Legacy of Palpatine

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Legacy of Palpatine
General information


  • Thran Occasus Palpatine
  • Kell Palpatine Dante
Historical information


Other information
Notable members:
  • Dakari Kaeth Palpatine
  • Thran Occasus Palpatine
  • Kell Palpatine Dante
  • Lucyeth
  • Reiden Palpatine Karr
  • Rasilvenaira StormRaven
  • Rayne
  • Xen'Mordin Palpatine
  • Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz

Clan Scholae Palatinae


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

To earn the Clan title of Palpatine is to receive a badge of honor that is paramount within the walls of Scholae Palatinae. As guardians of the Palpatine line, protectors of his Dark Side knowledge and advocates to the execution of his will - those who bear the Dark Lord's name do so after establishing themselves as prominent and loyal members of the Imperial Clan. Only those who live up to Palpatine's legacy can be given this honor.

Those who achieve the Legacy of Palpatine, current and former, are detailed here.

Responsibilities of the Palpatines

Granting the Title of Palpatine

The following process is utilized in the granting of the Clan title:

  • The Clan Summit, via means of activity reports, identifies exceptional members within the clan through personal experiences, and recommendations from Clan members and leaders. (Notes on Exceptional Service can be found below along with a couple of prerequisites.) They are expected to adhere to the strictest standards and may at times be unable to identify anyone worthy of being granted the title at a given time. If a member is identified as suitable, they may proceed to put their name forward to the current Palpatines.
  • Once a worthy member has been clearly identified, the Consul and Proconsul, or a sitting member of the Palpatines bring the applicant forward to the entirety of the titled members. The assembled members hold a majority vote, based upon the presented application. Only a majority vote in favor finds the member inducted into the ranks of the Palpatines.
  • If the member is approved by the titled members, then, the request is put forward to the Grand Master and his Deputy for final approval.

Defining Exceptional Service

  • Substantial presence in Clan Projects, vendettas, and Clan events.
  • Leadership experience within the Clan.
  • Must be a member of the Clan for minimum one (1) year before they can be considered. (Prerequisite)
  • Must not have AWOLed or left the Clan for any reason within the last year other than for a DC position.(Prerequisite)
  • Must be a positive influence upon lower ranked members, including exceptional mentoring of these members. This could include the mentoring of an apprentice up to Journeyman 4. (Prerequisite)

Honoured Legacies

The Honoured Legacy of Palatine are those that are currently active within the Clan and represented upon the Clan Roster. These are the members that have voting privileges upon the presentation of a member to receive the honour of holding the clan title.

