Shadow Taldrya/Page Three
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Physical Appearance

- "Everyone loves Shadow."
- ―Shadow Taldrya
As an adult, Shadow stood 1.95 meters tall and weighed roughly 92 kilograms. His hair was black, either cropped short, or parted to the left and brushed back out of his face. His eyes were a piercing brown under a thick, expressive brow. He had angular features, with high, prominent cheekbones. Years spent undergoing strenuous, physical training gave Shadow a very muscular appearance. Despite having a large frame, Shadow's near-constant training with various lightsaber Forms and fighting styles kept him lithe and agile. Shadow had a rich, warm voice and an infectious laugh. Amongst his own Clan, he was usually at ease, playfully interacting with both the younger ranks and the old, with a self-sure swagger to his walk. In times of war, or when dealing with the Council or other Clans, Shadow was more reserved, masking his thoughts and his feelings. His eyes moved constantly, absorbing the most mundane of details in the event of a fight, or when a quick escape was necessary.
Though a brawler in his youth and a front line soldier for most of his Brotherhood career, Shadow's features were relatively scar-free, thanks to the use of Bacta and various Force healing techniques. Shadow's body was a hundred percent human, without any Cybernetic enhancements or replacements for damaged or severed limbs;—a fact that served as a testament to his skill with a blade. During his younger years,

Shadow was an affluent womanizer and had little trouble convincing women to to keep him company. Although, many attributed his luck with the opposite sex to his Corellian charm, rather than his looks. He exuded confidence, which was the reason many trusted him to be a good leader, whether he felt he could be or not.
Not one for grandeur or elegance, Shadow's manner of dress eschewed the standard voluminous cloak and flowing robes worn by most Jedi, instead embracing efficiency and practicality over tradition. For his day-to-day affairs, Shadow wore a heavy black jacket over a black, long-sleeved shirt. His pants were black, marked by an Order stripe, and tucked into his high combat boots. He had a simple brown utility belt and a low-riding holster strapped to his left leg, which held his trusty Bryar pistol. To keep a lower profile, Shadow carried his two lightsabers within his jacket and kept any other required supplies in a small pack when necessary.
When in training or on combat missions, Shadow took a minimalist approach to his gear, preferring to be completely unhindered by heavy armors or expensive equipment. He would ditch his heavy jacket and don baggy, unadorned trousers to allow complete range of motion. Across his lower waist he would wear a series of black utility belts that would be used to store ammo and rations, as well as any mission-specific equipment deemed necessary. Unencumbered by the need for stealth, Shadow would openly wear both his custom-crafted lightsabers on his right hip and strap a pair of daggers to each of his boots.
Personality and traits
- "Did you wanna fight, or were you looking for some other kind of workout?"
- ―Shadow, seducing female Jedi
Charismatic and physically imposing, Shadow stood out amongst his brethren in the Brotherhood with a charming smile and the demeanor of a scoundrel, rather than the grim countenance held by most Dark Jedi. However, despite his roguish charm, Shadow was a fierce warrior and possessed great cunning when it came to combat strategies. Outside of his home of Taldryan, his conflicting personality traits were a matter of consternation, as he effortlessly blended a lighthearted attitude with the lethality of a trained killer. More than one unsuspecting Brotherhood member had dropped his guard, believing the joking Shadow to be a paltry threat, only to be intimately introduced to a pair of lightsaber blades. Fearless and strong-willed, Shadow possessed a vulgar and sarcastic wit and was known for his flippant attitude towards members of the Dark Council.
As a child, Shadow was orphaned and forced to grow up fast, fending for himself on the indifferent streets of Coronet. This gave him a strong independent streak and he would rarely accept the help of others—a flaw that would cause him many problems later in life. In his youth, Shadow was often brash and impulsive. Being young and gifted with abilities few possessed, Shadow was often arrogant as a teenager and his days were filled with gambling, brawling, and womanizing, all of which he learned at the side of his first mentor, Kotus. Much of his Force training at that stage of his life consisted in the manipulation of dice and reading the emotions of his opponents when playing Sabacc to determine the strength of their hands. After the solitude of his childhood, Shadow became enthralled with the teeming underbelly of galactic society.
During his first few years in the Brotherhood, Shadow would often make enemies with his boisterous attitude and superior swordsmanship. He had grown up boasting and, though his ego was small compared to most, his fellow students would often react angrily when unable to defeat him in training exercises and competitions. When he found himself with fewer and fewer willing partners to spar with, Shadow stopped showing off and found that if he gave his opponents opportunities to win against him, they were more eager to include him in training. Eventually, Shadow even allowed his opponents to score hits against him, figuring that their false sense of accomplishment would provide him with more partners and leave them defenseless in a real fight.

