Clan Naga Sadow
Template:Organization infobox Template:Company infobox Template:Company infobox Template:Company infobox Clan Naga Sadow began as a House created by Tron Dlarit (later known as Tron Sadow) in honor of the great Sith Lord Naga Sadow. It was formed from rogue members of the Dark Brotherhood, a large body of Dark Jedi then allied with the Imperial Remnant in the Minos Cluster. In time the House grew into a Clan and created three Houses of its own: House Ludo Kressh, House Marka Ragnos and House Primus Goluud.
Brief History
House Naga Sadow was formed in early 14 ABY by Tron Dlarit. It quickly transformed into Clan Naga Sadow, acquiring the three Houses of Ludo Kressh, Marka Ragnos and Primus Goluud, so named for two other great figures of Sith history and one of the great battles for which Naga Sadow is remembered.
During the fifth Great Jedi War against the thralls of the ancient Sith Lord Okemi one of the Clan's Houses, Primus Goluud, was almost destroyed. In the aftermath the leaders of the Clan were forced to acknowledge their losses and the members of House Primus Goluud were merged into the other two Houses.
Jointly with Clan Naga Sadow, Tron Sadow oversaw his family business, the Dlarit Corporation. In the years leading up to the Exodus the Dlarit Corporation began expanding, setting up a complex mining operation in the Orian system, which had previously been discovered by Trevarus Caerick. When Clan Naga Sadow split from the Imperial Remnant it made its way to Orian, establishing itself in the shadow of the Dlarit Corporation.
Government and Politics
Clan Naga Sadow
Clan Naga Sadow primarily operates in secret. It is led by Tron Sadow as its Overlord and his inner circle, the Sons of Sadow, however most of the day to day work is delegated to the Consul who is the de facto leader. Many are not even aware of the Overlord's presence or his true nature, the Consul serving as the public figurehead. The Consul is aided by his deputy, the Proconsul. The Clan is split into two Houses. These are each led by a Quaestor who is in turn assisted by an Aedile. Together they make up somewhere in the region of fifty to one-hundred Dark Jedi in service to the Overlord and his Sons of Sadow.
The Clan belongs to a larger underground movement known as the Dark Brotherhood. The Consul serves as the Overlord's voice on the Dark Council and is its official leader in the eyes of the Brotherhood's Grand Master. Though the Clan is largely independent it "serves" the Dark Council for mutual benefit, providing the Star Chamber with apprentices and in return gaining access to the Brotherhood's facilities on Antei.
Dlarit Corporation
The Dlarit Corporation is the public face of Clan Naga Sadow. The Clan itself is little more than a cult, servants and apprentices of the Overlord. To the galaxy at large it is the Dlarit Corporation, a successful mining guild, that runs the Orian system.
The Dlarit Corporation mimics much of the Clan. The Viceroy of the corporation is Tron Sadow. The Governor General, the head of government for the Orian system, is usually the Consul. The position of Adjutant General, chief of the Dlarit Corporation's Orian based security forces, is normally held by the Consul or his deputy. Many of the lesser positions within the security forces and throughout the local government infrastructure are also held by Clansmen, the Quaestors often holding station as the Prefects of the individual worlds.
Clan Naga Sadow itself does not have an economy at all. To the galaxy at large it does not exist. The Dlarit Corporation oversees the financial interests of the Clan in the Orian system. As an industrial organisation the corporation lives off the resources mined from Orian and some of the other interests owned by the Viceroy. It deals primarily in tibana gas harvested from the atmosphere of Amphor but also additional mines for various minerals spread throughout Orian.
Society and culture
The society and culture of Clan Naga Sadow has to be divided into three things, that of the Clan itself, the Dlarit Corporation, and the local inhabitants of the Orian system.
Clan Naga Sadow
Clan Naga Sadow itself is a rich and diverse society of species from across the galaxy. It is tolerant for the most part, it cares about the skill and aptitude of its apprentice, not their origins; however, considering the Clan's many years associated with the Remnant, a certain degree of Imperial rooted attitudes is to be expected. Irrespective of its individual members personal views the Clan is in principle a body of Dark Jedi and firmly rooted in the dark side and Sith beliefs. The Clan is build on a principle of survival of the fittest and, while brothers, those too weak to keep up are left behind with little regret.
Dlarit Corporation
The Dlarit Corporation maintains formal control and ownership of the Clan's assets. Ships and facilities do not belong to Clan Naga Sadow, they belong to the Dlarit Corporation. The corporation has a little over ten million personnel stationed throughout the Orian system. There are several small scale mining facilities on the Ulyatu and Nuvenpa as well as tibana gas harvesting colonies on Amphor. The rest live on the main sites on Aeotheran and Sepros where the corporation maintains a number of farms to supply itself with food and other resources.
