Template:Sith charinfo
Dismal Dupar is a Sith Warrior of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He serves under the banner of House Exar Kun and Clan Plagueis, next to his fellow Dupars. A natural politician, Dismal prefers to reach a diplomatic and peaceful solution to every problem. Since being imprisoned and tortured during the Invasion of Jusadih, he has shown signs of a neurosis. The Kyandrian has not looked deep into the issue, however his emotions tend to vary in a very quick timeframe.
Character History
3 BBY – 2 ABY
Dismal Dupar was born to Ullus and Nene Dupar on the planet Kyandria in 3 BBY. He had three siblings: Gaidal, Galaphile, and Kai Dupar. The four Dupar children were born during a conflict which came to be known as the Seventh Clan War, where the reigning Chancellor was attempting to seize complete control of the planet.
Ullus and Nene were not exactly rich, so they could not afford to leave their small agricultural estate in Kalessa (an important spaceport city in the Tenkai region of Kyandria), where the war struck most. Ullus was a bureaucrat who did the dull and tedious job of distributing spaceport visas and corresponding documents, while Nene stayed at home to watch her children and oversee the farm. The small couple feared the fate of Kalessa, especially with four small children running around. Over time, though, the children started to take an interest in warfare, Dismal personally taking a keen interest to startfighters and space combat, which worried his parents.
A Schoolboy
2 ABY – 8 ABY
At the age of seven, Dismal began attending school at the Kalessa Academy for Boys. The young male immediately sparked an interest in spacecraft, studying much harder for his technology and fighter courses, which he passed with flying colors. His favorite teacher, Professor Cyrus Forrto, told Dismal in 6 ABY that he could see the child becoming a prominent student at the Kyandrian University of Spacecraft and Aeronautics. This would become the boy’s dream, along with creating new fighter designs for the Empire. Dismal studied long and hard for the next two years, passing all of his exams with ease.
The Jedi Ways
8 ABY – 20 ABY
In the year 8 ABY, Jedi Master Jomar Vacul, son of Spiro Vacul (who had trained Dismal’s uncle Darius), came to Kyandria to fetch the three boys after a series of particular incidents involving weird happenings. Gaidal had fought with his sister Kai on a day when she was feeling well over a piece of bread only one month before. He got so angry with his sibling that he pushed her an entire meter without even touching her. A few days after that, Dismal was playing a game of memory with his brother Galaphile, and he predicted what half of the cards were before seeing them. Galaphile was sparring with another boy during recess a day at the academy with whittled wooden sticks, and he managed to disarm the young boy on the ground in a matter of minutes as he claimed to have seen the boy’s moves seconds before they happened.
Master Vacul sensed the boys' force presence, and came to the planet to fetch them. Normally, Nene and Ullus would have objected, but they both saw it as a way to free their children from the turmoil that engulfed Kyandria. Despite the fact that the war was over and the chancellor had been killed, the economy had been decimated, and most everyone lived in poverty. The three boys left with Jomar and started their training as Jedi.
The group traveled to the planet of Dantooine, where they trained long and hard for several years. By 14 ABY, they reached the peak of manhood and were proving capable Jedi Knights, already building their first lightsabers. However, their emotions often got in the way of their training. Master Vacul was constantly warning the brothers to keep them in check, something Dismal was able to do for the most part, although his brother Gaidal wasn't as successful at.
At first Dismal tried to warn his brother about the temptations of the dark side, but over time he himself started to take interest in them more and more. As he watched Gaidal practice the forms and powers, he found them much more powerful, as well as out right cooler. His other brother Galaphile thought the same, and by 18 ABY all three boys were secretly practicing the ways of the dark arts.
In 20 ABY, it came to the Jedi Council that the three boys were following a dangerous path, Jomar was instructed to scold his former apprentices. As he did what he was told, the Knights quickly informed him of their true intentions, and all the flaws of the Jedi Order and the evil scheme of the Council. They quickly ignited their lightsabers and slew Jomar, who despite his power was no match for three men training in the dark arts.