It took the responsibilities of leadership and the realities of war to calm Shadow's wild independence. His loyalty to Clan Taldryan was immense and such that, when he felt he had failed his Clan, he would force himself to spend time in exile. The Clan had given him a sense of purpose and people to depend upon and who depended on him. As a leader, Shadow expected as much from his subordinates as he did from himself and placed himself in the front lines of any fight they faced. This lead-by-example attitude served to bolster his standing in the eyes of the younger members and gained him the respect of the Clan's Elders.
Shadow's easygoing nature was altered drastically after his imprisonment aboard a Yuuzhan Vong Slaveship and the loss of so many of his brethren in the Battle of Antei. Though he forced himself to maintain the illusion of his former good cheer, he became more distant and contemplative, slipping into long silences and distancing himself from the company of others. Being captures and tortured by the Vong had served to show him he was not invincible—a crushing revelation, but one that served to strengthen his resolve. In the aftermath of the Liberation of Antei, and after his return to Taldryan, Shadow was somewhat more himself, but carried the weight of lives lost on his shoulders, which tempered his old demeanor and made him a more stoic Dark Jedi.
Powers and abilities
- "A true Jedi must master the Force above all else."
"No. A true Jedi is a master of himself—the Force is merely an extension of what you are." - ―A Sith Knight debating training styles with Shadow Taldrya
A born warrior, Shadow excelled in nearly all forms of physical combat. He was an expert marksman, a ruthless hand-to-hand combatant, and a cunning swordsman. Renowned for his martial prowess and battlefield tactics, Shadow was the epitome of a Taldryan Jedi, fearless and aggressive, never backing down from a challenge. With his powers of precognition and heightened awareness, Shadow would often combine these skills with his knowledge of various fighting styles and forms to read his opponents, lay bare their intentions, and master the fight. Shadow was rarely bested in battle.
Lightsaber Mastery
- "I wouldn't call what I do with a lightsaber, 'elegant', but it sure as hell gets the job done."
- ―Shadow Taldrya
Shadow was an expert in the art of lightsaber combat. For more than twenty years, Shadow dedicated himself to mastering the lightsaber, learning as much as he could from his various mentors and teachers, and constantly testing himself against the best and brightest. One of his most noticeable accomplishments occurred during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Antei. Shadow's skill with a lightsaber and his under-reliance on offensive Force techniques allowed him to fight his way free of a Yuuzhan Vong Slaveship, when many of his fellow Dark Jedi could not. After escaping from the Embrace of Pain, a brutal torture device, Shadow managed to defeat several members of the Yuuzhan Vong Warrior Caste and escaped to the Taldryan Fleet to fight in the Battle of Antei. This feat garnered the attention of Grand Master Sarin, who tasked him with the training of the Brotherhood's warriors in martial combat.

