The Vault Of Naga Sadow
Naga Sadow over its long history has been granted numerous artifacts as rewards for its conquests within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood or from its discoveries of the Universe. Steeped in a history lasting centuries the list grows ever larger with each passing show of dominance.
Clan Artifacts
These are the artifacts that have been awarded to the Clan as a whole in their trials and tribulations since their founding to the present day.
The Banner Of Revulsion

The Banner of Revulsion was awarded to Clan Naga Sadow for their participation in the Independence games. Embellished with a twisted face the banner causes Fear to all within its Vicinity.
The Book Of Discovery
The red carton bound book was discovered in a college institution during one of the Krath Rites of Supremacy. The Book Of Discovery is printed in blue and red, and upon its cover sits a white sun which appears to be partially eclipsed. The book's contents cover the Force and its application for discovery and scientific purposes.

It would roughly take two weeks for the book to be thoroughly learned, this, of course, depended on the student. It is said that study of the book would lead to the student coming to understand what is to be and further their training in Farseeing.
The Book Of Truth
Like its twin, the Book Of Truth was earned during one of the Krath Rites. Sadly these days little is known about the tome and its functions only that it sits within the vault alongside the Book Of Discovery.
The Chronicle Of Dark Souls

The Chronicle Of Dark Souls is a piece of work crafted by Trevarus Caerick. They were the collected knowledge of the Kraths research and knowledge over several years as he traveled discovering all he knew. The Chronicle is split into three volumes; The Book Of Memories, The Book Of Wisdom and The Book Of Twilight.
At the time of their writing, the volumes were considered heretical by the Dark Council and were never published. In fact, the only known copy to this date resides in the Mareq’att Archives of Clan Naga Sadow.
The Book Of Memories
The Book Of Memories is a series of poems based upon the earliest days of Lord Darth. It chronicles his fall from grace, his banishment and exile from the Jedi and eventually his disappearance. It also covers the legends of his first three apprentices; The Wanderer, Alaiedon, and Serpentis.
The Book Of Wisdom
The Book Of Wisdom is a collection of ancient Wisdom, peculiar poetry as well as an extensive list of proverbs that would provide insight and clarity to any scholar who read them. The majority of the test within the book is of modern authorship having been written by many of the Brotherhood's Grand Masters. The contribution authors include Chi-Long, Firefox and Jac Cotelin. Unauthenticated work was also included from Kane Vader and Kreeayt Havok. Some texts within the book were penned by unknown hands but were plundered from ancient archives, some of which were upon Ossus and Dantooine.
The Book Of Twilight
The Book Of Twilight is deemed the most controversial of the books. It is a series of prophecies foretold by unknown visionaries except for two. The two in question, named the Canticles, were inscribed by Trevarus many years before the Exodus and told in frightening clarity of the events to come. The other prophecies to this date have no provenance by which they could be authenticated.
The Sword Of Damind
The Sword Of Damind was crafted by the finest weapon smiths and the most talented and powerful of sorcerers that the Brotherhood had to offer. Housed within its heart lies a saber crystal that does not require a power cell, instead being powered by the Dark Side of the Force alone. Ignited the blade is wreathed in fire, which in itself coats a cortosis weave blade and has the properties one would expect of a standard lightsaber, albeit more powerful.
The sword is one of three and was awarded to Clan Naga Sadow for placing third in the Obelisk Rite Of Supremacy by Korras. The supremacy involved the Clan helping to assault the Coratua system during the Invasion Of Coratua where the Clan assisted in silencing the local pirate menace and drawing unwanted attention from the New Republic.
It is said that only a true master of the Dark Side can wield the blade due to its inherent ability to draw the Force from the local area. Clan Tarentum holds the Solari Sword whilst Clan Taldryan holds the Obtene Crystal Sword respectfully.
Dark Sword Of H’ksych

