Kael Fayne/PartTwo
Where... where did it go?
The content of this article is split up among several sub pages as it grew too large. |
The Brotherhood (32 ABY - Present Day)
The Shadow Academy and Scholae Palatinae (INI-PRT)

- "Master Fayne, I can continue reading, but really, the others have already gone to bed!"
- ―One of the Shadow Academy's C-3PO units
Upon passing the initial tests regarding Force potential given to all recruits, Kael was soon granted the rank of Initiate and transferred aboard the Arcanum, the mobile home and flagship of the Shadow Academy. Fayne instantly felt at home as familiar sounds, namely the rhythmic marching of combat boots, flooded his senses with memories of the Clone Wars. Although many regarded him at a disadvantage because of his blindness, Kael's intrinsic obsession with studying and training led him to stand out amongst his peers. Each lesson in the Force opened more the blind Initiate’s "new eyes", creating in him a further thirst for more. Such a devotion to his own personal training naturally led the new Initiate to embrace the Obelisk Order.
Kael's eagerness soon impressed many, leading him to be promoted to the rank of Apprentice and granting him the ability to join a Clan. It was not long before Emperor Thran Occasus, Consul and leader of then Royal Clan of Scholae Palatinae, visited the Academy in search of new Prospects for his Empire. Having studied the Arkanian's history before approaching him, Thran presented a convincing case that Kael would fit in perfectly within the Empire. As icing on the cake, Thran also told Kael there was candy inside his personal shuttle for all new recruits. Not unsurprisingly, Kael was sold.
Arriving on then House Dorimad Sol's base planet of Caina, the new Jedi Prospect felt as though he had returned home as the icy breeze reminded him of Arkania. Fayne had spent the trip studying the Royal Clan, being confirmed in his decision as he learned more how Scholae Palatinae retained much of Imperial traditions.
Having become accustomed to being blind and relying on his other senses, Kael once more began to pick up his blasters and resumed combat training, finding even greater efficiency than when he could see the more he augmented the Force to his natural instincts. Constant training as well as studying via remote in the Shadow Academy earned Kael several quick promotions, attracting the attention of Rasilvenaira StormRaven, the Duchess of Scholae Palatinae. Having heard of the Duchess' reputation within the Clan, Kael was pleased to accept her proposal of Apprenticeship.

RoS: Spoils of War (PRT-GRD)
- "During Wartime, men and women of valour have historically turned into heroes. "
- ―Muz Ashen
As Kael attained to the rank of Protector, the news of a Rite of Supremacy being declared on Salas V immediately interrupted his training. Not quite sure of the significance of the event, the Arkanian suddenly found himself on a foreign war zone fighting with the 33rd Legion, better known as the Crimson Knights. The initial battles were fierce and merciless, as incompetence led to countless, unnecessary deaths. Having endeared himself to many who had fallen, Kael refused to fight under the unit's Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Thilvera. Upon being confronted with charges of treason, Fayne challenged the pompous Commander to a duel, which led to the Protector slaying Thilvera and taking her place. Fearful of possible reprisals, Kael ordered his troops not to report to Clan or House leadership on the matter, saying he would do so when the time was right. The Arkanian's respect among the common soldier led each to keep this charge.
Even though his only tactical training had been through studying history, Kael's common sense and Clone War experience allowed him to be a reliable Commander. The Crimson Knights won several battles under his command, including handing two crushing defeats to the forces of Clan Plagueis. Nearing the end of the conflict, the 33rd Legion was specifically called in for cavalry support by Clan leadership on the behalf of two other legions who were engaged against Clan Plagueis. Although the Crimson Knights managed to cover many of the retreating forces, Kael was struck in the chest by a random blaster bolt, taking him out of the battle for the time being. After immediate medical treatment, Commander Fayne returned to the battle field. This act, considered a Trial of the Flesh, further cemented the young man's trust among the Legions, and earned the Protector a field promotion to Guardian.
To Kill an Emperor (GRD-JH)

