Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 22:01, 24 October 2009 by Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya (talk | contribs) (minor edit, forgot something.)


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Anubis Annedu
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description












  • Lower Left Leg
  • Left Forearm
  • Right Arm
Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Acid Yellow

Lightsaber Form(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Head of Weapons Development & Military Contracts at Verraxio Industries

Personal Ship:

Black Plague

Known masters:


[ Source ]

Anubis Annedu is a Dark Jedi Knight that currently resides in House Ektrosis, a house he called home on three separate occasions. A man with a troubled path, Annedu has been in several different clans, such as Clan Plagueis and Clan Naga Sadow, and has been apart of both the Sith and Obelisk orders. He is fluent in Kinetic Communication.

Annedu has a hard, military personality. Having joined the military at the youngest legal age, he served with his adoptive parents briefly before retiring. Not much else is known about his regular life, only that he ended up on the Antei moon of Lyspair and made the trek to the Shadow Academy. He has served the Brotherhood in both battles of Antei, the Invasion of Orian, the War of Ascension, as well as the 2008 Independence Games. He went into self exile several times, but always seems to return to the Brotherhood. He currently serves as the head of Weapons Development and Military Contracts at Verraxio Industries, based on Denon.

Character History


The son of a former Dark Jedi that served under Palpatine during his early reign as Emperor of the Empire, Anubis was born with a natural but untamed affinity to the Force. His father abandoned him at a young age, refusing to put his son through the things that he was forced to live through as one of Palpatine’s servants. Now a refugee, the child eventually ended up on Coruscant in the hands of New Republic Black Operations operatives, who raised them as his own.

At the age of eighteen, Anubis joined the New Republic Armed Forces, serving with a squad briefly before following his adoptive parent’s lead and becoming an black ops operative. He was a part of several different operations, sculpting his hardcore military attitude and personality. During his last operation before retiring, Anubis was subject to an explosion; a piece of shrapnel piercing his side and requiring an operation; he’d have to live with a single kidney.

Instead of returning to service, he left the military and was legally discharged. Afterwards, he wandered around Coruscant with several different jobs, before acquiring one at a personal security force. Several years later, he left and eventually ended up discovering his connection to the Force. He left his regular life behind, joining the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and starting his training as a Sith.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood History

First Battle of Antei

Upon reaching the Shadow Academy, Anubis was welcomed with open arms. He was given shelter, and was administered the Test of Lore throughout several days time. When he had successfully passed, he was promoted to the rank Apprentice and was officially inducted into the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Wearing a new set of robes, he awaited for a transport that would take him to his designated clan; Clan Taldryan. Upon landing on the forest planet, he was greeted by several members, such as Vodo Biask Taldrya and Hel-Pa Taldrya Sklib, who had yet to earn their clan titles.

After getting settled into the daily routine, he had several long conversations with Alanna Taldrya about who would supervise him and show him the ways of the Brotherhood. Eventually, a Sith Battlemaster was selected and he began to show the Apprentice the ropes. Several days later... the war broke out. The Yuuzhan Vong, a species from another galaxy, had started they're incursion into known space, hunting down Jedi. With their Jedi-hunting Voxyn, the eventually located Antei and it's occupants. The awards cerimony for the recent Rite of Supremecy had just concluded, when the attack began. At the time, Anubis was present on the Dark Prophet, a Victory-class Star Destroyer that belonged to Taldryan. The nine hundred meter long Taldryan flagship moved itself into position to defend the rest of it's ally fleet, while they retreated. Annedu had been part of a defensive party, brandishing a standard E-11 blaster rifle throughout the ordeal. When the initial wave of Yuuzhan Vong Coral Skippers arrived at the cruiser, nearly the ship's entire complement of fighter craft was launched.

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A gruesome battle had started, between whatever was left behind of the Brotherhood fleets, and the fleet of the Yuuzhan Vong. When the first boarding parties arrived, Annedu was on the front lines. Still completely new to the starwars:Force and it's nature, therefore unable to use it in the slightest. Warrior Caste members flooded into the venteral hanger of the Star Destroyer, and the close-combat battle had begun. The first wave of Dark Jedi colided with the Vong, their amphistaffs blocking the Adegan blades of the Force Users and allowing them to be cut down twice as easily. Losing his right arm during the brawl, the loss of blood knocked the Obelisk warrior unconscious. He later regained consiousness several hours later in a medical bay, aboard the Katarn, a Venator-class Star Destroyer that also belonged to Taldryan. Annedu was greatly disapointed to know that he and several others were the only ones to make it from the Prophet to the Katarn alive, but knew that some things just happened for a reason.