The Sword
The Dark Sword of H’kysch was awarded during the last Krath Rite Of Supremacy and is an ancient blade crafted from the purest volcanic obsidian gathered from the deepest depths of K’hamar’a. The blade is heavy due to its nature but easily wielded by a skilled weapons user. The sword is exceedingly well carved and covered with intricate designs which are presumed to act as a focus to Dark Force powers.
Once drawn the weapon is enveloped in Force lightning and is so sharp that it is able to pierce any substance softer that durasteel with ease despite its great age and even durasteel proves to be nothing against its power..Being as potent and vile now as it was at its first forging the sword is able to withstand contact with a lightsaber for roughly two seconds before beginning to melt, a feat unmatched by a normal weapon.
Any opponent struck by the sword will suffer grievous wounds and any wounds take a minimum of three days to fully heal even by those skilled in the healing arts of the Force. Bleeding, however, will stop after around fifteen minutes but all in all, it does make it an extremely deadly weapon in combat given how it effectively nullifies a Force users ability to heal the wounds during the conflict.
History Of The Blade
The history of the Dark Sword was even more shrouded in mystery than it's description. A thousand rumors exist and each Dark Jedi who has glanced at it has his own theory as to its creation, some say it was created by Lord Darth himself, others claim due to its sinister deceptive nature it was crafted by Serpentis, one rumor is even that it was the very weapon used by Naga Sadow to kill Ludo Kressh who bled to death slowly by its foul unhealing bite, and many more tales besides these will be found amongst the Brotherhood's less enlightened members.
In fact, the true origins of the weapon are far from any of the above, and surprisingly the weapon is not even of Sith, or Krath, or Obelisk. In fact, it's creator has been revealed as the Broodlord H’skych of the Swarm, ruler of the Nestings of Pri'jar, who the sword itself is named after. The Broodlord created the sword from a piece of obsidian, from the volcanic rock near the nesting where he was spawned, and he imbued the weapon with all his dark evil and that of his followers, to create the dark and sinister weapon it is now, and he used it to slay any challengers from amongst the nests and ruled for ten generations of his creatures.
However one night the Broodlord met his death and even the mighty sword couldn't save him. A rogue warrior of the Sith came to H'skych's world. Why no-one can say, perhaps escaping from a vengeful master, maybe the lure of the sword drew him, or even his name, history does not recall. But he and the Broodlord fought and H'skych fell on the rocks he was spawned in, and the Sith took the sword and escaped the vengeance of the Broodlord's followers.
What happened to this Sith is unknown, but the Sword of H'skych seemed to carry a curse with it, perhaps that of the spirit of its creator, for the weapon is suspected to have passed through a dozen hands in the decades that followed, each owner meeting a more sinister fate than the last. This continued until it seems the Jedi took an interest in the weapon and sought to possess it, maybe through their own ambitions or to protect the galaxy from the sword's curse, and the Dark Sword ended up in the Jedi Library on Ossus, under the care of one Jedi Master Kria Ontgaru.
The Jedi locked the Dark Sword away, perhaps fearing its dark power, or perhaps because they just considered it nothing more than a Sith artifact, and gave little thought to its origins or powers. However, the curse of the weapon wasn't finished and soon it fell upon the foolish Jedi. Exar Kun instructed his Dark Jedi followers to destroy the Kron Nebula, to ensure the destruction of Ossus and the Jedi who dwell there. Ontgaru herself was burned in the flames as she tried to escape the destruction that ravaged the world and the Dark Sword of H'skych was left amongst the ruins suppose ably forgotten forever.
It was nearly four thousand years later when a Krath archaeologist by the name of Trevarus Caerick, later to become Dark Jedi Master Shan Long, sought out and discovered the forgotten artifact amongst the ruins and returned it to the then Krath High Priestess High Priestess Mairin Astoris. It remained in her possession until it was presented to the proud members of Clan Naga Sadow for their valiant efforts during the Dark Brotherhood's mission to the Kh'amar'an world. The Dark Sword of H'skych has remained with Clan Naga Sadow ever since, and finally, the curse seems to have ended, for in this time Clan Naga Sadow has seen much good fortune and has grown in strength to the mighty clan it is now. And with this history revealed the Dark Sword of H'skych is one of Naga Sadow's most powerful possessions and a weapon to strike fear into its enemies.
Holocron Of Antar IV

The Holocron Itself
The Holocron Of Antra IV was an artifact obtained by Battle Team Night Hawks for partaking in a Krath competition. It is a bipyramid of a near red colour embedded throughout with lamina and small wires that are presumably part of the holocrons structure. It is of similar structure of the spinel group of materials given that is based upon a repeating modified cubic lattice of a complex type II shape. The crystal needs to be activated by a Dark Force user of some power and unlike a standard tetragonal Sith Holocron matrix, the complex shape has a higher ion per unit count in its atomic cell. This may be due to its era of construction but due to it the Holocron can hold a vast amount of data. The primary gatekeeper of the Holocron is Lord Malak and due to this, it is extremely difficult to operate. There is one other known gatekeeper, Lord Kaan. The contents of the Holocron includes many subjects relating to military weaponry, ships and usage of the Force,
History Of The Holocron
Lord Malak in approximately 3959 BBY first created the Holocron. Malak used an unorthodox method of synthetic creation and a forge of an unknown type (presumably the Star Forge). This resulted in the unusual shape and unit cell matrix of the Holocron. The holocron remained hidden and lost for some time before being discovered by Lord Kaan. Kaan later lost it during the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, where it lay hidden for many millennia. Later the Holocron was discovered in the Valley of the Jedi by the University of Agamar's researchers and given to the Antarian Rangers for safekeeping far before the Rise of the Empire.
The Holocron was recovered by the Night Hawks Phyle as its first mission under the command of Dark Jedi Knight Trevarus Caerick. Mordann Tal'kyra left it in storage for years, unexplained. Macron examined the Holocron at the behest of Xanos Zorrixor in approximately 24 ABY.
Orbs Of Power

