Xen'Mordin Palpatine

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Xen’Mordin Vismorsus-Palpatine
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

5 ABY (age 38)

Physical Description







190 Pounds


Dark Brown



Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Consul of Scholae Palatinae


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Scholae Palatinae

Personal Ship:

The Shattered Phantom

Known masters:


Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

"For the Empire!"
― Xen’Mordin Vismorsus addressing the members of Scholae Palatinae in 35 ABY

Sith Warlord Xen’Mordin Vismorsus-Palpatine, commonly known as Xen, is currently the Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae. Born as Kilan Khzon, he was trained in secret to be a Jedi. After several traumatic life events, he stripped himself of his identity and his connection to the force. He became Xen’Mordin. After living a force-free life for several years, his connection was restored in an ancient Sith Temple through a painful and intense interaction with a Nexus of the Force. This restoration led him down a crazed path to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. It was there he found a home in the Cocytus System. Xen’Mordin is a proud member of Clan Scholae Palatinae and a Legacy of Palpatine.

Character History

Pre-Dark Brotherhood

The Birth

Kilan’s homeworld of Coruscant

"What a perfect little miracle."
―Donlan at the birth of his son, Kilan

Early in the year 5 ABY, Xen’Mordin was born as Kilan Khzon on the planet of Coruscant. The galaxy was in turmoil following the death of Emperor Palpatine on board the Second Death Star the previous year. Coruscant, which had been the Galactic Capital for centuries was in a frenzied panic. However Kilan’s family was able to maintain a relative stable lifestyle. Kilan’s father, Donlan, had been a successful and wealthy merchant for many years. His mother, Xisya, came from a wealthy family that owned many popular nightclubs. At the time of his birth Kilan had two brothers, Kiith aged 10, and Clertan aged 7. Kilan also had a sister, Sairia, aged 4. Even in the face of the chaos of the galaxy, the Khzon’s felt happiness and at peace with the arrival at the newest addition of their family.

A Time for Change

"Our kind are nearly extinct. We must train a new generation or the Galaxy will be reduced to dust."
―Tyler Reynolds, Jedi Knight survivor of Order 66

The first years of Kilan’s life were spent in a very happy household where he was unaware of the conflict the galaxy was experiencing. Even as an infant Kilan showed signs of Force sensitivity. While these actions were minor, his family knew what it meant. They had known the stories of the Jedi, the hushed rumors of their fate. With this knowledge the Khzon’s hid these signs as best they could.

In the year 11 ABY, the same year the Jedi Praxeum opened, a mysterious man arrived at the Khzon’s home. He had felt the presence of a young force sensitive child. He introduced himself as Tyler Reynolds, a Jedi who survived the Jedi Purge and had been living in hiding. He believed he was the last left to train new Jedi, unaware of the existence of Luke Skywalker and the Praxeum. Tyler had already gathered a young girl who was around the same age as Kilan named Kara. It was his goal that with these two young children, the Jedi Order could be rebuilt.

The Khzon’s agreed to let Kilan be trained, although somewhat reluctantly. Kilan’s older brother Kiith, now 16, was extremely jealous that Kilan has been chosen. The stories, legends and myths that had been told to him growing up about the Jedi made him incredibly envious. Despite begging to be trained as well, Kiith was left at home bitter and angry.

A New Start

"Clear your mind. Feel the Force."
―Tyler Reynolds to Kilan and Kara

When they left with Tyler Reynolds, Kara and Kilan became completely distanced from their families. While Tyler was kind and well hearted, he was strict in their education and training. The lessons covered a wide range of topics including combat, force connection, politics, language, mechanics and various other useful skills that would serve them as Jedi.

Young, and feeling alone both Kilan and Kara relied on each other heavily as Tyler still wasn’t really a father for them. Without anyone else, they had only each other.

Love’s Fury

"I love you."
―Kilan to Kara

In the year 21 ABY, at the age of 16, Kilan and Kara were still training under Tyler. The years of working with each other, the two were in love and Tyler maintained a willful ignorance. Tyler also skirted around going to the Jedi Praxeum because of the paranoia that began during his years of hiding.

Over the years the trio had moved from planet to planet, studying working and advancing. Things tended to go very well and they attracted as little attention as possible. However in this case, things went poorly. In the busy walkways of their homeworld of Coruscant, Kara got separated from Kilan and Tyler.

Kilan somewhat frantic as he loved Kara, who had become a very beautiful young woman, ran off quickly from Tyler to find her. He found Kara in an alley pinned to the ground, unconscious, by a group of thugs. As he saw the biggest of the thugs rip at Kara’s clothing, Kilan felt a rage that he had never experienced before flow through him. In a flash he was down the alley with his lightsaber active. The group of thugs ran off in terror when the head of the large one rolled out of sight under a dumpster. Kilan prepared to chase after the rest, but was stopped by Tyler who had grabbed Kilan by the arm. Tyler had a face that showed a mix of shock and disappointment.

