Scholae Palatinae/PartTwo
Where... where did it go?
The content of this article is split up among several sub pages as it grew too large. |
Second Darkness
At length, the Clans and their fleets were summoned to Antei by Grand Master Sarin in order to test them in light of the worrying rumors of an extra-galactic invasion. Under the codename Operation Second Darkness, Sarin persuaded the clans that the object of the exercise was to judge which Clan was most fit to guard the Shroud. Scholae Palatinae fought hard, earning a well deserved second, a great improvement on their previous Vendetta placing. Believing themselves able to relax, the Clans congregated on the Dark Council’s VSD Vae Victus for the award ceremony. The Royal Clan had barely left the ship before a titanic fleet entered the Antei system, a fleet commanded by the Yuuzhan Vong.
On board the VSD Excidium, Braecen Kaeth ordered the Arconan Eye of the Abyss crippled to prevent the enemy from pursuing his fleet, regardless of the wider impact such an action would have. In desperation, the Clans were ordered into the Shroud, famous for it’s negative effect on navigation. Drunk and terrified for his wife, the Quaestor Thran Occasus of House Caliburnus was locked away until Rasilvenaira, could soothe him. At a hastily called meeting, Impetus and Adam Anderson were named Dark Paladins before Natth a’Niel and Ood revealed a critical finding: The small void that the Vong Fighters created to shield themselves from enemy hits could be overcome by three perfectly timed blasts.
Once again, Braecen decided to utilise the Arconan fleet to his Clan’s advantage, deciding to keep their fleet as a buffer between Scholae Palatinae and the Yuuzhan Vong. Beyond this, the Deputy Grand Master, Muz Ashen had been captured and was at that very moment being tortured in the Embrace of Pain, having valiantly covered the Clan withdrawal. The battered fleet limped back to the Cocytus System to find it ravaged by the Yuuzhan Vong. To make matters worse, a blood-thirsty Timbal had pursued the Clan Fleet, destroyed Emperor’s Sword and was running on a destructive rampage around the system. The Royal Clan was saved from further destruction by the direct order of the Grand Master, commanding that all forces cease fire. Sarin initiated the Braata Option, necessitating the evacuation and abandonment of Antei.
Reclamation of Judecca
With the Braata option in play, the Royal Clan turned its attention back to its own ravaged system. Braecen gave orders for the Dark Jedi to reclaim their system, only to be usurped by Phoenix who believed that the Consul had lost his grip on sanity. Taking Lucien as his Proconsul, Phoenix led the armies down to Judecca whilst Braecen led the fleet on a mad game of hide-and-seek with the Vong. A team of Dark Jedi were sent to the Meditation Shrine on Judecca with orders to retrieve three of their own held captive there. They were successful and the Vong in that area were exterminated.
Lucien then initiated Operation Dragon’s Claw, sending House Acclivis Draco to re-take the Valley of Silence on Antenora, House Caliburnus to retake the Alberigo Outpost, and House Dorimad Sol to destroy a Vongforming station on Caina. All three were successful but before they could lick their wounds, Phoenix received a garbled communication from Braecen that changed the nature of the war. Only knowing that it had something to do with Vong Shapers, he gave orders to each Quaestor to capture a Shaper.
RevengeX was ordered to retake the Temple of the Rakata which was believed to contain a group of shapers. Rasilvenaira was sent to cleanse the Blood Forest on Ptolomea and capture a Shaper there. Koskian and Dorimad Sol, caught in the midst of the Vong-infested Caina had the pick of many Shapers but caught one from the group he was engaged in fighting. During the Shaper operation, a team of Dark Jedi cleared the Judeccan moon Brutus which the Vong had taken as their jump point to Judecca.

Each Quaestor came to the Consul with a Shaper in tow and after five strenuous hours of torture, the first one broke. It revealed that the Vong army had planned to close as many trade routes to other Brotherhood planets as possible, believing that the Clan was tied up at Antei. As the battles ended, a sizable fleet jumped out of hyperspace, led by Braecen at the helm of a Nebula-class Star Destroyer. The former Consul then left the system, heading to Clan Plagueis to take the role of Consul there as Phoenix took was promoted from Proconsul to Consul.
Uneasy Alliances
In the Jusadih system, reports began to emerge of sightings of Yuuzhan Vong on the borders of Clan Plagueis space territory. The new Consul of Plagueis, Braecen Kaeth sent word to the Consul of Scholae Palatinae, Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine asking him for assistance.