- "Surprised? I always use a double when I know that woman is in town. And do you know how much effort goes into finding a double that looks this good?"
- ―Thran Occasus, revealing who Kael had actually killed
As the combat forces of Clan Scholae Palatinae left Salas V for the Cocytus System, the revelation of Kael's usurpation and subsequent heroics was made to Clan leadership. Kael, expecting to be disciplined or killed outright, was awarded an Anteian Cross by the Royal Clan along with several other accolades from the Dark Council, including the title of Champion of the Rite. Although glad to make it out alive, the newly promoted Guardian was left hollow by how many had died just so his Clan could finish next to last. His master, as well, became withdrawn after the conflict and Kael was left to study many weeks by himself.
When Ras finally reestablished contact with Kael, she came to him with an offer that peaked his interest. Much of the blame for the disaster on Salas V was quietly being laid at the feet of Scholae Palatinae's playboy Consul and Emperor, Thran Occasus. Ras' clever plan was for her apprentice to sneak past the Imperial Palace's security, which was lax after the Rite, and place a pressure-triggered bomb under the Consuls' favorite pleasure bed. Ras, knowing well the kind of women Thran liked to entertain, would then hire two prostitutes to lure the Consul back to the Palace for a night that would be of want for sleep. The plan seemed to have succeeded while Kael watched from afar as an explosion sent the Palace's white walls in chunks toward the heavens. However, as Kael retreated to his speeder, Occasus was waiting for him, revealing that he had used a double that night. After beating the Guardian mercilessly for several moments, Thran finally relented, stating that Jedi with such potential as Kael's would be necessary to rebuild the Royal Clan's reputation.
Ironically, the event would later be used to recommend Kael's promotion to the rank of Jedi Hunter. Even more ironic, Thran and Kael, who are rather polar opposites of one another, are now friends.

Expanding the Empire (JH)
- "For a blind man, these reconnaissance reports are quite good."
- ―Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae
Worried that Ras' lack of attention may waste one of her Jedi's potential, Quaestor Robin Hawk soon sought out Kael as an apprentice of her own. Even though he had essentially made it to Jedi Hunter by himself, Kael could not resist the temptation to use his Quaestor's influence to better his chances of passing his final trials. Ironically, this out of character lack of self dependence would eventually cost Kael the very thing he wanted to ensure.
Nevertheless, Kael started quickly on his last trials, readily accepting a scounting mission from Brent Ligur Victae to further catalog information concerning the Cocytus System, the Home of the Empire. The pair began first by scouting a few planets together, allowing Kael to learn much from the much more experienced Jedi before they seperated. Although a few of the local moons Kael visited by himself were friendly, most proved dangerous, testing the Jedi Hunter's mettle with numberous Trials of Courage. Kael's resolve, however, allowed him to bring back extensive reports concerning several moons, including Gressil, Sereia, Barbatos, Astaroth, and Vetis.
For his help, Brent used his influence to put in a good word for Kael with Brotherhood Leadership, who appointed him Head Warden of the yet to be built Kavinn Maximum Security Prison on Zepar_II, one of the moons the two men had reconned together.
Impressed with Kael's continual growth, the venerable Angelo Dante became interested in the Jedi Hunter, offering to spar with him to develop his saber abilities. Kael was honored by such an offer, but was unwilling to admit the truth that he had yet to construct his own saber as he had grown so attached to his pistols. After postponing their sparing sessions, Kael spent the entire next month collecting various parts for his hilt, choosing a blue Adegan crystal combined with the more common Nova as the focusing crystals.
Kael's obsessive-compulsive attention to detail, however, led him to produce nearly a dozen hilts, each with a small inferiority that caused the Arkanian to start over. The end result was a weapon of utmost craftsmanship, distinguished not by its outer apperance but by its supremely efficient circuitry and its ability to take abuse and still function, much like its owner.

A New Knight (JH-DJK)
- "I used to think of myself as a one man wolf pack, but then Kael came along...And I thought, wait...Could it be? I knew Kael was one of my own...So, my wolf pack grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Kael joined in later."
- ―Emperor Thran Occasus during Kael's knighting ceremony
Desiring to make his name known amongst the Brotherhood, Kael answered the call that had gone out from the Combat Master of the Antei Combat Centre requesting all Journeymen who wanted to prove themselves to take part in a grand tournament. Kael knew this would be seen as a Trial of Skill, and could be the final step in his quest for Knighthood. Packing up his pistols and his newly crafted hilt, Fayne promised his fellow Palatinaens victory before departing.
Beginning with 18 combatants, the Journeyman Tournament proved to be every bit of the trial the Combat Master had promised. Kael passed through the first round with relative ease, only meeting significant resistance as the second round pitted him against two fighters at the same time. The Arkanian escaped round two with more cuts and bruises than he could count, entering into the final round proud but hurting. The Trial of Skill soon gave way to a Trial of Spirit as Kael faced his last two opponents, one of which was already a Dark Jedi Knight. Nevertheless, Fayne's unbreakable resolve and shear cunning allowed him to win the day, bestowing glory upon his Clan and earning him the rank of Knight.
One Last Trial (DJK)
- "Alright, I've heard enough..."
- ―Angelo Dante seconds before attacking Kael
Shortly after Kael was appointed to the rank of Knight, his formal Master and Quaestor began to show signs of dementia that comes with the uncontrolled corruption of the dark side. After many weeks of quarreling irrationally with various leaders both within Scholae and the Dark Council, Robin fled for another Clan, taking many of her Apprentices with her. Her departure did not provide any relief from the corruption, and it was not long before she was banished from the Brotherhood altogether. Understandably, doubts arose around Kael as to whether he was under the influence of the same corruption and would turn on the Empire himself. Worse, many outright questioned whether he was worthy of the title Knight at all.
In order to save face before the Dark Council, a trial was convened by the leadership of Scholae Palatinae to decide the matter of the Arkanian's Knighthood. Arguments were made for both sides by the appointed lawyers, though the need to appease the anger of the Brotherhood made demotion all but inevitable. Angered by the situation, Angelo Dante disrupted the proceedings by attacking Kael, forcing Fayne to defend himself with a lightsaber before the audience. After an intense though brief battle, the blind Knight was bested and disarmed of his blade. Nevertheless, the exchange clearly displayed to those familiar with Robin that Kael's heritage in the Force was traced not to her, but rather to Dante and Archangel, and thus his Knighthood was sustained.

