Qor Mon'Zary

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 00:23, 22 April 2016 by Lexiconus (talk | contribs)
Exodus era.New Order era.
Lexiconus Qor
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

13 ABY (age 30)

Physical Description





1.7 meters


70 kg





Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Light Blue

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information
  • Teachweaver
  • Doctor
  • Quaestor
  • Jarl Imperius

Sith Battlemaster

Personal Ship:


Known masters:

Nikola Valtiere

Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

"One could look at the battlefield with grace, artistry and beauty. These matter not for when the bestial terrors I have created face them for the first time. They will be scared, and you will enjoy it!"
―A passage said by Nikola Valtiere to Lexiconus

Born Nosolar Qor on the planet Dac, Lexiconus is a disciplined and harsh Quarren and Dark-sided Jedi. Raised within the Sith Order of the Brotherhood, ‘Lexic’ was taught how to harness the power of the Force. His special talents as a Doctor and Techweaver make him well aware of both the Unifying Force, and the Living Force. As only beginning his journey within Clan Arcona this was the foundations of using the Force for his own ambitions. The members of his Clan and House know very well to not be in his debt. Lexic currently resides in House Imperium as the Quaestor and ‘’Jarl Imperius’’ of the Scholae Palatinae Army.

Character History

Quarren Origins

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Homeworld of Dac

Roughly eight years after the signing the of the Galactic Concordance, there was a time of unease as the New Republic were tasked to find the remnants of the Galactic Empire in the Unknown Regions. It was during this time that the people of Mon Cala begin to resupply the New Republic with warships and weapons. Under the rule of King Lee-Char, the dual nationality of Mon Calamari and the Quarren became increasingly tense. The Quarren wished to resupply the New Republic with greater research of weapon technology, whereas the Mon Calamari were adamant in believing the foreboding visions of a native Jedi. It was during this tense period, that the Mon Calamari began to target and sabotage military factories on the planet. This started the Liberation Wars.

In 13 ABY, two defenders of what was known as the Shield Enforcers, a mixed group of Quarren and Mon Calamari who protected the weapon supplies, gave birth to their third and young child. They named him Nosolar Qor, after a famed defender who sacrificed his life as a watchtower sniper against King Lee-Char’s soldiers. Nosolar wasn’t a planned pregnancy and bringing the young Quarren into this world was filled with danger, distrust and betrayal. The young boy was chased by the King’s men all his life, from safehouse to desolate trenches to predated coral reef. Slowly the casualties of the war forced the boy to become cold to death, taking his time to hunt and kill for food or pleasure. During his toddler years, Nosolar came across a young pilot by the name of Nikola Valtiere who taught the boy on Dac to harness his uncaring demeanor into anger and strength. Nosolar was taught the ways of Echani, how to ambush strong foes and the use of tactics. As the young Quarren grew older each day, he distanced himself from the war and his parents by training with Valtiere. The young pilot then brought his own master, Nadrin Erinos Arconae, who felt the Force was locked inside Nosolar. He urged his apprentice to teach him the Sith ways, while Nadrin harnessed the boy’s use of the Dark Side and the Sith Code.

Taken in as a young Sith Apprentice on Dac and trained in the arts of the Lightsaber, Nosolar Qor developed a passionate interest in both Nikola and Nadrin. He desired to mimic their power, their uncaring methods and their brutal strengths. The duo of master and apprentice were pleased in this devotion and manipulated it into a test, Nosolar was weaponised and primed to kill on orders. Then, they asked him to kill his parents. Without hesitation, Nosolar went to the Shield Enforcer’s barracks, armed with what little Force powers and lightsaber training he knew, and destroyed the men inside. Sparing no one alive and interrogating the men for the whereabouts of the weaponry, Nosolar profited from this moment by selling the factory locations to King Lee-Char.

Then the boy snapped, his emotions went into an explosion of ethical realisation and Nosolar broke down. Nikola wasted no time and took the boy away from the planet, and into the shroud of the Brotherhood.

