Deo Sol

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Deo Sol
Biographical Information

New Tython

Date of Birth:


Physical Description














Personal Information

Alek Mirr

Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Military Officer

  • General

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

Known masters:
[ Source ]

Deo Sol is the General of the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force, second in command only to the Summit of Clan Odan-Urr. A Tythonian native, as well as a friend to the native Harakoan tribes of the planet, he has served the KUDF for years and has risen in combat prowess, tactical skill, and command to become the penultimate non-Jedi Officer therein. A stalwart and reliable soldier, he continues in his command, serving the Jedi and helping to ensure the nations of New Tython, as well as the Galaxy at large, know all the peace and prosperity they can.


Youth and Adolescence

Deo Sol was born in 6 ABY to a pair of Corellian immigrants on a farmstead to the south of Menat Ombo. There, he was raised in an interesting mix of agriculture and Corellian ways, learning the pragmatic and independent mindset of his native people alongside the simple truths of hard work and routine. Throughout his childhood he learned a strong work ethic, a sense of discipline, and a strong sense of pride for his roots.

Menat Ombo, the city near Deo's family farmstead.

Being in close proximity to Menat Ombo, his family's farmstead was safer than most from raids by the local Harakoan settlers; that said, some disquiet would occur now and then, as small groups Harakoan tribals and Tythonian thieves alike would raid their fields and livestock. While his father's rifle came in handy to discourage these thievings, they were never driven to kill the locals, and proximity to Menat afforded them another advantage - the presence of Jedi to settle disputes and prevent bloodshed.

As the son of a Corellian, Deo was of course raised with tales of how his people didn't need the Republic or the Jedi; yet throughout his adolescence, he began to admire the Knights of Odan-Urr, both for their peacekeeping skills and the tales of their battle prowess. Though he did of course have colonist friends, the Jedi and their presence enabled Harakoans and Tythonians to grow closer together, and the blue-skinned natives would even barter with his father, trading crops and meat in exchange for pelts, tools, and local medicines. This resulted in him having a much more pragmatic and even friendly attitude toward the natives, something that would guide him as he grew up.

Adulthood and Military Service

Upon reaching the age of 19 in 25 ABY, Deo went through grief as his father passed away from illness. To help support his mother, who had also grown quite sick and frail, they sold the farmstead and moved her into a house in Menat Ombo. Though the money from the stead was sufficient to support her for a time, Deo knew it wouldn't be enough, and decided to enlist in the Tanduran and Dac Unified Commandos to help pay for her expenses. There, Deo would learn basic combat skills to augment what he already knew of the rifle, with the rigid routine and discipline of military life striking him as very similar to life on the farm.

The Memit Riverside, not far from where Deo's home was located.

Deo would serve the Commandos and the KUDF for years, first becoming a skilled soldier before becoming a Warrant Officer at the age of 25. He continued to serve with distinction after his mother's death in 32 ABY, at which point Deo became the sole inheritor of the house he'd purchased for her and continued his military service, rising as high as Captain. It was at this time, in 35 ABY, that Sol would see the deadliest battles of his career against the forces of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, getting his first taste for Galactic-scale war.

Facing the Brotherhood

Main article: [[Tenth Great Jedi War|Tenth Great Jedi War]]

Fighting beside Mandalorians of Clan Ordo, Deo was struck by their efficacy and skill against these new Sith enemies, many of whom used tactics not unlike those of his Jedi allies. He was also deeply impacted by what he learned of their customs and lifestyle, noting the high number of cultures and alien races adopted into their ranks and the honor and strength that seemed to bind them together. With his tenacity, his quick wit, and his ability to overcome fear against foes as terrifying as Sith, Deo was able to earn the respect and even admiration of several of the Mandalorian warriors. He incorporated their tactics as he learned them into his unit's ambushes, an act that would severely reduce casualties and improve success against Brotherhood troops.

Deo fought beside many Mandalorians in the Brotherhood's Invasion.

