Shadow Taldrya/Page One
Where... where did it go?
The content of this article is split up among several sub pages as it grew too large. |
Early Life (2 BBY - 15 ABY)
Shadow Taldrya was born on the planet Corellia, in the heart of Coronet City, the planet's bustling capital, a few short months after the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic in 2 BBY. His parents, Garren and Laura, were both senior officers of the Corellian Security Force, which left them without time to raise their child. Instead of parents, Shadow was raised by an ancient, semi-functional nanny droid that his father salvaged from a scrapyard and managed to repair. As a toddler, Shadow tried to follow his father everywhere he went, much to the droids annoyance. His parents lovingly called the young boy his father's little shadow, which eventually became just "Shadow", a full-fledged nickname that became the basis of his Brotherhood identity. Shadow's family lived a comfortable life during those early years, but that peaceful existence did not last.

The outcome of the Battle of Yavin had far-reaching consequences. Shortly after the Rebel victory, Garren was drafted into the Imperial Army and shipped off-planet with little chance to communicate with his family. With his father on the other side of the galaxy and his mother taking double shifts to make ends meet, Shadow was forced to grow up fast and learn how to fend for himself. Tragedy struck not long after the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor, Shadow's father was killed in action trying to quell the rebel populace in the Coruscant Uprising and, less than two years later, his mother was gunned down on the streets of Coronet during a raid against a local gang.
- "The Galaxy can be a big place when you're all alone, kid."
- ―Captain Odin of the Silver Tongue
An orphan at the age of eight, Shadow spent his next few years on the streets of Coronet, having slipped through the administrative cracks in the tumult that followed the fall of the Empire. Though constantly hungry and abused, Shadow was a fast learner, and with the help of the city's child gangs, Shadow learned to keep himself fed with fast hands and quick feet. Left to wander the sprawling city alone, he quickly picked up basic survival skills and managed to keep himself alive.
For the first time in his life, Shadow was truly alone in the galaxy. His parents were dead and he knew of no other kin on Corellia. With the entire galaxy before him, Shadow sought to travel to the most distant stars. Eventually, he came across his chance and stowed aboard a cargo vessel called the Silver Tongue, but before take-off, he was discovered by the ship's Captain, Odis. Odis was a fair man and decided to take the child with him as a laborer. Shadow was made to stay inside during negotiations and always had to load and offload cargo with an old lifting droid. Fortunately, the members of the crew took a liking to the young orphan boy and taught him some of their own skills, and after one particularly lucrative trip, Odin handed Shadow an old Bryar pistol and taught him to use it. Though life was tough as a trader and smuggler, and not at all as glamorous as he had dreamed, he had managed to leave Corellia, and that was all that mattered to him.

It wasn't until the Silver Tongue returned to Corellia that Shadow's life took another, fateful turn. While docked at Centerpoint Station, Odis got into an argument over payment, which led to a violent altercation. The Captain and his crew were killed before their pistols could be drawn. Shadow had reacted faster than them, hurling himself behind the ramp of the ship and drawing his Bryar pistol. He forced himself to remain still, though he had never felt more of an urge to run. Before he could make a move, he heard an odd snap-hiss followed by a vibrant humming. Shouts were quickly followed by screams and bursts of blaster fire. He didn't know what was happening, but he didn't dare run now. Quite suddenly all was silent, but for the odd humming noise. Forcing himself to move, Shadow slid out from cover and fired two shots. Both blasts were ricocheted off of a glowing red blade, then his pistol was yanked from his hand by an invisible force. Weaponless and alone, Shadow stared at a towering figure, waiting to see if he would meet the same fate as the smugglers.
- "Just keep your mouth shut and pay attention. I'll teach you how to live."
- ―Kotus to a young Shadow—the apprenticeship begins... in a bordello on Nar Shaadaa
The man turned the mysterious weapon off and handed Shadow's pistol back to him. The stranger was a human of about forty years, with prematurely white hair and sharp, angular features. He wore a tattered brown cloak, black combat boots, and limped heavily on his left foot, and yet, somehow, he had saved Shadow's life. He introduced himself as Kotus, a former Sovereign Protector, one of the elite guardsmen that had once served the Emperor. He claimed to have a limited understanding of the the Force, but was quite adept at lightsaber combat. Kotus explained that he had felt tremors in the Force when Shadow had unconsciously used it to escape detection. Kotus had reacted instinctively to the threat before discovering the boy and realizing he had some Force-potential. Kotus held out a hand and offered the young Shadow a small, unadorned lightsaber hilt... and the training he would need to use it.
Shadow's apprenticeship spanned nearly a decade. During that time, Kotus taught him the intricacies of wielding a lightsaber and using the Force to enhance his battle prowess to overcome impossible odds. The lessons started out simple enough, learning of the various lightsaber and Force forms and meditating while traveling through hyperspace. He advanced quickly with the lightsaber. They began sparring every day and discussing the Force at night, though Shadow preferred the physical rigors of combat to that of the mental discipline of the Force.

