- "Taldryan: A brotherhood within a brotherhood"
- ―Sharad Taldrya Hett
Taldryan is one of the five Houses of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, currently led by Quaestor Rian Aslar and Aedile Shaz'air Taldrya Rathden. Formerly one of the seven Clans, Taldryan has an immense legacy based on the glorious victories of its past. For over a decade, Taldryan remained undefeated in the Great Jedi Wars, and had amassed a fleet that, at one time, rivaled that of the Dark Council's. Many of its former leaders became prestigious members of the Council in roles ranging from Tribunes to the seat of Grand Master, helping to guide the entire Brotherhood to greatness.
The Clan was originally formed from the Krath of Independent House Ektrosis, combining their mastery of the dark arts, with the marshal prowess of the Obelisk of House Dinaari, and the cunning leadership of the Sith of House Archanis. Throughout the long and bloody history of the Dark Brotherhood, Taldryan was a pivotal military force with claim to dozens of victories until their inevitable fall from grace after the Yuuzhan Vong Incursion.
After the devastating losses suffered during the Battle of Antei, Taldryan's power within the Brotherhood, like most of the Clans, began to wane. This problem escalated during the War of Unification, as the Brotherhood's forces diminished, until the Dark Council was forced to reorganize the Clans as Independent Houses once more. Today, House Taldryan continues to uphold its tradition of excellence and maintain the bonds of brotherhood upon which it was founded.
For a complete summary of the House, refer to the Taldryan Prospectus.
History of Taldryan
-Getting re-written, bitches.
The Last Independent House (14 ABY)
Closing days of House Ektrosis, victory in the Second Great Jedi War and QUA Jarla attempting to remain independent before the DC forces the Great Clanning.
The Great Clanning
Desparate bid to bring order to the unruly Houses or something, guy in charge (Khyron?) ordered all Indy Houses to Clan, joining a House of each Order into a single unit.
Destiny of a Clan (15 - 17 ABY)
First great victory for Taldryan and the first time the Clan pits itself against the leaders of the Brotherhood.
Shadow of Civil War
Zorro "instigates" a civil war between the Clans of the Brotherhood in the wake of GM Thedek's (reason he quit). Using this instability, he rose to power within the Brotherhood only bringing an end to hostilities once the Clans were weakened to the point of being unable to fight back.
Taldryan's first official victory over the other Clans of the Brotherhood in a Great Jedi War. Setting the tone for many years and many victories to come.
Balancing Power and Corruption
So, Zorro goes insane. Tal and CNS team up (more or less) to remove him from teh Iron Throne which leads to some crazy fight that ends with Zorro magically destroying the Dark Hall on Eos.
Mavvles lost his position as CON early due to Zorro's ass madness and passes the reigns of Taldryan to former GM Jac Cotelin (squee!) who helps draw Taldryan together against tyranny. Of course, we come out more awesome than ever before...
Rebirth (18 - 24 ABY)
Golden age, winning comps, everyone becoming DC, revitalizing of the Brotherhood because of JO and movies and whatnot.
Changing of the Guard
Starting with (I think) Sharad's departure from QUA of Dinaari to become OFH, Taldryan's leadership began to rapidly transition as various members were inducted into the Dark Council.
Bad EH, we leave. I think there's actually fiction stuff for this somewhere... pretty sure about how we're forced to abandon the Sahare (?) System in the middle of an EH attack. Re-locate our shit to Kr'Tal...
This is the War That Never Ends....
The Yuuzhan Vong War (25 - 27 ABY)
The harrowing encounter with the stupid Vong as they blow our shit up and we run away.
The Pride Before the Fall
Tensions increase between Clans leading to minor conflicts, followed by a random training exercise that ends when the Yuuzhan Vong penetrate (yay) the Shroud and attack the Brotherhood at Antei.
Battle of Antei
They bend us over a table, Crix and many ships die. So sad. There's an RO about this (it was good... I think).
Restoration of Faith (28-32 ABY)
Title of a sweet Dresden short story, plus we all work at becoming re-awesome. We have a sweetass montage to get awesome again, then we show up to the fight when they're all gone?we have a sweetass montage to get awesome again, then we show up to the fight when they're all gone?
Liberation of Antei
Climax of this amazing little story with the Vo-...wait, they're gone and we're fighting random Jedi on Antei instead! I think we have a story about Tal and some library or something. Oh and Tal's first second place GJW. It's all downhill from here.
Random Stuff
We fight Killicks, Kir becomes a DP (duh), and whatever. I'm sure Tal actually did something.
Extinguishing the Light (33 - 35 ABY)
Icky Jedi stuff, indy house again, moar fighting stuff to current happenings.
End of an Era
We become a House... again. In the wake of Orderless Indy Houses... we have an ORDER war. Yay?
The Enemies Within
Infiltrated by Light Jedi? How could that possibly ever happen? Shadow's codpiece breaks Mike Halcyon's hand... awesome. Also, we fight them on New Tython... it's the planet named after the Old Republic starting planet Tython (original, no?)
New Horizons (36 ABY - Present)
Stuff that happened recently... I kind spaced on this, though I made a kickass graphic for a Seal. I... I think Zorro and Faethor came back from reality dead to become fictionally dead. Hurray! This is probably a bigger deal to Tal fictionally because both former GMs were enemies of the Clan.
Battle Teams of Taldryan
The Old Folks' Home
- "Sexing bitches is our name, collateral damage is our game"
- ―Shadow Taldrya
Artist rendition of the OFH
- Main article: [[Old Folks' Home|Old Folks' Home]] - (Seriously, go read it!)