Aedileship (DJK)
- "Always remember your honorable opponents and what you learned from the battle..."
- ―Angelo Dante
After a changing of the guard within Dorimad Sol, Kael's master was replaced at the position of Quaestor by Angelo Dante. An Imperial's Imperial, Dante was highly respected by the Arkanian Knight already, and Kael continued to seek out the new Quaestor both for general mentorship as well as advanced lightsaber training. The fellow Obelisk more than obliged, choosing to appoint Kael to the position Aedile of Dorimad Sol.
Kael immediately began to see fruits from the mentorship, learning much about leadership and command from the former stormtrooper. Dante, a master of Soresu, also imparted his intimate knowledge of Form III to his minion, training him in hours of intense lightsaber combat.
As the two Obelisks began to put their house in order, the Spring Games: Feast of Victory were announced. The Games, which pitted Dorimad Sol against its sister House Acclivis Draco, were to be an inner-clan celebration of Scholae's recent successes against the terrorist group "The Cause". The seasonal games themselves featured contests of skill and bravery to determine who would be the first House of the Royal Clan as well as the individual Champions of the Clan. The new Aedile saw the games as a way to establish himself and to lead by example. Dorimad Sol dominated the games, with Kael being the lead point man of the Feast. Of the nine games, Kael won first place in five of them, earning four Crescents with Amethsyt Stars, two with Emerald Stars, one with Sapphire Stars, and his first Steel Cross.
However, shortly after the Spring Games, Grand Master Muz and the Dark Council announced that all Clans would be reconstituted into Houses due to dwindling numbers within the Brotherhood. Thus, all current Quaestors and Aediles were relieved of their commands with Consuls and Proconsuls taking their place. Nevertheless, Kael found a home within the Nightstalkers battle team, a legendary unit resurrected by his former Quaestor, Angelo Dante.
RoS: Disorder (DJK)
- "What blade divides like that of a brother?"
- ―Kael Fayne
While all of the Brotherhood’s Clans were still wondering as to why they were no longer Clans at all, further discord was sown as the current Fist, himself a Sith, put forward plans to take back the Temple Boyna on Antei, a place sacred to the Obelisk. The Krath, likewise, proved untrustworthy by hording for themselves secret holocrons that could upset the balance between the three Orders. Vowing to defend the site against Sith intrusion, Obelisks Korras and Kir Katarn rallied their brethren to the Temple as the other two Orders came to make war.
The lack of cohesiveness and balance often found in multi-Order Clans and Houses caused great difficulty in the onset of the war, requiring each warrior to “cross-train” in order to make up for their Order’s shortcomings. As a surprise to many including himself, Kael’s blindness did not hinder him from out-flying many of the Sith invaders who soon found themselves free falling to the planet's surface.
Space superiority, however, was eventually lost as the Obelisk retreated to their position of strength on the ground, where Fayne’s developing swordsmanship was on full display as well. With the battle brought down to their level, the Obelisk were able to push back both the Sith as well as the Krath, winning victory after victory. Before the War could reach its natural conclusion, however, it was revealed that the Jedi traitor Michael Halcyon had been the cause of dissension amongst the Brotherhood, manipulating the three orders against each other from afar.
Despite the fact that the entire war had been a grand distraction, Fayne received many accolades for his impressive feats, including his first Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

