The Grand Master's Royal Guard is an organization dedicated to training, equipping, and bringing together the elite warriors of the Clans of the Brotherhood to take on the most sensitive and dangerous missions. While the modern Guard carries the lineage and history of its prior incarnations, its mission has shifted from honor guard to elite strike force.
The GMRG is tasked with rooting out threats to the Brotherhood that are too small for a pitched military engagement but too difficult for even the most well-trained special operations soldiers to handle. Members may involve themselves for various reasons (honor, duty, credits, boredom, the challenge of it, etc.) The reward for service is elite training and access to top-of-the-line equipment. Members of the Guard have storied individual careers as members of their clan or as rogue members of the Brotherhood but can be called upon to assemble and form cross-unit strike teams.
History of the Guard
Under the influence of the former Grand Master known as "the Other", Clan Ar'kell staged a massive revolt in an attempt to overthrow the Dark Council. Their first attempt was to strike out at individual Council members. Fortunately, Ar'kell was driven back and fled to the Core to form their own splinter organization. It was their assassination attempts that led Khyronto form the Grand Master's Royal Guard. An elite sect of Dark Jedi soldiers, trained and conditioned to be peerless protectors of the reigning Dark Lord and his Council. Initial training was conducted under the supervision of Master Blazer, a loyal servant of the Brotherhood and a powerful warrior.
As the Grand Masters Royal Guard progressed, the warriors leading the Guard became less capable and training began to become inefficient. The Royal Guard became more of a volunteer corps rather than an elite organization with wearing the famed armor becoming the only true motivation for hopeful Guardsman. When Grand Master Sarin saw the Guard's loyalty as questionable and realized the quality of training fading, he decided to put an end to the organization shortly before the Eighth Great Jedi War on Antei in 21 ABY. Many scholars believe that if the Royal Guard had not been dissolved thatGrand Master Sarin would not have died needlessly in the sands of Antei during the Ninth Great Jedi War while fighting Jedi Master Omancor Crask in 24 ABY.
Shortly after these events and his ascension to the Iron Throne, Grand Master Muz Ashen,recognized the need for a new Royal Guard. The Dark Lord, along with Headmaster Taigikori Aybara Dupar and the Grand Master’s Fist Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir, reinstated a brutal training ground on Lyspair so that the Royal Guard lived once again. In 28 ABY, Fremoc Pepoi took over the guard as Ma'ar stepped away, and within the year Fremoc moved the Guard to Antei at The Spike to be closer to the Dark Hall and the members it was protecting.
In 32 ABY Valhavoc noticed that while members of the Royal Guard would aggressively climb through the ranks, upon reaching the top Echelon the motivation for additional growth seemed to dissipate. Working with Grand Master Pravus, he implemented a training system which challenged members of the top Rank to compete for the opportunity to guard a Dark Councilor, and commissioned rewards to be crafted by the Herald to be given to individuals who have earned this distinct privilege, by excelling beyond their peers in their martial combat prowess.
When Valhvaoc resigned his position as Fist of the Brotherhood in 34 ABY, Pravus turned to one of his most promising pupils to rise to the role. Dracaryis was not only suddenly responsible for overseeing the Royal Guard, but also tasked with becoming the Supreme Commander of the Iron Navy and Legion.
Following the costly wars against the Collective and the Children of Mortis, Rajhin Cindertail saw the need to once again reform the Royal Guard, moving from its historical focus on guarding members of the Council to an elite strike force composed of members from across the Brotherhood. It is hoped that this new Guard, drawing its members from the various clans and rogue members, will represent the strength of a free and united Brotherhood.
Guard Training
Main Article: The Crucible
The Grand Master’s Royal Guard trains in tactics and use of their special equipment in the simulated battlefields of the Crucible on Arx.
Council Guardsman
Members of the Brotherhood have long participated in contests of skill and prowess to earn an honorary selection to the Grand Master’s Royal Guard. At the start of each quarter of a given galactic standard year, the top ten members of the Grand Master’s Royal Guard are able to select a member of the Council they wish to serve. These elite Guardsmen are given daring and sensitive missions by their councilors. By tradition, Guardsmen who serve in this way are given a token from their chosen councilor.