Native Population
Aeotheran and Sepros are the only two planets in Orian to possess native sentient life. Tarthos has several distinct species of animals living in its forests but has long been devoid of intelligent life. The locals on Aeotheran and Sepros are a near-human species used to survival in the harsh undergrowth. Shut off from the light far beneath the canopies they are a pale race and have taken on an almost skeletal look. Most of these Seprosians are organised into primitive feudal tribes but some have advanced to make use of the land, a few even having assimilated some of the technology lost in the ancient Sith temples of Urias Orian. While not savage many of these tribes are extremely territorial and do not appreciate the presence of outsiders, however some have taken to their new neighbours and started to learn the language and have attempted to establish trade relationships, a few have even joined the Dlarit security forces.
The technological level of the local Seprosians is primitive at best. They may have some basic projective based weaponry and a few tribes have managed to perfect simple forms of transportation. It could at best be described as comparable to the merger of nature and technology one might find on a world such as Kashyyyk, however, unlike the Wookiees, the Seprosians have never developed space travel. There are a few small villages on Sepros but the harsh wildlife has made it impossible for the natives to sustain a city for long. Where brick and stone has been shaped into buildings the jungle has quickly retaken them, no doubt being the main reason for the Seprosians' nomadic lifestyle.
Clan Naga Sadow itself has no more than a hundred Dark Jedi and their apprentices. The rest of their military and security assets are owned and controlled by the Dlarit Corporation into the Orian branch of its security forces. The security forces number somewhere in the low tens of thousands, a high figure perhaps but not when one considers the ten million colonists spread throughout the worlds of the Orian system that need protection and policing.
The Orian branch of the Dlarit Security Force are under the command of the Adjutant General who serves as their Commander-in-Chief. Under the Adjutant General are the Admiral of the naval forces and the General of the armed forces. They are in turn assisted by a number of captains and colonels and their respective subordinates. In all they form a small naval squadron and a standard sized corps, not a large force but far from negligible either. The Victory-class Star Destroyer Covenant serves as the flagship of the system's forces.
The bulk of the military forces are taken from wherever the Dlarit Corporation can find willing personnel. They are a mix of species although the vast majority are human given the corporations Imperial origins. They have since taken on a number of Saraii and Seprosian natives, the Saraii being the natives of the planet Sif, the Clan's original homeworld before moving to the Orian system.
The navy is led by the Rear Admiral who reports to the Adjutant General. It is broken down into a number of Lines, usually organised around one of the Clan's capital ships and supported by a number of starfighter squadrons and other light craft. Each Line is overseen by a Line Captain who is assisted by the Captains of the individual starships and the Commanders of the starfighter squadrons. The larger capital ships are assisted by a number of ensigns and other junior ranking staff officers and engineers.
The armed forces are led by the Major General who reports to the Adjutant General. It is broken down into a series of smaller units with their respective officers; four battlegroups (high colonel; 10,219 troops), four regiments (lieutenant colonels; 2,558 troops), four battalions (major; 608 troops), four companies (captain; 152 troops), four platoons (lieutenant; 38 troops), and four infantry squads (sergeant; 8 troops) or scout lances (sergeant; 5 scouts).
Clan Naga Sadow is today located in the Orian system although it started off in the Phare System. The system is located on the outskirts of the old Sith Empire, a former homeworld of the Sith Lord Urias Orian, roughly halfway between the Antei Sector and the Corporate Sector. Orian has seven primary worlds and a diverse range of life. It contains two stars, Orian Major being the primary and Orian Minor a smaller star in orbit of the first, the two stars cause most of the planets in the system to experience unusual climate patterns.
The Twins
The innermost worlds, Nuvenpa and Ulatyu, share the same orbit and circle one another like twin moons. Due to their close proximity to Orian Major they are virtually uninhabitable.
Aeotheran and Sepros
The third and fifth planets are the two most inhabited planets. Aeotheran is the perfect distance from Orian Major to sustain life and is completely covered in jungle. Sepros is similar but experiences more varied weather patterns, being further from Orian Major it is forced to draw some of its heat from Orian Minor. Like Aeotheran, Sepros is covered in jungle, the lower degree of sunlight meaning its trees have evolved to reach higher into the sky, making the undergrowth a darker and much harsher place on Sepros than Aeotheran. The Dlarit Corporation has established its main colony on Aeotheran, the mining city of Seng Karash together with the Marakith Skyhook which together have a combined population of around 200,000.
By all official accounts Sepros remains uninhabited however in 26 ABY the Dlarit Corporation completed work on the construction of a baradium mining facility hidden beneath the jungle canopy. The facility is staffed exclusively by Dlarit Security Force officers and run largely by local slaves. The structure above the baradium mine serves as the private headquarters for the Clan.
Between Aeotheran and Sepros sits Amphor, a gas giant, neither close enough to Orian Major or Orian Minor to maintain a solid state. The Dlarit Corporation has established a number of small scale mining operations on several of Amphor's moons including Amphor Six as well as a tibana gas harvesting facility in the planet's main orbit. The Wreck of the Miner's Brother, as well as Amphor Colony can be found here. Few of these facilities have any residential accomodation, however, with most of the miners shuttling between Amphor and Seng Karash between shifts.
The Dentavii Belt
Dentavii Prime was once the sixth planet in the Orian system. Today it is an asteroid field, torn apart by the twisted alchemy and dark powers of the system's former ruler, Urias Orian. The Dlarit Navy has established a small covert base of operations in one of the larger asteroids to act as a refuelling depot and a staging post for attacks.
