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- "One who has freed themselves from all restrictions has reached perfection, their potential fulfilled. Perfect strength, perfect power, perfect destiny. Imagine it."
- ―Yuthura Ban
This is a next generation DJB Character in the making, born from established canon already being used on the DJBWiki. Leave constructed feedback when applied; do not edit this page without permission from User: Ashura Isradia
Alector Isradia is a Sith Battlemaster and member of Clan Naga Sadow. He is the son and natural progressive character evolution of Ashura Isradia. Born on Vardor into maze-like feudal system known as the Iperion due to his heritage; he is the first Isradia to be born after the fall the Galactic Empire. He is a symbol of new growth for the Imperial House, and a dawn of a new hope for a dying world as his birth co-opted with an historic event that happened once every thousand years. Ironic, he was to walk the same path as his Schiatzhederon grandfather.
He is a highly gifted noble and like most thought out the galaxy would rather use his intelligence and social skills instead of direct confrontation. Trained in the use of Vardorian magic he learned to use the Force as an extension of his own will. The result left him physical impotent and dependant on the Force for all physical feats. However, he was born with a natural affinity for the dark side due to the strong dark side presence on his homeworld. He joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood at a very young age and was trained to Dark Jedi Knight. He then followed in his fathers’ footsteps and joined Clan Naga Sadow.
Alector's had his up and down moments since joining the Clan; however his ongoing pursuit of knowledge and truth has opened his eyes to Sith sorcery, Sith alchemy, and much more...including his Clan's Force Power. He currently attends the Simus Institute in the New Sadow Palace on Sepros as a gifted student and is learning from the best teachers his Clan has to offer; the Sons of Sadow.
Character History
- "If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal."
- ―Kreia
Born in Tol Mustanen on the second week of Elona in 25 ABY. Alector Isradia is the first child to be conceived in House Isradia for over twenty five galactic standard years. His mother, Isabelle Lutah, named him after a famous Vardorian poet who had inspired her when she was growing up. He was also named after his father, Ashura Isradia, much like how his father had been named after his grandfather.
File:Tol Mustanen-fairuse.jpgTol Mustanen
At the time his mother had become pregnant with him, the relationship between his parents was that of fear and hate. Some months earlier Isabelle had been forced to renounce her title and position of power by Ashura, and was made to swear an oath of loyalty to the Imperial House after a failed attempt by House Lutah to take the ancient capital of Vardor, Tol Mustanen, which had been placed under the care of House Isradia.
Alector’s existence was planned by his father to orchestrate the penultimate downfall of the House his mother had been born into; however fate destined Alector for far greater purpose. His parents fell in love, as a changed Ashura swore an oath to honor, love and protect Isabelle. In the tradition of Vardor to swear an oath is sacred, and one is not made lightly as the punishment for breaking an oath can lead to banishment, or even death. Isabelle understood this and swore the same oath back. This was the beginning of an epic romance between the two.
Danger stalked the infant after his birth, as House Lutah went about trying to eliminate him by sending assassins. It was eventually decided for Alector’s safety to move him to Tol Rothan, the capital city of House Isradia. The chance of anyone sending an assassin there was suicide and would likely face the wrath of the Grand Duke himself for violating his home.
Hallow Child
- "To touch the heavens and see the face of the divine, to plumb the forgotten depths and challenge the galaxy for the truth."
- ―Y’usan Orellius, Orellian Philosopher
A year later the young Isradia was taken to the Great Abbey on his birthday by his mother to receive an ancient blessing of the Rose Goddess; which was now more of a means to keep the faith alive after Her death. However something incredible happened after the High Priest finished uttering “Sadaka, piran lomas ae sak ihkaranda. Ikh sak lomas ae ea Kudi. Mut par quazan vasa choyin”. The Temple Mountain shook as unknown to all a sacred prophecy began to reveal itself.
Vardorians don't recognize the Force as it is commonly known to the galaxy at large. They, like uncounted numbers of other species, have developed their own ideas of the source. To them the Force is known as magic and is used as spells, rituals and incantations, with strange words and gestures that bring about the desired effects. The High Priests blessing, his incantation, brought about a massive disturbance in the Force that focused on young Alector.
The result was wondrous and terrifying, as the Dane of Tol Rothan aged from that of an infant child to a standing toddler (at least four years old). It was here that the Green Diocese (which focused on the Doctrine of Destiny) recognized the signs. The planets in the Nox system were moving closer into alignment, although it would be some years before the time the supplicant, Alector, as the Green Diocese believed he was, would be ready to fulfill his destiny. For now, he returned to Tol Rothan.
