
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Pre-Republic eraRepublic eraImperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.

Mid Rim


Hutt Space


Cocytus System


11,216 km


Barely Breathable; Dense air pollution.

Primary Terrain:

Light grey plains with sparse vegetation around the equator with hills cropping up slowly as one nears the north pole. Only a few virgin jungles still exist in the southern hemisphere and on Sur'Ra.

Points of interest:

Lake Patala, Asurrock Industries Corporate Museum, the Haunted Mines, Old Asurrel Ruins

Native species:

Primitive Humans, Grans (migrated), Ugnaughts (migrated), Yuuzhan Vong (very few, migrated)

Immigrated species:

Species of the Dark Brotherhood

Primary language(s):



17.3 million, all primative


Scholae Palatinae

[ Source ]

Gressil is a moon orbiting Iblis under the dominion of Scholae Palatinae, residing in the Cocytus System.


The original composition of Gressil could have made it perhaps the most desirable of the six moons orbiting Iblis. Lush, green vegetation that once covered the vast majority of the land mass provided ample sustenance to a variety of creatures. Also, an abundance of freshwater lakes were scattered across both of the major continents. Add to this the relative tameness of the indigenous wildlife and one finds the perfect setting for a developing human society. Off world scientists are perplexed to this day as to why the human populace actually developed so slowly. Nevertheless, in recent times the planet has entered into an industrial age full of innovations of which past generations could only dream. Large power plants and factories began to spring up seemingly overnight. As is often the case, most of the newer innovations were forged in the heat of conflicts that continually encompassed most of the planet. Eventually, a complete world war broke out that lasted several decades and saw the death of hundreds of thousands.

In the rush to keep up with the enemy, no foresight was given by any nation to the possible ecological impact of the pollution emitted by the many weapons factories and power plants. By the war's end, a complete shroud of grey smog surrounded the planet like murderous hands around a victim's neck. Within years, the lack of direct sunlight turned the once green landscape into a sparse wasteland populated only by thin shrubs and gray dirt. Beautiful sparkling lakes were exchanged for brown murky swamps whose water now exhibited a very sharp, unnatural taste. In the face of clear reason, however, few Gressilians learned the lesson as the weapon factories continue to run to this day with only surface level attempts to prevent pollution.

Physical Geography


If one could remove the smog shroud covering Gressil, they could see from space a light grey moon divided across its equator by a large ocean, the Cassius, with two major contents, Sorrell and Malhara, on either side. The two continents are completely separated from one another with a lone landmass, the Great Pass, connecting the two in the northwest. A single large island, Sur’Ra, lies out in the Cassius Ocean between the two major continents. While the deeper regions of the Cassius remain blue, coastal waters on either side fade to brown as one nears landfall.



Sorrell is the largest of the continents and lies predominately in the northeast hemisphere. While several large settlements can be found closer to the marshy southern coast, most of Sorrell's landscape consists of wide open and undevelopable wastelands populated only by those industrial plants too disruptive to place elsewhere. The north is home to the only major mountain range on Gressil, the Girish Mountains, which extend across the width of the continent with only a minor valley near the center. Vegetation consists mostly of small bushes and only slightly taller trees, although there are still much larger forests near the lakes. The majority of Sorrell must tolerate average temperatures of 90-95F while the Girish Mountains are the only place on planet to descend below 50F. Tornadoes and thunderstorms abound during warmer seasons of the year. Although it is larger than Malhara, population density is significantly less with few people living between the major cities. The land mass is loosely divided between three separate nations whose constant border disputes prevent cartographers from drawing a definitive map of the continent.


Malhara is the more urban of the two main continents and lies in the southwest hemisphere of Gressil. Smooth, level plains along with sufficient natural water reservoirs continue to draw Gressilians who tire of striving in the vast northern wastes of Sorrell. Metal cities populate the northern coast land surrounded by brick and mortar suburbs. In a few highly protected regions, jungles still exist to remind local citizenry what life before the ecological disaster was like. Intense acid rain caused by pollution falls often near the southern pole of the continent in regular intervals throughout the year. However, locals do enjoy the more moderate average temperature of 80F. The continent consists of only two nations whose border runs from southeast to northwest, disappearing around the Great Pass. Although there have been constant wars between the nations of Sorrell, both nations of Malhara have successfully coexisted for the last several years.

The Great Pass

The Great Pass is the nearly 1000 km wide bottleneck of land that connects the two main continents of Gressil together in the north. Because of constant disputes and conflicting land claims, the Great Pass is essentially a lawless region with the capital of Garanail being the lone exception to the rule. Being that land travel is still the main means of transport for most Gressilians, a vast majority of the Great Pass consists of straight, beaten paths that allow as much traffic to flow between the continents as possible. A rare, explosive powder was found near the coasts on either side of the Great Pass, but failure by various miners to use caution caused several massive subterranean explosions. Dozens of large craters turned into freshwater lakes are all that remain of such ventures. Due to the risk of sinking the Great Pass entirely, all nations signed a resolution that prevented any nation from trying to mine such resources again.