Crimson Tide
20 ABY – 23 ABY
The brothers each fled from the temple, escaping to a spaceport where they each went their separate ways. Not knowing where his other siblings would go, or if he would ever see them again, Dismal stole an X-Wing starfighter and traveled to Chandrila. Remembering stories of his uncle Darius and grandfather Ajax being involved with a group of assassins called the Crimson Tide, he tracked them down and joined their ranks.
The Crimson Tide
Dismal trained for a month, and was finally given full membership within the Tide. He proved to be an excellent mercenary, and was promoted to a commanding officer position within a year, and was assigned the Lightning Squadron of Z-95 Headhunters as his team. Eventually, in 24 ABY, the Tide finally went to war.
24 ABY
All Dismal was told was to assist the Tide in destroying a group of Dark Jedi located in the Acarr System. His past life as a Jedi as well as his years of service to the Tide swelled his ego, and he attacked full throttle.
The battle was ruteless, with it appearing at one point that the Tide might actually win. Slowly, though, Dismal's squadron was destroyed until only he remained. Then, his own ship was hit, and he was forced to retreat out of harms way.
A good thing, too, since mere moments after doing so Dismal watched as the Dark Jedi trapped a large number of the Tide's forces into the system, and then he watched them die as the sun went supernova. What was left of the Tide jumped back to hyperspace, ending up on Mygeeto where they slowly started to lick their wounds.
It had never been discovered who exactly it was that hit Dismal's fighter, forcing him to leave the battle and thus survive, but there is strong evidence to suggest that Aabsdu was behind it, since it has been proven that he took down a number of Dismal's squadmates.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
25 ABY – 27 ABY
In 25 ABY, Dismal was beginning to tire of numerous defeats and low-level jobs assigned to him by the Tide. He was one of few in history who resigned and escaped from the Crimson Tide alive.
One day whilst sitting in a cantina on Nar Shaada, Dismal was approached by a cloaked, shadowy figure. With the crime level on the planet so high, the retired assassin immediately put on his guard.
He was promised a powerful life in a Brotherhood of Dark Jedi if he would just follow him. Dismal, his life only consisting of one night stands and watered down drinks, followed eagerly.
The two flew to a backwater planet in the Antei system named Lyspair, and Dismal was enrolled in the Shadow Academy, where he was put through rigorous tests and exams. He passed every one with good marks, and was eventually assigned to House Exar Kun of Clan Plagueis, where he met up with his brother Galaphile once again.
Clan Plagueis
25 ABY – 27 ABY
Clan Plagueis
The newly promoted Apprentice was assigned to House Exar Kun of Clan Plagueis once he graduated from the Academy. The shuttle ride was long and dreary, as opposed to what the rest of his life would be. Upon arriving on Aerun in the Jusadih System with other eager graduates, Dismal was placed into the care of Jaysen Erdon, House Exar Kun’s Envoy at the time. The Apprentice was very eager and willing to learn the Dark Arts and Lore, visiting the Shadow Academy on numerous occasions to complete various exams, training with Hunter Erdon, and meeting the House’s Summit in various meetings. Dismal rose through the lower echelon ranks in no time.
Upon reaching the rank of Protector, Dismal was approached by Krath Archpriest Scorpius. The Archpriest said he saw great potential in the young man, and extended an offer for the Protector to become his student. Dismal was elated and eagerly accepted the offer. The pair worked tirelessly into the night, practicing things such as piloting, Sith Alchemy, and lightsaber combat.
26 ABY – 27 ABY
In a mere month, Dismal was promoted to Guardian. His brother, Galaphile, was finding the job of a Battleteam Leader too stressful once the team Blades of Kun was closed, so he resigned from the post. Dismal, who had been Executive Officer of Blades of Kun, was ready to assume the role. He composed an application and sent it in for approval. In days, the Guardian was chosen.