The Iperion and Rose Abbey, shocked with the events, realised the important of this. While the Imperial House may hold the supplicant, there was still the mythical set of artifacts, the Rose Regalia, to find as well as well as the mythical Lords of the Great Beasts to vouch for Alector’s passage at the ceremony at the time of the alignment. For which ever House possessed one, possessed the means to ultimate power and destiny. The Great Hunt started within the Iperion, Abbey, and the Four Traditions.
Mid 28 ABY the alignment drew closer with perhaps only days until all the planets in the Nox system moved as one. Alector and other members of the Imperial House quested desperately to find the Rose Regalia artifacts. It wasnt however until the return of Dark Adept Jonaleth Isradia (who had been missing from Vardor for two years), did all the pieces start coming together; Jonaleth knew that if Alector did not achieve his destiny then the boy would be incinerated by the sheer power of the dark side of the Force that was building up around the planet.
So it came at the designated time and place; Alector, with Jonaleth and Cipher (who had become his guardian of sorts) entered the Rose Abbey. Here, Alector's destiny was revealed, he was but a "key" to the ultimate combination safe in the history of Vardor; as the planets moved as one the vault was unlocked and Alector, using the Rose Regalia, opened up the Force operated door to the tomb of the Rose Goddess, and with his grandfather, entered repository of ancient knowledge belonging to a dead god.
Repository of the Rose Goddess
- "Love, to make the world warmer; Knowledge, to make the world brighter; Honour, to make the world peaceful; Destiny, to make bring the world into one"
- ―Prayers of the Rose Goddess, Ch. 16, V. 3
Knowledge and Power
- "The strength of the dark side lies with the power of the individual. The Force comes from within. You must learn to draw on it yourself. I will not always be there to teach you."
- ―Darth Bane to his apprentice
Jonaleth and Alector returned from the repository with what looked like a Jedi Holocron; what was more startling was that the boy had aged ten years, as a handsome young man who looked very similar to the Grand Duke except for green eyes reappeared with his grandfather. Neither of them would ever explain what happened inside. But what was clear that Alector had grown in power to the equivalent of a mid-level Equite; it even appeared that he had been training over a long period of time in the use of the Force.
The teenager was made a Marquis by the Grand Duke and was given Panarchship of Besh Haras; a town surrounded by grasslands that looked out to the Dawnshadow mountains. However he wouldn’t become Panarch until his eighteenth birthday. Alector remained in Tol Rothan and began to bond closely with Ethran Isradia, Jonaleth's son and his uncle. The two teenagers could often be found getting into trouble thanks to Alector's curiosity.
When not getting into mischief, Alector could still be found with Ethran as the young Nobles were tutored by various family members; from M’Naar and Isabelle they learned diplomacy, from Dorian they would learn the history of there homeworld and about the teachings of the Rose Goddess, from Liana and Michael they learn sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat, and from Ashura, Cipher and Jonaleth they learned about the dark side of the Force and lightsaber combat. They both had even been enrolled in the Shadow Academy as Initiates.
Due to the instability within the galaxy because of the Yuuzhan Vong, Jonaleth arranged with the Headmaster for Alector's and Ethran's training to take place on Vardor. A Magistrate was arranged to reside on Vardor to test and train the boys to Dark Jedi Knight; passing the initiation test was child’s play for Alector, and he was elevated through the ranks until he reached Jedi Hunter. However his Dark Jedi teacher was determined to make the teenager work hard. He built his own lightsaber, endured various tests designed to test all his knowledge; knowledge that was clearly far superior for any Journeyman to possess. The Equite level teenager passed his trials only days after his best friend, and uncle, passed his. The newly Dark Jedi Knight decided to go to the Orian system and join up with Clan Naga Sadow; he knew his father was there dealing with some unfinished business with the Clan before he would transfer to Rogue and return to Vardor.
Heirs to the Empire
- "A rare few have a natural affinity for the dark side itself. They can delve into the depths of the Force and summon arcane energies to twist and warp the world around them. They can invoke the ancient rituals of the Sith; they can conjure power and unleash terrible spells and dark magics."
- ―Darth Bane
Clan Naga Sadow
The Fosh envoy to the Clan was sent to escort Alector to Tarthos. The Knight found Vallen different; the boy wasnt used to aliens and like most Vardorians his xenophobia got the better of him at first. However his curiosity began to override it, and he began asking various questions as he was eager to learn more this alien.