The Orbs Of Power were three orbs awarded to Clan Naga Sadow during the reign of Consul Kale Lobacz. There are three orbs, each a representative of the now-defunct orders of the Brotherhood. A ruby orb for the Sith, a sapphire for the Obelisk and the last, an amethyst, for the Krath. The orbs were discovered in excavation sites across the galaxy.
The Ring Of Wrath
The Ring Of Wrath was a ring that represented one of the seven deadly sins, in this case, Wrath. The ring itself altered aspects of the Rage Force power like its siblings did to other powers. However, this is the only

similarity between the rings as they all varied in colour and size with the ring of Wrath being red. The Ring of wrath is small being roughly the size of a man's little finger or a woman's ring finger. It is a simple band of metal covered in runes of mystic power.
When the ring is worn by a Force User of the rank of Equite 2 or above it grants the user unlimited use of the Rage power. However, this is the only power they can use, sometimes forcing them to fight till their last drop of blood is spent.
The rings were created by a family of Krath to help dominate the primitive species of a planet. All rings not in possession of a clan are in the possession of the Dark Council given their devastating power. The only known usage within Clan Naga Sadow is when Macron wielded it to slay several True Brotherhood Dark Jedi.
The Ring was awarded after Naga Sadow's participation in a Krath Rite Of Supremacy.
The Rings Of Pure Blood

Like the Ring Of Wrath, the Rings Of Pure Blood altered one's connection to a Force power. In this case, the rings improved the use of the now forgotten Force power named Altered State.
The rings were granted to the Clan in 2005 after their participation in the Independence Games.
Sith Sword Of Shar Dakhan
The Sword
The Sith Sword Of Shar Dakhan is a finely crafted swept-hilt blade that narrows to a tapered tip. The blade weighs in at 6.5 kg and is roughly 1.4 meters long being polished to a mirrored finish. Strange mottling and weaving dark patterns appear within the blade. It was stated by a scholar from Thule that when not observed the patterns within the blade change and shift when not being directly observed. To be able to wield the blade effectively one requires a great strength and control of both mind and body as well as great control of the Force.

The sword can deflect blaster bolts, particle beams as well as lasers. It’s unnaturally sharp and is able to go head to head with a lightsaber. As the users knowledge of the Dark Side of the Force increased the blade was known to manifest minor Dark Side power-enhancing abilities acting as an amplifier to the users already natural talent in the Force. Refining their control, abilities and skills.
The sword can withstand and absorb Force lightning allowing the energy to be used by the wielder for other Dark Side powers. The blade has claimed the lives of the lesser journeyman who attempted to use the blade due to its strong presence in the Dark Side. Claiming their lives as it drained their energy and turned them into husks.
The Blade was granted to Clan Naga Sadow in 2007 when they traded in a book called Teaching Riddles during Sarin’s artifact trade in.
The Swords History
This alchemical Sith Sword was used by Shar Dakhan, first under the rule of Sith Lord Marka Ragnos, and later under Naga Sadow. The weapon was forged by Dakhan as a test of ascension to lesser Sith Lord status. Later, one of the Sith Arts Academy expeditions from Thule in the ancient times recovered it from Shar Dakhan's tomb on Korriban. The Sword was brought to the Sith Museum in the city of Hurom on the planet Thule as a cultural relic.
Anaxela wielded this artifact-level Sith sword from the time of Marka Ragnos. She stole it from the museum on Thule in the city of Hurom. During the True Brotherhood's invasion of the Orian System, she used it in the battle against Trevarus Caerick and Darth Vexatus. Shan Long emerged in the course of the battle and captured the sword by biting her hand off. She fled, and the Masters presented the Sword to then Consul Macron Sadow to store in the collective Clan Naga Sadow Vault. It has rumored to have been used in secret by Shan Long, but this is unknown.
It lay in rest until late in 35 ABY, when it was once again brought forth from the Vault on Sepros by Consul Macron Sadow in his third term as Consul to battle Jedi infiltrators into the Orian system.
Sword Of Sadow

