Template:Organization infobox
Dark Brotherhood Infrastructure
Dark Jedi of the Brotherhood
Rights of the Brethren
The Shadow Academy is the primary training facility for new members of the Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi. At the Shadow Academy, new apprentices are trained by more powerful Dark Jedi in the ways of the Force as they begin their journey toward the Dark Side.
Paladin, founder of the Shadow Academy
- "There are dark places in the galaxy where few tread. Ancient centers of learning, of knowledge."
- ―Darth Traya
The idea of an academy to gather and train Force-sensitive individuals is certainly not a new one, but rather a practice that has been adopted by both light and dark side followers. No matter these, however, the name "Shadow Academy" is hardly an original one in the universe.
The Shadow Academy of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood was founded in 11 ABY by Grand Master Jedgar Octavius Paladin, apprentice to Kane Vader. Paladin understood the threat of the growing Jedi Order, and as Grand Master aggressively added to the rolls of the Brotherhood, using the Shadow Academy as a way to separate the weak from the strong, and train them through the initial steps under the watchful eye of the first Headmaster, Stefan Ronin.
"Settlement" on Lyspair
- "You are here because we have called you, not because you think you belong here."
- ―Traditional reprimand given to new students
Based on the planet Eos in the Aurora System, the Shadow Academy continued to grow and turn out new members to the Dark Brotherhood and Emperor's Hammer under the reign of the Headmaster. During these years, students remained at the Academy until they reached the rank of Guardian, at which point they would be assigned to a clan. The Brotherhood was also strictly divided among the three Orders at this time, and so the Academy offered unique courses for each Order, with the Test of Lore being the only shared course among the programs.
As the Pre-Exodus years continued, the Shadow Academy saw itself grow exponentially due to the demands of increased membership and the loosening of order restrictions under the reign of J'lek Arcanon. New courses were created under the reign of Mejas Doto, Troutrooper, and Mage, and during the tenure of Pyralis course graders called Eclectic Pedagogues were formed, and the Society of Envoys was placed under the command of the Shadow Academy.
In 19 ABY, the Seven, including the then Headmaster Pyralis, announced their intentions to break ties with the Emperor’s Hammer, and the Shadow Academy was caught in the middle. While there are no known reports of fighting within the halls of the Academy, it is known that the Seven took a large amount of texts and artifacts with them when they ran the blockade in the Palatir, later placed under the command of the Headmaster.
The Brotherhood made it way to Antei, and the Shadow Academy was relocated to the moon of Lyspair. Starting off as a small, prefabricated shelter, it was quickly expanded both in size and worth under the reign of Headmaster Kaiann.
Battleground, Fortification, and Exile
- "I'm beginning to think this place is cursed."
- ―Dranik Tarentae
The revamped Shadow Academy
During the Sixth Great Jedi War, the halls of the Shadow Academy were turned into a battleground between those members infected by Okemi and those not. The structure was heavily damaged, with certain sections being destroyed completely. Under Headmaster Spears reconstruction began almost immediately, but had not been completed by the time of the Seventh Great Jedi War. Anshar, who had been Headmaster for mere months, suddenly found himself fighting his brothers and sisters against the clone Jaac Cotelin. Though no fighting occurred on Lyspair, the scale of the war convinced Anshar to revamp the Academy's defenses, including the acquisition of a fleet, at the head of which was the Mnemosyne.
For a time it seemed as if the Academy was safe, but shortly after the Rite of Supremacy, the Brotherhood found itself under attack by the Yuuzhan Vong. The Mnemosyne was destroyed during the initial attack, seemingly killing Anshar. Days later, however, Anshar reappeared to assist his Praetor, Dranik, with the evacuation of Lyspair. As the clans battled above Antei, the Headmaster considered destroying the Shadow Academy, but instead left it intact as they fled the system indefinitely, taking only the most important texts and artifacts.
The Arcanum, the mobile Shadow Academy
- "We are strangers to the galaxy. We teach strange things, the likes of which many in the galaxy can hardly fathom."
- ―Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Like the rest of the Dark Brotherhood's main forces, the Shadow Academy is currently in exile after its evacuation of Lyspair. Gifted with the Arcanum by Grand Master Sarin, Headmaster Anshar quickly established the flagship as a mobile Academy, frequently making short hyperspace jumps to avoid unwanted detection. For nearly two years, the Arcanum served the members of the Brotherhood in their studies, during which time Anshar returned to his native clan and a new Headmaster, Aabsdu, took over, continuing the expansion of studies set by his predecessors. Despite being homeless, the Academy continued to grow. Currently, secret plans are being calculated for the possible retaking of Antei, and in turn Lyspair. Only time will tell, however, what is in store for the Academy.
