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Telekinetics was the force power school that Clan Naga Sadow specialized in. The Force school was phased out in favor of canon Clan Force Powers.


One would not be wrong in saying there are no true prerequisites to become a member of the School of Telekinetics. In fact any Jedi or Force user is already a member. The ability to directly manipulate the Force to move small objects is one of the most fundamental uses of the Force. It is one of the first lessons taught in almost any Force sensitive tradition and indeed true with the Shadow Academy.
The School of Telekinetics covers far more than what most would simply label telekinesis. Fundamental telekinesis is no less important to members of the school. In fact rudimentary telekinesis is the core of the School of Telekinesis and mastery of it is the single most important prerequisite for members.
In the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, the Clan Naga Sadow has focused on this particular school of the Force, fine-tuning the applications of this seemingly basic art into a frightening power. New members are well versed in the simpler applications of Telekinetics, while those who've spent considerable time with the clan can offer up displays of vulgar strength.
The art of Telekinetics is taught in three Tiers, called Rites of Power by the Sadow. Each rite is more intense in study and power than the last, and the requirements to progress through the training more rigorous.
First Rite of Power: The Minor Tier
The Minor Tier of the School of Telekinetics draws on the fundamentals of raw telekinesis and applies them to more specific situations. The fundamental lessons of the Minor Tier teach members to unlearn what they have learned and realize "size matters not".
Level One: Force Push

The first power is a natural evolution of the ability to manipulate the Force to move objects. The knowledge of the Third Class of the Minor Tier teaches members to channel the Force in a sudden push that is easily capable of knocking an opponent off guard. The strength of the push directly corresponds to one's power and connection to the Force.
Unlike the Equite power of Telekinetic Strike the strength of the Force Push increases exponentially and a surprise attack from an Elder could easily throw an opponent across a room. Force Push is just what it says. It's exactly the same power you see in the movies or get to use in the games. Be sure not to confuse Force Push with the weaker power Telekinetic Strike because it can do a lot more damage than a normal punch. Like all powers it gets stronger the higher someone's rank.
Level Two: Force Barrier
Expanding on the knowledge of the Third Class the Force Barrier is the opposite of the Force Push. Rather than channel the Force into a concentrated outward push the Force Barrier is the ability to solidify the Force into a shielding wall. The barrier is capable of deflecting and absorbing most physical attacks and when caught by surprise an enemy can be tricked into harming themselves as if they were to have punched an actual corporeal wall.
It should be stressed that a Force Barrier can only protect from physical attacks. The Barrier is no defense against, say, a lightsaber blade or a blaster bolt. The applications of the Force Barrier should not be underestimated. A Force Barrier combined with a Force Push would particularly effective at inflicting considerable damage, after all the Force Barrier need not be held stationary and experienced Equites often learn to use the Barrier as a weapon.
Force Barrier basically creates an invisible wall in front of the user. Like most solid objects its great at stopping punches- try punching a wall yourself- but it's no good at protecting against blaster bolts or lightsabers (you'll still need to use Absorb Energy for those). Don't mistake Force Barrier as just a defensive power: be creative. There's no rule that says the barrier has to be stationary so trying throwing it at your opponent- think of it as a more painful Force Push.
Level Three: Telekinetic Grip
Building on the disciplines from both the first and second levels the First Class of the Minor Tier teaches one of the most classical uses of the Force: the Telekinetic Grip.