It was the apparent will of the Force.

The war raged on for several days, before Darth Sarin called a Brotherhood-wide retreat. The clans all gathered waht they could, before leaving Antei; and the Shroud itself. Anubis left House Ektrosis, instead transfering over to House Archanis. He met several new people, and even became friends with one or two of them, before leaving the clan all together and joining Clan Naga Sadow and enlisting in the Sadowite forces.

Invasion of Orian

Anubis encountered the Covenant, the only remaining Naga Sadow ship and their former fleets flagship, on his way to the Orian System. He enlisted in their ranks, officially moving from Clan Taldryan to Clan Naga Sadow. During his first several days he had been assigned to Horus Blackheart, a Battlemaster within House Ludo Kressh, before becoming one of two apprentices to serve under Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, Kressh's Quaestor; Davin Olar being the other. The now Guardian got to know his new family well, being promoted to the rank of Jedi Hunter just as Sadowite forces entered the Orian System.

A great surprise had been awaiting them, however. The True Brotherhood, a splinter faction that believed themselves to be better then the Dark Brotherhood, and enemies of Clan Naga Sadow, had taken control over the system with their much newer Star Destroyer. The Hunter learned that the True Brotherhood and Naga Sadow had gone at it once or twice before, and this was simply the leftovers. Macron Goura, the clan's Consul, ordered an attack on the system to regain their home. Anubis worked with Tsingtao Ming, a friend, travelling with him to a station located in one of the asteroid belts. After spending a day there, Anubis then made his way to Sepros, where the Sadow Palace had been located. Anubis completed a recon mission for his clan, traversing across a wide distance in search of an enemy camp. When he located one; and was discovered, he made a break for it, Tsingtao being the only thing that saved his skin. When he returned to the palace he presented his findings, leaving once more for Tarthos to assist his fellow Dark Jedi, such as Nero Pennant and Shuang Long in their efforts to protect the Ragnos Cathedral. When he arrived on the cold planet, the True Brotherhood had already begun their assault on the stronghold.

Joining forces with Long and Pennant, the three took to the air to try and help their allies. When their fighter was shot down, the three of them took to the ground. It was here, that Nero accidentally sliced off the lower half of his left leg, rendering him nearly useless for the rest of the battle. For an hour, they fought to keep their hold, when a radio transmission sent from the True Brotherhood's Star Destroyer, ordered them to stand down. They did so, and the battle for the Orian System had come to a close. Not too long afterwards, Anubis discraced himself infront of the entire clan, shooting off insults and using inapropriate language towards his master. The aftermath led him to put himself into complete self exile, leaving his fellow Sadowites and traveling around the known galaxy.

First Exile

Becoming an exile from the Brotherhood and joining the Rogues, Anubis left Brotherhood space, returning to the galaxy as a regular citizen. He traveled to Bastion, the Imperial Remnant homeworld, where he joined forces with the Remnant to offer them his skills, as well has his loyalty. Starting off as a plane-jane Stormtrooper, he made the slow and extruciating crawl to Stormtrooper Elite, which took several months, before taking a leave of absence for an lengthy amount of time. It was not stated in his report where he was going, only that he'd be gone for a single standard month.

Free of the Imperial's grasp for now, Annedu returned to studying the Force. He completed his exersices as a Jedi Hunter over and over again, before making a brave and most likely stupid move. With the Hyperspace coordinates set, he traveled to the dead world of Korriban, homeworld of the original Sith, in hopes that he could learn more about their culture. Arriving on the barren surface of the ancient world, he stood in the Valley of the Dark Lords, literally able to feel the Dark Side energies that the place produced. Although it was in complete ruins, the Dark Side flowed greatly in this place. It was a possible Dark Side Nexus, which would explain why the Sith of old had remained here for so long before their retreat into unknown space. Upon inspection, the Hunter discovered that all four of the tombs had been completely sealed off, by debris or other means. While this complicated things for the Lorrdian, it didn't mean that he couldn't try to enter the old academy that resided there.