Honoured Legacies
Name Positions Held Background Date Title Earned
Thran Occasus
  • Rollmaster, House Acclivis Draco
  • Aedile, House Caliburnus
  • Quaestor, House Caliburnus
  • Aedile, House Dorimad Sol
  • Quaestor, House Dorimad Sol
  • Proconsul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Consul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Praetor to the Regent
  • Regent
Thran has served many times in a multitude of positions, notably as Quaestor of House Caliburnus and Dorimad Sol, and as Proconsul and Consul . Well known as a silver tongue, the Palpatines bestowed the family name on him after he defeated the traitor Timbal on Antei. April 25, 2009
Kell Dante
  • Magistrate to the FIST
  • Appeals Panelist
  • Battleteam Leader, Nightstalkers
  • Battleteam Leader, Acclivis Draco
  • Battleteam Leader, Dorimad Sol
  • Professor, Writing Studies, Shadow Academy
  • Quaestor, House Imperium
Kell is the son of Angelo Palpatine Dante and a longtime member of Scholae Palatinae. Serving in a variety of positions before and after his father's untimely demise, Kell has carried on the warrior legacy of his family. In addition to his normal duties, he serves as the Commander of the Imperial Scholae Guard and, along with Archangel, advises the Emperor on all things military. March 7, 2010
Xen'Mordin Palpatine
  • Clan Envoy
  • Aedile, House Caliburnus
  • Aedile, House Acclivis Draco
  • Quaestor, House Acclivis Draco
  • Aedile, House Scholae Palatinae
  • Questor, House Scholae Palatinae
  • Consul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Voice
Xen'Mordin has demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Brotherhood and Clan. Xen'Mordin led Scholae Palatinae, as a House, before seeing it reclanned, and serving as the first Consul of the new era. May 6, 2015 (restored on August 7, 2024)
  • Battleteam Leader, Acclivis Draco
  • Aedile, House Excidium
  • Quaestor, House Excidium
May 2, 2017
Reiden Palpatine Karr
  • Battleteam Leader, Banshee Brigade
  • Battleteam Leader, Dorimad Sol
  • Battleteam Leader, Krennic
  • Rollmaster, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Quaestor, House Acclivis Draco
  • Magistrate to the Voice
Reiden is a steadfast and loyal member of Scholae Palatinae. He rose to prominence during the period following the destruction of Scholae Palatinae's previous home in the Cocytus System when they sought to carve out a new home in Caelestis City on Ragnath, located in the Caperion System. He proved invaluable in fighting against the forces of the Meraxis Empire in numerous engagements and was instrumental in the assault on their capital city of Nardash on the planet Seraph, where he led a small team that was part of the unit responsible for the capture of Emperor Adoniram. Suffice it to say, when Scholae Palatinae is in need, Reiden will always be there, ready to answer the call. December 26, 2017
Rasilvenaira StormRaven
  • Battleteam Leader, Draco Conspicari Phyle
  • Battleteam Leader, Draco Conspicari Squadron
  • Aedile, House Acclivis Draco
  • Aedile, House Caliburnus
  • Gaming Staff Member
  • Eclectic Pedagogue, Shadow Academy
  • Fiction Staff Member
  • Quaestor, House Caliburnus
  • Battleteam Leader, Banshee Brigade
  • Aedile, House Excidium
March 16, 2021
  • Battleteam Leader, Nightshade Squadron
  • Battleteam Leader, Souls of Darkness
  • Rollmaster, House Caliburnus
  • Aedile, House Caliburnus
  • Battleteam Leader, Shadow Swarm
  • Battleteam Leader, Dorimad Sol
  • Rollmaster, House Scholae Palatinae
  • Aedile, House Scholae Palatinae
  • Quaestor, House Caliburnus
  • Proconsul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Consul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
August 14, 2022
Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
  • Consul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Proconsul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Quaestor, House Acclivis Draco
  • Aedile of House Acclivis Draco
  • Aedile of House Caliburnus
  • Commander of Guardian Squadron in HSP
  • Founding Member of Scholae Palatinae
  • Justicar
  • Emissary of the Assembly of Consuls
  • Master At Arms
  • Praetor, Master At Arms
  • Magistrate, Headmaster
  • Left Hand of Justice
  • Right Hand of Justice
Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz was a founding member of Scholae Palatinae. Serving in numerous leadership roles throughout his career; most recently restoring House Caliburnus and Acclivis Draco. The Palpatines bestowed the family name to him after he conquered the Caperion System and transferred the Clan to Seraph. March 5, 2023

Revoking the Title of Palpatine

Clan titles are a sacred honor and are not taken lightly. If a member transfers Clans their title is forfeit. If a member's actions are deemed a detriment to the Clan, and the DJB as a whole his/her title can be revoked.

Dark Paladins

The title of Dark Paladins is a historic courtesy title conveyed upon the most active and inspiration members of Scholae Palatinae. Each member of this elite cadre was chosen over a period of time and membership in the ranks was upheld on a continual basis. Seen as a lower tier of prestige and participation in the governance and leadership of Scholae Palatinae, the title is no longer awarded and it has been relegated to a courtesy title that those bestowed may use, but which conveys no current obligations or privileges.

Rogued Legacies

Occasionally, Palatinaens that have been granted the title of Palpatine become Rogue; whether through inactivity of due to reasons that must pull them away from the Brotherhood. These members are welcomed back upon their return and born no ill will.

