Time as Quaestor (32 ABY to 33 ABY)
- "Retreat now, or be blasted by the LAAT/i that's incoming, your choice kid."
- ―Fremoc to a Night Raptor on Salas V (32 ABY)
Upon returning from Refuge, Fremoc was appointed as the Quaestor of Marka Ragnos and Bal Demona was appointed to Aedile. As Bob had done to Fremoc, Fremoc made Bal the Governor of Tarthos, so that Fremoc could keep the metaphorical target off his back in case of an attack. Before leaving the office of Governor, Fremoc gave money to the Dlarit Special Forces stationed on Tarthos to begin the construction of the New Alabrek Castle, which would be located near the Ragnos Memorial. Shortly after returning to Mucenic, Fremoc began to have dreams of mysterious figures and the need to go to the Catacombs of Mucenic with Bal. The two leaders entered the Catacombs and were met by Spirits of Disciples of Ragnos proclaiming Fremoc the Anguis and having him bring the religion back to the members of Marka Ragnos.
Fremoc in Mando ArmorOn Salas V, the clans where pitted against each other to determine which clan would be able to conquer the planet. While on the planet, Fremoc and a select group of people went to investigate the disappearance of several patrols. This lead to The Stryker, Fremoc's prized VCX-820, to be shot down, with Fremoc trying to land it safely. The VCX-820 was destroyed and Fremoc barely alive, was brought to the make shift medical facility for Clan Naga Sadow after being found by Dyrra Skye. During the time on Salas V, Manji and Taigikori, with the approval of Muz Ashen, gave Fremoc a battlefield promotion to Templar. Along with Kalei Basai and Dyrra Skye, they stood in front of the Clan as they were all given their respective Equite 1 rank. There wasn't much time for celebration as they had to go back out into battle to fight another clan for domination over Salas V. Shortly after his promotion, Bob approached Fremoc to train Markus Liraye. Fremoc didn't want another so soon after Gavin had gone missing considering it was the 3rd apprentice that he had lost. Reluctantly, after some convincing from Kharon Daragon, he took Markus on in hope that Markus would be able to survive his training. Markus shortly there after disappeared on a mission and hasn't been heard from since.
Although Clan Naga Sadow was sent back to the Sepros system, after their loss to Revan, they were able to win their battle over Clan Arcona. Days upon the return to Mucenic, Teu Pepoi, who was in labor for six hours, gave birth to their daughter Darra. The new born's bliss was short lived, as Teu was given a job on Seng Karash, replacing Kano Verda as The Bastion's battle team leader. After obtaining permission from Dyrra Skye, Teu would be allowed to come home when she was needed or felt like it. A short time after the events of Darra's birth and Teu's departure to the Bastion, Mucenic was under siege by the Divine Reborn. Fremoc was able to protect his children as they hid as well as giving Kalei Basai enough time to escape the town and warn the rest of the house. The Templar was captured and tortured to try and have the members of the Disciples of Ragnos come to Mucenic. Fremoc didn't falter in his captivity and was saved by Methyas L'eonheart and Kano Verda. Quickly the three engaged Drosk causing the leader of the Divine Reborn to flee to his transport and leave the system. Methyas had planned ahead, and called the Final Way to be stationed over the town in orbit. The large capital ship captured Drosk, but shortly after his capture, Teu cut him down in front of Manji and Taigikori. At the end of the siege, Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart was made Aedile after Bal Demona decided to step down, while having Kano Verda take over as the Battleteam leader of the Night Raptors once more. Bob once more came to the former commando, asking him to take on Araxis Farron as an apprentice. Once more Fremoc was hesitant, but eventually relented and took the newly promoted Protector as his apprentice.
Voice of Justice and Deliverance
- "Who are you?"
