House Galeres

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"Drive Out The Light, So That Darkness May Be Impervious"
―Motto of House Galeres

House Galeres is one of two multi-order Houses serving Clan Arcona. House Galeres is a breed apart from the rest of Arcona and indeed the rest of the Brotherhood. Instead of focusing their energies into matters of the force and the mastery of lightsaber combat, members of Galeres usually face two other tasks. Galeres is heavily involved with the underworld of the galaxy. This includes black marketeering, smuggling, bounty hunting and occasionally slaving. Galeres is always heavily involved in the seedier side of the galactic machine and is well-versed in underhanded dealings and criminal activities. It even goes so far as to rent out its services to various criminal syndicates…as long as the price is right.

Orders in Galeres


There was a time when the Sith in House Galeres would rather lose a limb than be separated from the cockpit of their snubfighters. That time has passed, and while they are still formidable pilots, the Sith of today have created a more profound and important role for themselves as strategists, tacticians, and ship commanders. While their skill with arms, particularly the lightsaber, is considerable, members of the Order much prefer to lean over a holo-grid and plan out the destruction of an enemy installation rather than lead a force and destroy it themselves. However, not all Sith are tacticians and some have reverted back to the roots of the first Sith-Imperial Empire, finding satisfaction in the armored suits of the Sith Warriors of old.


Obelisk’s play as crucial a role in the very structure of Galeres as both of the other orders. Whether serving within one of the elite Galerian Battleteams, or choosing to stay as a standard member, their tactical prowess and skill with a blade is second only to the most famous blademasters of Dark Side lore. Particularly, the Galerian Obelisks pride themselves on their strenuous physical training regimen, which is designed not only to improve fitness, but enhance hand-eye coordination, hand-to-hand combat, as well as magnify their skills with both melee and ranged weapons of various styles. While most serve as the military might of Galeres, some Obelisks have enhanced their minds enough to participate in House and Clan politics, proving that they are more than just the muscle-bound brutes that stereotype portrays them as.


A mixture of study and practical application defines the Krath, most of which are spies and assassins, of House Galeres. Their methods are held to the highest standard and it is not uncommon for them to be seen pioneering new techniques and tactics, both in theory and in the field. Particularly, Galerian Krath are masters of disguise and manipulation, while also often representing their House in more “delicate” matters, such as politics with other Brotherhood units. Finally, it deserves to be mentioned that many of the more experienced Krath can be found taking part in Clan Arcona’s Master/Student Program, individually tutoring Journeymen in the early stages of their Dark Path.

Base of Operations

Upon his appointment to Quaestor of Galeres, Sanguinius Tsucyra commissioned a new military base for House Galeres. For years, Galeres had been moving from base to base within the Dajorra system under the myriad of successive Quaestors.

Coming from House Qel Droma, Sanguinius felt that Galeres needed change. It needed to return to its roots, to return to Eldar. Seeking permission from Sashar Erinos Arconae, the newly frocked Templar moved the House to a temporary Forward Operating Base situated within a large forest which the local inhabitants avoided due to superstition. The Anaxsi had discovered this fact only a few days beforehand and instantly decided to take advantage of it.

After consulting with his Consul and Aedile, Sanguinius baptised the base “Kurs'kranak”, in honour of Soulfire and the Mandalorian influence on Galeres. In Mando’a, “Kurs'kranak” literally meant “Forest Fort”. The idea of a bunch of gun toting Obelisks hiding in a forest with itchy trigger fingers amused Sanguinius immensely.

Coming across opposition from several members, the Anaxsi tried to reason with them. He reminded them of the past glories of the House and the need to create new triumphs for the Clan. With the loss on Salas V, Sang felt that the members needed a distraction and what better than a relocation and a new base to build.

With the members relenting, Sanguinius finalised the move and commissioned the building of new permanent structures and fortifications for “Kurs'kranak”. Using the money gained from the Garconian spices mined from the old Galeres base on Eldar, Sang financed the operation.

Coming to an agreement with Sashar Arconae, the Consul would release several of the Soulfire Strike Team members to train both House members and the DDF in commando tactics. By doing this, both Sanguinius and Juda hoped to replenish Soulfire’s ranks and boost the fallen morale of the defeated House.