Arcona Sparring Room

Delivered into the Military hands, the boy was placed into harsh and cruel training that shaped the small and broken child, into a powerful beast capable of tearing you apart. Through his brutal training, Valtiere allowed his newest subject to stay alive but hidden from the Clan. The Commander then gave the young Quarren a new name, Lexiconus, as a symbol of his alien and mysterious habits. Honed by the Sith and fed knowledge by the Krath, the Quarren built a philosophy on hatred towards all others and was found ready to join his Master in publicity. However his training attracted the eye of a powerful Zabrak who requested the young Sith into his summit. The man known infamously as Cethgus, took the powerful Quarren into custody and back to the planet of Aeotheran. When they arrived, Lexic met with the Consul of Naga Sadow called Locke Sonjie, who from a quick assessment did not approve of the young leader.

The Choice of a Quaestor


Lexic led the house by physical actions and spoke very little to others because he disliked humanoids and preferred the company of animals and his plants. Lexic headed the house through a moment of uneasy alliance with Clan Scholae Palatinae towards a band of pirates called the Red Fury Brotherhood. The Consul continued to monitor Lexic for the slightest of mistakes made by him. Once this conquest was concluded and the threat of pirates ceased, Lexiconus left his position of Quaestor to a Umbaran known as Atra Ventus, and retired to the Battleteam called Devil's Shroud. The Krath assisted the newly appointed leader, Bentre Stahoes, into founding the city of Myrmidon and upholding their strength.

Defense Against the Dark Arts

Sith Code

Whilst on the campaign for future learning materials, Lexic came across the Headmaster of the Shadow Academy and his Neti Praetor. They invited him to a secluded conference with other members of the Brotherhood, some were Sith and there was a Jedi in their presence. The Headmaster lectured them about the infinite mysteries of the Force and the dark secrets withheld inside the Sith scrolls that were archived years ago. Because of the recent loss of Antei, the scrolls were brought to attention and were passed around to the Professors for analysis. For the members of this particular group, they were given the chance to join the Headmaster and convert to fully Sith in order to gain access to the darkest knowledge available. Lexiconus felt possessed by this opportunity and opted to follow the Sith Code. He was inducted to the Sith Order and named a Sith Warrior.

Brotherhood of Red Fury

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Red Fury Pirates

When the Consul witnessed the attack on their trade negotiations with the Imperial Clan Scholae Palatinae, the two clans paired for a 'temporary alliance' against the attackers on their transported goods. Once they found their scouts found the reports of pirate ships flying to and from an unknown asteroid base, Naga Sadow summoned the Warhost Navy against the pirates and this begun the Red Fury event.

Red Fury bosses, learning of the destruction of a segment of their brotherhood, sent out spies to find knowledge about the groups that had stopped them. Both Dark Jedi Clans quickly discovered these Red Fury Operatives, and decided to end the threat fully by destroying their base of operations. Rather than get in each other's’ way, Locke and Xen’Mordin agreed to a temporary alliance for forces until the Red Fury threat was neutralized.

A number of operations, including joint efforts of members from both clans took place against the Red Fury pirates on their Atlas Station. These operations included two different assaults on the base, dealing with the legendary Pirate Robot King of the Atlas Station, and cracking a code embedded in Red Fury communications. Many members from both clans stepped up to fight valiantly against the Red Fury pirates. The Pirates, while having high numbers, and many looted weapons with strong fortifications fell within hours of the first shots being fired. The members of Devil's Shroud along with Lexiconus fought against this pirate threat and destroyed the base from the inside out. Their forces severely outmatched, the Red Fury tried to call for reinforcement but they did not show in time, causing the base and the goods stored inside to be ironically stolen. It was during this campaign that Lexiconus met with one of the last living Zelosians in the Brotherhood; Mayda Ferium. She along with the Quarren, teamed together and stormed the Hangar Bay by force, taking out the heavily armed turrets, the shields holding the hangar secure and eventually the guards inside. Lexiconus used his trained power of beast control, along with the help from some Shili traders, to send down a pack of Akul that invaded the small corridors of the base, and mauled the pirates inside. Both Lexiconus and Mayda went their separate ways afterwards, with Mayda leaving her clan and Lexiconus moving away from Seng Karash and into a new home at the far reaches of the jungles.


