
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

~354 BBY (age 396)

Place of Birth:


Physical Description



Agender (She/They)


2.1 m / 6'11"


160.0 kg / 353 lbs


Knotted branches, brown/auburn



Personal Information

Turel Sorenn

Lightsaber Color(s):

Purified White

Lightsaber Form(s):

Toiora, ancient lightsaber

Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Jedi Master


Councillor of Urr

Personal Ship:


Known masters:
Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

V'yr Vorsa is an agender Neti Jedi Master, a Councillor of Urr, a lecturer at the Praxeum, and a former tactician and general. She serves as a Elder of Clan Odan-Urr.

Ancient by human reckoning, Vorsa has spent four centuries in the Jedi Order, first as a scholar and archivist, then as a diplomat and peacekeeper, and finally as an accomplished military leader.

Devoted to the teachings of the Living Force, she is driven by a resolve to pass on her knowledge to future generations, to see them learn and evolve and ultimate to learn from them in return and adapt. Her firmly rooted influence on Odan-Urr has become a source of wisdom and knowledge to many generations of Jedi.

Character History

Early life (354 BBY - 286 BBY)

Life on Myrkr

Sprouted from a seed sometime around 354 BBY on the forest planet of Myrkr, Vorsa had spent most of her early life on her home world, as yet unaware of the life that awaited her among the stars. Hardly anything is known about these early years of her life except that it was during this time that her Force powers likely manifested. What else is known is usually kept quiet by her trusted confidantes who seem content to keep such stories for themselves. Being a rather private individual, Vorsa keeps the stories about her people from outsiders, even from other Jedi.


Sometime around 280 BBY a group of Jedi arrived on Myrkr in search of the elusive flora they used for study and medicinal purposes. The small group searched for days in the forested area Vorsa called home at the time, but it was only when they took samples and much-desired sap excretions from Vorsa’s own branches and vines that an interesting interaction developed.

Annoyed at the intrusion, but curious as to who the intruders were, Vorsa, imitating the intruders' likeness, contorted her body into an intimidating visage of a large humanoid tree. Showing no hostile intent to the startled group apart from her size, Vorsa spoke to them in her native tongue, requesting answers to questions none of them understood. Despite their momentary surprise, the Jedi’s calmness reassured her as to their benevolence.

Little more is known of this interaction, especially since the destruction of the Jedi Archives rendered such in-depth research moot, however, the eventual result was Vorsa joining the Order in due time. It is not apparent if this first encounter was the one that bid her leave her ancestral home, or if she did so at some later time. The first relevant and comprehensive information on Vorsa’s life only begin in the year 229 BBY on Coruscant, thus it is likely that Jedi had visited Myrkr multiple times in their efforts to bring the Neti into their fold.

High Republic Era (229 BBY - 22 BBY)

Adapting to a new life

Padawan Vorsa constructing her first lightsaber, 229 BBY

Even though she was already in her seventies, Vorsa was little more than a child by Neti reckoning. She had spent most of her time exploring her planet or communing with nature, knowing very little of life. She was an innocent child, thus she was deemed to still be of an appropriate age for training in the Jedi Order. They welcomed her with open arms.

Already proficient in Galactic Basic at the time of her arrival, Vorsa still found acclimating to life in the Jedi Temple fraught with hardship. Her initial introduction demonstrated her strangeness to the other younglings and teachers. She was a form-shaping, botanical creature in the presence of flesh-and-blood aliens she had never seen before. Out of a subconscious need to fit in, over time she instinctively took on a humanoid, child-like shape and left her true form behind. This instinctive decision would shape her mindset throughout her life as she remained in her humanoid form for long periods of time.

Many Padawans found her a curiosity and object of admiration early on, but as her appearance gradually resembled her natural form less and less, they seemed to lose interest. As years passed, eventually, she had come to look no different from a human, bar her hair, eyes, and skin tone. With time she came to think of herself as humanoid as well, nearly completely adopting her new look. It was a rare instance to see her in any other form in those days.

