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Annedu joined [[Plagueis]] for a time, where he soon took to assisting Consul [[Braecen Kaeth]] in a secretive project. Anubis helped the Consul found and organize the Plagueis Armed Forces as part of his final assignment to Knighthood. An ongoing war with the [[Crimson Tide]] broke out once more, forcing Plagueis to act and respond. Long time enemies, they had been at war with each other for years. In the end, it would be Plagueis that would emerge as the victor - it's superior fleet outmatching the Crimson forces quite easily. Soon afterward, Annedu left Plagueis for a time - venturing known space and exploring it for himself. In his travels, he discovered a set of ancient armour, like those used by the [[starwars:Sith Trooper|Sith Trooper]]s of old. Before returning to Plagueis, the [[Sith]] restored the suit to its former glory by completely re-creating the plate material in a
Annedu joined [[Plagueis]] for a time, where he soon took to assisting Consul [[Braecen Kaeth]] in a secretive project. Anubis helped the Consul found and organize the Plagueis Armed Forces as part of his final assignment to Knighthood. An ongoing war with the [[Crimson Tide]] broke out once more, forcing Plagueis to act and respond. Long time enemies, they had been at war with each other for years. In the end, it would be Plagueis that would emerge as the victor - it's superior fleet outmatching the Crimson forces quite easily. Soon afterward, Annedu left Plagueis for a time - venturing known space and exploring it for himself. In his travels, he manufactured a set of Sith armour for personal use before returning to the Brotherhood.
lightweight titanium alloy, as well as integrating a computer with an improved Heads-Up Display. With a matte black finish, his new armour was now complete and he was ready to make his return to Brotherhood space - and just in time, as the war known as [[Unification]] would emerge.
During the Great Jedi War, Anubis made the acquaintance of several new allies - one of which, he would later keep in contact with even after the man's transfer to Arcona. While the war was brutal and mighty as the Brotherhood fought to re-take [[Antei]] from Omancar Crask's droid forces, many survived the onslaught. the [[Dark Brotherhood]] would be the victory, and take the spoils. The death of Sarin rattled throughout the Brotherhood, as [[Muz Ashen]] ascended to the Iron Throne to lead.  

During the Great Jedi War [[Unification]] , Anubis made the acquaintance of several new allies - one of which, he would later keep in contact with even after the man's transfer to Arcona. While the war was brutal and mighty as the Brotherhood fought to re-take [[Antei]] from Omancar Crask's droid forces, many survived the onslaught. the [[Dark Brotherhood]] would be the victory, and take the spoils. The death of Sarin rattled throughout the Brotherhood, as [[Muz Ashen]] ascended to the Iron Throne to lead.
[[File:AnubisNoArmour.jpg|left|250px|thumb|Anubis outside of his Sith armour]]
=== Welcome Home, Brother ===
=== Welcome Home, Brother ===

Revision as of 03:26, 5 January 2017

DJB Wiki featured article.
Anubis Annedu
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description












Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:
  • Vodo Biask Taldrya


[ Source ]

"Taldryan; A brotherhood within a Brotherhood"
―Sharad Taldrya Hett, Son of Taldryan

Anubis Annedu is a Sith Battlemaster within the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi. He has traversed several Clans, all three orders, and several positions. He has served the Brotherhood as Master of the Holocron Center, Aedile of House Ektrosis and House Taldryan, as well as Praetor to the Voice of the Brotherhood. His allegiance is to Taldryan, who he serves as a soldier and Dark Jedi.


Regular Life

Without the Force Not much is known about Annedu's past. What is known, however, is that he served with several galactic forces before enlisting in the Brotherhood shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong Incursion of Known Space. While he lacked upper body strength during training, he made up for it with dexterity, precision, and tactics. The Lorrdian survived several training regiments, which allowed him to hone his skills and improve his survival skills.

