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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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'''Ashura Isradia Sadow''' was a [[Sith Warlord]] and [[Son of Sadow]].
|type = Sith
|image=[[Image:SecretApp_concept-fairuse.jpg|200px|Ashura Isradia]]
|name=Ashura Isradia Sadow
|birth=0 ABY
|hair=Black (formerly brown)
|eyes=Sapphire blue (formerly blue)
|height=1.8 meters
|weight=190 lbs.
|allies=[[Isradia]], Selene d'Tana (MIA), [[Odin Vaaj]]
|saber=Single Bladed Lightsaber, Red Blade
|form=[[Shii-Cho]], [[Soresu]], [[Djem So]]
|fightingstyle=[[Broken Gate]], [[Kartranin]], [[Hapan]], [[Wampa Do]], [[Tu'rek]], [[Petranaki]]
|profession=Exarch of House Isradia
|position=[[Proconsul]], [[Knight First Class Envoy|Knight First Class]], [[Son of Sadow]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=[[Imperial House Isradia]], [[Clan Naga Sadow]], [[Sons of Sadow]]
|masters=[[Dark Side Adept]] [[Jonaleth Isradia]]
|apprentices=*[[Dark Jedi Knight]] [[Kalei Basai]]
*[[Jedi Hunter]] [[Aleho Ruoxf]] (NPC)

<table width="250" align="right" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="border: 2px  #222222 solid; background: #000000; border-bottom-right-radius: .8em; border-bottom-left-radius: .8em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: .8em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: .8em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: .8em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: .8em; margin-top: -1.4em; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; font-size: 12px;color: #ffffff;">
<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller; text-align: center;"> [[File:SecretApp_concept-fairuse.jpg|389px]]
<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-top: 1px solid #111111; text-align: center; color: #e5e5ed; font-size:larger; background-color:  #60110C; text-align:center; font-variant:small-caps;"> '''Ashura Isradia Sadow '''
<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-top: 1px solid #111111; text-align: center; color: #e5e5ed; background-color:  #440B09; text-align:center; font-size:8pt;"> '''Biographical Information'''
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Homeworld:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">

[[Ashura Isradia Sadow]] was a [[Sith Warlord]] and [[Son of Sadow]]. He was born on [[starwars:Coruscant|Coruscant]] before the fall of the [[starwars:Empire|Empire]]. His father was an Imperial Dark Side Adept serving the Emperor, while his mother was an exiled Dathomir Witch a long way from home. This [[starwars:Dark Jedi|Dark Jedi]] was trained in the use of [[starwars:The Force|the Force]] from an early age, first by his father and then by his mother.
[ Coruscant]

As a young man he studied among the [[starwars:Matukai|Matukai]] and [[starwars:Jensaarai|Jensaarail]]: it was during this time Ashura become proficient  in the unique power the Jensaarai called ''ballistakinesis''. He would actually become well known for his use of it during his time in the [[Dark Brotherhood|Liberated Brotherhood]]. His reasons for joining the Brotherhood was to learn more about [[Sith]] philosophy, abilities, and practices which he had initially learned during his time with the Jensaarai. Here he became apprenticed to the [[Krath]] [[Dark Side Adept]] [[Jonaleth Isradia]]. The two transcended the normal bond between a master and his apprentice in something far deeper, and this led to Ashura joining the [[Imperial House Isradia]].
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Birth:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">

During his time with the Brotherhood, Ashura had drifted through many different clans. However it would be the [[Disciple of Sadow|Disciples of Sadow]] where he truly flourished. Here he served with distinction in various roles: [[Deputy Governor General (Dlarit Corporation)|military governor]], [[Dlarit Security Force Ranks#Marshal Commander|soldier]], diplomat, tactician and [[Commissar (Dlarit Corporation)|commissar]]. After having served his [[Clan|clan]] with loyalty and dedication, Ashura was eventually [[Clan Title|elevated beyond Disciple]] by the [[Heir of Sadow]] at the end of the [[Ninth Great Jedi War]]. 
<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-top: 1px solid #111111; text-align: center; color: #e5e5ed; background-color:  #440B09; text-align:center; font-size:8pt;"> '''Physical Description'''
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Species:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">

== Biography ==
[ Human]
{{Quote|One does not need to be Jedi to learn the ways of the Force. I suspect it cares little for our codes and philosophies.|Kreia}}

Ashura’s heritage with [[starwars:The Force|the Force]] began with his parents. His father Jared Konden was an [[starwars:Dark_Side_Adept#Imperial_Dark_Side_Adepts|Imperial Dark Side Adept]] who served the Emperor as one of his [[starwars:Emperors_hand|Hands]]. While his mother Miya Brakus was a [[starwars:Witches of Dathomir|Daughter of Allya]] banished from her clan for conceding to an evil act, and using “night spells” (aka the Dark Side) to take her revenge.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Gender:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">

It has not been recorded how Miya left [[starwars:Dathomir|Dathomir]] or how she met Jared. What is known is the two of them began to work together on Konden missions. One thing led to another and Miya ended up sleeping with Jared, nine months later their son was born. His birth went hand in hand with the destruction of the first Death Star. Konden saw the boy as a means to an end. He took the child and left Miya.
[ Male]

Jared named the boy “Ashura” and kept him a secret from the Emperor; it was likely he would turn out to be a Force-user. Young Ashura grew up on [[starwars:Coruscant|Coruscant]], although the first six years of his life would be spent within the four walls of his father apartment, hidden away, alone. In 6 ABY Jared took Ashura offworld due to the New Republic possibility of regaining the Capital City.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Height:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
1.8 meters

However during the New Republic invasion, Miya took her revenge on Jared and killed him. Ashura watched with fascination as his father was killed before him; within all the chaos no-one noticed. What was one less Imperial to the Rebels? Miya was not an Imperial however, and she was able to take Ashura offworld. Having never met his mother till now, the young boy could sense a connection between them: mother and son. The two of them were left to wander the galaxy, neither had a home anymore. Miya had been raised to see men as slave labor or for breeding; because of this she saw as less then what he would mean to her if he had been born female. However that didn’t stop her from teaching him everything she knew.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Weight:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
190 lbs.

By the time he was thirteen Ashura had been trained daily in the art of war, and could use both his muscles and the Force to aid him in combat. His knowledge of the Force was largely defined in the form of "spells"; however he remembered how his father used the Force differently. This was something Ashura wanted to learn too, although he would never have a chance to with his mother calling the shots.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Hair:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
Black (formerly brown)

However at fifteen he was on [[starwars:Dantooine|Dantooine]] with mother, when their camp came was ambushed by primitive [[starwars:Dantari|Dantari]]. Ashura had to resort to “night spells” to kill them, saving his mother’s life in the process. As Dathomiri culture demanded, Miya let her son follow his own path from that day forward. He had saved her life. With the galaxy to explore, Ashura bid his mother farewell and set off.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Eyes:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
Sapphire blue (formerly blue)

Within the course of six years, Ashura had spent time learning from the [[starwars:Matukai|Matukai]] and the [[starwars:Jensaarai|Jensaarai]]. He learned how to purge illness and poison from his bodies, and even could raise or lower hid body temperature to survive in hot or cold environments. He also learned how to mask his presence in the Force, and use a unique power called ''ballistakinesis'' (which involved accelerating small, harmless objects at lethal speeds). Ashura began to become more familiar with the [[starwars:Jedi|Jedi]] and the [[Sith]]. The young [[starwars:Dark Jedi|Dark Jedi]] saw more possibilities with the Dark Side then the Light Side; he had since a little boy felt the darkness slowly grown within. He needed to go somewhere to learn more then was available to him. Perhaps it was by chance he learned of a Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Cybernetics:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">

=== Brotherhood ===
{{Quote|The strength of the dark side lies with the power of the individual. The Force comes from within. You must learn to draw on it yourself. I will not always be there to teach you.|Darth Bane to his apprentice}}
[[Image:Cpnewlogo.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Clan Plagueis]]
<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-top: 1px solid #111111; text-align: center; color: #e5e5ed; background-color:  #440B09; text-align:center; font-size:8pt;"> '''Personal Information'''
In early 22 ABY, Ashura joined the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]] as an [[Initiate]]. He arrived at [[Antei]] where he attended the [[Shadow Academy]]. He achieved the rank of [[Apprentice]], and was transferred to [[Clan Satal Keto]] (which later merged with [[Clan Exar Kun]] to become [[Clan Plagueis]]). The Dark Jedi was promoted through the ranks. Ashura eventually became the Apprentice to Dark Adept Jonaleth Isradia. The [[Journeyman]] would undergo difficult trials and tasks, and would also be subjugated to his Master’s experiments (a side affect being some minor alterations in his appearance).
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Allies:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
* [[Isradia]]
* Selene d'Tana (MIA)
* [[Odin Vaaj]]
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Lightsaber Color(s):
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
Single Bladed Lightsaber, Light Blue Blade

The young Sith was permitted to became a [[starwars:Noble|noble]] of the Iperion after being welcomed into the [[Imperial House Isradia]] – He was Ashura Isradia now. After an interesting incident on Vardor, Ashura became the Viscount of Tol Mustanen, as well as gaining a Bondswoman by the name of Isabelle Lutah (a former noble herself). There relationship started off rocky but the two eventually fell in love, which her becoming pregnant and giving birth to his [[Alector Isradia|son]] in mid 23 ABY.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Lightsaber Form(s):
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
* [[Makashi]]
* [[Dun Moch]]
* [[Trakata]]
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Fighting Style(s):
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
* [[Dulon]]
* [[Kartranin]]
* [[Tu'rek]]
* [[Hapan]]
* [[Shock Boxing]]
* [[Jeswandi]]
<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-top: 1px solid #111111; text-align: center; color: #e5e5ed; background-color:  #440B09; text-align:center; font-size:8pt;"> '''Chronology &amp; Political Information'''
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Profession:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
Exarch of House Isradia

After he constructed his lightsaber in 23 ABY, Ashura underwent the final trial with his Master. His success was rewarded and rank of [[Dark Jedi Knight]] was bestowed upon him. Knight Isradia returned to Vardor. During the time spent there he became a Baron as well as married his lover Isabelle. He eventually replaced Erin Isradia as Exarch.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Position:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
* [[Knight First Class Envoy|Knight First Class]]
* [[Son of Sadow]]
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Era(s):
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">