Studies and development

Never an excellent student, nor gifted in any particular area of study, just like most of her comrades, Vorsa never truly excelled in any particular field nor drew too much attention to herself. Not one for popularity contests or for being teacher's pet, Vorsa simply looked to her studies and training as her main focus. Through her dedication, she developed various skills, qualities her teachers found to their liking. Social interactions, on the other hand, came slowly and with difficulty. She found herself out of sorts when interacting with other younglings, being both older and somehow less experienced than them in social circles.

Despite her shortcomings, Vorsa excelled at teaching her fellow Jedi, mostly about nature and how to properly care for living things in the wild. But, she was also a slow learner, a trait her species exhibited regularly, especially in areas related to human or near-human relations, biology, psychology. Her own species was vastly alien by comparison and relating to short-lived races seemed an impossibility. As the years passed, seeing her friends grow old and die was particularly painful as she had grown attached to them over time, but eventually, with study and understanding, she slowly grasped the notion that they were one with the Force, and so with her in spirit.

Archivist and researcher

Though her Initiate and Padawan decades came and went with several different teachers and masters, once she became a Jedi Knight in 154 BBY, she looked for ways to be useful to the Order. Not particularly adept at combat, at first, she chose the more natural course and became an archivist and librarian, teaching students, and by extension herself, in many, many fields of study. She always had her head dug into books, holocrons, and archive data, vastly expanding her knowledge of the Force and other topics she found relevant. Force research, xenosociology, military tactics, and history became her main studies for a long while, and interaction and cooperation with her peers pushed her to develop her social skill more, developing into a competent negotiator and level-headed colleague. History especially was a topic that interested, and yet also appalled her. There was beauty and wisdom in history, as well as cruelty and fear. Vorsa learned about the wars of the past and the horrors they killed or displaced many millions. It pained her that such suffering existed and to think of a future that would involve any. Luckily, the Republic was at peace for a thousand years, and it wouldn't likely change.

Diplomat and leader

During the first one hundred years, Vorsa had had a rather cloistered life. She poured over infinite holobooks and holocrons, figuratively inhaling information on the galaxy, so much so that she had developed an appetite for discovery. She wanted to see the ruins of the Great library, and the temples on Tython just as she had seen Coruscantand Ilum. She wanted to meet new people and explore and learn about new cultures not just from script and holos, but from the people themselves. It was with great pleasure that she joined the Jedi diplomats, journeying on missions far and wide across the galaxy. It was for these missions that she learned everything from etiquette to advanced lightsaber forms, steadily bringing her knowledge into practice.

Given time, Vorsa developed an calm demeanor and a reputation for handling diplomatic disputes with efficiency and poise Not unlike many of her peers, she developed a particular way of talking and mannerisms associated with the reputation Jedi diplomats had across the galaxy. To her dismay, a century later, during the Clone Wars necessity required her to turn her abundant knowledge and skill into the field to fight alongside the Clone troops of the Galactic Republic. That was when it all went wrong.

The decline of the Republic (22 BBY - 19 BBY)

The Clone Wars

Jedi Knight Vorsa, 22 BBY

During the Clone Wars, Vorsa found a new purpose, one where her knowledge of history and military tactics would count for more than just theory. She wasn't particularly fond of leading Clones into battle, but it was a necessity at the time. She told herself that it was for the survival of the Republic and that she needed to protect those who had no way of doing so themselves. The war dragged on and more and more Jedi were needed to lead the army.

As a Jedi General, she fought on several major battlefields such as the battles of Kashyyyk, Duro, Coruscant and, most notably, Jabiim. Her encyclopedic knowledge of ancient battles, and studies of tactics and warfare she conducted over the centuries, became a boon to the Order. These were the origins of the general she became for Odan-Urr nearly sixty years later.

At the time, everything Vorsa knew of life came from books or holocrons, and though she saw the war as abhorrent, in more ways than one she was animated with the opportunities it had presented. She started to matter in the grand scheme of things and, slowly, she became more and more prominent as, battle after battle, the Republic pushed the Separatists back.

Taking to her new role as Jedi General with unexpectedly natural talent, she put her diplomatic skills to the ultimate test by negotiating many of the seemingly inevitable battles and saving many clone and civilian lives in the process. Many of them would, however, turn violent.