Vodo Biask, who would end up being a "Master" to Anubis

Potential Discovered


The Lorrdian, having been given a letter by an agent of the Dark Brotherhood, made his way to the Antei moon of Lyspair. There, he performed the Test of Lore and was fully inducted, of course only after swearing loyalty to the organization as well as it's leader, Grand Master Aristan Dantes. After being inducted, he was put on a shuttle bearing the markings of Clan Taldryan and sent to the Kr'Tal System. Arriving just before the entirety of the Dark Brotherhood met at an awards ceremony just outside The Shroud, Annedu was quickly assigned to House Ektrosis under Hel-Pa Sklib and Vodo Biask Taldrya and put on the Victory-class Star Destroyer Dark Prophet.

It was during the awards ceremony for the Second Darkness vendetta that the Yuuzhan Vong made their attack. They ambushed Brotherhood forces, forcing them to retreat into the Shroud. Taldryan was one of the first to be hit, the Dark Prophet taking incredible amounts of damage. All hands were ordered to abandon ship as the Yuuzhan Vong boarded the vessel and began slaughtering the crew where they stood. Annedu and several others escaped the ship injured, but alive, and made their way through the fray to the Venator-class Star Destroyer Katarn.

It wasn't long after that the Prophet erupted in flames, it's power generator exploding in a violent array of rainbow colours and sending debris into the path of both coralskippers and starfighters alike. Clans turned on each other, attempting to secure as many artifacts and valuables from Antei as they could before the Yuuzhan Vong took complete control of the system.

Having gathered what they could and fighting off forces from other Clans, the Venator-class destroyer was successful in retreating into the Shroud. Most of the Taldryan fleet had been vanquished in the retreat, leaving them with little defense should another attack come. The Katarn made it successfully out of The Shroud, where Anubis took his leave after a dispute with his leaders. It was there, that he took the opportunity to join with one of Taldryan's fiercest enemies - Naga Sadow.


Naga Sadow

Anubis joined the Sadowite forces as they returned to the Orian System. They were in for a big surprise, as the True Brotherhood had invaded the system with their own Star Destroyer - The Dark Fusion - and crushed any resistance that they met. Forced to retake their home by force, Clan Naga Sadow engaged in a violent conflict with the True Brotherhood dubbed the Invasion of Orian by those who participated and witnessed the violence. Anubis quickly joined in combat, although he had only attained the rank of Guardian. He soon became close allies with Trevarus Caerick's apprentices Shaung Long and Nero Pennant. The three were present at the Battle of Tarthos together, where they fought alongside Sadowite forces from a starfighter. They were shot down, where all three luckily survived. In a freak accident not too soon after, the Lorrdian's left leg was severed just below the knee by Nero - using the lightsaber that had been given to him by Caerick.

After the conflict, subtle peace returned to the Orian System. Agents of the True Brotherhood still operated within the system, striking years later. For the time being, Anubis enlisted as a student under Horus Blackheart, soon leaving him for the current Keibatsu Matriarch. After a large verbal conflict that left the now-Jedi Hunter in a bad state, Annedu was exiled from the Clan and forced out of the system.

The Shadows


Eye of the Abyss II

Having been expelled from Naga Sadow, Annedu turned to Arcona. He was welcomed with near-open arms by former Taldryan and Sadow member Quejo Drakai into House Qel-Droma. Drakai took the Lorrdian on as his apprentice, while Rho d'Tana elected him to serve as Envoy and Rollmaster of the House. Not too long afterwards, the Eclipse Crisis broke out within the Clan, dividing it in two. Quejo and his Aedile, Orv d'Tana organized an attack on Eclipse Station - a station which took it's name from the planet it orbited. Drakai had received intelligence that Jedi refugees were taking up hold there, and wished to eliminate him. Zandro Savric Erinos, Quaestor of House Galeres disagreed - believing that the Jedi should best be left alone and dealt with later. Consul Mejas Doto agreed with the established opinion of the Mandalorian, and denied Quejo's request to attack.

Quejo took things into his own hands, using his authority as Quaestor to organize the Qel-Droman forces and lead an assault. He used the House's vessel, the Bothan Assault Cruiser Shadow as a decoy for Erinos, while he led a contingent of the starfighters to assault the station. The Eye of the Abyss II intercepted them. Doto ordered Xyler to stand down - something he did not do so very willingly. Outmatched, Drakai knew he could not take on the might of a Star Destroyer and conceded to the will of his Consul.

Is This Home?