As a youth, Shadow received most of his lightsaber training from his mentor Kotus, an ex-Sovereign Protector who had been well-trained in the fundamentals of the art. Though his lessons were mostly hands on, Shadow developed a deep understanding of Shii-Cho, one of the oldest and most powerful Forms of lightsaber combat to be devised. Shii-Cho was ideally suited for the adventurous life Shadow and his mentor led and its aggressive nature and ability to counter multiple opponents saved their lives more than once. In later years, Shadow would continue his study of the form, with the result that Shii-Cho was the first lightsaber Form he ever mastered. Under pressure from his Academy instructors to improve his defense, Shadow was forced to learn the rudiments of Soresu, a form he felt was far more suited to the ideals of the Jedi Knights ratjer than a Dark Jedi. Though he quickly grasped the basic concept of the Form and was able to adapt some of the defensive techniques to his own style, Shadow found he won far more fights with far less effort if he utilized Shii-Cho, rather than Soresu. He soon abandoned the Form for its lack of offensive ability. It was during his last few months in the Academy that Shadow was taught the duelist form of Makashi, which he enjoyed for its finesse and elegance. But, as the Brotherhood was rarely a battle of lone combatants, Shii-Cho remained his primary Form for many years.
With a firm understanding of the basic Forms and fresh from the Academy's halls, Shadow would branch out with his studies and seek training in Djem So, a combat Form that was defensive, like Soresu, but much more aggressive. After mastering the basics, Shadow found himself appreciating the skill and complexity involved in being able to turn an opponent's own attack against him. As the Jedi Academy was still in its infancy, and few of his adversaries were practiced in the Jedi Arts, Shadow spent a great deal of time learning the intricacies of Djem So, using it to great effect against soldiers of both the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant, as well as any Mercenary or Bounty Hunter that proved stupid enough to cross his path. There was a twisted sense of satisfaction in watching an enemy get taken down by his own blaster bolt and Shadow would often use the Form when engaging large groups of ranged fighters.
Eventually the time came when Shadow wished to test himself against the greatest duelists that both the Jedi Academy and the Dark Brotherhood had to offer. To this end, Shadow was given the opportunity to explore the recently rediscovered archaic lightsaber Form known as Shien—one of the deadliest Forms and most difficult to master. As an Elder, Shadow spent years studying the unique style and practiced it in mock combat against his brethren in Clan Taldryan. At first, he chose to focus on the basics, wielding only a single blade, but added a second when he felt capable enough to make full use of the archaic Form. Though it took him years, Shadow became one of the first members of the Brotherhood to master the ancient Form and use it as his primary combat style.
Force Powers
- "The student has tremendous power, but lacks the focus to properly use it."
- ―Academy trainer commenting on Shadow's Force capabilities
Despite his skill with a lightsaber, or perhaps because of it, Shadow never mastered the subtler, more nuanced applications of the Force. When compared with other Elders, Shadow's use of the Force was likened to that of a wrecking ball—powerful, but dangerous and difficult to control—whereas others of his Class could manipulate their power with the precision and dexterity of a Surgical Droid. However, because of his impressive strength and constitution, Shadow was able to maintain the use of certain powers, like Force Lightning, for longer durations before his body succumbed to the draining effects such powers produced.

In combat, Shadow had to throw a great deal of power behind his offensive attacks, which quickly drained his energy and strength, and often proved dangerous to both his allies and himself. This overcompensation also resulted in the Elder depleting his reserves of power far more quickly than other Jedi of his rank. However, from an early age, Shadow showed a natural affinity for the power of Battle Precognition—an ability which allowed him to sense the flow of combat through the Force and gave him an edge over most opponents. This power often manifested when Shadow was fighting a prolonged battle, as the longer he fought a specific opponent, the better he was able to predict their movements and counter their attacks.
As he was already well-endowed with his physical attributes, Shadow found it less difficult to augment his body's strength, endurance, and agility to near-superhuman levels with the Force. By manipulating his body slightly, Shadow was able to accomplish great physical feats, which often accounted for his survival in dangerous situations. Eventually, augmenting his strength and speed with the Force became as natural to the Elder as breathing, and it was often difficult to tell where his own physical limits ended and his Force-assisted abilities began.
Other Skills
- "Hey, I'm a man of many talents."
- ―Shadow Taldrya
Shadow had a variety of other skills in addition to his combat prowess and Force power. Though he was not much of a fighter pilot, Shadow proved to be adept at starship navigation and was able to negotiate the Shroud around Antei with ease, whether in his own vessel or guiding the Taldryan Fleet. This skill was a vital asset during the onset of the Vong invasion, as the Clans were forced to battle the enemy fleet from within the Shroud itself. Although Shadow is more comfortable with his feet firmly on the ground, he was known for using his ship as his private quarters when traveling outside of Brotherhood-controlled space.
As a leader, Shadow often found himself lacking the drive or motivation to successfully lead his House or Clan in times of growth or recovery. It was only when a vendetta or war loomed before the Brotherhood that Shadow managed to excel, particularly if he was commanding ground forces. Shadow proved himself to be an excellent battle field commander, often leading the military forces of the Taldryan Army or commanding the Jedi capable units of the Taldryan Special Forces. Some of his most notable commands were during his terms as Proconsul. Under Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn in 23 ABY, Shadow led Taldryan's forces under High Commander Korras' banner to defeat a pirate stronghold in the Coratua System in what came to be known as the Invasion of Coratua. The invasion was a huge success due mostly to the efforts of Clan Taldryan. In his second term as Proconsul, while serving Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso, Shadow again led the Clan's forces. The Rite of Supremacy, Second Darkness, pitted the Clans against each other in a wargame simulation to earn the right to lead the Brotherhood's vanguard in a future war. Though the vendetta was interrupted, Clan Taldryan was determined to be the victor.
Shadow also had other, lesser known talents. He was also capable linguist, able to use the Force to understand languages both verbal and written, and could communicate with nearly any species. He was an accomplished tracker, often sent on scouting missions and assassinations due to his gift for Battle Precognition, which gave him unique glimpses into the thoughts of his prey. Another skill, though some would disparage, was his skill at cards and dice. A notorious gambler, Shadow developed a taste for high stakes gambling in his early exploration of the Galaxy.