Order 66

Vorsa senses the death of the Jedi Order, 19 BBY

Order 66 was issued when Vorsa was negotiating relief supplies for refugees on Jabiim, a recently liberated world whose inhabitants held nothing but ill will towards the Jedi, mostly due to the actions of Anakin Skywalker. Vorsa was chosen as a secondary envoy and diplomat in peace talks due to her tact, her experience as a diplomat, and knowledge of xenosociology.

The attack came when Vorsa was in talks with a city official. Clone troopers entered the chamber with the intent to inform her of “an escalating situation”. It was only her superior awareness and instinct that saved her life. She defeated the Clones that attacked her but failed to stop them killing the delegate. Soon, Vorsa found herself hunted across Jabiim.

The Imperial Era (19 BBY - 4 ABY)

The Jedi Purge

The Jedi Purge left Vorsa's life, and what she knew of the galaxy, in shambles. For centuries, the Jedi were a constant, an immovable point for her to latch onto for safety and comfort, and now they were all but exterminated. Left alone in the galaxy, and facing the horror of Darth Vader's blade, Vorsa sought far and wide to find a home again. She found many places insecure against Imperial prosecution, even such planets as Kashyyyk which was nearly perfect for a Neti to hide in. Again and again, Vorsa eluded capture, but battle after battle her will had been eroded and she simply wanted to root and forget about the galaxy for a time.

It was on planet Shili, where she crash-landed after an intense dogfight and escape from multiple systems, that she nearly met her end. As the overwhelming loss and months of flight took their toll on her body, an Imperial garrison confronted and defeated her in combat, pelting her with blaster fire, leaving her broken in body and spirit. During the fight, Vorsa fell to her apparent death down a cascading waterfall and into jagged rocks below. The body was never found prompting an investigation by the Inquisitors, however, no traces of her were found on the planet. Likely deducing that the Jedi had perished and been consumed by the aggressive fauna of the planet, she was left for dead.

New Repubic era (4 ABY - 28 ABY)

A Home on Shili

It was the year 4 ABY when Vorsa finally regained consciousness enough to comprehend her surroundings. For twenty-four years she had been in forced hibernation, slowly healing from the physical wounds received at the hands of the Imperials. The Force made her body whole, but her spirit remained utterly broken. Realizing her presence in the Force could attract unwanted attention, she suppressed the urge to reach out and find what was left of the Jedi. Utterly alone and in the dark as to her situation, she spent three more years in melancholy and introspective thought, piecing together the events that led her to a life of misery.

Not all was as bleak as she thought, however. Her stay on Shili brought with it a return to a forgotten time, one where she would feel the wind in her branches, the grass underfoot, a time where she would experience the presence of nature like a mother's embrace and she could enjoy the constant clamor of life's many and varied forms. Slowly she leaned into those feelings, the unremembered truths of her heritage, and rested on the Living Force for sustenance and hope.

Five more years passed before she awoke again, but where before she had been one tree among many in a forest, now she was a single tree in a small forest garden, tended to by an aging Togruta and his village. Utukaan, the elder of the village, often came to the garden to work and spoke to the plants and animals, and she felt, to her most of all. Somehow the old man knew of a presence in his garden, emanating from the old tree, but he could never prove it. His stories remained only stories as Vorsa feared reaching out and connecting to another living creature in such a way again. The fear of loss overtook her waking thoughts even as the gardener's presence rejuvenated her spirit more than she cared to admit.

Things remained thus for a time and Vorsa got to know her keeper, his family, and Clan, and the goings on in the area. She learned through his talks that they had been there for centuries, he and his people, and that they tended to the forest and kept in touch with nature. This pleased the Neti so much that more than once she had intended to reach out and converse, in such desperate need was she for interaction, but she stopped herself every time. Instead, she found a different way, in tending to the garden with Utukaan. Where his crops had been dying, she watered them from her roots. Where the weeds ate at the healthy herb, she starved them of water. In a way, she had found her connection, and she was content, until a fateful night when a young girl found her branches a comfortable bed for a nap.