A poster of the infamous Lexiconus, drawn by a scared local

Transferred out into the jungles of an unknown continent that was rediscovered by the Rollmaster Marcus Kiriyu, Lexiconus met a new face unseen in this house before. The Human declared his name to be Bentre Stahoes and the former Blackguard for the Quaestor Emeritus. With Daedric Turelles as his Sergeant, Bentre was on the cusp of completing the long-term project for a city construction. It could hold many districts which included a primary base for the Battleteam, Devil's Shroud, a spaceport where members could train their flight skills and travel inter-planetary, several apartment areas with high rising buildings, and a thick wall that guarded the city from the locals. The city was designed to the aesthetically pleasing for travelers, however the denizens that populate and performed the manual labour for the city were not amused.

It was now flying fast through the news that the rulers of the Orian System were not called the Orian Assembly as this was only a false front, but called the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and specifically Clan Naga Sadow. As if fuel was added to the fire, the citizens were not agreeing of being ruled by an organisation who followed the teachings of a Sith lord. As if they had a choice, the natives began to revolt in small numbers, piling up against the entrances of the bases held for the Battleteam, searching for the private apartments of other members and attacking their vehicles. The members of the Dark Side were eventually getting their own revenge by kidnapping the weak out of the groups and placing them in excruciating torture, which did not amuse Bentre at all. However this minor issue had to be put aside as the Battleteam was called forth once again by the Consul himself against a larger threat; themselves.


The fragments of Dentavii

Given the call of duty to the Clan and to the Brotherhood, Lexiconus was on his way to the spaceport in order to meet with his comrades and defeat the next threat on the list. However he also heard slithers about the threat, that the legendary Falleen Sith Lord Darth Vexatus was creating a unique ritual unseen by the Sith eyes in the Brotherhood for over three thousand years. There was bound to be restricted knowledge in this ritual that Lexiconus craved, and was on his way to discuss this with Bentre and Daedric when he found they too had disappeared off into the unknown. This left him no choice and he took himself into the asteroid belt of Dentavii, where he met some of the finest warriors, sorcerers and Sith the Clan had to offer. Paired with Jade Sadow the resident Daughter of Sadow serving under Vexatus, they were both ordered to go out and find a crystal for the ritual in rejuvenating Dentavii back into it's former self.

This only resulted in the pair running into the aftermath of the destruction the Keibatsu could perform even on the best soldiers the Warhost Army had to offer, and then eventually chase down the infamous family themselves. Unsuccessful in their attempt to halt this powerful family of Dark Siders, Jade and Lexiconus were snared by their power and imprisoned on the Consul's flagship for this operation. The VAC Turmoil a crude and bug-like ship designed for infiltration and commandeering, which was most effective in the Red Fury battles. By either sheer luck or the will of someone much more powerful then the two, which they eventually found out to be the Adept Xia Long, the pair escaped their interrogation cell. They then began their campaign to take over the ship for themselves when eventually the final act of the ritual was in full effect and hit them hard. They felt a heavy dose of the Dark Side fueling their body and mind, and they profited from this new power full, by murdering any officers in their way and crushing the unworthy droids. One droid received a little too much attention from Lexiconus who pulled the combat droid apart, then redesigned it and gave it sentience. This droid, called H4ND50M3, began a spree aboard the ship of setting all men on fire whilst cackling.

Once the duo were in full control of the ship, they used their advanced Telekinesis powers to man every station and guide the Turmoil deep into the asteroid fields, where they open fired on the Clan's shuttles who were about to descend on the ritual and halt it. Once a flurry of firepower rained down on the unsuspecting shuttles, and the events unknown to Lexiconus commenced, the pair suddenly felt their newborn powers stripped from them. Completely drained of all strength and stamina, the Consul and his men eventually boarded the Turmoil and arrested Jade and Lexiconus for treason against the Clan. When the mess of this civil war was over, they were both pardoned from their crimes by the Consul himself.