The Telekinetic Grip isn't really anymore than basic telekinesis. The difference is where telekinesis is simply the ability to manipulate the Force to move objects the Telekinetic Grip places a physical hold on them. This builds on the outward influence of the Force Push and the solidity of the Force Barrier. The simplicity of the Telekinetic Grip leads to hundreds of possible application however most individuals develop a trademark application. Darth Vader, for example, was known to use the Force to choke others to death.
A question asked by many Journeymen is whether the Telekinetic Grip gives them the power to kill an opponent instantly. The short answer is no. Most Journeymen would be incapable of maintaining a grip long enough to cause death before their opponent channeled the Force to resist the attack.
The Telekinetic Grip is still capable of inflicting serious internal damage and in the hands of a powerful Elder the rules of it not being fatal do not apply. A Dark Jedi Master could easily use the Force to crush an opponent or shatter their bones.
Think Darth Vader and you know exactly what Telekinetic Grip does. It works exactly like it does in the movies. Want to choke somebody to death? Then Telekinetic Grip is the right power for you. Be creative though- the power is called Telekinetic Grip and not Force Choke for a reason. Higher ranks can do a lot more and, like it says in the description, nothing stops you doing some serious damage with it. Try to avoid using it as an instant death power though- it's not Telekinetic Kill. It can be fatal but against people who can use the Force to resist it there isn't much chance you'll be able to choke them for long enough to kill then (though it's a great way to kill non-Force characters in stories).
Second Rite of Power: The Major Tier
The Second Rite of Power within the School of Telekinetics builds on the skills learned in the Minor Tier and teaches an individual more dynamic applications of the powers he has already learned. Like before the fundamental message is "size matters not". Understanding this is crucial to the Major Tier. Failure to grasp this concept is the downfall of many and the reason few advance beyond the Minor Tier.
Level Four: Projected Fighting
The first technique learned in the Major Tier is an evolution of the Force Push. Instead of a lone push Projected Fighting is the ability to make precise attacks from a distance. It is essentially the ability to fight without fighting.
The exact precision of Projected Fighting depends on one's martial training and rank. A Journeyman may be unable to do much more than a sequence of rapid Force Pushes but an experienced Equite may literally fight as if they were standing right next to their opponent, throwing punches, parrying kicks and blocking attacks. An Elder may take it a step further and even be able to sustain an attack on multiple fronts.
Projected Fighting is obviously of particular use to those who may not normally be that skilled at close range combat for there is little concern for personal safety. In many ways Projected Fighting is the answer to combat for those who have spent their life studying the Force and may not have the physical build necessary to engage in direct hand to hand confrontation. This is a difficult power to describe but once you get used to it there are tons of applications during combat. Basically it allows you to go hand-to-hand from a distance. If you throw a punch using Projected Fighting from twenty meters away it'll connect as if you were standing right there. It's more like Telekinetic Strike than Force Push because it only causes ordinary punches and kicks but unlike Telekinetic Strike it's not a one-hit move- you could keep up a combo chain if you wanted.
Level Five: Kinetic Combat
The Third Class builds on the skills of Projected Fighting and combines this evolution of the Force Push with the Telekinetic Grip. The result is the potent technique called Kinetic Combat.

Kinetic Combat is the ability to wield a weapon from a distance. This makes it much more dangerous than ordinary Projected Fighting for one might even use a lightsaber or multiple lightsabers. The exact precision of Kinetic Combat is again reflective of somebody's rank. To both maintain grip on a tangible weapon and attack requires greater concentration than Projected Fighting.
At low rank one may only be able to make amateur attacks from a distance using a weapon. With training an Equite may learn to wield a lightsaber from a distance like a pro and an Elder may even go beyond their physical limitations and wield multiple lightsabers.
This power is like Projected Fighting but for weapons not just hand-to-hand. Its great used with lightsabers for it allows you to duel from a distance. The best thing about it though is that it allows you to use more than two weapons (which is all most species can hold). Keep your rank in mind when using it- a Dark Jedi Knight obviously isn't going to be able to do as much as a Dark Jedi Master. It has a lot of potential in fights though so shouldn't be overlooked and may even give people who only ever use lightsabers a reason to bring a few blasters along- just think how easy it would be to shoot someone in the back.
Level Six: Force Flight
Unlearn what you have learned is the message of the Second Class of the Major Tier.

There have been thousands of Jedi throughout history who have been perfectly satisfied with the concept of using the Force to levitate objects and even other people when necessary but the idea of using the Force for flight has remained taboo.
The Force is an energy field that binds the universe together. It exists inside all living things. It exists inside us. There is no difference between using the Force to lift a rock than using it to lift oneself.
The extent of Force Flight depends as much on one's proficiency with the Force as it does with their mental attributes. It takes a great deal more concentration to levitate oneself than it does, say, a lightsaber. An Equite may well be able to make great leaps far beyond natural abilities whereas a powerful Elder may even be able to fly great distances with further training.
Force Flight does exactly what it says on the tin: it lets you fly. However keep it realistic. It doesn't mean you're Superman so don't expect to be able to fly around in the air like a plane. Equites will be able to use it to the same sort of extent they might use a Force enhanced jump. Nothing stops you staying in the air full time- there's no time limit on Force Flight- but just bare in mind the realism. If you get attacked in mid air you're likely to lose concentration and fall to your death. It would be hard to justify using Force Flight to save you from a fall too because you'd be panicking and not able to concentrate hard enough.
Level Seven: Kinetic Might
Kinetic Might builds on all the lessons learned up to this point. Instead of teaching an entirely new ability Kinetic Might enhances all previous abilities to much wider and more diverse levels.