Whenever they weren't training, they would be in the heart of a city, exploring dangerous slums, earning money playing cards, or betting on the local races. With his limited knowledge of the Force, Kotus always stacked the odds in their favor, which kept them well-fed and living in moderate luxury... usually with a moderately priced whore for company. Shadow's years spent training taught him as much about life and the galaxy as it did about the Force and the Jedi arts. Their travels took them from the stunning capital of Coruscant to the ghettos of Nar Shadaa and everywhere in between.
Wherever the duo traveled, however, they drew trouble to them like a Hutt draws flies. Trouble over cards and dice, over women, over the Empire. Shadow didn't buy into either the Imperial or Republic propaganda, but always backed his master, usually saving their necks when things got out of hand. Kotus would call it "hands-on training" once he sobered up, but Shadow didn't mind. He enjoyed the time he spent amongst the scum of the galaxy. Whether in the seedy bars and brothels or working for crime lords and bounty hunters, Shadow felt at home.
Along the Dark Path (16 - 17 ABY)
- "Welcome to the Brotherhood, Apprentice."
- ―Keirdagh Cantor to Shadow
His apprenticeship came to an abrupt end on a the suspended streets of the "Smuggler's Moon", Nar Shadaa, in 15 ABY, when he and Kotus were savagely attacked by a lone man wielding a lightsaber and more power than master and apprenticed combined could muster. Even as his master's body fell from sight, Shadow continued to fight, funneling the power of the Force into his limbs, but it was not enough and he was soon disarmed. Filled with fear and hate, Shadow lashed out at the figure with the Force, sending a crippling wave of telekinetic energy at the Jedi. The man waved his hand, deflecting the attack, and let out a low, mocking laugh. Enraged, Shadow jumped at him with only his fists, swinging for the man's head. The white blade flashed in the near-darkness and stopped just before his neck. Shadow stared up into the darkness of the man's cloaked face and awaited his death.
However, Shadow was once again spared that fate. The cloaked man introduced himself as Keirdagh Cantor and offered Shadow further training and more power than he could possibly imagine. Keirdagh explained that he was a member of a Dark Brotherhood, a group of fallen Jedi who had joined together after the fall of the Empire. Those with potential were brought to the planet of Eos where their training could be completed in secret—away from the New Republic and Luke Skywalker's fledgling Jedi Academy. To Shadow, the choice was obvious. Turning his back on his previous life, on the pains and hardships and weaknesses, Shadow accepted Keirdagh's offer and was named an Apprentice of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
Shadow Academy
- "Forget this meditating Force bullshit. Give me a damn lightsaber."
- ―Acolyte Shadow, learning Force forms
Shadow's transition to the rigid rank structure and training of the Shadow Academy was far from smooth. Having spent so many years with free reign over his lessons, the rules imposed on him by the Brotherhood were quite constraining. The worst of it was the loss of his lightsaber. The last remnant of his old life that his master had given him so many years ago, that he had trained and fought and killed with, was taken away because his rank precluded the ownership of such a weapon. It was this inflexibility that turned him against the Academy and, for many years, he would only speak of it with disdain.

His initial lightsaber training was boring and tame, considering he and the weapon had been inseparable for almost a decade. Already well-versed in the core forms, Shadow was one of the most advanced students in melee combat, which made relearning the basic maneuvers and marks of contact very unappealing. Instead, the young Apprentice decided to prove himself worthy for advancement by challenging a group of Jedi from the Intermediate class. After handily defeating his first three opponents, the other members of the class attacked him as one. The training sabers they used were non-lethal, but the wounds they inflicted were still painful, scorching the flesh wherever they struck. All but one joined against him. A fellow Human helped him to fend off the onslaught, a young man by the named of SwipeR, who had just recently been promoted.
The two eventually managed to fight their way to a stand-off, when the senior instructors stepped in and reprimanded them both for starting the fight. Their punishment, though, was an early promotion to the advanced class. The two bonded quickly after that and worked together to complete the rest of their training.
Despite Shadow's quick succession through the lightsaber classes, the study of the Force was an altogether different matter. As his teachers so often pointed out to him, he was far too impulsive to grasp the "depth and subtle nuance" of the Force. This inability on his part didn't overly concern him. Shadow preferred to rely on quick thinking and physical skill to defeat his enemies. However, it was required that he learn something of the Force to advance so, through strict training regiments and solitary meditation, he gained a limited understanding of the most practical techniques. Instead of harnessing the raw power of the Dark Side to reign destruction upon others, he opted instead to learn abilities that would further enhance his combat prowess.
Beginning of the End
- "I win again. What's that now? Ten matches in a row?"
- ―Shadow, dueling members of the House Galeres Summit
Shortly after being promoted to the rank of Proselyte and graduating from the Shadow Academy, Shadow stood at a crossroads. Because of his unfavorable attitude, the Headmaster suggested he transfer to House Galeres, the Obelisk House of Clan Arcona thinking it would be the best fit for him. The Acolyte took the first transport he could find to the Coronada System in hopes of leaving the rules and discipline of the Academy behind. But, as one could have expected, the Headmaster was greatly mistaken about Galeres. Shadow had hoped to learn from the leaders of his House, but was disappointed that in a matter of weeks he was able to defeat both Quaestor and Aedile in single combat. Apathy and weakness combined together as the prevailing atmosphere in Galeres, and the general activity of the House was lacking. But events outside of the Clan were moving at a fast pace.

