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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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===Odd Traits===
===Odd Traits===
*Macron is insane. He often talks to himself and imagines invisible bugs everywhere.
*Macron is quite insane. He often talks to himself and imagines invisible bugs everywhere.
*Torture is his favorite hobby (both self and others).
*Torture is his favorite hobby (both self and others).
*He has altered his synthetic body with alchemy, allowing for somewhat less sleep and food needed at the expense of his sanity. He is highly resistant to (and generally full of) poisons, drugs, and disease, having many synthetic organs and body parts. Unfortunately they need to be replaced occasionally.
*He has altered his synthetic body with alchemy, allowing for somewhat less sleep and food needed at the expense of his sanity. He is highly resistant to (and generally full of) poisons, drugs, and disease, having many synthetic organs and body parts. Unfortunately they need to be replaced occasionally.
*Macron hates [[starwars:Ewok|Ewoks]] and [[starwars:Gungan|Gungans]] with a passion, considering them to be vermin.
*Macron hates [[starwars:Ewok|Ewoks]] and [[starwars:Gungan|Gungans]] with a passion, considering them to be vermin. Their tanned hides are often used to line the seats of his ships and luggage.
*Macron is also fond of using droids. His favorites are [[Blinky the IT-3]], Dark Eyes, and [[Sith War droids]].
*Macron is also fond of using droids. His favorites are [[Blinky the IT-3]], Dark Eyes, and [[Sith War droids]]. He is known to employ a variety of Dark Droids, often modified by Mechu-deru.
*Macron successfully developed the self-propagating cure for the [[Horizon Plague]] with the help of [[Muz Ashen]].
*Macron successfully developed the self-propagating cure for the [[Horizon Plague]] with the help of [[Muz Ashen]].

Revision as of 01:17, 9 March 2014

DJB Wiki featured article.
Macron Sadow
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Date of Death:


Physical Description

Human (altered)



  • 1.9 M

89 Kg


black/red stripes



Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

one orange, custom, one red, custom

Lightsaber Form(s):

Makashi, Dun Moch, Trakata

Fighting Style(s):

Echani, Broken Gate, Jakelian, Hapan, Dulon

Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Clan Naga Sadow, House Ludo Kressh, Grand Master's Royal Guard, Keibatsu, Inner Order (Clan Naga Sadow), Marked of the Wanderer, Order of the Black Guard, Dlarit Special Operations Group



[ Source ]

Macron Goura Sadow is an insane Sith alchemist and warrior. Macron's insatiable lust for power knows no boundaries, and he seeks more knowledge of the Dark Side wherever he can. He has been appropriately described as an effective but "brutal broadsword" in his wartime tactics by Shi Long.

Character History


Macron, 26 aby

The Sith known as Macron grew up being a space tramp and thug, riding ships in and out of Coruscant and hanging about with an unsavory crowd. He later trained at the Praxeum and left in failure. The Brotherhood took him in with open arms, and he began training in the Sith arts and alchemy.

"After seeking out the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, I was then trained as a Jedi Padawan. I had sought out the Jedi as a means of understanding the Force. They proved to be worthless curs full of moronic slogans, lies, and idiotic nonsense."

Young Punk 1 ABY

There was an older sister in the beginning, cruel and mean but dedicated to her brother. As youngsters, they survived in the putrid filth of lower Coruscant by means of their wits and wickedness. Both of them were strange. They could not eat normal food, and instead subsisted on nutrient slop normally given to the starving and medical cases. The brother and sister healed quickly and did not seem susceptible to the normal diseases found among the rabble living in the guts of Coruscant's lower levels.

Neither knew their parents, although it is rumored that Tremayne may have been their father and Aurra Sing their 'genetic' mother. They are both synthetic Humans. The two were grown outside the womb from genetic material harvested in secret. Purportedly, some of the material was actually cloned DNA from Lord Malak found stored in a redoubt by Tremayne's researchers, thus identifying both of their connection to the Force. They were both later discarded, for unknown reasons. It is entirely possible they were failed experiments.