- — Terrorist
- "Death"
- — Fremoc (33ABY)
Fremoc and Teu PepoiDuring Aeorthran's darkest hour, Fremoc and House Marka Ragnos assisted House Ludo Kressh against the Voice of Justice. During this time, Kano and Methyas recognized Teu Pepoi as one of their own, a Mandalorian woman. Fremoc would disappear for sometime during part of the fight, due to him being checked out by a doctor, associated with the Voice of Justice. The Doctor told Fremoc that he had a mysterious disease that could possibly kill Fremoc if he was not careful. The former commando joined Methyas and Kano near Aeorthran's Generator 2, where Kano and himself laid covering fire, for the strike team that included Teu, Locke Sonjie, Malisane Sadow, and Roxas. Once the team was inside the compound, Fremoc sensed a Vornskr nearby, and controlled it through the Force, before cutting the tail off. This eliminated the creature's wants to hunt, and actually protect its master, which had now become Fremoc. While Fremoc had cut the tail off, Roxas had tripped an alarm, causing his wife Teu to become captured. Kano and Fremoc destroy a wall in the building, to get to Teu, and rescue her. In the process of rescuing her, Kano sets the generator to explode. On the return trip to the Kresshian Skyhook, Malisane punched Fremoc, for causing the generator to be destroyed, since Fremoc was the ranking person between the two. After a quick reprieve, the members of Naga Sadow went to Lor Zateen, where Deliverance had brought herself and the rest of her minions and terrorists. The main unit dressed as workers, sneaked into the villa and engaged several cyborgs, while Fremoc with Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart, Kano Verda, Rang Verda, Araxis Farron, and Roxas. The six men were inserted on the rooftop of the villa, and fought their way below, killing terrorists on their way down to Deliverance. Fremoc eventually fights his way to where his wife was, while the rest of the team made tourists and other civilians leave the island resort. Fremoc, now with his wife, engaged the cyborgs, helping Teu, Locke, and Jade, dispatch them, before the remaining five members of Fremoc's assault team got to his position. The combined forces of Clan Naga Sadow engaged Deliverance and the rest of her augmented terrorists. Fremoc wound up cutting the woman's arm off and grabbing the bomb's detonator, before being thrown into the wall and knocked unconscious. Venator rushed to the former commando's side, and injected Fremoc with some sort of drug. Mysteriously the drug, neutralized the disease, but also caused the large man to become conscious, just as Macron and Manji, killed Deliverance. The clans retreated from Lor Zateen, before it exploded, destroying the island resort. In the weeks that passed, Fremoc Knighted his apprentice Araxis, making him the second person that had been successfully trained by him.
The Flying Tank team
- ―Fremoc (33 ABY)
Within days after Araxis Stormreaver Farron was Knighted, Pepoi took on Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart as a new apprentice, since L'eanheart was the Aedile of Marka Ragnos. The relationship grew as Fremoc taught Methyas everything that he knew from after Bob had been his mentor. Some time later, Fremoc received a emergency communication that Kar Alabrek and Markosian City were under attack by creatures. Fremoc immediately ordered all civilian personnel into the Temple of Ragnos, and kept the remaining Dark Jedi outside of it to defend the monastery thinking that the creatures would be attacking Mucenic as well. Fremoc sensed which direction the attack would come from, and move the group of Dark Jedi to face the oncoming onslaught. The members of Marka Ragnos rushed the creatures, now known as Ekind and Vongspawn that obeyed the command of any Ekind trooper. Some of the Vongspawn were reincarnated members of the House that had died. TIE Bomber's under orders from Macron Goura Sadow began bombarding the hilltop, and several of their bombs hit close to the Dark Jeid line. One such bomb sent Fremoc backwards, knocking him unconscious for the briefest of moments. Upon regaining consciousness, he received a message from Macron stating that Fremoc would be in command of all military units that were on Tarthos. Immediately he set up a command center in the middle of Mucenic, as the members of House Ludo Kressh arrived and began to help the battle. Other military assets began showing up, adding to the military might of the Clan, pushing the Vongspawn and Ekind away from the sacred monastery. Stress was adding onto Fremoc's mind, as the battle raged on, especially with the reemergence of Bob as Kharon Daragon. It wasn't shortly after Bob's appearance that Shan Long returned to Tarthos, leading the Obsidian Cohort into battle, helping the Dlarit Special Operations Group and the members of Clan Naga Sadow. After almost a day slaughtering, the Ekind and Vongspawn lay dead, and the respected elders of Naga Sadow, gathered at the command center Fremoc was commanding the military from.