Bodies of Water

The Cassius Ocean

The Cassius Ocean is the only of its kind on Gressil and nearly runs around the entire circumference of the planet. Extending basically from the southeast to the northwest, its pale waters are only interrupted by the island of Sur'Ra and the commerce conduit of the Great Pass. While local oceanographers can only estimate what the average depth is, the view from space shows that the Cassius Ocean covers less than a third of the planet surface. Large lizard-like monsters once kept all but only the bravest of Gressilian from sailing on its waters, but water pollution has greatly reduced their numbers in recent decades.



Although small islands are can be found all along either of the main continents' coastlines, Sur'Ra is the only densely populated isle on Gressil. The 30,000 Km² Island lays almost perfectly between the two continents near the Cassius’ greatest width. Its inhabitants consist mostly of primitive humans who forsook the technological advances of the mainland to seek a more natural setting. Even though the island is subject to the same air pollution that corrupts the rest of the planet, most of Sur'Ra is still covered in dense vegetation. Although very distrusting of people from the mainland, Sur'Ra's citizens are usually willing to tolerate tourists if one has something for which they would barter.



Established centuries ago on the crest of a once plentiful highland in the midst of the Great Pass, Garanial is recognized by all nations as the capital of Gressil. Placed strategically between the various people groups, the capital serves as a neutral zone for war refugees, those in transit between nations, and those desiring diplomacy. The capital building itself rests on the highest point and resembles a religious cathedral composed of smog stained light green marble with gold trim around the edges. Installed roughly a kilometer behind the capital building lies one of the only two large space ports built by Scholae Palatinae. The path between the two edifices is lined with comfortable hotels, quaint stores, and dodgy cantinas. Hundreds of smaller, mortar based grey buildings surround the capital and extend out for several kilometers.

New Asurrel

Although Garanail is the capital, New Assurel is by all accounts the most powerful as well as the most technologically advanced city on the planet. Built on prime real estate in the north half of the continent of Malhara, New Assurel was constructed by Asurrock Industries to better said company's public image after the complete biological failure of the old city (see Landmarks below). Advanced filtration systems, purchased off world through Scholae Palatinae in exchange for raw materials, were installed in every building in order to offset the damage caused by the planet wide smog cloud. The city is also home to a large enclave of Grans who migrated to Gressil to escape debts owed to various Hutts. The second of two spaceports built by Scholae Palatinae can be found in the center of downtown.


Resselina is the largest city on the continent of Sorrell. Built around the many murky lakes of the south, Resselina's citizens live mostly in wooden houseboats constructed from some of the only large forests left on Gressil. In like respect, much of the industry around Resselina is lumber based whether it be for building construction, weapon fashioning, or simple furniture. On the domestic side, Resselina is one of the more popular tourist destinations on Gressil due to its quiet, rural surroundings and a long list of enjoyable lake activities. Just remember: don't drink the water.


Sur'ra'na is the only settlement on Sur'Ra that can be called a city. Arranged in jungles dense enough to block one's view of the smoggy heavens, Sur'ra'na is a completely all natural settlement for those trying to escape the pollution of the mainland. Inhabitants have found and used a fast growing family of vines that can be nurtured and shaped into walls to form housing areas throughout the jungle. While most of the residents of Sur'Ra are not completely disagreeable with outsiders, residents of Sur'ra'na in particular are often openly hostile to anyone who uses technology within the walls of the city. It is rumored that at least a dozen Yuuzhan Vong went AWOL from their units when they discovered the existence of Sur'ra'na.

Notable Landmarks

Lake Patala

Formed from a subterranean explosion caused by a failed attempt to mine a rare mineral, Lake Patala is a deep crater that has since been filled with water both from underground wells and rainwater. Having mixed with remnants of the rare mineral, the water is a pale pink color that stands in stark contrast to the light grey dirt around the shoreline. While almost all of the scientists on planet warn against the risks of drinking such water, many locals swear to the lake's ability to heal wounds and cure diseases. It should be noted that some of the planet's largest game fish come from Patala.

Asurrock Industries Corporate Museum

By far the tallest building on the planet and the only one ascending above the smog, Asurrock Industries Corporate Museum is a testimony to the egotism of Gressilian big business. Floor after floor of news articles, contracts, and Asurrock family memorabilia make up the splinter shaped tan metal building. Hologram projectors, purchased from the House at a steep price, are used to retell the story of how Breck Asurrock rose from "adversity" to become the richest man on Gressil. Unfortunate for the Asurrocks themselves, history doesn't quite come alive as most of the artifacts lie under dust covered glass dividers having not been looked at in months. To the common man on the street, the Museum constitutes the greatest waste of money and time ever devised and is used as the butt of many a joke. Perhaps the most embarrassing aspect of the edifice is that "Gower's", a middle class restaurant leasing the top floor, gets more traffic than it can handle.