At the meager rank of Acolyte, Shadow was more or less unaware of the mounting conflict within the Brotherhood. Grand Master Zoraan was abusing his power and lashing out at the Clans, which he felt were trying to usurp him. This power struggle quickly erupted into a full scale war, as forces from the Emperor's Hammer allied with certain Clans to take the Grand Master down. Though he was no where near the battle, Shadow was told tales of the Force Storm that was unleashed and tore the Dark Hall asunder. After the battle, and oblivious to the possible future repercussions, the Dark Council surrendered to the will of the Hammer's Fleet Commander and allowed him to appoint the next Grand Master.
Arcona had been indecisive during the conflict, instead falling prey to drawn out and pointless debates. This inaction during a time of crisis proved to Shadow that he did not belong with this Clan. His leaders were barely competent and he had received no further training since his time in the Academy. Days after the destruction on Eos, Shadow boarded the first transport off of the ice planet Garrida that would take him back to Eos, leaving nothing more than a datapad informing his Summit that he was transferring.
Shadow began to question his decision to join the Brotherhood. The galaxy was vast and his unique skillset would be an incredible asset in nearly any occupation. After arriving, Shadow was still mulling over the possibilities his future held when he realized he was being watched. He looked up to see two figures waiting before an immaculate shuttle—one brash and excited, the other cold and calculating. Shadow realized the former was his old Academy friend, SwipeR, and he was quickly introduced to the latter. Sharad Hett was a Quaestor looking for tough, capable Dark Jedi to rebuild his House. At SwipeR's urging, Shadow agreed to accompany them back to Kaiburr, the home planet of House Dinaari.
Brotherhood Within
- "This is Clan Taldryan: A brotherhood within a brotherhood."
- ―Sharad Hett
Shadow's transition to becoming a member of Taldryan was as quick as it was absolute. He shared a bond with the members of his new House and Clan, one he had not truly had since his family had been torn apart. His skill with a blade was a source of pride, whereas in the Academy it had given rise to jealousy and hatred. The entire Clan fostered a sense of unity, of brotherhood, which proved to Shadow he had at last found his place in the Galaxy.
Taldryan did not support the traditional training method of master and apprentice, preferring a more communal mentoring. Elder members of the Clan taught the younger and so all shared the same drive for excellence, the same values and motivations. The constant disputes and disagreements that had defined the members of Arcona were replaced with a fierce loyalty towards one's brethren. Led by former Grand Master Jac Cotelin and his Proconsul Keirdagh Cantor, the Clan was impeccably commanded. Even the youngest, most inexperienced member was valued as an equal and Shadow spent much time learning from his Clan Summit.

This mentorship, the knowledge and wisdom passed on to him, was the primary reason Shadow was approached to fill the role of Dinaari Quaestor at the mere rank of Jedi Hunter. Less than a year after transferring out of Arcona, Shadow was appointed leader of the most powerful Obelisk House in the Brotherhood. Wary of his newly acquired responsibility, he chose to fill the vacant position of Aedile with someone he knew he could trust and that had always had his back. The choice was obvious. Shortly after his elevation, he added SwipeR to the Dinaari Summit to help him in reviving the once stalwart House and prepare for the battles yet to come.
A Jedi's Weapon
- "It's not the first one I've ever held... something tells me it also won't be the last."
- ―Shadow, upon receiving his first lightsaber
Shadow's first true leadership challenge came not long after his appointment. Sharad Hett, former Quaestor turned Obelisk High Commander, wished to test the might of the Obelisk Houses by holding a Brotherhood-wide contest of skill. To fulfill his obligations as a Quaestor, Lord Cotelin decided to promote Shadow to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and declared that the vendetta would be a unique trial of leadership.
Shadow and SwipeR prepared their House for the feud as best they could. Together, they spearheaded Dinaari's efforts in the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy, battling side-by-side to ensure that their House would retain its dominance. After more than a month of constant feuding with the best the Obelisk Houses could marshal, Dinaari emerged victorious and regained its title as First House of the Obelisk. It was a momentous occasion and the highlight of Shadow's early career. More importantly, it had proven to the young Quaestor that he had indeed earned the right to wield his lightsaber as a Dark Jedi Knight.
Unfortunately, even the greatest of victories can have unexpected consequences. Having led his House to redemption, Shadow felt he could do no more with what training he had. His time as Quaestor had shifted his priorities to that of the House's future rather than his own and so, with little left to offer, he stepped into the Consul's office and tendered his resignation. Content with what he had accomplished during his time as a leader, Shadow returned to his own training, ever-seeking the perfection of his combat skills. Once again armed with a lightsaber, he was ready to step up and challenge himself against everything the Brotherhood had.
The Politics of Power (18 - 19 ABY)