The Sword of Sadow lies with its namesake Clan. Awarded to Clan Naga Sadow by Khyron well over a decade ago the true reason why it was granted has all but been forgotten. However all can agree that it truly only has one home and that is with the Clan that carries the Sith Lords name.
History Of The Sword Of Sadow
Naga Sadow had a sword named "Naga Sadow's Poison Blade". It was a mystical blade, possibly a Sith sword, that was used by the Dark Lord. This blade carried an unknown poison which poisoned the victim when it inflicted injuries. During the Jedi Civil War when Revan searched for the Star Forge, he had to go through the tomb of Naga Sadow to find one of the Star Maps. Revan likely took the blade from the tomb, but the exact fate of the weapon remains unknown.
Whether this Poison Blade was the Sith sword Naga Sadow used to duel with Ludo Kressh is unclear.
Sometime after the sword was discovered by Revan, it found its way back to the planet Yavin IV. Whether Revan brought it back here or not is unknown, but it wouldn't be for thousands of years until it was discovered yet again. It was while on an erstwhile pursuit to the planet Yavin IV that Astronicus Aurelius Sadow came upon it. A fierce battle ensued in his Dark Jedi strike team's attempt to liberate it, but they were successful and brought it to the planet Sif in the Phare System, former headquarters of Clan Naga Sadow prior to the Exodus.
It would remain on display in the main audience chamber of Sadow Palace up until the Clan was forced to leave their home. Because of the power and history behind this infamous weapon, the clan's Overlord - Tron decided to place it in a series of catacombs that were created below the palace known as the Labyrinth. In all actuality, the sword that had been on display was a fake and a very good one at that. Upon the clan's departure from the Phare System the fake was brought along, the current Consul and his summit believing it to be the real thing. However, Tron never revealed to them the truth of the matter, until recently when the fake was broken into pieces. With this revelation, Clan Naga Sadow decided that they must recover it from the hands of the Emperor's Hammer. And so, a valiant effort was made to bring this piece of Sadow history back to their new home in the Orian system.House Marka Ragnos and House Ludo Kressh sent their best to fight the Imperials and any that would try to stop them from accomplishing their goal. The Sword was successfully recovered from the Phare system and now resides in a secret location within the CNS domain, presumably on Sepros.
The Table of R’puntaf
The Tablet of R’puntaf was granted to Naga Sadow during one of the Krath Rite of Supremacy. The actual function of the Tablet has been lost to time, all that is known is it was a prize worth of claiming and it now sits safely within the vault of Naga Sadow.
The Tapestry
Unlike most of the other artifacts on this list, the Tapestry was an artifact granted to House Marka Ragnos for their victory in an inter-house Feud. The Tapestry was awarded by Trevarus Caerick and it depicts the Battle of Primus Goluud.
Unknown K’hamar’an Artifact
Similar to a Palantir from the Lord of the Rings Universe, the Unknown K’hamar’an Artifact was awarded to the Clan following the K’hamar’an Crisis which was also the last Krath Rite of Supremacy. The artifact is some sort of silver sphere but its true power has been lost to the fog of ages.
Personal Artifacts
These artifacts, those significant to the Clan in some way, were more granted to an individual than the Clan as a whole and thus will be listed here. This in no way removes their significance or importance to the Clan, it simply helps to understand who has what.
Amulet Of Orian
The Amulet Of Orian is an amulet awarded to Trevarus Caerick for claiming First Place in the fiction competition within a Great Jedi War.
The Amulet was awarded by DJM Mairin Astoris and GM Jac Cotelin.
History And Powers Of The Amulet
Urias Orian, Eighth Dark Lord of the Sith and immediate predecessor to Lord Marka Ragnos was obsessed with the search for eternal life. He sought to transcend his mere mortal flesh, by unifying his spirit with the forces of metal, technology, and science. Working for almost a year, the Dark Lord created the Gauntlet. Composed of nearly sixteen thousand interlocking metal plates, the Gauntlet fit his hand perfectly, moving like water across his hand and forearm. Using this as a platform, he carved a series of inscriptions into the silver metal, invoking the spirits of the Earth to grant his design everlasting life. In his travels he had acquired a large violet stone, roughly a meter across. It glowed with its own inner light, pulsing according to the moods of whoever touched it. The people of Ombus worshiped the stone as a spirit of their god, a life-giving spirit. Orian shattered the Star of Ombus, instantly destroying the people who had worshiped before it. He placed a fragment of the Star into the back of his amulet. Orian orchestrated a ritual to give his body the same properties as the Amulet he had created. At its height, Orian thrust his hand into the metal glove, defying the spirits of Light and Darkness to grant him the power to see beyond all time. His body immediately turned to stone. In time his temple on Sepros was forgotten and abandoned by most in the Galaxy.
Record of Bearers
The temple was uncovered by Imperial Dark Adept Kiln Tobasa. After his fall from grace, he spent a decade looking for any means to achieve complete Transcendence of the Dark Side. A vision he believed shown to him by the Wanderer, whose Mark he possessed, led him to the Temple. His estranged student Trevarus Caerick, of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, tracked him to the temple. After a drawn out battle Trevarus took the Amulet for himself. He used its power in an effort to destroy Tobasa who escaped anyway. Caerick has carried the Amulet for nearly a decade now, and despite all efforts, he has been unable to have it removed.
Forms of the Amulet
Phase One: (DJK-KPN) In the first form of the Amulet, it exists as an intricate array of interlocking silver plates. It is meticulously articulated, such that movement is only slightly impeded. Each plate is covered with minuscule carvings and etchings that no-one seems to understand or capability to translate. No part of the underlying flesh is revealed from elbow to fingertips.
Phase Two: (Elder Class) Following his Ascendancy to Dark Adept, the Amulet melted across Trevarus’ hand into a vitreous glove of flowing silver metal. It constantly moves and flows, never extended far past his forearm. The Fragment of Ombus floats around on the back of his hand. Phase Three: (High-level Elder) In most recent years, the Amulet reduced itself to the Fragment of Ombus surrounded by a small eddy of the silver metal. Trevarus may command it to cover any portion or all of his body. During the crisis of the Consciousness, Trevarus relied upon the power of the Amulet to protect his body from death, covering all of his flesh with its silver living metal. Observers have also noticed that the Amulet will appear through gloves that Trevarus wears while in its dormant state.
Trevarus doesn’t know what form the Amulet will take as he grows in power.
Specific Powers:
- 1) The Amulet cannot be removed from his forearm, or damaged in any way unless he is dead. This curious invincibility extends up his arm unless his arm would be severed in such a way that it kills him. If he is killed the Amulet would theoretically revert to its natural form.
- 2) The liquid state of the Amulet of Orian serves as an extension, or perhaps merely a manifestation of his telekinetic abilities. Whatever telekinetic gift he uses, the Amulet performs the visible representation of that power.
- 3) The Amulet seems to have a consciousness of its own. Perhaps this is the legacy of Lord Orian. Trevarus is able to control it to some extent, yet it always nips at the back of his mind. Some speculate that this is the true cause of his clairvoyant powers as well as the emergence of Shan Long.
Sith Heavy Battle Suit