Love’s Last Breath

"I am dead."
―Kilan Khzon
Xen’s Warbanner displays his new identity’s sigil, a stylized Phoenix

Following Kilan’s murder of the thug, Tyler kept a close eye on the Padawan. In the past, such action would have led to Kilan being removed from training. However, with Tyler untrusting of Skywalker and the new Jedi Praxeum, getting rid of someone he had trained for so long was not an option. Weary of Kilan losing control again, the trio focused on staying put and working past the events of Coruscant. Tyler understood it was going to be impossible to keep Kilan and Kara from being in love. The two were wed within a year after the attack on Coruscant. Both proved to be in more control of their emotions. Tyler made both Jedi Knights and tasked them with finding and training others where they could.

Kilan and Kara ventured to Nar Shaddaa. There had been rumors of an all out street war breaking out on the planet between the differing Hutt Cartels. The two hoped to be able to bring aid and support to the civilians of the planet who were unable to escape. They wanted to help people, but not be so far removed from being able to hear major news. Their action of helping civilians on the planet was noticed by a few. After some time Kilan and Kara decided it was best they move on to a different planet, afraid of drawing further attention to themselves.

A dark storm was whirling as the two finally made their way to a nearby spaceport. What was normally a fairly active walkway was mostly empty due to the storm. Making their way swiftly to get back indoors, Kilan got a feeling of something being wrong. Before he could process the feeling the wind picked up and Kilan felt an unnatural force throw him back far down the walkway.

As Kilan got to his feet, he saw a hooded figure make its way toward Kara. In a flash the figure activated a red lightsaber and struck at Kara. Kilan let out a scream and broke into a run to reach his love. Time for Kilan slowed as Kara fell, steam rising from the fresh wound in her chest. The hooded figure jumped off the walkway. Kilan saw a speeder fly away. He fell to his knees beside Kara. She was already dead. Kilan let out another scream of agony. For what felt like an eternity he knelt there over her cooling body. Finally his mind started working. He quickly cremated the body and then wandered about, lost in pain. Unable to cope with the pain he decided to destroy himself.

Kilan locked himself away for several days. The man who left the small room was something far different than the one who entered it. Kilan rejected his connection to the force, and severed himself from it. He repressed his years of training and memories into the deep recesses of his mind. When he left all he had was his knowledge of mechanics, a single picture of Kara, and an urn of her ashes. He sent the ashes back to her family.

The man who left from the seclusion no longer recognized Kilan Khzon. He had a new name, Xen’Mordin Vismorsus. In his madness he had created a false history of his life, and even a new sigil as a symbol of his new identity. A highly stylized Phoenix now represented who he was, born out of the ashes of a destroyed life. In an attempt to distance himself from the planet, Xen managed to talk his way into a position upon a large smuggler ship, “The Ruthless Eagle”. He left Nar Shaddaa set upon never looking back at his old life.

The Fall

"Your whole life had been leading to this one moment."
―Hooded figure in the Sith Temple

A year passed. Xen’Mordin was now in his 18th year and had a home upon “The Ruthless Eagle”, or as much of a home that could be had among smugglers. It had taken a while for Xen’s mind to become accustom to not being able to call upon the force, but now it was like he had never been force sensitive to begin with. He fell into the easy routine of repairing the ship and helping with duties around it. Xen had become an integral part of the crew.

The now restored and functional Lightsaber found in the Sith Temple

Their captain was fond of visiting abandoned or uncharted planets, looking for possible artifacts and goods that could be sold. Any money that could be made was on worth going after. On this particular occasion, the ship landed outside the remains of an old looking temple on an uninhabited planet. This kind of find could make them all very rich. The instant they had found the temple, Xen felt an intense longing to venture inside of it.

As the crew of the ship approached the great entrance of the temple, the very air around them seemed to grow tainted with evil. The whole party could feel it in there bones. There was something wrong about this place. Xen was adamant about venturing in, but the rest of the crew were too spooked by how the place made their skin crawl. The rest of the crew decided to return to the ship, but were willing to wait for Xen to venture in and see if there was anything worth taking. Blinded with a need to venture in, Xen entered alone.

After entering the Temple, Xen found himself in a giant open area. A partially collapsed roof allowed a ray of sunlight to shine down upon an ancient alter at the end of the room. The tiles on the floor were colored, faded, but clear enough to tell there was a complex system to how they were arranged. Xen focused in on the alter. There was something resting on it, but he could not tell what it was. Xen crossed the room to investigate. As he passed over the center of the complex seal laid on the ground there was a blast of light and the foundations of the temple shook. Energy like lightning surged through Xen. An intense pain overcame his ever sense as the energy coursed through him. It felt like every fiber of his being was being ripped apart. The repressed memories of his old life and training came flooding back. Experiencing the pains of a thousand deaths within his body, Xen screamed begging for death to release him. As suddenly as it had started, it was over. Gasping for breath, Xen felt the true presence of the Temple. This was a place of the Dark Side, home to Sith. His connection with the force was restored.

