Fiction Center
Welcome to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Fiction Center. This page has many links and brief descriptions to help both new and returning members get caught up with the Brotherhood’s current storyline. This includes short summaries, recaps, and blurbs on important factions/people/places within the Brotherhood’s lore.
To get started:
- Brotherhood Canon, which looks to align with Star Wars Canon where possible, is maintained by the Brotherhood Story Group. The story group's objective is to maintain consistency with Brotherhood Lore with respect to narrative plot updates, system features like possessions and character sheets, as well as integration with new material introduced into "nu Canon". The Story Group is headed by the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master with the Voice functioning as the primary author of the club-wide fiction.
- The Brotherhood’s home rests in the Arx System. (Antei was destroyed and the Council relocated).
- To learn more about the Fiction Society, check out the Inquisitorius page on the Wiki.
- To expand your knowledge of the Brotherhood's fiction systems, check out the Fiction Resources. This includes links to resources and documentation that can be useful for all writers in the club!
- To join the ongoing discussion on original characters and fiction, check out our Fiction Chat channel on our Discord server.
- The current Voice is Idris Adenn.
Fictional Timeline
- The current DB fictional year is 43 ABY.
- To get caught up on the latest brotherhood storyline, check out the fiction updates below.
- The Dark Crusade is the beginning of the contemporary storyline so start there if you want to start at the beginning of the modern plots for the club.
- To see the different arcs, see the Fiction Updates: Story Arcs.
Current Storyline
The current storyline picks up following the Sixteenth Great Jedi War, which saw the forces of the Brotherhood face off against The Children of Mortis in an ethereal plane of existence. This conflict ended with the Brotherhood’s victory, and the Children retreating to lick their wounds.
Resource Rush
The months following the Sixteenth Great Jedi War were some of the most peaceful that the Brotherhood has ever seen. It was a time of rebuilding forces, training, strengthing, and independence for the clans.
The Brotherhood’s closest allies, The Severian Principate had spent the last years growing rapidly, as their peaceful approach gained more and more popularity. In addition to their trio of core leaders, a new body, The Council of Systems, had formed so that each of their 16 systems had a voice.
However peace only goes so far, and many raider attacks occurred in their systems. Their reliance solely on the Brotherhood for defense had to come to an end. In conjunction with the Brotherhood, a project was put into place to gather rare resources, research new technologies, build new ships and weapons, and train the next generation of soldiers. Both would prosper from this growth and stability.
Previous Storyline: Fictional Recap
Previous Arc | ||
Year | Story Arc | Fiction |
41 ABY | Sixteenth Great Jedi War: Transcendance |
The Children of Mortis had vanished, seemingly into thin air. Haunted by taunts from predecessor the Grand Master Darth Nehalem ordered the construction of a great gateway,that, utilizing the power of force-imbued crystals, would lead the way to fight the Children, and allow him to destroy the former Grand Master at the same time.
Upon completion, the entire forces of the Brotherhood, and its seven clans ventured into the Ethereal Realm, where time, gravity, Force abilities, and even the long dead followed new rules. Darth Nehalem found the former Grand Master and abandoned his post leading the Brotherhood’s forces to attempt to kill him.
Hoping to use the conflict, the Children’s leader, the Father, began a ritual to destroy the chain of the Force, a manifestation of the binding of the Force and the real world together. Attempting to sacrifice Avitus Oligard in the process, it was a race against time.
Ultimately the Brotherhood prevailed. The Father’s new body was killed, and his spirit returned to the crystalline skeleton that housed it for so many ages. Avitus Oligard was saved and allowed to leave in peace. The Children of Mortis retreated into shadow. The Brotherhood retreated, sealing the still dueling Darth Nehalem and Telaris Cantor in the ethereal realm, fates left to the will of the force.
Dacien Victae was appointed the new Grand Master of the Brotherhood.
Inquisitorius Archive
Official Fiction Updates for both the Brotherhood and the independent Clans can be found here in the Inquisitorius Fiction Archives.
To check out the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Comics that were made click here!

Databank: Brotherhood Universe
The following data bank provides a quick reference to information about persons, locations, and organizations of interest that show up in the Brotherhood storyline.
The Brotherhood
The Arx System

The Arx System is located in the depths of Wild Space, far away from the core worlds and isolated from the galaxy at large. The planet Arx now serves as the current seat of power for the Brotherhood. The Council oversees the Brotherhood from the headquarters known as The Ascent, which is located in Eos City.
The Council

The Council serves the Grand Master of the Brotherhood, and governs the various elements of the Brotherhood including, training, resources, intelligence, and the military. There are ten positions, including the Grand Master. They work alongside the Justicar as the overseers for the entire Brotherhood.
Grand Master

Lord Dacien Victae serves as the current Grand Master. The Grand Master occupies the The Iron Throne, which is the seat of power for the Brotherhood. They control the Council, as well as the combined Iron Forces. Following a long career on the Council, Dacien Victae seized control after abandoning Darth Nehalem in the Ethereal Realm.
Deputy Grand Master

'Thane "Atra" Skotos (also known as Darth Renatus)' serves as the current Deputy Grand Master, right hand of the Grand Master. Following his terms as both Regent and Justicar, Darth Renatus helps maintain the Brotherhood's control over its space.
Master at Arms

Howlader serves as the current Master at Arms. He is rarely seen in his office, but his work always seems to get done. Overseeing the ceremony and record keeping of the Brotherhood’s dossiers, Howlader’s allegiance seems to be more to the position he holds than to any one leader or even his home unit.