The two became separated when they stowed away on Jib Kopatha’s interstellar pleasure craft as young teenagers. Anaxela had been a working girl, serving drinks and undoubtedly other unsavory whims of the patrons. Macron later learned his meager slicing skills from Jib's crew, who realized the Human’s vast intellectual potential.

Lord Vader came later and smashed many of the Falleen crew during the time after the destruction of the first Death Star. His victims included Macron’s first real "crush" Xora. When the Empire’s forces showed up and utterly decimated the Bothan’s spynet vessel, Macron thought his sister was dead.


The young man then spent many years traveling about the galaxy, mainly in the Outer Rim, Tingel Arm, and nearby edge of the Unknown Regions. He worked as gemfisher on Yavin 4. After the end of the Rebellion and Galactic Empire, he felt drawn to study the Force at the new Jedi Praxeum. As an older student, he learned quickly. Too quickly, in fact.

Jedi Training 15 ABY

The rigid monotony of the Praxeum made life easy and regimented. Macron much time in their halls and libraries. One subject in particular fascinated him the most- the Lore of Alchemy. In an effort to understand his own occult genesis he often stole away to read forbidden tomes whenever he could on such exciting topics as Cortosis, making Sith mutants, poison, and other horrible things. Of course, this began his slide down into the Dark Side. Unfortunately, Macron had a powerful sadistic streak. There was nothing more enjoyable to him then beating weak Padawans to a gory pulp. He also stole an ancient minor Sith tome from the library that contained the secrets of Sith Alchemy. This earned him an immediate expulsion and deportation.

Lost and homeless in an unfamiliar system, Macron (Mac) chose to work again as a gemfisher based from Yavin Eight again. His previous knowledge of gems and the Corusca Gem trade proved useful and he then used the saved earnings to travel back to the galactic center to sell his wares. It is possible that at this time he attracted the attention of one of Muz Ashen's gem dealing enterprises.

Streetpunk Macron, Dark Skulls gang

On the Streets Again 17 ABY

Macron Goura was now left without a master, and arrived on Coruscant with credits which he would soon be relieved of. Macron remembered how bad street life could be from his young days. He was immediately mugged on arrival in the scummy lower levels of his possessions except for the book, which they thought was worthless. He was then beaten severely by a gutter punk swoop gang named the Hawks.

Upon regaining consciousness he found himself to have been captured by yet another gang, the Dark Skulls. They wore horrific, garish skull-like facial paint and affected a dark look with chains and black leather. They offered him a choice- join us, or be rat fodder. He agreed to join, of course.

The Dark Skull's rite of passage was a cage fight. He surprised the head gang bully by clubbing him to death with his own freshly severed arm. Fueled with the Dark Side, Macron killed two more gang members before they stopped the mayhem and called a halt to the rite. These punks had never met any real Force users. He spent some years carousing with these scum, and eventually became one of their leaders. During this time the madman learned street survival skills and leadership and the gang grew in power.

Macron soon was the most fearsome gang member, and often engaged in death-match bouts for pay in the bowels of Coruscant. He brutally killed most of his foes and delighted in the mutilations of the ones who managed to live. Soon, he cut his ties with the Dark Skulls and dreamed of liberation from this meaningless life. Surely there was more. The Dark Side beckoned him forth from the formative womb of the planet's bowels.

After amassing many credits through foul means, he decided to get away from Coruscant. He heard a voice in his dreams urging him to travel again. Well-funded contacts located a suitable ship. Macron stole an aging Star Wing gunboat from a decommissioned storage yard, and left his home-world yet again.

Feeling the Power of the Dark Side 19-21 ABY

Macron Goura had then traveled back to Yavin Four on his last credit, pursuing rumors of the Dark Side. During the long hyperspace voyage, he meditated and contemplated a crystal he had found as a gemfisher there. It was one of the few things he had managed to save from his time as a gemfisher. The crystal was Corusca, an orange crystal from the crushing gases of the planet Yavin. This would one day give his lightsaber a searing orange color and a very focused beam. Macron worked again as a gemfisher and took the most dangerous collection trips possible in a sense of nihilism. He hoped for death to release him from his horrid existence as a sad excuse for an imitation human.