Xen got to his feet and approached the alter. Resting on it was an ancient lightsaber hilt. It had clearly been sitting there for a very long time. Xen reached out and grabbed it. It felt like it had been made just for him, like it was a part of him that he had been missing for his whole life. As he examined it, a hooded figure stepped out of the shadows, clapping. Xen knew it was the same hooded figure who had murdered Kara the year prior.

The figure quickly explained that he had spent years working for this moment, to bring Xen here in this exact situation. Xen glared and ready to attack the man. Before he could, another person stepped out of the shadows. Xen’s mind raced back to his childhood and his years at home. The face had changed, older and darker, but there was no denying it. It was his brother Kiith. Without a word Kiith activated his own red lightsaber and moved toward Xen. He had been trained in the ways of the darkside by the hooded man.

With no way to properly defend himself, Xen attempted to activate the ancient lightsaber. A loud crack filled the air and the red blade came to life. Xen had to quickly remember his training to defend himself against his brother. His muscles were out of practice but the knowledge of how to move was still there. In a few short moments it was over. Kiith fell to the floor, sliced in half. Xen surprisingly felt no remorse at having killed his own brother. There was only rage. His eyes turned from the lifeless body of his kin to the hooded figure. Xen moved to attack but with a spark the ancient blade died.

The hooded figure laughed and told Xen to embrace his destiny as a Sith. The man turned to leave. Rage continued to boil through Xen’s blood and mind. He stared down at the now useless lightsaber hilt. There was a sharp protrusion at the end. With no other apparent options to stop the hooded figure, Xen leaped forward and rammed the end of the hilt into the man’s back. Xen stabbed again and again, becoming drenched blood as the man slowly died. Vengeance was his. Unsure of what to do now that he had embraced the dark side, he returned to the ship.

The Dark Jedi Brotherhood

To the Darkness

"To this end was I born."
― Xen’Mordin as he approached DJB Space

Xen’Mordin returned to “The Ruthless Eagle”, cleaned himself up and explained that some creature within the temple had attacked him and it was indeed far too dangerous to continue to explore for artifacts. He then rested for several days. His connection to the Force had been restored, but it had been traumatic and incredibly painful. For days he meditated and attempted to wrestle with the two fragments of his personality that now existed within his mind. It became clear that while his mind was fractured and would need to be dealt with, he would be able to function with it in this state. He also realized he needed more training. Much of his former ability and strength had been lost to him over the course of the last year. Xen could feel something out there in the galaxy calling to him, and all he needed to do was find it.

Over the following days, the crew gave Xen some room believing a wild animal within the temple had nearly killed him. Xen eventually put together a plan and approached his three closest friends upon the ship. He fed them a false plan to take over the ship so that they could acquire a greater amount of credits. It involved killing the rest of the crew then picking up a new one later, only with the four of them in charge. Treachery was common among these men and they easily agreed to aid in the plan. Due to the large size of the crew working on the ship, there was no way to kill them all off at once without risking death themselves. It would take some time.

The first part of Xen’Mordin’s plan was to remove some parts from the engines rendering the ship dead in space, but easily fixed to resume flight later. As one of the mechanics on the ship, Xen was able to easily remove some key parts and hide them. With the engine dead “The Ruthless Eagle” was left drifting dead in space.

Over the course of several hours, Xen and his allies were able to isolate single members and small groups of members of the crew and kill them quietly. As the house moved on and on, the crew of the ship grew more and more paranoid. The bodies were beginning to pile up and no one had any idea who was killing off the crew. Xen and his allies played along with the paranoia. Eventually the only ones remaining were Xen and his three accomplices. They flushed the bodies out an air lock and moved to repair the engine. The three accomplices expressed their discomfort at the manner of the killings and the fear it caused, but Xen maintained a solid conviction that it was the only way they could seize control of the ship for themselves.

With the ship functional Xen and his accomplices went to the bridge to pilot the ship. On the bridge Xen received a private coded and cryptic message. This message directed him to a Brotherhood outpost. His allies were confused as to where they were taking the ship, but Xen kept them calm while they made the trip. Once the ship touched down, Xen murdered his three allies before they knew what was happening. He left the ship to meet his new contacts and never looked back.

A New Home

Xen’Mordin at the time he joined the Brotherhood

"Death comes for all."
― Xen’Mordin after killing his allies on “The Ruthless Eagle”

Xen’Mordin was taken through the Shroud to the moon of Lyspair by representatives of the Brotherhood. After a short stay on Lyspair and receiving basic training from the Shadow Academy, Xen was assigned to Clan Satal Keto. Feeling driven by a new purpose he quickly rose to the rank of Protector without any major interaction from his peers and leaders. Following this the much more dark and violent aspect of Xen’s personality took over, causing him to spend several months in solitude from his clan.