Fateful meeting

A fateful meeting on Shili, 14 BBY

A'lora Kituri was but nine years old when she found her way into Vorsa's garden and fell asleep under her branches. She was the daughter of one of the hunters from Utakaan's village, a place Vorsa had become attached to with time. It was a lazy day to be sure, but a perilous night soon followed and the Akul were on the prowl. In spite of her better judgment, Vorsa cradled A'lora with her branches and leaves so that she may sleep without fear, but the howls of the beasts and the oncoming sounds of night woke the girl. Unsure as to what to do with the vulnerable girl, Vorsa reacted instinctively — for the first time in nearly forty years she had spoken to another being. The fear of discovery faded when she saw the young girl's fearful expression. The instinct to protect another was too overwhelming for any true Jedi, and so Vorsa comforted and cradled the youngling in her branches until morning. These interactions became more frequent as time went on, and the two became fast friends, A’lora rushing after every chore-full day to tend to Vorsa’s garden with her village elder, Utukaan.

Vorsa watched A'lora grow up into a powerful hunter. She saw her cry when Utukaan died. She saw her lose her father and mother, and she saw her leave her ancestral home when she was but a young adult. Concerned for the girl's safety, Vorsa braved civilization once again to follow A'lora and keep her safe. In truth, Vorsa had sensed a strong connection to the Force in A'lora, and with the young Togruta in a vulnerable state, Vorsa was worried she could lose herself without guidance. Vora was afraid, however, that the Jedi of old had too many flaws — flaws she could not readily identify even through years of introspection. How the Empire had destroyed her Order was still a mystery to her. And that she would pass on those unknown flaws toan innocent girl gave her pause. So she kept cautious and patient. Should A'lora come into danger, Vorsa would only help to save her in the direst need — never before. A'lora had to have her own journey of self-discovery.

After decades of hiding she took on her old humanoid form and stepped foot into the cold world of metal and uncertainty. Maybe in her travels she would find out more of the Order and how the Empire had truly wiped them out. Perhaps if she found those flaws she could rectify them.

A helpful hand

Vorsa leading A'lora and Jorren through the Corellian underground, 22 ABY

It was on Corellia, in 22 ABY, that Vorsa intervened into A'lora's life again to help the young girl. A'lora had found herself on the edge of society, grasping for survival in the darkest places of the planet. Bound into servitude by a gangster and his thugs and forced to fight in their arena for the pleasure and credits of their sycophants. A'lora handled herself well enough, and while it pained Vorsa to sense A'lora's suffering, it pleased her that she wasn't giving in. A survivalist through and through, the Togruta's hunter instincts kept her alive and ready for an opportunity to escape. She had learned much from her captors — martial arts, fighting with a quarter staff, outsmarting and outmaneuvering stronger opponents. She was a force of nature in the pit. But a time did come when Vorsa could stand by and wait no longer.

During a riot of desperate prisoner, A'lora and her companion, Jorren — a Togruta, just like her hailing from Shili — found a means to escape. Through the dim underbelly of sewers, they trudged until free air kissed their cheeks behind a massive, locked grate leading to the surface and the vast sea beyond. Unable to escape that way, they doubled back, through Selonian colonies and Dianoga-infested waters only to be captured by the thugs once more. Disappointed at the lack of respect for his authority the leader, Krax, and his sadistic lieutenant, Zara, brought the duo to the arena for execution.

Vorsa had entered the complex many times, hidden behind the veil the Force granted her, all but invisible to the gang members. She knew the paths and the layout and she would use it. Without a lightsaber, trickery and deceit were the tactics of the day. She found an Arcona gangster enjoying his dosage of salt. Delirious and out of sorts, he was an easy target, Vorsa nudged him towards the arena and readied herself. As the Arcona danced into the open amongst all of Krax's cronies, Vorsa activated the Arcona's smoke and flash bombs. The explosion disorientated everyone, but A'lora's instincts took over. In that moment, Vorsa felt the girl's connection to the Force most of all. Grabbing Jorren, she moved into the holding pens where Vorsa was waiting for them. Beckoning them to hid, they waited for the guards to disperse into the ongoing commotion before escaping though a hidden hatch, down into the sewers below.