Galeres Base Layout
Galeres Base Layout


Galeres was originally the Obelisk House of Arcona, and has always served as the Warrior House of the Clan. Consuls have foolishly closed the House in times of low activity, resulting in a drastic plumment of morale but in actuality, House Galeres has long been the sustaining heart of Arcona, producing many a skilled warrior and successul leader.

In the days before the Exodus, Galeres was housed on Coronada with the rest of the Clan, and were almost strictly Obelisk in nature. After the Exodus and the discovery of the Dajorra system, a base was quickly established on Sukhur, the harshest of the worlds. But on a planet of sifting glass seas and blistering heat, the dangers of the base soon outweighed the practicality of it. So they found the lush planet of Eldar. However, spies from the Clan's now-closed third House, Oriens Obscurrum, relayed information back to the HOO Summit and when House Galeres left Sukhur to colonize Eldar, they found the Dark Jedi of Oriens Obscurrum waiting for them. In Dark Jedi Tradition

After fierce fighting, Galeres proved stronger, taking the planet as their new home base. The Galeres base, disguised as a mining operation, quickly hit paydirt with the discovery of Garconian spice, found by Voranyen and Gavin d'Tana. After some experimenting on Gavin's behalf, it was found that the spice was extremely potent on Humans and near Human species. Further testing showed it had effects of euphoria and bliss on the Hutt species. With the Dajorra's system location near Hutt space, it became a simple effort of learning to mine and refine the abundant spice. As of now, the creation of the raw spice is unknown, and it is not yet been determined if it is natural or a product of some form of animal like the glitterstim mines on Kessel.

Modern Day

As the galactic community has evolved and adapted in the face of new threats, like the Yuuzhan Vong, so to has House Galeres in light of a new age for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Under the reigns of Summits such as Sanguinius Tscurya Entar and Juda Kodiak Erinos, and presently Celahir Erinos and Talos Erinos, the Warrior House has begun to change its identity from that of being a "backroom/underworld organization, giving that title to its sister Qel-Droma, to


House Galeres has been the main source of income for the Clan ever since moving to the Dajorra system. Upon the discovery of Garconian spice, and the tests and refining, Gavin d'Tana himself was responsible for one of the strangest deals made by any Arconan. After negotiations, several gifts and bribes, a trade agreement was made between Galeres and several Hutt cartel's for the trade of Garconian spice.

The flagship of Galeres, the Mejas Doto, was used many times as a cargo transport for the potent spice, with the occasional fighter escort. Most pirates within the trade route used by the Galeres pilots became fearful of the Doto, as its passing meant death to any who attacked. With this the House Galeres grew wealthy, and Arcona prospered.

Slaving and mercenary work, when the Clan isn't in conflict with another power, have also shown considerable profits. Many laborers in the spice mines of Eldar are slaves, while some actually volunteered. Often it was suggested that the locals be subjagated into working the mines, but the business minded d'Tana family has always blocked this move, knowing that despite the abilities of the Dark Jedi of Galeres, they would be outnumbered ten to one.