What happens when you take the most powerful members of Taldryan, a vast almost unending supply of alcohol, an insatiable manwhore, and the incredibly negligent leadership of Benevolent Taldrya Whiner? You get, The Old Folks' Home!
The Home is a very unique Battle Team within the Dark Brotherhood. It serves as the House's retirement facility for many of the older members of Taldryan. Every member is either an Elder or a two-time Grand Master, except for Chaosrain Taldryan--the failure required by the universe to balance the awesomeness of the Old Folks' Home. Entry is very selective and if you're not already in it, you're probably too young or too sane.
In 26 ABY, the Home was founded to separate the cantankerous old folk from the rest of the members of Taldryan. However, this plan to peacefully put the Elders to pasture backfired when they randomly decided to become soldiers of fortune after watching hours of old action shows on the Holonet. Now, their drunken antics take them across the Galaxy as they take on the jobs no one else can or should be doing.
Historical Information
This section is devoted to historical facts about Taldryan before it was reorganized as an Independent House.
House Ektrosis
- Main article: [[House Ektrosis|House Ektrosis]]
Before becoming a part of Taldryan, Ektrosis was an Independent Krath House founded upon experiments conducted during the reign of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious.
Just a few notes on the more prominent phyles... gotta ask a krathface.
Horsemen of the Apocalypse
House Dinaari
- Main article: [[House Dinaari|House Dinaari]]
House Dinaari Logo
At its conception, House Dinaari was aligned to the Obelisk Order and served as a home for Clan Taldryan's finest warriors. Formed under the leadership of D'Artagnan, Dinaari quickly rose to prominence as the most powerful of the Obelisk Houses. However, it wasn't until former Quaestor, Sharad Hett rose from the House to become Obelisk High Commander that Dinaari truly began to show the Brotherhood its potential.
Seeking to test the strength of his Order, Hett held a grand tournament for the seven Obelisk Houses, pitting them against one another to determine who was superior. After a month of combat, Dinaari emerged victorious gaining its first Brotherhood-wide victory. This event sparked a tradition of excellence that continued until the office of Obelisk High Commander was retired in 24 ABY and the focus on Obelisk vendettas dissolved.
When Taldryan began struggling to rebuild, it was decided that Dinaari would become multi-ordered and became a haven for the displaced Sith of Archanis. As a show of unity and strength, the new Dinaari helped the Brotherhood complete its domination of the Antei System ending with the bloody Invasion of Antares. This battle proved that the Sith of Dinaari were still a powerful force to be reckoned with.
Unfortunately, after the brutal losses suffered by the Clan after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, House Dinaari was forced to close as the Brotherhood reintroduced the concept of Independent Houses.
Dark Fire
The oldest brigade of Dinaari, Dark Fire was the first and only brigade to win the "Brigade Wars", run by High Commander Dreadnaught in 15 ABY. Since then, Dark Fire has served the House in many ways. Often, Dark Fire would be re-activated to aid the House and Clan in vendettas and other Brotherhood conflicts. In times of peace, it was used in the training of future House leaders and as a place to hone the martial talents of new recruits. Dark Fire was both the first and last Brigade of House Dinaari.
Dark Avatar
Dinaari's second oldest brigade. Dark Avatar was often over-shadowed by Dark Fire and was only utilized by the House on rare occasions when a campaign required multiple directed assaults.
Dark Infantry
Created under the reign of Benevolent Taldrya Whiner, Dark Infantry was put into service to harness the powers of some of Dinaari's more ambitious Equites. Led by Shadow Taldrya, Dark Infantry played a pivotal role in some minor skirmishes and vendettas, but was disbanded when many of its members advanced to higher positions within the Clan.
House Archanis
- Main article: [[House Archanis|House Archanis]]
Hyperion Flight
Crimson Vanguard
Old Crap
Just leaving this crap here temporarily for info.
Great Jedi Wars
Rites of Supremacy
Clan and House Feuds
- Taldryan vs. Clan Arcona (1999) - Taldryan was victorious, M/INT Orthanc taken from Arcona
- Taldryan vs. Clan Scholae Palatinae vs. Clan Tarentum (2002) - The Dark Jedi Games, Taldryan placed second, award lost to time
- House Dinaari vs. House Kirleta (2002) - House Dinaari was victorious
- House Dinaari vs. House Kirleta (2003) - House Dinaari was victorious
- Taldryan vs. Clan Arcona (2006) - The Selen Incident, Taldryan victorious, awarded the M/FRG Suppressor
Legacies of Taldryan
Sons and Daughters of Taldryan
- Main article: [[Sons & Daughters of Taldryan|Sons & Daughters of Taldryan]]
Taldryan Times
- Further information: Tal Times
A satirical newsletter created by members of Taldryan that mocked anything and everything. It was awesome and hilarious.
The Bryar Bowl
- Main article: [[Bryar Bowl|Bryar Bowl]]
A Taldryan-sponsored Brotherhood event that pit the best sharpshooters the Brotherhood had to offer in a grand tournament that offered prizes acquired from the ancient Hutt pimp, DaddyX.
See Yacks
- Before the Fleet Reset, Taldryan was in possession of the first place award for every Great Jedi War that was completed.
- Taldryan had gone undefeated in Brotherhood Vendettas for nearly four years until the Ninth Great Jedi War.
External Links
Taldryan's homepage