On the outskirts of Menat Ombo, his skill would be tried and would prove insufficient against a Dark Jedi from Arcona; though his tactical prowess gave his forces the upper hand at the outset, the Obelisk against him would prove too powerful, and would turn the tide single-handedly. Shredding through lines of soldiers, he ultimately came up against Deo himself, who would use the distraction of a concussion grenade to tackle the Dark Sider and wrest away his lightsaber. Though his combat skills were impressive, the Dark Jedi's would prove equal and the strength lent him by the Dark Side allowed him to overcome Deo and regain his weapon. Deo received his first wound in combat at this battle, taking a serious strike to his right side from the enemy's lightsaber before the Jedi Drodik Va'lence al'Tor arrived on the scene to lend him aid. Deo would survive the attack, but his home was among those destroyed in the bombardment of Menat Ombo, which reduced much of the city to ruin and rubble.

Civil Unrest

Main article: [[The Pillars Of Menat,Bastions Of Knowledge|The Pillars Of Menat,Bastions Of Knowledge]]

Though his wound would put him out of action for six weeks, even with Bacta therapy and a healing implant, he would return to the front as soon as he could with a medal of distinction. His actions had saved the majority of his unit, while their successes over the weeks prior had been the only reason the Ducks had seen what victories they had. His mettle would be proven again as the terrorist Cy Thuron surfaced following the Brotherhood's withdrawal and Menat Ombo's repair, where his actions and those of the KUDF did much to help maintain peace and stability.

Ji, Jedi Councillor and victim of Cy Thuron's bomb attack.

After the apparent death of the Jedi Ji and the disappearance of Thuron, Deo's command went far in maintaining civility and peace between Harakoan and Tythonian. Because of this, he was brought before the Summit of Odan-Urr on the request of Prime Minister Gideon Varos, where he was afforded the position of Commander of the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force.

Dark Crusade and Fall of New Tython

Main article: [[Dark Crusade, Fall of New Tython|Dark Crusade, Fall of New Tython]]

Though Deo was attached to his homeworld, the loss of his home and death of his parents had left him with little to tie him to its surface, and his trust for the Jedi made him an outspoken voice for support as they deployed the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force in skirmishes throughout Sith Space. Facing the Dark Brotherhood and the One Sith in a Dark Crusade waged by Grand Master Muz Ashen against the Sith Lord Esoteric. Though eager to get some payback for his injury and humbling outside Menat Ombo, Deo's time in recovery had also made him wiser, and he sought out his rescuer Drodik and asked him for further instruction in arts of combat.

Though Sol was not a Force-sensitive and thus could not learn the ways of the Jedi in truth, Al'Tor was still able to give him extensive lessons in martial arts, weaponry, and the art of engaging an enemy like a Sith in close combat. Throughout these lessons and the training they entailed, Sol became stronger, faster, and more capable than he had ever been, and although he hadn't the Force skills and years necessary to use a weapon like a lightsaber, he was still instructed in the basics of Banlanth should an enemy with such a blade ever press him into close quarters again.

Deo's service took on a sour note as Cy Thuron emerged with the remnants of his New Dawn followers, now backed by a massive army of mercenaries and pirates calling itself the Thuron Monarchy. Deployed as they were, the KUDF's guerrilla troops and fighters could do little to stop the enemy, and had to watch from afar as their Jedi commanders evacuated what people they could to the world of Haven. Deo would take on a new fervor in his service from this point forward, his tactics becoming more brutal and exacting as he lured Brotherhood and Sith forces into ambushes and strikes of attrition - less aimed at blunting either side, and more at stealing what his forces would need to eventually liberate New Tython.

Liberation and Civil War

Main article: [[Return of the Light, Eleventh Great Jedi War|Return of the Light, Eleventh Great Jedi War]]

While the Jedi struck to liberate their brethren from Purity Rock in the mass escape there, Deo and his forces quietly pulled out from Sith Space and snuck onto the surface of New Tython in the chaos that followed. Heading to the mountains north of the Hunonum Desert, Deo would take a principal role in readying the forces of the fledgling Harakoan Tribal Army as they were returned to health, equipped with blasters and armor, and trained in the ways of modern warfare. For months, he and his soldiers readied them for the coming assault, though Deo's position would largely see him on the outskirts of major battles. It was a position he shared with figures such as Whenua and Gideon Varos, alongside the Summit of Odan-Urr when the Jedi didn't find themselves deployed to the front.