However after a few years Ashura wanted to get involved once more with the Dark Brotherhood; his Master had been a member for years and held quite a legacy due to him helping to create the Clan once known as Exar Kun. Ashura also knew he could learn more about the Dark Side, the Sith, and countless more while with a Clan. After a lot of think he decided not to rejoin Clan Plagueis but join Clan Arcona instead. He wanted to expand himself within a new Clan, new surroundings and challenges (i.e. like being an Envoy and Rollmaster).
[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
[[Image:Carc-logo.jpg|200px|left|thumb|Clan Arcona]]
He would eventually replace his friend Odin as Aedile of House Oriens Obscurum, and it was here that his first test of his leadership skills became apparent. It wasn't long before Ashura left the Journeymen class for the Equite class, as he was promoted to the rank of Sith Warrior. Ashura would end up leaving Arcona some time after Selene disappeared in Tarentum space, and Odin leaving to find out what happened to her. Isradia deciding to leave the Clan also tied in with him wanting to spare Arcona the shame that was about to befall him. Ashura found himself charged by the Chamber of Justice for something he had done while a Journeyman. He was shocked to learn of his mistake and held himself accountable and took responsibility into his own hands.

His trial was overseen by the Justicar personally (who at that time was Dark Jedi Master Kir Katarn). Upon being found guilty he took the burden of what he done to heart, no punishment the Justicar could give would even compare to the punishment Ashura bestowed upon himself. He had brought shame upon his old Clan, Plagueis, and went into voluntary exile, never to return to the Clan until he had redeemed himself. The Rogue Dark Jedi wandered from place to place; it led him to joining Clan Tarentum but after a few weeks his wandering continued. It was during this time he rescued a teenage Force-user by the name of Sakura from the EHDB. He trained her for a while in hopes to redeem himself a little.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Affiliation:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">
* [[Imperial House Isradia]]
* [[Naga Sadow|House Naga Sadow]]
* [[Sons of Sadow]]
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Known masters:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">

Ashura spent a lot of time thinking on his mistake and about his future with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He came very close to leaving the Brotherhood and returning to Vardor forever, but an encounter with Ashia Keibatsu and Macron Goura led the Sith Warrior to joining Clan Naga Sadow. Isradia decided this was this last chance at redemption, a chance to really learn from his mistakes and become someone within the Brotherhood.
[[Dark Side Adept]] [[Jonaleth Isradia]]
=== Sith Rising ===
[[Image:CNS.jpeg|200px|right|thumb|Clan Naga Sadow]]
As a member of House Ludo Kressh, Ashura set out to once again show his talents and it wasn't long before he was appointed Clan Envoy. The Sith Warrior was driven by an insatiable lust that fuelled the Dark Side within. Redemption became a driving focus for the Sith, it changed Ashura in ways he never thought possible, and so too would war.

A month after he joined the Clan that the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Antei and the Eighth Great Jedi War started. Clan Naga Sadow and rest of the Clans in the Brotherhood had been at Antei at the time: this had been a tactical strike by the Far Outsiders, and it resulted in Antei falling to them. Naga Sadow also received a lot of causalities (although Ashura wasn’t one of them). The Knight Class Envoy of Naga Sadow fought hard and had to resort to deeds he never dreamed of doing (e.g. setting off the fire suppression systems on the ''Wandering Soul'' sending many crew and young Dark Jedi to their death with most of the Vong warriors onboard).
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Known apprentices:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">

War in some way helped Ashura mend the hole in his heart on what he had done, he would never forget his mistake but through the strife of the war he felt he was redeeming himself.  Redemption at a price of millions of lives, of endless suffering and death, Yuthura Ban had been right after all.
[[Kalei Basai]]

Upon fleeing Antei and returning to the Orian system, the Clan had to deal with the True Brotherhood threat that had taken over. Ashura was able to play a minor role in helping the Clan defeated the false Brotherhood, as such was awarded the rank of Senior Commander (a rank within the Special Operations department; a cover for the Dark Jedi to get involved more in the Corporation). Commander Isradia was also appointed Commissar on the Star Destroyer ''Harbinger''.
<td bgcolor="#222222;" style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-right: 1px solid #111111; color: #cccccc; font-size:smaller;"> Dossier:
<td bgcolor="#2B2B2B" style="background: #2B2B2B; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; font-size:smaller;">

As Clan Envoy, Ashura excelled at his duties (even if the Society of Envoys were in their waning days). The Warrior took up the vacant position within House Marka Ragnos; he became the Sith Commander of Ravana Squadron so to get the training team back into shape. It was this among his other duties that earned Ashura the status of Knight First Class by the Knight Commander of the Brotherhood (in agreement with his Clan Summit). However that was just the beginning.  
[ 4782]

Trevarus Sadow was appointed Quaestor after the last one went AWOL, and it was Ashura who was to become the Dark Jedi Master's Aedile. This was the highlight of the young man's career, working with the Oracle much like his father had done years before. It was a golden time for the House, but it was hard work, although Ashura welcomed it on top of his Envoy duties. Trevarus became an inspiration for him (so his eventual betrayal would wound Ashura). It wasn't long after becoming Aedile that Ashura was promoted to the rank of Sith Battlemaster
<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-bottom-right-radius: .8em; border-bottom-left-radius: .8em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: .8em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: .8em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: .8em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: .8em; text-align: center; color: #e5e5ed; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:smaller; background-color:  #60110C; text-align:center; border-top: 1px solid #111111;"> [[Template:Character|<span style="color:  #d07d6f;">[ Source ]</span>]]

However this team wasn't destined to last as Trevarus was appointed Consul for the second time. Ashura replaced him as Quaestor and began to really get involved with the Dlarit Corporation and the Disciples of Ragnos. Knowing the Society of Envoys wasn't soon to close, Ashura retired as Clan Envoy but kept the title of Knight First Class.