GMRG Mechanics
At the start of each quarter (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st) the Clusters of Fire, Clusters of Earth, and placement in Fist-run gaming competitions earned by all Rank VI(6) and above members will be tallied. The top ten members on the leaderboard will be the Guardsmen assigned to the Councilors for the next quarter. Guardsmen will get to choose their Councilor assignments in order of who earned the highest GMRG Score during the quarter. A special Trophy will be earned for the member who places first overall and the members who place in the remaining top 10 spots. At the end of the Quarter the process will repeat, and new Dark Council Guardsmen will be assigned, however past Guardsmen will get to keep their Council Guardsman Accessories permanently.
- Note: Guardsmen will be assigned the Accessory of the Councilor who is holding the position at the time of selection. If a new Councilor is appointed their Accessory will be awarded at the start of the next quarter. Members will not be awarded two Councilor Accessories in one quarter.
- Note: Council Guardsman Accessories will be unique to each member who holds a Council Position, if a new Councilor is appointed a new Accessory will be created by the Herald with the input of the new Councilor after they have served for 3 months on the Council.
Points Chart
The following table shows the different ways that a member can earn points, through different activities, services, or skills. How many points are required for each rank are explained below.
Earning Points
Cluster of Fire
2 Points
First Place
40 Points x Multiplier
Second Place
35 Points x Multiplier
Third Place
25 Points x Multiplier
Fourth Place
15 Points x Multiplier
Fifth Place
10 Points x Multiplier
5 Points x Multiplier
1st Level Crescents
2nd Level Crescents
3rd Level Crescents
4th Level Crescents
5th Level Crescents
Organize a Fist-Approved Competition
50 Points
120 days as Fist
120 Points (per 120 day period)
90 days as P:Fist
70 Points (per 90 day period)
90 days as M:Fist
50 Points (per 90 day period)
Rank Chart
Required to earn the Rank
Level 1
15 GMRG Points
- GMRG Warbanner Tasset
- Marksman Honorific
Level 2
75 GMRG Points
Level 3
150GMRG Points
Level 4
300 GMRG Points
Level 5
600 GMRG Points
Level 6
975 GMRG Points
Level 7
1500 GMRG Points
Level 8
2025 GMRG Points
Level 9
2625 GMRG Points
Level 10
3750 GMRG Points
Level 11
5250 GMRG Points
Level 12
7125 GMRG Points
Current Roster of the GMRG
For a current Roster showing all members of the Grand Master's Royal Guard and their Ranks refer to the GMRG Society Roster.
Commander of the Guard
Throughout its many years of service, the Grand Master's Royal Guard saw the appointment of many Commanders. Though some names have been lost to time, below serves as a list of the former Commander's of the Guard, in order of most recent to earliest.
Former Commanders
Service Dates MM/YY
January 1998 - March 1998
March 1998 - August 1998
September 1998 - December 1998
January 1999 - June 1999
Z'lar Kahn
July 1999 - November 1999
November 1999 - December 1999
Raistlin Majerus Sadow
December 1999 - April 2000
Z'lar Kahn
May 2000 - June 2000
July 2000 - September 2000
October 2000 - December 4, 2000
Blade Cannabisia
December 9, 2000 - January 2001
Z'lar Kahn
February 2001 - July 28, 2001
July 28, 2001 - September 18, 2001
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
September 22, 2001 - November 9, 2001
Sharad Hett
November 30, 2001 - April 2, 2002
April 11, 2002 - September 12, 2002
October 5, 2002 - December 20, 2002
Shadow Taldrya
December 20, 2002 - February 12, 2003
Halcyon Rokir
August 4, 2003 - April 27, 2004
May 11, 2004 - January 24, 2005
Jasru Lakca
February 13, 2005 - May 9, 2005
Sharad Taldrya Hett
May 9, 2005 - July 26, 2005
Khobai Wrathraven
July 26, 2005 - Jan 6, 2007
Reformed Guard Commanders
Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
September 5, 2010 - December 1, 2010
Fremoc Pepoi Sadow
December 1, 2010 - June 25, 2013
July 5, 2013 - February 21, 2016
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
February 21, 2016 - September 6, 2016
October 5, 2016 - June 15 2019
Alaris Jinn
June 16, 2019 - September 10 2019
September 10, 2019 - November 2, 2019
Justinios Drake
November 2, 2019 - September 20, 2021
September 30, 2021 - April 30, 2022
Rajhin Cindertail
April 30, 2022 - Incumbent