Deo's skill and mettle were put to the ultimate test within Vard Mislu, where he accompanied the Jedi Knights Jonuss Rai and Mirus Hi'ija to meet with the rebels who had revealed themselves there once the Jedi forces began to win. Though his forces were unable to prevent the massive destruction that would ensue, as mercenaries turned heavy weaponry against colonists who had to do the same just to survive, Sol's orders would see Odanite forces regroup and rally beside the rebels to ultimately win the day. He was later deployed alongside many of those same rebels, alongside the Harakoans who they had distrusted for years, in the retaking of Menat Ombo; rumours would persist that Deo's orders had secretly requested Harakoan units to accompany them, a tactical gamble that would pay off in improved Misluan-Harakoan relations for years to come.

Cy Thuron, King of the Thuron Monarchy.

After the battle, Deo's words gave some advice for the Treaty of Menat Ombo, particularly in regard to the Jedi and the KUDF. While he had great respect for the Jedi and his men, he was among those who had seen them both as primary leaders and defenders of the world, and as a rescuing overseer for the many groups. It was largely because of his words to the Summit that the KUDF and Jedi would be set into a role of international overseers and would be pulled back from governmental proceedings among Tythonians and Harakoans. They would instead become protectors, to allow each nation to guide its own fate and ensure that the Treaty would be respected by all parties.

At the age of 32, Deo would see his third deployment against Brotherhood forces on Korriban. He and his forces would aid Cotelin's rebels in preventing the forces of Ashen and Esoteric from triggering the Rite of Immortality. Once the dust had settled, the revelations of the war's true motivations meant little for Deo; his command remained and his orders hadn't changed. As Darth Pravus took over the Brotherhood and the Clans returned to lick their wounds and tend to their own affairs, Deo was awarded the rank of General for the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force, second only in authority to the Summit itself. He continues to serve there, working to aid the Jedi in any new conflicts that should arise.

Physical Description

Deo Sol is a man of average height, his body muscular and agile after years of military service and advanced training by the Jedi Drodik. He has straight black hair and blue eyes, his face plain, if a bit rogueish due to his Corellian outlook on life, and he typically dresses in well-kept fatigues or plainclothes. Military service has become his life, and he often carries himself with the straight back of a soldier. A man of humble sensibilities and great discipline, he is usually quite plainly dressed, wearing his medals and commendations only when circumstances demand that he do so. Though a few small scars adorn his hands and body, his most noticeable mark of combat is along his right side, in the form of a wide, ugly scar left by an Obelisk's blade in the Invasion of New Tython.

Skills and Abilities

Trained both as a commando by the Ducks, and as an elite warrior by Drodik, Deo Sol is a master of many martial arts and can competently use weapons ranging from combat knives and stun batons all the way up to a vibrosword or quarterstaff. He is skilled with firearms of all makes, excepting extremely heavy weaponry, and has much in the way of woodsmanship and stealth skills. While he has a rudimentary understanding of detonators and grenades, as well as the piloting skills to pilot a landspeeder or swoop bike, he is a soldier rather than a pilot and is more comfortable on the ground or in the bush.

Though a deadly adversary, Deo's true skill lies in his tactical mind and combat experience. He is something of a tactical genius, and has been instructed in how to combat advances from tribal, colonist, mercenary, and Brotherhood forces, even knowing the tactics to use against a Force-using opponent. That said, while a master of ground combat, he is lost on the tactics of space and will often feel quite impotent should his forces be aboard a cruiser that is engaged; he prefers to have his feet on solid ground rather than up in the air.

Weapons and Equipment

Deo's training as a soldier readied him for medium armors and blaster rifles years ago, though his additional commando training would ready him for situations calling for light armor, pistols, and even sniper weaponry when the situation called for it. Though rarely armed for battle these days, when forced into battle one can typically find him in medium gear and equipped with pistols, rifles, and a combat knife.

That said, when pressed or in danger Deo is quite skilled in hand to hand combat and can employ larger blades and polearms if the need presses him. He also has some skill at setting traps and deploying unconventional warfare, and, thanks to the instructions of Drodik, can even utilize a lightsaber in the most basic sense as a tool or a last-ditch weapon. That said, any use of it for actions like parrying a blaster bolt would rely upon having the time to see it coming, while being pressed by a more skilled foe would likely see him to his death. That said, he remains one of the deadliest mundane soldiers in the Odanite army, alongside one of its most promising commanders.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of Allusis

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Asani Armis • Knight Commander Syrena Valkar

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness