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Ood Bnar currently serves as Proconsul to Clan Taldryan.
Character History
To fully understand the Neti, one needs to understand how they procreate. Once every century a Neti produces some seeds, sometimes only one, on other accords up to four at once. Nothing can guarantee procreation at that point. As far as is known, only some seeds carry viable life. This ratio is completely random. What is known is that on worlds with a force-dampening effect the seeds have about 25% chance of growing into a Neti. This could be a good indication of why Myrkr was their place of origin.
Jedi Master T'ra Saa, Clone Wars
The Dark brotherhood
A New Home, Clan Arcona
A Second Home, Clan Scholae Palatinae
The Neti joined the ranks of Clan Scholae Palatinae in 23 ABY and remained there for 3 years, seeing this through 2 Great Jedi War, 2 house feuds and numerous smaller conflicts.
Realizing his memories have started to return and he now knows and understands advanced naval strategies, the Neti restarts his mental health sessions with staff members of the Shadow Academy. He mentions this knowledge in passing to the Headmaster of the time during one of these "sessions" and is offered the chance to teach a course in Sith Tactics. As his knowledge seems to increase exponentially, and the implanted personality appears to hold without any real signs of shattering again, further access is granted to him by the Headmaster. While enlisting him to teach a course on the History of the Pre-Republican Era, Ood gains access to the vast historical and ancient archives hidden within the depths of the Shadow Academy and deepens his knowledge of the past to include such topics as the Rakatan Empire and their Force-powered machinery. Observing his growth in knowledge the Quaestor of House Caliburnus, at the time Impetus M'nar Palpatine, sees a chance and offers the Neti access to the House's stores of knowledge by offering him the position of Rollmaster and Envoy. During this time, Ood also takes on an Apprentice, a promising young Sith called Zeron. Training his Apprentice, to eventually replace him, Ood Bnar copies most tomes held within the Caliburnus Archives he can get his hands on. As this occured, the Neti was doing the same to the Krath Libraries, having been granted access by the sitting Krath High Priestess, and the Shadow Academy Archives. The datapads and discs holding these copied files are carefully stored away and would serve as the foundation of the holocron he would create much later on. After handing over the position, the Neti moves to House Acclivis Draco to take over for the Rollmaster there at the request of the Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae, then Braecen Kaeth. Ood would promptly begin copying all files he can access there while training some promising replacements so he can step back into the shadows as a Free Envoy.
Humanoid-form Neti
A Third Home, Clan Plagueis
A Glorious Return, Clan Scholae Palatinae
A Return to Form, Clan Arcona
A Fourth Home, Clan Taldryan
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Unit Leadership
Shadow Academy
Chamber of Justice
Various Positions
- Doesn't like to be set on fire
- During the GJW (RPG) his hair was used to make torches of
- Had no legs between 37 ABY and 38 ABY - due to a training incident against Solari that took place on Lyspair. Even though his legs have grown back, he has grown accustomed to using a hover-chair.
- Membership of the following Units & Subunits: