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The Orb of T'aluna was awarded to Clan Naga Sadow following the K'hamar'an Crisis.
Orb of T'aluna
Resting on a strange looking holder, this orb is made purely out of platinum. The Kh'amar'an sorceress T'aluna created it in an attempt to outdo her competition in one of the most important temples. It shows a skilled user the best way to achieve a plan.
To use it, it will have to be lifted telekinetically off the holder and into the air over a cold fire of any type. Anyone touching the orb will suffer unbearable pains or even die.
The mind of it's user will then have to focuss on the goal to achieve.
The cold fire will wrap around the orb, making the surface look like molten. The images will form on the surface.
It is of high importance not to surrender to wishful thinking when using the orb. Wrong advice will turn up if this happens, which was the eventual downfall of it's creator.
Behind the Scenes
The unknown artifact was Naga Sadow's chosen reward following the last Krath Rite of Supremacy. A list of seven artifacts was compiled and the clans were each allowed to select one. The unknown artifact is believed to have been some kind of silver sphere similar to the black palantir seeing stones from Lord of the Rings. Unfortunately, it's name and exact nature have since been lost.