The Royal Guard
- "We seek not fame, nor indulgence, nor glory... We stand united because we are sworn through our own blood to die as brothers, defending Him with our last breath."
- ―Excerpts from the Code of the Royal Guard
To fulfill his goal of becoming the greatest warrior in the Brotherhood, Shadow submitted himself to the judgment of the Commander of the Grand Master's Royal Guard—which served as the first and last line of defense for the Grand Master—to earn the right to join their prestigious ranks. The society was home to the elite of the Brotherhood, trained in the darkest, deadliest arts, many of which had been lost for centuries. Shadow easily passed his qualification trials and was inducted as an Initiate of the Guard. Following a harsh regiment of training and testing, Shadow proved himself a capable and loyal soldier and achieved the rank of Gladiator within a few short months. After Shadow resigned from his position as Dinaari Quaestor, he chose to expand his role in the Guard, besting his peers and rising quickly through the ranks.
Shadow eventually earned himself the title of Gladiator Prime, the first member to gain the position since Sharad Hett, who was now serving as both Obelisk High Commander and Commander of the Guard. Because of his obligations with the Obelisk Order, Hett delegated many of the Commander's duties to Shadow. Shadow played a key role in recruiting and training new members of the Guard and, with Hett's approval, increased the Guard's presence in the Brotherhood. Ultimately, a new Commander was named—Ziguarath Glyndwr— a man Shadow held in great contempt, but forced himself to work with to maintain his standing in the Royal Guard. It was during a chance assassination attempt that Shadow managed to prove his worth while simultaneously discrediting Glyndwr, who was forcibly removed from his position. For his actions during the crisis, Shadow was awarded the position of Commander. It was the chance to gain a seat on the Dark Council but, loyal to Taldryan, Shadow initially rejected the offer. Unable to find another person suitable for the position, Grand Master Firefox agreed to a joint membership—Shadow would maintain his allegiance to Taldryan while serving on the Council.

- "I took this job because you couldn't find anyone else capable of doing it. Now that it's not convenient for you you're going to betray our agreement? Fine. Consider this my resignation."
- ―Shadow, resigning as Commander of the Guard
As Commander, Shadow instituted a complete restructuring of the Guard, deciding to implement stricter requirements for both induction and advancement. The Royal Guard had become undisciplined during the reign of the last Commander, leaving the Grand Master and the Council vulnerable to the machinations of the seven Clans. With his new policies in effect, Shadow gathered to him only those with true skill, a cadre of warriors trained day and night under his guidance. Old members were replaced with younger, stronger, my idealistic charges that excelled in the skill-based hierarchy Shadow created. Though many complained that this new Guard was too exclusive, too dangerous, Shadow was firm in his belief that a small unit of deadly warriors was better than an entire army with no skill.
It was during the early days of his reign that Shadow's reputation garnered the attention of the Deputy Grand Mistress, Mairin Astoris. Lord Firefox had temporarily vacated his throne for reasons unknown, which left his Deputy in command of the Brotherhood, and Shadow responsible with her safety. When she sought him out, Astoris claimed to be aware of a threat to the Brotherhood's survival. She required Shadow's personal assistance to influence the Clans into forming a great alliance against a Pirate Consortium that had attacked a number of the Brotherhood's outlying Systems. With the tactical intelligence Shadow's guardsmen were able to collect, the Deputy Grand Mistress was able to unite the Clans together for the first time since Lord Zoraan seized the Dark Throne. United under a common rule with a common goal, the Alliance of Seven proved to be an incredibly dangerous power to behold.
As the conflict turned in favor of the Brotherhood, Shadow found himself shut out of important decisions in regards to the battle and he was forced to stand idly by while deals were made with certain Clans for the promise of loyalty, with no thought to the tactical implications such promises would have. Shadow could tell the Alliance was doomed to fail, but was shunned by the Deputy completely, his advice and opinions unheeded. To further compound the problem, his allegiance to Taldryan had become a source of contention with the Consuls of the other Clans, and he found himself constantly at odds with the rest of the Council. Despite his best efforts, Shadow was little more than a pawn, used by Astoris to achieve her own ends. Having served his purpose, he was relegated back to mere guard and servant.
Shadow anxiously awaited the return of the Grand Master, hoping matters would be solved reasonably. It was Firefox who had agreed to allow him serve as both Council and Clan member, and so he assumed he would be able to restore order. However, upon Firefox's return to Eos, and despite his previous agreements, the Dark Lord sided with the rest of the Council and forced Shadow to choose between his position and his Clan. The choice was obvious. Disillusioned and betrayed, Shadow publicly denounced both the Grand Master and his Dark Council near the end of the war, then resigned from the position of Commander of the Guard. Without waiting for punishment or reprimand, he escaped from the Dark Hall and returned to the Karana System to help his Clan eliminate what was left of the pirate fleet. In the end, Shadow had been lucky to sever ties with the Deputy Grand Mistress, as shortly after the conclusion of the war, the Remnant forces of the Empire attempted to execute her for treason, a fate she only narrowly escaped. The entire affair gave Shadow a bitter distrust of the Dark Council and it would be years before he willingly served them again.
In the Shadow of the Empire (19 - 21 ABY)
In the year 19 ABY, while the Alliance of Seven was forced to fight the Imperial Remnant over Eos, Shadow returned to the Karana System seeking to start anew. Unbeknownst to the Prelate, the Taldryan homeworld was already well aware of the situation between the Emperor's Hammer and the Dark Brotherhood. When Shadow landed on Sahare, Taldryan's headquarters was already under Imperial control. The Remnant's forces had infiltrated the more powerful of the Clans in an effort to quash all resistance. With the Home Guard encircled by Imperial vessels and Imperial troops on the planet's surface, Shadow drew the obvious, if devastating conclusion—Taldryan had been betrayed. While most of the Jedi left to guard the System had been loyal, they had been ambushed and taken unawares by the usurping Imperial Jedi and were forced to fight their own kin before Taldryan's Great Hall. Many of the Jedi left to guard the System had already chosen sides—pledging themselves to the Emperor's Hammer—and were in the process of torturing the loyalists they had captured in an effort to turn their allegiance.