Fremoc 33 ABYAfter a brief confrontation with Shan Long where Fremoc was choked and brought to his knees before the Elder, Fremoc moved towards a hover tank with Methyas, Araxis, and Sarconn, while Venator took a speeder ahead of the team towards Markosian City. Sarconn found a landing craft that was capable of carrying the hover tank. Sarconn took the team towards Markosian City, before it started to take fire from Ekind captured Tie Fighters. The hull to the landing craft began to take severe damage, causing Methyas to order Sarconn into the tank, and disengage the mechanisms that held the tank in place so that the team would fall into the city. The TIE's continued to fire upon the tank, were Araxis opened the hatch above him and opened fire upon the TIEs. After the engagement ended Methyas maneuvered the tank so that it was would land in Blue sector. The team moved towards the Orian Manor where the Governor Security Force were defending it with their lives. Fremoc ran to the old war room at the bottom of the manor where the Night Raptors originally called their home as they defended the Governor of Tarthos. Again, Fremoc assumed command of all military assets, controlling where they moved and who they needed to attack. The stress continued to weigh on Pepoi's shoulders, causing him to believe that the city was still lost despite the fact they were winning. He ordered Platform Onyx, the RSD Final Way, and the ISDII Harbinger to bombard an area just outside the city to determine how effective their gunners where. Pepoi moved out of the war room and ordered that all Dark Jedi, civilians, and military personnel to evacuate Green Sector. Fremoc moved off to the edge of the Green sector where once more he and Shan Long confronted one another. Long threw Fremoc through a wall and into another building, before Fremoc ordered an orbital bombardment from Onyx, Final Way, and Harbinger on Green Sector. The bombardment killed hundreds of people, and nearly killed Shan Long, but was spared at the last moment by the Amulet of Orian. Pepoi offered with death or life of being a coward and exile, by the Dragon. Fremoc chose to exile himself from the Clan and to not return to the Clan until he had suffered a thousand deaths but was allowed to set his affairs in order before he left. He ran from the building before resting on a wall before Muz Ashen held a lightsaber hilt to his brain querying about the Ragnos Cathedral and why it had been destroyed. Fremoc explained quickly to the Grand Master that it had been destroyed by the Vong in 31 ABY and at that very moment the Vongspawn and Ekind had taken over the Cathedral as well as disrupting the reconstruction that DSOG had tried to do. Muz understood and told the Obelisk that he needed to stay by the Sith Lord's side as they moved towards Orian Manor.
In the Orian Manor, the Clan Overlord declared that Clan Naga Sadow was no more, that there were no more factions, and all were under the banner of Naga Sadow as a House. Fremoc watched the Sons of Sadow convene in the Manor along with a fair amount of others including Fremoc's wife, Teu. While the Sons convened Fremoc decided to leave the Manor and begin the journey to Kar Alabrek by himself, but was confronted by Methyas and Araxis before he could move forward. He pushed the two aside and told them over his shoulder they needed to head to Kar Alabrek. Taking a speeder, Fremoc went to Kar Alabrek, before crumpling to the ground from the pain and voices in his head from those he had killed from the Orbital Bombardment. His anger lashed out from the pain, and began attacking Vongspawn and Ekind. Alone in the city, he killed many of the Vongspawn and Ekind before the rest of the newly re-formed House Naga Sadow showed up at Kar Alabrek. They pushed into the Ragnos Cathedral and to the lower levels of the Great Sadow Library beneath the blown apart Dark Library. Trevarus Caerick opened the Library's doors and the Dark Jedi were greated by an Honor Guard of the Ekind's finest warriors. The Sadowans killed the Honor Guard and went to engage Hafa Chun, the Yuuzhan Vong Shaper Nal Yin, and the Ekind High Priest Aeratas Alabrek. The Grand Master Muz engaged Hafa Chun with Trevarus, while Methyas chased after Nal Yin. Fremoc alone engaged Aeratas, but to his surprise his former apprentice Kano, who had gone to Arcona for several days tracking someone, returned to help take down the High Priest. Working in perfect unison, the two killed the High Priest, before Kano ran off to find Methyas. Following the battle, while everyone was moving through the Sadow Library and cleaning it, Fremoc escaped to his former quarters in the Ragnos Cathedral with two texts. After spending hours in the old quarters he left for Mucenic.
Exile (33 ABY to 34 ABY)
- "You shall go into the outworlds, to die a thousand times in the search of perhaps even power greater than mine.... or you shall die here as a coward. Choose young one."
