This article is about the largest asteroid in the Dentavii belt. You may be looking for other uses of Dentavii.
Ancient History
The planet Dentavii was once one of the principle worlds of the Orian system until it was destroyed by the dark sorceries of the Sith Lord Urias Orian more than five thousand years ago. The planet was shattered, breaking into millions of pieces, becoming what is now known as the Dentavii asteroid belt. Dentavii Prime is one of the largest remaining pieces of the old planet.
Exodus Era
Located deep within the asteroid field, between the planet Sepros and the binary Orian Minor, Dentavii Prime was refitted as the original home for House Ludo Kressh prior to the construction of Marakith in 23 ABY.
The Dentavii Facility continued to grow with the corporation, filling its primary role as an isolated repair yard for the Dlarit Navy. Despite the inherent dangers of navigating an asteroid field the corporation believed it a prime location for already damaged ships due to the inability for an enemy fleet to launch a direct assault on the facility.
Following the creation of the Dlarit Special Operations Group after the reorganisation of the Dlarit Security Force in 28 ABY due to the failures during the Battle of Antei and the Invasion of Orian in 27 ABY, the Dentavii Facility was redesignated as the primary repair and refuelling station for the newly formed unit. The existing Dlarit Navy was reassigned to the platform Onyx in orbit of the planet Tarthos to satisfy its needs.
Following the dissolution of Dlarit, the facility went largely unused until 33 ABY, when Xanos led a group of members to the station. This small rebellion tried to gather the shards of Ombus to perform the Ritual of Binding. A battle for the remaining shards remaining of Ombus was waged in both the asteroid field and on Dentavii Prime itself as a result. Ultimately, the actions of Marcus Kiriyu and those who fought at his side in a pursuit of the shards interrupted the ritual. When it appeared that the ritual had failed, Xanos cryptically insinuated that the ritual had suceeded in binding the member of Naga Sadow together. After the events of Awakenings, the asteroid base went largely unused by the modern Warhost Fleet.The asteroid belt as it operated remains little more than a reminder of the conflict and an astronomical designation.
New Order Era
Once Consul Adept Bentre Sadow announced that the Clan would rule openly, the Adept commissioned his Proconsul Warlord DarkHawk Sadow to look closer at external facilities' usefulness within the Clan. He was focused on two Orian system facilities that had been lying dormant for years. Plans to renovate each facility, bringing them into a more modern means of operational capabilities began. To accomplish this, DarkHawk led a team of subject matter experts from the Clan's engineering divisions on exploratory missions to both facilities. After weeks of extensive surveying of the facilities and their operational systems, the appropriate inspection measures were completed. Final design plans were put in motion. Every discrepancy and corrective action plan were painstakingly categorized and detailed. Most of the facilities' systems and amenities were grossly outdated and dilapidated.
After a lengthy renovation process, the Dentavii Prime facility was first brought back online and equipped with more accommodating equipment and amenities. Engineers and maintenance personnel stripped down the facility to its bare essentials. More substantial support reinforcements were engineered into the existing footprint reinforcing the entire structure. More square footage was carved out in order to meet specifications. The modifications and additional space allow Dentavii to support up to 35 fighters/shuttles at one time for repair contingencies. The renovations allocate four dedicated bays to house Raider-sized vessels for Isochronal Phase inspections and major maintenance.
During the planning stages, DarkHawk sought out the counsel of his Master, Adept Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar. The Dentavii facility was discussed in-depth, concluding with the Adept recommending that a small security force and a flight of patrol ships be assigned to the station. These ships would identify as a multi-role unit with a primary mission of securing the perimeter of the asteroid field. The unit's secondary role would be armed escorts for all incoming/outgoing ships to the facility.
The security unit assumes all responsibility for policing the facility and maintaining a rigorous security/defense protocols schedule.
Asteroid Upper Level
Resting atop the asteroid, constructed neatly into bedrock, is the environmental control Center (ECC). Maintainers and engineers monitor and control the environmental systems throughout the facility. The facility's primary water treatment and control center is one of the entities within the ECC. Water is shipped in on a routine schedule and pumped into water storage tanks. Before leaving the ECC, the water goes through a treatment process. Then it is pumped throughout the facility to ancillary water storage tanks and pumping stations.
A radar & communication system outbuilding is centered between the environmental building and the facility's main hub. Due to the asteroid field's density, robust communications and radar systems were installed. These systems' signals are amplified exponentially to reach the orbiting relays outside the field's path.
one of many offices hidden away below the surface of Dentavii Prime
A fuel refinery system, fuel storage tanks and pumping stations are also stored in this section to bolster the facility's overall efficiency. The refinery can convert refined coaxium into appropriate fuel sources for maintenance production. It is then pumped to fuel storage tanks capable of pumping fuel to all facility docking points and maintenance bays from the refinery.
Four large dome-shaped hangar bay doors allow for accessible ship entrances and exits of the facility.
To circumvent any stray asteroids or an enemy attack, the primary defense for the facility is its use of the Sienar Deflector Shield Systems. Secondary to the shield, quad-turbo laser artillery batteries, air defense towers have been positioned around the asteroid's diameter. Those defense mechanisms have been separated into quadrants. Each quadrant is observed and controlled by operators in the main facility's Command Center.
Asteroid Middle & Lower Levels
Accommodates all the levels of maintenance (standard depot-level maintenance or SDLM) includes the overhaul and major repair or modification of craft, components, and equipment. It also allows the manufacture of specified aeronautical parts to be stocked as spares and the manufacture of kits for authorized craft and equipment modification. The maintenance facility is fully equipped with testing and diagnostic equipment to repair ships within the fleet and various other platforms of ships.
A few offices have also been set up at select locations at the direction of the Consul. These facilities served a variety of purposes. Some were devoted to keeping files and protecting data to prevent loss from extra-systemic attack on the Orian System, while others acted as research centers, and yet more served as weapon depots. The exact nature of these offices is unknown outside of what has been declared in Clan records and access to such areas remains highly restricted.
Main Facility
Upper Level
Command Bridge
Overseeing all the customary support units to keep the facility ticking like a fine-tuned machine, the facility's command center, and admin level. The center's main bridge has a bird's eye view of most of the rock.
Also, in this section, the facility's medical center is staffed to support major/minor medical procedures.
Main Facility Middle Level
This portion of the facility offers amenities to assigned personnel, a wide variety of shops and services that one would find in most cities. This level is also home to one thousand assigned personnel quarters.
Large dome-shaped viewports are stationed on both sides of the main facility allowing for spectacular views and natural lighting.
At the rear of this section is the propulsion system control room. The propulsion system allows the command & control room engineers to maneuver the asteroid to avoid incoming collisions. Micro-thrusters have been placed throughout the asteroid's mass to enable axial movement.
Main Facility Lower Level
A fully equipped R&D section for the facility was requested in the build plans. Here engineers and scientists have a wide range of resources to build & create their designs, conduct experiments and diagnostic tests for the CNS fleet to include Sadowan allies with the proper amount of credits.
The bottom of the lower level houses the weapon storage area and the facility's security force teams.

The Monolith Defenders, a special missions company, have been assigned to the facility as its security detail. They are commanded by Colonel Gad Trask, a Falleen Special Operations Commander.
This facility section is also the home of the Terrenes Ravagers and their assigned TIE/SF’s. They are led by Commander Jyrss Viper Eszu and Lieutenant Commander Kassava Peppa Lahill. Jyrss, a versed Kel Dor combat pilot, was recommended by Warhost brass to lead the unit. When the brass announced his recommendation, the Commander immediately requested Kassava as his XO. For this fiery female Chiss pilot, flying is like breathing. Her skills and tenacity are a staple of her character. The two have flown together for many years and run a very tight unit.