Dismal was promoted to Jedi Hunter during his tenure of Sith Commander of Exar's Shadow, and once stopped a conflict his team and opposing team Satal Victus from escalating into full out war. In a short period of time, the position of Aedile became open in House Exar Kun. Dismal, who had already proven his leadership capabilities, was chosen very soon.
During his Knight trials, Dismal completed a number of difficult tasks. This list includes, but is not limited to: assassinating the Hutt crimelord Morga, investigating a shipwreck in the dangerous Decarian jungles, and killing rogue Jedi Knights which proved a threat to Clan Plagueis. The tasks, coupled with Shadow Academy exams and leadership, qualified Dismal for promotion to Dark Jedi Knight.
The Knight continued in his position as Aedile, however as time wore on, he, like his brother, found the stress too much. He resigned, and remembering the help Jaysen Erdon offered him, he wished to inherit the vacant title of Envoy.
And so he did. The Aedile emeritus was given the title of House Exar Kun’s Rollmaster and Envoy. Dismal was somewhat successful in this newfound position, giving the newer members of House Exar Kun the guidance they required. It was during this time that fellow Dupar and Consul Aabsdu saw that the Envoy had proven skill that outweighed his current rank of Knight. As such, he was given the rank of Sith Warrior.
27 ABY
Time went on, and the Brotherhood was in store for something monumental. Months earlier, the Brotherhood engaged in a series of war games entitled Second Darkness, an internal competition amongst clans, giving the clans opportunities to prove themselves in combat. As the training ended, Grand Master Sarin called an award ceremony on Antei. Every clan and the majority of its members and forces were to be there. Given the lack of security in the Jusadih System at the time of the ceremony, Aabsdu appointed none other than Dismal to stay on Aerun, to supervise Diadem Fortress.
Yuuzhan Vong
An invasion was the last thing that the Warrior hoped for. Alas, Aerun and Diadem Fortress were under attack. The enemy was very foreign; their craft were organic and verydangerous. Dismal and his former master, Scorpius, helped to defend the Fortress until the last moment, when the great castle fell.
The pair escaped in a TIE Phantom which they miraculously found in one piece. Scorpius and Dismal planned to escape the turmoil in which Aerun was now engulfed in, and meet then Clan Envoy Anochiir to fight against the invaders. Their idea would not grow to fruition, however, as soon a band of coral skippers engaged the lone fighter. The two Dark Jedi were no match for the Yuuzhan Vong, who greatly outnumbered them. They were quickly pulled into the Miid Ro’ik Merciless, the flagship of the invading forces. The struggle that Dismal and his master put up turned out to be futile; they were soon beaten into submission. They were each taken to a separate detention block, and were placed in an alien device called the Embrace of Pain. Pure, 100%, mind-numbing pain was all the pair felt for three days.
Dismal feared death during his imprisonment in the Yuuzhan Vong ship. Fear like that hadn’t wormed into his heart since the Battle of Byfrost. However, in one shimmering moment of glory, his brother Galaphile had come to save him, along with adopted-brother Jaden Kyrath and Anochiir. Dismal and Scorpius were rushed to medical attention soon after rescue, where they would remain for the duration of the war.
27 ABY
The Yuuzhan Vong were ordered to retreat from Jusadih by the Supreme Overlord for taking too much time. Clan Plagueis had left Antei, back to their home system where they could lick their wounds. House Exar Kun was relocated to Kapsina, due to the loss of their planet. It was during this time that Consul Aabsdu bestowed upon Dismal the Sapphire Blade for bravery and courage in a time of war. Along with the sacrificial award, he was also appointed to Clan Envoy of Plagueis, to better serve the Clan.
Positions and Titles
- Former Apprentice of Scorpius
- Has mastered three Apprentices, although none have made it to Knight under his tutelage:
- Recipient of the Dark Maven degree
- "Owned" by Mayda Ferium
- Speaks four languages:
- Basic
- Zabrak
- Sith
- Huttese (Limited)