An Incursion on Myrmidon

Chelidon, the rebellion leader as depicted by the Battleteam

When Myrmidon was confronted with the inevitable local resistance against their newly built city, the members of Devil's Shroud were forced to either watch their city burn down or act now and defend the walls. Bentre Stahoes and Scarlet had a covert meeting and agreed in unison that a bigger team would be needed to counter this native threat. Hiding in the thick bush of the jungles, their forces sent hordes of soldiers, vehicles and explosives at the city until one day scouts reported this wasn't a local uprising but a calculated attempt. Their efforts reported a leader that speared them into action and kept their morale high enough, the natives would gladly risk their lives for the cause. According to scout reports, a Female Zeltron by the name of Chelidon commanded the locals with an iron fist. They were in truth forced to follow her orders, and with this newfound information Lexiconus and Macron Goura Sadow worked together for the first time. They took shuttles out into the jungles, located the Chelidon jungle base, and bombarded it to ash. Several days later and it seemed the threat had dissipated.

Ashes Fall

Lexiconus Qor was once again called to arms by his Quaestor as they were once again thrown into the deepest pits of danger, only this time it was against an unusual and unorthodox opponent. Serving as a symbol of darkness and Non-Force danger, arachnids of some kind began to invade the jungles of Aeotheran and the Warhost Army was beginning to decline quickly. The Quaestor sent his best fighting members of Force-Users, along with the Aedile, to research and eradicate the problem rising. After spending only a week in the jungle battling and scouting these monsters, he found they were attuned to mechanisms in some way. He felt a sense of communication between them, their limbs were easily destructible for his Telekinesis abilities and they desired no sustenance from the fallen of the battle. His deduction was they either enjoyed killing, or they were controlled by a computer system. However the Quarren didn't get the chance to explore and research these options, as his attention was swiftly pulled away from this planet and to the Cocytus System

Aedile of House Imperium

While sitting idly in his Consul Office, Locke Sonjie received a holo communication from his ally Xen'Mordin Vismorsus the Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae who had an urgent request to make. Upon losing his Aedile of House Imperium he needed a replacement searched the Brotherhood systems for the most suitable candidates. His scouts found Lexiconus to be most profitable for the Clan and Xen acted on this. Locke had no qualms with it and immediately dispatched a shuttle for the jungles of Aeotheran to quickly collect the Quarren before the dark creatures succumbed him.

Safely on-board of a Scholae ship, Lexiconus traveled his way to the Cocytus System into the jungle planet of Judecca and traveled North West of the main Continent to the March Isles. When landed onto the cool mountainous isle, he was greeted by the Gray Jedi Adept Kell Dante the Quaestor of House Imperium who gave the newly appointed Aedile a small briefing of the duties, his role in the Scholae Palatinae Military as Chief of Operations and what the future holds for the young Sith Warrior. It was in the first few days that he got better acquainted with the new Battle team Leader of Shadow Guard, a human named Delak Krennel and the two were like two peas in a pod at times. Other times it was often perceived that Delak was really in command of Lexiconus.

Without a strong governmental power or judicial system set up for the Isle's personal policies and deeds, it quickly became difficult to read through the paperwork of the House members and the citizens of the island. Lexiconus took the initiative here and began to instigate an advertisement for politicians to form a Parliament that better handles their paperwork, taxes, policies and deeds of the Isle. Both Dante and Lexiconus finally felt some ease as they could better manage the Force-users and Military of the House and Isle as a whole. For his hard work, his long term achievements and recent dedication to the Clan and House, Lexiconus Qor was promoted from Warrior to Battlemaster by Rollmaster Landon Cruise and the Techweaver was thrown into a large party of other members, where drinks were poured on him and set alight in this joyous occasion.

Celebrations were swiftly cut short, as the Emperor of the Clan was alerted by an old presence reappearing in the system, Infinite Emperor Vanis.


When the Pacre Datship were in hiding, their leader Emperor Vanis fought to resolve his issues against the Imperial Empire forever. He found himself a ritual cave hidden under the depths of Judecca and began to summon titans in slumber from around the Cocytus System. The Antenora Sandworm rushed out from the dunes and devoured the city of Nas Modeh and the inhabitants that ran screaming from it. The pack of Ptolomea Forest Beasts stalked the unwary citizens on Ptolomea and racked up quite the body count, despite some of the best soldiers resisting. The icy world of Caina had no fight against the Caina Colossus as it stripped the military bases down and destroyed any vehicles within two clicks of it.

