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It is important to note that descriptions of cortosis' properties and appearance vary widely with the source. It is likely that the mineral may have different effects due to the source of origin and treatment. In the past this lead to some confusion as to the 'standard' by which cortosis was held.
The Cortosis molecule is a fascinating material. Cortosis has unique properties in regards to lightsaber blades, making it a sought after commodity. The unique properties of cortosis ore and refined alloys present an intriguing subject of study. Persons obtaining and using the ore can find some advantage against lightsaber blades.
The extreme scarcity, remote and dangerous ore localities and difficulty of synthesis make cortosis items very rare. Cortosis is NOT allowed in the Antei Combat Center currently. It is usually confiscated by the Dark Council if found, with painful results for the offender. There are a few exceptions in the ACC Armory, however access to those weapons is restricted to persons allowed to wield the particular item. Two known examples are the Terrium Vane and Whisper of Pain.

Cortosis appears as a silvery, reddish, or greenish semi-metallic mineral, similar in appearance to pure silicon or antimony. Cortosis is unstable in the presence of explosives, and shatters under stress. Cortosis can be woven into arms and armor, as well as structural elements. It can be worked by Sith Alchemy and other technological means.

The material has the unique ability to de-harmonize a lightsaber blade, causing it to shut down temporarily. The blade can be re-ignited, but it does take some energy to do so. The mineral matrix of unrefined cortosis ore is damaged by the contact with the blade. A refined version of the ore exists, which is merely resistant to lightsaber blades. However, refined cortosis has fewer impurities and is therefore not as severely affected by the contact.
Scientists working under Emperor Palpatine’s programs have created a synthetic version. It is similar to the refined variety in properties. It is rumored that the Emperor’s Throne was laced with cortosis, as well as some of his Royal Guard’s armor.
Known locales for the occurrence of the natural mineral include Bespin, Niruan, Kintan, Korriban and Yinchorr. There are other unconfirmed sites as well. These include Sepros, Ziost, Yavin system, and Dxun.

Several cultures and traditions have used Cortosis historically. These groups include the Morgukai Nikto warriors, The Chiss, The Sith, Yinchorri, and the Jensaarai. The Morgukai were known to carry cortosis laced armor and staves, with energy blades somewhat similar to lightsabers on the tips. The Morgukai religion was outlawed by the Emperor shortly after the Clone Wars, and if they now exist it is in secret. The Morgukai mercenaries Tsyr and Bok carried cortosis weaponry.

Many Sith also created Dark Armor that was laced with Cortosis, as well as cortosis swords and vibroblades.
The Yinchorri were known to have cortosis gauntlets and shields. The Jensaarai also fashioned armor with the aspect of cruel predatory animals out of cortosis. The Chiss laced the tunnels in the Hand of Thrawn fortress on Niruan with cortosis as well.
Darth Bane apparently worked as a driller in the mines on Apatros during the New Sith wars.
During one interlude in the now infamous Clone Wars, Count Dooku attempted to fashion droids with cortosis laced shells. The Shadow Troopers also possessed cortosis laced armor. An attempt was made on Lord Vader's life more than once with cortosis-type weapons, in both cases by Jedi.