Yuuzhan Vong presence throughout the galaxy caused long delays in getting to Naga Sadow dominated space; Alector was able to pass the time by paying Vallen to tutor him in sorcery, illusions and trickery which the envoy was well versed in. They both had a natural raw potential in using the Force; but the Fosh quickly learned about Alector's natural affinity for the dark side itself. This was valuable information in the right hands, something his master would be interested in learning.
The pair eventually arrived at there destination. Vallen bid Alector farewell but mentioned he would be back within a couple of months with new recruits, and if the boy was interested in learning more of what the envoy knew, then (for a price) he would tutor him some more. Alector stayed in the Alabrek Castle while his transfer papers were pending approval. He was given the commissioned rank of Special Operations Commander and was assigned to the Zeta combat unit. It was here that he first met Tyren Atema, although the role this Dark Jedi would play in Alector's life didnt become clear at first.
To both Ashura and Alector's surprise, it seemed the Knight would not be joining House Marka Ragnos, but House Ludo Kressh instead. The Consul, it seemed, saw it more productive for Alector not to be in the same House his father was currently leading; the Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos saw his rivalry with Ashia still as fierce as it had been on Wandering Soul during the Incursion when it started.
Alector traveled from Tarthos to Aeotheran and arrived at the Marakith Skyhook where he was immediately greeted by Quaestor Faeril Munlear, Aedile Macron Keibatsu and (to his continuing surprise) Dark Jedi Master Tron Sadow, the Overlord of Clan Naga Sadow; if first impressions is what they had been aiming for then they achieved it.
It didnt take Alector long to quickly become deeply interested in learning more about the unique form of telekinesis the clan could train in, and was often found talking with Tron about how to advance through the different tiers as he had quickly learn the basics. He also asked the possibility of learning Sith magic from the Dark Jedi Master as well; Alector had learned that the Clan Overlord descended from Naga Sadow, a powerful sorcerer during the first Sith Empire, and believed his heir knew the workings of the art and was determined to learn them too.
He also took an instant liking to Faeril. This didnt surprise the woman at all, as Munlear had been his father's Aedile before getting this position and saw his son had inherited a bit of his "charming" personality when it came to woman; however Alector's own inexperience with women was clearly apparent. The Eclectic Pedagogue of Sith Alchemy offered to instructed the boy in the basics of the dark science if he agreed to stop hitting on her; Alector agreed as his lust for knowledge was too great.
It was perhaps this lust that brought him to the attention of the insane Sith alchemist; Macron too lusted for insatiable knowledge on the dark side, and saw the same in young Alector. Isradia however was cautious when around the mad Sith Warlord, although he wanted to learn from the man, he didnt want to end up a stark raging lunatic. This was about him mastering the dark side, and not the dark side claiming mastery over him.
The Dark Jedi Knight quickly showed his House Summit that he was vastly superior in the use of the Force, and that his knowledge in the dark side was far too advanced for someone of his rank; a promotional request was put through for him to be elevated from Journeyman class to Equite class where he truly belonged. So the natural Darksider was promoted to Sith Warrior.
Dystopia Incident
Dystopia was a new experience waiting to happen for Alector; the Vardorian had listened to all sorts of music back on his homeworld, including a lot of offworld music which was starting to get popular with the younger generation. He of course wanted to check this place out after Davin Olar, a Journeyman in his House, said he was going there. Alector failed to mention he was underage to attend such an establishment.
Alector was quite impressed with Seng Karash as it reminded him of Urd Nathen (the capital of Vardor), although without the dark side presence, less gothic and more energetic. Upon entering Dystopia he was immediately asked for identification, Alector knew straight away he wouldn’t be able to get into the building if he showed it and resorted to mind control to enter the tower.
The young Sith was instantly drawn to the basement level know as the Hole, not only was there a gothic feel to it that reminded him of home but also a small void in the Force. Too curious for his own good, Alec was determined to find out what was the cause of it. Imagine his surprise when he discovered the head of Talorthane Zemar; deeply fascinated with his alien he began to start a conversation with 'it'.
By midnight the young man was completely drunk and started hitting on various young woman; one of which a journeyman was talking with. The Jedi Hunter didnt take too kindly to this kid trying to chat up his woman and lashed out at Alector in anger; well he tried too anyway. The drunk Equite used force push to defend himself, however he over did it and sent the Dark Jedi flying backwards into the wall injuring him badly. Luckily Captain Darien Phoenix was off duty and watched the incident happen. He was able to use his Force training to heal some of the Hunter's injuries; Alector would eventually learn about this and want to be taught how to do the same.