Once Xen was more in control of his mind, he was even more driven t oadvance than before. While the stark contrasts in Xen’s personality frightened and pushed away many, he eventually found a master, Warhunter. Under Warhunter’s guidance Xen was put in his first leadership position, Battleteam Leader of Eternal Plague. This position was held until Clan Satal Keto was closed and merged with Clan Exar Kun into a new clan, Clan Plagueis.

Clan Plagueis and the Rise of Power

"It is remarkable how difficult some find losing positions to be."
― Xen’Mordin to Warhunter following the angry exit of Selket.

Xen’Mordin was hopeful that this new merger would prove to be even more beneficial to his growth in power. Clan Satal Keto had been suffering in its last few months and he was eager for glory. Not all were glad to see this merger occur. Selket, the Consul of Clan Satal Keto, openly tried to rebel against the merger, and eventually left the Brotherhood over it. While this and other instances were discouraging for the newly formed Clan, Xen’s hopes rose when the former Grandmaster, Chi Long, was placed in as the new clan leader.

Shortly following the merger Xen was offered the role of House Envoy for House Satal Keto. Working closely with his master, Xen was eventually promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. This was a great personal accomplishment for Xen. While he still lacked the skill to repair the ancient hilt from the Sith Temple, Xen knew one day he would be able to do so. For the time being he constructed a very simple hilt for his weapon. Xen was content with his growing skill, but the Force had other plans. A time of change was coming.

Joining the Royal Clan

"I do like to picture myself as royalty."
― Xen’Mordin upon joining Clan Scholae Palatinae

Xen’Mordin found himself in a new home, Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae. His transfer came at a hazardous time, and shortly after his transfer a war broke out with fellow Scholae Palatinean Dorimad Sol. During battle, Xen proved to be a talented warrior and leader. During this time he was also offered the roll of Clan Envoy. Following the conflict between the two houses Xen’Mordin was promoted to the rank of Sith Warrior.

Xen fell quickly into the traditions of the Clan, including the love of animals and drinking. Xen became particularly close to snakes, and even owned several during this time. Following Caliburnus’s victory Xen was offered another chance to prove his worth, the position of Aedile under Impetus, who would serve as the Quaestor.


"I don’t think I will ever understand you."
―Impetus to Xen

Xen’Mordin would serve as Aedile for House Caliburnus for over nine months. Working closely with Impetus, the two quickly became intimate. Impetus would often have to deal with the polar opposite personalities Xen would display, yet they managed to continue to work together. While he was busy with daily duties of helping run the house, Xen fell into a simple routine. It was stable and many parts of Xen’s mind felt it was boring. This was broken up when a feud broke out with the third house of Scholae Palatinae, Acclivis Draco.

After fighting hard, Xen was shocked to see the feud end with neither side victorious. However there was little time to think about the outcome of the feud. Xen stepped down from his position of Aedile to help train members in the ways of combat specifically. The position went to a new face Thran Occasus. There had been a recent discovery on the house’s planet of Ptolomea, the probable location of the House’s namesake, the mythical lightsaber, Caliburnus.

A Traitor

"You betrayed Impetus to help me. Are you a traitor or just an opportunist?"
―Thran Occasus to Xen’Mordin following the finding of Caliburnus
The legendary Caliburnus

There was a frenzy on the planet of Ptolomea to find this legendary weapon. It was said whomever owned the blade was the rightful ruler of the House. Many sought it for their own means, yet in the end there were two major groups. One was the group that was loyal to Impetus and aided her in reaching the weapon, and the other was a smaller group aiding Thran Occasus. Xen harbored no ill will for his replacement as Aedile in House Caliburnus but when the two parties separated into the jungle, Xen remained with the team accompanying Impetus.

As the group very slowly made their way through the forest, Xen thought hard about his interactions with Impetus. The two had been lovers, but there had been no real connection between the two. The more Xen thought about the 9 months he spent working with Impetus the more he realized how frustrated he had been the whole time with the Twi’lek. Without anyone noticing, he left the group venturing alone into the jungle, hoping to connect with Thran and aid him in recovering the weapon first.

In the end Thran was successful in finding Caliburnus first. Impetus was furious but left the planet without incident. Xen hid out in the jungle for several days, allowing the power change to occur without his presence. Thran was thankful for Xen’s support and used him in a support role in the House.

The Restoration

"Now I see the whole."
―Xen’Mordin at understanding how his multiple personalities worked together

As time went on, the split personalities Xen had within him, grew more and more separated. He would wander the halls of the Caliburnus complex, aimlessly fighting with himself. Unable to cope with the rift growing in his mind any longer, he left for the place he was first broken. Quite suddenly Xen found himself in the alleyway on Nar Shaddaa where Kara had died. Things were changing.