However whilst doing his best to defend Judecca and Ohmen City from the incursion of rotting corpses that greeted the streets and land, Lexic witnessed an even bigger challenge rising from unfathomable depths. Slithering its way across the landscape and striding over the most infallibles structures, the Judecca Abyssal darkened the sky as it destroyed most of the land. When the Twin Towers were crushed by the beast’s strong tentacles, Lexiconus knew he needed to act and gathered any soldiers left. Together they marched into what they call ‘’’No Man’s Land’’’ and fired at the Abyssal head on, with many losses and settlements destroyed. With strong endurance, unbreakable morales from Lexiconus and a lot of weaponry, the group survived long enough until Akazel, the last living Ratakan broke the ritual and saved the system.

Jarl Imperius




Physical Description

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Lexic in the Laboratory

Surprisingly, the Dark Side of the Force hasn’t affected Lexiconus much since he began studying it many years ago. Apart from the battle scars from lightsabers, blasters and vibroswords his skin has been professionally patched and healed. His body is slim yet physically capable and trained for cross-country and swimming, so his thighs, core and shoulders are toned while the rest looks average.

When dressed casually, Lexiconus dons a streamlined battleskin which has been weaved with a matrix of tiny, hard tooth-like structures called placoid scales. When faced with the outdoors, Lexiconus uses a bark-brown cape adorned around his shoulder via a chainmail link. This can help camouflage him when out in the wilderness. This is what Lexiconus will wear for ceremonies, Clan Events, funerals, Knighthoods and appointments.

When dressed casually, Qor throws on a one-piece chemical-proof overall that he uses when experimenting within the laboratories. It is royal blue with a light blue seam running down the zips, across the lining of the pockets and on the letters and logo of the Clan. He also wears a long white laboratory trench-coat with two deep pockets at the bottom front and a tools chest pocket at the upper left, near the opening of the coat. Both made from synthetic fabrics, they have seen some wear and tear shown through burn marks, rips, chemical smudges and sauce stains.

The only rare time you may see the Quarren in his birthday suit or waddling around with just his undergarments, is in his extra-curricular activities of swimming, deep-sea diving, plundering ruins or when using guerrilla tactics. He has learnt from his experience across the galaxy, painting your body in the natural coloured mud and submerging into the swamps or ground will benefit him for surprise attacks.


As a Techweaver, Lexiconus has always had a natural affinity towards machinery, computer systems and droids. Although he dislikes the latter with a passion, as shown when interacting with one, he will upgrade their systems or converse with them if necessary. It has become a daily activity for Lexic when he sees a droid, he will most likely shock it, push it into a wall or play some other ridiculous prank. All for sport and pleasure, of course. However when pushed and against a tough challenge, the Quarren has shown deep respect for the machinery who ally and help him in the name of the end goal.

Lexiconus has and always will be a natural born leader which has come as a profit for the summit he is involved with. The Quarren has a knack for planning battles, studying the enemies’ flaws and testing their limits with complicated schemes. It has often becomes customary for Lexic’s superiors, to see him walk into a meeting with 8 different data pads on tactics, stealth operations in history, specs on vehicles and in some cases joined by a specialist for that mission.

Lexiconus has always been a person on a crusade of ultimate power, he is the first and foremost to stand against a threat in order to gain the upper hand. Regardless of the outcome for others, the Quarren uses his best skills and abilities in order to ensure he remains supreme. Whether it is a trap he has fallen into, a conflict between two greater minds or a territorial gain, Lexic walks first into the problem without a shroud of resentment for anyone else involved. It has slowly become his dedication, over the years, to earn a higher status and work hard for the best and most powerful outcome. In essence, when Lexiconus sees a potential asset, he will strive his best to achieve and control it for his selfish needs.

Infamous for his cold and completely uncaring demeanor, Lexiconus has stood as a symbol of racism against all sentient beings around him. It is not because he is simply racist, but down to the fact of a past riddled with unqualified, weak, fearful, unloyal, spontaneous, childish and temporary allies and clan-mates. He has simply forced himself to stop caring about what happens to others and focus on his own conclusion in missions. Although he sees all members and hired hands as disposable, he isn’t cowardly to offer them into the front-line alone and usually takes this position himself, in an effort to have gainful power. This type of persona leaks into his hatred for droids as well, often playing pranks on their systems and hardware. Lexic has learnt many droids are also too fragile for his attention, but much more disposable than your average humanoid and alien. It will come down to Lexic in many battles to use a droid squadron, commanding them to fight mercilessly and offering them as bait first before intuitive soldiers.