Phoenix agreed and assembled the Clan’s ships. Upon the arrival of the fleet to the Jusadih system, they sensed a void in the nearby Nimban system. They suspected that the Yuuzhan Vong had somehow managed to learn about their fleet, but it later turned out to be the expeditionary task force of Clan Arcona, led by its Consul, Mejas Doto who had combined the power of the Arconan Elders to cloak the fleet and it’s Force presence.

The Arconans had a spy in the Scholae Palatinae army and learned that their fleet was leaving the Cocytus System, so they came to the system in order to strike its fleet down and take over their territory as a new home, instead of the one they lost due to Yuuzhan Vong attack.
Soulfire Brigade infiltrated Excidium II in order to sabotage it, but thanks to a hasty discussion with Angelo Dante, Mejas realised his elite were in shackles. He had no choice but to propose an alliance with Scholae Palatinae to wipe the Vong out.
However, it was only a mask to conceal his true plans. Soulfire Brigade was still aboard the CSP flagship, waiting for the proper moment to intervene. The battle with the Yuuzhan Vong fleet lasted for several hours and the joint forces of the Clans were victorious. It was at that moment, when Soulfire Brigade took over a turbolaser array and fired upon Plagueis warships.
The battle was almost poised to resume again, when the armada of the Dark Brotherhood, which had been called by the treacherous summit of Clan Arcona, arrived to settle the escalating conflict. Today, members of the Royal Clan all wonder what the result of the battle would have been between Clan Scholae Palatinae and Clan Plagueis, had it been allowed to begin.
Rise of a Rebellion
It came to pass that soon after the alliance between Plagueis and Scholae Palatinae, Phoenix d'Tana Palpatineretired, leaving the position of Consul to Lucien. Lucien took as his Proconsul the silver-tongued Thran Occasus, which many considered dangerous given how much he coveted the throne. Lucien held the throne for a year, ushering in a brief period of stability. This was brought to an end swiftly by the rise of a rebellion, a cliqued class war waged by disillusioned workers hitting out at the “bourgeoisie”. Bombings took place along with kidnappings and assassinations, all targeted against the Imperial administration. Lucien abdicated, many believe due to Thran’s influence which earned him the title of “the Usurper”. However, all thoughts of the rebellion were struck from the Clan’s mind when a communiqué from the Grand Master arrived…
Nearly three years after the Fall of Antei the clans of the Dark Brotherhood were called upon once again by Darth Sarin. He along with the Dark Council had decided to move all the fleets of the Brotherhood through the shroud using the combined power of all the elders. Scholae Palatinae left Radama Void to answer to Sarin’s call to take back Antei. The fleet was guided by the elders for two days, and though tricky, Scholae Palatinae’s fleet managed to get through the Shroud only to come across a new puzzling fact; that the Yuuzhan Vong fleet was completely disabled. During this time, Fleet Admiral Timbal was publicly dismissed by Thran, with Surface Marshal Archangel taking command of the Warspite in his place.

Scholae Palatinae’s forces touched down just seconds before Crask’s forces attacked. A relentless battle ensued at what the Brotherhood called, “Operation Nek” which the clan needed to win to secure the beachhead. Once the beachhead was secure the clan pushed the Jedi forces back until they reached “Objective Revir” which was an anti-aircraft fortification. Once the clan managed to wipe out the remaining Jedi forces within the fortress they found themselves surrounded by Jedi reinforcements. Cut off from the rest of the Brotherhood and extra supplies the clan dug into the fortress to prepare for the coming battle.
During “Operation Granite Dusk,” as it came to be known, hundreds of Jedi and Dark Jedi were slaughtered, but Scholae Palatinae eventually managed to defeat the Jedi forces and push them back, so they could be reinforced by their fellow clan Naga Sadow. Scholae Palatinae was ordered to work with Naga Sadow to complete “Objective Strill” which proved difficult for many of the darksiders from both clans, due to past feuds between the Naga Sadow and CSP. While they battled many Jedi forces it was reported that more than a few of the Dark Jedi from both clans had turned on each other whenever they got the chance and slaughtered one another.
Though hard, the clans managed to complete the objective, and gathered theintelligence that the Brotherhood needed to make a final push to end the war. Scholae Palatinae was ordered to take back “Objective Uller”, the Obelisk “Black Pyramid” called Temple Boyna. A fierce battle took place with Crask’s remaining forces inside the temple putting up a good fight. Outnumbered and out gunned, Crask's forces fell. Scholae Palatinae took back the temple, and the war came to an end shortly after with the death of Omancor Crask. Now all that was left was to rebuild what had been lost.