=== Betrayal ===
After months leading House Marka Ragnos on his own, the Battlemaster selected Faeril Munlear (a former Envoy of his) as Aedile. The Knight showed potential and Ashura wanted to her reach it. It was at this point Ashura was studying Darth Bane's Rule of Two and he decided to incorporate it for the House Summit: one to embody the power (Quaestor), and the other to crave it (Aedile). Faeril would later leave House Marka Ragnos and become Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh; Alexander Anderson would replace her as Aedile.
[[Image:The_Secret_Apprentice_by_Daennika-fairuse.jpg|200px|left|thumb|Quaestor Ashura Isradia]]
Ashura became close friends with many members of the Clan, including the Atemas. However after Jade was wounded by her husband, Ylith, and sent to him by her brother-in-law, Tyren. Isradia decided to help Knight tap her potential like he was doing with Faeril. Knowing from personal experience, the Quaestor made his Battleteam Leader endure hardship as Yuthura Ban's teaching about strife would help Jade grow. In the end Jade unlocked her potential and reached Equite status with the rank of Priestess.

It was also around this point that he became an agent of the Iron Throne in the form of a Magistrate to the Grand Master. The Battlemaster’s assignments from the [[Dark Lord of the Sith]] were always classified, and the Sith never spoke of what he done, apart from saying it was a true privilege to do what he did for [[starwars:Darth|Darth]] [[Sarin]].  
==  Biography  ==
[[File:The_Secret_Apprentice_by_Daennika-fairuse.jpg|thumb|259px|left|Ashura Isradia]]
<dd>"''One does not need to be Jedi to learn the ways of the Force. I suspect it cares little for our codes and philosophies.''"
<dd>— Kreia
</dl>Ashura was born on [ Coruscant] before the fall of the [ Empire]. His father was an Imperial Dark Side Adept serving the Emperor, while his mother was an exiled Dathomir Witch a long way from home. This [ Dark Jedi] was trained in the use of [ the Force] from an early age, first by his father and then by his mother. 
As a young man he studied among the [ Matukai] and [ Jensaarail]: it was during this time Ashura learned about ''ballistakinesis'' and sought to one day master this unique Force ability. He would actually become well known for his pursuit of it during his time in the [[Dark Brotherhood|Liberated Brotherhood]]. His reasons for joining the Brotherhood was to learn more about [[Sith]] philosophy, abilities, and practices which he had initially learned during his time with the Jensaarai. Here he became apprenticed to the [[Krath]] [[Dark Side Adept]] [[Jonaleth Isradia]]. The two transcended the normal bond between a master and his apprentice in something far deeper, and this led to Ashura joining the [[Imperial House Isradia]]. 
During his time with the Brotherhood, Ashura had drifted through many different clans. However it would be the [[Disciple of Sadow|Disciples of Sadow]] where he truly flourished. Here he served with distinction in various roles: [[Dlarit Corporation Ranks and Titles#Deputy_Governor_General|military governor]], [[Dlarit Security Force Ranks#Marshal_Commander|soldier]], diplomat, tactician and [[Dlarit Corporation Ranks and Titles#Commissar|commissar]]. After having served his [[Clan|clan]] with loyalty and dedication, Ashura was eventually [[Clan Title|elevated beyond Disciple]] by the [[Overlord (Naga Sadow)|Heir of Sadow]] at the end of the [[Ninth Great Jedi War]].   
At one point Ashura had believed to have been killed by his former [[Aleho Ruoxf|Sith apprentice]] who had been under the control of [[Curwen Sunei]]. His body was found by [[Macron Sadow]], [[Jade Sadow]] and [[Aisha Qifaxa]], and burned in an ancient Sith burial rite and sealed off for transport to Sepros for burial. But was the Sith truly dead or was a larger deception at work? It seemed Ashura was indeed alive, and the man who had died in his place was an operative of a secret orginisation made to look and think like the Sith, but had failed to infiltrate [[Naga Sadow]]

For months Ashura had been getting a “bad feeling” as if something was amiss within the Clan, something hidden, out of side. He decided to ask Sakura to be his “eyes” and “ears” on the Harbinger. The girl was not part of the Dark Brotherhood and her cover was maintained as a Subcommander in D-SOG. Events within the Clan had slowly been leading up to something ever since the arrival of Grand Master Paladin. The Battle of Telos, the assistance Clan Naga Sadow gave to Clan Arcona when their home system was taken over by the Yuuzhan Vong. It was all pieces in a grand puzzle.