Xen went off to a cantina for a strong drink. As he sat, trying to piece his mind together, another face from his past appeared. His sister Sairia was frantically yelling at him in excitement, recognizing him. At the mention of his old name, Xen snapped out at her, claiming Kilan had died on that planet, because in all honesty, he had. Sairia stood in shocked silence as Xen stormed out of the bar.

As he returned to where he was staying, he hesitated before entering his room. He could sense someone was inside the room. Someone he had not seen in many years. It was Tyler Reynolds. In a useless attempt, Tyler begged Xen to return to the light. In a cramped duel, Xen defeated and killed Tyler. Feeling there was nothing left for him on this planet, he left.

Nearing Caliburnus’s home planet of Ptolomea, Xen’s transport ship was attacked by an Arconan ambush. Left stranded and floating in space with nothing but his space suit on, he reflected on his life. He was barely recovered in time, and had already lost consciousness.

Xen awoke in the medical wing of the complex. It was there he realized that the different personalities in his mind were all one person, himself. It wasn’t from some event in a temple that caused him to be like this, because this was who he was. He had only been repressing those dark parts of himself his entire life. The two personalities laughed at the realization and merged. While not perfectly whole, he was much more stable. He was still prone having violent cruel outbursts different from his normal calm and collected personality. These were especially more likely to occur in moments of high stress or combat.

War is the Answer

"We live to fight. It is in our blood. It is in our bones. With out conflict we are nothing."
―Xen’Mordin to some troops

Following the change in leadership of his house, Xen was called to serve in several conflicts involving the clan. First came a feud with long time rival, Clan Arcona. Following a humiliating defeat, Xen fought with a renewed vigor in a Rite of Supremacy. In the end Clan Scholae Palatinae achieved second place. For his efforts in leadership and aiding the Clan in times of conflict, Xen was promoted to Sith Battlemaster.

Then came an event that no one was prepared for. They had been told that the Rite of Supremacy was to prepare for the coming threat, the overwhelming strength that the Yuuzhan Vong had demonstrated in the year 27 ABY shocked the Brotherhood to its core. Forced to retreat, Xen came to know the most terrifying thought he had had in years; That the Brotherhood could be beaten.

This realization disturbed Xen greatly. With the retreat of the Brotherhood, Xen decided to leave, for good if he could not find what he was looking for. He left upon his personal ship “The Shattered Phantom” for deep space, not knowing if he would ever return.

Logo of Scholae Palatinae

The Return

"My, my. Look who decided to come home."
―Thran Occasus at the return of Xen’Mordin

In the year 31 ABY Xen’Mordin Vismorsus returned to Scholae Palatinae. He was found drifting near the planet of Judecca, unconscious, onboard his ship “The Shattered Phantom”. The ship was battle damaged, and its computers were almost completely fried, only functional enough to send out a distress call to the planet.

Xen was rushed to a medical facility and nursed back to health. He refused to talk about where he had gone, what he had done, and why he had returned. He took up a room working with Dorimad Sol, and even fought some during the events of the Rite of Supremacy: Spoils of War. During this time he managed to fully repair the ancient hilt he had found in the Sith temple and began using it as his primary weapon.

After the events of the Rite of Supremacy, Xen was offered a new position, that of Aedile for House Acclivis Draco. Xen accepted and went to work. His return and reintegration to the Brotherhood was complete.


"It would appear this is a rare virus. There is only one known location for a cure, a flower on the planet Csilla."
―Medical Robot to Xen’Mordin

While on Judecca, the Capital planet of Scholae Palatinae, a mysterious virus infected everyone who was in the headquarters. The effects of the virus was an intense sleep. Xen’Mordin had a major resistance to the virus, and was able to avoid the effects of it for approximately 40 hours.

In learning what had infected a vast number of his allies, Xen was informed that the only cure was found in a snow flower on the Chiss homeworld of Csilla. With only about 36 hours until he too would succumb to the effects of the virus, Xen took a ship and flew to Csilla.

Feeling the effects of the virus as he arrived, Xen stumbled, and quickly found the flower. He wanted to leave the planet quickly before any Chiss fighters arrived. As he was leaving the atmosphere, several ships intercepted Xen, and damaged his ship. He managed to make the jump to lightspeed back to the Cocytus system.

When Xen arrived, there was less than an hour until he would fully succumb to the virus. Because of the ship's damage, he ended up crashing it into the hanger bay. Slipping in and out of consciousness Xen managed to make it to the medical bay with the flower just before finally succumbing. He awoke a day latter, to find everyone who had been infected restored to full health.

Xen'Mordin as Quaestor


"Finally to achieve what is mine, only to have it taken from me."