Macron wields the Sith Heavy Battle Suit.
It is an alchemically crafted Battlesuit constructed by Macron using knowledge taken from the Holocron of Antar IV, and partially from a Sith Holocron he recovered on Yavin IV whilst carrying out work for Nakura Manji Keibatsu.
The Battlesuit is a hard shell suit constructed from modern day materials and special Force treated alloys that when struck by blaster bolts reduces their searing damage. It also insulates against some of the damage from electrical attacks by redirecting the energy through a series of intricate wiring built into the suit. The suit is also thoroughly padded with shock absorbing honeycomb plasteel bubbles and reinforced with duranium threads and ceramic plate, which affords protection against physical attacks
The suit offers no protection versus lightsabers as it is not made of cortosis weave, however, it does offer a strong level of protection and has an internal air supply that can last up to ten minutes.
Clan Naga Sadow | ||
Units | Clan Naga Sadow • Houses Marka Ragnos & Shar Dakhan • Battleteams Night Hawks & Disciples of Dakhan | |
Leadership | Consul DarkHawk Sadow • Proconsul TBA Marka Ragnos • Quaestor Locke Sonjie • Aedile Sanguinius • Battleteam Leader Muz Ashen Keibatsu Shar Dakhan • Quaestor Quentin Shadows • Aedile TBA • Battleteam Leader Malik Sadow | |
Possessions | Dominion • Orian Assembly • Order of the Black Guard • Warhost of Naga Sadow | |
Misc | Overview • Disciples of Sadow • Sons & Daughters of Sadow • Inner Circle • Master-Student Program | |
Conquest is our destiny, we shall not fail. |