- ―Shan Long (33 ABY)
Mere hours after the members of Naga Sadow killed Hafa Chun and left Kar Alabrek to be reconstructed once more, Fremoc and Teu returned to their home in Mucenic to say good bye. He told Kano to stay near his wife, to protect her from anything that would come to Mucenic in the future. He also promoted Methyas to the rank of Templar, while also giving Thomas his lightsaber that he had acquired upon being promoted to Templar. Fremoc went to the hidden hangars in Mucenic, and took a shuttle off towards Kathol Rift. He searched a desolate Nebulon B frigate only to start to hear a childs laughter. The bodies on the bridge of the crew were actually skeleton's, their skin and organs were completely missing. As Fremoc began to leave the captain's body reanimated, causing Fremoc to panic and empty his DC-17m into the skeleton. The bolts went through the body, and caused the viewport to explode, venting the skeleton's in the bridge into space. Reinforced doors seperated Fremoc and the bridge, giving him the time needed to get on board his shuttle and escape the Kathol Rift. Fremoc reported to Trevarus his findings, upon leaving the Rift.
He sped off to Antei after his experience in the Kathol Rift to meet Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir. Fremoc spent time there as Magistrate to the Fist of the Brotherhood, along with Ruluk Okoth. They went over training programs for the Iron throne. Personally Ma`ar took Fremoc to the side, and went over different aspects of the battle on Tarthos. He learned that his reactions were poor, and that Fremoc could have gone without the orbital bombardment. He learned that through a longer battle, the Markosian City could have still been saved. Feeling that he had learned everything that he could, Fremoc left Antei, heading towards Corvanni 4. Before leaving, Ma`ar thought it was appropriate to promote Fremoc to Obelisk Prelate.
A Discovery
- "Honey? Why are you screaming Trev's name and not mine?"
- ―Teu
After some time exploring the galaxy, Fremoc returned to his homeworld of Corvanni IV. He returned to the site where his parents and sister died, finding that the home had been rebuilt but empty. He broke into the building, long enough so that he could create his new lightsaber, Death's Revenge. Fremoc went to the Xev Corporation and found that they had put his father, Zane's filing cabinets and various other paperwork in a storage facility. Reading through each document, he began to trace his family's origins to Onderon, where his great grand parents had lived before dying of old age. But then there were other documents, as if Zane had been hiring people to track down members of his family. He left the planet with the documents, and headed to Ossus, in search for the Codex Vocatus.
The documents revealed that Kano was his half brother, a child that Zane had hidden from Rebec while he was unfaithful to her. Fremoc was in shock that his very first apprentice was actually his own brother but had to put the thoughts aside when he entered the Ossus system, landing at the starport to gather information about the planet after changing the transponder codes to the shuttle. He gathered information that a certain area was actually great for finding lost artifacts, and took his shuttle there. The trip revealed to be an area of a powerful Force User's tomb, where he looked for bit of information for the Codex Vocatus. The Dark Side spoke to him, telling him to go to Dxun. Creatures attacked Fremoc, cutting his jaw and neck but he killed one, before he ran back to his shuttle. He launched his shuttle towards space and away from the planet, before launching into hyperspace.
In the middle of the night, Fremoc ventured to Mucenic to visit his wife and spend some time with her. After spending several hours with each other, and just as they were beginning to kiss each other once more, Trevarus Caerick entered Fremoc's mind. This caused Fremoc to yell the other man's name and roll off the bed, as Trevarus spoke to Fremoc, telling the former commando that he had broken the agreement. Caerick sent mental needles through the Force into Fremoc's body, until he told Trevarus that he was leaving Tarthos that second.
Fremoc immediately set his shuttle towards Dxun and Onderon, first landing on Onderon to learn more about his family. He learned of his grandparents as well as finding leads to go to Tattooine and Aquilaris. He got back onto his shuttle and landed outside the tomb he and the Night Raptors had had Operation Poison Stroke two years prior. Fremoc went to the center of the tomb, find the Codex Vocatus was stolen from the tomb by Arack Tavar two years prior. He left the planet, heading to Tattoine finding documents that Araxis Farron, was actually a distant cousin. He went after his final lead on Aquilaris, but wound up on Coruscant finding that Methyas was his other cousin. Finally, Fremoc tacked down Arack Tavar and interrogated the man to find out where the Codex Vocatus was. The former member of the Night Raptors informed him that it was in the Archives, and immediately left Arack to find the Codex. Upon retrieving it, he set out once more through space, informing his new master that he had the Codex.