Through the Selonian colony, around the Dianoga, and onto the grate the trudged, all the while keeping pace with the large Neti. They found the grade broken off its hinges, smashed aside by a force they had never seen. Finally free, they thanked Vorsa who, in turn, gave them supplies and a means to hide and survive, and told A'lora they would meet again.

Training a Padawan

A'lora continued her adventures for a time, learning of and developing her Force powers more and more. Meanwhile, Vorsa kept an eye on her, as much as she was able, while she traveled across the galaxy, seeking the remaining Jedi, or whatever was left of them. She traveled to Coruscant, finding nothing there for her but loss and regrets. Travelling on, she went to other place, enclaves and outposts she remembered from her years as a diplomat.


As far as she knew, none had survived, and she doubted she would find anyone else alive after nearly fifty years. With closure eluding her, she instead refocused on something proactive, something that would change her life in the future. She would find A'lora again, keeping track and aiding her from time to time, untilfinally she had resolved to take the Togruta on as an apprentice. Promising to guide her through her awakened powers, the Neti opened up a new world to A'lora.

Their training was long and arduous, lasting several long years. Together the duo explored the history of the Jedi, Sith, and other Force cults besides. Vorsa taught A'lora about the old Jedi order and their successes and failings. Eventually the young Padawan learned much and attuned deeply to the Force.

New Order Era (28 ABY - Today)

Home away from home

In 28 ABY, during one of their long excursions across the Outer Rim, A'lora sensed a a pull from the Force towards a specific jungle planet on the borders of the Sith Worlds, a fact that disturbed Vorsa somewhat. Her fears were allayed only when their small shuttle touched down on the slopes of a mountain range covered in evergreen forests. The planet was strong to the Living Force and she sensed no malicious disturbances. After so long in a cold starship, the feeling of sunrays of her skin rejuvenated body just as the sense of belonging in the vastness of the Force strengthened her mind.

They traveled for several days until they found the source of A'lora's feelings — a deep cave, steeped in Dark Side power. Vorsa's worries grew, but she understood the meaning behind it. It was a test for her Padawan, a true and only judge of character. To face one's darkness and win is to be Jedi.

Not long after joining their ranks, the Odan-Urr Jedi gave Vorsa the responsibility of leading one of their elite teams - The Knights of Allusis. It was a great honor, a great responsibility and an eye-opener for Vorsa. The Jedi of Odan-Urr were in a bad place when she joined, assailed by many enemies - Cy Thuron, The Brotherhood, The One Sith. But seeing that their leaders, Liam Torun and A'lora Kituri, gave their best to follow the Jedi Code, and having established friendships with many of the other Jedi in the House, she gave her best to help her comrades.

The first time she commanded the Knights into battle was on the planet Jaguada where the One Sith and the Brotherhood clashed. Their objective was retrieval and safe transport of artifacts from the planets ancient Sith temples. They failed in their mission due to the enemies overwhelming force and had to retreat. The K.U.D.F. units also participated in this mission and it was here, after this defeat, that Vosa propsed a reorganization of House Odan-Urr's forces.

On Dromund Kaas, the ancient capital world of the Sith Empire of yore, she commanded the Knights again and under the guidance of their leaders, the Odanites managed to gain a small victory. Hurt, scarred but still breathing, they maintained a presence on the planet, much to the dismay of their enemies.

Master and Commander

After the battle for Dromund Kaas, Vorsa was acknowledged for her contributions and given and even bigger command - that of a Jedi Commander of the 1st AAC "Kota's Fist". The full weight of responsibility was left squarely on her shoulders as she was given command of all of the House's armored assets. She accepted this responsibility stoically and would do her duty diligently and with pride. However the emotional response to this was very very different. Again, she was back in the Clone Wars, "fighting the good fight". She had doubts about the House's current state of mind. It was very much war-oriented and leaning further away from the Old Order's teachings.

Her command was not the only responsibility she was given. A young Padawan and Dark Side convert named Ryan Neale who had, until then, trained and studied mostly by himself, was paired with Vorsa for his final training and eventual Trials. Eventually she befriended her Padawan and is very protective of him in front of his peers. However she did become strict with his studies, be they reading of sword fighting. Ryan proved to be a hard-working student and she respects him immensely for keeping his darker emotions in check when faced with bad mouthed students. They train daily, concentrating on rehabilitating Ryan after his long years with the Sith.