The truth about Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Caerick was finally revealed for what it was. It seemed that Trevarus and his apprentice, Darth Vexatus, planned to go to Lehon and gain the Heart of the Force to receive ultimate power, and take over the galaxy. To the Clan it simply meant one thing and one thing only: Trevarus and Vexatus had betrayed their Clan and the Brotherhood at whole. Everything anyone ever knew about that was a lie.
==  Personality  ==
Fortune would smile upon Ashura as he and rest of the Clan plotted to stop a man everyone had looked up too and respected, especially him. Trevarus had taken the Harbinger, the same Star Destroyer that months before Sakura had been placed on posing as a Sub-Lieutenant. Although she was able to slow the duo down she was inevitably captured and tortured by Vexatus.
<dd>"''If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal.''"
=== Revelation ===
<dd>— Kreia
As the Clan arrived at Lehon to stop the two Elders, Ashura, feeling Sakura’s pain, made his way from the Final Way to the Harbinger to save her before anyone could stop him. He expected to find the two Lords of the Force aboard, but found Trev’s seneschal, Eosara Goratis. Trevarus and Vexatus had already departed for the surface of Lehon so it seemed Eosara would have to be brought to justice in his master's place, or so how Ashura believed.
</dl>Like all those who follow the quasi-religious belief system known as the '''One Path'''; Ashura seek to eliminate himself of all weaknesses and to bring mind, body and spirit into one. Surprising this is something he had been doing for years, but the teachings of his Master are what enabled him to bring it all together.
To this end Ashura follows the tenets of the One Path:

The two of them dueled and although Eosara wasn't a Force-user, he was stronger and better trained than Ashura. In fact the hulk of a man had been enhanced and trained by Trevarus to kill Dark Jedi. Eosara landed a heavy blow that seriously wounded Ashura; he would have even killed the Quaestor if Ashura hadn’t sacrificed his custom made lightsaber to explode (which Goratis wasn’t aware of when he caught it after the Battlemaster threw it at him). Eosara wounded fled and left Ashura to die of his injuries. It seemed that Sakura was actually the one who saved Ashura, as she was able to get help. Saving his life made her even with him and after that she left his service and joined Clan Naga Sadow
* Be one in Mind, Body and Spirit.
[[Image:Consul and proconsul floorplan complete.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Proconsul Ashura Isradia's office within the Sadow Palace.]]
* Always seek new experience, adversity and knowledge, for in those things we grow.
The extent of Ashura's injuries kept him from active duty; he still couldn’t believe how easily he was beaten, as if all his training meant nothing. It was enough for him to rethink a few things. Ashura remembered what the quasi-religious belief system his Master used, and how this One Path was able to eliminate weakness by focusing on each one until they were no more. Ashura spent the time healing from is wounds by studying this and learning the truth within the power of its words. When he returned to active duty Ashura had a whole new way of thinking, this would in fact serve the Clan well as he was soon appointed Proconsul.
* Hone your weaknesses and strengths, that the whole may be greater than the parts.
* Know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses and all that you are, and do not be blinded by pride, fear or ignorance.
* We are merely a sum of our experiences.  All that makes us, defines us.
The man no longer seek to limit himself to one teaching; to become a slave to it. His true weakness had always been that of his mind, weakness he sought to eliminate through the teachings of the [[Sith]] and the understanding of leadership. It was through the teachings of Darth Bane did Ashura adapted these tools of his Order to his own purpose when seeking to rule among the Dark Brotherhood; patience, cunning and secrecy were tools that helped him to strengthen his mind. Tools his passed onto his students.

The Clan Overlord had temporary assumed the post of Proconsul to help bring stability, the Clan had somewhat healed from the betrayal of the two Sons of Sadow for Ashura to assist Ashia with the running of the Clan. Darth Vexatus was now dead, as most assumed to believe, and so was Trevarus (as the Ascended Dragon, Shan Long replaced the Krath Master completely).

The new Proconsul was entitled to pick any [[Delta-class Advanced Commando|DAC]] available to serve as his Adjutant; Isradia settled on the clone known as [[Delta-2]] (aka Major Besh) due to his outstanding service record. With all his time now being spent on [[Sepros]], [[Aleho Ruoxf|Ashura's apprentice]] had to be shuffled about from her home on [[Tarthos]] to come to the [[New Sadow Palace|Temple of Sorrow]] to still receive her training. However Ashura wasn't going to leave his apprentice unprotected, he assigned [[Delta-10]] (aka Lieutenant Jenth) as Aleho's Ruoxf close protection officer; the young Togruta was still just a [[starwars:Dark Jedi|Dark Jedi]] in-training. The Battlemaster eventually took an older apprentice, a Miralukan [[Jedi Hunter]] by the name of [[Joseph Skirata]], and assigned Jenth the task of training Joseph while on [[Tarthos]]; the Miraluka was part of the [[Obelisk]] [[Order]] making the clone the best choice to train him in all manner of weapons and combat techniques. Skirata had to travel with Ruoxf to Sepros to receive his training in [[starwars:The Force|the Force]].
==  Styles of Address  ==
'''SWL Ashura Isradia Sadow (Sith)/Naga Sadow'''
'''SB / GC / SC-SoH / AC-ToSL / DC-SiP / GN-BL / Cr-1R-4A-14S-14E-9T-5Q / CF-PF / DSS / SoF / LS-BL / SoL-TC / S:-2R-7Al-5C-6Rm-12P-10U / LoR'''

[[The Battle of Inos]] was something Ashura had a hand in staging. The [[Clan Summit]] helped the Overlord Tron Sadow to work his deception by leaving the Orian system. What was supposed to be a staged war game turned into a bloody mess. In the end [[Darth]] [[Sarin]] wasn't please with what had happened. None but the [[Star Chamber]] knew of Tron's motive. Consul Ashia Keibatsu resigned after the feud and [[Robert Sadow]] was selected by Tron to [[Consul|represent]] [[Clan Naga Sadow|his Clan]] on the [[Dark Council]]. Bob was also a [[Son of Sadow]] which meant he was totally devoted Naga Sadow. Little did Ashura know that the Overlord wanted Bob to see if the [[Proconsul]] could be trusted and not tainted by [[Trevarus Caerick|Lord Caerick]].
* [[Dlarit Security Force Ranks#Marshal_Commander|Marshal Commander]] Ashura Isradia of the [[Dlarit Special Operations Group]]
* ''His Highness'' Duke Ashura Isradia, Exarch of House Isradia
* Ashura Isradia, Warlord of the Sith ''or'' Sith Warlord Ashura Isradia; Knight First Class and Son of Sadow.