Tarthos is now the sixth planet in the system however it orbits Orian Major indirectly, orbiting Orian Minor like a moon. This has given rise to drastic weather patterns on Tarthos, ranging from uncomfortably hot when exposed to the primary star, to frigid when shielded and left to survive only on the lesser heat of Orian Minor. Indigenous life died out on Tarthos millenia ago with only a few animals and plants surviving. Tarthos is the main base of the Dlarit Security Force and home to its main barracks and training faciltiies.
Inos is the outermost planet of the Orian system, orbiting far from the reach of both Orian Major and Minor. It is essentially little more than a frozen ball caught in Orian Major's gravity well. Though no longer inhabited, neither by the Clan nor even the Dlarit Corporation, in ancient times it was used as a burial world by Urias Orian for his most promising warriors.
Allies and Enemies
The Clan currently has no formal allies.
- None
Those Clans considered neutral neither recieve allied benefits nor the prejudice of those listed as enemies. By large, neutral Clans are regarded with indifference, however, unlike allied Clans, Naga Sadow will not object to espionage against those listed as neutral where the Clan deems it appropriate.
- Clan Arcona - One time allies, relations with Arcona broke down during the Fifth Great Jedi War when they accused Naga Sadow of illegal espionage. Though the incident was later proved to have been faked by Clan Taldryan, close relations have never recovered.
- Clan Scholae Palatinae - One time allies, relations with Scholae Palatinae broke down after the alliance with Tarentum was renewed a year or so before the Sixth Great Jedi War.
- Clan Tarentum - One time allies and part of the former Tripartite Alliance together with Arcona, relations with Tarentum broke down during the Fifth Great Jedi War when the Clans found themselves on opposite sides. Relations were briefly re-established again but further broke down due to similar circumstances in the Sixth Great Jedi War.
Rival Clans are often the subject of espionage attempts and regular infiltration. Unlike neutral Clans, Naga Sadow makes no attempt to hide its dislike of its enemies and frequently strives to undo their works.
- Clan Plagueis - While the Clan has no direct issues with Plagueis, its rivalry with the former Clan Exar Kun has extended to the now House Exar Kun. Heirs to a rival Sith Lord, the Clan disputes Exar Kun's claim as the "true heirs" to the Sith Empire, considering it an afront to their own beliefs.
- Clan Taldryan - Long term rivals since inception, Taldryan has long been seen as the principle rival of Naga Sadow.
Typical Clan Actions/Reactions
Clan Naga Sadow is a deeply close-knit community. The Sons and Daughters of Sadow may mark out the chosen but it is a term often used to address the Clan as a whole, for they are all the Overlord's children, his followers and apprentices. This sense of family and brotherhood runs deep in the Clan and for its true members stands above all other ties. Consequential of this is that Clan Naga Sadow is deeply protective of its own, where one is threatened the Clan as a whole will take offence. Strongly protective of their honor and their belief in themselves as the true heirs to the Sith Empire, the Sons and Daughters of Sadow will stand firmly against any threat and stick by their beliefs. This was demonstrated in the Exodus when virtually none stayed behind with the Empire. Within themselves the Clan can be very different, forcing responsibility and accountability on its own, maintaining a strong sense of duty. It feels little remorse for those left behind, too weak to keep up, but it will stand against any challenge from an outsider.
Important Figures
Former and current leaders, or any influential member associated with the Clan.
Sons of Sadow
- Tron Sadow, Overlord of the Sons
- Raistlin Sadow
- Trevarus Sadow
- Xanos Sadow
- Malik Sadow
- Jonuss Sadow
- Tissaya Sadow
- Janos Sadow
- Manesh Sadow
- Robert Sadow
- Muz Sadow
- Sildrin Sadow
- Macron Sadow
- Shin'ichi Sadow
- Tron Sadow
- Robert Daragon
- Eagleye
- Tron Sadow
- John Striker
- Mordann
- AceOfDrkndHrts
- Trevarus Caerick
- Kale Lobacz
- Voranyen
- Alex d'Tana
- Keldorn
- Xanos Sadow
- Jonuss Sadow
- Malik Sadow
- Xanos Sadow
- Korras
- Manesh Sadow
- Macron Sadow
- Trevarus Caerick
- Robert Daragon
- Eagleye
- John Striker
- Mordann
- AceOfDrkndHrts
- Trevarus Caerick
- Kale Lobacz
- Daihok
- Xanos Sadow
- Trevarus Caerick
- Jonuss Sadow
- Malik Sadow
- Tissaya Sadow
- Korras
- Xanos Sadow
- Muz Sadow
- Korras
- Manesh Sadow
- Kat Pridemore
- Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura
- Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu
- Tron Sadow Emissary
- Xanos Sadow Deputy Grand Master, Sith High Warrior
- Trevarus Sadow Oracle
- Korras Obelisk High Commander
- Muz Sadow Deputy Grand Master, Herald
- Sildrin Sadow Seneschal
- Raistlin Sadow Commander of the Guard