After several months as Aedile in House Acclivis Draco, Xen was offered the position of Quaestor, something he had been wanting for years. However only weeks into this position, news came from the Dark Council. The Clans were unstable. It was time for a more focused leadership approach. The Clans were to become only Houses.

Xen’Mordin found this change to be insulting, to finally be given control of his own house, only to have it stripped away. However, his long time friend and former Proconsul Ood Bnar was now the Quaestor of House Scholae Palatinae, and he offered Xen the position of Aedile. So once again Xen found himself as second in command of a house.


"Madness to fight for one’s house over their order. For the SITH!"

Corrupted like the rest of the Dark Brotherhood, during the events of the disorder, Xen fought proudly for the Sith. Against people he had long considered brothers he fought valiantly. When it was revealed to be a corruption designed to destroy the Brotherhood, the armies of the different orders stood down and once again returned to their houses.

Feelings were tense as Xen returned to his Aedile position in Scholae Palatinae. The brief combat of fighting his own house members left a very strong mark on his mind. He would remain loyal to his house, but there was something deeper at work. His life was the life of a Sith, and the Krath and Obelisk should bow down.

The Neutralization

"The Cause have been a nuiscance for too long. If we don’t act now we will have a Civil War."
Judecca, Capital planet of the Cocytus System

The next several months following the events of Disorder, Xen kept himself busy with the house’s hold on the Cocytus system. For years a terrorist group known only as The Cause had been planting seeds of destruction and mayhem in the system. However there was a rise of steady attacks, ranging from military installations to public hospitals. It seemed nothing was safe.

As the attacks grew more frequent, civil unrest grew as well. Before too long there were protests and following that, riots. As the riots broke out system wide, Xen forced The Emperor, Ood Bnar Sythe’rae, into a secured location while the situation was dealt with. With the high risk of civil war in the system, Xen organized a systematic strike against The Cause to eliminate them for good.

A quick strike against all the operational leaders of The Cause returned secure control of the Cocytus System to House Scholae Palatinae. Most of the leaders were dead, and the few that survived were locked away secure. At this time Ood Bnar Sythe’rae was forced out of his position as Quaestor and Emperor of the Cocytus System. Xen’Mordin stepped up to fill the vacancy left. Many suspect that the only reason The Cause returned to a functional strength to begin with was due to Xen’Mordin aiding them. While no one can confirm, it is the suspicion of many that Xen used The Cause to move control of the Empire and House to himself.

Xen’Mordin now sat secure as Quaestor of House Scholae Palatinae and the new officially recognized Emperor of the Cocytus System. It was at this time Xen solidified an alliance with House Plagueis, hoping that it would give Scholae Palatinae an edge incase of hostile actions from other units. As was the tradition for new sitting leaders of Scholae Palatiane and Emperor’s of the System, Xen was given a Tyrant Title. He became known as Xen’Mordin The Manipulative.

Xen'Mordin's Mask


"A brother is dead. I cannot stand idly by."
―Xen’Mordin following the shocking death of Angelo Dante

Early in the year 35 ABY long time member and Son of Palpatine, Angelo Dante along with FIST Fremoc Pepoi were sent on a mission to the Alsakan System. There in a battle with a Jedi, Fremoc was accidentally responsible for the death of Dante. News of this event reached the Cocytus System quickly. The entirety of the House was in arms, calling for the death of Fremoc. Xen himself wanted to see Fremoc’s head on a platter but knew attacking the Fist would lead to retaliation from the Dark Council. Estranged Scholae Palatinae member Cado H’darr was killed trying to take revenge into his own hands.

Shortly after that a bomb was sent and detonated, with the intent of killing Fremoc. Fremoc was injured, and his son Thomas was killed. It was widely suspected that Xen or at least another high-ranking member of Scholae Palatinae was involved in the attempt on Fremoc’s life. Tensions were at a high, when Grandmaster Muz Ashen brought Xen and the other leaders to Antei to answer for the attack. It was made clear that no attack between members would be tolerated. Xen continues to deny responsibility for the attacks on Fremoc, but maintains a very low tolerance for actions of Fremoc and his home of Clan Naga Sadow.

The Invasion of New Tython

"They need to be purged."
―Michael Halcyon, Jedi Master

Xen’Mordin worked to quickly rebuild damage caused in the lead up and duration of The Neutralization. The Cocytus System entered a period of reconstruction and solidification. With the aid of Aedile/Grand Marshall Archangel and Rollmaster/System Moff Rayne the leadership of the House was strong. They moved to position Scholae Palatinae to be one of the greatest units in the Brotherhood, as well as to secure the Empire for future expansion.