When he arrived on Yavin Four, Macron felt an urge to visit the Dark meditation temple built by Exar Kun. Although Kun's spirit had been banished, other Dark Side spirits occasionally visited this cauldron of Dark power. Macron reputedly met the Spirit of Darth Malak here although this is unconfirmed. Malak was another fallen Jedi turned Sith Lord who had purportedly written the very tome Macron had stolen. The phantasm bade Macron to travel to the Lyspair system to seek the Dark Side.

This was what the Dark powers had been whispering to him. “Seek your Destiny on Lyspair…” And so he did. During the journey, he began to mark his face with ancient Sith Tattoos. They would eventually become very extensive and be a characteristic trademark. The Dark Jedi Brotherhood had been watching him the whole time.

Macron as a Knight, by Macron and Eldrad Sin

Finding a Master 22 ABY

On the moon of Lyspair Macron met and battled Nekura Manji Keibatsu, and was profoundly beaten into submission as Manji's new Apprentice. After joining Sapphire Squadron under Robert Daragon, Macron became a budding expert at the art of Dulon and the use of weapons and lightsabers. Under Manji's tutelage, Macron soon became a Knight and constructed his first red synth-crystal lightsaber. He was then adopted into the Keibatsu family by his Master.

by Shikyo, 23 aby

Macron spent considerable amounts of time in combat with Manji at the Antei Combat Centre, as well as using the library at the Shadow Academy and the labs to investigate the workings of Sith Alchemy. With Manji to guide him in the Force, Mac made a breakthrough in the area of Sith alloys. In fact, he spent so much time at the Shadow Academy that the Headmaster made him an instructor.

Later, Macron ventured to the planet of Falleen with Prince Xizor and his Ragnosian comrades to overthrow a usurper, killed an old enemy from the Jedi Academy days on Metellos, and participated in a Jedi hunt in the abandoned tunnels of Sepros. Macron was also selected as a Order of the Black Guard member for for the first time, and eventual multiple periods of service. This honed his combat abilities and exposed him to high level combat and special forces tactics.

During this time Macron went with his Master at the behest of the Envoys to kill Tierdonis, a renegade Sith. He "recruited" Malisane de Ath during the conflict and brought him back to Brotherhood space. After creating the first vesrions of the Sith Alchemy and Lightsaber Combat tests at the Shadow Academy, Macron stepped down to concentrate on other duties shortly thereafter.

Digging Up the Past

Some trips to ruins on Yavin Four allowed Macron to begin a compilation of Sith alchemical data. He visited several worlds with Dark Side Sites such as Korriban, Ruusan, Dxun,Malachor V and even the witch world Dromund Kaas.

The expedition on Malachor V included Rasilvenaira StormRaven, who Macron considered a Sith comrade at the time. On Korriban, Macron adventured with several notables and Clan Mates. These included Muz Keibatsu Sadow numerous times, Revenant, Eldrad Sin, Raven, and others. The lunatic survived two visits at that time.

23 ABY

Macron then created a Sith Heavy Battle Suit for himself. Using a borrowed Sith holocron, the Sith also created several abominations such as a true Silooth Beetle during the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy. The knowledge also enabled him to assist his Consul and Proconsul in the creation of the first Lightsaber Combat Guide for the Brotherhood as a whole. During this period he participated in the Invasion of Coratua and fought hardily although his pet Hssiss were slain.

A Leader is Born 24-25 ABY

Macron's Sith Battlesuit

Mononoke served as the Aedile and Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh of Clan Naga Sadow as well for a time. He led House Ludo Kressh to a victory and the title of "First House" of Clan Naga Sadow during his tenure. Macron went and fought on Kyataru during this time alongside his Master and Muz Ashen.

Muz Keibatsu Sadow learned the art of Echani together with him in the GMRG, and the two were known to adventure together . Macron also trained Ashia Kagan Keibatsu in the arts of Sith Alchemy. She was proven to be an adept student and a good friend. The two are known to be studious alchemists.