Escape from Karana
- "There's a special place in Hell for traitors. Allow me to send you there."
- ―Shadow, fighting a former Taldryan member
Shadow fought his way through the hordes of stormtroopers that had been waiting to subdue him outside of the spaceport, silencing them before word of his arrival could be forwarded to the traitorous Jedi. Using the skills he had acquired in the Grand Master's Royal Guard, Shadow infiltrated the perimeter defenses and slipped unnoticed into the heart of the compound. Through a combination of skill, Force power, and pure luck, Shadow managed to venture through the palace without triggering any alarms and found a couple of the captured Jedi locked in force cages on the first sub-level. Shadow quickly freed Jedi Hunter Shaithis Va'arek and Guardian Benevolent Whiner—both of whom had been deemed too weak to bother turning—and learned from them the whereabouts of the other loyal Taldryans. He and the Journeymen swept through the corridors once more, but this time Shadow was out for blood. Any Imperial soldier that fell across his path was viciously and unceremoniously slaughtered.
When they found the remaining Clan members, they had been tortured and drugged, but were not permanently disabled. Shadow quickly revived those he could and ordered them to release the pilots and crews of the various shuttles and cruisers, not wanting to leave anything behind that the Remnant could use against them. After he and his companions had rescued the remaining pilots and Jedi, they fought their way to the landing bay atop the compound where shuttles waited to take them to the starships drifting impotently above. Shadow, as a ranking Jedi, was able to command the pilots and soldiers loyal to Taldryan and get the few ships that had been left to safeguard the system safely through the meager blockade into the relative safety of hyperspace.

With the loyal Jedi aboard the cruisers, the Home Guard departed from Karana for the last time, leaving it to the traitorous Imperials. They fled the System with only minor losses and plotted a course for Eos, unaware that the battle there was nearing its climactic end. Shadow's small fleet arrived moments before the Grand Masters united their power to create a massive Force Storm that ripped the System to shreds, separating the Brotherhood's Fleet from the Hammer's and bought them time to escape into Hyperspace. Their jump led them to the ancient home of the Star Chamber—Antei, which had been rediscovered by the Grand Master's scouts years earlier and would become a new home for the Dark Brotherhood.
The Third Sith War
- "You're asking us to drop everything to deal with some pirates that the Council is incapable of dealing with itself?"
- ―Consul Kir Taldra Katarn
- "Why are we sending troops to fight the Sith's war?"
"Because they can't win without us." - ―Benevolent Whiner and Shadow Taldrya, discussing the Invasion of Antares

In 21 ABY, more than a year after the Exodus, the Clans continued their struggles to regain their former strength and recover their losses. During the attempt to find a new base of operations, Taldryan scouts located the Kr'Tal System and, with the might of the entire Fleet, overwhelmed the indigenous populace in short order. After establishing a command on the planet of Karufr, the Clan was dealt a serious blow when several Taldryan members were assassinated. Before Consul Kir Katarn could launch an investigation, he was summoned to Antei for an audience with the Dark Council. The Sith High Warrior, Xanos Zorrixor commanded the Consuls to assist in the effort to wrest control of the Antares System from its current occupants and establish Brotherhood control over the entire Antei Nebula. Though he argued, no other Consuls had the courage to back him, and Katarn was forced to acquiesce to the demands of the Council.
Refusing to let the murder of his Clan members go unpunished, Katarn contacted Shadow and charged him with the task of tracking down the assassin and discovering who had hired him. Shadow, once again the Quaestor of House Dinaari, accepted the charge and ordered his Aedile, Benevolent, to marshal their forces to aid in the Sith Invasion of Antares. Satisfied that preparations were underway, Shadow grabbed an unoccupied shuttle and set coordinates for Nar Shadaa, the best place in the galaxy to start seeking information.
Luck was with the young Quaestor as several of his old contacts were still alive and active within the city. After a few small bribes and a few more busted heads, Shadow got information on a mercenary band that had recently turned killers for hire. Disguised as a politician willing to pay to see some competition eliminated, Shadow set up a meeting with the leader of the merc/assassins for the next day. Shadow waited for over an hour at the designated meeting place and still no one showed up. It was only because of his precognitive abilities that he avoided the hail of blaster fire that the mercs used to announce their arrival. In the blink of an eye, Shadow had his lightsaber ignited, his politician disguise scattered across the ground, and was deflecting bolts of energy back towards the people who were firing them. At the sight of the lightsaber, most of the mercs bolted, their leader screaming at them to come back. A rather dull move, as it told Shadow exactly who he needed a private talk with. The Equite put down the remaining fighters and slammed the leader into the wall with the Force.