The Fading Light

Main article: Fading Light

Following the death of Morotheri an the subsequent murder of Orv Dessrx d'Tana, the Brotherhood engaged assassins, bounty hunters and any other gun-for-hire to eliminate the Jedi threat, rising from Odan-Urr. In this tumultuous time, Vorsa was confronted by an assassin of her own - an agent named Reddwin Fox, who had worked for the Grand Master for many years and was utterly devoted, and loyal to the point of worship. He had infiltrated Kota's fist and had operated under cover for month before he made his move.

His planning and execution were near-perfect, and he would have killed Vorsa were it not for a trooper from her Armored Column who jumped in front of the attacker, sacrificing himself for his commander. When the man was caught, he exchanged words with her before biting down on a poisoned pill. Confident the threat to her and her men had ended, Vorsa grieved the loss of one of her men and organized a funeral pyre for him in the oldest traditions of the Jedi order. Even if he wasn't a Jedi, in his last moments he acted like one, Vorsa had told her men at the funeral.

The ordeal with the assassin played out just as the unit was readying itself for an attack on Xlopora City where their mission was to search the ruins for an ancient Sith sword. It was a gret risk, exposing themselves, but an even greater risk allowing the Brotherhood to have the weapon.

The Varonat Crisis

Main article: The Varonat Crisis

During an away mission on the planet of Varonat, Vorsa and her X.O. Kah Manet were, in an attempt to make contact with an Odanite agent, ambushed by a well armed and organized group of mercenaries. They called themselves Alpha's Omega and their intentions were made clear when they attempted to ransom the two back to House Odan-Urr. As a reply, Councillor Liam Torun sent the rest of the Knights of Allusis on a daring mission to rescue the two leaders.

However, under the leadership of Zak Sallis one of the lieutenants in Alpha's Omega, the mercenaries orchestrated a daring plot. They never intended to ransom the two Odanites. Finding the Odanites' hidden base of operations was their true goal. They submitted both Kah and Vorsa to grievous torture to find what they were looking for, but when the two Jedi would not bend nor break, their plans changed. Their intent became to capture the whole team and submit them to questioning. In this they succeeded, after an ordeal and several of their men dead at the hands of the Knights.

The Jedi were imprisoned on Omega's ship, the Diligence, where they were tortured and bled dry of information. Brought back to their homeworld of New Tython, they would be left to fend for themselves. Vorsa herself took the brunt of the interrogation, being the leader and the one who knew more than the rest. Left in a miserable state and without the soothing effect of the sun's nurturing rays, Vorsa was left to die, along with the rest of her team.

Purity Rock

Main article: Liberation: Tides of freedom

The Knight, incarcerated in Purity Rock, managed to cooperate with the Harakoan, Colonist and Dac prisoners and start a revolt. While they struck from the inside, Strike Team Ooroo with the help of Turel Sorenn and Mirus Hi'ija, The Titan, attacked from the outside. The situation soon escalated into a full-scale war between the prisoners and Thuronian forces stationed at teh facility. With the help of the Jedi, most of the prisoners escaped and fled into the mountains and desert.

It was Aerin Taggart and several other comrades that found Vorsa in the interrogation wing. She barely held to life, infused with various sickening poisons. Only the sun's rejuvenating rays helped her heal and recuperate enough to help the escape effort. With her mind hazy from the drugging and her power rejuvenated Vorsa unleashed hell upon the guards and soldiers inside the Prison. By herself she toppled a security tower, squeezing it's supports with her mighty tree trunks. As the battle continued more and more Harakoans escaped, until at last the floodgates were breached and the prisoners felt the free air of their planet once more.

After the mission Vorsa relinquished her duties as Knight-Commander to find a place for meditation and inner dialogue. Her experiences in the prison, it would later appear, had an adverse effect on her state of mind.