- "See, this smaller one is just to loosen you up a bit. I'll finish you off with the big one."
- ―Shadow Taldrya, explaining his reasons for dual wielding a Shoto and Lightsaber
Shadow's first lightsaber was given to him at the age of twelve, when Kotus took him on as an apprentice after witnessing his innate Force abilities in a struggle on Centerpoint Station. For nearly a decade, the simple hilt was his constant ally and champion, a faithful companion that taught him discipline and skill. By today's standards, it was a crude and simple design, little more than a banged up, charcoal black cylinder with an open emitter and a large activation stud. In its prime, though, during a time in the galaxy when such weapons were so rare, it was an invaluable tool that prevented as many fights as it ended.

His second lightsaber was awarded to him by Jac Cotelin, after being prematurely promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. The hilt was made from a bright metallic alloy, with parts of the grip and neck painted over in black. Far more cumbersome than his first weapon, Shadow did however prefer the distinct bell emitter. The blade was the purest of whites and tapered out at just over 1.2 meters in length. The weapon served him well in his trials as Quaestor, helping him to overcome vast odds and maintain Dinaari's position as First House of the Obelisk. Not long after, though, he decided to expand on his lightsaber training.
This led to him requisitioning a pair of lightsabers from then Headmaster, Spears Tarentae. Fashioned to resemble the weapon wielded by fallen Sith Lord, Darth Vader, the hilts were identical in size and shape, though one was stained Sith red, the other Obelisk blue. The blades were also different in color, one remaining a pure white, while the other was a soft blue. With these twinned lightsabers, Shadow sought to master the art of Jar'Kai Niman, but found himself frustrated with its poor offensive capabilities. It wasn't until he learned of the recently re-discovered Form known as Shien, that he adjusted his training to better suit his needs. Not long after discovering this archaic Form, Shadow realized he could strike faster with a curved-hilt lightsaber. For this he approached the Herald, Muz Ashen Keibatsu, and requested the creation of two new hilts—one standard, the other a curved variant. Aside from the difference in shape, both lightsabers were aesthetically the same, brushed metal with black grips, emitting silver blades and etched with a symbol of unknown origin.
During the events of the Eighth Great Jedi War, Shadow lost his lightsabers when captured by the Yuuzhan Vong. After his escape, Shadow went about creating a new set to use, which would compliment his preferred Form of Shien. Opting for simplicity, he decided on a standard hilt and a shoto — a short lightsaber to wield in his off hand. He returned to the basic design of his first lightsaber, though crafted with more skill. His hilts were created from blued durasteel with onyx and graphite forming the grips. A small sapphire lay embedded near the emitters, which shone brightly when the blades were active. To better bond with the weapons, Shadow decided to manufacture his own silver-hued Focusing crystals as a tribute to the trials he faced during his capture. Both blades emitted a lustrous silver glow that tapered at just under a meter and a half in length. Once completed, Shadow handed the weapons to Herald Shikyo Keibatsu who used his alchemical skills to bind the weapons to him.
To mark his return to activity in 32 ABY, Shadow decided to acquire a new set of lightsabers, but kept the same hilt combination as the previous. However, rather than designing his own, he instead asked the Herald to customize a pair of Brotherhood-armory lightsabers designed specifically for Dark Jedi Masters. The hilt was simple and elegant in style, with a small, wickedly sharp blade protruding from the base of the emitter and four smaller blades projected around the bottom. These blades were designed to be used in close quarters combat, when the length of a lightsaber blade was too unwieldy to use effectively. For Shadow, the design was a perfect complement to his Shien style and could be used with devastating effect by first lashing outwards with a swing, then thrusting the spiked handle back into his opponent's face. But the standard kit only featured a single weapon and so the Elder specially requested a second hilt to be created in miniature—another shoto. The blades were white and viridian. Shikyo presented Shadow with his new weapons shortly after the Rite of Supremacy Spoils of War.