Sith Madness

During this period, Macron set up a personal lab near Amphor located inside The Wreck of the Miner's Brother in Naga Sadow space. The mad Sith uses the silent old hulk as a safe experimentation zone. The tremendous radiation storms and out of the way nature of the ancient vessel are perfect for his insane studies. The experiences here allowed him to create a customized dual-phase lightsaber. Other vile alchemical experiments soon followed, such as bioweapons, dark side dragons, various dark droids, Sith droids, homonculi, nano-viruses and others.

25-26 ABY

The Clan later attacked and looted the Jagred city of Om'Jagred on the light side of Antei. Macron found himself embroiled in a conflict with Severak, one of Malisane de Ath's enemies. Eventually, Severak and the True Brotherhood was defeated and exiled into the depths of hyperspace.

Macron's Armor Fist

Mononoke was later appointed the Dark Side Compendium Tribune. Much of his time was spent working on the Dark Side Compendium at this time. Eventually, he stepped down from the position to concentrate his efforts on other pursuits.

Mononoke was the General in command of a legion of Nihilgenia clones during an uprising on Kyataru. That rebellion was subsequently crushed by the family. During the Aranna Incident, he teamed up with Shikyo Keibatsu and Trevarus Caerick and the geniuses of Tarentum to devise a winning military battleplan. The forces of Clans Naga Sadow and Tarentum proved victorious.

The Kyataru campaign and Great Jedi War saw him expand his knowledge of warfare. He developed foul chemical weapons for use in artillery barrages by the Clan. Mononoke personally led the artillery command of Clan Naga Sadow in the assault on the city of Milmefia on Antei during the Great War, breaching the city defenses and gassing many defenders. The Return to Phare System military campaign later saw him making tactical runs on enemy Emperor's Hammer capital class ships in the Silooth as his Clan pilfered the ruins below.

He then experimented on making Sith-spawned Ewoks and trained them with Malisane de Ath on the planet Kangaras. Macron considers the Sith spawned Ewoks to be a twisted joke, and enjoys studying their reactions to his "treatments".

An encounter during this time with the Ssi-Ruuvi led him to pursue other avenues of research. Macron experienced entechment voluntarily to a limited degree, and this gave him a new perspective on technology.


The Second Darkness Rite of Supremacy saw Macron develop his bioweapons research to a high degree, contributing significantly to the Clan Naga Sadow battleplan in the final stages of the conflict. His Violator Gas was used by the elite Order of the Black Guard to breach and incapacitate enemy vessels in this conflict. it was later deemed unsafe and abandoned.

Macron with Sith face paint

During the Attacking the Clones campaign, Macron led the assault on Jaginos personally. He commanded the VSD Covenant during the assault designed to loot cloning technology from the Kaminoan expatriates. It is also known that he secretly trained with Kaine Mandaala during this period. The Dark Prophet Kaine trained him in the fine points of the Dark Side and lightsaber combat before disappearing from the Brotherhood.

26 ABY

Macron was appointed Consul of Clan Naga Sadow, as well as being inducted into the Sons of Sadow. Macron decommissioned the Silooth shortly before the Vong invasion in 27 ABY. He then built a heavily modified and unique transport/gunship for himself named the Nachzerer in secret, using the Dlarit driveyards in CNS space and Verpine contacts. The new ship performed very well against the Vong, contributing to the destruction of one of their capital ships as Macron flew it alongside Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu and Manji.

During the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong into the Shroud of Antei, Macron commanded and piloted the VSD Covenant during the initial phase of the attack. He fought and personally slew several Vong warriors on the bridge of the ship. During this time, he was made a Marked of the Wanderer by Trevarus Caerick, as well as being named one of Darth Vexatus' Hands. In essence Vexatus became his Sith Master. To this end, Macron built another lightsaber designed for stealth combat missions using ancient Sith technologies and some unusual crystals.

