Arcona Master Student Program

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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== Introduction ==

Here is a short overview of the Master/Student Program in Arcona. The program was created to benefit newer Clan members, functioning to pair them with more experienced members. The "masters" are the experienced Dark Jedi, and teach their "apprentices" about life in the Clan and Brotherhood as a whole. Beginning your time in the Brotherhood is often very complex and confusing, as many of us may remember from our own days starting out as an APP.

The opportunity for a Master to share his knowledge and wisdom with a younger Apprentice is one of the greatest signs of strength and power within the Brotherhood, and beneficial to all parties involved. When an Apprentice takes that step over the threshold of confusion into the hands of a wise and kind Master, a bond has begun to form that will outlast most other in the Brotherhood. While the set guidelines of a pairing only require that the Master tutor the Apprentice until he/she reaches the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, most bonds continue far longer, some even into the Elder class!


Any changes should be emailed to the Consul and Proconsul.

Active Pairings

Master/Student Pairings
Master Student
Sashar Arconae Lyncoln Novell
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae Legorii Kryotek Entar
Zandro Savric Erinos Dathka Lukkel
Shikyo Keibatsu Oriana Winters
Legorii Kryotek Entar Arador and Voden
Vorion ??
Taigikori Aybara Kant Lavar
Xathia Velkan
Rho d'Tana Mist di Cloud

Available Masters

Available Students

  • Mephistopheles


Both the Apprentice and the Master have certain duties to carry out through the pairing, essential duties that are monitored by the Rollmaster and the other Summit leaders. These duties are generally not too difficult, but that does not make them any less important.

Duties of the Master

The Master, specifically, has more duties than the Apprentice. Some, but not all, are listed here. For further information, contact the House Rollmaster or a member of your Summit.

  • Set a good example to your student(s).
  • Provide advice to your student(s) on their Brotherhood activity.
  • Ensure that your apprentice is having fun!
  • Work with your apprentice to help them excel in what they enjoy in the Brotherhood, whatever that may be.
  • Carry out all tasks dictated for a Master in the Apprentice's Knighthood Trials.


  • Keep Activity Tracking Records on your apprentice - and keep 'em up to date. They'll be needed when it comes to getting the apprentice promoted
  • No less than two apprentice tasks a month. These should be challenging for the apprentice, engaging to his abilities (e.g. if he enjoys writing, make it a writing task, like getting his wiki page made or something) and constructive to him enjoying his time in the DB: we're all here to have fun and giving the kids monotonous shit to do is a fast way to drive them off.
  • You will be expected to push for your apprentice to get promoted/rewarded. The Summits often have a lot of members to oversee, and it's sometimes hard to keep track of over 50 members' activity - therefore, don't be afraid to badger the QUAs or Clan Summit to make sure your charge is properly rewarded.
  • Individualize your training and mentorship methods. Fictionally and out of character, this really drives the kids nuts. Give 'em personalized rewards (such as little bits of armor, maybe a cute necklace, do they like shiny badges?) for different tasks.
  • Get the apprentice networking. Introduce them to your friends, make sure they understand how to talk to different people, work on their inter-personal skills etc. The more friends they make in the DB, the better. Having friends here is what keeps the members in the long run, because it sure as hell isn't the political bullshit.
  • At the end of the apprenticeship, you will be expected to come up with one of the three trials for your apprentice.

Duties of the Apprentice

The Apprentice has a few duties that he/she must perform in the pairing, although they are simple and require less effort than that of the Master. To note, if the Apprentice is not happy with the performance of his/her Master, they should contact the House Rollmaster or a member of the House Summit to get the situation resolved.

  • Inform your Master of your activity (i.e. courses, competitions, wiki edits, etc.).
  • Ensure communication on a regular basis.
  • Go about your Trials dutifully, but pace yourself and don't try and do everything at once.

Trial Information

Master’s Trial – The Trial of Skill.

The Master’s Trial is designed to make sure that the student is well rounded. If they’re more suited to scholastic pursuits, then the Trial chosen by the master will be more physical than cerebral. Likewise, if they tend to avoid the innate mysteries of the force, then their master shall drive them into them and out of the other side changed in an effort to produce better soldiers for Arcona. The Master is the sole judge of whether their student has passed the trial, and only once they have passed the Master’s trial can they progress.

House Trial – Facing the Mirror.

Often one of the most traumatic of the trials, this play’s to the apprentices’ strength, and then pits them against their strongest suit. Often, this can take the form of an ACC battle against their master or a high-ranking member of the House or some other form of duel if the apprentice is more suited to the more physical aspects of battle. It does not matter if the apprentice wins or loses – this is a measure of strength and only the QUA/AED can say if they have passed.

Clan Trial – The Sacrifice.

Attachment can cloud perceptions, values, senses. To be a Knight of Arcona, one must be unclouded, clear in perceptiveness, know in what hierarchy their values are to be structured, and have the common sense to fight when they can win and flee when they cannot. The Clan Trial is set before the apprentice will involve them sacrificing something or someone closest to them – whatever they value most they must give up. A detailed report is expected. Only once the apprentice has passed all three trials are they granted the title of ‘Knight of Arcona.’

Past Pairings

Past Pairings
Master Student
Mejas Doto Sashar Arconae
Sashar Arconae * Zandro Savric Erinos
Enahropes Teriad Entar Angelo Delacroix
Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Etah d'Tana
Rho Ozrel d'Tana Elrik Arkasa and Talos Omerta
Tyren Alema Vorion
Legorii Kryotek Sephiroth Octavius

Clan Arcona
Units Clan: Clan ArconaHouses: House Galeres & House Qel-DromaBattleteams: Dajorran Marshals & Voidbreaker

Clan Summit:

Galeres Summit:

Qel-Droma Summit:

Possessions Dajorra SystemArconan Armed ForcesDajorra Defence ForceArcona Expeditionary ForceDajorra Intelligence AgencyPort Ol'ValKurs'kranak
Misc Di Tenebrous ArconaeCythraulStarscream Tactical Solutions
Light is limited; Darkness is infinite.