Bryar Pistol
Though less flashy and flexible than most weapons members of the Brotherhood carried, House Dinaari recognized that the Bryar pistol was the perfect backup weapon to have in a fight. Lightweight, compact and durable, the pistol was easy to stow and conceal which made it ideal for missions requiring stealth, or when moving through the ever-expanding influence of the New Jedi Order. The Bryar pistol was deadly accurate at both long and short range and was backed by a great deal of raw power when a shot was charged up. Skill with a Bryar pistol became a matter of pride for members of Dinaari and they constantly trained with the weapon to become as proficient as possible. At first, the House held marksmanship competitions between members, but eventually that practice evolved into the Brotherhood-wide event known as The Bryar Bowl, in which members from all Clans were pitted against each other in a double bracket, single elimination tournament. For a time, this event was one of the most popular in the Brotherhood, amongst the warrior caste.
Years after the first Bryar Bowl, Shadow mastered the use of the Bryar and often wielded the pistol in his off-hand while holding a lightsaber in his main—the perfect melding of offensive and defensive capabilities when fighting opponents from a distance. By holding back a charge for the perfect opportunity, Shadow blew more than one nameless soldier's face away, to the satisfaction of anyone in the vicinity. He also used the weapon as a means of distracting weaker Jedi opponents by targeting them with pinpoint accurate shots that require quick, defensive blade work. Because of the Bryar's accuracy, Shadow was also able to use it as an effective method for clearing laser trip mines and detonation packs without the hassle of diffusing them.
Assassin Lightsaber
In 34 ABY, Shadow and a team of Old Folks' Home members accepted a covert assignment from the Herald's Office. Tasked with tracking down and executing a known Brotherhood traitor, the old folks followed a trail of clues leading them from the very core of the Galactic Alliance to the heart of the Imperial Remnant. With their exceptional skills, roguish charms, and boundless wit, the team managed to complete their task via a series of

comical misadventures that resulted in the traitor's death. Upon returning to the Herald's Praetor, Jeric Cyrin, Shadow was awarded a unique gift for his troubles—the much-coveted Assassin Lightsaber.
The bracer of the Assassin Lightsaber was constructed with the extremely versatile Durasteel, which could resist the blistering heat of the blade, ensuring minimal risk to the wielder from accidental burning during combat. The inherent strength of the alloy also gave it a measure of protection against physical attacks. However, because it was created as a reward, the weapon was plated in rare Electrum, giving it a gold and silver veneer and marking it as an especially ornate and beautiful tool for killing.
When equipping the blade, Shadow often hid the flashy gauntlet under the sleeve of his jacket, which had been specially modified to provide clearance for the unhindered projection of the dagger-like blade. The hidden blade was activated by quickly flexing the wrist backwards at a precise 90° angle, which prevented it from being accidentally released in the heat of combat or, worse, in the middle of a covert situation.