Notable Positions

Quaestor's and Aedile's
Quaestor Aedile Service Dates
Gavron Voranyen d'Tana
Blazer ShadowXX
ShadowXX Kelric
Toujas Wraith
Toujas Koskian d'Tana
Koskian dTana Gavin Dahl
Magus Lionheart Gavin Dahl
Gavin Dahl Enahropes Entar
Gavin Dahl Morth
Morth Gavin Dahl
Morth Jacen Aylen
Jacen Aylen Ryell
Jacen Aylen Sontrax Longsword
Enahropes Entar Sontrax Longsword
Mage Sontrax Longsword
Mage JeDI. ReDNecK
Raistlin Majere Dagger
Shadow Warrior Dagger
Dagger Kelric
Gavin Dahl N/A
Mage N/A
Syn Kaek Locust
Voranyen d'Tana Mage
Koskian d`Tana Locust
Arcturus Xyler Locust
Magus Lionheart Syn Kaek
Magus Lionheart Tarax Kor
Quejo Drakai Kuddam Wrath
Quejo Drakai Gavin Dahl
Quejo Drakai Archean Erinos
Quejo Drakai Sashar Erinos
Quejo Drakai Devani Maharet
Koskian d`Tana Devani Maharet
Selene d`Tana Lucius d`Tana
Malidir Erinos Timeros Entar
Sashar Erinos Etah d'Tana
Sashar Kodiak Erinos Zandro Erinos
Zandro Erinos N/A
Zandro Erinos Rho d'Tana
Rho d'Tana N/A
Rho d'Tana Vorion
Rho d'Tana Talos d'Tana
Malidir Erinos Tirano Yamayura 29 ABY
Xander Drax Tirano Yamayura 29 ABY
Xathia Orv Dessrx 30 ABY
Timeros Entar Etah d'Tana 31 ABY
Etah d'Tana Zakath 31 ABY
Zakath Juda Erinos 31 ABY
Sanguinius Tsucyra Juda Erinos 32 ABY
Sanguinius Tsucyra Cethgus Kuga 32 ABY
Cethgus Kuga Sanguinius Tsucyra 33 ABY
Cethgus Kuga Wuntila 33 ABY
Celahir Erinos Talos Erinos 35 ABY - Present

Rollmasters of Galeres

  • Rho d'Tana (Knight Envoy)
  • Malidir Erinos (Clan Rollmaster)
  • Coursca
  • Etah d'Tana
  • Timeros Entar (Clan Rollmaster)

Galeres Troika

House Galeres is first known for its Fighters, the skill of its Obelisk warriors. It has always been known as a Warrior House; however that is not to say that it is lacking in the other aspects of the brotherhood – merely that it specialises in the area of personal, single combat. These three individuals that display…singular skills are chosen by the Quaestor and the Aedile from the ranks of House Galeres and the recipient keeps the title for as long as the Quaestor and Aedile feel he is deserving. There have even been mutterings of a title being given to the participants indefinitely; however, this could just be conjecture.


The First Blade of Galeres

There is always one that stands out in the ranks of Galeres as the first combatant, the vanguard, the harbinger, the First Blade of Galeres. He is a blademaster with his sabre; he has a grasp of single combat that is unparalleled, even by the members of Soulfire Strike Team and is in every way a formidable adversary. Usually, the member has received Royal Guardsman training; however that isn’t a requisite for the holder of the title.

The Prodigy of Galeres

These are rare, but instantly noticeable, even in the excellence of Galeres. There is always one person that shines through the rank and file with unparalleled drive, ambition and tenacity in pursing the best interests of the House and Clan. It is clear from the outset that this member will do great things for Galeres, and for their own nefarious ends.

The Adjunct of Galeres

This, the third in the Troika of Galeres is probably the most subtle. He is not known for his superior skill with a blade or his level of aggression when pursuing outward goals of the House. Instead, this member is known for his quiet, consistent work behind the scenes, assisting the summit with their administration of the House. He is usually one of the longer-serving members and his experience will far outweigh that of other members.

Symbols of Honor

The Shard of Garrida

Taken from the Garrida Stone during the split, this shard of purest teal carbon (thought to be similar to a diamond in it’s consistency) is laced with veins of rich green running through the interior of the transparent crystal. The original stone was destroyed during the chaos of the split, and the Shard of Garrida is now all that remains of this one prestigious artefact. The Shard is given to the First Blade of Galeres, and is to be used as a Lightsaber focusing crystal. It gives the blade a rich turquoise/teal color and makes the sabre blade more resistant to other lightsabres.

The Mantle of Prodigy

A piece of stylised armor, the design originally taken from an ancient Sith Warlord’s battle armor, the Mantle of prodigy is essentially a set of shoulder protectors with the Galeres symbol carved into the front & back, complete with a lustrous narrow cape coming down the back to the wearer’s ankles. This mantle protects the wearer from melee attacks such as vibroblades, but is unable to stave off lightsaber blows, and also grants the prodigy access to any of the fighters, shuttles, bombers or gunships in the Arcona fleet.