The absence of the majority of the Dark Jedi had had wide implications on Judecca. The rebellion had grown far bolder, even advertising themselves to the Judeccan public. Rumors spread of financing by a rival Clan, providing better weapons for the insurgents. The rebellion turned its attention to Ptolomea, home to House Caliburnus which at that time was the weakest of the three Houses. A concentrated assault left the House devastated, and Thran gave orders for its immediate closure to save it. The Clan’s Homeland Security was given unlimited scope to do whatever it took to bring the rebellion down. At a great cost of lives, the ringleaders were eventually brought before the Consul for a personal execution.
After years of constant combat, the Dark Jedi and the troopers of the Imperial Armed Forces were beginning to falter. High casualty rates, defections to other clans, and the retirements of many leaders or long term members had taken their toll on the combat effectiveness of the Clan. It was in this down time that a Rite of Supremacy was called to decide who would have the honor of ridding Salas V of an infestation of Killiks.
After a crushing defeat at the hands of Clan Taldryan, Scholae Palatinae managed to hold their own in combat in a free-for-all situation against both Tarentum and Plagueis. Even as the clan finally was able to make progress towards the end of the Rite, Scholae Palatinae finished as the sixth of seven clans only besting Clan Plagueis. The forces of Scholae Palatinae returned to the Cocytus system, dejected and dishonored but looking towards reclaiming their place among the top clans.
In late 33 ABY, the Master at Arms, on the orders of the Grand Master initiated a purge, wiping out those suspected of treason. The results astounded everyone; more than four hundred people disappeared from Brotherhood space. The Clans were decimated and by mutual agreement, Muz Ashen downsized every Clan to an Independent House, the former Houses to Battleteams. Scholae Palatinae had had no choice but to comply. Thran abdicated, leaving the throne for his Proconsul. The old Neti Ood Bnar Sythe'rae became the first Quaestor of House Scholae Palatinae in decades.
The Battleteams of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Battleteam Acclivis Draco
- Main article: Acclivis Draco
Few more hallowed halls of Krath supremacy can be found than in the home of Acclivis Draco, at Dragon's Citadel. This monument to their control over Antenora serves as a reminder of their power, their fortitude, and their understanding of the Dark Arts. Many dangerous Krath have walked those halls, and many more will walk them in the future.
Now, reduced to a simple Battleteam, the Krath of Acclivis Draco must leave their tomes, and fight, for their honour and themselves.
- Tetarch: Koryn Thraagus

Battleteam Caliburnus
- Main article: Caliburnus
Caliburnus, once a thriving and powerful Sith House, had fallen from favour with the Clan Summit, after failing to quell a rebellion which led to widespread devestation and death on the planet of Ptolomea. The Clan Summit, enraged at this sheer lack of dedication, dissolved the House immediately, throwing it's members to the four winds.
But now, after the reformation of the Clans into Houses, Caliburnus has risen again, a phoenix from the ashes, to take it's rightful place as First Battleteam of Scholae Palatinae.
- Tetrarch: Evant Taelyan
Sons and Daughters of Palpatine
- Main article: Children of Palpatine
To earn the Clan title of Palpatine is to receive a badge of honor that is paramount within the walls of Scholae Palatinae. As guardians of the Palpatine line, protectors of his Dark Side knowledge and advocates to the execution of his will - those whom bear the Dark Lord's name do so after establishing themselves as prominent and loyal members of the Royal House, the Royal Family.
Current Palpatines
- Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine
- Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine
- Rhaub D'ar Aghasett Palpatine
- Arania Lawakiro Palpatine
- RevengeX Palpatine
- Vail Aquillarum Unteminar
- Desio Predator Palpatine
- Valkas Tamalar Palpatine
- Natth a'Niel Palpatine
- Dakari Kaeth Palpatine
- Thran Occasus
- Kell Palpatine Dante
- Xen'Mordin Vismorsus-Palpatine
- Archangel Palpatine
The Lost Palpatines
- Saitou
- Lucien Kaeth
- Impetus M'Nar (Killed by a heat storm in an expedition to the Ryloth Brightlands)
- Timbal Palpatine (Killed as a traitor by Thran Occasus and the Clan Council during the Ninth Great Jedi War)
- Angelo Palpatine Dante (Killed in Action by Michael Halcyon)
Consuls and Proconsuls
Servants of the Clan
Throughout the duration of Clan Scholae Palatinae's existence, great individuals have stepped forward to lead the Clan: through desperate situations, times of reformation or eras of war within the Brotherhood. While enough can never be said for their sacrifices, no legacy that personifies their dedication - they are all held responsible for the Clan as it is today. The Consuls and Proconsuls have been replaced by Quaestors and Aediles after the reduction of Clans into Houses in 33 ABY, and then changed back in 38 ABY when Grandmaster Pravus was elected and made a decree that any Independent Houses were returned to Clan status.