Twenty minutes later, he was back on his shuttle with a set of coordinates that the New Republic database claimed led to nowhere. The lack of information was curious, but Shadow was quite sure his unwilling informant had been telling the truth. Few people could resist an impatient Dark Jedi. While his ship traversed the galaxy, Shadow contacted Benevolent for an update on the Sith War to learn that Taldryan was faring well, but not as well as some of the other Clans. His Aedile was able to provide him with the information the Republic had not, and Shadow learned that the coordinates he was given belonged to an ancient stronghold of the Old Sith Empire. Intrigued, the Prelate scanned the planet, finding only one small power source, and landed not far from it.
A Ghost From the Past
- "Impossible."
- ―Shadow Taldrya
Dromund Kaas was immersed in the Dark Side of the Force. Shadow was overwhelmed by the currents of power, which hampered his enhanced senses and caused a kind of blindness to the Force. Without his abilities, Shadow resorted to the small scanner he carried with him and followed its signal towards the power source he had detected from orbit. The signal led him into an immense, natural cavern that allowed only a trickle of sunlight in to illuminate the treacherous ground. When Shadow came to a rock bridge, he stopped. Before him stood a robed figure wielding a lightsaber—the assassin. Shadow ignited his own white blade and attacked, ignoring his lack of precognition and utilizing only his own skill.
They battled for over an hour in that dark place, neither warrior able to land a killing blow. Shadow was infuriated. He had never met an opponent he was so evenly matched with outside of Taldryan, as he trained with his Clan mates every day. And yet, the unknown assassin matched him move for move. Desperate to uncover the man's identity, Shadow released a telekinetic blast that knocked his opponent back and caused the hood to fall open. On the ground before him, recovering quickly from the attack, was one of the Taldryan members believed to have fallen during the escape from Eos—Rexal Qel, a former leader of House Archanis.
The Aedile had seemingly not perished at Eos, but had allied himself with the Hammer and its splinter Dark Jedi organization, one of less than a handful of Taldryan members to do so. Twisted by his hatred for the Clan he felt had betrayed him, Qel had spent his time training and preparing to take his revenge.. Shadow knew that no one had hired an assassin to kill those members of Taldryan. It was all part of a revenge scheme. Rexal Qel renewed his attack, but he could not best the Prelate who now knew what was required to defeat his adversary. By drawing in strength from the ambient Dark Energy, Shadow unleashed a massive electrical shock that Qel was unprepared for, having been trained differently since the Exodus. It ended soon after that and Shadow returned to his shuttle to fabricate a report for Consul Katarn, hoping to keep the stain upon Taldryan's honor hidden from the rest of the Clan.
Trials of Leadership (21 - 24 ABY)
- "Fighting is simple. I've been fighting my entire life. But leading? I don't know anything about leading."
- ―Shadow Taldrya
Although his superiors were satisfied with his account of what had transpired, Shadow harbored a deep sense of shame, blaming himself for the deaths of his murdered brethren and agonizing over how he had not been able to properly assist Taldryan during the Antares Invasion. Fortunately, the Brotherhood had prevailed against the Antarans, and both the Antei and Antares Systems were now under the Dark Council's control. Of course, victories are rarely won without cost. The battle, which was heralded as a great achievement by the Sith, was just the precursor for a much more costly war on the horizon. By stirring up the memories of the past, the Brotherhood had unknowingly left itself vulnerable to an ancient and terrible force. Shadow, already deeply conflicted about his role in the death of Taldryan members, succumbed quickly to the taint of corruption.