Tyren Atema and Aurora Orion had both been in the Hole when the incident took place; Tyren had actually spotted Alector when he first arrived and wondered what his friend's son was doing here. They both quickly dragged him out of Dystopia before the bouncers arrived. The young man vomited once outside; it was a valuable lesson what drinking could do to someone. Tyren had noticed Alector's complete inexperience with women and would later agree to mentor the young man in how to deal with the opposite sex.
Alector would consistently apologise for the event, he hadn’t meant it to happen the way it did. He was only supposed to have pushed the man over and not slam him against the wall. It seemed the man he injured held a burning grudge against him, as the Consul and Justicar were brought in to deal with the incident. Whilst the incident wasnt that major, it did reveal Alector as a Force user and could have put the Clan in danger of being found out; as only the Dlarit Special Operations Group knew of Clan Naga Sadow's true identity.
The Chamber of Justice and the Clan Summit worked together and eventually decided a suitable punishment. Alector was placed on a three month probation period where he wouldn’t be awarded a promotion, be appointment to any leadership positions, nor get any merit awards without the explicit permission of the Justicar. He also had a Letter of Reprimand permanently added to his DJB dossier as a reminder of what he done. His Clan leaders also have their own punishment as it seemed he would be spending all of those next three months aboard the Republic-class Star Destroyer Final Way, where Rear Admiral Araic Simonetti and Senior Commander Agrist had both been ordered to teach the boy a few things about responsibility.
Trials on the Final Way
- "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you…"
- ―Darth Plagueis
The young commander wasnt pleased about this punishment, he was a noble not a solider, and he also felt rather naked without his lightsaber by his side. Agrist greeted the boy when arrived and briefed him on rules and regulations, he also explained that Alector will be accompany the Dark Jedi as he went about his duties aboard the Final Way.
His first night about the Republic-class Star Destroyer Alector was invited to the captain's mess hall to meet the commanding officer, Admiral Simonetti; the former captain of the Wandering Soul had met Alector's father during the Battle of Antei, and wanted to see if Ashura's son had inherited his personality. Araic was pleasantly surprised that the boy was nothing like his father. This was a good starting point for Alector and his next three months aboard Simonetti's ship.
The young officer in-training quickly learned the Rear Admiral was a stern but considerate man. Isradia was impressed with Simonetti's military knowledge and his commanding presence over the next few days, and was very fortunate the man believed in giving the best training possible.
Whilst the he would learn many things from Araic; Agrist would, however, be Alector's major instructor in the working of DSOG. The Human Sith and former member of the True Brotherhood would also teach the boy the principles of Broken Gate and Dulon; although Alector didnt have the strength or dexterity to go beyond the first circle on each one. In the end Dulon would become more popular with him then Broken Gate. In private they would spare using Soresu and Makashi with training sabers, and sometimes, if Agrist was in the mood and Alector asked politely enough, the Final Way commissar would demonstrate what he knew of Dun Moch.
By the time he had served his probation period, Alector had gained an understanding of military life and skill. He watched and learned how it was possible to punish to those who disobeyed orders; fear it seemed was a powerful tool. He learned through Agrist how to use the Force to inflict terror so that the mere presence of them would have the weak-minded soiling themselves where they stood. It was a valuable lesson the Warrior learned; knowledge was power.
Araic and Agrist both agreed the boy needed to learn more about discipline and leadership. To this end Alector would be involved in all ship activities and training as a Midshipman. A career in the Dlarit Navy wasnt that appealing to the young man, but it could be avoided and he endured three months of naval training.
In the end it enhanced his self-discipline and displayed his leadership abilities (which just needed the opportunity to come out). The last day before his probation was over, Alector learned he would be commissioned with the full rank of Special Operations Lieutenant Commander.
Jensaarai Awakening
- "Jensaarai is a Sith word for hidden follower of the truth. As the Saarai-kaar, I am the keeper of that truth."
- ―The Saarai-kaar
Alector returned to House Ludo Kressh after his probation was over; he was there no more than a few hours when he was approached by the Heir of Sadow about joining the Simus Institute, an private academic institution ran by Tron and the other Sons of Sadow. He of course accepted the offer without hesitation.
The young man traveled to the New Sadow Palace on Sepros and joined the other students there. His first ever lesson was in fact a lecture by the Rector himself; the lecture was on the philosophy, abilities, and practices of the Jensaarai (which was a Sith name that meant "hidden followers of truth.")