There are many feats most would consider impossible even with the Force. Many would never attempt to use the Force to lift a starfighter arguing it was too big. In many ways Kinetic Might is simply an advanced understanding of the fundamental aspects of telekinesis. Training at this level teaches one to grow beyond mere mortal understandings of the universe and to acknowledge the Force as a source of unlimited power. With a complete understanding of Kinetic Might there are no boundaries.
In effect this level of power removes whatever restrictions one may previously have felt they had. If one previously struggled at lifting anything larger than a small object they will find their knowledge of the Force expanded and be able to realize size does not matter. Kinetic Might is directly tied in with a member's rank and naturally the raw powers of an Elder will be much greater than those of an Equite.
This power is basically Yoda talk in action. Think about trying to lift an X-Wing out of a swamp on Dagobah and that's what this power is about. It pretty much lets you do anything that you felt you couldn't do before because it was 'too big'. Like all these powers though keep it realistic. Nobody is going to be able to use the Force to lift a star destroyer even as a Grand Master. It's very useful combined with the Minor Tier powers (Force Push, Force Barrier, Telekinetic Grip). If you thought Force Push could only be used to throw an opponent across the room this power is the power-up you needed to throw them so hard they smash through the opposite wall.
Third Rite of Power: The Inner Order
The Inner Order represents the pinnacle of power within the School of Telekinetics. Even outside the school there are few applications of the Force that come so close as to even rival the Inner Order. This is what the creators themselves were made of and it is with the power of the Inner Order that one can move the stars and shape the galaxy itself.
Level Eight: Force Wave
The first power of the Inner Order builds on the basic model of the Force Push with the increased potency and understanding acquired with Kinetic Might. Instead of a simple push in the Force the Force Wave creates a seismic wave that can rip through flesh and metal. If used properly the Force Wave can make buildings collapse and organs explode. The Force Wave is in every sense lethal.

The Force Wave is effective against inorganic materials and metals as much as flesh and bone. In the hands of an Equite small concentrated waves may be possible whereas an Elder may be able to create devastating blasts capable of ripping their opponents apart.
Force Wave is basically a lethal version of Force Push. Instead of just throwing an opponent across a room it's like they've been hit with a sonic boom. Force Push can't really do any damage on its own- they actually have to hit something first- however Force Wave can screw someone up just by hitting them. If you're looking for a power to rupture internal organs this is it. It's not just limited to living targets. Try using Force Wave against someone's lightsaber and watch them cry as it's destroyed.
Level Nine: Telekinetic Crush
Telekinetic Crush builds on the ideas of the Force Barrier and Telekinetic Grip with the understanding of Kinetic Might. Rather than manifesting as a barrier wall the Telekinetic Crush wraps a target in the Force which then closes in around them. The target area is literally smothered by the Force.