Anubis returned to Taldryan, several members uneasy as to why he had chosen to do so. He was a beacon of activity shortly thereafter, and was soon chosen to lead one of the two original battle teams within the House - Hex - by Hel-Pag. Annedu took the job with open arms, glad that he had been given the chance to prove himself to his former comrades that he was not a total fool. The Lorrdian decided not to waste the opportunity, making the most out of it. He instituted several new protocols and changes to the team, and had several successful missions. The Sith became close friends with several members of Taldryan - Sidarace Rathden, Taigikori Aybara, and Vodo Biask. It was not long after that Vodo and Anubis grew into a sort of master-student relationship, as the Krath mentored Aybara and Rathden as well.

Turmoil spread through Ektrosis once Vodo decided to retire from the position of Aedile. There was unrest throughout the House at who would take his place - who would be chosen. There were several candidates, with Sidarace, Anubis, and Taigikori leading the pack. In the end, it would be Aybara who would take the position and serve alongside Hel-Pa Sklib. Things were smooth for a time, but as Anubis noticed changes within the leadership he became increasingly concerned - his own attitude and decision making changing in the process. With his judgment affected, Aybara was forced to retire the Hunter from his position. Annedu once again fled, his mindset that Aybara was the problem - though the Lorrdian was in fact as much at fault.

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Anubis upon his return to Brotherhood space



Annedu joined Plagueis for a time, where he soon took to assisting Consul Braecen Kaeth in a secretive project. Anubis helped the Consul found and organize the Plagueis Armed Forces as part of his final assignment to Knighthood. An ongoing war with the Crimson Tide broke out once more, forcing Plagueis to act and respond. Long time enemies, they had been at war with each other for years. In the end, it would be Plagueis that would emerge as the victor - it's superior fleet outmatching the Crimson forces quite easily. Soon afterward, Annedu left Plagueis for a time - venturing known space and exploring it for himself. In his travels, he manufactured a set of Sith armour for personal use before returning to the Brotherhood.

During the Great Jedi War Unification , Anubis made the acquaintance of several new allies - one of which, he would later keep in contact with even after the man's transfer to Arcona. While the war was brutal and mighty as the Brotherhood fought to re-take Antei from Omancar Crask's droid forces, many survived the onslaught. the Dark Brotherhood would be the victory, and take the spoils. The death of Sarin rattled throughout the Brotherhood, as Muz Ashen ascended to the Iron Throne to lead.

Anubis outside of his Sith armour

Welcome Home, Brother


After Unification ended, Anubis would once again return to Taldryan. Vowing that he would rather die than make the mistakes of the past, he served faithfully to the Taldryan name. After a couple months, he put in an application with Shaz'air, another member he had grown close with, to be his second in command and lead House Ektrosis as Aedile. With the blessings of the Consul, his former master Vodo Biask, Anubis was elected to take the position. During this time he saw the re-survey of the Kr'Tal and Rybanloth systems, as well as several other institutions. After word had reached them from the Dark Council that a bounty was put on Killik lives - and a new planet to rule on the line - the Brotherhood once again descended into a vendetta, Lord Ashen dangling the prize in front of their faces.


Taldryan would not be the one to take the planet. Instead, House Revan earned the right to rule over it. While it was a humiliating defeat, Taldryan still retained the largest dominion and accumulated forces. It had been the second time they had finished second in a vendetta - and it was already wearing thin. Throughout the next several months, it was quiet within the Brotherhood. Clans had their own conflicts within, but the Dark Council - and it's leader, Ashen - continued to rule and pursue their own goals. The Lorrdian would eventually step down from his position, feeling as though he was no longer able to perform the duties that he had sworn to. He had taken a verbal oath when he took the position that he would not repeat the mistakes of his predecessor, Starrett.

Several months after his retirement, news had spread that Muz Ashen was preparing to make a large announcement to the Brotherhood at large. Members everywhere gathered around holo-terminals, datapads, and other source of media as they could. As the Dark Lord made his announcement, the feeling throughout the organization was grim. The great Clans of the Brotherhood were to be disbanded, and instead reorganized into single Houses. The news shocked leaders on every level, as many would lose their positions within the Brotherhood. Quaestor's and Aediles were forced out of their positions, as Consuls and Proconsuls instead took up these rolls to lead their new Houses. While there was debate of returning to the original House Ektrosis - it was never put into affect and instead the House remained Taldryan.