James Lucius Entar serves as the current Seneschal of the Brotherhood. The enigmatically eccentric, ever-endearing Seneschal heads up the Brotherhood’s Research and Development and also maintains sovereignty over cyber security thanks to his unique artificial intelligence, Construct dbb0t. James has a penchant for riddles and rarely involves himself in political matters, claiming to serve the Brotherhood and the Galaxy at large. He is most often left to his own devices out of both respect and fear.

Rhylance serves as the current Headmaster of the Brotherhood. He oversees the Aurora Collegium of Sciences and the Shadow Academy on the Grand Master's behalf. Despite not being a Force-user himself, he aids the teaching for Force-users and Non-force-users alike while researching the many items deemed needed by the Council.

Malfearak Asvraal serves as the current Herald of the Brotherhood. As the new Herald and head of the Shroud Syndicate, the Malfearak works hard to maintain the strong grip the Brotherhood has made in the underworld.
Voice of the Brotherhood

Idris Adenn serves as the current Voice of the Brotherhood. Known as an outgoing and accomplished Bounty Hunter, Idris Adenn has brought an air of flash and style to the otherwise shadowed and secretive Inquisitorius. The Mandalorian takes great pride in the efforts of the Brotherhood's intelligence agency.
Fist of the Brotherhood

Uji Tameike serves as the current Fist of the Brotherhood. Uji is a master tactician and strategist, renowned for his ability to plan far into the future, with schemes spanning days, weeks, or even years. He has cultivated an extensive network of allies across the Brotherhood, including individuals from various Clans and members of the Royal Guard who have acted in his stead.

Thran Occasus serves as the current Regent. The former Praetor ascended to the Council following Zyxl’s resignation. A former Consul, and actor/model, he brings a new kind of life to the position.

Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama serves as the current Emissary, the newest position on the Council. She oversees the Brotherhood’s recruitment and retention of members.

Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz serves as the current Justicar of the Brotherhood. The former Emperor of Scholae Palatinae has accepted the position of Justicar following his tenure within the Chamber. His reason for foregoing the throne for the Halls of Justice are cloaked in mystery.
The Seven Clans

The Seven Clans of the Brotherhood all hold different motivations and personalities. This is where the majority of members call home, reside, and interact with.
The seven clans are: Arcona, Naga Sadow, Odan-Urr, Plagueis, Scholae Palatinae, Taldryan, Clan Vizsla.
A member of each respective unit is referred to in the following manner:
- Arconan
- Taldryanite
- Sadowan
- Palatinaean
- Odanite
- Plagueian
- Member of Clan Vizsla
Former members of Clan Tarentum identify as Tarenti.
The Iron Forces
The Iron Forces are divided into two divisions: The Iron Navy, and the Iron Legion.
Grand Master’s Royal Guard
Formerly elite body guards for the Council, the reinvented Grand Master’s Royal Guard, maintain their elite combat skill set to under take very dangerous operations on behalf of the Brotherhood. Beyond the unique experiences it offers, unique awards and incentives are given by order of the Fist.
The Shadow Academy
The Shadow Academy and its associated Aurora Collegium of Sciences oversees the training, education, and research components of the Brotherhood. Providing unique items and opportunities, it is overseen by the Headmaster.
Arx Capital Exchange

The Arx Capital Exchange, or ACE, is the financial and industrial apparatus of the Arx System and the Council as a whole. The Regent manages its efforts for the Brotherhood.

The Inquisitorius are the Grand Master’s covert network of agents. They represent the Brotherhood's strength outside of the Iron Legion and Iron Fleet. While not all that are enrolled are aligned with the Grand Master’s visions, many compete for favor and to rise in the rankings. The Society offers various awards and incentives and is headed by the Voice of the Brotherhood.
Shroud Syndicate

The Shroud Syndicate is the premiere criminal organization operating in Brotherhood space. It involves many smaller gangs, crews, and criminal combines within its area of operation, it is lead by the Herald, and operates from the Shroud Nebula where their massive ship, the Godless Matron, makes berth. The organization is involved in almost every major black market deal that happens in Brotherhood space.
Allied Factions
The Severian Principate

The Severian Principate is a rare Imperial Warlord state which not only endured but thrived following the Empire’s collapse. Originally a network of mining worlds and orbital facilities in the Kastolar Sector, it existed to fuel the Empire’s war machine. This changed with the governorship of Lucian Niatinus, a commander disillusioned with the Emperor’s self-destructive policies. Devoted to improving the lives of his citizens and secretly allying with the smugglers and pirates from the nearby Hutt Space, he sought to create an ordered state free of the tyranny which inspired the Rebellion.
It has largely grown beyond that initial vision, seeking to focus on peace and alliances to bring prosperity to its 16 different star systems.
Neutral Factions
The Tenixir Revenants

The Tenixir Revenants is a conglomerate of criminal organizations. Comprised largely of former prisoners held by the Severian Principate on the planet of Tenixir they have a deep hatred of the Imperial group. They are distrustful of all, but willing to work for the credits. Their allegiance is only to themselves. They take some great deal of persuasion to work with the Brotherhood based on its close alignment with the Severian Principate.
Enemy Factions
The Collective

The Collective is a powerful organization led by the fierce Rath Oligard. Their unified purpose is to rid the galaxy of Force users. They are responsible for a multitude of conflicts, death, and loss, including a violent assault on the Brotherhood’s seat of power, Arx. While driving back, they have spent years rebuilding and preparing for the next phase of their crusade against the Brotherhood, and the Force as a whole.
The Children of Mortis

The Children of Mortis is a powerful organization led by a mythical individual known as The Father, who has led them for millennia. Their unified purpose is to break the chains binding the Force, allowing the Father to ascend as the Force itself and control the universe. They have assaulted the Brotherhood and all seven clans in the past, and were pushed back from the Ethereal realm in 41 ABY. Their current whereabouts is unknown.