The Sith of new did attempt to enter the old academy, and failed. It too had been sealed off. The only remaining opening was the Shyyrk Cave, which he did not dare enter. He was neither experienced or wise enough to attempt such a thing. On his way back to his craft, he passed the skeletal corpse of a Sith Trooper, rusted armour still donned on the being. He thought nothing of it, instead leaving the planet, as there was nothing there for him. He had wasted his time, learning nothing on the trip. Returning to the Imperial Remnant, he resumed duty, doing his best to keep his Force Sensitivity a secret from the others. If it was discovered that he could feel the Force, and had actually used it on more then one occasion, it might have turned out very bad for him. While protecting a convoy, Annedu was attacked; his entire convoy being either killed or captured, by who - it was not known. He awoke several hours later, chained to a chair.

Trained to resist interrogation techniques, it was hard for the interrogators from the unknown faction to gain any information from him. The Hunter's hardcore military personality took over, leaving his friendly side behind. Later, after he was brutally assualted for failing to cooperate, he managed to get the upper hold - managing to untie himself from his chair and breaking it over his interrogator's head. Escaping with the man's access card, Anubis accessed the nearest terminal and set the entire building's fire sensors to all go off. With a string of luck... it actually worked, and the entire building was evacuated. Playing the part that he was still a captive, he found that he was not the only person being held here. Several of his teammates, specifically from the convoy he had been protecting, were also subject to interrogations. They too had said little, and Annedu did his best to blend in with them. It wasn't until they got clear of the building, did he realise that he was located on a planet with a heavy metropolis. It might have been Coruscant, but from here he wasn't sure. All he knew, was that he had to get out of there. His mind told him to run, but his instinct told him to wait a little while longer, while one of the guards weren't looking.

When he found that he was clear, he made a break for it, heading into the nearest alleyway and continuing to run. He heard several raised voices behind him, as well as footsteps following him. He continued to run, turning a sharp corner and placing himself up against the wall; waiting for the men to get close enough that he could make the battle fair. When one of them rounded the corner, Annedu flung out his arm, clotheslining the man with precision. Snapping the man's neck with his foot, the Lorrdian called the man's rifle to his hands with Telekinesis, peeping around the corner and firing several shots at the other approaching man. When he fell, Anubis turn and ran. Later, the Sith acquired transportation off planet at one of the starports, learning that the planet had been Denon, the planet that had served as Coruscant's replacement at one point in history and was just as large.


Instead of returning to Remnant space like he should have, Annedu went absent without leave, otherwise known as AWOL. He returned to Brotherhood space for a limited amount of time, rejoining Clan Naga Sadow. He became the apprentice of Ashura Isradia for a time, before once again returning to exile. Shortly afterwards, he joined the Arconans in the Dajorra System

Arconan Feud

When Anubis joined Arcona, the clan had just barely been breathing. He brought some activity, and sooner or later former the Arconans came back to life. During his time in Clan Arcona, Anubis continually stayed with House Qel-Droma, serving under a man that would become his master, as well as a man that would eventually serve on the Dark Council, Orv d'Tana. He later had a discussion with the clan's Envoy, Rho d'Tana, which would end with Annedu filling the vacant position on the House Summit, Rollmaster. The Lorrdian got to know every member that joined the house, as well as a couple of the ones that were already there. After several weeks, he also met members of the other Arconan House, House Galeres. Some of these members names were Legorii Kryotek Entar, and Talos. The three got along fairly well, Legorii serving Talos in his Battle Team as his 'Lieutenant' of sorts. Anubis had strong connections to several people in the Clan; at least while it was peaceful.

When the Arconan Feud broke out, Anubis was confused. His master had not informed him that he was going to use Qel-Droma to attack the Jedi, nor did he even hint at such a thing. He resisted letting his military side takeover, allowing the Xyler to go about his plan as he wished. Still confused, however, the Hunter did as he was ordered to. Word that the other house's Quaestor, Zandro Erinos, had been ordered to capture the Qel-Droman Quaestor and return him to the Clan Summit spread throughout the house's ranks. It eventually ended up at the ears of Quejo, which ordered an immediate attack of the Jedi. He took command of the Shadow, the House's ship when sent on independant assignments, and ordered a full attack of the forces that were available to him.