Liberation of New Tython

Main article: Return of the Light

It was only after her Quaestor, Liam Torun, sent out a call for war that Vorsa came out of hiding. She had lived among the escapees, teaching them how to stay undetected by Thuron's army, but also learning their ways. It was there that she discovered about a tribe on the far away continent of Milli'ea - Iwu Koraha Mahue, the desert people.

During the liberation offensive on the Thuron Empire Vorsa assumed the roll of general once more, leading her troops on the eastern wall of Menat Ombo and into the It'kla District Ruins. It was there that she finally caught up to the Vorlem Tytis, better known as the Blue Butcher. In that moment, seconds before she would plunge her saber into the monsters gut, there was a very real battle inside Vorsa. Her Jedi training, her morally and ethically pure conscious mind waged a war against her unconscious need to take vengeance on someone - anyone - for what Thuron's interrogators had done to her in that prison. It seemed to her that every second was an hour being played out in her head. In the end she stayed her hand, but had the conscious mind won, or had she simply find her pray unworthy? Not even she knew.

Exploring the wild

After the liberation efforts, and all the administrative responsibilities she had as a general, had passed Vorsa decided to explore New Tython. It wasn't only to escape into solitude once more, where she could contemplate and think clearly, but also to return to nature and find her place again. She had spent too much time on starships, standing over tactical displays and unit reports. It was tiresome.

On the continent of Milli'ea she found the desert tribe one of her Harakoan companions was talking about. She had lived away from the tribe, but always kept an eye and ear on them to learn their ways. The language was foreign but had enough similarities with the standard Horakose to learn quickly. Not a even a month after she arrived on the continent, she had made first contact. The Korahaii, as they called themselves, were a welcoming people. They enjoyed the company of guests - especially those with strange new items to trade or knowledge to spread. Indeed Vorsa was an enigma to them. They had never seen her kind before and her very nature was alien to them. She rarely transformed herself while among the tribe so as not to disturb them. She did however learn their language even quicker while communicating with them. She even took it upon herself to learn their ways and become part of the tribe.

The Civil War

Main article: Great Jedi War XI

The Civil War came down on Korriban like lightning. Antei was devastated by Muz Ashen and the battle moved to Korriban. The Brotherhood split between Grand masters Ashen and Cotelin, and the third megalomaniac, Esoteric. House Odan-Urr joined forces with Taldryan and their Grand Master, Jac Cotelin, to fight a losing battle against madness. Vorsa was at the forefront of the battle, leading the K.U.D.F. forces, specifically Kota's fist, against the enemy on the soil of Korriban.

Death, blood and madness engulfed the planet as Jedi fought Sith and soldier fought soldier. During one of the many covert operations Arcona conducted, Vorsa's men managed to capture her protege, Turel Sorenn. After a brief exchange and a heart breaking realization that they are enemies now, Vorsa released Turel, even though he may not have realized it. Her feelings on the subject were mixed at best and her affection toward the young human were string. However, for Vorsa it was enough that he was alive.

The war ended as abruptly as it began - with a ritual. Most of the forces dispersed and returned home to lick their wounds. Ashen disappeared and Darth Pravus took his place. One Sith Lord for another made little difference to Vorsa, because the now reformed Clan Odan-Urr would push forward into a better future. Though Col. Dall'ra died in a raid on his F.O.B. during the war, and Vorsa moved away from he position of General for several weeks, she took up a position as the right hand of A'lora Kituri, her friend and new Consul. She was also appointed to the Council of Urr as one of the wisest Jedi on the planet. The future, for once, looked bright. That is, until the O'reenians attacked.

The O'reenian conflicts

Main article: Tides of Change: an Arcona-Odan-Urr Event
Vorsa battling Selika Roh, 39 ABY

The first O'reenian conflict came in the form of a small attack fleet targeting Sanctuary station. While the fighting was contained in space and most of the ground combat happened on the station itself, Vorsa remained on the planet and organized a defense against a potential invasion. The fleet was defeated with the arrival of Arcona's Expeditionary force and a nervous calm fell over Tythonian space as the two fleets maintained their distance.

The situation changed when a massive O'reenian fleet jumped into the system targeting both Clans. The two former enemies had involuntarily become allies as they turned their guns against a common foe.

