Sauron Mogurak
![]() |
Sauron Mogurak | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: | |
Date of Birth: | |
Date of Death: | |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Iktotchi |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
6' |
Weight: |
100kg |
Hair: |
None |
Eyes: |
Black |
Personal Information | |
Allies: |
Gundae the Hutt (19 ABY to 30 ABY) |
Enemies: |
Fighting Style(s): | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Affiliation: |
Personal Ship: |
Black Plague |
[ Source ] |
Sauron Mogurak was an Iktotchi bounty hunter born in 6 BBY, just under ten years before the fall of the Galactic Empire. He wa semployed by Gundae the Hutt from 19 ABY to his death in 31 ABY. Mogurak's weapons of choice were always two custom E-11 blaster rifles, and wore a custom set of robes to keep himself flexable during times of battle.
Character History
Early Years
- "Right kick! Left kick! Good!"
- ―Mogurak's father, during training
Born on his species home planet of Iktotch, Sauron Mogurak was traditionally raised by his parents to become a self defense instructor, just like they had been. As such, he was trained at an early age in combat, and often helped his parents teach younger children his age. By the time he was ten, he had already been instructed in the first two forms of the well known hand-to-hand fighting style of Echani. At the age of seventeen, a young aspiring Bounty Hunter looked to Mogurak for instruction, giving his life's story on how he was going to become a great hunter. Sauron informed the man that there was a set criteria, and if he didn't pass he would not be reembursed for his lost credits.
For six months the young man was trained in the fighting arts, until his final test came. The task was to retrieve an item from the Iktotchi's hands, which could only be done in hand to hand combat. The two went at it for ten minutes, before the trainee was knocked unconscious by a blow to the head. Dragging the body into one of the recovery rooms that his father's studio had, he waited for the man to awaken. When he did, the young hunter was furious that he had failed, and wished to have his credits back. Once again, Sauron informed him that he had failed, and his credits would not be returned to him.
In a fit of rage, the young hunter drew a blaster pistol, and threatened to shoot him if he didn't pay the credits he thought were rightfully his. Although he was skilled in combat, the self defense trainer knew that even he couldn't avoid the shot if the trigger was pulled. With all the yelling and cursing the young man did, Mogurak's parents came running. As soon as they had stepped into the room, the pistol's barrel shifted from their son, to them, two bolts being placed in their chests. Seeing an opportunity, Sauron disabled the man and broke his neck, checking his parents for any signs of life. They were dead. Filled with guilt that his parents had been shot instead of him, he took the possessions and blaster pistol of the young hunter, as well as all three of his parent's credit chits, one of which had been used for the business. Heading to the nearest starport, the Iktotchi acquired transportation to the planet of Denon, a planet as well known as Coruscant.
Getting In The Business
- "So you want to be a bounty hunter, eh? Lets see what you've got! T'dugsae, test this boy."
- ―Gundae the Hutt
When he arrived on planet, Sauron decided to immediately to some research. He acquired a set of E-11 blaster pistols, to start off with, customizing them greatly. Their power was increased, and their plating changed from black to silver chrome. Researching the Hutt's on-planet, as it was galactic-common-sense that the Hutt's were the vile gangsters of the galaxy, the Iktotchi soon came across the name of one Gundae the Hutt. Gundae had several criminal records, had been in prison, and was an all around gangster. He owned a bar in the slums of Denon, although it was well looked after. So far, that was his best bet to becoming a bounty hunter. Investigating the area, he noticed dozens and dozens of homeless people, as well as thieves, roaming around the area. One of which, decided to pick a fight with him.
Sauron had been within eyesight of the bar, and could see the bouncer clearly. When the petty thieve engaged him, Mogurak quickly knocked him off of his feet, before raising the man's legs slightly and crushing them at the knee. He had no reason to be kind to anyone anymore. As the now helpless man began crying out in pain, a single blaster bolt was placed inbetween his eyes to shut him up for good. He doubted any law enforcement would be roaming around this area of town, anyways. Looking over to the bar, and the bouncer, he noticed the man talking into a communication device. Proceeding over there, he strolled into the bar with a nod from the bouncer. Once inside, the soon-to-be hunter did a little bit of investigating, getting to know the layout of the club.