It turned out that although Ashura was not tainted, he still had spent a time learning from Trevarus when he served as his [[Aedile]] back when Dark Jedi Master assumed the position of Quaestor for the second time. Trevarus even supported Ashura's appointment as Quaestor of Marka Ragnos. The Battlemaster had learned from the [[Elder]] how to become a powerful leader. It was something Ashura respected the man for and like the rest of the clan felt betrayed; the Sith understood the nature of it however. Isradia had committed himself to healing the [[Clan]] and working with the new Consul. Ashura actually worked well with Bob, the pair set forth to rebuild bridges and relationships among the members: to bring back the <em>Golden Age</em> of Clan Naga Sadow. Out of the heroes from the feud, Ashura selected recently promoted [[Krath Priest]] [[Alexander Anderson]] (his former Aedile) to become his [[Black Guard]]. He was also impressed when Kalei became Black Guard to Aedile Tsingtao Ming.
==  Historic Battles  ==
*'''[[Eighth Great Jedi War]]'''
* [[Invasion of Orian]]
* [[Battle of Telos]]
*Battle of Dajorra
*Battle of Lehon
*Orian Uprising
*'''[[Ninth Great Jedi War]]'''
* [[Ekind Uprising]]

=== Imperator ===
== DJB Facts  ==
To Be Added.
== Personality ==
{{Quote|If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal.|Kreia}}
Like all those who follow the quasi-religious belief system known as the '''One Path'''; Ashura seeks to eliminate himself of all weaknesses and to bring mind, body and spirit into one. Surprising this is something he has been doing for years, but the teachings of his Master are what has enabled him to bring it all together.
To this end Ashura follows the tenets of the One Path:
*Be one in Mind, Body and Spirit.
*Always seek new experience, adversity and knowledge, for in those things we grow.
*Hone your weaknesses and strengths, that the whole may be greater than the parts.
*Know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses and all that you are, and do not be blinded by pride, fear or ignorance.
*We are merely a sum of our experiences.  All that makes us, defines us.

The man no longer seeks to limit himself to one teaching; to become a slave to it. His true weakness had always been that of his mind, weakness he sought to eliminate through the teachings of the [[Sith]] and the understanding of leadership. It was through the teachings of Darth Bane did Ashura adapt tools of his Order to his own purpose when seeking to rule among the Dark Brotherhood; patience, cunning and secrecy were tools that would help him to strengthen his mind.
===  Goals  ===
'''[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]'''

== Styles of Address ==
* To have earned the rank of [[Dark Side Adept]].
'''SWL Ashura Isradia Sadow (Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow'''
* To have made a difference to the [[Dark Brotherhood]] as a whole.
'''GC / SC-SoF / AC-ToSL / DC-BP / GN / Cr-1R-4A-13S-13E-9T-5Q / CF-PF / SoL-TC / LoR / LS-BL / S:-2R-7Al-5C-6Rm-12P'''
'''[[Disciple of Sadow|Disciples of Sadow]]'''

*[[Dlarit Security Force Ranks#Marshal Commander|Marshal Commander]] Ashura Isradia of the [[Dlarit Special Operations Group]]
* To lead by example and continuously add to [[Naga Sadow|Naga Sadow's]] fictional development.
*<em>His Highness</em> Duke Ashura Isradia, Exarch of House Isradia
*Ashura Isradia, Warlord of the Sith <i>or</i> Sith Warlord Ashura Isradia; Knight First Class and Son of Sadow.

== DJB Facts ==
===  Notable Positions of Leadership  ===

=== Goals ===
'''Dark Jedi Brotherhood'''
* <i>To have earned the rank of [[Sith Warlord]]</i>
* <i>To have become a Knight First Class Envoy within the [[Society of Envoys]]</i>
* To have made a difference to the [[Dark Brotherhood]] as a whole

'''Clan Naga Sadow'''
<table class="toccolours" width="75%" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid #3a3a3a; background:#222222; border-collapse: collapse; margin: auto;">
* <i>To have earned the [[Clan Title]] of [[Son of Sadow]]</i>
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:
'''Alex d'Tana'''
<td width="40%">'''
[[Rollmaster]] and [[Envoy]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
[[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|26 ABY]]
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
'''[[Drodik Va'lence al'Tor]]'''
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:
'''[[Odin Vaaj]]'''
<td width="40%">'''
[[Aedile]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
[[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|26 ABY]] - [[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|27 ABY]]
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
'''[[Drodik Va'lence al'Tor]]'''
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:
<td width="40%">'''
[[Knight Class Envoy|Envoy]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
[[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|27 ABY]] - [[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|28 ABY]]
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:
'''[[Imperial|Jade Imperial]]'''
<td width="40%">'''
[[Battleteam Leader|Sith Commander]] of [[Ravana Squadron]]
[[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|27 ABY]]
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
'''[[Tyren Atema]]'''
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:
'''[[Nekura Manji Keibatsu|Nekura Manji <b style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Keibatsu</b>
<td width="40%">'''
[[Aedile]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]]
[[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|27 ABY]] - [[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|28 ABY]]
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
'''[[Faeril Munlear]]'''
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:
'''[[Trevarus Caerick]]'''
<td width="40%">'''
[[Quaestor]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]]
[[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|28 ABY - 29 ABY]]
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
'''[[Derev Niroth]]'''
<tr style="text-align: center;">
<td width="30%">Preceded by:
'''[[Tron|Tron Sadow]]'''
<td width="40%">'''
[[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
[[26 ABY to Present#26_ABY|29 ABY]] - [[30 ABY to 39 ABY|31 ABY]]
<td width="30%">Succeeded by:
'''[[Taigikori Aybara]]'''