Shaz'air became Quaestor, while former Consul Vodo Biask took up the position of Aedile until a suitable replacement could be found. Anubis again stepped up to the plate, the Sith wishing to show exactly what he could accomplish. The now-Sith Warrior was quite proud of his achievements, and wished to add many more to the list. Joining in leadership once more with close ally Shaz'air Taldrya, Annedu helped the old friend lead. During this time, he also became very well acquainted with Vexxtal, Tribune of the Holocrons. The Lorrdian's thirst for knowledge impressed the Tribune, and was welcomed unofficially onto his staff alongside Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae. When Vexxtal left the position to join with the newly formed House Odan-Urr, it was Anubis who took his place. With access to the entirety of the Brotherhood's information at his fingertips, the new Tribune took on the responsibility of both leading Taldryan and managing the vast database of information - as well as the flow of it - inside the Dark Hall of Antei.

Dark Hall of Antei

While he formally moved to his own private office and quarters within the Dark Archive's located within the Dark Hall, Annedu still paid regular visits to the Kr'Tal System and Karufr to continue his duties as Aedile. While it was a large challenge to manage the two at once, the Sith was determined to make it through unscathed. After several months, he was promoted to the rank of Sith Battlemaster and created his own custom lightsaber, not forced into using the Herald's armouries any longer. As the tenth Great Jedi War approached, Anubis fell out of the fold and eventually resigned from both positions, serving as an advisor to the Taldryan Summit and continuing his work as a member of the new Tribune's staff. At the recommendation of the Lorrdian and several others, long-time staff member and Old Folks' Home team leader succeeded him as Tribune of the Holocrons. One of his former master's, Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, succeeded him as Aedile.

While Anubis no longer served as Aedile or Tribune, he joined the staff of the Voice of the Brotherhood. He served under Vodo Biask, his other master. Vodo had succeeded Halcyon Taldrya as Voice, and had an outstanding staff. Vodo's staff was entirely made up of Taldryan members - Dralin Fortea, Diclonius, as well as Ashia, and himself. Together they formed a tight family, working to make the Brotherhood a better place for it's members. At the outbreak of the tenth Great Jedi War and the subsequent assault on the Odan-Urr homeworld of New Tython, Annedu was well involved with the initial planning and organizing of the Taldryan Military as they created a solid combat plan to be used against the Jedi and their forces. Shortly after the initial outbreak of fighting, Annedu disappeared from sight - and was nowhere to be found.

The Sith roamed the galaxy as a mercenary for quite some time, before being contacted by Vodo Taldrya and was requested to meet him on Ambria. Following the call out of curiosity, it came to light that Taldryan had been betrayed by the Iron Throne and attacked by Jac Cotelin, with the clan falling under the new leadership of Rhylance. Taking up his lightsaber once more, the Sith rejoined his former master.


Prized Possessions

Anubis' Sith Armour
Personally designed and constructed by Anubis, his set of armour is comprised of a black standard two-piece body glove and a set of non-slip grip combat boots, with a dark chrome titanium-alloy plating. It features a reinforced combat helmet with thicker titanium plating and a midnight black steel faceplate for increased protection of the head and internal components. Inside the helmet is an integrated comlink and communications, air filtration systems, and a HUD providing targeting information and environmental readings, - which assists in visual processing in darkness, smoke, rain, or glare.

All the heavy reinforcement has restricted head movement to a 90° arc and should helmet penetration, water damage, or ion damage occur the internal systems will need to be repaired before use again. A lighter titanium-alloy plating makes up the plating for the chest plate, back plate, arms and legs to allow for maximum mobility while offering moderate protection against blaster fire. The titanium plating is weaker



Anubis' first custom blade after attaining the rank of Battlemaster went missing for unknown reasons to the Brotherhood during his travels inside the Unknown Regions, and as such the Lorrd native was forced to create a new blade to replace the weapon. During the time that he was gathering the parts he required to build his new lightsaber, he opted to use a temporary one from the Herald's armouries; the "Juggernaut" hilt. The Sith also opted to use a bright yellow blade, to compliment his first lightsaber as a Dark Jedi Knight - which was also yellow.