During combat you will find your strongest soldiers at the front-lines, your ranged scouts near the middle and many vehicles at the back of the lines. However with Lexiconus a position isn’t constant, he will often contort between many various positions and scenes in order to confuse the enemy. But most of his tactics will be ranged combat, in the use of Telekinesis for dragging and crushing enemies, Lightning to electrocute and maim vehicles or other Force Users and his knucklers to engage the enemy with a surprising effect.

The Quarren is and always has been a courageous and intractable combatant in the scene of war, standing strong against improbable odds while inspiring the bodies he will certainly sacrifice first. It doesn’t matter how many enemies Lexic is against, how technologically superior they have become or if they have surprised him with an ambush, Lexic is innately ready to face the waves. This strong will and strive to compete is what always attracts the eyes of his superiors and the Dark Council.

Overall, Lexiconus Qor will push himself and others, inspire anyone who needs it, kill anyone who stands in his way and ultimately have a good time while doing so. As a Quarren, he naturally struggles to converse or sympathise with others but that doesn’t press his morales. As long as they understood him and don’t fall behind, Lexic can get along with the majority of members in the Dark Brotherhood. Whether they’re Sith, Dark, Gray, Jedi, Loyalist or Mercenary matters not, Lexic’s attitude is the same. However because he was born on Dac, Lexiconus will always distrust the Mon Calamari race because of their light-hearted approach to everything and their beliefs in diplomacy.

Powers & Abilities

As a strong Techweaver, Lexiconus Qor has a natural affinity to communicating with droids, computer systems and automated defenses. He has become so adept at this ability, that sometimes he can concentrate on persuading two or more droids simultaneously. However sometimes Lexic will come across stubborn or arrogant droids who simply do not conform with his manipulative ways, so Lexic has developed a strong and precise methods in dispatching these models. By refining his Telekinetic abilities, the Quarren can contort and snap the circuitry of these systems with a twist of his hand or a stern look, often accompanied with a growl.

Mostly used a pranking tool during his youthful years under the tutelage of Nikola Valtiere and Cethgus Entar, Lexic likes to dance with Force Lightning and string it into the droids he attracts or finds. Many of the younger models will detect his face and match it to their database as a recognised Techweaver, so Lexic uses this naivety and gives them a lesson in shocking techniques. Over the years, he has learnt to harness this into war and feed his hatred of sentient beings into this electronic power. So many imagine Lexic to be constantly in a deep resentment, but this can be truly detected when spikes of blue energy jump from his hands.

While healers of the Light Side of the Force usually sooth the patient, numb his pain and rectify the wounds in a calming and enlightening manner, the Dark Side differs. Known by the most powerful of Sith as Sustenance, you will often see images of these powerful Sith weaving their hands above themselves or their subjects. They tug cuts closed, cauterise muscle fibers, jam broken bones together, snap dislocations back and ignite poisons or disease within the body. Qor has found in the most vile, gluttonous and evil of books that Sith Lords would often bathe their subjects in primordial soup or amniotic fluids. Using the boiling fluids to rebuild men, the monstrous techniques learned were just theories. The Quarren has even read techniques of re-attaching cadavers, defibrillating dead organs and animating corpses. Qor’s research has led him to expand his Healing abilities towards those in bacta tanks, the disabled and those in comas.

Clan Scholae Palatinae
Units Clan: Scholae PalatinaeHouses: Caliburnus, Acclivis Draco
Leadership Clan Summit:

Caliburnus Summit:

Acclivis Draco Summit:


Scholae Palatinae Military

Major Subordinate Elements: • Imperial Scholae Intelligence

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Planets: IsergessVenenumSeraphAlbicosusMyryakurBalaerion

Moons: XejtrokLy'palionRagnathUlressKorgollo Major and Minor

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