This period of fortification was beneficial as it became clear in the year 35 ABY that there was going to be conflict with the Light-sided Brotherhood unit Odan-Urr. Aided by forces acquired by former Dark-sider and Scholae Palatinae member Michael Halcyon, House Odan-Urr became the target of the might of the Brotherhood’s forces. In what is now called the Tenth Great Jedi War, Xen’Mordin and the rest of Scholae Palatinae landed upon New Tython, looking to show how strong the house had become. In the end, Scholae Palatinae earned a very respectable third place, just behind longtime rivals Arcona and Taldryan.

Orian Incursion

"They won’t see it coming."
― Xen’Mordin to high ranking members of Scholae Palatinae
Battle over Sepros

Following the war on New Tython, Xen’Mordin return to the Cocytus System with his head held high. The Empire was growing in strength, as was the House that controlled it. In the year 36 ABY, Xen’Mordin was approached by Plagueis Quaestor, Tra’an Reith about utilizing their alliance to strike at Clan Naga Sadow. Tra’an believed that Clan Naga Sadow was particularly weak following the events on New Tython and that a combined attack from Scholae Palatinae and Plagueis would be enough to remove them from play all together. Remembering the lesson and command of Muz Ashen following the attacks on Fremoc Pepoi, Xen was incredibly hesitant to agree to attack the Orian System.

Xen agreed and the two houses made their way to attack Naga Sadow right in the heart. The other leaders and advisors of Scholae Palatinae, including Archangel and Thran Occasus, were incredibly insistent about attacking Plagueis itself instead. For appearances sake, Xen seemed to be against the idea at first. He knew allowing other members to think they have some power over choices would help keep them content. Eventually he agreed that after the initial strike against Naga Sadow, they would turn against Plagueis. Attacking Plagueis had in fact been something he had been planning for sometime. Just as Palpatine turned against Dark Plagueis, he knew the time was coming to attempt to remove House Plagueis once and for all and claim their resources for the Empire.

Palpatine forces held back greatly during the initial assault on Naga Sadow. Helping enough to hurt their forces, but forcing Plagueis to lead the attack. As it was a Plagueis idea to begin with, Tra’an seemed unperturbed by the actions of Scholae Palatinae in the initial assault. Sadowan forces disengaged to regroup following this initial assault and Xen’Mordin sent the command to strike. Issuing Order 66, an idea taken from Palpatine himself, Xen commanded Palatinaean forces to attack Plagueis.

Naga Sadow was able to regroup to counterattack. Plagueis took some major damage and eventually lost their Star Destroyer Ballista as they retreated from the system. Xen ordered Scholae Palatinae forces to retreat back to the Cocytus system, upset that he was unable to completely destroy Plagueis forces. While Scholae Palatinae had taken some damage, it was minor compared to the loses Naga Sadow and Plagueis suffered. More than anything, Xen had led Scholae to show that they could hold their own, even without allies.


"Paid. Blood. All. Back. Iron. Payback."

Later in the year 36 ABY, there came an incredibly quick and unexpected attack on all Brotherhood Forces. Former Grandmaster Zoraan had managed to get his hands on Lysu Thren’s Horizon Plague and unleashed it upon Brotherhood forces. As the plague quickly infected all of the force sensitive members of the Brotherhood, Xen issued as many commands as he could to keep the Palatinae Forces resisting the incoming enemy forces.

Eventually he, like all others in the house succumbed to the plague. Stripped of his connection to the force again, and driven mad, Xen was fortunate in that he fell toward the end of the event. Macron Sadow had been frantically working on a cure. As a unit leader, Xen had been among the first exposed to the cure, and then sent to pass the cure along to others in his house.

The Crusade

"Time for the Empire to grow."
―Xen’Mordin to the House at the beginning of the Dark Crusade

There was very little down time between the hellish day of the Horizon’s Plague and the beginning of what is now known as the Dark Crusade. Per the orders of Muz Ashen and the Dark Council, Xen’Mordin and Scholae Palatinae ventured out to help reclaim planets of Dark Side significance. Over the course of the year long campaign Xen’Mordin and the forces of Scholae Palatinae battled on many key planets. These planets included Nfolgai, Rhelg, Bhargebba, Ashas Ree, Korriz, and Dromund Kaas. While fighting hard, his efforts along with his housemates secured Korriz as a win for Scholae Palatinae.



Evidence of the Force taint in Xen’s eye

Xen’Mordin Vismorsus stands at six feet one inch and weights 190 pounds. He is tall and muscular, which is due in part to the rigorous meditation and exercise he does every day. His hair, dark brown, is typically kept short and neat. Recently he has grown out a very well defined goatee. His eyes, dark green, show the evidence of his dark side tendencies, with a ring of red around both pupils. The unaware civilians of the Cocytus System pay no mind to the color of his eyes, only seeing a strong, capable human male as their Emperor.

Following the tradition of Emperor Palpatine, he appears quite normal to all unsuspecting eyes. His dealings as a Sith he remains cloaked, and wears a specially designed mask. While those in the House and in other Brotherhood units know what he looks like, Xen maintains that separate image to help insure that the citizens of the Cocytus Empire never be made aware of their Emperor’s true nature. Thus depending on the location and nature of what he is doing he is either seen openly as the human he is or masked.