Annedu took great care in crafting his new saber. Forging the metal for the hilt from the same titanium alloy the Sith had become so fond of, several pieces were given different levels of darkness. Black chrome would be best to describe this. The inner workings were the same as many other lightsabers crafted. Focusing crystal, emitter and lens, these were but many parts used in the construction of a lightsaber. Anubis made his choices with great care during the construction process. With the inner workings laid our as he saw fit, the Battlemaster placed the casing around it. Then followed the trim; followed by the emitter and the pommel of the hilt, to seal it's contents. The crystal alignment proved to be perfect, as the weapon activated without a cinch. A bright orange blade emits from the top of the weapon, the Sith's new choice of colour. Why a metal-cast skull of a rodent hangs off of a darkened chain attached to the hilt, no one knows.

Sapphire Blade

Presented to him personally by Quaestor Shaz'air Taldrya and master Vodo Biask on behalf of Taldryan, Anubis' sapphire blade is one of his by far one of his most prized possessions. Lightsabers, blasters, all that can be replaced - but not this sword. Awarded to him for his substantial activity, leadership, and service to Taldryan, this Sapphire Blade is a symbol of what someone who started out as a terrible member of the Brotherhood can accomplish when they work hard and set their minds on the end goal. Crafted originally like every other Sapphire Blade produced by the Dark Council's armouries, this sword does not differ from the others in appearance - only it's sentimental value. The functionality of the blade has been changed slightly, with the pommel being replaced for a physically similar one - it still looks the same, but is instead actually a built-in communications device during the times that Anubis is not wearing his armour.

Anubis carries this weapon on him at all times - even during ceremonial proceedings - as it is a symbol of his accomplishments. When in battle, he uses it in conjunction with his lightsaber - wielding the blue-bladed sword in his left hand. While earning any of the sacramental weapons is an accomplishment, Anubis hopes to one day add more of the prized weaponry to his collection.

Notable Achievements

File:Mav's Dagger.jpg
Mav's Temperance

Star of Archanis
Awarded for showing leadership in a time of struggle. The star represents the courage of a true leader to do what is necessary. It is awarded to those members who have proven themselves to be a true leader by putting the clan before themselves.

Crescent of Ektrosis
Awarded for writing a piece of fiction related to the Clan, deemed noteworthy by the Consul, Proconsul, or Quaestor.

Mark of Honor
A more exclusive award, the Mark is given out to those who prove their honor and respect through both words and actions. Those who have received this distinguished award are of great character.

Scroll of the Arts
Awarded for helping to develop a crucial aspect of Clan Taldryan. Be it graphical, fictional, or otherwise, those who receive the Scroll are among the greatest minds within Taldryan.

Mav's Temperance (Mav's Dagger)
When Consul Mav was forced to step down from the position of Consul, he handed a lockbox to the new Consul Jac Cotelin, saying only "A blade only become useful when it is sharpened, and it's edges honed into a fine weapon. Without temperance, steel is useless." Mav's Dagger represents an accomplished Dark Jedi who has strived to mold himself from steel into a worthy weapon, and has become a finely honed blade, worthy of the cause. Mav's Dagger is a simple steel dagger reminiscent of former Consul Mav. It is awarded to those who exercise restraint to better serve the Clan.

Anubis is one of only three people to hold Mav's Temperance, and is currently in possession of it. He succeeded Tarax Eosphoros Kor as it's holder. Benevolent Taldrya Whiner was the only other member to earn the dagger.

First Aedile of House Taldryan
After it's reorganization into a House, Anubis' master Vodo Biask Taldrya filled the position of Aedile of House Taldryan until a proper replacement could fill the gap. After applications closed, Anubis was selected to serve alongside long-time friend Shaz'air Taldrya once again. Anubis served for over a year, before retiring to general membership within the House. He was replaced by the same member who had replaced him as Aedile of House Ektrosis, Rian Aslar.

Positions Held

For a list of Anubis' previous positions, please see his dossier.