Galeres Signet Ring

A small silver ring devoid of any adornment save for two indented lines running parallel around the circumference of the ring, it seems to be made of a lightweight medal such as Titanium. While not overtly showy, this piece of hand-wear grants the wearer access to almost everywhere in the Galeres properties and also contains a specifically patterned piece of bio-circuitry that allows the user to access confidential files in the Galerian computers, granting them carte blanche in everywhere but the areas reserved for the Quaestor. With this ring, the Adjunct can better aid his House Summit and the level off access available to the Adjunct is a sign of the level of trust he has been bestowed.

Galeres Merit Awards

House Galeres has always prided itself on its individuality, its unwillingness to follow but its nature to lead. It was the first Obelisk House of the Brotherhood, and as such was something of a trend-setter in the times before the Exodus. As such, the House leadership brought in their own merit award system for their members when they felt a more personal touch was necessary.

Archivist Droid

For some of the Journeymen of Galeres, the ‘theory’ work they are forced to go through is a rigmarole that leaves them little time for their preferred areas of study. An Archivist droid is the answer to this. Given as a low level award to some Journeymen that have excelled in a Feud, Vendetta or DB-wide event, the Archivist droid assists them in their training, helping them research obscure texts, translate ancient Sith tomes and is even useful as a protocol/general servant droid, being able to manage housework and culinary duties.


A protective garment worn around the back of the waist to protect the wearer’s legs from shrapnel – it is more ceremonial in nature than anything else, and was historically worn by the Thyrsus Sun Guard. This dark grey garment is worn in addition to the standard Galeres armor to protect the wearer’s upper legs and knees and is awarded for exemplary effort in a vendetta or other competitive event.


A Mark of Rank in Galeres, the Pauldron is worn on the shoulders of the Galeres armor to identify the Galerians that have been given command of a section of the Arcona Military Forces. Dark Blue in color, it immediately differentiates the Commanders from the rank and file.

Soulfire Award

Soulfire Strike Team only has one award – one that reflects the Mandalorian origins of a lot of its members. The award is given out for life, and is quite similar to the Corellian Bloodstripes in its ideal.

Jaig Eyes

Originally a Mandalorian award for bravery, the Jaig Eyes are a stylised Jai’galaar eyes painted onto the helmet of Mandalorian warriors’ armor. Soulfire mirrored this and gave the Jaig Eyes out to its members who had displayed particular acts of bravery.

Black Hammer Brigade Award

Currently, the fairly new battleteam has only one award given out to the high achieving members in the team and is a hefty example of Black Hammers mindset.

Canderous Hammer

Essentially a bludgeoning weapon fitted with a small gravity generator, the Canderous Hammer was awarded to members of the Black Hammer Brigade who have excelled in combat and proven their worth as an indispensable asset of the Battle Team.

House Facts

Logo Symbology

Galeres Logo
  • It's a "G" for Galeres
  • The curves and points, which bring violence to mind. Smooth arcs give a more peaceful feeling that doesn't really work for such an aggressive force. The curves used evoke blades, fire, danger in a glance.
  • Space: At the time, Galeres was heavy in Sith, and the impression of space combat was needed somewhat...this is where the 'black hole' feel comes in on the right side.
  • Identity marking. A house logo has to be able to fit within the medallions of a warbanner, as well as look good on a webpage, and at any resolution....therefore, going with a more simple and elegant design is favorable to going overly complex, where the subtleties would be lost, and the logo not immediately identifiable...which would negate the purpose.

Logo created by Muz Ashen


External Links

Clan Arcona
Units Clan: Clan ArconaHouses: House Galeres & House Qel-DromaBattleteams: Dajorran Marshals & Voidbreaker

Clan Summit:

Galeres Summit:

Qel-Droma Summit:

Possessions Dajorra SystemArconan Armed ForcesDajorra Defence ForceArcona Expeditionary ForceDajorra Intelligence AgencyPort Ol'ValKurs'kranak
Misc Di Tenebrous ArconaeCythraulStarscream Tactical Solutions
Light is limited; Darkness is infinite.