Rogued Legacies
Name Positions Held Background Date Title Earned
Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine
  • Rollmaster/Companion Class Envoy, House Acclivis Draco
  • Aedile, House Acclivis Draco
  • Quaestor, House Acclivis Draco
  • Praetor to Krath High Priestess
  • Praetor to Headmaster
  • Proconsul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Consul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Cuchulain, warmly referred to as Cooch, was one of the first to be honored with the name of Palpatine. He did great things for the Clan both as a member and as a Consul, often single-handedly bringing about changes that still echo in the hallowed halls of the Clan to this day. Much of his foresight has guided this Clan to where it is today and has unified us as a whole. As one of the first to swear eternal loyalty to the Clan, Scholae Palatinae is proud to name him a Legacy of Palpatine. December 31, 1996
Arania Lawakiro Palpatine
  • Consul, Clan Aquillas
  • Praetor to the Krath High Priest
  • Krath High Priestess, Dark Council
  • Praetor to the Commander of the Guard
  • Praetor to the Lord Hegemon
  • Proconsul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
An extremely long-time member of Scholae Palatinae, Arania has stood as a pillar of strength, knowledge, activity, and fortitude for Scholae Palatinae and its membership for a long time as Proconsul. Even beyond the time of her official service to the Clan, her deep experience in the ways of the Force have held her to be the Clan’s foremost of oracles, saving the Clan and its’ members much agony, pain, and betrayal. With her skills, determination, and attitude, Arania has always been a strong representative of CSP and its values. For this, Scholae Palatinae is proud to call her a Legacy of Palpatine. December 31, 1996
Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine
  • Magistrate to the Grand Master
  • Consul, Scholae Palatinae
  • Proconsul, Scholae Palatinae
  • Knight Class Envoy, Scholae Palatinae
  • Chamber of Justice, Appellate Member
  • Quaestor, House Dorimad Sol
  • Aedile, House Dorimad Sol
  • Rollmaster, House Caliburnus
  • Rollmaster, House Dorimad Sol
  • Commander, Nightshade Squadron
  • Commander, Nightmare Squadron
  • Flight Leader, Nightmare Squadron
  • Grand Master’s Royal Guard, JA Company Commander
A distinguished Quaestor of Dorimad Sol, Phoenix was essential for many victories of Scholae Palatinae, both by providing direct effort and by offering his leadership to its members. Combining his zero tolerance for complacency and remarkable skills on and off the battlefield, he has always been one of those who made the heart and soul of the Clan. Furthermore, his sharp wit and tongue have more than once outsmarted many that thought themselves to be more clever than what the best that the Clan had to offer. Scholae Palatinae is proud to name him a Legacy of Palpatine. May 10, 2004
Rhaub D'ar Aghasett-Palpatine
  • Knight Class Envoy, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Aedile, House Acclivis Draco
  • Quaestor, House Acclivis Draco
One of the first of the dedicated of scholars amongst the Clan, this long-time member of the Clan has been together with them in even the most difficult of times. He proved his dedication to Scholae Palatinae a number of times, and recognized himself as eternal member of this group. His on-going work to chronicle the greatness and existence of the Clan, as well as his staunch defense of its long-held and treasured traditions have made Scholae Palatinae to name him a proud Legacy of Palpatine. May 10, 2004
RevengeX Palpatine
  • Rollmaster, House Acclivis Draco
  • Quaestor, House Acclivis Draco
  • Wiki Tribune, Dark Summit
As the youngest Palpatine, RevengeX's career has not been filled with revolutionary ideas, but throughout his time in the Clan, he has worked diligently and has proven himself to be reliable in delicate times of war. His most notable work was done in his one year term as Rollmaster of Acclivis Draco and his unfolding accomplishments as Quaestor of Acclivis Draco. May 14, 2006
Vail Aquillarum Unteminar
  • Quaestor, House Acclivis Draco
  • Consul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Fiction Tribune, Dark Summit
A former Quaestor and Consul, Vail's reigns in both positions were, long, fruitful, and filled with major accomplishments. Unteminar led the Clan into and through the Sixth Great Jedi War and Krath Rite of Supremacy, snagging high rankings in both competitions. After years of seemingly gradual decline, he showed the Brotherhood that CSP was still a force to be reckoned with. May 14, 2006
Desio Predator Palpatine
  • Quaestor, House Caliburnus
  • Sith High Warrior, Dark Council
  • Quaestor, House Dorimad Sol
Desio Predator (commonly referred to as "Predfish" or "Fish"), a distinguished Quaestor of both Caliburnus and Dorimad Sol, as well as a two-time Sith High Warrior, proved his allegiance to Scholae Palatinae countless times. Predator has always shown his worth to the Clan and to the Brotherhood, and CSP is blessed to have him serving in her ranks. November 14, 2006
Natth a’Niel Palpatine
  • Praetor to the Krath High Priest
  • Praetor to the Headmaster
  • Headmaster, Dark Council
  • Lord Hegemon, Dark Council
  • Aedile, House Acclivis Draco
April 13, 2007
Dakari Kaeth Palpatine
  • Quaestor, House Dorimad Sol
  • Proconsul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Consul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
October 30, 2008
Koryn Thraagus
  • Rollmaster, House Acclivis Draco
  • Aedile, House Acclivis Draco
  • Battleteam Leader, Acclivis Draco
  • Rollmaster, House Scholae Palatinae
May 3, 2017
Braecen Kaeth
  • Quaestor, House Excidium
  • Magistrate to the Voice
  • Proconsul, Clan Scholae Palatinae
December 26, 2017
  • Battleteam Leader, Caliburnus
  • Magistrate to the Master At Arms
  • Professor, Shadow Academy
  • Aedile, House Scholae Palatinae
  • Appeals Panelist
  • Recruitment Tribune
  • Battleteam Leader, Tacitus Athanasius
  • Magistrate to the Headmaster
  • Aedile, House Empire's Chosen
March 16, 2021
Archangel Palpatine
  • Praetor to the FIST
  • Magistrate to the FIST
  • Magistrate to the Herald
  • Professor, Department of Flight Studies
  • Aedile, House Scholae Palatinae
  • Quaestor, House Caliburnus
  • Aedile, House Caliburnus
  • Wiki Staff Member
  • Battleteam Leader, Souls of Darkness
March 6, 2015