Leading the Galerians on a wild goose chase, Quejo took the Shadow's best fighter pilots and left, leading them off in a completely different direction then the one he was actually indending to follow. It was unknown to Anubis whether or not his master had actually reached his goal, being that the Hunter had stayed behind on the Bothan Attack Cruiser. The Lorrdian and the cruiser were intercepted by Zandros' forces, to which the Erinos discovered it was all just a cheap trick. Annedu knew that Quejo was eventually captured, however, which brought about the end of the Feud between the two houses. The Sith stuck around for several more weeks, before growing tired of the clan. He left, returning to the place where he had first started.

First Return to Taldryan

When Anubis first returned to Taldryan, his second tour, he was welcomed back with semi-open arms. The clan had remembered that he had abandoned them earlier, and the posibility remained that he might do it again. During his first two weeks there, he spent time exploring Taruma, before applying for a position as Battle team leader. He was chosen to be Battle Team leader of Hex, the team that he had original started off in. He spent the first two weeks getting settled in and choosing a roster of Dark Jedi members to be a part of the team, many inactive. During his return, he met several new faces; Sidarace Rathden, Zasati Tryezsh, Taigikori Aybara, Annedu had encountered and befriended them all. He became closer to Vodo Biask, the Twi'lek that might as well have been the Lorrdian's master. He learned a lot from the man, and worked on a small project with the man that would never meet the eyes of the public. His friendships with those that knew before, were renewed, and he became a full member of Taldryan once more.

Half way through his tenure as Battle Team Leader, Vodo stepped down as Aedile of House Ektrosis. Annedu applied, but eventually withdrew his application before the final decision was made. Taigikori Aybara was selected as the new Aedile, transfering over from House Dinaari to take his seat on the House Summit. For nearly two more months, it was smooth sailing. It wasn't until Anubis and Taigikori got into a seriously heated argument, did things change. Anubis was forcefully removed from his position by the Aedile, and chose to leave the clan. He transfered over to Clan Plagueis, packing his bags and heading for the Jusadih System, not expecting to ever return to the clan.

War of Ascension

When Anubis arrived in Clan Plagueis, the clan was just about to make their return to the Jusadih System, and regain whatever the Yuuzhan Vong had left them. Word had spread throughout the ranks that a splinter goverement had formed while Plagueis had been absent from the system, under the lead of the Crimson Tide. As the clan prepared, everyone was given military roles - even the Dark Jedi of the clan, that they were expected to preform when the time came. Under the leadership of Alex d'Tana, House Satal Keto attacked their icey home of Morroth in an attempt to regain control. While Anubis was absent for most of the battle, he was there at the end with a team of low-level Dark Jedi to secure Alpha Base and inform the Quaestor of their sucess.

For the entirety of the War of Ascension, Anubis preferred to play an advisory role, or serve onboard a starfighter. During the second battle of Kapsina, when the Crimson Tide fleet had arrived, the Lorrdian had used one of the clan's TIE Interceptors from the Perdition to join the fray. He had managed to defeat several other fighters, once almost crashing into the bridge of the Tide's Star Destroyer, the Nemesis. Just barely avoiding a nasty fate he returned to dogfighting.

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Anubis' first generation suit of armour made to resemble Sith Trooper armour from the Jedi Civil War.

When his ion engine took a hit and started to lose power, Anubis was forced to withdraw from the battle. Breaking off from any dogfighting, he raced back to the Perdition where he hoped to acquire another fighter. When he arrived, he was given a direct order to stand down. He had already lost one fighter, and they didn't need to lose another. Sending out the remainder of another squadron, Annedu was forced to remain on the carrier. He made his way there, and stood watching out of the viewport while the battle raged on. Ultimately, it was friend Vivackus Kavon who ended the war, on Shintera. The hunter was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight for his service to Plagueis, and all would remember him as the one that had killed Calliban Crimson.

Following the War of Ascension, Anubis took a leave of abscence from the clan. It was rumoured that he was travelling to Denon in a search of work or artifacts. Before his return, an idea sparked within his mind, and he travelled back to the desolate world that he had visited durin his exile. Walking through the dusty terrain of the Valley of the Dark Lords once more, Annedu bowed his head in respect for the fallen ones. Proceeding over to the skeltal body of the Sith Trooper he had seen on his previous visit, he stripped the man of his worn and rusted armour, again seeing if he could access the old academy that resided there.