He learned how Jensaarai philosophy and abilities were a mixture of Jedi and Sith teachings that blended together perfectly. Alector saw that he too was honorable due to his upbringing, had some sense of discipline taught to him over the years by his grandfather as well as the DSOG training, and that he too respected those same traits in opponents. He also understood the power of aggression and how it empowered him because of his natural affinity for the dark side. Even the ideal of them standing for peace and justice appealed to him; the young noble wasnt evil after all. Alector believed in the power of truth, and how by learning the he could liberate himself and grow truly powerful.
Learning more about the Jensaarai was something Alector wanted to do; he asked Tron if he could learn more about philosophy and abilities, as well ass learn their practices too. He believed learning the truth behind the ideals of this order of Force-users would help him understand the truth about the power within him.
The boy was gifted. The only Equite level student at the Institute. Alector could often be found debating with the teachers; always challenging them for to reveal more knowledge to him. He was very determined to discover all the hidden truths that can be learned. His diligence and dedication in the quest for knowledge and truth wielded its rewards; the young man had gone a long way since he first became a Disciple of Sadow. The acknowledgement of his achievements only provided more fuel to his burning lust.
However, Alector's inexperience around the opposite sex had always been his greatest weakness; he simply didnt know how to act or talk, and basically made a fool of himself half the time... such were teenagers. So when he met Kiriana, a Krath Jedi Hunter and fellow student at the Simus Institute, he of course wanted to get to know her but not make a complete idiot of himself. The young man turned to his mentor on the opposite sex for guidance.
There was also another problem; Kiriana's Master seemed over protective of the young woman and refused to let Alector even speak with her outside of school. The blind girl had a dark secret that need to remain hidden; her body have been invaded by another Dark Jedi who's body had died on one of the Yuuzhan Vong worldships during the Battle of Antei. Alector had yet to meet the female Sith Warrior who now inhabited Kiriana's body.
The newly Battlemaster became very interested in defensive version of
Makashi known as Kirili; Darth Vexatus demonstrated the use of
this variant of Form II in his class
and Alector became deeply interested. He approached his teacher after the
class ended about learning more about it. If Xanos agreed or not Alector
didnt say, but he could be seen alone sometimes practicing Kirili.
The Dagger's Edge
- "By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
- ―Alector's personal motto
To gain new knowledge and discover the truth behind it.
Noble, Just, Honest, Faithful, Curious, Smart, Determined, Lustful, Inexperienced, Thrill Seeker.
Inquisitor, Negotiator, Perfectionist, Soldier
Injustice, Lies, Deceit, Disrespect.
Alector Isradia is motivated by the ongoing pursuit of knowledge and to learn the hidden truths buried within; knowledge is the pathway to enlightenment and truth is the realization behind this. The achievement of enlightenment is gateway to perfection. Alector's logic behind this is based on the two fundamental teachings of the One Path his grandfather taught him: True Ascension cannot be achieved unless all parts of a being are both one, and strong. AND Power is defined as "the ability to do or act" and "the possession of control or command".
He appears to others as being formal, just, honest and well educated. His curiosity and lack of experience often gets him into mischief due to the thrill waiting to be discovered. Alector will also often pursue something with lustful determination regardless where it would lead too. When interacting with others he maintains his noble upbringing and sticks to titles, ranks and surnames; unless in private where such formalities can be dropped. He was taught to behave respectfully to everyone, and expects the same treatment in return. The one thing he cannot tolerate is injustice and will often seek to bring the balance back to what he believes to be good and true.
When using the Force, Alector has different philosophical views about it than most. This is mainly because on his homeworld the Force is known as "magic" and has a mystical feel to it; although he has learned more about it over the years he still sees it as so. In combat he will try and stay out of physical confrontation due to his lack of strength and resilience, and simply use the Force to its fullest extent with telekinetics and other abilities; if he is forced into a duel than he'll booster his strength, resilience and agility as much as possible. His greatest strength is also his greatest weakness.
Styles of Address
SBM Alector Isradia (Sith)/Simus Institute of Naga Sadow
- As member of the feudal system of the planet Vardor, Alector claims the title his Grace, the Marquis of Besh Haras.
- Being initiated as a member of the state religion and faith of Vardor, Alector holds the titles of Neophyte of the Green Diocese and Inquisitor of the Rose Abbey. Also, as an infant, Alector was appointed the prophetic title of the Supplicant of the Rose Goddess, or simply the Supplicant for short.