A New Era

It is rumored Macron spent much time training with Trevarus Caerick and Darth Vexatus following the end of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. It is certain that his skills with the Force and with the lightsaber were honed to deadly effectiveness at this point.

During the Invasion of Orian by the True Brotherhood, Macron led the Clan to victory as Consul. A massive effort by all involved drove the usurpers out of Clan Naga Sadow space, leaving most of the TB invaders either dead or converted. Macron located a redoubt beneath the fetid clouds of Gamuslag, returning with Clone troopers, ordnance, and a force of vicious DSOG operatives to fight on Sepros. Wielding the Ring of Wrath, Macron fought and slew several notable True Brotherhood Dark Jedi in personal combat, reinforcing his reputation as an insane and dangerous duelist.

Although the Force Witch Anaxela escaped along with the shade of Severina, the Sith Sword of Shar Dakhan was liberated from the invaders' grasp and stored in the Clan Vault. With invaluable assistance from stalwart Clan members, the homes and buildings destroyed by the TB forces were eventually rebuilt.

27-28 ABY

Shortly after this time, the newly commissioned CNS Fleet was put into action. Macron and Shin'Ichi returned from the shipyards at the head of a much more modern and powerful fleet after the efforts of the Dark Council and the Dlarit Corporation funded the new vessels. It is unknown what Macron did during the interim period, however, he was spotted with two lightsabers of new and improved design after his brief hiatus. The mental pressure from the intense training at the hands of Darth Vexatus and Trevarus Caerick finally broke the remaing few sane parts of his mind during this time, sending him back into the depths of insanity and this allowed for Trevarus to take control of the Clan Naga Sadow Consulate once again.

Macron During the Antei Invasion
Macron During the Antei Invasion

Macron then stepped down as Consul while the Clan turned it's attention to Kangaras in an effort to locate the escaped Severina and Anaxela. Although Macron saw some combat during this operation, he primarily served as a field science officer in the analysis of the ruins and evil flora encountered in the Kangaras jungle. During this expedition, one of the Sith spawned Ewoks known as Zuglaq became contaminated with the Dark Side energies of the site. Zuglaq developed a sense of the Force, and Macron took him under his insane tutelage to develop the Ewok's latent abilities.

Into the Fray: Shadows of the Void 28 ABY

During the Battle of Telos, Macron personally delivered an unstable remnant Violator Omega gas bomb into the Vong Worldship. Fighting alongside Sai, Malisane, Agrist, and Senth the Delta-class Advanced Commando proved to be a valid combination as they all survived. Most of the CNS forces that were dropped onto the Worldship were evacuated in the Nachzerer, which suffered heavy damage in both the landing and retreat operations. The Sith was able to kill several Yuuzhan Vong warriors in this fight, as well as the gleeful slaughter of some priests of their vile gods.

Concurrently, the Dark Council ordered that Masters of given light saber styles would train others in order to improve the overall power of the Brotherhood in light of the Vong invasions. The alchemist personally instructed Tsainetomo Keibatsu onboard The Wreck of the Miner's Brother.

Later Macron went with Malisane, Senth, and Zuglaq to search for the location of Darth Severak's secret fleet and then infiltrate it. It is unknown exactly what the two did while on this personal mission, but it is known that Malisane decided to informally ally and train with the Sith Lord again afterward. Upon his return, the Keibatsu re-joined Sapphire Squadron and began to help Robert Daragon with administrative duties as Sapphire's executive officer.


During the Vong invasion of Clan Arcona space, Macron was deployed along with many others from Clan Naga Sadow to aid the escaping Arconans. Mononoke teamed up with Darth Vexatus, Vallen the Fosh, and the alchemist's apprentice Naiia. The group took almost 70 Dlarit clone troopers and landed in Estle City on the planet of Selen. Lord Vexatus easily corrupted the madman's thoughts with whispers of greater secrets of power and convinced him to help sabotage the air defenses of the city in order to bring the Vong down into Estle city.