The Spread of Betrayal
- "The Consciousness spreads through the Dark Side, it feeds on emotions. It affects the Elders because of our ability to command emotions from without."
- ―Trevarus Caerick
Shadow was only the first wave of Jedi to fall to the Corruption. Under its influence, Shadow sought to spread the disease to his kin. His first target was his Aedile, Benevolent, who turned after being defeated in battle. Together, they swept the lower ranks, sparing no one and silencing all witnesses with deadly efficiency. With the help of his converted brothers, Shadow infiltrated the upper echelon of Taldryan's ranks, infecting everyone he could, until he managed to capture and turn Consul Kir Katarn. While he had been busy on Karufr, other Jedi the galaxy over had been accomplishing similar missions at the behest of the corruption. The Plague that spread among the Clans resulted in a full-fledged war between the Brotherhood and the Corrupted—the Sixth Great Jedi War. Once again Clan members were forced to fight their former allies, destroying all they had built since the Exodus... but the Corrupted were not to blame. The return to Antei had awoken the Sith Lord Okemi, a member of the first Sith Empire and founder of the Star Chamber, whose influence was now dominating the minds of the Brotherhood Jedi.
In the span of weeks, nearly half of the Brotherhood was under Okemi's spell. Those who were uninfected banded together, forming unlikely alliances to stave off the Corrupted. Shadow, a husk of his former self, followed his orders to track down and kill Sharad Hett, the de facto leader of Clan Taldryan. The two Jedi met alone on the field of battle—once friends, now bitter rivals—and fought together on the plains of Antei. Their fight raged while around them the Corrupted attempted an attack on the Dark Hall. In the end, Shadow was bested by Hett, but before he could meet his Fate, Okemi's influence weakened, then faltered altogether as Firefox attacked the former Dark Lord. In the aftermath of the Grand Master's mental battle, the Corruption withdrew and the infected "awoke" without recollection of their actions.
Shadow heard the whole story after a week in a medical facility, undergoing extensive tests. Dozens of Taldryan's senior Jedi had been corrupted, while the rest, led by Proconsul Hett, had played an important role in suppressing the spread of the corruption and subduing the infected before the Dark Hall could be destroyed. Shadow, when he was finally released, dedicated himself to the efforts to undo the damage and recoup the losses he had helped incur. For their efforts in both battling the infected and restoring Antei afterwards, Taldryan was greatly awarded by the Grand Master, though, to Shadow, this felt like an unjust conclusion to a horrible ordeal. After listening to all he had done, Shadow immediately attempted to submit his resignation to Consul Katarn, but he would not hear of it, as he too had been infected. Shadow returned to Kr'Tal, alive and forgiven, eager to put the last few months behind him.
The K'hamar'an Crisis
- "You are indeed worthy of that which I protect."
- ―The Guardian to Shadow Taldrya

In the relative calm that followed after the Brotherhood Civil War, Shadow spent his time recruiting new Dark Jedi to the Dinaari banner, at long last able to focus solely on his duties as Quaestor, without the constant threat of war looming over the Clan. Only the Krath Order was having problems—treasured artifacts were disappearing from the library on Lyspair, where the tomes of Dark Side knowledge were kept. Shadow paid the problem little mind, as books and trinkets were outside of his sphere of expertise. That was, until he received a message from the Krath High Priest Alanna, who had been a member of Taldryan before her appointment. She sent him a package she hoped he would decipher. Though Shadow had no love of the Council, Alanna was a rare exception, and so the Primarch laid his hands on the strange box.
That's when the dreams began. The visions haunted him, always the same, but more powerful and more visceral each time he closed his eyes. The nightmare was always the same. He stood in the midst of an ethereal realm of shades and phantoms, alone but for a shadowy presence in the distance. But no matter what he tried, Shadow was unable to contact the figure, or understand the dream. Unable to unravel the mystery, Shadow traveled to Lyspair to meet with the High Priestess in person.
When he met with Alanna, Shadow learned that the box he had was one of the Artifacts that were disappearing from the Krath Vaults. Each of the artifacts had been salvaged from the K'hamar'an people, an ancient race with phenomenal power over the Dark Side, which ultimately led to their own destruction. The artifacts had been recovered by a previous High Priestess and were believed to be extremely valuable and dangerous. After Shadow divulged the details of his recurring dream, Alanna channeled her power into the artifact. The black box began to glow with a faint, golden light. She claimed the key to his visions lay in defeating the being trapped within. Shadow took the artifact and immediately blacked out.
In the dark realm, Shadow again encountered the elusive presence, but this time the creature acknowledged him. It called itself the Guardian and attacked without hesitation. In the dream state, Shadow could not rely on his Force abilities, but he still carried his lightsaber and was able to fight the creature. The Guardian's power was immense, but it was borne of a realm of darkness. Fear and anger permeated the very air and Shadow was able to channel that darkness to increase his own strength. The Guardian faltered and was defeated. Before it disintegrated it told him that the seal was broken, then Shadow was ripped out of the nightmare and back into reality. Above him, Alanna was holding the artifact, which was now a deep purple color. She thanked him for his efforts and left him confused and annoyed, but grateful to be finished with the sorcery of the Krath.
A Warrior of Taldryan
- "Pirate scum. I can't believe the other Clans are actually struggling in this war."
- ―Shadow Taldrya, overseeing the capture of the Pirate's Headquarters

