alarm that Tsainetomo left to the Kr'Tal system to speak directly with Shaz'air Rathden about the shipments that had arrived bearing these creatures. Upon arrival, he received a similar question about the very same creatures arriving in shipments bearing the Dlarit emblems. Arriving at the conclusion that neither side had sent these creatures, the two left for the Yridia system and Castle Tarentum to get an accounting from Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae. While the approach had nearly seen a conflict arise, a Rakghoul plague had broken out in Yridia space causing much havok.
Uniting their forces, the members of Naga Sadow, Taldryan and Tarentum worked to purge the Rakghoul infestation from their systems and discover the source of the outbreak. Shortly before Sadowan forces were called to Yridia to assist in cleansing the outbreak, Methyas had been seeking answers to a nagging question; answers which unknowing revealed Venator as his brother, the younger Miraluka accepting his birth name in place of his hunter name and assuming his Brother's last name as Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart. During this time, Methyas spent much effort training Masika in elements of combat against these brutal creatures. While the event itself was incredibly grim for many members of the unique alliance, the event was an overall success without much information delivered to general masses. Naga Sadow's effective efforts did not go without notice, as the Quaestors of each House thanked them all for their hard work and successes.
Birth of an Alliance
- "But, there it is. Obviously, some details need to be worked out, but the case is clear: Naga Sadow and Taldryan should align. What say you?"
- ―Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow aboard the ENF Overseer
Shortly after the events of Yridia's Rakghoul crisis, Methyas was appointed to Aedile of Naga Sadow. During this time, Mirado's work as Sergeant of the Regulators had blossomed, the young Miraluka quickly taking the matter of possible slavers operating within the Orian system into his own hands at the blessing of the Summit. While Mirado and his Regulators began their mission, Methyas was called away by Tsainetomo to a classified location for a unique meeting. The center of the discussion started when the Taldryan summit arrived and boarded the ENF Overseer, a warm welcome extended by the Sadowan summit before their discussions began. The discussion went smoothly, though the idea of an Alliance took a few moments to formulate between the parties as only Tsainetomo had known the full details of his plan. In the end, an Alliance between the two great Houses was formed, the Dlarit Corporation would offer their services to develop the Rybanloth system at the blessing of the Taldryan summit while the two would operate as a joint defense fleet for the shipping lanes and systems where applicable.
The time following the founding of the Alliance between Sadow and Taldryan was a relatively quiet one, Mirado's team getting more information about the slavers while losing their trail. While this set-back was frustrating for the Disciples of Sadow, they had more pressing matters as the anniversary of the Exodus approached and the House was summoned to Antei to participate in the Independence Games. Prior to the Opening Ceremonies, Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow and Sashar Erinos Arconae being summoned before the Grand Master to be informed of their unit's restoration to Clan status within the Brotherhood.
Reconnaissance and Return
- "This Quote is currently being decoded, please wait."
- ―Unknown Origin
Methyas as Consul of Naga Sadow
The information that lead to Methyas' capture and eventual return have been redacted by order of the Dark Council; this information will be uploaded to this database as soon as it becomes available.