=== Notable Positions of Leadership ===
{{Start box}}
{{Succession box
  | title = [[Rollmaster]] and [[Envoy]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
  | years = [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|26 ABY]]
  | before = Alex d'Tana
  | after = [[Drodik Va'lence al'Tor]]
}}{{Succession box
  | title = [[Aedile]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
  | years = [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|26 ABY]] - [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|27 ABY]]
  | before = [[Odin Vaaj]]
  | after = [[Drodik Va'lence al'Tor]]
}}{{Succession box
  | title = [[Knight Class Envoy|Envoy]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
  | years = [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|27 ABY]] - [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|28 ABY]]
  | before = Unknown
  | after = Starrett
}}{{Succession box
  | title = [[Battleteam Leader|Sith Commander]] of [[Ravana Squadron]]
  | years = [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|27 ABY]]
  | before = [[Imperial|Jade Imperial]]
  | after = [[Tyren Atema]]
}}{{Succession box
  | title = [[Aedile]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]]
  | years = [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|27 ABY]] - [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|28 ABY]]
  | before = [[Nekura Manji Keibatsu]]
  | after = [[Faeril Munlear]]
}}{{Succession box
  | title = [[Quaestor]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]]
  | years = [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|28 ABY - 29 ABY]]
  | before = [[Trevarus Caerick]]
  | after = [[Derev Niroth]]
}}{{Succession box
  | title = [[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
  | years = [[26_ABY_to_Present#26_ABY|29 ABY]] - [[30 ABY to 39 ABY|31 ABY]]
  | before = [[Tron|Tron Sadow]]
  | after = [[Taigikori Aybara]]
{{End box}}

=== Notable Awards ===
=== Notable Awards ===
[[014 DB vs. Ashura|Official Letter of Reprimand]]<br>
* [[014 DB vs. Ashura|Official Letter of Reprimand]]
[[Grand Cross of the Dark Side]]<br>
* [[Sapphire Blade]]
[[Seal of Loyalty]] x 2<br>
* [[Grand Cross of the Dark Side]]
[[Novae|Gold Nova]]<br>
* [[Seal of Loyalty]] x 2
[[Seals|Seal of Retribution]] x 2<br> 
* [[Seals|Seal of Remembrance]] x 6
[[Seals|Seal of Alliances]] x 7<br> 
* [[Dark Maven]] of Service
[[Seals|Seal of Conquest]] x 5<br>
* [[Dark Maven]] of Leadership
[[Seals|Seal of Pain]] x 11<br>
[[Seals|Seal of Remembrance]] x 6<br>
[[Dark Maven]] of Service<br>
[[Dark Maven]] of Leadership

=== Notable Works ===
=== Notable Works ===
* Creator of the [[Disciples of Ragnos]]  
* Creator of the [[Disciples of Ragnos]]
* Creator of the [[House Marka Ragnos Prospectus]]
* Creator of the [[House Marka Ragnos Prospectus]]
* Creator of the [ CNS Vision Statement] website  
* Creator of the [ CNS Vision Statement] website
* Creator of the pre-visualization of the ''CNS Vision Statement'' video; also helped collaborate the [ finished version]
* Creator of the pre-visualization of the ''CNS Vision Statement'' video; also helped collaborate the [ finished version]
* Creator of the [ Clan Naga Sadow - Ninth Great Jedi War] trailer
* Creator of the [;current=CNSGJWTrailer.flv Clan Naga Sadow - Ninth Great Jedi War] trailer

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
*The name "Ashura" belongs to an older version of [ Ash Ketchum] from [ Pokemon MASTER], a dark Pokemon fanfiction by Ace Sanchez, which is a damn good read. This is where I first picked up the name for my character.
* The name "Ashura" belongs to an older version of [ Ash Ketchum] from [ Pokemon MASTER], a dark Pokémon fanfiction by Ace Sanchez, which is a damn good read. This is where the name was first picked up the name for this character.
* Ashura holds the Isradia Prophetic Title - The Abyssal Blacksmith.
* Ashura Isradia would be played by [ Mads Mikkelsen] if he appeared in a Star Wars movie.
* Ashura Isradia would be played by [ Mads Mikkelsen] if he appeared in a Star Wars movie.  
[[File:Ashura_AB.gif|thumb|180px|right|"Ashura" in [ Aurebesh]
[[Image:Ashura_AB.gif|right|thumb|"Ashura" in [[starwars:Aurebesh|Aurebesh]]]]

[[Category: DJB Characters]]  
[[Category:Sith]] [[Category:Sons of Sadow]] [[Category:DJB Characters]]
[[Category: Clan Naga Sadow]]
[[Category: Sons of Sadow]]
[[Category: DJBWiki featured articles]]

Revision as of 05:53, 23 May 2011

Ashura Isradia Sadow was a Sith Warlord and Son of Sadow.