Xen has several noticeable features. He has several scars, most notable of these is a thin two inch long scar along the right side of Xen’s neck, which looks remarkably like a lightsaber burn. There are also a series of very faint scars along his left hand from a mechanical mishap. Aside from his scars, Xen also has several tattoos. One, that of his sigil which is also found on his Warbanner, is found on his right bicep. Along his upper back are the words “I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.”

The Mask Xen'Mordin wears for all his Brotherhood doings.
Xen'Mordin Cloaked and Masked

The Mask

As Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae, Xen'Mordin follows in the long standing tradition as serving as both leader of the House, and publicly as the Emperor of the Cocytus System. Inspired by the double workings of Darth Sidious, who remained cloaked at all times in his dealings as a Sith Lord, Xen'Mordin took this idea a step further. Xen wears this mask at all times while functioning as Quaestor and as a Brotherhood Member. It is entirely for the purpose of preventing knowledge of his darker tendencies reaching the public knowledge in the Cocytus System. While all within Scholae Palatinae, and many in the Brotherhood as a whole know how he looks without the mask, it has become an ingrained part of who he is as a Dark Jedi.

The mask is made of a lightweight but durable metal alloy. Emblazoned upon it is the logo of Scholae Palatinae, with its most noticeable features of the Twin Dragon Heads found upon the forehead section. This makes Xen'Mordin easily identifiable in a crowd of Brotherhood members. Those that know him well understand his extreme loyalty to his house. However, those who do not find both the mask and the Scholae Palatinae Logo a difficult bridge to cross in order to build relationships and trust with Xen.


There was a time following the events in the Sith Temple that Xen’s mind was left broken and fragments. For years he dealt with severe multiple personalities. Eventually he came to the realization that all these aspects were truly part of who he was as a person. Since then he has been in greater control of his actions and moods.

For the most part, Xen is very calm and collected. Since taking over Scholae Palatinae he has learned how important image is to the public and strives to maintain one of professionalism and discipline. In less formal situations, Xen is much more laid back and relaxed. He has a very deep sarcastic streak that even in formal interactions must be restrained. In moments of severe stress, aggression or need, the darker aspects of Xen’s personality reflect through. Cold, calculating, and cruel these aspects always lay under the surface.

Xen is known to enjoy a good drink, yet rarely gets very drunk. He is aware of his limits and does not cross them and puts a high value on his cognitive abilities. He has been known to take many attractive servants, civilians and secretaries - as well as the occasional diplomat’s daughter - to his bed.

As a long time loyal member of Scholae Palatinae, Xen has devoted a lot of time in the study of Emperor Palpatine. He has a deep reverent respect for the former Galactic Emperor. While he knows the Empire of the Cocytus System is unlikely to ever properly reflect the Great Galactic Empire, Xen hopes to make the system the most perfect Empire possible. His own personal quest for greater power has been overshadowed by his need to make the Empire even better.

The Shattered Phantom

The Shattered Phantom as seen from the top

The Shattered Phantom is Xen’s personal ship. Originally a standard YT-2000 freighter, when it came into Xen’s possession he gutted it and practically rebuilt it. In the end it became more of a personal yacht then a freighter. This is the ship Xen took into deep space when he left the Brotherhood following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. When he returned the ship was barely able to sustain life support. All data of what happened to it and where it had been, had already been erased from the ship’s computer, as well as its onboard droid, Socket. Despite his best efforts to salvage the ship, it would be too costly to fix it. It now resides in a hanger on Judecca, unusable.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Positions Held
Before Position After
Position Created Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae
38 ABY - Present
Ood Bnar Quaestor of House Scholae Palatinae
34 ABY - 38 ABY
Position Removed
Position Created Aedile of House Scholae Palatinae
33 ABY - 34 ABY
Exodius Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco
33 ABY
Position Removed
??? Aedile of House Acclivis Draco
32 ABY - 33 ABY
Draco Maligo
Warhunter Aedile of House Caliburnus
Thran Occasus

Outstanding Achievements

  • Created the artwork for CSP’s honorary Dark Paladin title
  • Created the Symbol for House Caliburnus
  • Created the hilt for the legendary lightsaber Caliburnus
  • Created the Crowns worn by the leaders of Clan Scholae Palatinae
  • Created the artwork for the Shadow Academy’s Degrees


  • Xen’Mordin Vismorsus comes from several words. Xen comes from the Greek word “Xenos” meaning stranger. Vis and Morsus are Latin, meaning violent and pain, respectively.
  • Xen’s lightsaber is the ancient lightsaber he found in a Sith Temple. After years of study he was able to have it repaired fully, and uses it as his main weapon.