A young Twi'lek wearing little clothing proceeded up to him, and asked him to come with her. The Iktotchi complied, and was escorted into a back room. Gundae the Hutt was waiting for him, a large grin across his large face. Two well armoured fellows stood at his side, surveying him. Keeping his hands near his rifle, the horned man kept his hands near his rifles. Sauron and Gundae began conversing, talking about possibly enlisting him in the bounty hunting business. Eventually, it came to the point where a bulky Trandoshan attacked him as part of a test. The two brawled, the Trandoshan employing his brute strength while Sauron emplyed his skills in hand to hand combat.
The two sparred, before Mogurak was knocked off his feet and a rifle aimed towards his face. Gundae declared the test over, and began laughing the unmistakable laugh of a Hutt. He declared that while Mogurak had been defeated, he was skilled in combat and could be of some definite use when it came to low level bounties. Maybe later, if his skills improved, he'd get some action at some of the higher paying ones. It was obvious that his great potential was seen. Over the next twelve years, Sauron became a skilled bounty hunter. He was wealthy, and owned ten percent of Verraxio Industries. Using the money he gained from both hunting and Verraxio, he constructed a custom starfighter and began taking it everywhere that he himself had been going. It was his prize. A reminder of all his hard work.
Mission FAILED
- "You are not to fail this one, Mogurak"
- ―Gundae the Hutt
By now, Sauron was aged thirty seven. He was skilled, had lots of money, and was set for life. However, he couldn't give up hunting. It was almost infused in his body, some might say. He was still taking regular missions, often using the Black Plague as his main mode of transportation. He had grown to love that starfighter. On one specific mission, Gundae the Hutt requested that the target had to be returned alive. It was his son, Sorro the Hutt, who had gone AWOL and needed to be found. An extremely large bounty would be paid to whatever hunter managed to return the Hutt to his father.
Mogurak couldn't resist taking the challenge of going against over a hundred other skilled hunters, and went after the Hutt. He managed to track him to the world of Corellia, where he managed to come across several other huntrs and ended their lives quickly to avoid having to deal with them later. He wasn't sure exactly which city the target had been occupying, and was forced to check nearly all of them. He spent a lot of time moving around the planet, often in his starfighter. The investigation went on for two weeks, before he heard that a Hutt would be aboard a luxury liner, heading back to Denon.
Angered that another hunter had managed to get his target, or worse, the target was returning on his own, Sauron set off after the liner, chasing it off of the planet. Engaging his s-foils, he shot at the engines of the liner in an attempt to disable it from moving away. He did so, but in turn tripped a ship-wide system failure, one that should of never occurred. He attempted to make contact with the bridge of the ship, and was unable to. He tried personal communicators, and managed to get a connection through someone's personal communicator. The sound of eighty people screaming in various languages could be heard, as could the bridge's intercom. It warned everbody to write their last words, because even the escape pod launchings system had been disabled by the outage.
Furious that he had killed his mark, Mogurak decided to finish the job. Firing on the liner's bridge, the KX5 blaster cannon's easily tore it apart. Now that the ship had been exposed to the vacuum of space, it was only a matter of time before the entire thing was done for. Leaving, the Iktotchi entered Hyperspace and sent a message to Gundae, owning up to his failure and how he had accidentally kiled his son. Gundae was furious, and swore that he'd have the meanest bastards in the entire galaxy after him. Now that his bounty hunting days were over, Sauron moved from system to system, trying to outrun any bounty hunters that may be after him.
Eventually he was hunted down, and killed by Anubis Annedu. Papers were forged to transfer his holdings in Verraxio Industries to the Dark Jedi Knight, and the Black Plague was taken by him.
- Sauron Mogurak, the Black Plague, and Verraxio Industries are all part of a fictional update for Anubis Annedu, to close the gap in his second exile from Plagueis to Taldryan.
- Created out of boredom.