The Haunted Mines

Abandoned by various mining companies after numerous cave-ins, the Haunted Mines are a favorite of adolescents and young adults seeking adventure away from Mom and Pop. Dark canals extend deep into the base of Girish Mountains, winding around in mazes whose turns all appear to look the same. Various bird life, seeking asylum from the suffocating smog, always manage to get a jump out of humanoids who stumble across their paths. While aspiring mining co-ops failed to find a new energy source, tourists never fail to find fear and excitement as the shadows reach out to grab them. Many of the locals mock such thrill seekers while some capitalize on the arrangement by offering to lead tours. Even though the vast majority believes it’s all fun and games, a few locals refuse to travel into the caves because they swear they can still hear their family member's screams.

Old Asurrel Ruins

Accessible only with proper hazmat protection, Old Asurrel was built centuries ago under the refreshing rains of the south pole. As Asurrock Industries sought to expand its growing weapons division, beautiful wooden houses and recreational centers were destroyed to make way for massive factories complete with their own personal power plants. As the years passed, citizens who were once happy with all the new jobs were complaining about the quality of their drinking water. Local plant managers were able to ignore such complaints until the acid rain become so toxic that small doses began killing young children and the elderly. Fearing a public relations disaster, Asurrock quickly paid for the relocation of all citizens to New Asurrel until a cure could be found for the acid rain. To this day, no cure has been found, and the city lies lifeless. Power plants, once made strong with metal frames, have fallen in on themselves due to corrosion from the rain. Worse yet, the streets are riddled with skeletons of those who refused to relocate. Some of the bodies are of those who went scabbing in the ruins for free goods and failed to adhere to the warning signs that line all the entry roads.



Mediator: Erron Vemish Captain of the Garrison: Captain Herol Zeff

Long before the moon was consumed by the environmental corruption it now suffers from, Gressil included dozens and dozens of smaller countries and tribes. As the importance of the Great Pass became more prevalent to various nation’s economic future, several nations began to bicker over who had the proper claim to the bottleneck. This led several neighboring nations to form alliances for economic advantage, which led to other nations forming alliances for defense. As soon as one smaller country was in the grip of a larger force, said country would swear allegiance to its nearest militarily advanced neighbor for protection. It only took a matter of a decade before a planet with dozens of nations had been reduced to the five that exist today.

Before the arrival of Scholae Palatinae, the two main continents of Gressil were in a continual state of warfare. Eventually the battle turned in Malhara's favor as Sorrell was consumed with infighting between its three nations. Not wishing that either side would be victorious, the leaders of Scholae Palatinae stealthily used their vastly superior technology and combat skills to drive Malhara's forces back into a stalemate.

While the five nations of Gressil each have their own various bodies of government, each one is allowed to appoint one person to represent his or her nation before the House at the capital in Garanail. Two more representatives, one from the Great Pass and one from Asurrock Industries, are also present for such meetings. The representative from the Great Pass is appointed by Scholae Palatinae to act as a mediator between the House and the nations of Gressil. They gather once a month in the Capital building to report to and petition the leaders of Scholae Palatinae via hologram.

The inhabitants of Sun'Ra claim to have no leader or politics.


Knowing it would be a lesson in futility to keep such a desperate people from conflict, Scholae Palatinae has allowed each nation to maintain its own standing military while the House itself grooms the best of the best to make up the advanced peacekeeping force stationed between the two continents in Garanail. Individual tribes as well as whole nations are often allowed to engage in open conflict as long as House interests are not impeded. This form of controlled chaos has proved beneficial to all parties involved, allowing for necessary reprisals but preventing complete wholesale destruction.

Because of the primitive nature of the planet, the weaponry of each nation's army is often blade or projectile based. Gressilians, however, have proved themselves to be quite efficient metal workers. Each blade is heat treated for days after having been slowly shaped in a unique and exotic style tailored to the individual. The more advanced units are given grenade type explosives as well as flame-throwing devices. Their armor typically consists of a very thick and yet flexible gray leather that has been skinned from local wildlife and then clad with metallic pads individually shaped for each warrior. Such armor has been impressive enough that Jedi from the House have requested sets for themselves.

However, to maintain the status quo, any technological advancement made by either side is often given by the House to the other nations as well. Likewise, the House's private peacekeeping force is the only unit on planet that has been given energy based mechanisms such as blasters and personal shields.

It should be noted that few who have seen Sun’Ra’s protectors have lived to tell about it, and thus information on their weaponry is lacking to say the least.

Regardless of the type of weaponry involved, one would be a fool to underestimate the viciousness of any people if they are fighting for their existence. Every military unit on Gressil has been forced to defend its home before and knows well how to perform this task. While the Yuuzhan Vong were successful in air-to-ground attacks on Gressil, they met significant resistance in attempting to take the main cities in hand-to-hand combat before being called off to other battles on Judecca and Caina.

[hide] Scholae Palatinae Dominion
Star and System
Cocytus System - Imperius
Antenora - Judecca - Ptolomea - Caina - Iblis - Vassago
Ugolino - Sereia - Alberigo - Zanche - Barbatos - Brutus - Cassius - Judas

Bolgia Satellites - Astaroth - Gressil - Marchosias - Nemea - Vetis

Zepar - Zepar I - Zepar II