Upon joining the Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi, Initiates are automatically enrolled in the Shadow Academy. All new members are assigned to one of the three Order-oriented campuses, the Sith, the Krath, or the Obelisk. Their first task is the studying of the Brotherhood's most basic rules, and the subsequent Test of Lore that follows. Upon completion of the Test of Lore, one gains elevation to Apprentice and is automatically assigned to a Clan. After graduation from the Shadow Academy, a larger selection of courses becomes available to the new member, some of which are related to a specific order or skill. These courses are divided into departments and found on the left hand side of the main Shadow Academy page. Typically, the preferred course after completing the Test of Lore, would be the Dark Brotherhood Basics course.
Command Structure
The Shadow Academy Chain of Command
The Shadow Academy is the largest of all Dark Council offices in terms of staff size. The Headmaster (HM) is in charge of the entire Academy, overseeing day to day operations, managing resources, and serving as a resource to Brotherhood members, new and old alike. The Headmaster has final say in all Academy decisions, including the selection or removal of staff members and judicial matters within the Academy halls. Unless representing the Academy in the Dark Council, the Headmaster rarely leaves Lyspair.
The Praetor to the Headmaster (P:HM) is the second in command of the Academy, assisting the Headmaster in his duties and serving as his most important advisor. He or she has sweeping administrative powers, second only to the Headmaster, and is in charge whenever the Headmaster is unavailable. While usually present on Lyspair, some Praetors have also held lower levels positions in their clans or houses.
The Magistrate to the Headmaster (M:HM) is awarded to those who provide specialized services to the Academy for extended periods of time. Magistrates are usually hired to work on specific projects handed down by the Headmaster or Praetor, and are sometimes released once the project is completed, or given a new assignment. At times, Special Magistrates have been appointed by the Headmaster to help cover the duties of the upper management, but this is rare.
Professors are the test graders for the six different departments in the Shadow Academy. These professors are equal to the magistrate on the command structure, since they are responsible for the maintaining of their respective departments, as well as creating new courses and various other projects. The main difference between a Magistrate and a Professor, is the Professors concentrate on their own department while the Magistrate works on the entire Shadow Academy as a whole.
Docents are the Professors in their own right, but do not have a broad spectrum of courses to grade. A Docent will usually only have one or two courses to grade and maintain. Usually as a Docent you can still hold the highest position in the clan and still do the work of a docent without any trouble.
The Assistant Professor position is basically a position where if a Professor is going on a leave of absence for a time, or can’t grade the course within the three days, the Assistant Professor is brought in to ensure the courses are graded and returned to the members as soon as possible.
The Shadow Academy is located on the moon of Antei known as Lyspair. It sits atop steep cliffs overlooking one of Lyspair's large oceans. Laid out as a square with four towers rising from each corner, the Academy used to consist of only three corners, but was rebuilt after its destruction during the Fifth Great Jedi War. Between the towers are wide corridors filled with classrooms, training areas, and libraries. There is also a courtyard open to all visiting members. Inside the Shadow Academy, the building is separated into six different departments as well as having an area for general teachings by the Docents.
- The Docent Halls are where all the courses that are not taught by Professors but individual teachers are held. These courses range vary in spectrum, including clan histories, Wiki and ACC Basics, writing skills courses, and the legendary Chamber of Justice courses. There are currently 14 courses in the Docent Halls.
- The Department of General Studies is focused on the basics for a career in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. It includes two basic leadership courses as well as the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Basics course and both IRC courses.
- The Department of General History is exactly as it sounds since it covers the five history courses that are not clan specific.
- The Department of Philosophy focuses on what Krath like best, knowledge. These courses are about Force Philosophy, as well as different cults and methods of alchemy.
- The Department of Flight Studies focuses on what the Sith are known to be best at, space battles. The courses focus on astronomy and navigation in space, the different starfighters, the different freighters and transports, as well as capital ships.
- The Department of Combat Tactics is the department that focuses on the Obelisk Order’s main function, combat. The courses offered include the Obelisk Core, as well as hand to hand combat course, and the lightsaber and the advanced lightsaber course.
- The Department of Coding Practices is one of the smaller departments in the Shadow Academy where the two courses offered are HTML Basics and HTML Advanced.
Some might say that the danger to the Shadow Academy comes not from outside forces, but from within. Indeed, the Academy has been destroyed twice, both times during Great Jedi Wars. After the Sixth Great Jedi War, Headmaster Anshar had the Academy's defenses upgraded to prevent the past from repeating itself, finally protecting the facility both from the ground and orbit. All of the Academy's defenses serve dual purposes, however, as they are also training tools for Brotherhood members studying.