Vorsa's role was a simple one. Rebuke the invasion forces landing on the planet and cooperate with Arcona's military. Neither of these tasks were easy, nor did she especially like them, but she carried on her mission with all the professionalism she could muster.

Her mood towards the Arconan's improved once she came to know them, however, especially their then-Consul, Atyiru. Vorsa recognized her as a damaged individual, full of her own darkness and misery, but also bright and beautiful inside just like any Jedi she ever knew. She came to admire her enough to call her 'friend'.

The Dajorra-Yhi concordat brought with it peace between the two Clans and a much needed friendship between their systems that involved healthy trade and sharing of information. New Tython was invigorated, the O'reenian threat defeated and Odan-Urr had gained a much needed ally in the Brotherhood.

The war was pragmatic for her in a way. Not only had she studied the O'reenian tactics but also the Mandalorian Erinos Clan of Arcona. If ever Arcona turned on Odan-Urr, she would be ready to defend her home.

Rise of the White Lotus

Constructing the the ancient Jedi lightsaber, 38 ABY


Philosophies and Beliefs

On the Living Force

Vorsa is a very strong and devoted practitioner of the philosophy of the Living Force. It is, after all, in her nature to be connected to all things alive. She is always focused on "the moment" rather than following predictions or visions, though she has had her fair share of those.  

She has a keen sense of the life forces around her and feels every death as if it were a wound on her own soul. Fear has hold on her, not even the fear of death. She fears no man or creature because she knows that unity with the Living Force is every Jedi's ultimate goal. If she is struck down, she will become more powerful than any Sith could imagine.

On training Padawans

A Neti has little use for physical training, at least in the same way humans do. Vorsa however, has honed her physicality and her body into a sharp focus for her mind. Half of any battle, philosophical or physical, is in the mind, and a strong body may only benefit the ultimate goal. She is an adherent of the old proverb "A healthy mind in a healthy body", by which she lives and teaches. All her apprentices and Padawans must stay in shape, both mentally and physically. It is a daunting experience for most, but those that can keep up with her demands, receive a friend and mentor for life.

On the Jedi

Vorsa is a member of the rarest of figurative clubs: the long-lived. She has seen the decline of the High Republic and the diminishment of the Jedi from those that do good because it is right, to those who do good because it suits their political aims. She lived through Order 66 and the Great Purge only to find herself, mentally, in the same place she was nearly 40 years earlier: A lost Jedi clinging to old beliefs and rigid orthodoxy. So it went until New Tython was destroyed and she saw her own hubris for what it was. It took a long time for her to realize her own flaws and accept that Jedi were not meant to be what they were inevitably pushed to be: warriors and generals. No, since New Tython, to Vorsa, Jedi are preservers, keepers of knowledge, and all that is good in the galaxy. They are meant to do good because it is right, not because it is convenient.

Notable relationships

A'lora Kituri

A'lor Kituri was the first Padawan Vorsa ever trained. As unsure in herself as she was in the future of the young Togruta.They met on Shili, A'lora's homeworld, many years ago, when A'lora was a child. Vorsa grew fond of A'lora over the years, even going so far as the keepher safe during her travels, as much as she could. Eventually they traveled together across the galaxy in search for lost wisdom and, one fateful day, landed on New Tython where they joined House Odan-Urr.

Eventually,after settling, they finished A'lora's training and proceeded to assume more and more responsibility in the House. During the many battles over the years, the young Togruta came to confide in Vorsa with the problems of command and strategy. Oftentimes the two would carry out missions together to the point where they became synchronized in their movements and thought while connected through the Living Force.

Of all the Jedi in the House, Vorsa has the deepest bond with the nature-loving Togruta.

Turel Sorenn

Turel Sorenn was once Vorsa's protégé and Padawan, and has since become her partner and spouse. Their relationship evolved after Turel's knighthood when they accomplished many mission together, as equals. Turel helped Vorsa navigate the intricacies of a scoundrel's life as she learned much from him about how criminals think and operate. Conversely, Turel learned what it was to be a Jedi and how to use his gifts for good and steer away from the Dark Side.

While their relationship is indeed romantic, Vorsa holds no attachment to Turel

Character Gallery

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