His attempt was unsuccessful, as the academy was still sealed off; and would most likely forever be. Leaving the planet once more with his moral down, Anubis wasn't ready to return to the Dark Brotherhood just yet. Instead, using the old rusted armour that he had pillaged, the Lorrdian constructed a replica set using a modern titanium alloy with a black finish, giving it a standard heads up display and Herzfall Corporation DH107 comlink. Titanium was chosen for the armour because it was an incredibly durable material, but also very light; so it wouldn't restrict too much movement. Underneth, is a black body glove that is temperature controlled by the helmet. Also constructing a new lightsaber, the Sith used a yellow colored crystal for his new weapon.

Talks of returning to Antei began to spread throughout the ranks. It was told that Darth Sarin was preparing the clans for an assault on their old home planet, to take it from the Yuuzhan Vong from force. As all six of the clans prepared for war, Plagueis' members were once again given military ranks. As the fleets joined under the command of the Grand Master, they begin the periless journey through the Shroud surrounding Antei, with the Elders of each clan meditating together to guide their clans. Some clans, such as Clan Taldryan, Clan Tarentum, and Clan Naga Sadow, had no problem travelling through the Shroud, each with a former Grand Master at their side.

When they arrived, what was really occupying the planet confused everyone.

Second Battle of Antei

"Welcome home, Sarin."
Omancor Crask, sitting on the Iron Throne

As the Brotherhood fleets exited the Shroud, everybody was perplexed. The Yuuzhan Vong and their living ships were nowhere to be found, and the planet looked exactly as it had before, at least from space. Still expecting the Yuuzhan Vong to be lurking around, the Grand Master ordered the fleets to proceed towards the planet. The Nightfall was hailed, and answered the call. Omancor Crask, a withered old Jedi Master, sat on the Iron Throne. Sarin was enraged at the sight, and asked the old man what his intentions were. He was planning to stay, and had amassed a droid army to keep the planet.

At that point, Sarin ordered an invasion of Brotherhood forces. Each clan retained command of their Dark Jedi, but they all ultimately answered to the Dark Council and Darth Sarin. Dropping onto the planet, the fight to regain their home began. Crask was employing droids such as the B-1 Battle Droid series, as well as the B-2 series, all with Flechette launchers - something that was a great danger to a Jedi, or in this case, a hefty chunk of the Dark Brotherhood's forces. Each clan was given a specific rejion that they were to capture and enforce their will.

Anubis served with the Dark Jedi of his clan, as an infantry soldier. Armed with two blaster pistols, his lightsaber, and his first generation Sith Trooper armour, he set out to deal some damage. During this ordeal, Braecen Kaeth remained Consul of the clan, sending Alaris Jinn into battle as a Commander of Plagueis forces. When the Lorrdian was told that some of his fellow Dark Jedi were being captured by the droids, he didn't know what to think. Instead, he vowed to cut down every droid of Crask's that he came across, and hoped that none of his comerades had been captured.

The war raged on as machine fought man, and it slowly came to an end. Plagueis forces held themselves up inside a temple when the battle got too hot, and waitied for reinforcements. They eventually arrived, freeing the clan. At the end of the war, Omancor Crask was captured and brought aboard the Exodus, his Super Star Destroyer emerging from the Shroud with reports that the Arcanum had been destroyed. The large ship was quickly overtaken and destroyed, as Sarin and Crask began their meeting. It ended with both of them firing off Force Lightning, so powerful that it shut down all of the systems aboard the cruiser. The ship plumetted to the surface of Antei, and that was the last that anyone had seen of Darth Sarin - the Dark Lord had been killed, as had Crask.

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The Black Plague, it's s-foils locked into flight mode

Shortly after, Clan Plagueis returned to their home of the Jusadih System. All was peaceful, before it was reported that Braecen Kaeth was to remain on Antei. Muz Ashen ascended to the title of Dark Lord, taking Sarin's place, as Alaris began to assurp the rule of Kaeth in the clan. He declared himself as Consul, which started a large Feud between it's two houses, House Exar Kun and House Satal Keto. Tired of Brotherhood affairs, the Sith went into exile for the exond time, leaving the Brotherhood and it's domains once more.