The entire structure is protected first by a large shield generator. Able to be activated at a moment's notice, the exact number of generators fueling the shield is known only to a few, but the sheilds can continue to operate at top capacity even when most of the generators have been destroyed. The walls and towers of the Academy are also armed with laser cannons torpedo launchers. There also exists eight anti-aircraft batteries, but they are used as a last defense since operation is manual.
The location of the Academy also provides it with protection. Built on a steep cliff at the edge of one of Lyspair's oceans, scaling the cliff would be nearly impossible, severely cutting the possible directions attacks could come from. A narrow kill field has also been built around the Academy, armed remotely and prepared to fire upon any attackers. Finally, the Academy is stocked with several airspeeders, skyhoppers, and fighter tanks if the outer walls are breached.
Main Article: Shadow Academy Fleet
The first line of defense for the Shadow Academy come from orbit, and resting in orbit is the flagship, the Arcanum. Heavily armed and shielded, it would be hard for anything but a fleet to get past it. To support the Arcanum is a wide range of fighters, and while some are outdated, all have been upgraded in weaponry and shields:
- 12 Y-wings (Rho squadron)
- 12 Z-95 Headhunters (Zeta squadron)
- 12 R-41 Starchasers (Sigma squadron)
- 24 shielded TIE Interceptors (Omega and Gamma squadrons)
- 24 Vulture droids (Mu and Nu squadrons; not capable of being flown by members)
List of Headmasters (from top): Jedgar Octavius Paladin (founder); Mejas Doto; Troutrooper; Spears Tarentae; Anshar Kahn Tarentae; Aabsdu Dupar di Plagia
- "The teacher should learn as much as his student."
- ―Ulic Qel-Droma
Headmasters are the leaders and primary instructors of the Shadow Academy, and sit upon the Dark Council. Many Headmasters have been of the Krath Order, but a few Sith and at least one Obelisk have also held the position.
- Stefan Ronin - Ronin was the Grand Admiral and leader of the Emperor’s Hammer. In a twist of irony, Ronin would eventually try to stop the Brotherhood, including the Shadow Academy, from breaking their ties with his organization.
- Maehel Goatboy
- Dev
- Tycho
- Whafro
- Black Hawk - Little is known about this Headmaster as records of his existence were purged by Grand Admiral Ronin. It is known that he also served as Herald and Dean of the Imperial Weapons and Tactics School (IWATS).
- Menacer
- Wrath Calin
- Kumba - Little is known about this enigmatic figure, but he garnered a reputation as an excellent Headmaster. He is one of the few members in Brotherhood history to reach the esteemed rank of Dark Prophet and he was last seen just before the Exodus. It is believed that he merely went his own way during that time.
- Shups - Shups was known for emphasizing quality in his grading, rather than simply passing people for their effort alone.
- J'Lek Arcanos - J’lek cut back on some Shadow Academy requirements, notably by dropping required courses that were not material to a student’s chosen order.
- Mejas Doto - Mejas introduced several new courses to the Academy, as well as updated the antiquated archival system. He was forced from office by Astatine, resulting in a duel that almost ended both men’s careers as well as their lives.
- Arion Sunrider
- Troutrooper - Like Mejas, TT introduced several new courses to the Academy.
- Mage - Mage is the only known Obelisk to hold the position of Headmaster, and introduced the first courses outside of the phase training program.
- Pyralis - Most famous for his role as one of the Seven, Pyralis also introduced new courses, renamed the course teachers, and rebuilt the Society of Envoys to serve the Shadow Academy.
- Kaiann Yetaru Entar - Kaiann continued the trend of introducing new courses and built upon what Pyralis had begun. Kaiann also conceptualized the idea of Dark Side Degrees.
- Spears - Spears oversaw a good deal of the reconstruction of the Shadow Academy on Lyspair, as well as expanded course offerings and introduced the Dark Side Degrees system to the Brotherhood.
- Anshar - Anshar, as previous Headmasters, introduced several new courses to the Academy, as well as a new design for the website, a project started by Spears. Anshar oversaw the reorganization of the Dark Side Degrees system into its current state, and was the Headmaster during the Vong Incursion and Evacuation of Lyspair.
- Aabsdu - TBD
The Headmaster would like to thank those that have helped collect and organize this information. Special thanks go to Master Nathaniel, Master Spears Tarentae, Master Aristan Dantes, Kromtal Stormfyld, Dranik, Windos, and Fire-Knight.