The Telekinetic Crush is almost always fatal when used to its full potential. In the hands of an Equite it can cause blood vessels to burst and bones to crumble. Even against non living targets the Telekinetic Crush is devastating and could practically cripple an entire starfighter. There are few feats an experienced Elder may not accomplish and when together groups may combine their powers to accomplish unimaginable tasks.
This can do all the nasty stuff you thought over the top for basic Telekinetic Grip. Instead of just choking an opponent this can grab hold of them and crush their whole body. Its fully justified as a one hit instant knockout power and nothing stops you breaking every bone in someone's body with it. Be as creative as you want with it. Think about Darth Vader at the end of Revenge of the Sith when he's smashing the whole room up- that's not even half what this is capable of.
Level Ten: Force Whirlwind
The Force Whirlwind is a combination of many of the abilities already learned. It combines aspects of the Force Push, Telekinetic Grip and Force Wave. Instead of a controlled burst the Force Whirlwind affects everything in the immediate surroundings and creates a chaotic tornado. The one calling the Force Whirlwind may use it to grab hold of random objects in the vicinity and throw them around in the mad storm of swirling energy.
The extent of the Force Whirlwind's power rests largely in the rank of the one calling it. The higher the rank the faster and more destructive the whirlwind. In the hands of an Elder a Force Whirlwind may be capable of practically tearing an opponent to shreds with the intensity of the Force waves.
This is basically an excuse to get messy and use every power you have in one go. With Force Whirlwind anything goes. It's only as limited as your imagination. If you want to grab hold of everything in a room and spin it around like crazy this is the power to use. Don't limit it just to ordinary telekinesis. It's a tornado of all kinds of powers. If you want to throw a fit and have a barrage of Force Pushes and Force Waves tear a room apart then the Force Whirlwind is the best way to go about achieving it. However keep in mind the power's limits: it's not Kinetic Storm.
Level Eleven: Kinetic Storm

Building on the power of Force Whirlwind and merging it with all other known powers the Kinetic Storm is the pinnacle of telekinetic destruction and draws heavily on the dark side. Where the Force Whirlwind can be controlled and is little more than a rush of existing powers the Kinetic Storm is an unpredictable fury of kinetic energy. The power of the Kinetic Storm cannot be stressed enough.
When used the Kinetic Storm unleashes a tide of chaos and confusion. It is not a power that can be controlled and is as much a danger to the one summoning it as to those around him. The Kinetic Storm is a maelstrom of rage and destruction. It is like opening a rift and releasing the malevolence of the dark side itself on the galaxy. The Kinetic Storm can lead to earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, seismic explosions, whirlwinds of flying objects and telekinetic strikes.
The Kinetic Storm forgets the rules of size and reality. When unleashed flights of starfighters and even small starships may be caught up in its whirlwind of destruction. Its limitations are linked only to the rank of the one summoning the chaotic power of the storm. While an Equite may only be able to create a localized storm an Elder may be able to throw an entire city into chaos. This is Force Whirlwind times a thousand. If you want an excuse to smash a building up or throw a bunch of starfighters around then Kinetic Storm will do that. Unlike all the other powers there is no need to 'keep it realistic' with Kinetic Storm. This is Kinetic Might in its purest form. Size really does matter not with Kinetic Storm. Just bare in mind the risks. If you want to summon a Kinetic Storm that tears a city in half you can try and do that but don't expect to survive it yourself. The risks are clearly stated and while a Kinetic Storm can be a lot stronger than a Force Whirlwind unless you're a Dark Jedi Master don't expect to be creating earthquakes. Hurricanes are always a good one though.
Level Twelve: Manipulation
Manipulation harnesses the devastating power of the Kinetic Storm into a controlled form.
The chaos and destruction of the Kinetic Storm exceeds the wildest dreams of even the strongest members of the Major Tier. The abilities learned with Kinetic Might do not come close to the chaotic power of the Kinetic Storm. The storm is like opening a rift in the Force and loosing the dark side itself onto the universe. It is a frenzy of death and destruction.
Manipulation is the ability to control this chaos.
A member of the Inner Order who has learned Manipulation may be able to harness the Force to accomplish unimaginable feats. An Equite may be able to summon gales and hurricanes to destroy a whole city whereas an Elder may even be able to send shockwaves through a planet's surface to create earthquakes and untold devastation.
The magnitude of the powers harnessed with Manipulation comes at a price. Many do not dare attempt such feats without the aid of an amulet to focus the dark side. The more difficult the task attempted the easier it is to lose control and be consumed by a vast and overwhelming Kinetic Storm.
Like it says: this is Kinetic Storm but in a form you can actually control and not need to worry about having kill you. It's essentially your excuse to use telekinesis to do whatever you like. Just, like with every other power, do remember you're not Superman. If you want to try and pull something you have a feeling might be over the top then it probably is over the top. In which case keep on board the fact that even Manipulation can't save you if you try something too big. Like with Kinetic Storm the risks are there to keep things realistic- go beyond them by all means but heed the warning.