Neither Vexatus nor Macron cared whether they slew Vong invaders or resistance fighters during the incident, preferring instead to leave no survivors to tell sordid tales. Macron truly delighted in the carnage and found some sort of sanity within the destruction for a time. They later returned to the RSD Final Way and left the system to return to Orian Space. Upon his return to Sepros, Macron once again was selected as a leader within House Ludo Kressh by being appointed Aedile for a second term.

The Battle of Lehon 29 ABY

Macron After the Battle of Lehon
Macron After the Battle of Lehon

During this time, Macron was manipulated by Vexatus the Betrayer. Lord Vexatus and Trevarus Caerick both sought the location of Lehon in order to acquire power from an ancient Rakatan site. During the ensuing battle, Macron poisoned his former master with a bacterium similar to the one that devastated Falleen. The germ contributed to Vexatus' seeming dissolution. For some time after the end of the conflict, Macron locked himself in the The Wreck of the Miner's Brother and refused outside contact for several months. he seemed to be lost in deep meditation and intense personal training according to the few he calls friends. It is known that he trained extensively with Tsainetomo Keibatsu and Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu

Battle for Inos 30 ABY

During this unfortunate time of change, many tragic things happened. Astronicus Aurelius Sadow made a masterful manipulation of the Clan as Overlord to test the loyalty and readiness of Clan Naga Sadow. Parts of both Houses of the Clan fought against each other. A land battle on Inos Moon 18 was combined with a space battle above in orbit of Inos. Macron and Tsainetomo took Aleho Ruoxf with them as a sort of insurance while conspiring with Jades "Imperial" Atema and her House Marka Ragnos co-conspirators. Macron and Sai left with Protector Ruoxf as an unwitting hostage. Between the goading and instruction of the two Equites the young Togruta was dragged directly into the heart of the conflict zone. The two Darksiders exposed her to intense scenes of personal combat to save her own life- and that of her compatriots. She also participated in battlefield impromptu surgery and assisted with piloting the Nachzerer with Tsainetomo in the space battle around Inos against the false Brotherhood.

Exploration of Inos Moon 42: The Tombs of Urias Orian 30 ABY

Macron was dispatched at Consul Bob's request to explore the Inos area after the The Battle of Inos. Macron and Tsainetomo had noticed Force anomalies on Inos Moon 42 during the recent conflict. A group of Dark Jedi including Macron, Tsainetomo, Jade, Aleho, Ekeia, and Zaroth traveled with DAC Major Qek in the Nachzerer to the moon. The investigation centered around a dark side site known as the Tombs Of Urias Orian. Lord Orian had secreted bodies of his followers here in an effort to create a site of Dark Side power.

The group delved deep into the caves, encountering Sith Undead, animated corpses and frightening illusions in the yawning passages.The hoary crypts proved to be home to Curwen Sunei, a hermit darksider from the waning days of the Galactic Empire. Sunei did battle with the collective group and was fought to a stalemate. Deposits of red Adegan crystals were found in the lower caves, and samples were retrieved for examination by the Herald's office. A deal was reached with Sunei, and in turn access to the Tombs was opened to Clan Naga Sadow.

Intervening Periods

Curwen Sunei was eventually killed by Macron Sadow using the Sith Sword of Shar Dakhan.

Horizons 36 ABY

DJB Facts


Odd Traits

  • Macron is quite insane. He often talks to himself and imagines invisible bugs everywhere.
  • Torture is his favorite hobby (both self and others).
  • He has altered his synthetic body with alchemy, allowing for somewhat less sleep and food needed at the expense of his sanity. He is highly resistant to (and generally full of) poisons, drugs, and disease, having many synthetic organs and body parts. Unfortunately they need to be replaced occasionally.
  • Macron hates Ewoks and Gungans with a passion, considering them to be vermin. Their tanned hides are often used to line the seats of his ships and luggage.
  • Macron is also fond of using droids. His favorites are Blinky the IT-3, Dark Eyes, and Sith War droids. He is known to employ a variety of Dark Droids, often modified by Mechu-deru.
  • Macron successfully developed the self-propagating cure for the Horizon Plague with the help of Muz Ashen.