File:SecretApp concept-fairuse.jpg
Ashura Isradia Sadow
Biographical Information




Physical Description





1.8 meters


190 lbs.


Black (formerly brown)


Sapphire blue (formerly blue)



Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Single Bladed Lightsaber, Light Blue Blade

Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Exarch of House Isradia


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

Known masters:

Dark Side Adept Jonaleth Isradia

Known apprentices:

Kalei Basai



[ Source ]


File:The Secret Apprentice by Daennika-fairuse.jpg
Ashura Isradia
"One does not need to be Jedi to learn the ways of the Force. I suspect it cares little for our codes and philosophies."
— Kreia

Ashura was born on Coruscant before the fall of the Empire. His father was an Imperial Dark Side Adept serving the Emperor, while his mother was an exiled Dathomir Witch a long way from home. This Dark Jedi was trained in the use of the Force from an early age, first by his father and then by his mother. 

As a young man he studied among the Matukai and Jensaarail: it was during this time Ashura learned about ballistakinesis and sought to one day master this unique Force ability. He would actually become well known for his pursuit of it during his time in the Liberated Brotherhood. His reasons for joining the Brotherhood was to learn more about Sith philosophy, abilities, and practices which he had initially learned during his time with the Jensaarai. Here he became apprenticed to the Krath Dark Side Adept Jonaleth Isradia. The two transcended the normal bond between a master and his apprentice in something far deeper, and this led to Ashura joining the Imperial House Isradia.  During his time with the Brotherhood, Ashura had drifted through many different clans. However it would be the Disciples of Sadow where he truly flourished. Here he served with distinction in various roles: military governor, soldier, diplomat, tactician and commissar. After having served his clan with loyalty and dedication, Ashura was eventually elevated beyond Disciple by the Heir of Sadow at the end of the Ninth Great Jedi War.    At one point Ashura had believed to have been killed by his former Sith apprentice who had been under the control of Curwen Sunei. His body was found by Macron Sadow, Jade Sadow and Aisha Qifaxa, and burned in an ancient Sith burial rite and sealed off for transport to Sepros for burial. But was the Sith truly dead or was a larger deception at work? It seemed Ashura was indeed alive, and the man who had died in his place was an operative of a secret orginisation made to look and think like the Sith, but had failed to infiltrate Naga Sadow


"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal."
— Kreia

Like all those who follow the quasi-religious belief system known as the One Path; Ashura seek to eliminate himself of all weaknesses and to bring mind, body and spirit into one. Surprising this is something he had been doing for years, but the teachings of his Master are what enabled him to bring it all together.

To this end Ashura follows the tenets of the One Path:

  • Be one in Mind, Body and Spirit.
  • Always seek new experience, adversity and knowledge, for in those things we grow.
  • Hone your weaknesses and strengths, that the whole may be greater than the parts.
  • Know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses and all that you are, and do not be blinded by pride, fear or ignorance.
  • We are merely a sum of our experiences.  All that makes us, defines us.

The man no longer seek to limit himself to one teaching; to become a slave to it. His true weakness had always been that of his mind, weakness he sought to eliminate through the teachings of the Sith and the understanding of leadership. It was through the teachings of Darth Bane did Ashura adapted these tools of his Order to his own purpose when seeking to rule among the Dark Brotherhood; patience, cunning and secrecy were tools that helped him to strengthen his mind. Tools his passed onto his students.

Styles of Address

SWL Ashura Isradia Sadow (Sith)/Naga Sadow SB / GC / SC-SoH / AC-ToSL / DC-SiP / GN-BL / Cr-1R-4A-14S-14E-9T-5Q / CF-PF / DSS / SoF / LS-BL / SoL-TC / S:-2R-7Al-5C-6Rm-12P-10U / LoR

Historic Battles

DJB Facts


Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Disciples of Sadow

  • To lead by example and continuously add to Naga Sadow's fictional development.

Notable Positions of Leadership

Preceded by:

Alex d'Tana

Rollmaster and Envoy of House Oriens Obscurum 26 ABY

Succeeded by:

Drodik Va'lence al'Tor

Preceded by:

Odin Vaaj

Aedile of House Oriens Obscurum 26 ABY - 27 ABY

Succeeded by:

Drodik Va'lence al'Tor

Preceded by:


Envoy of Clan Naga Sadow 27 ABY - 28 ABY

Succeeded by:


Preceded by:

Jade Imperial

Sith Commander of Ravana Squadron 27 ABY

Succeeded by:

Tyren Atema

Preceded by:

Nekura Manji Keibatsu

Aedile of House Marka Ragnos 27 ABY - 28 ABY

Succeeded by:

Faeril Munlear

Preceded by:

Trevarus Caerick

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos 28 ABY - 29 ABY

Succeeded by:

Derev Niroth

Preceded by:

Tron Sadow

Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow 29 ABY - 31 ABY

Succeeded by:

Taigikori Aybara

Notable Awards

Notable Works


  • The name "Ashura" belongs to an older version of Ash Ketchum from Pokemon MASTER, a dark Pokémon fanfiction by Ace Sanchez, which is a damn good read. This is where the name was first picked up the name for this character.
  • Ashura Isradia would be played by Mads Mikkelsen if he appeared in a Star Wars movie.
"Ashura" in Aurebesh