- "Welcome to Antei Commanders"
- ―Fremoc to the Obelisk members of Naga Sadow upon arrival on Antei
Towards the end of 33 ABY, tensions ran high when it was found that Crask's battle droids were still in Temple Boyna, the Obelisk Order's Temple. Ma`ar and several Sith wanted to capture it back, while also obtaining the Holocrons that were stored in the underground levels of the Triumvirate Library. Korras and Kir Katarn led the Obelisk Order to retake Temple Boyna before the Sith were able to amass their forces, while the Krath including Muz, Shikyo, Ashia, and Arion performed the Rite of Exaltation, to elevate Muz's closest advisors and generals to the rank of Dark Prophet. Fremoc, returned to Antei, just after Kir and Korras took Temple Boyna, and found out what was going on. He then welcomed the Obelisk from Naga Sadow to the Temple, including his wife, Teu Pepoi who was pregnant with another child, Kano, Methyas, and Araxis. He quickly explained the gathered members of the Pepoi Family their lineage and how each of them related to the other. Upon telling them, he left the group to find Trevarus in the Valley of the Lost with Raistlin Sadow. Fremoc handed Trevarus the Codex Vocatus, as well as several other books that Caerick found useful. Trevarus proceeded to Mark the younger man. The Third Sight was overwhelming at first, but caused Fremoc to see into the future. He saw two members of the Sith Order strike down Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow. After telling Trevarus of what he saw, Fremoc left for Temple Boyna from the Valley of the Lost. He reached the newly appointed Quaestor in time to cut down the two Sith. The war on Antei was short lived and it was deemed that the members of the Obelisk order were triumphant. The members of House Naga Sadow left Antei, leaving Fremoc behind to tend to the clean up with Ma`ar and to train the newer members of the Iron Throne's army.
While training the Iron Throne's army with Ma`ar, as well as helping him with Grand Master's Royal Guard, Fremoc recieved a message from Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow to return back to Sepros and the Orian System. Trevarus Caerick released Fremoc from his exile as well, stating he had learned what he had needed to. Fremoc landed on Sepros, and immediately learned that he was going to become the new Aedile of Naga Sadow, a position he accepted and immediately set to work with Sai. They created new prefect positions in the Orian system, assigning Venator to Gamuslag, as well as Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart to Tarthos. After a few days, Sai went off with his apprentice to help Macron Goura Sadow with finding the killer of Ashura Isradia Sadow. Fremoc remained on Sepros, and began training himself at the Temple of Blood, spending many hours there, sometime even days to perfect himself in combat. His time as Aedile was short lived though, but it wasn't until after he had made sure his apprentice Roxas was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight.
Fist of the Brotherhood (34 ABY - 37 ABY)
- "Orders my lord?"
- ―Fremoc to Muz
After Sai informed Fremoc of him becoming Fist of the Brotherhood, he immediately returned to New Sadow Palace from the Temple of Blood. While he was preparing for his return to Antei, he intercepted a transmission of Macron Sadow ordering his brother's, Kano's Regulators to head to Aeotheran to kill Sunei. With the Regulators on their way, Fremoc sent the team a new set of orders, countering that of the Marshall Commander's. He wanted Sunei kept alive because he had reason to believe that there was something bigger going on than just Sunei. Sai had intercepted that transmission and informed Macron of the Regulator's new orders. The new Fist informed the Regulators that Macron knew of their new orders, and set off to inform Sai of his decision making. At the Regulator's Camp Havoc over the Temple of Fire, Fremoc told Sai of the reasoning behind his decisions and it wasn't before long that they were informed of Sunei's capture but at the price of finding out that the Reaper's Call crew was turning into possessed victims, as well as knocking out the Regulator team. Sai and Fremoc waited for Teu Pepoi who brought them the Soul Rippers that Shan Long, Robert Sadow, and Macron Goura had created. Fremoc and Sai went to the Reaper's Call, which already had regained its power as well as having the Regulators awake and Macron boarding the craft. With the Mark open, Fremoc saw Kano become possessed and start to attack the members of House Naga Sadow, as well as his cousin Methyas. Once the shuttle boarded the Reaper's Call, Fremoc rushed after his brother to stop him, just in time to stop Kano from impaling Methyas. The two brothers squared off, with Fremoc finding out that Kano had let himself become possessed because he was jealous of Fremoc's power and had wanted it. Their battle caused internal damage to the ship and much of the house even felt it as their battle literally shook the ship. Fremoc, pushed to his limits, wound up killing his brother in their battle to the death. The older Pepoi was grief stricken when he finally snapped out of his mindset, realizing that he killed a member of his family. The man cried for moments before Sai began to lecture the younger man, nearly causing Fremoc to loose control once more, but was told to go to Antei to report to Muz.