Roll of Clan Leaders
Clan Leaders | |
Consul | Proconsul |
Brad | J'lek, Krava Dronaal |
Karva Dronaal | Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz |
Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz | Cuchulain |
Cuchulain | Saitou |
Saitou | Darkmage, Khaen, Gidda |
Cuchulain | Arania Lawakiro Palpatine |
Lorad Desmos | Arania Lawakiro Palpatine |
Vail Aquillarum Unteminar | Arnaia Lawakiro Palpatine |
Vally Tamalar | Arnaia Lawakiro Palpatine |
Timbal Palpatine | Arania Lawakiro Palpatine, Dakari Tamalar |
Dakari Tamalar | Burjah Tamalar, Braecen Kaeth |
Braecen Kaeth | Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine |
Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine | Lucien Kaeth |
Lucien Kaeth | Thran Occasus |
Thran Occasus | Angelo Dante, Ood Bnar Sythe'rae |
And after it's reorganisation into House Scholae Palatinae:
House Leaders | ||
Quaestor | Aedile | Rollmaster |
Ood Bnar Sythe'rae | Xen'Mordin Vismorsus | Kalak Ragnose, Archangel |
Xen'Mordin Vismorsus | Archangel, Rayne, Xan Phraz-Etar, Xantros, Evant Taelyan | Rayne, Archangel, Akatsuki, Koryn Thraagus |
Upon regaining Clan status:
Clan Leaders | ||
Consul | Proconsul | "Rollmaster" |
Xen'Mordin Palpatine | Evant Taelyan | Mune Cinteroph |
Elincia Rei | Braecen Kaeth | Mune Cinteroph |
The Animals
HSP is generally known amongst the Brotherhood as the "Animal House," either derisively or in acknowledgment of our affinity towards animals. Traditionally the House has had quite a stable of animals amongst them, and function as pets, guards, and in some cases important additions to the House’s rosters, even in an unofficial manner.
From surveillance, to sabotage, to out-right raw combat power, our animals come in extremely handy. Everyone who rises within the House eventually comes to terms with this and embraces this fully, further continuing this strongest of House traditions.
Drinking Traditions
There is one drinking tradition that has almost become sacrosanct amongst the House. This is usually done when a person has received either a promotion or a high-ranking medal. The ceremony is performed without the prior knowledge or consent of the newly awarded person. This involves a member of long-time standing toasting the newly awarded person, then immediately saying, "All drinks on [insert name of newly awarded person here]!" Then all present toss their alcoholic drinks on the newly awarded person, then the member that called "All Drinks" lights the doused newly awarded person on fire. This is usually a source of great merriment to all except the newly awarded person, but the fire is quickly put out, and if there is any damage all the Jedi present join together to heal the person.
Clan Force Powers
The Clan Force Powers are based on the three Holocrons given to the Clan by previous leaders of the Dark Brotherhood.
- Holocron of Vengeance - This Holocron conveyed the power to summon Imperial Sentinels, monstrous guardians who could protect a powerful enough summoner.
- Holocron of Detonation - This Holocron conveyed the power to rupture cells, rip skin, or even tear limbs from unwilling bodies. In the hands of the most powerful of the House's Dark Jedi, this is a truly devastating and horrifying weapon.
- Holocron of Nature - This Holocron conveyed the power to alter the growth of seeds, to command plants and trees at a whim, or cause a sudden 'explosion' of growth or withering around the user.
The Tomes of War
Below is the recounting of the previous wars fought under the Clan or House banner. Examine these victories or defeats well, and learn from them, so we might better ourselves in future.
Vendetta History
Great Jedi Wars
- First Great Jedi War - Second Place
- Third Great Jedi War - Fourth Place
- Fourth Great Jedi War - Third Place
- Sixth Great Jedi War - Sixth Place
- Seventh Great Jedi War - Fourth Place
- Eighth Great Jedi War - Second Place
- Ninth Great Jedi War - Third Place
- Tenth Great Jedi War - Third Place
- Eleventh Great Jedi War - Third Place
Rites of Supremacy
- Invasion of Antares - Fifth Place
- K'hamar'an Crisis - Third Place
- Invasion of Coratua - Fourth Place
- Second Darkness - Second Place
- Spoils of War - Sixth Place
Other Vendettas/Feuds
- Dark Jedi Games Scholae Palatinae vs. Taldryan vs. Tarentum - First Place
- Aranna Incident Tarentum and Naga Sadow vs. Scholae Palatinae and Plagueis - Fourth Place
- Vengeance Scholae Palatinae vs. Arcona - Lost
- Uneasy Alliance Scholae Palatinae vs Plagueis vs Arcona - First Place
- Dark Crusade - 36-37ABY