- Alector is also a member of the Dlarit Special Operations Group and holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
DJB Facts
This section does not include anything previously done by Ashura Isradia so not to confuse between the two characters.
Unofficial Character Sheet
Basic informations
Gender: Male
Hand: Left-handed
Species: Vardorian (Human)
Height: TBA
Weight: TBA
Physical Appearance
Low physical attributes, Force dependant on all physical feats, inexperience, the desire to do good, and lust for knowledge and truth.
Distinguishing Marks
Alector's piercing green eyes have a tendency to look right through things/people and beyond them. They also flash or glow during states of heightened concentration or emotion.
Mild xenophobia.
Physical Attributes
Strength: (10)
Constitution: (10)
Dexterity: (10)
Mental Attributes
Intelligence: (18)
Wisdom: (21)
Charisma: (21)
Fighting Skills
Regular Weapons
Lightsaber: (5)
- Makashi (3)
- Soresu (5)
- Vaapad (1)
Hand-to-hand: (4)
Blaster Pistol/Rifle: (3)
Sword: (4)
Handedness;Strong Hand: Handedness;Off-hand (5)
Fighting Styles: TBA
Weapons: TBA
Alector's CS has not been intended for him to take part in the ACC, this is more of a visual to display his attributes, skills, fighting style and weapons for readers to get a more in-depth idea to this character.
Blood and Power
Brakus Bloodline
In 4,400 BBY a Jedi Seer called Nar'del Brakus foresaw the doom of the Jedi in the distant future and set off on his own to prevent it. The Force let him to Pelagon where after years he finally gave up and joined House Pelagia.
The Brakus bloodline have therefore inherited the Precognition ability, which later with the addition of the fighting prowess of the Konden bloodline and the training of the agoge, evolved into Battle Precognition.
The ability to see the future is rare among those who possess the Brakus bloodline; Ashura Isradia foresaw his own death on Tatooine but still traveled to the planet where he was killed (and later brought back to life).
Lutah Bloodline
The people of Vardor possessed a unique connection to their planet; because of this connection most of them are Force sensitive (although it is latent in most). The Iperion, the governing body of Vardor, was formed thousands of years ago as the social structure of the world and made up of two sides; Nobility (Force-users) and Landsmen.
House Lutah was one of those five founding Houses of the Iperion, and although it is known as a Minor House today. The Lutah bloodline still descended from the original founder's through careful breeding, genetics and training; their Force connection remains a strong as it was at the dawn of the Iperion.
Because of this all those who are part of the Lutah bloodline had a remarkable ability to interact and influence the Force around them. It gives them a unique connection to the Force most dont have.
Isradia Factor
The origin of the Isradia Factor is only known to one man; Jonaleth Isradia. What is known that Alector was born with it and has caused a unique blending of his Force bloodlines.
Apart from some genetic traits belonging to the Elder; the effects are generally unknown. However, the Isradia Factor could be responsible for why Alector was born with a midi-chorian count more than fifteen thousand per cell, that's six times the count of a normal human (which has been recorded at 2,500 midi-chlorians per cell).
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- Alector's origin as the Supplicant was taken and developed from "Shattered Light", the source document of Isradia family canon, from the single sentence; The portal is keyed to only activate to a Force user of enormous power, once every thousand years as the planets come into alignment. This the foundation the character is built on.
- Alector's principle character development was inspired by the following fictional characters: Kid Omega, Nero (as Ashura is inspired by Dante), Cloud Strife, from the Star Wars universe Zannah and the Secret Apprentice
- Alector's run in with the CoJ is a nod to my own encounter; it also is a great plot device to get him onboard the Republic-class Star Destroyer Final Way for three months.
- Alector's name is based on the Alectors, a race of people with powers very similar to the Force.
- Alector's DSOG rank reflects fictional time spent within Clan instead of reflecting DB rank. This is to open up greater possibilities for character development.
- Alector is a two stage character; stage one is above, stage two is a rewrite of his history to follow a natural progression of his age and will take place after 40 ABY.
- Alector starts as an Equite level character, and as such developed high mental attributes but low physical attributes. This means he's Force dependant on all physical feats. This dependence on the Force is his greatest weakness, despite his many other flaws.
- Alector possesses a unique tattoo on the back of his left hand, depicting a stylised dragon. This is the symbol of his connection to Cipher; they are connected in a way only one other knows.
- Alector is the first next generation Dark Jedi; a true amalgam of Dark Brotherhood canon using the DJBWiki articles as a source. Special thanks goes out to all those who gave permission for their characters to be involved in his character development.