Under Shadow's leadership, Dinaari was returned to its former glory, surpassing all expectations to once again become a powerhouse in the Brotherhood. But, Shadow's time as Quaestor was not meant to last forever. In late 22 ABY, Kir Taldrya Katarn was seeking a Proconsul to help him lead Clan Taldryan. His search was short-lived, as he deemed Shadow experienced enough to take second-in-command. Shadow passed Dinaari into the capable hands of his Aedile, Benevolent, and headed to Karufr to take his place as Proconsul.
Shortly after his appointment, the Clans were contacted by newly elected Obelisk High Commander, Korras Aquillarum, who sent word that the Dark Council required assistance in clearing the nearby System of Coratua of a pirate operation. Each Clan was to provide a unit of Jedi commanded by a Summit member. Katarn, tied up with the affairs of the Clan, tasked Shadow with leading the Taldryan assault force. With the best warriors he could muster, Shadow joined the High Commander's armada and set forth for Coratua IV. The warriors of each Clan boarded the Victory-class Star Destroyer Vae Victus to be carried to their destination. Tension between the Clans was high, as they were still recovering from the devastating effects of the last Great War. Korras, knowing the warriors could turn at each other at the slightest provocation, decided that each unit would land separately and fight its way towards the pirate headquarters, conquering any outlying command posts en route.
When the dust settled, Taldryan was situated South-West sector of the planet, with Clan Scholae Palatinae located a few hundred clicks North and Clan Naga Sadow a few hundred to the East. Shadow wasted no time in pushing his troops towards the Pirate Command, hoping to bring glory to the Clan by capturing the Headquarters alone. The pirates put up a fierce resistance, their droid armies seemingly endless, but they could not hold back the might of the Obelisk warriors. With each status report sent to the High Commander, his unit had gained another milestone, capturing enemy depots and decimating enemy command posts as they journeyed North. Eight weeks into the invasion, the Taldryan forces encountered enemy Jedi. Seeing an opportunity to eliminate some opposition, Shadow ordered his soldiers to split into three groups—one to head North into the Scholae Palatinae-controlled zone, one to harass the Naga Sadow ranks to the East, and one to continue on with their primary objective.
Their tactics were impeccable, their abilities unmatched. Nine weeks after landing on Coratua IV, Taldryan had conquered over half the planet—including the pirate command post and much of the territory supposed to be controlled by the other Clans. Shadow himself had fought and defeated the pirate leader, impaling the man upon his lightsaber. Lauded as heroes, Clan Taldryan was generously rewarded for the part it played in completing the mission, with a substantial amount of the salvaged war machines being added to the Taldryan Military. For his stellar leadership, Shadow was promoted to the rank of Dark Adept and became an Elder of the Brotherhood.
The Road Not Traveled
- "For the past two years I have dedicated myself to being a leader of Taldryan, but I'm not ready for this. Maybe I never will be."
- ―Shadow Taldrya, resigning as Consul
Shadow and his team arrived back on Karufr to cheers and congratulations. They had undoubtedly accomplished the most out of any other Clan. After a lengthy celebration, Kir at last made an appearance. He stood on the central dais in the Great Hall of Taldryan’s headquarters and brought the celebrating Clan to silence. After two exemplary years of leading Taldryan as Consul, Kir was going to step down. He motioned for Shadow to step up on the dais and again brought the Clan for silence. For his years of service as Quaestor, and his term as Proconsul, Katarn named Shadow the new Consul of Clan Taldryan. Shadow accepted the offer, but knew he would not long hold the position. Though he had done an adequate job leading the Clan's forces into battle, Shadow was a warrior at heart, and was not meant to govern over an entire Clan. Less than two months after his appointment, Shadow stepped down from Consul and, unable to face his failures, left Taldryan to become a Rogue Jedi.
Separated from the Brotherhood for the first time in eight years, Shadow returned to his Homeworld of Corellia in an attempt to uncover some connection to his past and the life he had once had. As part of this discovery, Shadow left his lightsabers behind him and withdrew from the Force altogether. He wanted to start anew and he saw his Jedi training as a hindrance to a real life with real accomplishments and passions, as far from the constant war and death as he could get. Belatedly, Shadow followed in his parents' footsteps and applied to become a CorSec officer using an old alias he had constructed while on mission for the Council.

For a few months, Shadow was happy with his new life, using his natural abilities to combat crime and protect people. It seemed the former Dark Jedi had finally found a place he could belong.
But Dark Jedi didn't believe in happy endings. Early one morning, Shadow awoke to find himself surrounded by Jedi Knights and CorSec officers, who named him a Dark Jedi and placed him under arrest. Apparently, the alias he was using had been flagged by the New Jedi Order after his last mission had ended when he killed a Senator—with a lightsaber. The young Jedi informed him that he would taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and be forced to receive "enlightenment". If they discovered what he truly was, or where he had been trained, the Brotherhood would be besieged by the Order and te Republic. Fortunately, Shadow's abilities had been greatly underestimated. Months of fasting from the Force ended in a blinding instant of rage as the Adept shattered the restraints binding him and unleashed torrents of lightning at the unsuspecting Knights. In the confusion, Shadow managed to acquire a lightsaber and slashed through his would-be captors effortlessly. He kept the weapon with him and fled the apartment, knowing it would soon be swarming with New Republic soldiers.
With his cover blown and his image being transmitted all over Corellia, Shadow had to escape the planet before more Jedi could be called to investigate the sudden lack of communication from the dead Knights. With a fleeting sense of the past repeating itself, Shadow stowed away aboard a large Freighter that was delivery supplies to Systems on the Outer Rim. From there, it was a simple matter for Shadow to steal an unguarded shuttle and set course for Kr'Tal. He had attempted a normal life, tried to take the road not traveled, but it was not the life for him. Just a few months after he left, Shadow returned to Clan Taldryan and the Brotherhood... to home.