Second Exile

During his second exile, Annedu travelled to many places. He became a bounty hunter on the planet Denon, completing a several small time bounties for Gundae the Hutt. It's not known how he came to be a bounty hunter working for the gangster, only that he was one. He hunted alongside Sauron Mogurak for a short ammount of time, before going back to working solo. Annedu learned that the Iktotchi had a constant flow of money, having been a partial owner of Verraxio Industries.

Never quite sure what the corporation did, the Lorrdian wrote it off as nothing. Continuing his work, it eventually came to the point where Mogurak had messed up greatly on a bounty, to bring back the Hutt's son, and now a great price was on his head for whoever brought the body back. Setting out from Denon, Anubis tracked the horned fellow from planet to planet, always being one step behind him. While he always suspected that Sauron might return to Corellia, Annedu never travelled there in search of the hunter until his path actually led him there.

It was true, that Sauron had returned to the planet where he had completely messed up his life, and started a series of events that would lead up to his death. Investigating the planet for Mogurak, the Sith tracked him down in Coronet City, the planet's capital, carrying his lightsaber. He was well trained, be even he was unsure if he'd be able to take the Iktotchi in battle. While trailing the runaway, he was accidentally spotted, and Sauron recognized his old partner immediately. Fleeing while he could, he managed to get to the Black Plague and flee the city, and most likely, the planet.

Following the trail that he had left behind, Anubis determined that he hadn't left the planet, and instead was held up in one of Corellia's mining towns, Kolene. Following him, Annedu managed to cut him off from getting to his starfighter, this time, and the two engaged in combat. At first it had started with weapons, Sauron using his custom E-11's, and Annedu his lightsaber. By the time they got to the end of their encounter, they both had been using hand to hand combat, with the two blaster rifles destroyed. The Sith managed to kick the Iktotchi to the ground, calling his lightsaber to his hands and driving the acid yellow blade through the head of his target.

Notifying Gundae that he had killed Sauron and providing visual proof, a large sum of credits were transfered to his account. The Sith then forged several documents upon returning to Denon, handing over the body towards Gundae and taking the starfighter as his prize. The specific documents that were forged were ownership papers, for ten percent of Verraxio Industries. Now in the corporate world, Annedu ventured to their base of operations and informed them of the transfer, spending much of his time there. Through pure luck, trickery, and having the skills required, the Sith was put in charge of the military division as well as weapons development, soon owning nearly twenty percent of the corporation.

Now that he had a decent income of credits flowing into his account, Annedu continued to bounty hunt, although he eventually decided that it was time to return to the Brotherhood. After four long months of hard work, he was finally ready to return to the Brotherhood, and in full force. Annedu informed the CEO of Verraxio that his work would be much slower, but he'd still be working for them. Even if he did get fired, he still owned upwards to twenty percent of the company, making him the second largest shareholder and ultimately would continue to get payed.

Second Return to Taldryan

Returning to the planet of Taruma, Annedu once again became a member of Clan Taldryan. While this move suprised many, some of the members were also glad to have him back. Currently, he does not serve in a positon; nor does he intend to within the first four months of his stay, but has plans to get into some of the action going around. When the clan is called into war, Annedu will be right there. Black Plague currently sits in Ektrosis Temple's hanger, where the Lorrdian Sith flies it from time to time.



Anubis' first generation armour was constructed from a rusted old set of Sith Trooper armour, from the time of the Jedi Civil War between Darth Malak and Darth Revan. Using durasteel, several casts were prepared from the four thousand year old version, in which a durable liquid titanium alloy was poured into. The metal curred, and the result was pieces of steel, that would all come together to form a suit of armour. Before applying the pieces of metal to a wire mess which would then inturn attach to the body glove, the Lorrdian had the pieces of metal painted a reflective black color.


This gave the already menacing looking armour and even menacing look, which was exactly what the Dark Jedi Knight had been going for. Moving on, he installed a helmet computer, which featured a standard heads up display and a communications link. At first, he had the intent on adding a scanner, but decided against it. With the armour nearly done, he moved onto constructing his lightsaber, using whatever metal he had leftover, for it. He hopes that later, he'll be able to modify the armour, and come up with a second generation suit. When not in his armour, Anubis prefers to wear his set of Torrent robes.