The Rise of the Legate (DJK-OT)
- "You really hate these guys, don’t you?...Well, we have little to fear from the Cause now. The Legate has delievered our message."
- ―Xen'Mordin
Even as Scholae Palatinae was in the midst of transitioning from fighting each other to working together, the anti-Imperial terrorist organization known as “The Cause” seized the moment to launch a coup against the Empire. Dedicated to the law and order of the Empire, Kael held little respect for the group’s beliefs and actions. Anarchy, Kael thought, was the easy route chosen only by the immature, while it took adults with courage to take the harder path of leadership and order.
No longer being able to stand the sight of the terrorist attacks on the local holonet feeds, Kael came to the conclusion that it was time for the Cause to feel the fear they had inflicted on others. After shaving his head and donning a set of prototype stormtrooper armor in one of Scholae's armories, Kael finally found the mantle of fear he was looking for: the Legate. Meant to be a icon of Imperial ideals that would inspire the citizenry against the terrorists, the Legate's intimidating profile soon replaced images of chaotic fires on local holonet feeds as the new Hero began to scatter the Cause. Under his new guise, Kael was able to capture or kill several of the terrorist leaders and bring them to justice, including the Cause’s head intelligence officier, military trainer, and most importantly their leader, Desol Nera. Instead of having the Cause leaders executed, Kael managed to talk Scholae leadership into sending them to Kavinn Maximum Security Prison so he could ensure that their punishments fit their crimes.
The new Imperial Icon's efforts earned him a number of awards, including an Anteian Cross. Most importantly, Kael finally managed to escape the ranks of the Journeymen as he was elevated to the rank of Obelisk Templar.

Great Jedi War IX(OT)
Shortly after the events of the Neutralization of the Cause, Kael was awarded with some much deserved time off. Having rarely taken many vacations in his life, Fayne decided to take this one, traveling to a few vacation spots in the Outer Rim. Upon returning to the Empire still in a drunken state, Kael was greeted by a military gearing up for large scale warfare. It was then the revelation was made that Kael's mentor and friend, Angelo Dante, had been killed while on a mission with the Fist. The emotional drunk wept in response before angrily lashing out against strangers in the middle of the Imperial Palace.
Although deemed psychological unfit for battle, Kael forged his medical release form and joined the Empire for its assualt on New Tython. Refusing to take a command himself, Kael fought alone on the Jedi held planet, sneaking past enemy lines and causing havoc where he could. However, when the Mandalorian cavalry arrived, the Templar decided to team up with felllow Obelisk Koga Kage to infiltrate to new arrival's ranks. The pair managed to cause plenty of "friendly fire" incidents before stealing a Canderous tank and plowing through one of the Mandos last lines of reinforcements.
Outside of the numerous novae he received, Kael was also awarded with his second Steel Cross for his service.

The Dragon of Judecca (OT)
The first winter on Judecca after the Great Jedi War saw yet another round of Imperial Games. Despite Kael's impressive performance, his other self, the Legate, managed to upstage him once more. During the mid-games intermission, which featured a dance number by the Legionettes, a small number of Cause terrorists holdovers stormed the field and held the girls hostage. Within moments, the white armored Hero arrived as though on cue and rescued the girls, celebrating with them in a dance number of his own.
Although a rather happy occasion, Kael began to feel different while wearing the Legate armor. The sensation of utter invincibility was lost, and the Arkanian knew something was wrong. In researching the origins of the armor, a vague reference to the forbidden plateau of Dragon's Point was discovered in the original crafter's notes. Kael's quest for answers drove him to venture out, forgoing the proper channels to gain admittance to the landmark which he knew he would not receive.
Upon standing in front of a rather impressive Dragon statue, Kael fainted, awakening by his body in a spectral dimension that occupied the same space as Dragon's Point. The Arkanian was not alone, however, as he was greeted by an ancient Dragon who had been sent to this seemingly timeless realm by the ancient natives of Judecca who could find no other way to defeat the mighty beast. The Dragon attacked Kael, and although the former always bested the latter, Kael's death provided no escape for either of the two.
From Kael's perspective, countless years had passed fighting in vain. Eventually, however, the Dragon became impressed with Kael's quiet relentlessness, and began to respect the humanoid enough to speak with him. In this conversation, the Dragon revealed that the ancients of Judecca could make armor like the Legate's, but that it was only a derivative form of magic stolen from the dragons. True invincibility came from a strength of spirit, which according to the Dragon Kael already had.
Now battling under the beast's tutelage, Kael was finally able to best the Dragon, causing both to be freed from their imprisonment. However, as the Dragon's body had long since faded away, his spirit found no home. Nevertheless, his spirit was soon welcomed into Kael's frame as the two spirits became fused into one new person.
Present Day (OT)
Currently, Kael Fayne is attached to the Nightstalkers under the command of Kell Dante, the son of Angelo Dante. Although his many other jobs often pull him away from Judecca, Kael still spends every available night under the helmet of the Legate, stalking those who would dare challenge the rule of the Empire.