Former Legacies

Upon this list are the names of those that have been stripped of the name Palpatine. This can be due to a number of reasons. No matter the reason, they are no longer allowed to bear the name.

Former Legacies
Name Date Title Granted Date Title Revoked
Saitou ? ?
Timbal ? July, 3, 2009
Lucien Kaeth November 17, 2008 February 2, 2009
Lexiconus Qor May 3, 2017 August 22, 2017
Elincia Rei March 26, 2016 December 31, 2019
Mune Cinteroph December 26, 2017 July 18, 2021
Jorm "The Jester" Na'trej May 3, 2017 July 30, 2021
Ric Hunter March 16, 2021 April 4, 2023
Shadow Nighthunter December 25, 2018 October 23, 2023
Evant Taelyan March 26, 2016 July 17, 2024
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Units Clan: Scholae PalatinaeHouses: Caliburnus, Acclivis Draco
Leadership Clan Summit:

Caliburnus Summit:

Acclivis Draco Summit:


Scholae Palatinae Military

Major Subordinate Elements: • Imperial Scholae Intelligence

Dominon Caperion System

Planets: IsergessVenenumSeraphAlbicosusMyryakurBalaerion

Moons: XejtrokLy'palionRagnathUlressKorgollo Major and Minor

Miscellaneous Clan Scholae Palatinae HistoryLegacy of PalpatineClan Scholae Palatinae Events
For the Empire!