Anubis' newest lightsaber was crafted from the light yet durable titanium alloy that was left over from his set of armour. Using the schematics for an 'Overlord' style hilt, exclusive to the Sith order of the Dark Brotherhood, Annedu crafted this weapon with extreme precision and caution, never missinga single step. Searching for the right crystals, Annedu eventually came across a dark yellow colored one, and used it in the construction of his lightsaber. When it was complete, the blade glows an acid yellow.


Anubis aquired the Black Plague, a custom starfighter that was built by Sauron Mogurak, when he slew the bounty hunter on Corellia. It features two KX5 blaster cannons, visible when the wings are extended from their locked positions, like the ones used on the Z-95 Headhunter. Much of the parts are from other stafighters, and features a reactor built by MandalMotors to power the agile craft, giving it the power it needs to get it's job done. Only equipped with four pieces of armamnet, this craft doesn't have anything that could be considered 'heavy duty', like a missile launcher.


A strong willed man, Anubis has two large impediments to note of. The first, is his left forearm; a cybernetic limb. While made of the same black titanium alloy that Annedu uses for a lot of his items, the man that had installed it for the Sith failed to do so correctly, and impairs the Lorrdian's ability to dual wield weaponry. Unfortunately, a nerve was improperly connected to the prosthetic limb, and the entire hand twitches at random. This is a serious impediment in battle, because whatever weapon might be in the left hand when the hand twitches, is almost instantly dropped. Attempts have been made to fix it, by Annedu, but so far he has been unsuccessful.

The second impediment to speak of, is not one of physical nature. An impediment in the Living Force, Annedu has a severely hard time getting into the minds of others. This also affects his abilities to communicate with someone through telepathy. He's able to recieve messages and thoughts set by others without a problem, but has a hard time replying or 'sending' something back. Even simple words are a hefty task, for the Dark Jedi Knight. Fortunately, this impediment has another affect. Instead of a balance between telepathy and telekinesis, there is an offset. While his telepathy skills are weak, his proficiency in Telekinesis is great, and he uses it often.


Anubis is absolutely fascinated by Sith Lore. Having always been a 'fan' of the past of the Sith, Annedu has spent a lot of time looking through ancient texts and studying the Sith orders before theirs. Particularly fond of the work of Darth Revan and Darth Malak of the Jedi Civil War era, and the Sith Emperor and Dark Council of the Great Galactic War era, the Lorrdian would sometime ponder about them and their experiences while meditating. Because of his respect for past Sith cultures, Anubis decipts the emblem of the Sith Emperor's empire on his warbanner.

The Sith is also fond of flying. Having always been one for starfighters, he usual takes the Black Plague out for a run every couple of days to either practice, or blow off some steam. While he also enjoys training, flying has always been one of his favourite things to do as it provides more of a 'thrill'.

Trivia & Positions

  • Has had six previous masters.
  • Has been a part of four different clans.
  1. Clan Taldryan
  2. Clan Naga Sadow
  3. Clan Arcona
  4. Clan Plagueis
  • Has been apart of two different orders.
  1. Obelisk
  2. Sith
  • Created a random NPC, Sauron Mogurak, as well as the corporation Verraxio Industries, as a way to fill the gap from his most recent time in 'exile', better known as the Rogues.
  • Became an ICTE All-star January 12th, 2008. He earned:
  1. A Crescent with Ruby Star
  2. 36 Clusters of Fire
  • Is a fan of the Goat

Unknown Assistant Envoy of House Ludo Kressh
27 ABY
Davin Olar
Unknown House Envoy of House Qel-Droma
28 ABY
None, KSoE Disbanded
Unknown Rollmaster of House Qel-Droma
28 ABY
Malidir Trepidus Erinos
Vardar Battleteam Leader of Hex
28 ABY - 29 ABY
Swifty Chapple
Arcadian Quaestor's Hand of Kal Vorrac
31 ABY

Taldryan Republic
About The Clan
History of Taldryan Taldryan Prospectus Sons & Daughters of Taldryan Taldryan's Vault
Republic Leadership
Clan Supreme Chancellor: Cassandra Oriana TyrisVice-Chancellor: Ood Bnar
Magistrates of the Supreme Chancellor First Magistrate: Meleu KarthdoSecond Magistrate: TBA
Military Forces
Main Taldryan MilitaryTaldryan Defense Force
Naval Forces Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet
Armed Forces Taldryan Republic Armed Forces
A brotherhood within a Brotherhood.